FAGB EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATCTUUr, MARCH 23, 1011. TWO DISTINCT SALVATIONS JILL IN ONE OR THE OTHER Every Human Being Is to Have a Full, Fair, Intelligent Oppor tunity For Eternal Life. A SECOND CHANCE FOR FATHER ADAM ONLY London, March 11). TuRtor Rus doll preached today ut tliu London Tab ernacle to an over flowing house. Ills text was taken from Hebrews 11, 8: "So grtat salva tion, which began to be spoken by our Lord, and was con firmed unto us by those who heard Him," The speaker said: Id the past many of us misunder stood these words "to great salvation" end have thought them to apply merely to an "elect" few of the salutly followers of our great Redeemer. Sure ly It should not be thought strange If a closer examination of God's Word would demonstrate to us that as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Ills ways and plans higher than ours (Isaiah Iv, 9). It should not surprise us to find that our forefathers were generally In considerable dark ness la respect to "the length and breadth and height and depth of the love of God, which posseth all under standing" (Ephesluns HI, 18, 10). It should not surprise us to And that our Savior will yet see the fruitage of the travail of Ills ,soul and be satisfied (Isaiah Mil, 11), and that this satis faction will result from the salvation of more than the "little flock," who walk In Ills steps and who, like II im, "present their bodies living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to Uod," In the service of Truth and righteousness. There are several ways of treating this thought, that more than an "elect" few are eventually to reuch eternal life through the Redeemer of mnnklnd. One way. which many adopt, Is to claim that our Lord and the Apostles did not really mean to establish so high a standard of alntnhlp as tbelr words Imply, and then to. conclude that the nnsnlutly will gain eternal life as well aa the saintly all except the de generately wicked. This view of mut ters, which Is the common one. Is un doubtedly prompted by sympathy for friends, relntlves, neighbors and the heathen; but It Is wholly contrary to God's Word. Another view still held by some Is that everybody but the saintly will suffer torture eternally and hopelessly. The third theory which I desire to present here is the one 1 licllcvo to be In accord with every text of Scripture, and In accord with Justice, Wisdom, Love and rower Divine, and in accord' with sanctified common nense, I have time for only an outllue of this Dan, which Is most comprehensive, as fol lows: Th Saintly New Creation. Salvation In no sense begnn before the Redeemer's birth, forty-one hun dred and twenty-eight years after the fall of our first parents. In all that long period nobody wus saved. The Apostlo declares In our text that sal vation began to be preached by Jesus. Again we rend that Jesus brought life and Immortality to Unlit through Ills Gospel (H Timothy 1, 10). So, then, life and Immortality and the Gospel Message began to be preached by our Lord and was not preached before Ills day. Indeed we can see that If there Is "none other Name given under hcav en or amongst men whereby we must be saved," than the name of Jesus, then It could not have been preached; nothing could he preached previously except the Divine declaration that God purposed In due time to redeem man kind from sin ami death through a Savior and a Great One Oue able to save unto the uttermost all Hint would come unto the Father through III in. This reasoning Is surely truo to the facts. Search all thiough the Old Tes tament and there Is found no promise of eternal life set forth except by the Law given to the one little nation of Israel. That Law declared that he that doeth these things shall live by big obedience thereto (Romans x, fi), nud the Apostle assures us that Jews died because none of them kept the Law because no Imperfect human be ing could possibly meet the require ments of God's perfect Lnw. "Hy the deeds of the Lnw shall no flesh be justified In Ills sight" (Romans III, 20). The Apostle, further explaining the matter, sny, "Wherefore, tlieu, serveth the Law?" He replies to his question, "It was added because of transgres sion until the promised Seed should come" (Galatlans 111. 19). The Promistd Std. The Apostle's words direct our thoughts back to Eden, when God de clared that the Seed of the woman would at some future time bruise the Serpent's head. Hut that Seed did not exist for over four thousand years after, and has not yet crushed the Ser pent's head"liHtroyed sin nnd the Works of Satan. The Apostle's words again remind us of God's promise tu Abraham. "In thy Beed shall all the families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis xxvlil, 14). Abraham was not thus blessed, nor were any others thus blessed, howover faithful they were. All the blessing was to come through Ahruhnm's Seed and could not be dispensed before His coming. Hence the Apostle, referring to Abraham. Isaac and Jacob and all Yl A 11 Ayer's rnr I table, sugar-coated. for all the tor freely about these pills and follow his advice. He certainly knows best. the faithful of past time, declared, "All these died In fultb. not having tacelv ed the promise" (Hebrews xl, 13) the blessing reconciliation to God and eiernni me. And when Jesus came He did not at tempt to bless the world, but on the contrary. In Ills prayer, declared, I pray not for the world, but for them which thou bust given We" (John xvlU 0)-tbe saintly, the "very