AGBFOCB DAILY, CAPITA! jOZRSAL. AtXEM. .ORBGOJf. TBI fWDAVr APRIL IS, 1911. COLD WAVE DID HARM itl SOME PLAGES SNAKE RIVER WILL LOSE A MILLION AXD ALL SOUTHERN IDAHO HTRT OXLY SLIGHT DAMAGE IN OREGON. Pullman, Wash., April 13. Loss variously estimated today at from $500,000 to $800,000 was sustained by fruit growers In the Snake river district on account of heavy frosts, which practlcaJIy killed the entire crop. The buds on the peach, apri cot and cherry trees were destroyed. Plums and prune orchards may yield half a crop, unless another freeze cornea tonight. The cold was Intense at Wawawal and Penawawai, on the Snake river, last night that the ground froze to a "depth of three inches. From Clarks. ton to Rlparla, a distance of 70 miles, the fruit crop was practically wiped out. it is not believed that the ap ples In the uplands were Injured much, as they had not advanced far enough. In Pullman this morning It waa 18 degrees below freezing. SECRETARY BENSON HAS ATTACK OF GRIP Idaho Is Hurt. Bo hie, Ida., April 13. Killing frost laat night heavily damaged the peach and apricot orchards of South ern Idaho, according to reports re ceived here today. Apple, pear and prune blossoms were not far enough advanced to suffer much Injury. Freezing temperature Is predicted for tonight. Trifling nt Eugene. Eugene, Or., April 13. Some dam age was done to fruit In Lane county last night, but no serious losses were sustained. The temperature went as low as 25 degrees. Slight in Eastern Oregon. La Grande, Or., April 13. Very slight damage was caused to the fruita In this section by the frosts this week. The apple orchards were uninjured. Yakima Is Bitten. North Yakima, Wash., April 13. "With two nights of severe frosts, with a 20-mlle hall storm one day and a snow storm the next, the fruit crop in the immediate vicinity of North Yakima seems to be problem atic. Growers are divided In their opinion about the damage done.( The cherries and apricots are thought to have suffered, and some damage to the pears is feared . Spokane Is Hurt. Spokane, Wash., April 13. Se. vere damage to the peach and cherry crops In the vicinity of Spokane is predicted by farmers as a result of the frost last night. The tempera. Dr. Stclner, superintendent of the State Hospital for Insane, left yes terday for Redlands, California, to consult with physicians relative to the health of Secretary of State Ben son, who is suffering in addition to chronic malady with a case of la grlppe. . . " ' Secretary Benson about a month ago was atacked with lagrlppe and it lias persistently stayed with him. While his friends state that he Is a sick man they declare that his case is not critical and that Dr. Steiner was sent for because he has been his physician for years and knows more about his malady than any other hyslclan. The secretary s friends predict that be will return to the. state along In June. The following tele gram, however, is not optlmlstc. Redlands, Cal., April 13 Despite assertions by his physicians that he was In no immediate danger, friends of Secretary of State Frank S. Ben son, of Oregon, former governor, to day admitted that they were serious ly worried about his condition. WELLS FARGO JUST SOAKS THE CALIFORNIANS TROUBLE OVER LOW GRADE OF SEWER PIPE united MESS LKAfED wim. Sacramento, Cal., April 13. Gov ernor Johnson today lssueid a state, ment concerning the Investigation by the state railroad commission of the rates charged throughout the state by the Wells Fargo Express Com pany. The governor said: "The Information that has been furnished to us regarding Wells Far go & Company's rates shows charges within the state of California to be much higher than almost any other place In the United States. The most significant thing in the comparison of rates is the comparison of packages weighing six pounds or less between San Francisco and Los Angeles, and between New York and San Francis co. Here Is the table of charges for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6-pound packages: New York to San FrancUco, 30c, 35c, 45c, 60c, 80c, 90c. San Francisco to Los Angeles, 25c, 35c, 45c, 60c, 65c, 75c " ? . "These charges show just this that shippers In Snn Francisco, par-1 Fraud and collusion between the city engineer and contractors of the Terwlllnger Homestead sewer, re sulting In placing