DlLl CAPlxAL' JOCTtXAX, SALEM, PRECOX. SATCRDAY, APRIL 8. 19U. r.GC two ROYAL ALBERT! HALL CHRISTIAN MASS MEETING In the World's Largest andjln est Auditorium. , AUDIENCE ESTIMATED 1 AT SEVEN THOUSAND Which Is the True Gospel and ; What Must Our Creeds I Sacrifice In Order to t Christian Union? London. April 1 l'astor Russell d dressed the huge Convention at Royal Albert Hall t o n t g b L few preachers are so well kaowo In Great Britain as be. Many of the . leading newspa ' tiers, both here and la America, publish bis weekly discourses. He took for bis text. "I am sot ashamed of tbe Gospel of Christ" momans 1. 10). He said: Let as approach our subject rcver ntlyl With reverence, because many of our creeds are white with cen turies. Tbey were tbe creeds of our fathers and mothers. Tbey must not be handled ruthlessly, unkindly. But we must approach the subject with courage because It Is a Christian duty. For long centuries God's people have been divided into sects and parties, separated by creedai fences. At one time tbey gloried In their differences and destroyed one another In tbelr zeal for what they believed to be the Truth. Now we see more clearly that none of our creeds are without flaw, Now we are willing vea, glad, to take the Truth wherever we find It and to acknowledge the error, though It be our own. The oneness of tbe Church requires that we should hnve this courage! Tbe Interests of the world demand It! We bare come here realizing that the time for covering errors, of which we are ashamed. Is past; .that the time for reverencing God and Ills Word has enme. Who ever thus approaches the subject can not fall of a blessing from God, in harmony with the Mnster's prayer, "Sanctify them through Thy Truth: Thy Word Is Truth" (John xvll. T). Are We Not All ChUitlani? Our topic must be. What Is the Gos pel of which St. Paul was not asham ed "the faith once delivered unto the saints" "one Lord, one Knltb. one Bnpttsm" (.lnde 3: Epheslnns iv, 5V Tbe speaker showed tlmt the Roman Catholic Church. In order to unite with others, would need to cut oiit of her creed everything not found In the Bible prayers to saints, homage to pictures and Images, the sucrltlce of tbe mass, holy candles, holy water. Purgatory, tbe Infallibility of the Pope and the general theory that the clergy alone are the Church nnd brethren of Christ, and the laity are merely the children of tbe Church. He acknowledged that so great a concession could scarcely be expected at once: that the study of the Bible must prepare Catholics to accept It as tbe only staudurd of the "faith once delivered to tbe saints." Tbe Protestant Episcopal creed nest had attention. Little that was objec tionable was found. One point alone could en use any hesitancy, he was sure Apostolic Succession. He urged that no Scripture could be found sustaining this theory In clear terms. On the con trary, be gave numerous citations In proof that the twelve Apostles only possessed plenary Inspiration and were directly under Divine control 8t Paul taking tbe place of Judns. These are the twelve foundation stones of the New Jerusalem, and tbe foundations of the holy temple mentioned by St Peter the twelve authorized by the Master to bind or to loose from doc trines and practices (Matt, xrlll, 18). Eltotlon Fortordlnstlon Predestina tion. The Westminster Confession, the foundation of the majority of Pro testunt creeds, distinctly emphasizes the teac-hlugs of Brother John Calvin. We can all agree that the words elect and election, predestinated and tore ordained art Scriptural terms and that a truth must underlie and per vade tbem. But it will give none of us auy pain to repudiate entirely the peculiar definitions attached to these words by Brother Culvin. Surely we are all prepared to deny that a God of Justice, Wisdom, Love nnd Power foreordained and predestinated from before the foundation of the world that everybody but the "elect" should go to eternal torment! If we can not nil agree as to what these terms menn. we can unite In denying the atrocious doctrines of the pust which have so greatly dlHliouored our Creator and ourselves and which have driven so many honest uilnrts awny from God and from Hist