PAGE FOUB DAILY CAPITAL JOCTMAL, SA1EM, OREGON, TrESDAV, MARCH 14. 1911. t 1 1 1 t ti ti ti SUPREME COURT PASSES UPON SEVEN CASES Declaring 22 ten-Uillar gold plates found la a warehouse at Rainier by E. H. Robersoa to be "treasure trovo," and to be the property of the discoverer against all persons ave the owner, the supreme court this morning affirmed the judgment cf the circuit court of Columbia county In the case of R. II. Kober tton against Mike Ellis. Roborson was employed by Ellis In removing some merchandise and fur niture from a warehouse when he discovered the money. Upon ndl tlon that Ellis would return S. B. Cobb, respondent, against Sophia H. Klosterman, et al., from Multnomah, and Involving title to real property, lower court affirmed. James Dalton against L. S. Kelsey, an action brought In Baker county to recover damages for wrongful diver sion of water from an irrigation ditch, Judgment of circuit court re versed. THE CAMP AT SAN ANTONIO A DRILL GROUND A Skin of Baauty ! a Joy Forever, FmHx Oounud't Oriental gloal Butlflr. Rtmoret Tin, p!mp!, Freckle. Ulh Vncht, Ruit, and bkia DiMwea, aoa rvtrj Dimua on beaut?. Mid de fies Selection. It h too4 lh Utt of 64 yra. ud U m o&rm)M wi Ucteiltoteiurtit U proper It mart. Acetyl do counter frit of liaulw oamt. Dr. L. A. 6yr Mid to Ud of tb bat toa (a pAlleiit) : Aa jou lad lei will aw them, X recummeDd 'ftearnvd'a rrim' w tht lut harmful of ill the Ik in preparation. " For wl by all drtiiat d Fancy Oooda Dr&lem in th United attua, Caula and Eoropt, FEBD. T. K0PKI1IS, Prop 37 Grot John Stat InU PR.T V Craam or WILL TRY TO FORCE SALE OR IMPROVEMENT UNITED VKT.BB LEAKED WIRE-. San Antonio, Tex., March 14. The encampment about San Antonio has the 1 been turned Into a vast drill ground money to him should no owner be Rni today raw recruits with rifles and found, he: surrendered It to him. Ellis had a brother, Tom, who was ab sent at tho tlmo, and upon hts re turn he claimed tp Roborson that "the money belonged to him that he had secreted It In the warehouse, and declined to give it back to Rob orson. Roberson brought an action for Its recovery, ths Jury found In lila favor, and the supreme court now affirms the verdict of the Jury, filx Other Decisions. The supreme court also rendered decisions in six other cases, and they were as follows: R. Li. Wells, respondent, against thja Great Northern Railway com pany, an action from Multnomah eonnty, brought to recover damages to the amount of $469.70 for the loss of a trunk, affirmed. J .J. Walton, appellant againit George L. Moore, from Lane county, petition for rehearing denied. Nevada Ditch Company against Canypn & Sand Hollow Ditch com pany, from Malheur county, ami In volving certain water rights, lower court aJTIrmod. Anthony Hardy against Annie awl John Sheedy, from Multnomah county, and brought to recover a commission for sale of real proper ty, Judgment o'. circuit court reversed'. PLAN PARKING IN CENTER OF EAST COURT j The Improvement of East Court 8 Resolutions have been put through the city council and referred to the city attorney with Instructions to ex haust the resources of the charter to condemn and abate the shacks on the corner of State and Liberty, owned by the Vleranl estate. All efforts of the State Bank and Trust company to j buy that property at the price It was offered at, $35,000, have proven un availing, and It Is understood the lat est raise Is tt $40,000. The county assessor has been enlisted and will attempt under the Single Tax amend ment of the constitution try doubling the valuation, from $25,000 to $50, 000, which Is about the value of sim ilar property on the Other corners of the same street. Some properties of feet front are assessed from $60,- splck new uniforms are going through the manuel. The recruits are arriving hourly and are being flnulem.rl tn ruHmanla on1 viv.n and kits, while the skeleton com- 8treet " the uPPermo"t """M00 to $75,000, and the Vleranl prop- nritnortir' nunora rn that thArnn