elect" iMnt thew xxiv. 24i. These He called: these lie taught "Israelites Indeed." ' These lie directed to give the same ' message to others, not for the conver- j slon of the world, but for the calling, instruction and edification of "the Church, which Is the Body of Christ" The message to these from first to last was that they were called to suf fer with Him. that they might also reign with Him. "Th Church Which It the Body of Chriat." In the past many of us have over looked the fact that the Church are, figuratively, "the Body of Christ" to be hereafter, as the Apostle declares, "the Church which is His Body." And again. We are members In particular of the Body of Christ, which Is the Church (I Corinthians xil, 27). In a word, then, the entire Christ Includes the members of the Body with the glo rious Head of the Body. And this glorious Christ, which will be complet ed by the close of this Gospel Age, will as a whole be the promised Seed of Abraham. From this viewpoint we can see why God's long-promised blessing has not yet reached the world, but from this viewpoint we can see that lie Is mere ly selecting or electing the Church, the Seed of Abraham. The promise to Abraham Is. "In thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed," and, us we have seen, the Seed of Ahrahnm Is "Jesus the Head and the Church Ills Body." In a word, our previous view of the Divine Plan was loo narrow. We snw the election of the Church, but did not nee God's gracious purposes for "All the families of the earth." The Church, ns the Scriptures declare. Is merely a "first-fruits" unto G'nd of His crea tures nnd Is not, by any means, the entire hurvest. Let us here remember St. Paul's explanation of this matter. n declares. "We, brethren, as Isanc was. are the children of the promise" (Galatlans Ir, 2.8) the heirs of the promise through ns all the families of the earth are to be blessed. No Second Chance In This. It might Indeed be said In one sense of the word that since father Adam was placed on trial lu Eden with a rownrd of eternal life before him or a pennlty of- death, nnd thnt since he lost his chance of eternal life by dis obedience, therefore any chance of eternal life coming to him or to any member of bis race would, of neces sity, be a second chance. This Is un doubtedly true. From this standpoint every member of the human family must eventually have a second chance for eternal life, because It was for this very purpose that our Redeemer Jeft the heavenly glory, was made flesh, dwelt amongst us and "died, the JiiHt for the unjust." Whoever enjoys this second chance must expect no more, because "Christ dleth no more." But. as we hove alreudy seen, nobody had n second chance for eternal life prior to the coming of our Redeemer Into the world. "He brought life and immortality to light." He died, the lust for the unjust, to make recon ciliation for Iniquity and this mes sage of so grent salvation began to be spoken by our Lord. The comparatively few who hnve heard the Gospel since Jesus day "Good tidings of grent Joy which shall he unto all people", these, the compar atively few, who have hoard of "the only nnme given under heaven or amongst men whereby we must bo saved" are the only ones who in any sense of the word have had their sec ond chance. Indeed we might, Scrip turally, limit the matter much further and say thnt the Gospel has been hid den from the majority of those who heard It; their mental eyes nnd ears being deaf und blind, they did not com prehend the message, nnd therefore could not reject It. The "high calling" and "so great salvation" which so few have re'ally beard nnd seen Is referred to by our great Redeemer saying, "Blessed are your cyeH, for they see, and your ears, for they hear." "The natural man received) not the things of the Spirit of God. neither can he know them; because they nie spiritually dis cerned. But God hath reveal ed them unto us by His splvlt" (I Co rinthians II, Mi. lu other word9, only the Spirit-begotten ones are now on trial for life everlasting or death ever lasting. And only the faithful footstep followers will gain the glory, honor. Immortality nnd Jolirt-heirshlp with nim In Ills Kingdom. These are the "elect," the "very elect." These are such as make their calling and elec tion Hiiro by so running as to obtain this great prize of membership In the Body of Christ. These elect ones experience a change of nature, and In the future will not lie human beings, but partakers of the divine nature (11 Peter I, 4). They v I It be inducted Into (he perfection f the divine nature in the First Res urrection, the chief resurrection, lu which they will be changed In a mo Jlient, In the twinkling of nn eye, be cause llesh nnd blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (I Corinthians v. B0-r2. Humm Salvation Is Restitution. We all gagged at the thought that the heathen and everybody except ""tuts would he consigned to nn eter nity of torture, yet we all recognized thnt hojiven Is uot a place of develop ment hut a condition of perfection. We were perplexed, mystified. We did not follow our Bibles with sufficient Pills are liver pills. All vege- A gentle laxative familv. Consult about all medical matters. J.O. ArerOo., fawi.il. Mia ear. Msny of os twisted the Bcrtp turea, wrested them from their tlaln ly obvious Import, and always to our owt Injury. Some went In the direc tion of Unlversaltsm; others halfway, and still others abandoned the Holy Book. Now we see where we erred. God has two salvations; one for the