DAILX CAPITAI JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGOX, SATCRDAT. MARCH 4. 1911. PACK EIGHT. y You will profit by LADIES' SHOE SPECIAL $3. SO value, tonight 2.45 A splendid kid blucher, patent tip, Cuban heel; maxlo by the Plngree Shoe Company. A fine ihce In every way; always sells at $3.50 T y AC tonight qA.J Kayscr's Black Silk Gauntlet AUTTO GLOVES $1.25 values 39a Those are double woven, extra heavy. Will wear woll. $1.25 . values 89c, Tonight only. Bleached Bath Towels 35c values at 23c A good heavy quality, soft and thirsty. Supply your needs to night. Special 23c each. NAPKINS ALL Special tonight, dozen Our linen department is noted for carried. Prudent buyers will be chance to replenish their linen Size 22-Inch. Honlght, dozen . . MoBeJ' MM&MJa.iMeUjSy& Don't Miss Savers jtf.XQ.J .JL.jqgrV Them CITY NEWS. Vliintluir Season Sow Hero We have a fine assortment of prunes, peaches, and Lambert cher Tles, also ornnmental trees and rosea. Armstrong Nursery company 491 East Court Btreut. e-o-d-Jm UM And B Our Prices are Reasonable Our Materials are of Best Quality Estimates Furnished Bring in a list of your requirements, including Lum ber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Sand and Gravel, Cement, Plaster and let us give you an estimate. Vitrified Sewer Give us a chance to Figure with You The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. Office Front and Ferry .... Phone 1830 Saturday Night SPECIALS 7 TO 9 O'CLOCK visiting the "Good Goods Store" tonight MEN'S SHOE SPECIAL $3.50 alue, special $2.85 Gun metal blucher, on the new wasp last; excel lent wearing; fine fitting, and one of the newest shoes. Regularly tonight Arrow Brand Collars For men and boys. Always sell at 15c or 2 for 25c. Spe cial tonight 10c each. Every collar Included; all styles. Pearl Trimmed Suspenders 60c values at 35c These are a dress suspender; very neat. A good variety of colors; well worth the regular price. LINEN $1.63 the qualities glad of this Children's Wool Dresses The entire stock tonight Half Price Red, navy, brown and shepherd plaid; mostly serge weaves; sizes 3 to 14 years; neatly trim med; tonight only Half Price supply) $1.63 Wilson's barber ec; OlLson't cigar store Ollaon's baths open all day Sunday 12-4-w--tf Medicated Plastic Casts The lutest French method of remov ing blackheads, pimples and wrinkles. Call at the Sanitary Beauty Parlors, Room 10, 8teeves block. uilding Materials "WE ALSO HANDLE" Pipe, Empire Land Plaster, Drain Tile and Cedar Posts - If 8 ! sells at $3.50 $2.85 TOILET WATER 50c value 33c Violet and Rose odors. You will do well tio get some of this tonight Special 33c bottle. EMB'RD INITIALS Regular 3 for 10c; special 6 for 10c tonight. These are embroid ered on fine lingerie, surrounded with an embroidered Bcroll. F.rom 7 to 96 for 10c. Fine Music While you eat your Sunday dinner at the Elite Cafe. Settle Case The case of H. F. Gerspach against the Black Eagle Mining company has been dlsmlHHed, a settlement having been reached between the parties In terested In the litigation. TC? TO) j i Chfrkea Dinner Sunday at the Elite Cafe Just fine. Basketball Tonight Baraca's vs. Hawthorne club, of Portland. Y. M. C. A. Gym., 8:15. Fine Music While you eat your Sunday dinner at the Elite Cafe. Chicken Dinner Sunday at the Elite Cafe just fine. The Sanldiry Beauty Parlors Will open Monday, March 6. We solicit the patronage of those in need of work in our line. 3-4-lwk Iliixkethull Tonight Baraca's vs. Hawthorne club, Portland. Y. M. C. A. Gym., 8:15. of i Senrer Funerul Tomorrow Afternoon j Funeral services will be held over the remains of Frederick Seger to morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. They will be held at the Evangelical church. i Successful Operution Fred Watters, of Stayton, son of Postmaster Watters, was successfully operated on yesterday at the Salem hospital for complicated hernia, by Dr. Chas. H. Brewer, of Stayton. He Is improving rapidly. Dennis Case Set for Trlul The case of A, W. Dennis and oth ers against the city of Salem will come up for trial Tuesday forenoon before Judge Galloway. This action Is brought to restrain the city from changing the lines on East State itreet. Something Fine For dinner Sunday, at the Cafe. Music while you eat. Elite The Owl Employment Co. Are busy people these days sup plying people with help of all kinds, and finding jobs for all who want work. 158 S. Commercial street. j (Upstnlrs.) Phone Main 204. Mld 1 way between Hotel Marlon and Ladd 1 & Bush bank, on east side of street. ! 