Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 11, 1911, Second Section, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 12

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Mlgfct liuve Lived a Tiiousand
f; i i -t Drnuttiyn maruu
M 5. I'nutor ItusHell
n r i.
prencnen iuih aii
emooii In lirook-
V f rt i ditorlum and in
V.-' r.rl the evenine held
! a OucHiiuo Mt-ct-
tns- liotli services
were crowded and
r4af S f - "i-CLl nt both eiiccr and
manifest. The text of the nfter
noon Hervloe wns. THENCEFOHTn
speaker said:
Our text la a part of the Divine
prophecy of the blessings which will
come to Israel and to the whole world
during Messiah's glorious reign of a
thousand years beginning With the
close of tblB Gospel Era. Succeeding
verses tell tlint In that glorious Epoch
landlordism will be a thing of the
pnst. "They slmll build houses and
Inhabit them; they shall plant vluo
yards nnd ent the fruit of them; they
shall not liulld and another Inhabit;
they shnll not plant and another eat."
Additionally we rend. "They shall not
labor In vnln nor bring forth for trou
ble." Further we read that then the
"Wolf nnd the lamb shall food togeth
er and the Hon shnll ent fodder like
the bullock."
No Spiritual 8heep, Oxen, Wolves, Eto.
No end of confusion has been cre
ated by the Intent of well-mcnnlng
people to apply these prophecies as
the reward of the Church In heaven.
Nothing In the Scriptures warrants us
in thinking that there will be spirit
ual, heavenly sheep nud oxen, wolves
and lions, vines and houses, planting
and building. Those who reject the
clear Bible tenchlng respecting a Mes
sianic reign of righteousness cannot
understand the Bible nt all. Not a
single passage of the Old Testament
tells of heavenly hopes or promises.
Only a few of them tench heavenly
things nt all. and then indirectly.
As, for Instnnce, In the types of the
Old Testament the garments of the
Dlgb Priest, glorious and benutlful,
symbolize, we believe, the heavenly
grandeur, honors nnd glories of Mes
sina during the period of Ills reign.
Similarly God's promise to Abraham
declares that Ills 8'l. Ills posterity,
shnll be ns the stars of heaven and
as the snnds of the seashore. Noth
ing In this statement would necessa
rily tench a heavonly stato'or condi
tion. Only by the aid of the New Tes
tament and the Holy Scriptures' Illu
mination can we see thnt two Seeds
of Abrahnm are distinctly referred to,
the stars Indirectly Implying the Spir
itual Seed, while the snnds of the sea
shore refer to Abraham's Natural
Seed. As It is written. "I have con
stituted Tbee a father of many na
tions" like unto God.
So the Spiritual Seed of Abraham is
Dow being doveloped. With Its com
pletion this Age will end, nnd the Nat
ural Seed of Abraham will return to
special favor and become the leading
nation of the world under the guid
ance nnd direction of the spiritual and
Invisible, yet All-Powerful, Kingdom
of MesHlnh.
The blessing through natural Is
rael will gradually extend to every
nation. In that the door will be open
ed by which all nations may come
Into and become a part of Abraham's
Seed, nnd thus Into harmony with
Messiah's Kingdom. Whosoever re
fuses this great privilege and blessing
of Messiah's Kingdom will ho destroy
ed from amongst the people In the Sec
ond Death.
Hundred-Year Old Children.
Centenarians of the present time are
few, and they by no mennn nre like
children. Csmilly they are wrinkled and
haggard. Wo ure to remember, liow
evor, the Bible record thnt several of
the earlier members of Adam's race
lived nine hundred years, or rather,
they were more than nine hundred
years in coming fully under the son
teuce against sinners "By one man's
disobedience slu entered Into the
world, nnd death as a result of sin;
and thus death passed upon all nieu.
because all are sinners iltoiunns v, 12).
Gradually, and especially since the
flood, when a groat change took plnee
In our cosmogony, human longevity
bus decreased, while mental, moral
nnd physical ailments have Increased.