inferior terra cotta pipe in the sewer instead cf vitrified sewer pipe. Is charged In a suit filed Tuesday in Portland by the Terwll- llnger Land Company against Mayor Simon and members of the executive board. The plaintiff asks the court to annul the proceedings authorizing the construction of the sewer and to prevent the city fnom enforcing col lection of assessments for the cost of the work. Both City Engineer Morris and the contractors, the Jacobsen-Bade Com. pany, are attacked In the complaint. It is asserted that not only did the city engineer act without authority, when he scbstituted terra cota pipe for vltrlled sewer piper, but that he raised the price of the work, after the contract had been let, from $45, 395.80, the contract price as named by the bidder, to J51.068.24. How the property owners are al leged to have been swindled by the change from vitrified brick to terra cotta pipe, Is set forth in the com plaint by the allegation that the terra cotta cost only 40 per cent of what the vitrified brick would have cost. All the bids submitted for the work were tor. the more expensive mate rial vitrified sewer piper. Fraud is alluded to in various parts of the complaint. It Is asserted that the change from vitrified sewer pipe to terra' cotta "was done by the con tractor with the consent, and acting In collusion with, the city engineer, fraudlently to enable the contractor to make a larger profit in the execu tion of his contract than could have been made If the contract had been executed In accordance with the plans and specifications of the sewer." The above 19 from the Oregonian, and. while Salem has no interest in Portland sewers, in view of the fact that she is putting In several miles of sewer pipe, It behooves property owners to keep their eyes on the job, and to see that the pipe Is all right. Critics nre the people who can't do the things they know how athers should do. There is no fun in getting what you don't want, or wanting what you don't get. criminate against New York mer chants, but that in California tWt we should discriminate against the Cal ifornia merchants seems intolerable. "The nnmrniHonn rt thn nflfll h iue ury goooa dub - cha,.ged by the , companvin othf!r new. who are requested to transmit states for ke tUstanceay a large portion of their outside sales proximately 150 miles-over similar in small packages, must pay for trans ,errltol.Vi with simiu. con-ltl mission within the state of these 8now tlll, rate8 outsI(le of Californla nil Plr a trots niniiLnl1 V, , t , p. Da,lle (jura tn h Kin nmuwlo (rnn, 1 t 1 or. ture at some points dropped to eight that the merchant in New York can, approximately, while in California degrees below freezing. Farmers by the same means of transportation. the rate Is approxiraateiv from $1.40 m "X! tylZa 8ame arUC,e ln th6State to M.7S. So far as we have been able oi vnc cnerry crop. We would not by any mean8 du no reason whatever ex ists for the different." Phenomenal Value in this Roadster Model GA 41, 30 h. p. 2-pass'enger Roadster ' $1400 M.H Including Main to. Cm ' and Generator ',' t Extra lit; rim, tub-$2S Th the newest Maxwell Model, is a revelation in automobile value! It has the chic appearance of the imported makes low, graceful lines of body-wheel-base 110 inches, well calculated to riding comfort on the worst roads. Truffalt-Hartford shock absorbers are part of the regular equipment. Every detail of appearance is worked out with an eye to the "classy" and pleasing. Note the gasoline tank and the provision for spare tires. The mechanical construction of this roadster conforms with the most approved engineering practice. Cooling and oiling systems, construction of transmission and rear axle-all invite skilled anch critical examination. You Can't Judge This Car By Its Price MroJ! rL,I,inrb'?knfr:,9.U C!'8. "How to judge . Automobile." ,nd "Tl,e Maxwell in Uuiinru. Don t (ail to w,ite. A otal will do. Ji. lay "Mail Moots ' SALEMJEAUTO GARAGE S STATE STHEET THOSE 8S6 MATTERS OF INTEREST ARE ACTED UPON BOABD OK TRADE LOOKS IT0 THE CANNERY .MATTER AD ALSO THE MATTERS OF A BOl'LEYARD AND A SEW DEPOT. While the minstrel show given by the Elks lodge last evening prevent ed the-, large crowd from attending the Board of Trade meeting, the gathering was enthusiastic and sev eral matters of Interest were