Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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(Send personal and oclal items to The Capital Jonrmal at any time,
tti more extended, notice! for th. .clal page on Saturday J.
Fletcher Homan addressed the members: Mrs. John Roberts, Mrs.
n's club last Saturday afternoon Frederick Thlelsen, Mrs. Robert Ben-
residence 01 ir. -
The subject upon which he William Burghardt, Mrs. R. McK.
. . interestlnr one that Hofer, Mrs. Edward Thlelsen, the
Independent colleges. Dr. Homan Misses Allen Thompson Margaret
Md the close attention of his listen- Boot and Ruth Wallace.
, van nlnin the nresent '
ers ana
at the
1 The hospitality of Salem was ex
tended to the Royal Neighbors, an
th Browning class for the members' auxiliary of the Modern Woodmen, for
The Browning n
i the WamonscluD meeis every juou- -----
01 uic " dnlRBntfla. renresentlne the various
This class is unaer me --
lodges or me state ana a targe num
ber of visitors, were In attendance.
Mayor Lachmund gave the address of
welcome at a reception held In
Steeves' hall, after which there was
need of such Institutions.
,Ue direction of Mrs. William Fleming.
A class in sociology has been form
ed recently. This, too, is confined to
the members of the Woman's club.
The class Is under Prof. Patterson's
leadership, and meets at his home
every Monday evening.
Mrs. A. X. Bush has for her guest
this week Mrs. D. B. Mackle, of Port
land. Mrs Aline Thompson entertained
very informally .at dinner last Friday
evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Thlelsen, Mr. and Mrs.
Chauncey Bishop, Mr. William C. Klltz
of Vancouver, B. C, and Mr. Robyn
Nelson of Albany.
A wedding which caused much surprise-In
Portland and Salem was that
of Mr. Gordon Moores and Miss Jes
sie Hurley last Thursday, when the
young people slipped away and were
quietly married at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. Moores. Mr. Moores,
a former resident of Salem but now
of Portland, is a member of the Kap
pa Sigma fraternity at "Oregon,"
where he was very popular in social
and athletic circles. Mrs. Moores also
attended school at Eugene, and is a
charming young woman.
Mrs. A. G. Magess, who has been
dangerously 111 with complications
following an attack of la grippe. Is
slowly Improving, and Mrs. W. Carl
ton Smith, who has also been confined
to her home for several weeks, Is re
gaining her health.
On last Saturday evening the Indian
school at Chemawa celebrated its
thirty-first anniversary. The Indian
hoys and girls, with the employes, as
sembled in the auditorium, where they
vere addressed by the Rev. Dr. McGaw
of Portland and the Rev. Paul Datin,
the Catholic rector of Brooks. Dur
ing the evening the pupils of the
school were given an opportunity to
wpress their appreciation of the edu
cational advantages afforded by the
school. '
a musical program, social entertain
ment and the serving of elaborate re
freshments completing the evening's
enjoyment On Wednesday evening
there was an exemplification of the
floor work of the order given, at
which four teams contested for the
trophy, a sliver cup, donated by Mrs,
Rose McGrath, the state supervising
deputy. The Portland team was vie-torious.
Miss Vlesko is giving a kitchen
shower thla afternoon at her home on
South Liberty street from two to five,
honoring Miss Delia Briggs, a bride-
Mrs. Samuel Church, with her two
daughters, the Misses Genevieve and
Ruth, are planning to Ball for home
the first of April after an absence
abroad of over a year and a half. They
'M visit the East for some time,
continuing their Journey west In June
when they expect to reach Portland.
They are now in Italy. Considerable was well
time was spent In Munich. Mrs. Church financially.
remaining there while her daughters
visited in Paris.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S Stewart,
of Portland and Salem, are In the city
and expect to remain for a portion of
the summer.
Mrs. Jane A Chadwlck with her
daughter, Miss Mary Chadwlck, re
turned last Saturday after a two
months' pleasant visit In Spokane,
Seattle and Olympla.
Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Schucking were
week-end quests of Mr. and Mrs. Ro
meo Goulet at their home in Brooks.
. .
Last Tuesday afternoon Mrs. J. H.
Haas entertained with a Kensington,
at the home of Mrs. Ida Babcock,
complimenting her daughter, Miss Ida
Haas, of Oakland, Cal. The rooms
were beautifully decorated with pussy
willows, ferns and carnations. Mrs.
Hallle Parish Hinges sang during the
afternoon, to the great enjoyment of
the twenty-five guests who responded
to invitations. Light refreshments
were served, Mrs. W. P. Babcock as
sisting. Mrs. F. E. Schafer was hostess to
the S. S. club Wednesday afternoon,
entertaining the two members wlto.
the usual Kensington and dainty re
Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Cram are rejoic
ing over the arrival last Saturday of
Virginia, an eight-pound daughter.
Dr. and Mrs. Cram have recently
moved to Salem, and are located in
the Albert apartments.
day. Twelve covers were laid at a
prettily decorated table. Mr. Brown
was the recipient of a fine gift In
honor of the occasion, a smoking set
in brass, consisting of three pieces and
the tray.
Kramer's riding academy in Port
land was the scene of a brilliant affair
Thursday evening, the occasion being
a benefit for the Oregon Humane
society. The entertainment was
unique, and Interesting feats In eques
trianism, the horses displaying
a wonderful amount of intelligence
and an acute ear for music. There
were about a thousand spectators and
a fund of $3000 raised. The patron
esses were: Mrs. Abigail Scott Duni-
way, Mrs. J. N. Teal, Mrs. Walter 1
Honeyman, Mrs. Jonah Wise, Mrs. Wil
liam Bristol, Mrs. W. P. Olds, Mrs. C.
S. Jackson, Mrs. Gay Lombard and
Mrs. Edgar Pipes.
On Tuesday afternoon, March the
7th, Mrs. Carey Martin and Mrs. Eliz
abeth Case will entertain the ladles of
the Guild of St Paul's Episcopal
church at Mrs. Martin's home on
Liberty street.
Mrs. George C. Wills and Mrs.
Charles Given entertained the S. S.
club members and their husbands
last week Wednesday, at the home of
Mrs. Wills. The evening was spent
playing whist No prizes are given
until the end of a series of these par
ties which are held each month.
The Friday evening hops following
the dancing class of Miss Louise
Cronise have been very popular this
winter among the younger set. Last
evening about forty couples availed
themselves of the opportunity to en
joy the good music and splendid floor
of the auditorium.
Mr. George Shand, of Canada, with
his wife and daughter have been vis
iting his son, George Shand, Jr. On
Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs,
Shand entertained for them at cards,
During the evening Mr. Shand, Sr.
delighted the guests with readings
from Scotch authors.
Ten minutes Intermission.
9. Presentation of Leonardo's Pic
tures, reader.
10. "Aria for G String"; String
Quartette: 1st violin, Rev. W. T. Bab
cock; 2nd violin, Mr. Frank Frlckey;
viola, (Mrs.) Martha Draper Burg
hardt; cello, Mr. W. S. Kethum.
Program committee Leonardo,
Mrs. P. E. Bauer; Milton, Dr. Fletcher
Homan; Bach, Rev. H. T. Babcock.
. ,1 V 'Tl
I Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forezf
C3.VT. nux C0UnAV3"3
Oriental Cream
C73 rfusum isa tana coxnaaoi
It is tbt doty ct every woman to ntem her:
Uaoty, tod even tb. mot beautiful must protect '
their oomplexioa A faultier complexion, sweet, I
para, and wholesome k ometoing every womaiv
desires and which can fee readily obtained br ncingi
well known preparuUoo bat been highly reoom
mtnded by physicians, aetrwsM, singers, and
Juen of fashion for .over half a century. It
nnden'th skin like the softnaH of velvet, leav
ing it clear and pearly white.