Several of Adntu's chtldrcu did not
have their first born child until after
they were a century old. in ponlhma
tloti of this, and correspondingly iu
contradiction of the Evolution theory,
wi find thnt the Ancients were strong
er than we. mentally us well as phys
ically; for they Intermarried brothers
with sisters nnd cousins without in
Jury, whereas today the mental weak
ness of the race Is such that one out
of every one hundred and tlfty adults
Is In au Insane asylum, and the mar
riage of brothers ami sisters is pro
TTJ f " f Some colds are worse than
JDQQ KjOIQS othcrs but are all bad.
Do not neglect them. Treat
promptly, vigorously. First of all, ask your doctor about
taking AVer's Cherrv Pectoral. Then do as he sav. f tt"!.
hibited, sod even (up marriage of sec
ond cousins Is disapproved and held
repouble for Increasing weak-mind-eduesr.
We . then, that our text, describ
ing Messiah's Kingdom, merely ex
plains that iiestitiitloii blessings will
recover mankind from the effects of
the full, so I hut It shall theu be as it
was In Adam's day-thot full human
tightness, maturity, will l reached in
a century and that a mnn dying then
would be dying in childhood as com
pared with the remainder of the race.
The further guarantee is that none
will die even at a hundred years of
age. except wilful sinners who. refus
ing to submit themselves to the regu
lations of Messiah's Kingdom, will
then be cut off from life as unworthy
of any further favor nt the bunds of
the great Redeemer Messiah all of
whose dealings will represent Divine
Justice, Wisdom. Love und Tower.
Man's Years at a Tree's.
The Scrip'ures tell us that under
Messiah's Kingdom the days of a man
shall be us the days of a tree. And
It Is believed that some trees live to
be at least a thousand years old. Ibis
is God's provision for every man ev
ery member of the human family
after He shnll have accomplished the
work of this Gospel Age, the selection
of the Spiritual Seed of Abrahnm, typi
fied by the priests and Levltes, "The
Church of the Flrst-boru. whose names
are written In heaven."
Messiah's Kingdom lg to dominate
the earth for a thousand years, with a
view to blessing Adam and nil of bis
posterity with a view to uplifting
them from sin nnd degradation and
death. The uplifting Influences will
begin nt once, following the great time
of trouble with which the Kingdom
will be lunugm'iited. The Judgments
of the Lord will be abroad In the
eurth and the Inhabitants of the world
will lenrn rightcotistnws. None shnll
longer need sny to Ills neighbor or his
brother. 'Know tlioti the Lord; for nil
sliail know Him, from the least uuto
the greatest of them." for "the knowl
edge of the Lord shall fill the whole
earth" (.Tor. xxxl. lit; Isaiah xl, Oi.
Whoever, then, by obedience to the
laws of the Kingdom will avail himself
of the blessed privileges of Restitu
tion (Acts ill. lii-l'li. will not only be
helped upwind out of mental, moral and
physical I in perfect Ion. step by step to
ward perfection, but, so long ns he
progresses, he may live clear down
to the end, of that blessed thousand
years. If we hnd never seen trees; if
our own experiences bad been with veg
etation such as perishes within a yeur.
wu might have dllllculty lu believing
some one who would tell us of having
seen trees centuries old. Such a state
ment would seem as unreasonable to
us ns to tell us that humanity could
live for a thousand years or forever.
Have we not Indeed seen children
old and wrinkled looking, yet only in
their teens? And have wo not seen
others cheerful, fresh nnd compara
tively young-looking at sixty And sev
enty? All Unrighteousneos la Sin.
At the present time God "winks"
nt much of the wrong-doing that
there Is In the world. He does not
Interfere with It, But of course ev
ery transgression carries with It nat
urally more or less of a depraving in
fluence on the transgressor's mind and
body. The conscience Is the most ten
der and the most Important element of
our human nature. Whoever vlolntes
It. whoever Injures It. much or little,
will proportionately lie disadvantaged
In the future nnd will have all the
more dllllculty In rising up gradually
out of. his degradation nnd weaknesses,
even with nil the helps that will then
be available. Thus will bo fulfilled the
Scriptural declaration. "Whatsoever a
man soweth. that also shall ho reap."