dis cussed. , The matter of the removal of the Holcombe cannery to Portland came up and information was volunteered to the effect that W. G. Allen, of Eu gene, who formerly owned the plant, was here and that he would assume charge of it. It was also decided to have the committee on manufactur ers call on Mr. Holcombe and ascer tain, If possible, Just what his plans with regard to the cannery are. Hal V. Boland sugested that the city of Salem should be provided with a better depot than that fur nlshed by the Southern Pacific and sugested that action be taken all along the line of securing it. That brought out the information that the company has already made an ap propriatlon for the erection of a de pot but just where it will be located has not been decided. The good roads committee was In structed to tender Its services to the state aftlcials having in charge the construction of a boulevard connect ing the various state institutions. HOTEL ARRIVALS Hotel Marlon: A. A, Kendrlck, Frank W. Monroe, F. D. Stephenson A. S. Moss, W. E. AVarna, H. W H. W. Johnson, H. A Wright, E. S. Smith, Frank D Hennessy, J. W Casey, C. H. Freeman, E. R. Craw ford, H. M. Gagne, Portland; D. A. Watt, Cove, W. T. Youngblood, Port land; Fred Itose and wife, Wood burn; George T. Cochran, La Grande. Fred Campbell, Chemawa; G. T. Wil son, Medford; E. R. Hunt, Eugene; Leonard Gross and wife, Eugene. Salem Hotel; George A. Emerson and wife. Hasting, Neb.; C. R. Chit tenden, Portland; S. Barnett, New York. Capital Hotel: W. C. Joyal, Wil 11am MaeKpnzie, A. H. Bristow, W M. Benb.-wj Portland; G. 'H. h. Mc Craw, Vancouver, Wash.; W. L, Jones, J.'ff erson ; J. A. Burch, Seat.' tie; R. H. Lewis and wife, Seattle; L. W. Moore, Br.eia Vista. Cottage Hotel: A F. Blackeiby, Sllverton. KILLED HE It TO KEEP HER FROM GETTING SAD UNITED I'BESS LEASED WIHB. Boston, Mass., April 13. Arraigned In court here today on the charge of having murdered her own daughter, Mrs. Clark Russell, who had con fessed the crime, gave her explana tion to the court. "Well, I killed her," she said. "I thought it would be best for her. I did It because I thought she would be better off. I have been sick lately and have worried much. Some one said Marjorle smiled too much, and that hurt my feelings. She could not help smiling and being 'happy. But I thought it best to kill her, so. she would not grow up to be sad." A Skin of Beauty ta m Joy Forever. is R. T. Fsllx Gouraud's Oriental Crvtm or Magtoal 0utinr. lUmovc Tan, PlmplM, Freckle. )!:& FtciiA RMh, tfid Mil DikM, on brtutf. and tie Bm arieciuiQ. it bat rtuud tb ttfA t of 64 J, u"l U M binulrM I taste It ttitxsurtlt . It prcperlr made. I AcwplDoeountef. j frit of iLmiln j nam. Dr. L. A. 1 Sftjr aid to ft ' ladr of lb haut- ton ( oatieott: A you ladies wlU oat Una), I recommend (3 ! Cream' ai tbo leut baneful of all tu akin p reparations." tot aala by all dnmfiita M4J ancy Good Dealer la tbft UaUed StaUa, Caaada aod Europe fRlT.HOPIIIIS,f na, 37 8ml Joms Stmt let let BABY SEES MOTHER BEATEN TO DEATH Tacpma, Wash., April 13. Coro ner Shaver this afternoon Is holding an autopsy over the body of Mrs. John Buchanan, who, according to the story told by her 4-year.old son, was beaten to death with a boat oar by Roy Morehead at Gig Harbor, near here late yesterday. Morehead In held In the county Jail without bail. The child was the only witness to the tragedy, and gave the alarm to two farmers, who ran to the scene, nnrl raw Morehead taking away the pieces of abroken oar. Morehead denied that he struck the woman with the- oar. The tragedy was the culmination of a long-standing feud, between the families over the boundary of their land. Svnonsis of the annual statement of the FIDELITY AXD DEPOSIT COM PANY OF MARYLAND. Of Baltimore, in the state of Mary land, oni the 31st day of December 1910. made to the Insurance Com missioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up $2,000,000.00 Income. Premiums received dur Ing the year $2,662,234.87 Interest, dividends and rents received during the vear 261,037.12 Income from other sources received dur ing the year 38,886.69 Total income $2,962,158.68 Disbursements. Losses paid during the year. Including ad justment expenses, etc $ 594,424.91 Dividends paid dur ing the year on cap ital stock 320,000.00 Commissions and sal aries paid during the year 930,672.88 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during year .. 