' ... . nDCS-SlV t'l' IT 1 V f 1 Rfll 24. 1011 PACE EIGHT. , UAlli CAnxaij p.u'i. iiuaiu.i. . ......... ..... - ARE YOU ALL READY FOR Easter Sunday? It's not very far away and if you are not ready it's time you were thinking of new Easter wearables. Every department has blossomed out in new Spring Dress. The Ladies' ready-to-wear section, the dress goods and silk depart ments, Men's clothing and furnishings, the shoe section in fact no department has been slighted in getting it's share of new things. It will pay you well to visit us and get an early choice from these select displays. The prices too are very attractive to econ omical shoppers. Get in the "$500.00 for a name contest" and be a winner. See the SATURDAY EVENING POST issues of March and April. Call at the Store for further details I CITY NEWS. Keud the "Dally Bulletin" Published by E. Hofer & Sons, on page four ot this Issue. Wanted A man with heavy team to do farm work by the acre or for share of crop. Inquire of T. H. Clare 1121 N. Front street. ' 3-20-3t Planting Season Now Here We have a fine assortment ot prunes, peaches, and' Lambert cher ries, also ornamental trees and roaua. Armstrong Nursery company 491 East Court street. e-o-d-lm or the Latest And best Edison records and phon ograph supplies, you can get them at Mlllmon & Peters, 247 North Com mercial street. , eod-tf fur Your Sunday Dinner You will need tvvo articles at least. We cm supply them. A good fat nen and the bent bread In Salem. Phone 131 or call, The Sunset Gro cory. - Head Hie "Rally Bulletin" Published by E. Hofer & Sons, on page four of this Ihsuo. Moose Meeting There will be a . meeting of the Loyal Order of Moose In the Holman hall Sunday afternoon. 2 p. m. In stallation of officers. D. R. Yantla, dictator; W. II. Wolf, secretary. 1 S-24-2t Asparagus Season Is On ii You uro hungry for Asparagus and other Seasonable Vegetables. We have the fresh and will supply any demand. Buy the Canned Asparagus It's Better and more Economical this time of the year. 8. & W. As. miragus Is the finest parked. There Is nothing sold In this rlty to equal It. S. & W. extra large Collossal Asparagus 4,",. 8. & W. large Fancy Asparagus. V.7.V; :.'. ..",35c Preferred stock Monmouth Asparagus 40 Preferred stock, large Fancy Asparagus 80c Del Moute extra large Fancy Asparagus 35c A. A L. Standard Asparagus , .'.25c In U-doi. or one dot. lots we will ghe you a discount of 10 percent 75 Matchless Hams On sale Saturday at IT He per lit. Fancy Picnic Hams Uc tr n,, F.xtra fancy Breakfast Itacon ..,25c per lb. Odds and Ends In fancy Table Syrups at tircatly Reduced Prices. Roth Grocery Co. PHONE 1885-1886 MinciwrotfATThJ ilWiii mi Head the "Dally Bulletin" . Published by E. Hofer & Sons, on page four of this Issue. Agents at Oiik" Lodge From 9 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. every day. Take Yew Park car. Lots, $200 and $250. Meyer & Thlolsen, 490 State street tf Investigate Tree Diseases Professor H. S. Jackson and Mr. F. U Griffin, of the Department of Plant Pathology of the Oregon Agricultural College, are In Salom Investigating certain diseases of peaches and cher ries. Numerous complaints have been sent to the college recently regarding these troubles and Professor Jackson Is desirous of getting In communica tion with all growers who are troubled with diseases of the cherry, j peach and all other fruits and vege- lUUlt'B. Scared at a far The delivery wagon of Kemp & Hall Is pretty badly wrocked as the result of an accident Thursday after noon nearly In front of Dane's store on South Commercial. . The horse I took fright at a Btreet car and shied, the result was the driver was thrown out, the wagon broken square In two In the middle and the horse got a I hard fall. The driver whose name I we could not learn, was pretty badly hurt; his head striking the curb In his fall and In addition to that the horse fell on him, Its hip resting on (hls head when the tumble was com plete. The employes at Dane's took ' care of him until he got his scattered wits together enough to start home. 410 State Street RETURNS FROM VISIT TO THE EAST Mil. GEORGE EYRE, AFTER SEE. INQ THE MIDDLE WEST COM KM HACK WITH A HIGHER AXI BETTER OPINION OF OREGON' THAN EVER IT IS A TOP XOTCHER. Mr. George Eyre has just returned from a couple of weeks spent In Iowa and Illnols, boosting for Oregon and getting additional colonists to come to the land of opportunity. Mr. Eyre came