With all mankind redeemed there
will be nothing whatever of the past
chargeable against any on the books
of Divine Justice. The great, "High
Priest." by bis better sacrifices, will
have made full satisfaction to the de
mands of Justice, but the weaknesses,
mental, moral und physical, resulting
from more or less wilful and deliber
ate sin, must still bo reckoned on. and
thus every Idle word anil every Idle
thought, every Idle and vicious action
of the present time, by making Its
mark upon the characters of men. U
providing for corresponding difficul
ties on their part In that glorious day
of their opportunity.
The suggestion of our text is that
the great Messiah will not temporize,
for the entire period of His reign,
with those who do not show n proper
appreciation of opportunities when
fully brought In contact with them
nnd clearly mul islanding the terms
of Divine grace. But one hundred
years Is quite u considerable period of
probation nnd surely every reasonable
mind will concede that so long a de
lay In meeting out the full penalty
of hIii. Si-eond Death, manifests the
extreme limit of reasonable, mercy.
Th Church'a Triumph 8horter.
The Church, whose trlnl is in prog
ress during tills Gospel Ago, receives
Individually a much shorter period of
probation than our text declares will
be grunted to mankind lu the future.
God's saintly people ure expected to
develop character and to approve
themselves to God ns "overcome"
within a very brief space of life. And
not only xo, hm they are required to
"walk by faith and not by sight."
They merely have God's Word ns re
spects His Justice nnd l.ove nnd gra
cious plans, while, In the next Age,
the world will have the actuality In
stead of the promise the world will
walk by sight. "The glory of the
Lord nhall be revealed and all flosh
shall see It together" (Isaiah xl. 5).
The world during Messiah's reign
will lie privileged to walk in a high
way of holiness, from which all the
stumbling stones will have been gath
ered I'Ut Rut the overeomers of the
Cbarcb class are required to walk la
the narrow way. steep, narrow, rug
fed, and beset with snares of the Ad
versary. "For we are not Ignorant
of hi snares" (If Corinthians II, 111.
We are not to forget, however, that
these differences between the Church
and the world are fully offset by the
differences of reward. The overeomers
of the Church are to be rewarded with
glory, honor. Immortality, "the divine
nature." and be Jolnt-beirs in the
Kingdom as members of the great
Messiah. The world is to have no
such change of nature from human to
spirit but Is to have the earthly na
ture restored or perfected in them. If
obedient, and to enjoy the earthly Eden.
Truly God's ways are equal. True
and righteous are Thy ways. Lord God
Almighty! (Revelation iv, 3. 4.)
Humanity's Final Teat.
The Church's test takes place in the
present life. And In each member
thereof the matter of worthiness or
unworthlness of eternal life on the
spirit plane for all time is determined
at death. Not so with humanity in
general. As we have Just seen, some
may live for only a hundred years and
then be cut off in the Second Death, be
cause found unworthy of further op
portunity. Others, by availing them
selves of the privileges and rendering
obedience to the laws of the Kingdom,
may live to the very close of the thou
sand years, nnd be found unworthy of
eternal life. Still others may so fally
appreclnte Divine Wisdom. Justice.
Love and Power and may become so
obedient thereto that God will be
pleased to grant them eternal life.
Their days, their lives, will be far
more than the days of a tree.
The world of mankind, nt the con
clusion of Messlnh's reign of righteous
ness, will have attained again the per
fection originally enjoyed by father
Adum. Like him they will be in Eden,
which then will be world-wide. Those
perfect human beings will be required
to stand a test to demonstrate, to
prove their absolute loyalty to God
and bis righteous laws, as Adam was
tried, tested, proven in Eden. As
Adam was promised eternal life If bis
test proved him loyul to his Maker, so
his restored race will have before them
the offer of eternal life if they shall
manifest their obedience satisfactorily.
Satan Loosed From Priion.
We are not Informed of the par
ticulars of the test that will then be
applied to mankind. We merely have
the figurative declu ration that Satan,
sin and everything which Satan rep
resents will be loosed for a little sea
son at the close of Messiah's reign
(Revelation xx. 7-10i. The world, full
of perfected humanity, "ns the sand
of the seashore." will nil be subjected
to the test. But how many, or what
proportion of the whole, will prove
loyal, and what proportion disloyal,
we nre not Informed.
