P.E FOl'I HAILS CAPITAL joCBSAIi, SALEM, OREGON, THCRSDAV, MARCH 23, 1011. THE PORTAGE RAILROAD IS OPENED 1'IRST CARLOAD OF FREIGHT OVER THE ROAD WEDNESDAY COLUMBIA y0W OI'EX LEWIS TOX TO THE SEA. The Dalles, Ore., March 24. The first carlond of freight was hauled sit over the- completed portage road Wednesday. The completion of the road has been delayed because of crossing the O.-W. R. & N. tracks near Seuferts. An enormous amount of freight has piled up waiting for the road to be finished. The steamer Spencer was hired this week to help the Open Itlver line move the freight No train schedule for the portage road has been made, but officials of the road have given out the Informa tion that a train will be run east In the morning and one back at night In time to allow workers at Celllo or Big Eddy to make their home In The Dalles. WILL CONNECT INSTITUTIONS BY GOOD ROADS A conference was hold last even ing at the governor's office between Governor West, State Treasurer Kay, the superintendents of tho state Insti tutions, membern of tho Board of Trade and the county court relative to the macadamizing of the roads con meeting the state Institutions and the city with them, and, after the proposition had been discussed from all Its viewpoints, It was decided to commence work at once, and a com mittee was appointed to make tho preliminary plans, and 'to report bivk at a future meeting. The committee named consists of Judge Dustier, James R. Unn, Geo. F. Rodgors, Dr. Stelner, N. H. Looney and State Treasurer Kay, and today entored upon Its labors. Judge Bush y and Dr. Stoiner spent the day In going over tlie roads to be Improved, and next Tuesday the members of the board of county commissioners will take a tour of the roads to "he Im- $750 6 acres, S miles east of Salem, on good road, well fenced. OLMSTED LAND CO. Salem, Ore. proved. The committee, It la expect, ed, will be able to submit a report within the course iof a week, and in It definite plans will be outlined, and the work launched. Plans Outlined. The plan as outlined In general Is to have tho state furnish the rock and the labor and the engineers to supervise the work, and the county will furnish tho machinery A rock crusher Is to be Installed near the Tubercular Institute, where the state owns a quarry, and the roads to be first paved will be that leading from that institute to the city, and that leading from the asylum farm to the asylum. Work Is to be carried on on both of these highways at the same time, and It Is hoped to have them fully completed by fall. The labor will be secured from the state prison, and taams will be donated by the Board of Trade and others Interested In the work. Those prese-nt at the meeting were Governor West, State Treasurer Kay, Superintendents Stelner, James, Fitz gerald, Tllllnghast and Smith, Geo. F. Rodgers, M. O. Buren, James Linn, John Albert, C. Bishop, A. F. Hofer and County Judge Bushey. KILLED BY THE EXPLOSION OF DETONATORS ' Nelson, B. C, Maroh 24. As the result of an explosion of detonators, which he had stored In the bedroom of his home at Arrow Park, Henry Hewns, a rancher, met Instant death yesterday, awarding to advice reach, ing here today. He went into the bedroom to examine the detonators, when a spark from his pipe Ignited them. Although his wife and five chil dren were im the next room, they were not Injured by the explosion. MILLIONAIRE SENTENCED TO PENITENTIARY D.1ITED J RF.83 LEASED WIU Cincinnati, O., March 24. Con victed of having used the malls to defraud, William P. Harrison, a mil lionaire manufacturer and mall order merchant, was sentenced here today to three years in the penitentiary ajid fined J 1000, Harrison was convicted of having fraudulently advertised a vacuum cleaner. His prosecution was the result of a raid dlrectedly ordered by Postmaster-General Hitchcock. o HIGH SCHOOL BIDS OPENED SATURDAY On Saturday night the Salem Board cf Education will open the bids for the enlargement of the present High School to accommodate the growth of the city. When completed on the present plans there will be 36 rooms, an enlarged assembly hall and a gymnasium as large or larger than any In the city. BOWERS HOTEL IS OPENED AT PORTLAND II K WENT TO BED WITH A CIGARETTE A guest at the Cottage Hotel, find ing the sights of Salem sAinterest Ing and absorbing that did not find time even to eujtJjed enough smokes yesterday, took tme-alof the lighted dream producers with him when he retired last night and well, the lady at the desk heaved a con tented sigh this morning as she in formed the Journal reporter that she was mighty thankful that "we did not have a fire here last night." The cigarette went out after a while and there was no story for the seeker at-, ter news. If there was any damage , It was slight. If the hotel Is using, the legislature's nine-foot sheets, there may be one foqt. of sheet miss-1 Ing this morning from the laundry bag In the house by the river bank. -a i Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, 1 and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through tholr gentle aid andl curative properties. Sold by all; dealers. j Get it at Dr. Stone's Drug Store I Col. H. C. Bowers, the best known hotel man in the Pacific Northwest, and one of the greatest hotel men In the United States, has opened 'The Bowers," as president and manager. Col. Bowers made the fame and rep utation -of the Hotel Portland, and we predict an equally great career for him Im the new venture. The Bowers was Jwmerly the Cornelius, and there are rooms from $1.00 up to $2.00. The lotlon is on Eleventh and Washington. O MAKE THIS TEST How to Tell If Your Hair Is Diseased, Even if you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know wheth er it is in a healthy condition or not. Ninety-eight per cent of the people need a hair tonic. Pull it hair out of your head; If the bulb at the end of the root Is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair Is diseased, and requires prompt treatment if Its loss would be avoided. If the bulb Is pink and full, the hair Is healthy. We want very one-whose hnlr re quires treatment to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We promise that it shall not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory results. It Is designed to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp Irritation, to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair already in the head, grow hair and cure baldness. It Is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith In Its goodness that we' want you to try It at our risk. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. The J. C. Perry Drug Store, Salem; Ore. FEET TIRED SO TIRED? TIZ Makes Sick Feet Well No Mut ter What AUs Them. DAILY BULLETIN PUBLISHED BY E. HOFER & SOS ROOM 201, C 8. XATIOXAL BASK BLDC OB PHQE M uTsiTsAi'rT' TIZ acts at once and makes tired, aching, swollen feet remarkably fresh and sore proof. It's the sure remedy, you know. Finest Property in Salem A gentleman living at the present terminus of the South Salem carline, west of Commercial street, has a 10 acre tract of land which he wishes to dispose of for a lump sum if he can do so within a short time. To do this he has made the price such that the buyer can double his money by dividing the property into town lots. You ask why he does this. We an swer he has reasons of his own which will be explained to an Intending pur- for sweaty, bad-smelling feet, and-i chaser. for corns, callouses and bunions, too. This is one of the most desirable for everything that gets the matter, pieces of view property and residence with sore and tender feet, suffered property In the vicinity of Salem. .."For years I have been troubled I It Is located Just outsclde the city Intenwe pains. Have had the assist- limits where it will have low rates of ance of physicians without relief. 1 , taxation for a number of years to bought a box of TIZ, which worked come. with your feet. It's for sore feet and It commands a view of the whole a perfect cure, as it has with a great city and the Cascade range of moun many of my friends. I would not be tains, is the richest soil imaginable, without it. .All it requires is to be known to be universally used." A. Dreutzer, Chicago. TIZ is not a powder. Powders and other foot remedies clog up the pores. TIZ draws out all poisonous exuda tions which bring on soreness of the feet, and Is the only remedy that does. .TIZ cleans out every pore and glorifies the feet your feet. You'll never limp again or draw up your face In ppin, and you'll for get about your corns, bunions and callouses. You'll feel like a new person. TIZ Is for sale at all druggists, 25 cents per box, or it will bo sent you direct, if you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago, 111. Are you frequently noarse? you have that annoying tickling In your throat? Does your cough an. noy you at night, and do you raise mucus In the morning? Do you want relief? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be pleased. Sold' bf all druggists. Get ft at D'ri Stone's Drug Store and perfect for gardening or fruit, so that a man with a lot 50x100 can grow all his family will ever con sume. It Is perfectly cleared and drained land and If laid off Into lots can be sold as fast as the deeds can be made out on the proper terms.