PAGE FOTJB UAILT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THTRSDAT, SIARCH 23, 1911. i. is 11 NEW YORK FASHION LETTER SEW DKCOBATIOXS AD FUB MSUIVfiS GKEAT IMPBOVE SUNT IX JIO.tfK FIXTIXGS-THE IIT1XO BOOM SUPERSEDING f THE DRAWING BOOtf OB PAD ! 10U COMFORT AXD UTILITY COMBINED WITH BEAUTY GLASS NEWEL TOSTS AXD COL. OXIAL BEADIXG LAXPS. Great strides are being made In the furnishing and decorating of average homes. Fitness is the keynote to good furnishing, so the kitchen where the fittings are chosen solely for util ity, often measures up more satis factorily from the standpoint of taste, than the parlor or drawing room where display has been the prime motive of selection. The liv ing room Is superseding the more formal, und comparatively useless company apartments ,and even the casual guest has a share of the hos pitality that lurks only where the household assembles. Substantiality replaces the fussy fllmslness of the old time reception room, and hom! ness rather than would be elegance characterizes the new type of house hold furnishing. Fittings are care fully chosen to not only please the eye and accord with one another (n color and style, but to stand wear, and minister to the comfort and ease of home living, A Certain SpnelonHiicss. A certain spaciousness Is possible even In a small apartment, where the furnishing Is adapted to the rooms. The light colored wall hang ings so much used now, increase the apparent size of a small house, es pecially If the same tone is continu ously employed as Is customary in halls, or If varying tones of one color are used. Any amount of variety can be secured by the furniture, drap eries, upholsteries and pictures. Grays and oyster white and oatmeal, or brownish gray are all favorites through browns from tan to deeper tones are also much used for wall hangings. The Entrance Hall. The entrance hall should give the motif for the decoration of the rooms on the first floor and indeed should accord with all the rooms, since the hall decorations aro supposed to con tinue uniformly throughout the house. Floor coverings should also be uniform on halls and stairs where a hard wood finish does not supply this evenness of color. . A few sub stantial rather strongly colored rugs In runner or other shapes to suit the space will offer enough diversity of coloring, and can be added to from time to time. It Is always a mistake to finish up the furnishing of a house all at once. Buy only the necessities and take time for selecting the other things If you want your house to pos sess character and attractiveness. , New Wall Hangings. There is little that Is new In wall decorations except the wood veneers, but all the well known hangings come In new colorings and patterns In the soft neutral grays and browns and tans that are so much liked just now. The washable wall hanging Sanltas comes In "Jasper stripes" and In all the chintz and other fash ionable patterns with a soft mat fin ish as well as In Imitations of title, burlaps and leather. This costs a little more than wall paper but as It never fades and a damp sponge fresh ens it Indefinitely It Is an economical choice for the owner of the house. Borders are either In wide picture friezes, or are very narrow and In the latter case are placed below the pic ture mouldings. Novelties. Glass newel post tops are novel and n k ii k N um ii m ss ii sa n Kiraira us ii s lis ii s lis us lis ii sii mi mmm 11 i II v-i 11 II k-.-i II ivi 1 1 v rmi 1 1 ii, fe II M II U II K JUWs- K II Mil a II SWlHil:; III Dm 1S mm i i h i J -J 1 1 imn. y,,, j nr ANOTHER ROAD OUT OF SALEM J. F. MOl'NCE, OF EUGENE, l'UTS IX A WEEK LOOKING OVEB SIT UATION AND WAITING HEBE TO MEET INTERESTED PARTIES. THEY ASK THE STATE TO BRING A TEST SUIT THOSE BAD SPELLS Lebanon Jet., Ky. Mrs. Minnie Lamb, of tfxls place, says: " I be lieve I would have been dead by now, had it not been for Cardul. I haven't had one of those bad spells since I commenced to use this medicine." Cardul Is a specific medicine for the Waving fn- t,i, M,.t llls from which women suffer. Made minatlon of the validity of the elec- 'ron! harmless' vegetable ingredients, tion of the commission for the Port v",,uul 18 a Bale' reuaule remetiy of Coos Bay, those Interested in the and has been s,lcces8f"y sed by lmnrovement. of th hrW w weak and lllnS womea for more than where thn hnnao in nnnii0,i wift, oi-' wrltrpn r.nvgmnr Wot Mm 50 vears- Thousands of women have trlclty one of the new Colonial style 1 appoint some one to bring an action en heIped back to health and Sp reading lamps that can be carried In behalf of the state in the proper plnesa by lts U8e- Why not proflt around at will, is a much appreciated 'circuit