DAILY CAPITAL JOUHXAL, SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 1. 1811. PAGE FOCB GOD'S KINGDOM NO COMMON LEVEL THERE "As Star Dilfcretfi From Star." "Greatest and Least In the Kingdom" JOHN THE BAPTIST'S HUMBLE POSITION Rerlln, Germany, March 20.-Pastor Russell dnllvered . i. . .1 1 . , here today one of "t f( them to the Jews II . yr I III f.iiuiqui ill L I Prophecy ," nnotli- and tbe third, which we report, from the text, "Of those born of women there is not u greater Prophet than John the Bap tist, but tbe least lu the Kingdom of Ilea vet) Is renter than he" (Luke vll, 28). Large and Interested audiences attended. He leaves tonight for Co penhagen and Stockholm. Crowds of Jews are reported to have heard him during the lunt three days In Vienna, Budapest, Lcmberg and Krakow. There can be no better Illustration of the sharp line of distinction between tbe earthly nnd the heaveuly classes and their calling than Is shown by our text, snld Pastor Russell. The great Teacher freely nttested to the loyalty and courage and salntllness of His cousin John, as evidenced by the words of our text. Hut If so great and hon orable a Prophet, why could not John be a member of the Bride class? Why could be not be numbered with the disciples of Jesus and be an Apostle, or at least a footstep follower? The answer Is that be was not called to the heavenly plane, but to the earthly. He was honored of God In being made one of the Prophets of the Jewish Age the Inst of them. Although n differ ent honor from that conferred upon tbe Apostles, John's was u great honor and we have reason to believe that, under Divine providence when perfected lu the resurrection, he will appreciate the earthly blesxlngs and privileges which will be his, more than the spiritual and heavenly privileges bestowed upon the Apostles and the less prominent mem berg of the Church. The Lord "will choose our Inher itance for us." wo rend (Psalm xlvli, 4). Happy are those who repose implicit confidence In Dlvlno goodness and who seek to obtain whutever may be God's choice for them. If we have been called with the heavenly calling, let us not shrink back nnd declare ourselves unworthy and decline to accept the fa vors of God and to choose an Inferior position. Let us, rather, be glad to say. Thy will be done In my heart, in my life. In all my future. "Order Thou my steps In Tby Word." A Friand of tht Bridegroom. Jesus bad a two-fold mission: (1) He came "that the world through Him might be saved" that He might give Himself "a ransom for all, to be testlHed In due time" (I Timothy il, 6). (2) Incldcutally Ills mission was to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord the time in which God Is willing to aecr.pt the tacrificn of such as desire to wak In the Redeemer's footsteps, and to constitute these the Rride and Joint-heir of Messiah. John the Baptist referred to the lat ter feature of our Lord's work, saying, He that bath the Brlib Is the Bride groom, but the friend of the Bride groom heareth Ills vo.lce and rcjolceth Krcatly. This, my Joy, therefore, is fulfilled (John ill, 29). It was not for htm to be a member of the Rrlde, but he rejoiced to bo a friend of the Bride groom. As our Lord's forerunner he announced the Bridegroom; he called upon the nation of Israel to turn from sin. to purify their hearts, to come back Into harmony with God and thus to be prepared to receive the Bride groom and to become the Rrlde. So far as the nation was concerned John's mission was a failure, ns God had fore known and foretold. But so far ns the Rrlde clnss was concerned John's mission was a success, for, as the Script lire intimate, those who believ ed John's testimony accepted Jesus and He accepted them. Creattit In tha Kingdom. We must rememlHT that the Church is the Kingdom of God now in a fonnnllve or embryotlc state, but in the end, by "the resurrection." to be spirit beings and partakers with Je sus, their Bridegroom, lu His wonder ful jilory. honor. Immortality and Kingdom work. This Kingdom class is not reigning now, but merely form ing. It Is Joined "on probation," after the Methodist style. If the probation ary period of the present life be faith fully used, the full Induction Into the Kingdom, Its glories, honors and Im mortality, will surely follow by par ticipation In the Ktrst Itcsurrectlon. Amongst the faithful followers of the Muster there will be differences, as St. Paul explains, "as one star dllTereth from another star In glory" (I Corinthians xv, 41i. We cannot know, and it Is not necessary for ns to guess, who shall occupy tho chief places In the Kingdom. These anal! be glwn to those whom the Fa ther prefers, as tlie Redeemer explain ed to the woman who asked that her two sons might sit, one on Ills right hand nnd the other on Ills left hand la the Kingdom (Matthew x, 21). If w were to guess who shall be TKltltlltl.K riCTl'KF. OF