STAGE TWO DAILY OAPTTAI JOrKXAL. SALEM. OREGON. MOXDAr. MARCH 13, 19U. iTiiiiiiinirnTTTiTTn """in 1 1 Milium the capital journal E. HOFER, Editor and Proprietor. H. M. HOFER, Manager Independent Newipaper Devoted to American Principle! nd the troTss and Development of All Oregon Published Everr Evening Except Sunday. Salem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably In Advance) tRf, by Carrier, per rear 00 Per month- Chilr bv Mall, oer year-. . 4.00 Per month- sTeekly, by Mail per year- 1.00 Six montha- 35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT THE BATTLE FOIl THE SINGLE TAX LAW. It is funny how political ick-as are forced onto the peop'e .of Oregon from the outside. Here we are asked to subscribe to the Joseph Fel3 Single Tax fund for the Single Tax propaganda. The fund will be used to carry Oregon for the Single Tax in 1912, under the auspices of the Fels Commission. According to the printed report of the Single Tax conference $16,775 was spent in Oregon last year to carry the Single Tax amendment to the constitution. It was spent "per W. S. U'Ren, in printing and general ex penses," according to report 31 of the report. Besides that $2194 was spent in Oregon by W. G. Eggleston, of Portland, preparing for the campaign of 1912. A large part of the space in the report of the New York City conference is taken up by statements of what they will do in Oregon in 1912. Oregon is to be made the first example of the operations of the Single Tax system in the United States. The constitution was surreptitiously amended to abolish heal tax and repeal tne poll tax, but in rtality for the aWjlo tax c i land. Following will show the program of the iSngle Taxers, so far as Oregon is concerned. In Oregon the campaign of 19 10 was to secure the adoption of an amendment to the constitution providing for county home rule in taxation. This campaign was merely one of preparation for a fight for straight Single Tax in 1912. The legislature of Oregon submitted two tax amendments providing for changes that seemed progressive, but did not really go to the root of the tax question, and it was not possible to get the legislature to sub mit a measure for county home rule ; consequently, it wa3 nec essary for our friends to make use of the political power given them by the initiative and referendum, and in that way submit the desired amendment to the voters. That was done. It will be remembered that in 1908, cn a square fight, with its proper name on the ballot, single tax on land was rejected by the votcis INDIVIDUALISM VERSUS ORGANIZATION. Spring-Cleaning The Human Syatom Needs It. Mrs. M. Morgan. 411 4th Are, E, Bralnerd, Minn., writes: "1 take from one to two bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rllla In the spring to purify the blood just a regularly as I do my house cleanlnff, and ro around light-footed and liKht-hearled. I believe it la the best blood puriller known." Hood's Sarsaparllla so combines the curative principles of roots, bark and hTb as to raise them to their highest elilclency; hence Its unequaled cures. Get It today in usual liquid iorm or tablets called Sarsaubs. LANDSCAPE ARTIST TO LECTURE ; Organization in the sense of co-operation for unselfish pur poses has a great deal of merit. Organizations that are built up at the expense and suppres sion of individualism are pernicious. The individual who sees clear and thinks straight and works out problems and makes the demonstration alone advances the world. Organizations are, in their very nature, parasitic, and must be carried on the shoulders of human flesh and blood. In Russia, it is said, on the back of every citizens rides an aristocrat, a soldier and a public official. What a staggering burden for any human being to live under, and what a mockery of civilizati on and freedom ! But are we not duplicating the same thing in our beloved com iry? Of the five million dollars tax es appropriated by the legisla ture, how much goes to labor and how much to officialism? The political machine, the trust machine, the educational ma chine all take their tolls. Christianity, which started out to be a pure and simple spir itual kingdom, has become a vast complicated machine. These organizations are most of them highly capitalized, ex pensive, individual-suppressing, costly luxuries. The average individual is living under the burden of a dozen organizations which are all sapping him for support. A skillful class of exploiters are found in them all, reaping the profits of pretending to do something for the people. The parasite class all take to the organization, and seek to live off it by their devotion to the machine. A few strong individuals live in spite of the crafts of or ganization, and the exploitation of the popular