to Salem several years ago and Invested money freely In city proper ty, In farm lands, and is one of the principal factors In the development of the present United States National bank, which he helped organize as the Salem State Bank. Mr. Eyre Interviewed. "I put In most of my time at Otta wa, 111., and then went to Chicago, and from there to Fort Dodge, la. There I spent a week Investigating conditions. There is no use talking, they have got farm lands for rais ing corn and hogs too high all thrpugh Iowa and Illinois. They are getting 38 cents a bushel for corn that costs 25 cents to raise and mar. ket, and they are hard! up. With crops like strawberries, apples, prunes, pears and cherries bringing $100 to $300 per acre land v'alces can go to $300 per acre land values can go to an outlook for a profit from the soil. But not so In the corn belt. When lands were cheap we could raise corn and sell It for 18 cents a bushel. But those days are past and gone. I have traveled In 26 states of the Union, and am always satisfied to come bark to Oregon. I am a, man who visits schools wherever I happen to be, and I want k Bay to your read ers that, take Salem and the country schools of Oregon, and we have the East beat a sky-craper In every way. Salem Is the best town, educational ly, In the United S'.tes. Our city ana country schools are ahead of Iowa and Illinois, and that Is saying a great deal, and I believe I know what I am talking about. I am ready to stake my last dollar on Ore gon and the Capital City. I have never made an Investment here in property or business that did not pay, and others have done just as well a I have." 1 , ' o Foresters to Banquet The local order of Foresters will Initiate a large class at Its hall this evening. After the initiation a sump tuous banquet Is to be served to the members. Alnswortli Doesn't Want Job J. C. Alnsworth, of Portland, who was recently appointed a member of the Port of Portland commission to day advised Governor West that he would not be able to accept the appointment. U.6. Shipley Company SALEM, OREGON 145-147 N. Liberty St. Between State and Court Salem's New Women's extra quality Muslin Gowns, lace or embroidery trimmed.' Our regular $1.25, special. 9S Women's Corset Cover and Drawer, also Corset Cover and Skirt combinations. Regular $1.25, 8eclal 98 Women's extra quality muslin Petticoats trimmed with embroidery and hemstitch tucks. Regular $1.25; special.- gg Women's Btrlpe chambray Waists, fast colors.69 Women's white lawn Waists, furnished with tucks or plain tailored styles 79$ Women's white Llngerio Waists, lace or embroid ery trimmed $1.50 Thursday and I t New Women's, Misses' and Juniors Suits, New Separate Skirts, New Neckwear, New Tailored Waists, New Lingerie Waists, New Silk Petticoats. Quality Merchandise. STEEVES L IS LEASE SALEM BANK AND TRXST COM PANY GOT 50 TEAR LEASB ON PROPERTY WILL PIT OX AD DITIONAL STORY IN NEAR FU TURE. Negotiations which have been un dor way for the past week looking to the leasing by the Salem Bank & Trust company of the Dr. B. L. Sleeves' building on the corner of State and Liberty streets for a per iod of SO years, were completed to day and as soon as the board of di rectors of the banking Institutions formally meet and pass upon the pa pers in the deal the proper officers will execute the necessary papers, The Salem Bank & Trust company endeavored several weeks ago to se cure the Vleranl building recently purchased by Wm. McGilchrlst, Jr., but the price asked was not satisfac tory and it turned its attention to other property available with the re suit that it Anally secured a 50-year lease on the Steeves building. The consideration of the lease is said to be $55,000, and at the end of the 50- year period the property, together with all the improvements made upon It by the bank, will revert to the heirs of Dr. Steeves. To improve Building. The lower portion of the building is now leased by the Crown Drug company and the Roth Grocery conv pany and as sfcon as the leases expire the company Intends to convert that portion occupied by the drug com pany into a home for the bank. An additional story to the building Is planned and the interior as a whole Is to be remodeled. The upper por tlons, It Is planned, to use mostly for office rooms and their equipment will be modern. Another feature In con nection with the contemplated im provements will be a modern elevator system. Tliermodyne ' A sure cure for Inflamatory rheu matism. Sold at all drug stores. 