( No such an opportunity for Invest ment for subdivision purposes exists today where a man can double his money inside of six months on prop erty within a few minutes walk of a 15-mlnute car service, and practically 15 minutes from any part of the busi ness parts of the city. Terms, $ 8 500. half cash, bal ance to be paid one-third each year for three years, six per cent Interest. o Residence Large residence on corner lot, 125 x82, one-half fruit, fine Improvements, rents for $30 per month $6500 Good $1500 dwelling and two lots, corner High and Mission, close In residence property, for sale for a short time for bargain. Has modern Improvements, and price includes street and sewer assessment. $2000 Manufacturing We have at the present time a most excellent manufacturing proposition for sale, an old established business in one of the best locations In Salem. Owner wishes to retire and will give easy terms. FARMS 265 acres, 120 in cultivation 000 feet of cruised timber Tu ning streams. One rul.e C J coin. Ore. Per acre... L 50 acres between Woodburn West Woodburn; per acre....JJ Prune farm 7 n,H,s south of Sale 40 -acres planted 2 years ago l acres in cultivation. Per acre 160 acres fruit land at Oak Grow Polk county, church and school m fences, one mile from Cowley stitl Per 8Cre ?65.09 Three 50 acre farms near two rail, roads, with school close, cleared laai with timber, finest of soil ptr acre -1100 If you have property to sell, be pleased to consult with you,' T. have an efficient selling agency up-to-date means of showing prop, erty, promoting sales and advert!, ing. We can convince you that It It to your interest to place your prop. erty witn our agency. C. Hofer & Son, Room 201 United States National Bank Building, or Phone Main 82, Salei ney, a fishing . lea.' !the The April Outing, The "April Outing" Is number, both inspirational and prac tical. For the man who Is eager to get out with his rod it will help to pass away the time before the sea son opens. Samuel G. Camp gives practical advice on "How to Fish a Trout Stream;" George M. Johnson covers possibilities of the small Do stream, in "Fishing the Binnacles;" "Saddle and Camp in the Rock- j and Mrs. Helen Dodd gives us benefit of her experiences in "Garden and Field at Twin-Flower." , "Inoculating Ed" is an inspiration to campers, and "The White Nightmare" j Is another nature story by F. St. ' Mars, with illustrations by Charles Livingston Bull. David Buffuin ' o writes authoritatively of "Draft Bad the "Dnllf Bulletin" Horses in America." "Jack Otto, ! Published by E. 'Hofer & Sons, u I ' " Medicines that aid nature are iL ways, most successful. Chamber- lains-uougn itemedy acts on tbis plan. It loosens the cough, rell the lungs, opens the secretions u aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by iD dealers. "The Stream That Always Laughs," , Hero, is a true story of a man-s page four of this Issue, by N. C. Adossldes, Is an alluring ac-! courage. Much practical information ' Banana peels and icy pavements have no terrors for the man who can successfully nei on a rainy day. Head the "Dally BuIIe'ln" Published by E. Hoier & Sons, on page four of this issue. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A Get it at Dr. Stone's Drug Store count of the author's experiences in a little-known region in North Caro lina. The last two articles are illus trated with photographs and there are also four full-page photographs that show "When the Trout Are Ris ing." "Cruising With the Yahgans," by Charles Wel.lngton Furlong, de- Mr. Furlong's recent explor ing trip in Tierra del Fuego. In a most modest way, Mr. Furlong tells of most exciting adventures in that savage region. "A Lost Paradise," by Charles As klns, is a delightful picture of old time Southern hospitality as well as an accurate account of shooting con ditions there before the war and at the present time. is contained in "Motor Car's Spark of Life" and "New Ideas for Motor Boat men." Fiction contains a new serial by Hulbert Footner, "Bad Medicine;" and another Western story by Charles Al den Seltzer, entitled "The Thief at Circle Bar." Then there are a lot of short stories under the head of "A Mixed Bag" that you will pass on to your friends around the camp fire. No out-of-door man can afford to miss the articles in the "April Out ing. p While his acquaintance might not I go so far as to desire an opuprtunlty to send flowers to the house of the kicker, they would gladly give him a farewell banquet. $1,000 5 Acres ITo;isp, burn, (rood well, ltln fence. Only 5 miles fast ef Salem. OLMSTED LAND CO. Salem, Ore. I WW WW WW I dMl tfwi id ttflt Mi II 11 tf n tl II 11 tl II 11 tl tl tf 11 M tl 1! II M !! 11 M 11 II 11 ti II II II II 11 II 11 !i II tl 11 11 11 !! tl 11 Fl tl ANNOUNCED ENT Of PUBLIC AUCTION of High Grade Jewelry Stock Valuei HAVING ACQUIRED NEW LOCATION IN THE BLIGH BLOCK, I find it necessary to dispose of my entire stock of high grade jewelry purchased last fall AT AUCTION PRICES. NOTHING RESERVED. SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY, MARCH at $12,000 25th At 2:30 and 7:10 P. M.. and will ho rnntim.orl Ha ill until Vr . I . . g . . . x-v. uaa uiii.ii me cuuit: MULK IS SOlO Jewelry is always a good, sound investment. You have now the opportunity to secure it AT YOUR OWN PRICE Every article bought under the hammer carries a guarantee exactly as if bought by private sale. rsui t THE ADDRESS P R? U Cr T TO Tf TTfiXlT- Oi rm pow u3 . ii 247 North Commercial Street. Phone 1 1 87. roiRE mmm mt I f I I I I s E S g 1 S 11 11 11 U g