trh ' 1 ! a -r t i panles are growing to full war i , , Z V , ly 1 ay go 10 laal' "layor iMK mic. it imo uccu jmchj ecuciau muna ana the council are aeternunea agreed that the street Is to be opened to exhaust the resources of the full width to Eighteenth street, charter to not only wipe out the There is a plan being talked up:8hacks but to make non-progressive among some of the abutters for a 20-foot parking in the center of the strength. The arrival of the Fourth cavalry from El Paso has caused considera ble comment among observers. The' Fourth was not among those origin-1 ally called out, am) observers are wondering how many other regiments! may slip in unobtrusively in response I to secret orders. The camp itself is settling down to routine. Four field hospitals have been established. Foreign military attaches were expected to arrive this i afternoon. Among them, It was ex pected, would be representatives of England, Germany, France, Italy, Russia and Sweden. Not a Word of Scaniliil Marred the call of a neighbor on Mrs. W. P. Spaugh, of Manville, Wyo., who said: "She told me Dr. King's New Life Pills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman." Easy but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Only 25c at J. C. Perry's. street, with a 20-foot drive on each side of bitullthlc. That would be the first Improvement of that kind In the city and It is gaining favtr. The project to open the street through to the penitentiary has been abandoned by the committee, as they believe the property owners of the whple street should stand for the expense of wid ening and opening. . o WORK SHORT IIOI'RS OX SOUTHER? PACIFIC holders of speculative properties sell them at a reasonable figure. The Salem Bank and Trust company is prepared to erect a fine modern bank building on the property if it can buy it at $35,000, which it considers is a big price for the property. No Need to Stop Work. When your doctor orders you v stop work It staggers you. "I cant' you say. You know you are weak, run down and falling In health day by day, but you must work as long aa you can stand. What you need Is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength Los Angeles, Calif., March 14. I and vigor to your system, to prevent Acting under orders from general . break down and build you up. Don't headquarters, employes of the motive I be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec and car. departments of the Southern j trie Bitters will benefit you from the Pacific railway today began working ; first doee. Thousands bless them eight hours a day and five days a for their glorious health and strength week. Lack of work was the explan-iTiy them. Every bottle Is guaran atlon by railroad officials. About! teed to satisfy. Only 50c at J. C. 1.000 men are affected. Perry's. 1 1 1 1 II i! II tl it u II ii I II II El II II II II tl M tl M II tl tl II II I! II n il ii n ri ti ti ti ti ti ii 11 ti 11 ri Si ti U. G. Shipley Company 257-259 North Liberty St. Salem, Oregon Op Salem's New ' y 1 ens lomorrow, Store March 1 5 Our policy will be to give the best quality of merchandise at popular prices strictly one price and square deal to all. Every article sold in our store is guaranteed to us by the manufacturers and we make good all fair claims. Suit Department Women's Man-Tailored Suits, $15,00 to' $57,50 each, Misses Man-Tailored Suits $15.00 to $55,00 each, Little Women's Man -Tailored Suits $16,50 to to $57,50 each, Lingerie Dresses Women's Silk Dresses $16,50 to $35,00 each, Women's Wash Dresses $1,25 to $25,00 each, Misses' Wash Dresses $1,25 to $25,00 each. Shirt Waists Tailored Shirt Waists $1,98 to $15.00, Lingerie Waists $1.25 to $18.00. Children's Dresses "White Lawn and White Organdies, $1,50 to $12.50 White Serges, Navy Blue Serges in Middy, Peter Thompson Styles, $12,50 to $25.00, Infants Wear Department Baby Caps 25c to $4,50, Baby Slips and Dresses, 29c to $12,50 each. Baby Coats, $1.50 to $12,50. , Everything needed for