All that we know on the subject,
and all that Is necessary for us to
know. Is that the trial will be
thorough and just and tbnt all found
faithful will have eternal life, and all
found unfaithful will be counted as
followers of Satan and, with him, will
be destroyed in the Second Death.
The test which God will apply will
be so searching, so thorough, that al
though bis crentures will still be free
moral agents, he Is able to guarantee
that thenceforth "there shnll be no
more sighing, no more crying, no more
dying, because nil the former things
of sin nnd death shnll have passed
The Reward, Life The Punishment,
Not a word is snld about the hundred-year
old Blnner child being sent
to eternal torment, Just as there is not
a word said In the Bible to the effect
that Adam or his children were con
demned to eternal torments. The sen
tence upon Adam, which his race
shares by heredity, was n death sen
tence. This Just but awful penalty
has wrought havoc with our nice
sickness, sorrow, pain, dying, death.
God's mercy has provided the re
demption of Adam and his race
through His Sou, who died, the Just
for the unjust. The death of .lesus
Is the price which will eventually se
cure the release of Adam nnd all of
his posterity from the death sentence
nnd give to them resurrection privi
leges provided through Messiah's King
dom reign.
But every one who has been enlight
ened, und brought to a clear knowl
edge of God und to the opportunities
provided for bis salvation from sin
and death. Is more responsible for the
manner lu which he accepts or refuses
"the gift of God. eternal life through
Jesus Christ our Lord." As the wil
ful. Intelligent sinner In the Church
now is sentenced to the Second Death
(Hebrews vl. (1; x. 28-31). so. our text
tells us. It will be with the masses
of mankind during the Messlnnle reign.
If they wilfully reject reconciliation
to God, they will die the Second Death.
God has provided a redemptlou and
recovery from the tlrst death, but as
sures us that the Second Death will
be au eternal one.
Instant d -ath from electric shock will
be the method of executlug the penal
ty of wilful sinners during the next
Age, nnd not banging nor decapita
tion. Thus It was that In nlden times
two of Aaron's sons, having violated
their relationship with God and hav
ing disobeyed Him, were smitten to
death. Fire from the Lord smote them
an electric flash. We may be sure
that torture will not lie needlessly In
flicted on such. They will lose every
thing, but will not be tortured. Strlpee
or punishments, chastisements, are
sometimes used of the Lord, but al
ways In a reformatory manner "He
chusteueth every son whom He re
celveth." He chastens noue others
Done for whom chastising would ac
complish no blessing. Such will be
mitten down in the S.s-ond Death
Chamberloln'a Stomach and Liver
Tablets Invariably bring relief to wo
men suffering from chronic constipa
tion, headache, biliousness, dlxil
ness, aalVowness o,f the skin and dys
pepsia. Sold by all dealer.
Get it at Dr. Stone's Drug Store
Continued from Page two.)
void, neither they nor the appeal
therefrom would affect the Judgment
of February 26. By an appeal from
the void judgment the records might
be purged of such useless matter, but
It is apprehended that the power of
the appellate court . could go no
further than this.
The order of September 30 in terms
allowed the appellant "up to and in
cluding the second day of October,
1910," in which to file a transcript on
appeal ,in this court. The appellants
contend that because October 2, 1910,
was a Sunday they were in time by
filing the transcript ou the succeed
ing Monday, October 3, and they rely
upon section 531, L. 0. L.: "The
time within which an act Is to be done
as provided In this code shall be com
puted by excluding the first day and
Including the last, unless the last day
fall upon Sunday, Christmas or other
nonjudicial day, In which case the last
day shall also be excluded." All the
cases hitherto decided by this court
involving a construction of this sec
tion are cases in which a certain num
ber of days were allowed by order
within which a given act might be
performed. No case has arisen hith
erto where this section has been' ap
plied In construing an order of court
allowing an act to be done by a cer
tain date or, In the language of the
order in question, "up to and includ
ing" a given date. The language of
the concluding paragraph in Wachs-
muth v. Routledge, 3G Or. 307 is
seemingly in conflict with this state
ment, but an examination of the tran
script In that case discloses that the
order In question there allowed 20
days within which to file an abstract
and by computation It appeared that
the 20 days expired on Sunday, No
vember 14. By applying this section to
the computation of 20 days, the last
of which was Sunday, the court de
termined that the filing was in time
on the 15th.