SUFFER IXfl. Clinton, Ky. Mrs, M. C. McElroy, in a letter rrom Liimon, writes: for six years, I was a sufferer from ;....x-rr" , .im.,, ,. , m , .nn..,, . , ' M ml .,M ,' ' closest In position to tat Master we would suppose that St. Paul would be first, with St John. St. Peter and St James near by lu glorious excellence. And yet we know not how nearly up to the Apostolic standard some may be who have lived very humble and olwcure lives, have fought a good tight and flulsbed their course with Joy. Indeed, the twelve Apostles seem to occupy, liy IHvine derision lu ad vance, the very highest stations In the Kingdom, next to that of tbe Redeem er, Who snld of them, "Ye who have followed Me. in the trfiriieration thrill til upon heelre thrones Judging the twelve tribes of .Israel" (Matthew xlx. 28). Again, they are pictured to us as tin "crown of twelve stars" to the Church (Revelation xll. 1). and yet again they are pictured to us as the twelve precious foundation stones of the Church In her future glory, as the New Jerusalem (Revelation xxl, 14). Those called of God to this high sal vation, as member of the spiritual Kingdom which shall bless natural Is rael and through her all the nations, are required to demonstrate their loy alty to God by fnithfuln-tt cren unto death In the narrow way of self-sacrifice. As there is no other Name than that of Jesus whereby any may be saved to eternal life. so. likewise, there Is no other path whereby any may reach the Kingdom except the nar row way, "and few there be that find it." All who attain to the Kingdom must be overcomers of the world to the extent of self-sacrifice. The grada tions of glory will be because of spe cial manifestation.' of zeal for the Lord and His cause of righteousness and Truth against sin and error. A Lfr Spiritual Salvation. Tbif'Serlpture clearly show another class In process of salvation during this Gospel Age, quite separate and distinct from the Hrldo class. These are referred to In various purts of the Scriptures. They will all be loyal, to the extent that they would uot deny the Lord nor wilfully practise sin. Their failure to reach the status of the Bride Is indicated In an Inxufflclency of zeal In connection with their loyal ty. This class is described In Revela tion vll, 11. They are represented as having fulled to keep their garments unspotted from tbe world failed to live circumspectly, carefully enough. Hence In n great time of trouble in the end of this Age these are represent ed as washing their robes and making them white In the Mood of the Lamb and then coming up through that trib ulation to glory and honor, but not to Immortality, nor to the same degree of glory nnd honor ns the Church, the Bride. The distinction In their glory is Indicated In that Instead of being in the Throne they are before it; instead of being tho Bride, they will serve; in stead of wearing the crown, they will bear palm branches; Instead of being the Temple, they will be servants In the Temple. This same class Is referred to by the Apostle In his declaration respecting the end of this Age. ne intimates that some will hnvj an abundant entrance (II Peter I. Hi Into the Kingdom, while others will be "saved so as by fire" (I Corinthians ill. 15). The fire of this Day will test every man's work of what sort It is. Some will be proved to be gold, silver, precious stones. These the "fire" will not consume. Others will be proved to be an admix ture of hay nnd stubble, which will be consumed, though themselves will be snved from the fire (I Corinthians 111, 12. 13). The tribe of Levi pictured the entire "Church of tbe First-born," but It con tained two classes-the "little flock" of priests and the "grent company" of Le vites tho Bride clnss nnd the servant class, none of whom have any Inher itance In the earth, nil of whom have the heavenly Inheritance. As Isaac typified our Lord, the Re deemer, and as Rebecca typified the Bride class, so Rebecca's maiden typi fied this "great company" class. This same thought Is brought to our atten tion in Psalm xlv, where the Bride class Is pictured as being presented to Jehovah I::i the end of this Age In glory, honor und Immortality, Illustrat ed by raiment of fine needlework and gold. Following the Bride come "the virgins, her companions, who follow her." These also will he greatly hon ored, greatly blessed, though theirs will be a less honor. This "great company" will not constitute the Kingdom, al though they will be Identified with It and Its wonderful snlvntlon nnd bless ing for mankind. Keeping or Breaking Commandmanti. The Great Teacher's declaration that they who break God's commandments and tench others wo to do shall be called "least In the Kingdom" has caus ed considerable perplexity .lu the past. The question has been, How could any one be lit at all for the Kingdom who breaks God's coiiininndnients and teaches others so to doV The answer I Is that many of God's people have la bored i!'