Church and a totally different one for the world. The salvation for the Church is to heavenly nature, spirit bodies, and Jolnt-helrsblp with the Master in His Kingdom, which deb and blood cannot Inherit, ns we have already seen. The other sulvutlon, for mankind, Is an earthly oue, called In the Scriptures "Restitution." Man was not an angel originally, not a spirit be ing, but, as the Scriptures declare, "The first man was of the earth earthy." it was that earthy man. perfect. In the Image- of his Creator, for whose hnpplness Eden was specially prepared. By obedience to God he might have continued to enjoy his Eden home everlastingly. By disobedi ence he first lost his fellowship with God, then his Eden home, and after nine hundred nnd thirty years of toil ing wttb thorns and thistles In sweat of face, the death penalty upon him reached completion he died. Adam's race, sharing his weaknesses by laws of heredity, have also shared death with blm. "World Through Mim Might Be 6aved." The Scriptures tell us that God's real purpose In sending Jesus Into the world was that the "world might through Him be saved" not the salvation of the Church; that was an Incidental feature. Tbo Church Is selected that as the Bride or Queen during the Messianic Kingdom she may be associated with her Lord, the King, as the Seed of Abraham In the blessing, the saving, of Adam and his family, or so many of them ns shall be willing, from sin and death conditions. We remember the Master's words to the effect thnt "He enmo to seek and to save (recover) that which was lost." We have Just seen that it was a hu man life, human perfection and an earthly home thnt were lost. It Is these, then, that Jesus proposes In due time to recover for Adam nnd his family. The Messianic reign of Jesus and his Body the Anointed, the Christ, The Messiah will be for the purpose of blessing Adam and all of his race with glorious opportunities of an earthly salvation. The uplifting, restoring influences of Messiah's King dom will nffect not only Adam and his race, but also the earth Itself. Grad ually raiadise Lost, ns a little garden of Eden, will become Paradise Regained as the world beautiful. Then the wil derness shall blossom as a rose and the solitary place shall be glnd. "Timei of Restitution." At our Lord's First Advent the "ac ceptable time" began the time when God, having accepted the sncrlflce of Christ Jesus, beenme willing through Him to accept the sacrifices of all who desire to become nis disciples to take up their croSjS and follow Him through evil report and good report even unto death. The entire. Gospel Age anti types Israel's Day of Atonement, and the sacrifices of our Lord nnd the Church, Ills Body, are the "better sac rifices," foreshadowed by the bullock and the goat offered typically by the Jews. This Is the acceptable year of the Lord which Jesus declared (Isaiah 1x1, 2; Luke iv. 19). God's faithful people of this acceptable day are glad to be Invited to "present their bodies living sacrifices, holy nnd ac ceptable unto God" (Romans xil. 1). In the end of this acceptable day will come the end of nil opportunity to thus sacrifice the human nature nnd become Jolnt-helrs with Christ nnd pnrtnkers of the heavenly nature. Then will be Introduced a new period atyled. In the Scriptures, "Times (or years) of Restitution." The acceptable day for the Church's sacrifice has last ed for nearly nineteen centuries. And we know how long the "Times of Resti tution" will Inst nearly a thousand years. St. Peter tells us Just when these "Restitution Times" will begin. They did not begin in his day. They hnve not begun yet. They will begin as a result of the Second Advent of Jesus, the Messiah, and the establishment of His Kingdom and righteousness, "Times of refreshing shall come from the pres ence of the Lord and He shall send Jesus Christ, as' before was preached unto you, whom the heavens must re tain until the Times of Restitution of. nil tilings which God hnth spoken by the mouth of all . the holy prophets since the world begnu. For Moses verily said unto the futhers, A Proph et like unto me (of whom I nm but a type or figure) shall the Lord your Uod rnlse up unto you froui. amongst your brethren. Him shall ye .hear Mn all things whatsoever Ho shnH Bppak unto you. Aud It shall come to pass that the soul thnt will not obey thnt Prophet shall be destroyed ; from amongst the people" (Acts ill. 16-23)-ln the Second Death. This great Prophet hns been In proc ess of raising up for now nearly nlue teen centuries. And when the Inst member of His Body shall have passed beyoud the veil. Ho will stand forth in the glories of Ills Kingdom to rule, Judge. Instinct, restore nnd bless all the families of the earth with oppor tunity for restoration to nil that was lost In Eden and redeemed nt Calvary. These "Restitution Times" are beauti fully refenvd to In a poem known to many of our renders, written by one who wns particularly Identified' with the Christian Standard office brethren: A thousand years, earth's comlns glory; "ris tho ,:ul day so Ioiik foretold; 'Tie the bilKht morn of Zlon'a Rlory Prophets foresaw tn times of old. It seems to me. Brother Editor, that tn the foregoing there cannot be n very wide difference of opinion ns between your view and my own of the Bible's presentations. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, biliousness, dizzi ness, sallownesa of the skin and dys pepsia. Sold by all dealers. Oct It at fir. 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