The question then Is what construc
tion shall be given to this order of
the court allowing the appellants up
to and Including Sunday, October 2,
1910, in which to life the transcript.
It is well to bear In mind that the
statute provides for computation of
time In which an act is to be be done
as provided in the code. The reason
for this is plain. The legislature In
prescribing that an act should be done
In 30 days or any other number of
days after a given event could not,
of course, ' foresee what situations
would arise to which this rule was
applicable, and as a conventional rule
for computing time to be applied In
general to such cases prescribed that
when the last day fell upon Sunday
It should be excluded. Many respect
able authorities have laid down the
rule that under such circumstances
the act could not be performed later
than the preceding Saturday, but the
practice Is different in this state and
the more liberal rule Is enforced of
allowing the act to be done on the
succeeding Monday, when it depends
upon a given number of days the last
of which Is Sunday. But this Is a rule
of construction as applied to an act
to be done as provided in the code,
and not to cases where orders pre
scribe otherwise In express terms.
In Wach8muth v. Routledge supra, it
was contended upon a statute requir
ing an appellant to file the transcript
"by the second day of the next regular
term of the appellate court there
after" that the filing should take
plnce before the' second day of the
term, but the court held that It
was In time of the transcript was
filed on the second day, but did not
extend the rule further. By parity of
reasoning, If it is proper to construe
the order of September 30 by this
rule, the filing of the transcript could
not take place after the day allowed
In the order, even though that day
be Sunday. The order must be con
strued, not by the rule of the statute,
because the statute expressly refers to
an act to be done as provided in the
code, according to its own terms. The
order was made by consent of the
parties having knowledge of the cal
endar and being fully aware of the
days of the week involved. The court
expressly Included Sunday, October
2, in the order. . It had a right to
make the order in those terms. The
fact that It was thus made by the con
sent of the parties makes it In a
sense their osntract of record, and we
cannot so construe it under these cir
cumstances as - to exclude Sunday
when it expressly states that Sunday
was Included.
It follows that filing the transcript
after the time thus limited by the
circuit court was too late to give this
court Jurisdiction. The result Is that
the appeal Is dismissed.
A Dreadful Sight.
To H. J. Barnum, of Freevllle, N.
V., was the fever sore that had
plagued his life for years In spite of
many remedies he tried. At last he
used Bucklen's Arnica Salve and
wrote: "It has healed with scarcely
a Scar loft." Heals burns, bolls, ec
tema, cuts, bruises, swellings, corns
and piles like magic. Only 25c at
J. C. Perry's.
Try Journal want ad.
You don't have to boil the
clothes when you use Sunny
Monday laundry soap. Hard
water, soft water, cold water,
hot water all look alike to
Sunny Monday, and it does
its work equally well with any
one of them.
Sunny Monday is white
and contains no rosin, but, in
stead, a marvelous dirt-starter
which saves time, and wear
and tear on clothes.
Notice of Intention to Establish the
Grade of Mill Street from the Cen.
ter Line of High Street to the Cen.
tcr Line of Commercial Street.
Notice is hereby given that the
common council of the city of Salem,
Oregon deems it expedient and pro
poses to establish the grade of Mill
street from the center line of High
street to the center line of Commer
cial street, wlthlu the limits of said
city, according to the provisions of a
certain ordinance entitled "An ordi
nance establishing the grade of Mill
street from the center line of High
street to the center line of Commer
cial street." Said ordinance was in
troduced in the common council of
the city of Salem on the 2th day of
February, 1911, and was read the
first and second! times at Bald meet
ing and referred to the committee
on streets, and said ordinance is now
on file in the office of the recorder of
the city of Salem on the 27th day of
nance Is hereby referred to for a
more specific and detailed descrip
tion of said grade, and Is hereby
made a part of this notice.