!d'.T more or less of blindness and h:ive done things which they ou;ht not to have done and left un done the things which they ought to have done. As an Illustration. John Calvin, ncililo mini as he was, burned his Christian brother, Servetus. Such violation of the llvlne commands and such wrong teaching, must, according to our limiinn Judgment, assign Brother Calvin to a lesser place hi the King dom than if be bad more carefully, more earnestly sought the will nnd Spirit of G id. However. It Is not for us to Judge. We are merely seeking to ascertain the spirit of our Lord's words. Begotten of the Holy Spirit and priv ileged of the Lord to be disciples nnd to be guided of the Holy Spirit, we should bi' so faithful in the study of I the Scriptures as not to be mistaken In respect to the general application of their meaning. Wrong practice nnd fnlse teachings do not always repre male troubles. I could not eat, nnd could not stand on my feet, without suffering great patn. Three of the best doctors In the state said I was In a critical condition, and going down hill. I lost hope. After using fe-(Cardul a week, rt began to Improve, sent disloyalty to Ood, but they surely do always represent slackness or Inat tention to tbe Divine message; though we may be sure of tbe Lord's faithful ness In enlightening all who are of the proper, teachable spirit. John tha Baptiat'i Clata. To what class does John the Baptist belong, and wbut will be his share in the Kingdom, according to our text? Since tbe call of God began with the call of the Church, and since the Church began at the First Advent of Jesus, It follows that no one was called of God to salvation prior to Jesus' time none for forty-one hundred und fifty years after sin entered the world. .God did. however, recognize the loy alty of heart of His Prophet Enoch and communed with him and blessed him, etc. God also recognized Abra ham's faith nnd spirit of obedience, and Isaac's mid Jacob's, and that of Moses and Aarou and numerous proph ets and other faithful ones less notable. Did he not call these? We answer that he did not call them to salvation, for no salvation could be positively offered until the Redeemer hud sacri ficed; nor were they called to the King dom, for the same reason. God did tell them that lu due time He would bless all the world. He did tell them that In due time the great Ruler of the world would come forth from Abraham's posterity In the Hue of Isaac and Jacob and the nation of Is rael. But telling them of a coming blessing and giving them eternal life are different matters. St. Paul de clares that none of them got everlast ing life, and that "by the deeds of the Law no flesh can be Justified before God." Israel's Law Covenant served to Instruct the Chosen People. It was a call to do right, and a promise of eternal life if they would keep the Law. "He that doeth these things shall live." Israel learned the lesson that a perfect Law could not be kept by Imperfect beings. Some of them and some of the Gentiles in due time heard of Jesus und how God has provided Justification through His sacrificial death. ' God Provide Soma Better Thing For tha Church Than For Ancient Worthies. St. Paul tells us the status of those noble characters, of whom John the Baptist wus the last They were vol unteer servants of God, so to speak. Those of them who were bom under the Law Covenant, by their fulth lived above It and will be fully rewarded, although they lived before any specific call or offer of eternal life was made. Their faith nnd obedience were pleas ing to God; as St. Paul relates, "All these died in faith, not having receiv ed the things promised ithcm), God having provided some better thing for us (the Gospel Church), that they with out us should not be made perfect" (Hebrews si. 13, 40). "The Church of the First-born" is to be perfected first, and on the spirit plane, "pnrtakers of the divine na ture" (II Peter 1, 4). In due time those Ancient Worthies will come forth from the tomb to receive the blessing which God declares shall be the re ward of their loyalty. As the Church will have the "better resurrection" on the spirit plane, so those Ancient Worthies will have the "better resur rection" on the earthly plane. They will come forth from the tomb actual ly perfect, while the remainder of mankind will be obliged to attain per fection by the slow process of faith, works, obedience, during the thousand years of the Kingdom. Anoiant Worthiea Will Ba Princea In All the Earth. Moreover, those Ancient Worthies, while not members of the Kingdom, per c, which will be spiritual, will be members of that Kingdom In its earth ly phase. They will be the Kingdom's earthly representatives, princes or rulers, In all the earth, as the Scrip tures declare (Psnlni xlv, 10). We re member tbe words of Jesus