the baby, Corsets Warner's Red Fern Corsets all the latest models, $3,00 up, Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, $1,00 up.. Modard Front Lacing Corsets, $5,00 up, Ferris Waists for Women and Misses, Muslin Underwear Dept. Gowns, 50c to $15,00 each Chemise, 50c to $7.50 each, Corset Cover, ,25c to $5,00 each, Combination, $1.?5td $15.00 each. Petticoats, $1.25 to $15.00 each, Drawers, 35c to $5,00 each. Do not fail to see this line, - ' Women's Neckwear Dept. Plain Linen Collars, Hand Embroidered Collars, Rabats, Jabots, Stock Collars, Dutch Collars, Irish Crotchet Collars, Chiffon Scarfs-and Novelty Neckwear, All prices, 12 1-2c to $5,00. each, Knit Underwear Athena Mills Underwear, Fine elastic ribbed un derwear for women, misses and children, in vests, pants, tights, union suits, high necks, long sleeves, high necks, short sleeves, low neck and no sleeves, ankle and knee lengths, ' Full range of sizes in Cotton, Lisle, Silk and Lisle, and part wool materials, Prices, 25c for cotton to $3,50 for silk and cotton, ti n ti ti ti H ti M 11 tl a H H II 11 El n ti ti n ti ti ti ti ti n ti ti ti n ii ti tl ti tl ii ti ti n n n ti ti Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the MARYLAND CASUALTY CO. of Baltimore in tne State of Maryland on the 31st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up $1,000,000.00 Income. Premiums received dur ing the year $4,4S8,T53.6S Interest, dividends, . and rents received during the year 217,050.09 Income from other sources received during the year 600.00 Gross increase In book value of securities 16,123.77 Total income r.722,534.54 Disbursements. Losses paid during the year, Including adjust ment expenses, etc. . . .$1,393,520.99 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock, also 33 1-3 per cent stock dividends 410,000.00 Commissions and salaries . paid during the year.... 1,551,873.87 Taxes, licenses, and fees paid during the year.. 119,093.76 Amount of all other ex penditures 274,898.48 Gross losses on sale of securities 12.50 Gross decrease in book value of. securities 96,658.75 Total expenditures ...$4,446,058.35 Assets. Value of real estate owned $ 532,171,69 Value of stocks and bonds owned 4,271,916.42 Reinsured losses due from other companies. 2,237.25 Cash in banks and on hand , 169,068.80 Premiums in course of collection and in trans mission 721,953.38 Interest and rents due and aocrued 26,923.82 OUR LUCK PIECE YOURSTOO., WE'RE IN LUCK TO HAVE THE SALE OF THE FAMOUS MATTRES$15 And YouVe in luctf to be able to buy it right here at home for we sell at Ostermoor prices and our guarantee as well as Ostermoor's goes -with every one we sell. Built not stuffed, the Ostermoor is the acme of mat tress satisfaction and comfort. IT" BUREN & HAMILTON Complete House Furnishers Total assets $5,724,271.36 Total assets admitted in Oregon $5,724,271.36 I.liililllllcs. Gross claims for losses unpaid $1,179,049.82 Amount of unearned pre miums on all outstand ing risks 2,108,696.06 Due for commission and brokerage 202,146.95 All other liabilities, bills and accounts due or accrued 15,295.14 Taxes due or accrued... 75,846.28 Reinsurance due otli'er companies 418.87 Total liabilities . . $3,581,453.12 Total premiums in force December 31, 1910 $4,146,468.02 Business In Oregon for the l'enr. Gross premiums re- . received during the year $ 33,809.54 Premiums returned dur ing the year 34.73 Losses paid during the year 5,399.83 Losses Incurred during the year 4,529.15 MAI1YLAM) CASUALTY CO. By J. A. F. MITCHELL, Secretary. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: GEORGE S. RODGERS. A Cold, La Grippe, Then Pneumonia Is too often the fatal sequence. Foley's Honey and Tar expels the cold, checks the la grippe and pre vents pneumonia. It la a prompt and reliable cough medicine that con tains no narcotics. 