117,058.06 Amount of all other expenditures 343,084.46 Total expenditures $2,305,240.31 Assets. Value of real estate .$1,281,282.18 and 4,008,569.00 A woman Is never tender-hearted when It comes to warming her cold feet. J' Bungalow One of the nicest little bungalows in the city, of unique and attractive design, fine location; 5 rooms on first floor, second floor one large room not finished, bath, toilet, etc., fireplace pebble chimney, east front, alee lot, large porch. This place cannot fail to please the most exacting home- seeker. Price $2500, terms. BECHTEL 4 BYSOX . 347 State Street owned . . Value of stock bonds owned . Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. 105,900.00 Cash in banks and on hand.. .. 683,325.77 Premiums1 ln course of collection and in transmission, less than 90 days old. . . 399,138.18 Adtvanca on contracts secured Interest and rents due and accrued , 300,590.39 Total assets .' Less special deposits In any state (if any there be- : .' . . ... . .$6,778,805.52 834,037.00 Total assets admitted , in Oregon . .$5,944,768.52 205 Acre Farm Bargain 205 acres of dark loam soil, best In the valley, 145 acres under cultl vatlon, 45 acres fine timber, balance pasture, all farming implements, 6 horses, 7 fnilch cows, hogs, 100 chick ens all kinds of rigs; in fact, every thing goesi'nearly all In crop, some hay and grain in barn, good 8-room house and barn; going : east, must sacrifice. The land alone is worth more than I ask for everything, stock, crop and implements. Price $100 per acre, including everything. See my agents. ... ... BECHTEL & BYNOX 347 State Street Children Ory. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Get it at Dr. Ston-'t Drag Store ' Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ Amount of unearned premiums on all out standing risks .... Due . for ; oommisslon brokerage .. ..... All other liabilities, in cluding surplus All other liabilities, 'in cluding capital .... Arc You Looki For the Best Orchard Development Proposition in Oregon? We have jt. Call and see us. The A. C BOHRNSTEDT CO. 304 U.S. National Bank Bldg. SALEM, OREGON Head Office, Minneapolis, Minn. Brunch Offices: Macleay and Creswell, Orej. mm nMHTTmif Tush the Button-and Rest" ' Library -natrs 'tilt PUSH BUTTON Just Arrived A Shipment of ROYAL MORRI S CHAIRS 326,294.28! The "ROYAL" is the modern Morris Chair, most graceful in design, made of best ma terials by superior workmanship and es pecially pleasing because you simply "PUSH the BUTTON and REST" In no other chair are such comfort and convenience combined. The "Royal" has no rod to fall out, you don't have to get up and out of the chair to adjust the back. By simply pushing the button on the right arm of the chair you can get any position you may desire. :: Call and see our line of "Royal" Morris :: 'Chairs they don't I cost anv more than the i old style awkward kind. X mill I I'll '?" I III I II mi mi t ) P 1,143,326.63 89.S99.29 2,270,823.88 2,000,000.00 $$4,385,248.30 Total liabilities ...$5,944,786.52 Total premiums in force December 31, 1910. . 2,662,922.73 Business In Oregon for the Year. Total risks written dur ing the year $4,218,515.60 Gross premiums re ceived during the year 20,216.38 Premiums returned dur . ing the year . 959.14 Losses ,,pald during the year 2,605.64 Losses Incurred during during the year ... 183.79 Total amount of premi ums outstanding In Oregon December 31, 1910 3.058.81 FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT' COM- PAXY OP MARYLAND. . By M. W. T. Berry, Asst. Secretary. W. J. Clemens,, general agent. Com mercial Club Bldg., Portland, Ore. Try a Journal Want Ad for Quick Results 4 M 4 H M M 4 . M M M M t f Easter Greetings To All l We cany as good a shoe as the best of them, and better than the rest of them. Remember we carry a complete line in everytlinfS in the shoe line; and Easter will soon be here. Come in and get I your wants supplied. If you do not see what you want ask for we have it in reserve for you on the shelves. We do not kel1 many tan shoes In the window as the sun changes tlK color of them. So please remember the house of quality and low prices. THE I EARED CHAR CTrtRP . ,1 C. DeVOE. 263 N. Commercial St. MMMtM Uht lit 4-