3-24-3t United Forever ' Posy Lacy, of Raymond, Washing ton and Maggie M. Van Arnan, of SUverton, were united In marriage to day by Judge Bushey. Licensed to Wed County Clerk Allen yesterday Is sued a marriage license to Stacy H. Reeves, of Turner, aged 22 years and Floy Whitney, of Salem, aged 18 years. If you lie to your doctor the under taker may settle between you. BU D G Store Saturday Specials Friday Express brought to Our Store Joseph W. Folk Ex-Governor of Missouri will speak at GRAND OPERA HOUSE To-night Friday, March 24th Y. 3T. C. A. Entertainment Course. Tickets on Sale 9 a. ni. Admission $1.0(1. THEIR DEATHS HAVE CAUSED SUSPICION THK FACT. THAT MRS. GOODWIN PAID UP IXhl lUXCK OX CHIL DREN'S LIVES THE DAY 1!F. FORE THE!' WERE POISONED, IS SUSPICIOUS. UNITED TSESS LEASED WIRE. Portland, dr., March 24. Arrested In Portland today Rowley Moon, a bartender, was taken to Vancouver, Wash., today, where he will be held pending an investigation into the deaths of Edwin Goodwin, 13, and his bnather, Clyde Ransom Goodwin, 10, sons of Mrs. Edwin Goodwin, who died! under unexplained circumstances yesterday. The lives of the children were In sured for $10u each, and a few hours previous to their deaths from either ptomaine or some other poi son Mrs. Goodwin paid their insur ance premium. Moon Is said to be a close friend of the woman. She asserted that they died after eating Chinese noodles, which she had purchased for them. A thorough investigation Is now being made by the police and sheriff's office, as physicians declare that the children died while in a stupor, and did not suffer from convulsions, such as attend ptomaine poisoning. Physicians say the symptoms that .preceded their deaths were similar to those superinduced by an overdose of chloral. 0 After a man has courted a girl he thinks he kwws all about women, but it doesn't take his wife more than a month to show him his error. Some men have no more tact than to praise a pretty girl to-the mother of a painfully plain one. $1,000 10 Acres Woven wire fence OLMSTED LAND CO. Salem, Ore. Women's and misses' Neckwear Jabots, Cascades, Side Pleats and Novelty Neck Pieces. Our regular 25c and 35c, special 19 each Boys' and misses' fast black Hose, reinforced heels, toes and knees, medlitm and heavyweight, every pair guaranteed to give perfect wear. Sizes 5 to 9tt 19 pair Women's fast black seamless Hose, sizes 8V4 to 10, 19. Three pair for 55 Women's Silk Hose with lisle sole and lisle gar ter top, black and colors. Sizes 8 to 10 50 pr Popular Prices HOTEL ARRIVALS Marion: P. H. Fitzgerald, Ger vals; W. M. Clark, Portland; C. S. Hampton, Portland; J. E. Maxon, Portland; John II. Sheury, Portland; W. D. Church, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Keller, Portland; Dr. J. L. Bohannon, Oakland; F. N. Lupton, Portland; W. L. Knouff, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cameron, Port land; Henry Block, Poitland; Wil liam Hahn. Portland; Ward C. Goln, Portland; H. W. Wright, Portland; Gerald Volk, Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. D. Klger, Corvallis. Salem Hotel: M. H. Titus, King ston; Mrs. Kenyon, Kingston; E. Craig. Pendleton; Charles S. Cox, Mason City, la.; John U. Sanford, Philomath; A. F. Rainnater, Philo math; E. T. Shaffer, Lebanon; J. F. Huggins, Yakima; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young, Portland; K. W. McKay, Seattle. Cottage Hotel: S. C. Stuart, Port land; F. G. Tillman, Portland; W. L. West, Portland; James R. Work.Ta coma. Capital Hotel: A. B. Milling, Port land; Mr. and' Mrs. J. F. Albright, Oregon City; William Irle, Portland; P. J. Sandurg, Grand Forks, N. D.; William T. McDavltt, Rochester, N. Y.; L. A. Sprague, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. F. West, Portland. ' c The small boy sits on the stairs Sunday nights and thinks he will never be such a fool as the swell out In the front parlor. o If pride goes before a fall there Is no question that humility overtakes It rapidly afterward. -o RECRUITIXG SIMPLY TO MAKE ARMY NORMAL Washington, March 24. Denial was made at the war department this af ternoon that recruiting was being rushed because trouble was expected to arise from the Mexican situation. While It was admitted that recruit ing officers had received orders to enlist every able bodied man apply ing, it was said that this was being done merely to recruit