institution. If strong men and women are to be developed there must be a weeding out of the multiplicity of organisms. Are you a man or a woman, or are you a cog in the wheels of predatory institutions which are feeding with your sub stance? i ! i WILL TALK TO SALEM PEOPLE THURSDAY AXD FRIDAY EVEN 1AGS ON 'BEAUTIFYING THE IITI WILL ILLUSTRATE LEC TURE WITH STEREOPTICO.V TIEWS. There are few cities on the West ern coast whose natural advantages are greater than Salem's, whose streets are broader, whose homes are better nor Is there one whose needs cry out more loudly for Im provement and adornment. Salem's rapid growth during the past three years and the pace all manner of business Interests have been travel ing, are proofs positive of Its prog ress In the future and Us urgent need for help to make It "A more beauti ful Salem." At some time In Its growth, every city needs this help. Improvement leagues start a civic pride and create a new Interest in plans that may ben efit Its appearance. In the heart of our city are many most unsightly spots. It is Impossible to work along Howard Evnrts Weed, these lines without advice and direc tion from some one's experience. In Mr. Howard Evarts Weed, land scape architect from Chicago, we have an advantageous opportunity for learning how to smooth down the rough places. Mr. Weed will give free lectures to the public In the high school assembly hall, at 8:30 on Thursday and Friday evenings. All public spirited and progressive citi zens of Salera will be Interested in this announcement. His subject for Thursday evening will be "Trees, Shrubs and Flowers," and for Friday evening "A More Beautiful Salem." These lectures are made still more Interesting by over 100 stereoptlcon MEXICAN WAR GROWS SANGUINE ONE HOUSE AND A SMALL CALF LIE DEAD UPON THE GORY BATTLEFIELD. THEIR I.ITE8 A SACRIFICE TO SACKED LIB ERTY. Tecarte, Calif., March 13. Riotous ly drunk, 30 Mexican lnsurrectos, headed by Louis Rodrlguei, who late yesterday captured the Mexican town Just serosa the line from here, are today In possession of that village and are likely to be be attacked be fore night by Mexican federals, who are expected at any hour. In the Mexican village, two stores, which formerly wore saloons, are the headquarters of the rebels. As soon a the lnsurrectos arrived they bat tered In the doors of both places and lthla an hour nearly all were the worse for liquor. While the Ameri can troops under Lieutenant Connel ly of the 8th regiment watched from across the line, the rebels caroused all night. At times rifle shots gave the Impression that a real attack had come. At dawn this morning, how ever, a total of the casunlties8howed that a horse and a calf had fallen martyrs to the revolution. While no definite Information has been obtained by the American troops. It is understood that a force of Mexican federals are near. Fully nine out of every ten casea of rheumatism Is simply rheuma tism of the muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, neith er of which require any Internal tritment. All that Is neoded to af-1 ford relief Is the free appllcaUon of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give It a trial. Tou are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which It af fords. Sold by all dealers. Get it at Pr. Stone's Drug Storv I NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO . TXT TWO" qta.TR ILLINOIS. n ths Jlst day pf Dmtxr, 1910. made to th. Insurance Commissioner ot t-. tat of Oregon, purauant lo law: CATXTAX. Amount of capital paid up ZVCOaf X. Premium received durln the year....... '1,0JJ'J3' Interest, dividends and rer.t. received durlnr year. . ,r.3"iT?'oa Income from other sources received during the year 103.415. Utf 200,(00.00 Total Income ll.151.MMf DISBtraBBlTEHTS. Loaves paid during; the year. Including adjustment ,..,, eipeners. etc ' l?i'ASS in Dividends paid during the year on capital stook ,2 Commissions and salartt-s paid during the year 6,2 -J ? "I Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year iJi'S-S'sJ Amount of all other expenditures lan.ta.t. Total expenditures tl.I09.lSS.4S ASSETS. Tains of stocks and bonds owned I Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. Cash In banks ana on hand Premiums In course of collection and In transmission Interest and rents due and accrued 448,000.70 191 inn. 00 46 3il8.7 27.339.96 8.701.83 Total assets admitted in Oregon 721,481.25 Ua-BIXITIES. Gross claims for losses unpaid Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks Iue for commission and brokerage All other liabilities 50,057.73 137.204 8.201 9 16.843.03 Total liabilities 212.J89.6S Total premiums In force Dee. 31, 1910 217.188.68 .USIHESS XW OREOOW FOB THE YJ5HB. Total risks written during the year ' ' i 2Xi Gross premiums received during the year Premiums returned during the year, losses nalu during the year Losses Incurred during the year 80.45 S-759.36 3, 949. it NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. By A. E. FORREST. Secretary. Btatutory resident general agent and ";VtTkt!: PortlaDd. Or. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and huve been praised by thousands of women who have been restored lo health through their gentle aid and curative pronertles. Sold by all dealers. ill patent medicines or medicines ad tertlscd la this paper aie tor sale a DR. STONE'S Drug Store ''he only cash drug store la Oregon owes no one, and no one -owes It carries large stock; its shelve counters and show cases are loade with drugs, medicines, notions, tol let articles, wines and liquors of i kftds for medicinal purposes. 1) Stone la a tvgslar graduate in med) cine and has had many years of ei perience in the practice. Consults tlont are free. Prescriptions ar tree, and only regular price tor toed cine. Dr. Stone can be found si his drug store, Salem. Or., from 'be uiiirniug uuttl V at night. rr.oii. SX30-ir; 37 THE ANHTJAIi BTATEMESTT OT TXZ EQUITABLE FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY f Providence. In the state of Rhode Island, on the 81st day of December, 1910, made to the Insurance commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital paid up I 400,000.00 XXCOMB. Premiums received during the year la cash 923,257.00 Interest, dividends, and rents received during the year 66,316.81 Income from other sources received during the year... 1, 168.69 Total Income $ 990,781.60 DZSBCmSEMEBTTB. lyosses raid during the year 1548.309.87 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 24,000 00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 284,724 87 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 80.984.61 Amount of all other expenditures 86,646.68 Total axpendltures 1 973,665.93, ASSETS. Vslue of real estate owned 1110,000.00 , Value of stocks and bonds owned 912.430 00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc 134,450.00 Cash In bunku and on hand 48.661.48 Premiums In course of collection and In transmission. . 157,279.73 Interest and rents due and accrued 8,216.71 Total assets 1 1.369,036 8 LIABILITIES. Gross clnlms for loBses unpaid 1 89,211.51 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 767.726.99 Due for commission and brokerage 16.000.00 All other liabilities 6.000.00 .Total liabilities 1 877,938.50 Total Insurance In force December 31.1910 1129,281,023.00 business xar oreoow fob the yeas. Total risks written during the year $417,496.50 Gross premiums received during the year 8,539.79 Premiums returned during the year 2,043 85 Losses paid during the year 1,491.76 Losses Incurred during the year... 1,491.7(1 Total amount of risks outstanding In Orecon December 31. 1910 1589,969.00 EQUITABLE FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Signed by KItKI) V. ARNOLD, president. Btatutory resident general agent and attornev for service: (Signed) A. ti. IIAKDINQ, Portland. Or. TWOPSIS OT THE AHTTTJ4I. STATEMENT OP TFJ1 AN COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY . In the state of Michigan, on the 31st day of Pooember, 1910. made rnnce Commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. capital paid up 400,000.00 INO J ME. ecelved during the year In cish $ 719,652.02 'Mends and rents received during the 46,559.24 i other Bourccs received during the year 607.60 'm 766,61S.8I DISBURSEMEHTS. during the jear $ 696,208.84 s and salaries paid during the year ... 220,783.97 see and fees paid during the year .... 34.832.70 all other exoendltures 106,881.60 endltures 958,707.01 A83 3TS. il estate owned $ 14,877.99 ifks and bonds owned 236.122.60 nrtgases and collateral, eto 668,622.50 lis and on hand 130,676.44 n course of collection and In transmls- 150.345.48 rents due and accrued 13,304.42 .' s admitted In Oregon .... 11.112 949 41 LIABILITIES - or losses unpaid 1 69,834.10 im nrned premiums on all outata n d 1 n g 644.848.61 il-plon and brokerage 1,350.00 I'Mltles 10.650.00 f. 626,682.91 -tlt''9 629,6R2IU rie in 'iree TVcemher 31. 1910 1102 180 146 00 BUTTtmSS IN OBEOJ3 POB THE YEAS, ." written during the year 1,315,269 00 ,:n s received during the year 20 464 1 8 t iipned during the year 6 35" "4 'l.i'lne the year 7141830 rr. d durln the year 7 507 83 .t -A risks outstanding In Oregon Dp- ' 177.049.00 N COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY (Signed) a. D. BAKER, Secretary, reFldfnt general agent end nttornpy for service: Or.. Aepnts: NOOVAN & HUMPHRY. Yeon bid. v-Art- Others Take Advantage of Our Reduction Sale Why Don't You? We Must Reduce Our Stock Before Moving. Buy Now and Save Money Power's Jewelry Store 247 North Commercial Street Medicines that aid nature are al. ways most successful. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and ald9 nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. Get It at Pr. Stone's Drug Store THE BEST STRONGEST AND MOST DURABLE SEWER PIPE MANUFACTURED MACHINE CEMENT MADE GLAZED SEWER PIPE It will pay you to inves vestigate before placing your order for Sewer Connections. Salem Sewer Pipe Co. 203 LIBERTY STREET CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Zt$ ' Signature of lrfflCUJUM FAIR GROUND FEED GROCERY AXD views and In many cases showing the "before and after" effects. At the close of the lecture the local ap plication of these subjects Is men tioned. Mr. Weed arrives on the 10:30 electric from Portland Thurs day morning, giving him ample time to view the city with this purpose In mind. The Cherry City Improvement club and the different civic organiza tions will take advantage of this op portunity to further their efforts for the "City Beautiful." IS YOUR SKIS OX FIRE I Does It seem to you that you can't stand another minutes of that awful burning Itch? That It MUST be cooled? That you MUST have relief? Get a mixture of Oil of Winter green, Trymol, and other soothing In gredients as compounded only In D. D. D. Prescription. The very first drops STOP that aw ful burning Instantly! The first drops soothe and heal! D. D. D. gives you comfort cleanses the skin of all Impurities and washes away pimples and blotches over night! Take our word on It as your local druggist Get a $1.00 or a 25 cent bottle to day. J. C. Perry, Druggist. o Never look a gift horse in the mouth for fear he may bite you. Running after the doctor Is one of ':e features of life's race. Best Patent hard wheat flour, sack $1.40 Best Salem Flour, sk $1.20 Nice Bacon 18c 2 lbs. Full Cream Cheese.. 85c 1 doz. Tomatoes 95c 1 doz. Salmon $1.00 (Your last chance to get the Metor Brand of Alaska Sal mon at this price.) 3 cans Milk (good) 25c 3 cans first class 4-oz. Oysters 25o Just received car load of alfalfa hay, per 100 lbs 80c 60 lb. sack Bran 80c Shorts, per sk $1.20 Oat Hay per 100 lbs 75c Rolled Oat3 and Barley, 100 lbs $1.60 X Come and see me; I will save f you money. I All goods promptly delivered. R. N. MORRIS Phone 1407. I COLONIST FARES From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States and Canada to Oregon, Washington and all the Northwest will prevail DAILY MARCH 10th TO APRIL 1 0th over the SOUTHERN PACIIFC LINES IN OREGON From 'Oilcngo nt $33.00 St. Louis 32.00 Omaha 23.00 Kunsns City ' 25.00 St. Paul 25.1)0 and from other cities corresponding ly low. Yon Cnn PREPAY Fares The Colonist fares are Westbound only, but If you have relatives or friends or employees in the East whom you desire to bring to this state, you can deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad agent and an order for a ticket will be tel egraphed to any address desired. Let the WORLD Know Of our vast resources and splendid opportunities for Home Building Call on the undersigned for good Instructive printed matter to send East, or give him the addresses of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent. war. arcarcKRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon 2-20-eod-tf Xotice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Board of Trustees of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital, at the Capitol Building, Salem, until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 20th, for the following labor and materials for the Eastern Oregon State Hospi tal: Laying pipe line approximately 4500 feet, for water supply to said Eastern Oregon State Hospital. All to be done In accordance with plans and specifications now on file with the Clerk of the Board at the Execu tive office Capitol Building, Salera, and with Chas. A. Murphy, Superin tendent of Construction of the East ern Oregon State Hospital, at Pendle ' ton, Oregon, and from whom further Information can be obtained. All bids 'must be drawn In accordance with I the specifications, and the Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Trustees of the Eastern Oregon State Hospl taL OSWALD WEST, Governor. THOS. a KAY, State Treasurer. Attest: R. A. WATSON. Clerk of the Board. -Mar 8-13-14-15-18 o . Morganixlng the magazines may shut the mouth ot liberty for a sea, son, but it will presently And a new ongue. MM f I t 1 THE HELP ! COLUMNS j - "Help Wanted" and "Situations t Wanted" are columns of great t usefulness to the masses of the t people. On account of the wide t circulation of the "Journal" its J A. .. . aas attract greater atten tion and bring more 'results than its contemporaries. It will pay you to remember to place your help ads in the "Journal".