3-4-3t Move To Monroe Mrs. J. W. Reeves has gone today to Monroe to live",' where she owns a large farm adjoining her brother's, Reprensentative Nichols. Her son Joins his father, Mr. Reeves, at San Francisco, to get an education. Walker Funeral Tomorrow The funeral of Miss Myrtle Anna Walker will be will held tomorrow af ternoon at 2 o'clock. It will be held from the chapel of the Rlgdon Under taking company. j Many Xew House j Are being built In Salem and If the I weauier remains favorable, many more will soon be commenced. For I prompt delivery of building material ! call at office of Falls City Lumber j company, 279 North Commercial ! street. Presbyterians, Attention The Baraca club vs. Hawthorne club, of Portland, tonight. Y. M. C. A. Gym, 8:15. . Withdraw Fetltlon Owing to the fact that It developed that there were not sufficient signers to a petition asking for the creation of a new school district near Hazel, j to be known as school district No. 65, j it has been withdrawn. j Fulled To Appear For Trial I Yesterday was the time set for the ; hearing of the case of the City of Sa i lem against J. S. Taylor for violation i of the plumbing ordinance; but owing I to the fact that the defendant failed 1 to appear, the trial was postponed. $7500 One of the best 30-acre tracts in the valley, good 7 room house, up-to-date, fine family orchard, plenty of small fruit, good outbuildings, 25 acies in oats and vetch, some personal properly. Look this up. Olmsted I IO Lana lo. 373 State Street, Salem, Or. NEARLY A BILLION DOLLARS HOl'SE DID GOOD WORK AXD SPET $890,000,000 D0I'G IT, WHILE SENATE DID XOTHIXG BIT HELP SPEND THE COI.V. fCXlTED 1-REHg LEASED WIRE.1 Washington, March 4. A review of the last session of the 61st congress, which terminated today, shows that the bouse has enacted an unusually large number of bills of public Im portance. The senate, on the other hand, presents a record of much talk and little action. The house disposed of 15 giant ap propriation bills, aggregating about $890,000,000. ERNJSi Mrs. E. F. Carleton and son left today for Monmouth for a week's visit with Mrs. Carleton's parents. State Superintendent of Public In struction Ackerman went to Silver ton" today, where this afternoon he delivered an address at the teachers' Institute held there. County Superintendent Smith went to Silverton today to attend the teachers' institute. O. I. Stahl, of Portland, is visiting friends in the city. Mrs. Matt Small, of Silverton, is visiting friend 8 in the city. C. D. Frazler, recently appointed state purchasing agent, Is in the city from Portland. Mr. Web. Holmes, of Tillamook, is in the city for a few days. He says Tillamook is booming and that it's a great place to live. O Sometlilntr Fine For dinner Sunday, at the Cafe. Music while you eat. Elite STABBED HERSELF TO DEATH. (Continued from Page 1.) self In the breast with a knife. Phy arlns were summoned, and at 4 o'clock she was reported to be past all hope of recovery. Her health has not been the best, and her spirits have been very much depressed of late. The prospect of separation from her son precipitated the mad act, and her brother, who came here to arrange for taking her to the old family home, was almost a witness to the sad tragedy. She was a native daughter of Oregon, a devout mem ber of Leslie Methodist church, and a woman of the highest eharacter and