Book. . Baptists and Disciples. Pastor Hus sellr declared, hnve something further to surrender. Surely they mny keep water Immersion. Surely they may claim ttint. mure fully than sprink ling, It represents the underlying thought expressed In the symbol. The inreasonnble and nnscrlpttiral thing which they must renounce In favor ct union Is that water Immersion Is a tent of mtmlMTMhlp In the T'A..r& of Hair Help it '4 the color In any way. But it promptly stops falling hair, and greatly otes growth. Ask Ckritt. They' must admit that Cor nellus'at least, was accepted of the Lord,bnd begotten of the Spirit before his, baptism In water (Acts x. 4"). The Pastor could not think that the Baptist and Disciple brethren vould bave much difficulty in rejecting water Immersion as a test of Chris tian fellowship, if once they saw, tbe matter In Its true lltfit. thus: Tbe Disciples. In holding that Immersion in water Is for the inii'ion of u. are claiming. In fact, that all not thus Immersed are lost doomed to eternal torment, according to their theory. Baptists should see the absurdity of claiming ttint only the water Immersed are iwmbers of the Church of Christ, for thus, according to tbelr theory, they doom to eternal torture, as un sawd. all of their Christian brethren who have not been Immersed. Surely Baptists and Disciples, therefore, may be expected te promptly and heartily repudiate these test features of their theories. Tbe Methodist Creed was next ex amined. It was commended for the prominence It gives to tbe Love of God aud Ills forbearance with the mis representations of those who honestly seek to be Ills children. The speaker asked the Methodist brethren to fore go the worshiping of their Church and to give the more boinuge to the Lord, He admitted the masterfulness of their organization, but reminded tbem that tbelr Kplscopncy Is not modeled after anything shown In the New Testament. It does not even pretend to be an au thority along the lines of Apostolic Succession. They must admit that tbe establishment of Its Bishopric was, at least, semi-fraudulent a supposed emergency, born of the error that an Episcopal ordiuutlon was necessary to an authority to preach. Hell and Purgatory Must Go. Unitedly, we must all acknowledge that we grossly misunderstood the teaching of our Bible when we believ ed and taught thut our Almighty Cre ator prepared a great hell, manned with fire proof demons, with the fore knowledge that all of our race would go thither except as a certain few woud be specially rescued by the Savior, after His coming, when He was not sent for over four tliousnnd years after the fn II. Looking buck to the "Dark Ages." we behold with horror the terrible effects of this blasphemous doctrine upon good men of that time, who thought they were copying the Divine spirit nnd methods when they burned one another at the stake. As we have learned that Purgatory Is not tuugut In the Bible, so also we have learned that this hell of our fore fathers Is unscrlptural thut the Bible hell Is the grave, the tomb, the state of death. This Just penalty for sin Is wbnt the Bible everywhere teaches. We now know that the Hebrew word tlieol of the Old Testament, aud the Greek word hades of the New Testa ment refer to the prate, the state of death, the tomb: nnd that tbey are so translated more times than they are rendered hell. We now know that In old English literature the word hell was so used as signifying a pit, a cov ered place, a grave. The Pastor an nounced tliiit free pamphlets, discuss ing tbe word hell nnd the pa ruble of The Rich Mint unci Lazarus, etc., would be distributed by the ushers. The Divine lan of the Ages. With our neyrts and heads agreed to discard those features of our creeds not loiinu in the Bible and, as far as possible, to harmonize what we do 11 lid therein, what Is the result? Is It tbe Cospel of which St. I'uul was not ashamed'.' The speaker submitted that It Is, and believes that all Christians could lieurtlly unite nnd fellowship upou Its broad basis. John Calvin and our forefathers were right In declaring that tbe Scrip tures teach the "election" of a "little flock": but they were wrong In claim ing that the great mass of humanity, tbe