to this ef fect: "Ye shall see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets In the Kingdom," but He snld not a word about Himself or His disciples being seen; properly so, because they, as spir it beings, will be Invisible to men. The Scriptures still further intimate that during the thousand years of Messiah's reign, all the faithful of mankind, nil the obedient, will be priv ileged to come Into relationship with the King. This Is figuratively repre sented In the statement that the great ones of earth "will bring their glory and honor Into the New Jerusalem." With such glorious hopes before ns, with such appreciation of our Heaven ly Father's glorious character and wonderful Plan, with such n grand view of our Savior's work, with such a hope of a share with Him In His Kingdom, what manner of persons ought we to be in holy living and godliness! Nor shoold It be thought strange. that any of the spirit-begotten now. or the restored of the future, who would turn their backs upon the gracious provisions made for their sal vation, would be considered unworthy of further favor or blessing n(t the hands of God and would die the Sec ond Death annihilation. As Paul says "they shall be punished with everlast ing destruction from the presence of the Lord nnd the glory of his power" (II Thossnlonliins I. 0). Soon the disciples of the. Master will lie one with Illm beyond the veil, sharers of His glory nnd Kingdom. Then will come the time when the world will believe. The knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth and all the blinding nnd stumbling Influences of the present will be at nn end. The Savior will then exorcise Ills power on behalf of the world, overthrowing evil anil uplifting every good principle and nil who love righteousness, and destroying those who would corrupt the earth. Now I feel better than In six years." 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Principal The Bosom Sets The stud button holes exactly meet, the neck band does not bind on your neck; button holes exactly meet buttons, no bulging front, in fact a perfect lit If we lnunder your shirts. It la done with our new STEAM PRESSES, which do not i-ub or burn the fibre, but MOULD the cuffs, neck band and bosom to a PERFECT SHAPE. Try the new X work. Visitors welcome. Salem Steam Laundry 130-lOfl Sooth Liberty Street Phone SA for Fletcher's I L2 X f F ' Lf Signature of OUR PBIME BIB BOAST Doesn't have to be ticketed as such. As a good housekeeper, you'll know it the minute you see It and know It still better when it appears on your table. Try one for Sunday dinner. We warrant there isn't a single mem ber of the family who will not ask for' a second helping. E. C. CROSS & SON Phone 1880 Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking Machines A full stock of Records. CEO. C. WILL f Latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, ; Mandolins and Banjos, I CEO. C. 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Every Bell Telephone Is the Center of the System. jome people ride the bicycle, nd some in autos course Jf Jfe is full of mixed desire J7 lect then what you most admire JjJ y choice remains the horse. -ut when in search of pure delight, jjVfTervescent, clear and bright jjVveryone can read the cheer jjight in these printed verses here Salem's most poular res taurant THE WHITE HOUSE We cater to the public who demand a good meal for a small price, . Wm. McGilchrist & Sons. Special Excursion Rates East. The Oregon Electric Railway Company Will sell at the following round below, to Boston Mass $111.60 Baltimore, Md New York, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. ,C. ... Chicago, Ills Council Bluffs, la 109.10 110.10 110.10 109.10 ' 74.10 . 01.60 And various DATES May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19..20, August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Tickets to Colorado Springs, also be sold at same rates on Atlantic City, N. J., $104.00. 29, 30. and July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Going trip to be commenced reached within 15 days. Final . For further Information call W. E. COMAN, G. P. P. A. Railway Exchange Bldg. . Portland. nr Gold Dust Hour Made by the SXDNET POW1B COMPANY, Sydaey, Oregoa Made fc r Family Cse. Ask your grocer for It ft" aad Uhorta always baa p.B. WALLACE, Agt trip rates on ' the dates aa stated Kansas City, Mo 1 Milwaukee, Wise Minneapolis, Minn St Louis, Mo. 61.60 .74.10 61.60 71.60 01.60 56.60 St Paul, Minn Denver, Colorado Springs: and Pueblo other Eastern points. OF SALE 25, 27, 28, 29. 21, 28, 29, 30. 26, 27, 28. 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30. Denver and Pueblo, Colorado, w October 12, 13, 14. 12, 13, 14. , ia Tickets sold flay - Bold JTaj J .i nstlnation on date of sale anu return limit, October 31st, on or address Agent or C. E. a'"' gt. f Mill and WP I Salem. Ore. J