DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGOX, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1911. VAtm THRU -'THE MAN OH i THE BOX" IS A HUMMER , fOMtV SPARKLING WITH HC MOB BKIM FULL OF IX- mSELY LAUGH - FROVOKIXG glTl'AriOS HERE 3I0XDAY. ( Genuine and wholesome comedy offered , ...u c has been seldom ,lnce the days of the Augustln Daly companies will be the vogue at the Grand on Monday, March 13, when the most conspicuous comedy suc cess of the past season In New York City, wlll be presented- "Tne Man on tbe Box" was a happy selection for Mr. Gus Arthurs tour, inasmuch as the title role fits him as though it were written expressly for him. He 18 the personification of the dashing jrmy officer who falls In love with a pretty girl on 8 steamer later DT mistake be abducts her, and after ward when sheeeks to turn the Joke upon him and find out his Identity, accepts her offer to be her groom, in order that he may be near her always. This material furnishes abundant of comedy of the finest calibre, and at the same time contains all the ele ments of a play of deep heart inter est. The dialogue Is crisp, witty, and the dramatic situations profoundly Impressive and interesting. Prices, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. THEY ADOPT PLAXS FOR "GETTING TOGETHER." After Dr. Andrew C. Smith had re ferred to State Senator Nottingham as an "undesirable citizen;" J. W. Bailey had accused City Health. Offi cer Wheeler of having played for ef fect in presenting dirty milk bottles to the diners, and Mrs. Lora C. Little had intimated that the tuberculin test proposed by the state board of health was unreliable,, the dollar dairy din ner at Portland ended last night with the adoption of a resolution advocat ing the creation of a committee to perfect "get together" plans. foil for backaa ,-, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality RED CROSS PHARMACY. CO The We liiiimr" 7rti Vi'M't'i'i'1'.'J"J'.''.'i'.'.'1' m h' 1 .. " j' ' ? , -, . . , A Act III "The JACK LONDON TALKS HOLES IN THE AIR UNITED PSISS L48D WIBI. Glen Ellen, Cal., March 10. "I hope the people of the United States will resent this action of the govern ment, but I am afraid they will not," said Socialist Jack London today, commenting on the action of the government In massing two-thirds of the mobile army along the Mexi can border In order to aid the Mexi can government In putting down the insurrection. "The action of the United States Is logical. The govern ment has regard for dollars, and op poses democracy. Dcllars are invest ed in Mexico. Isnt It logical then that the government should send Its soldiers to protect Its dollars? It may be necessary to send the troops across the border down, into Mexico ho try to crush the revolution. Diaz is afraid now, and hell may break loose. i 50 Discount on Gas and o hot weather will soon OUR will install in your house, FREE, a fuel stub and give you a two-burner gas stove, putting you in a position to cook with gas. This offer expires March 22d. If you haven't taken advantage of this offer Phone or drop Portland New 8 Man on the Box." "If the government wants to send troopa down there, they can find ex cuse to do bo in the way the big na tions play the game of international law.' They can find plenty of legal pretext based on international law, and it will be a burning shame. They may be able partially to end the rev olution, I am very sure they can do that. But it is certain they cannot crush the revolutionary spirit in Mexico." A FOOL LAW AGAINST A SILLY STYLE UNITED PBESS LEASED WIRE. Springfield, 111. March 10. Harem and hobble Bkirts are the subject of a bill presented in the house by Rep- resentatlve Murphy of Chicago. Hob bles measuring less than one and one half yards are prohibited. A ban is placed on the harem skirt by the bill which prohibits women appearing Jn public In such garb. The penalty for violating the proopsed law is a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $50 for each and every offense. and urinary irri,,uiintie. am3 vigor. Refuse surHtim- FK D O NO WASTE! us a postal and our representative will be pleased to call on you. Railway, Light .& Power Company Business Department. STEVE1IS WOULD HAVE THE CANAL WELL FORTIFIED John H. ', Portland, Ore., March 10. Stevens president of the Hill lines in Oregon and formerly chief engineer of the Panama canal, is on record to day as favoring the fortification of the Panama canal. At a meeting of civil engineers a the Commercial club last night he asserted that the United States should protect tbe I canal at any cost He said with the completion of the canal it would be possible to anchor a fleet in San Francisco bay 17 days after leaving Hampton Roads. Steves said that he was certain tbe opening of the canal would not injure the business of transcontinental roads. TWO SOLDIERS KILLED CAR OF HORSES BURXED, UNITED PBESS LEASED WIBE. Denison, Tex., March 10. One car of horses 'was destroyed and two soldiers are reported killed as the re sult of a fire which originated' in a stock car of a troop train on the Mis souri, Kansas and Texas railroad near Durant, Okla., early today. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Board of Trustees of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital, at tbe Capitol Building, Salem, until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, March 20th, for the following labor and materials for the Eastern Oregon State Hospi tal: Laying pipe line approximately 4500 feet, for water supply to Bald Eastern Oregon State Hospital. All to be done in accordance with plans and specifications now on file with the Clerk of tbe Board at the Execu- ve 0fnce Capltol Building, Salem, j and with Chas, A. Murphy, Superin- tendent of Construction of the East ern Oregon State Hospital, at Pendle ton, Oregon, and from whom further Information can be obtained. All bids must be drawn in accordance with the specifications, and the Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Trustees of the Eastern Oregon State Hospi tal. OSWALD WEST, Governor. THOS. B. KAY, State Treasurer. Attest: R. A. WATSON, Clerk of the Board. Mar 8-13-14-15-18 Electric Light 1 W be here. Save time, worry and trouble. EE NO DIRT! NO SOOT! COMFOBTIXG WORDS Many Salem Household Them So. Will Find To have tbe pains and aches of a bad back removed; to be entirely free from annoying, dangerous urin ary disorders Is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hundreds of Salem readers. Mrs. L. W. Moench, 330 S. Main St, Albany, Oregon, says: "I had kidney complaint and it was aggravated when I caught cold or did any house work. My back ached severely and stooping or lifting always caused sharp, shooting twinges through my kidneys. I also had trouble from the kidney secretions and I knew that I was In need of a kidney medicine. Finally Doan's Kidney Pills were procured for me and their use as di rected brought prompt relief. Before long a complete cure was effected and I am now enjoying good health." (Statement given February 6, 1908.) A Second Statement On November 13, 1909, Mrs. Moench said: "My former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills was correct In every particular. I am glad to again tell of the merits of this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price, 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Yorfi, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ONTARIO WILL FAVOR RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Ottawa, Ont, March 10. That the reciprocity agreement with the United States will be confirmed by a parlla- ' ment as soon as it Is passed to a final vote, was the decision reached by the Liberal supporters of the. gov ernment in caucus. o Wants Bids for oBnds. The city of Wllamlna is calling for bids on $15,000 10 and 20-year op tional 6 per cent bonds, bearing dates of March 1, 1910, interest payable semi-annually. Bids to be opened April 10, 1911. For further infor mation write F. E. Sherwin, city re corder. F. E. SHERWIN, Recorder for City Wlllamina. 3-7-lmo CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of bills if paid before 10th im OFFER NOW Phone SYKES IS SHY Oil STOMACH BUT EATS WELL UNITED PKESS LEASED WIEE Philadelphia, Pa., March 10. Al though B. J. SyKes, of Cardster, Al berta, Canada, has no stomach, he says he can relish a meal as much as any man. Sykes visited a local hospi tal today, where the operation of re moving his stomach was performed 10 weeks ago. I wanted to see my stomach Just for old times' sake," he said. "I have nothing against it although it caused me unlimited trouble for 10 years before I got rid of It" Since leaving the hospital Sykes has gained 40 pounds in weight To make the best of things is good but to make the best of yourself is better. I all patent medicine or medicines ad vertised In tills paper are for sale at DR. STORE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store la Oregon, owes no one, and no one owee it; carries large stock; its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toi let articles, wines and liquors of all triads for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is a regular graduate in medi cine and has had many years of ex perience in the practlce.l Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are free, and only regular price for med icine. Dr. Stone can be found At bis drug store, Salem, Or., from 1 in the morning until 8 at night. Oregen. Main 84. MEXICAN KEBELs ARE WEIX, AUME1 New York, March 10. That tae Mexican rebels have all the arms and. ammunition needed was the state- ment here today of Gustavo Madero, agent of the Insurgent Junta. "The United States has a perfect right to put a wall of troops alone the frontier," said Madero. "But that will make no difference. Wo have all the guns and ammunition we need. Incidentally I wish to contra dict a report that my brother, Fran cisco, wa9 defeated by Casas Gran- des Tuesday. He was not there at that time." COLONIST FARES MM From the Middle and ' Eastern portions of the United States and Canada to Oregon, Washington and all the Northwest will prevail DAILY MARCH 10th TO APRIL 10th over the SOUTHERN PACIIFC LINES IN OREGON From Chicago at (33.00 St Louis 82.00 Omaha 25.00 Kansas City S5.00 St. FanI 25.00 and from other cities corresponding ly low. Ton Can PBEPAY Fares The Colonist fares are Westbound only, but it you have relatives or friends or employees In the East whom you desire to bring to this state, you can dopoelt the value of the fare with your local railroad agent and an order for a ticket will be tel egraphed to any address desired. Let the WORLD Enow Of our vast resources and splendid opportunities for Home Building Call on the undersigned for good instructive printed matter to send East, or give him the addresses of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent 1YM. McMUBRAY General Passenger Agent Portland Oregon 2-20-eod-tf