beloved by all who knew her. o 0T HERIDITAKT Baldness ' Due to a Living Minute Germ. Many people, even unto the present day of grace, consider baldness due to hereditary influence. Nothing Is further from the truth-Baldness-is caused by the onslaught of a minute organism which secrets Itself beneath the scalp and attacks the roots of the hair causing It to lose Its life and fall out. This organism cannot be got rid of except by the free and persevering use of Newbro's Herplclde. No matter how badly the scalp is effected, the Dandruff surely disap pears and hair health is restored when Herplclde Is applied. "Destroy the cause you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Her plclde Co., Detroit, Mich. One dojlar bottles guaranteed. J. C. Perry Druggist Owls! Owls! Owls! Kot hooting owls, but busy owls. Of course this refers to the Owl Seal Estate and Employment Co. $1300 will buy a new 4-room plas tered house on cement foundation, one block of car line. 40 acres 6 miles south tf Salem; rock road; all under cult. The very finest prune land. Good. Improve ments. Crop and farm tools go. Cheapest place in all that section. $150 per acre. Easy terms; or ex change for larger place. 40 acres 4 miles south; fine for fruit and grain; good 9-room house; spring water piped into house; good $1000 barn; 20 acre in cult.; balance pasture and timber. $130 per acre. Terms to suit We have other bargains In city and outside property. Call and look over our list. OWL REAL ESTATE CO, 159 S. Commercial St (Tpstalrs.) Midway between Hotel Marlon and Ladd & Bush Bank on east side street Phone Main 204. Children vSry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Get it at Dr. Stone's Drag Store STATISTICAL DIED ML'LLIGAX At the family home on Center and High street, Saturday morning, March 4, 1911, Miss Edith Mulligan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Mulligan, aged 16 years. The funeral will be held from the Methodist church tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Pl'LAS At the home of friends on Route 6, four miles east of this city, March 3, 1911, Frank Pulaa, age 33 years, 2 months, 5 days. The remains are at the oCttage un dertaking parlors, where they will be held awaiting instructions of relatives In Canada. JAKEL At his home two miles east of Salem on March 3, 1911, John Jakel, of typhoid pneumonia, age 38 years and 14 days. The remains are at the Cottage un dertaking parlors, where they are be Ing prepared for interment at Oregon City. SEEGER Mr. Frederick Seeger, of Liberty, near Salem, brother of Robert Seeger of this city, died Fri day morning, March 3, at his home at Liberty. Funeral will be conducted by Rev. G. F. Llenlng at the Evangelical church, corner Center and Liberty streets, Sunday, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. and at 1:15 p. m. at the house at Lib erty. Interment will be at the City View cemetery. Cottage . UnderinVina Parlors, Modern In every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketa. Phone 724. DOCTOR PRAISES D. D. D. Although an M. D., I acknowledge to my patients and patrons that your remedy, D. D. D., reaches cases of Eczema and permanently cures them Dr. Ira T. Gabbert, Caldwell, Kan. "My cure began from the first ap plication of D. D. D. My skin is now as smooth as a baby's. I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for what D. D. D. has done for me," writes August Santo, of Chilllcothe, Ohio. These are Just samples of letters we are receiving every day from graterul patients all over the coun try. "Worth its weight in gold." "All my pimples washed away by D. D, D." "I found instant relief." "D. D. D. Is little short of miraculous, These are the words of 'others in de scribing the great skin remedy, D. D. D. . Proven by thousands of cures, for ten years to be absolutely harmless and reliable In every case of skin trouble, no matter what it Is. Get a trial bottle today! Instant relief only 25c. J. C. Perry, Drug gist. BIO LAXD SJiAP 0. 