court. thelr experience? A trial will con luxury. ELEANOR FRANCES. I The supreme court recently passed Vlnce you that Cardul Is ust what o I on the question in the case of the y0U need- Deep breathing, which draws the Bennett Trust company. The eec- blood from the brain to the lungs, Is tion was attacked In that case on the I one, of the most effective cures for ground1 that the notice calling the Insomnia. I election was not sufficient. The su- o Ipreme court held that the election Oata are little used In Russia for could not be attacked by private par human food. tIes but only by the 8tatfl and ,,. ,a MILD LIQUID CUBES ECZEMA Look Out Make no mistake. Use only those medicines the best doctors approve. Should vour doctor order Ayers Sarsapanlla, well and good. If something else, still well and good. He knows best. TViKt him J o.,.rOo. - - --- I nwrMI, Mil. to secure a ruling on this question that It Is desired to have the action Instituted, as until It Is decided the $300,000 bonds voted for the improve ment of the harbor can not be sold. The Williamsburg - bridge at New York Is equipped with an electrically operated gate to stop runaway horses. Skin Sufferers! Drop Greasy Salves und Nnsty Medicines. That mild, soothing liquid D. D. D. Prescription, stops the awful itch with the first drops. A prescription of acknowledged value. Get a trial bottle at 25c. It w;l take away the itch right away and you will sleep soundly. We assure you personally of the merits of this remedy for wc KNOW. J. C. Perry, Druggist. That there will be something doing here soon In the way of another rail road out of Salem Is probable. Mr. J. F. Mounce, of Eugene, who is the originator of the Springfield, Eugene & Siuslaw railroad, and who owns a good part of the right-of-way and the franchise has been in Salem for the past week, quietly looking over a proposed line out of the city. Just which one of the several projected lines he is interested in Is not known, and he is unwilling to make any statement concerning it until he has met some gentlemen scheduled to meet him here this week. Mr. Mounce Is an old railroad man, was with the Santa Fe for many years, built the road, 82 miles from Gold field to Rhyolite In Nevada, and also had charge of the construction of the White Pass and Yukon road In Alas ka. While reticent about his busi ness here he stated that he felt cer tain that he could assure the Eugene folks that work on the Siuslaw road would commence within 60 days. He stated that Eugene itself was back ward about coming forward, not be ing as enthusiastic or insistent in their efforts in behalf of the road as were those along the line of it. He said he did not blame the Eueene people for a little skepticism as they j had been thrown down nrettv hard. I .but that the road was a certainty In the near future anyhow. In answer to the reporter's rather insistent. In quiry for information about his Sa lem proposition he laughingly re marked that "It would be ripe In a few days, and it was not best to pick it green." MtMff Special Sale I OF - Baby Carriages Medicines that aid nature are al. ways most successful. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy acta on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. For a limited time only you can buy an one of the many Baby Carriages now o display in our west show windows at price far- below its regular value. Thi sale includes everything in the Go-cart lie from the large carriage to the feathei weight folder. Below we note a few ( the bargains offered during the sale. Regular $2,25, Special .$1.75 Regular $5,00, Special $3.25 Regular $6,00, Special ....$4.75 Regular $7,50, Special $4.50 Regular $8,50, Special .....$6.75 ' Regular $1 0,00, Special .$8.00 Regular $1 1 ,00, Special $9.50 Regular $12,00, Special...'..'. ..$10.50 Regular $15,00, Special.. $11.50 BUREN & HAMILTON II Si II II 11 ii II 11 ti El 11 i Si Si If ' 11 ti ti ti ti M ii ti n si ii ii - si u ti ii ti LI M ft """"" ' ' " -" ' ' ' ANNOUNCEMENT O PUB LIC AUCTION of High Grade Jewelry Stoc VaSye d ot $1 2,000 SALE COIV2MENC 25th . HAVING ACQUIRED NEW LOCATION IN THE BLIGH BLOCK, I find it necessary to dispose of my entire stock of high grade jewelry purchased last fall. AT AUCTION PRICES. NOTHING RESERVED. " 1 1 j ES SATURDAY, MARCH At 2:30 and 7:30 P. M., and will be continued daily until the entire stock is sold Jewelry is always a good, sound investment. You have now the opportunity to secure it AT YOUR OWN PRICE Every article bought under the hammer carries a guarantee exactly as if bought by private sal NOTE THE ADDRESS I POWER 247 North Commercial Street. Phone 1187. JEWELRY STORE ti IS Li h.miuhx inipiiinmiMimi . i - ittm lata""