nou elect. nre "passed by," routed for eternal torture. On the contrary tbey all go to the Bible hell, the grave. They are nil unconscious there. The Divine promise guarantees tbe resur rection of the deait, both the Just and the unjust by One Who gave His life for their redemptlon-"Vho died, the Just fur the unjust" (I Teter III. IS). Iu u word, merely the "called of God" lire being dealt with In tbe pres ent time, although the remainder of mankind are having a "witness" and lire learning lessons which will be valuable to them when their trtnl tlrue shall' come. ' We bave, not In tbe past sufficiently noted the difference be tween the Church nnd the icnrld. The Chuivh Is Invited to walk the "narrow way" In the footprints of the Redeem er, bearing the cross with him. Tbe faithful are promised a share with Him In nis heavenly glory, honor and Immortality. But nothing Is said about torment ing the world. The entire race of Adam has lxn tinder condemnation for six thousand years. The coming of Jesus and Ills death were not in tended to Increase man's condemna tion, but. hy providing for their resur rection, to set them free from Adntnlc condemnation-to glvetoenchnnd to nil n full, fair opportunity to demonstrate their love of sin or love of righteous ness, when the latter shall be fully ns easy us tbe former during Messiah's glorious reign of righteousness the thousand years. The reward for well doing will then he humnn perfection fn n sinless Paradise restored. Realising Weiley'i Ideal. Brother John Wesley lived In a time when practically nil Christians had ac cepted Brother Calvin's theory that God had foreordained tbe great mass of humunlty.to eternal misery. Brother wesley s heart was tender and sym pathetic, no could not believe that bis gracious Creator and loving Re deemer could possibly have been guilty of originating sifch diabolical Dan Weslev's heart and tongue re- Ayer's Hair Vigor has no effect whatever upon the color of the hair. It cannot rossiblv chance your doctor first. J.ainrOiK, belled. Let tthert. -reach foreonlliMW lion to torment Jfer uon-elect InfRnts, '-eg -well as tuoyrny-halred. In. a fiery peii. no c-.ia not ai so. lie must preach, V Cod, of Lore who would not contemn U1s creatures to torture at least not without some opportunity. But, bifulii-iipied by the error rentt lag Jril poor Brother Wesley was In a sad. dilemma. lie kn-w not bow any could get to the r fill phce without Divine f(.reUnmv:n!"i-. .ml tie knew not how fi bar: il -e su-h Divine forekiiowlrdr i 'i Divine Love. Why sh'i-i'! "res n Divine grace could n t " from eternal tor ture bei-IVHled in HilV Noble Chris; iau 11. oilier, be preached to the best of bis ll-bt. Now with the clearer light upon God's Word, we can see that Brother Wesley and Brother Calvin both contended for Bible truths which tbey knew not bow to harmon ize. Now we see thut this Gosel Age is tbe time in which God is calling and drawing and sealing with His Spirit and with the Truth His "very elect." the Brlde'of Christ, the members of the Body of Christ, the Royal Priest hood. Now we can see also that the Free Grace, which Brother Wesley realized must be a part of the Divine Program.' belongs to the coming Age. Then all the blind eyes shall be opened. Then all the deaf ears shall be un stopped. Then tbe knowledge of tbe Lord shall Oil tbe whole earth as the waters cover the great deep. Then "whosoever will may come nnd take of the water of life freely" (Rev. xxll. 17). The Gospel Age Harvest. Pastor Russell declares that the signB of the times, in conjunction with the prophecies of the Scriptures, clear ly Indicate to him thut we are living in tbe "harvest time" of this Age, which is drawing to a close In tbe dawning time of tbe New Dispensation, wblcb will soon be ushered In. He wished his bearers to clearly distinguish be tween this teaching and the common teaching represented in all of our creeds. Our hymn books, like our creeds, tell of tbe End of this Age as tbe end of hope "tbe wreck of matter and the crash of worlds." In a huge bonfire. Tbe Bible, on the coutrary, shows that tbe most blessed days of tbe world's experiences are ubout to be ushered In. The election of the