This notice Is published for 10 days
pursuant to the order of the common
council of said city, and the date of
the first publication thereof Is the
28th of February, 1911. Remon
strances may be filed against the es
tablishment of said grade within 10
days from the last publication of this
notice, and in the manner provided
by the city charter.
2-28-15t City Recorder.
'Continues from page 1.1
Natron yesterday, after placing large
orders for hay and feed.
May Take Five or Six Years.
Another story in regaird to the
completion of the now road is that
It may take five or six years before
trains will be able to run over It. A
railroad man, in talking with a num
ber of business men here a short
time ago, said that the general re
port was that the present survey
across the mountains would be con
demned, for the reason that there are
so many tunnels making the cost of
construction prohibitive. In that
case a new survey will have to be
made, cutting out most of the tun
nels, making more curves in the
line than the present survey provides
for. It will take a long time to make
a new permanent survey across the
mountains, and, In case It is made,
no contracts will be let for several
years, and It will take at least two
years after the work Is completed to
finish that stretch of road. Eugene
No Need to Stop Work.
When your doctor orders you
stop work it staggers you. "I can't''
you say. You know you are weafc.
run down and falling In health day
by day, but you must work as long
as you can stand. What you need is
Electric Bitters to give tone, strength
and vigor to your system, to prevent
break down and build you up. Don't
be weak, sickly or ailing when Elec
tric Bitters will benefit you from the
first dose. Thousands bless them
for their glorious health and strength
Try them. Every bottle is gaaran
teed to satisfy. Only 50c at J. C.
o .
Dissolution of Partn rship.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership of Peter S. Bach and Val
entine Nadstanek, doing business at
136 South Commercial street, Salem,
Oregon, under the firm name of Bach
& Nadstanek, has this day been
dissolved by mutual agaeement.
persons having claims against
partnership should present the same
at once for payment and all outstand
ing bills in favor of the firm must be
paid at once
Dated March 9. 1911. 3-9-2t
lor Infant! and Children,
Tha Kind Yon Hats Always Bought
Sintur. of 6ibffi&&JU
Children Cry
m AfeJTrWJ rT
It all I I J I j S
Tho Kind You Have Always Boujrht, and ivtlch hns been
in use for over 30 years, Las Dorue tl?o s!c7ature of
i and lias ben inado under his per-
Sjfi Bonal supervision sine its infancy.
Aaf7ft u&JUK Allow no ore, to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitation a-.d J:ist-as-jrood" are but
Experiments tliat trlflo with anl endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Tare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ia Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms
and allays Feverish ness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the.
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's I'auacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use Fop Over 30 Years
Pianos and Organs
from the cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Sewing Machines
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewing
machines.. Sewing ma
chines rented.
General Grocery Store
We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, palnU,
drugu and stamps Phone 763
Money and time invested in a tiaining here, insure, the possessor of
substantial dividends throughout Hfe; We take a personal interest in
the -welfare of each student. Living expanses low. Send for analogue.
W. I. STALEY, Principal
The Bosom Sets
The stud button holes exactly meet, the neck band does not
bind on your neck; button holes exactly meet buttons, no
bulging front, in fact a perfect fit if we launder jour
shirts. It Is done with our new STEAM PRESSES, which
do not .ub or burn the fibre, but MOULD the cuffs, neck
band and bosom to a PERFECT SHAPE. Try the ne
work. Visitors welcome.
Salem SfMm I nimrlrv
uiKii; oireec
for Fletcher's
Signature of
Edison, Victor and
Columbia Talking
A full stock of Records.
I Latest Sheet Music
i Piano and Organ Studies. I
Violins, Guitars,
Mandolins and Banjos.
too big a piece of meat for you. A
a mater of fact, wa doubt If we could.
For those who buy meat here regu
larly declare that none of it ever
goes to waste. It Is so tender an
toothsome, so different from ordi
nary meats that no one thinks or
leaving . any uneaten. There's no
.waste about our meats. You know
what that means.
Phone 1880
: - -- t iwiij Hp