the army up to Its authorized strength. o A Dreadful Sight. To H. J. Barnum, of Freeville, N. Y., was the fever sore that had plagued his life for years in spite of many remedies he tried. At last he used Bucklen's Arnica Salve and wrote: "It has heaJed with scarcely a scar left." Heals burns, bolls, ec zema, cuts, bruises, swellings, corns and piles like magic Only 25c at J. C. Perry's. $2,500 20 ncres, house, barn, chicken house, nil new. This Is n sniip Just fust of Salem. OLMSTED LAND CO. Salem, Ore. Nolice to Contractors wi!l receive bids up to 1 P. M. Saturday, March 25, for tearing down and removing my old building, contractor to nave wreckage. Call or ad dress, H. WM. THIELSEN. 151-161 North High St., Salem, Or. Field Peas ! We have some choice Field ; I Peas in stock at present time. i This Is one of the greatest hog T foods that you can grow. A good time to plant now. Utah Land Plaster Utaji Land Plaster Is ac knowledged by all to be the very best that the market af fords; wei buy in carload lots and can make close prices. Farm Seeds Remember that we carry t the largest stock of Field and Farm seeds of any seed house T m the valley. All recleaned In I flrst-cJass shaipe. D. A. WHITE I &SONS 255 N. Com. St, Phone 160 Salem, Oregon. He Is Now n.j cxitid tuna uuaia, Vl Los Angeles. Calif., . Bent on suicide In a drm... an unidentifled man clin.K.0"1- roof of the 12-story Gliding f and Broadway at noon today draw bottle of carbolic add , . throat with a razn ' ' headlong to the sidewalk was taken to the morgue. ThauZ of persons saw him. ' NEW TODAY. BE SURE and see the new Stoddard. ulu- w n. p fan equipped. Two door, $1450 and fou, door torpedo, $1600, f. 0. b. Salem. E. N. Gillingham, agent. 3-21-y FOR RENT-Inquire new 4-roora c"rt- luge, 013 a. iytn St. i . FOR SALE-3 good working horses, uiieap on account of shortage of feed. John Hrbacek, Rt. 3. 3-24$t FOR SALE On account of Unpaired neaitn I am compelled to seek out door employment, and offer my of fice furniture at a low price. Call at Room 7, Gray block, between the house of 9:00 and 11:30 a. m. or 2:00 and 4:00 p. m. Frank J, Mil ler' ' 3-24-tf FOR SALE BY OWNER 10 acres ot fine fruit land near rock road, 3 miles out, nearly all clear. Price, $1100, on most any terms. Address John Van Laanen, Route 6, Box 137-B, Salem, Ore. ' 3-24-3t Four Acre Tract Four acres In Englewood addition with buildings. High,' sightly loca tion, best of soli and only a few blocks of carllne. $2500 if taken right away. BECHTEL & BYNOX 847 State Street House on Installment $2500 buys a nice residence in East Salem, 6 rooms, hard finish. Large lot, within two blocks of paved street and carllne. $250 down and balance to suit. BECHTEl & BYXON 347 State Street BIG LAKD.SSAP NO. 3 123 acres, four miles from Mon mouth, exceedingly fine land, good or chard, buildings, timber, water, very sightly; a great bargain at $50 per acre. $3150 will handle this. jfOsarocTH heal estate cc Monmonth, Ore. 1-21-tf BIG LAND SNAP KO. 1 52 acres 3 miles from Monmouth and Independence. The soil Is excel lent and drains well; 12 acres of splendid commercial orchard. Build ings cost $3500 and are new. With place goes much personal property. This lovely country home for $7000. Will make terms and take some Sa lem Income property. MOXMOUTH REAL ESTATE CO. Monmouth. Ore. 1-21-tf FOB SALE Until April 1st, a fine butcher tmsi nes and meat route, consisting of a fine dwelling, meat market, slaughter house on an acre of land, eight lots, $500 worth of tools; and a business which from April to November brings in over $1000 per month gross. Owner Is compelled to leave on ac count of sickness, and if taken be fore April 1st will sell for $3500. Terms. This Is indeed a fine buy. MONMOUTH BEA LESTATE CO. Monmouth, Oreg. 3-13-tf Cottage Undertaking Parlors. Modern In every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and ChemekeU. Phone 724. MONEY TO LOAN THOSt K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Oi GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Corner State ft Liberty Sis Snlem, Oregon. Boom 1, Gray Bile." Thone 301. Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. t Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Room 13 Bush Bank Blk, Salem, Or. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Bold Heated ncpaired Ribbons Rollers Supplier See Me Before You Do AnythW C M. LOCKWOOD Phone 968 Maio 214-18 N. Com. St. Sclem, Or. 4