Church completed, tbe saints, glorified with the Redeemer on the spirit plane. In visible to men, will take coutrol of earth's affairs. God's Kingdom under the whole heavens will be established. Satan, tbe present spirit Prince, will be dethroned and deceive the na tions no more for a thousand yeurs. The reign of Messiub lu tbe glory of Divine power will constitute the Sun of Righteousness, Light and Truth and blessing to refresh the poor, death-stricken world. Healing will be in the beams of this Sun of Righteous ness Restitution, uplifting from sin, degradation und death. As the reign of Sin' nnd Death terminates, the reign of Righteousness unto' life ever lusting will begin. The wonderful In ventions nnd blessings of our day are but the forerunners of still greater blessings. Verily "the night Is far spent nnd the dny is at hand" the great Dny of which Jesus and the Apostles nnd the Prophets continually spoke. It will be tlnrmimlng only for all the systems of Iniquity and un righteousness. "Not Ashamed of the Gospel." nave we not all felt more or less ashamed of the unsatisfactory pres entations of our various creeds? said rastor Russell. Is It not time that. from self-respect, as well as from respect for the Almighty, we repudi ate them? nnve I not presented to you this oyening the Bible message which the angels proclaimed nt thp birth of Jesus "Behold, we bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall be unto all penplet" (Luke II. 10). No Gospel message renched anybody be fore Jesus "brought life nnd Immor tality to light through nis Gospel." This "great salvation begun to be spoken by our Lord." as tbe Apostle declares dlebrews II. 3i. None heard It during the first four thousand yeurs. and not more than one-fourth of humanity hnve heard ft during the last two thousnnd years. And the message which has been proclnlmed for centuries past Is certainly not "good tidings" ns a wholp, though It contains precious truths. What I have expressed this evening Is "good tidings of grent Joy" to the saintly few of the elect class now. And the lesser blessing of rentltiitlun will shortly be "good tidings" to nil people. It will fulfil the Divine promise to our first parents that "the Seed of tbe woman" shnll crush out evil, "shnll bruise the Serpent's head." It will also fulfil the promise to Abraham, bound by God's oath-"In thee and In thy Seed shnll all tbe families of the earth be blessed." It accounts for every text appertaining to Election, ns well ns to every text teaching Free Grace. It shows the Justice of God In permitting the death penalty. It shows the Love of God In providing the redemption for all. hy a "Ransom for nil." It shows the Wisdom of God In the ordering of all the various steps of the Divine Program. It will show the Power of God In bringing back the dond to life nnd In uplifting all the willing nnd obedient of earth to human perfection and nn earthly Paradise. And surely the exceeding riches of God's grace, of His Wisdom. Love nnd Power are nil demonstrated In His wonderful favor toward the saintly few now bplng developed as the Bride, the Lamb's Wife! (Ephe slnns II. 71." I.pf us, beloved brethren, lajs aside every weight nnd hindrance. Let us come quickly into the narrow way and walk In the footsteps of the Re deemer and make our "calling nnd election sure" to a place with Him In His Throne, nnd In His great work of blessing and nr-llftlne hnmsr.'rv. .I.J The small boy is glad when his sister has a beau who likes choeo. late cake. j o The man on a diet likes to go away from home, to bave an excuse for an extra meal. I fi0 i ALCOHOL. 1 PER CEMT. Agelabte Preparation forAs sirailaiiig iheFoodamlReeula (ingtlteSicmadisamlBowisof Promotrs DigpsHon!rerM ness and testjContalns neJUn- Opiuni.Morphine nor Mineral. KOT Pi ARC OTIC. Pkiia Slid' JttSana Him lint mjjmm7lmtt 1 . Apetftct Remedy for Consfl(U Hon . Sour Stomach,D larrtoa 30-! b ; 2flt Worms jConvulsions.feverisit ness andLoss orSLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK Exact Copy of Wrapper. SSSSS9T Pianos and Organs t from the cheapest to the 1 I best sold on installments J and rented. t GEO. C. 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