4. 62 acres 3 miles from Monmouth and Independence. The soil Is excel lent and drains well; 12 acres of Bplendid commercial orchard. Build ings cost $3500 and are new. With place goes much personal property. This lovely country home for $7000. Will make terms and take some Sa lem income property. MOXMOUTH REAL ESTATE CO. Monmouth, Ore. 1-21-tf $3,150.00 A fine home, new bungalow, modern and up-to-date, close in on Court street. Walls are all nicely tinted and the best buy in the, city, Olmsted Land Co. 373 State Street. LAND PLASTER Empire Brand Call and sec it. Drain Tile and Cedar Posts. The Chas. K Spaulding Logging tompany Of&, Front Ferry. Ph, im NEW TODAY I t - WANTED $3000 and Ii;0ft " first ciass acreage security tel & Bynon. Se Bech- . FULL 50x150 foot lot. east front n. 23rd street at $250, with abstr, and W. deed. Thu i. . P cent oe.ow ne marRet. Non-residen says sell. See The Fleming Real, Co., 496 State St , . J-4-3t MEDICATED PLASTIC CASTS-T, memoa ot removinr black heads, pimples and wrinkle. Call at the Sanitary Beauty par! lors. Room 10, Steeves Block. 3-4-tf THE BEST LOT for the money tat Is to be had near 17th and Court St We have it and can convince you of the fact. The Fleming Realty Co sv auue si. 3-4-3t REVARNISHED PIANOS I havelii pianos mai me top part was blis tered so much we had to take off tie varnish and re-varnlsh them. These pianos, will be sold at a large re duction from the regular price, if In need of a piano, come and see them, they may suit you. Sold on installments, it desired. Geo. C. Will, The Music and Sewing Ma chine dealer. 3.4 ANYONE that can use a big house la the suburbs convenient to electric or street car and 5 cent fare can get bargain if they apply quick. It's a race as to who makes the sale first. The Fleming Realty Company, 496 State St. 3-4-3t ONLY TWO LEFT Fine Oak Knoll 10-acre tracts. Easy payments. J, C. Zinser, R. 1, Salem, Ore. 3-4-tf THE CHEAPEST lot on 17th street, just of State St. East front. The Fleming Realty Co., 496 State St . 3-4-3t FOR SALE Full blooded Jersey heifer calf. Price $5. F. A. Sut torn, opposite I. O. O. F. cemetery. Phone Farmers 693. 3-4-3t WANTED A man who has had some experience in driving auto andean work around 'garage. Salem Auto Garage. Phone 386. 3-4-tf. WE HAVE two houses in Yew Park Each has six rooms; one Is on the corner, car line in front of It. Price $1800. $roo down and $20 per month. The other is near it, is new, thoroughly modern, and will be sold for $2400. $500 down and bal ance $20 per month. Why not own one of these. See the Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Comer State & Liberty Sts, Salem, Oregon. Room 1, Gray Illk. Phone 801. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Or Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Room 13 Bush Bank Blk. Salem, Or. BIG LASD SNAP BiO. 3 123 acres, four miles from Mon mouth, exceedingly fine land, good or chard, buildings, timber, water, very sightly; a great bargain at $50 per acre. $3150 will handle this. MOX3I01TH REAL ESTATE (0, Monmouth, Ore. 1-21-tf- BAY CITY List your Bay City property with me for sale. Correspondence so licited. : T. E. Ashley, Bay City, Oregon. Some Homes Modern six room bungalow with fire place and furnace, one block from paved street and street car for $4,000. Good six room house with eight lots with bearing fruit trees, grapes, all kinds of berries, checken house and yard, good barn for $2,000. This is a good buy. New modern five room cottage close to Garfield school, modern In every respect, rooms very large, fin est basement In town. Price $2S0O.; part cash. $3,000 buys a six room house, east front, one block from paved street, this house is Just completed. Mod ern In every respect Seven room bungalow half block from paved street, with furnace. Price, $3,500. Modern seven room house, on paved street, close In, fireplace and furnace. Price. $3,000. BECHTEL BYNON" , 47 State Street . TC