'Foley's Honey and Tar 13 the bast cough, remedy I ever used, as It quickly stopped a severe cough that had long troubled me," says J. W. Kuhn, Princeton, Neb. Just so quldkly and surely It acts In all cases of coughs, colds, la grippe and lung trouble. It is as safe far your children as yourself, and should be used In all cases of croup, whooping cough and measles. Re fuse substitutes. Red Cross Phar macy. When you can think of nothing good to say of a man,, at least admit that you never saw him beat his wife. o Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers, whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs, are urged to go to another climate. But this Is oratly, and not always sure, here's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed, and I gained! 4U pounds in weight. It is AVarnlng to Railroad .Men. Look out for severe ana even dan gerous kidney and bladder trouble resulting Jtrom years of rallroadlnj. Geo. B. Bell, 639 Third street, Fort Wayne. Ind., was many years a con. ductor on the Nickel Plate. He says: "Twenty years of railroading left my kidneys la terrible condition. There was a continual pain across it; back and hips and my kidneys gave me much eTlstress, and the action of my bladder was frequent and mod painful. I got a supply of Foleji Kidney Pills and the first bottle mad a wonderful Improvement, and four bottles cured me completely. Sine being cured I have recommended Foley's Kidn ly Pills to many of mj railroad friends." Red Cross Phar macy. ' o. Will Tiike In Employes. UNITED TBESS 1EASED WIHt Pittsburg, Pa., March 14. Westins house interests, it was reported on good authority today, are makins plans to take their 30,000 employes In as stockholders, following a similar scheme put Into operation by tie United States Steel corporation. o A Dreadful Sight. To H. J. Barnum, of Freeville, R. Y., was the fever sore that had surely plagued his life for veara in anite of the king of all cough and lung many remedies he tried. At last he cures." Thousands owe their lives used Bucklen's Arnica Salve and and health to it. It Is positively guar wrote: "It has healed with scarcelr anteed for coughs, colds, la grippe, a scar left." Heals burns, boils, ec- asthma, croup all throat and lung zema, cuts, bruises, swellings, corns, auc ana u. Trial bottles and piles like magic, free at J. C. Perry's. j. c. Perry's. Only 25c at One hand should wash the other, A story Is often perfectly good and but unfortunately mother nftpn haa trna nnHI Inn..... tha nfhdf - -uum b. uuil. LUC lanjc LUI luo v.uv. side" gets at the witnesses. to wash both. BRING THE FACE WITH YOU! A Specinl Medicine for Kidney Ail-1 ments. i I Many elderly people have found I Foley's Kidney Remedy a quick re- lief and permanent benefit from kld- In my case, know of It." and I want others to Red fross Pharmacy. Notions, Stationery, Umbrellas, Leather Goods, Rugs, Curtains. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices mZ j ney and bladder ailments ard from U 1 annoying urinary Irregularities due to advancing yearB. Isaac N. Regan. H Farmer, Mo., says: "Foley's Kld ! j ney Remedy effected a complete cure II II tl II II II 11 II 11 a n II II ii ii ri ii ii ii n ii n ii ii ii ii ti ii ti is u ii N tl -Farm Snap-, 1 20 Acres 25 acre Orchard 5 years old and bearing, good 7 Room Mouse, telephone, New Barn 48x60, Woven Wire fence, Spring and Ram, 2 1-2 miles from Salem. Price $125 Acre We have engaged a competent Portrait Artist to make enlarged Portraits of our customers FREE OF ALL COST TO THEM We must spend money to advertise, in various ways, and we feel this is the best, as we can meet you FACE TO FACE OLMSTED LAND CO. 323 SALEM, ORE. REMEMBER the Portrait is FREE, and given to all our customers, buying one dollars worth of merchandise at our store. HURRY.! -Come at once, as this FREE offer, will only last for a short time. Bring the photo, you wish enlarged as well as this COUPON, to secure a FREE Picture ! ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM j DRY GOODS MILLINERY CLOTHING SHOES j .-: LOTS OF NEW SRING GOODS f LOWEST PRICES PREVAIL j " I 240-246 COMMERCIAL STREET j