Ekin Diseases, relieve irritation, soothes and in
vigorate the skin, beautifies and improves the
complexion and cannot be surpassed when pre
paring for evening- attire.
FERD. T. HOPKINS. Proprietor, 37 Great Jones Street. New York
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bishop returned
from a week's visit at Pendleton,
where Mr. Bishop has an Interest in
the Woolen mills.
Ex-Mayor C. P. Bishop starts Mon
day for a six weeks' visit In New
York, wheret Mrs. Bishop will join
him after a while.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Vass spent the
day at Portland.
Mr. F. A Erlxon returned Friday
morning after a three months' trip;
during which he visited New York,
New Orleans, New Mexico and Cali
fornia cities.
A Farewell Party.
On February 24, at eight o'clock
about thirty friends and nelgsbors
gathered at the home of C. H. Fromm,
746 Highland avenue and gave them a
complete surprise. All
pared and at 10:30 lunch was served
after which games were played until
twelve o'clock, when all went home
with much regret to have Xhem move
from our midst Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whitney, Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
MoMnllnn. Mr. and Mrs. L. f!. Hftckfitt
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Watson, Mrs.! Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Mary FIy.nn, Grace Flynn, Charlie I Tablets are "to.-" stable,
Watson, Anna Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. nave been PraIsed thousands
run down and falling In health day
by day, hut you must work as long
as you can stand. What you need Is
Electrlc Blttera-to-glt tone, strength
and vigor to your system, to prevent
break down and build you ud. Don't
came pre- ( bfl weaki gjiy or ailing when Elec-
I trio Bitters will benefit you from the
first dose. Thousands bless them
for their glorious health and strength
Try them. Every bottle is guaran
teed to satisfy. Only BOc at J. C.
C. H. Hill, Mrs. Gehrke, Miss Mar
garet Gehrke, Mabel Blanche and
May Frederick, Vera McMellan, Misses
Slyvla and Jessie Miller and Kate
Will, Loyd, Verd and Veta Hockett
and Mrs. Agnes Nairn.
, No Need to Stop Work.
When your doctor orders you
stop work it staggers you. "I oaat"
you say. You know you are weak,
of women who have been restored to
health through their gentle aid and
curative properties. Sold by all
Get it at Dr. Stone's Drag Store
Best Patent
Best Salem Flour, sk..
Extra Choice Sugar
Hams, per lb
hard wheat flour,
There Is nothing niw about the Idea of
using sage for restoring the color of the
hair. Our great-grundmotliers kept their
locks soft, dark and glogsy by using
'saKe Ka." Whenever their hair fell out
or took on a dull, faded or streaked ap
pearance, they made a brew of save
leaves and applied it to their bair with
wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadays
we don't have to resort to the old-time,
tiresome jncthod of gathering the herbs
and making the brew. This is done by
skillful chemists better than wc could do
it ourselves, and all we have to do is to
call for the ready made product. Wyeth'e
Sage and Sulphur, containing sage Id the
proper strength, with the addition of
Sulohur. another old-time scalp remedy.
This preparation Is sold by all first-class
driiK?ists for f30c. and $1.00 a bottle, or
is sent direct by the wyem unemicai
Company, 74 Cortlandt St,
City, upon receipt of price.
Nice Bacon 1S
1 lbs. Full Cream Cheese.. Kc
1 dos. Tomatoes 95
1 dos. Salmon $1.00
(Your last chance to get the
Metor Brand of Alaska Sal
mon at this price.)
3 cans Milk (good) 20
S cans first class 4-oz. Oysters
Just received car load of alfalfa
bay, per 100 lbs 80c
SO lb. sack Bran 80c
Shorts, per sk. 9L20
Oat Hay per 100 lbs 75c
Rolled Oats and Barley, 100
lbs $L5
Come and see me; I will save
you money.
All goods promptly delivered.
Phone 1407.
Salem Fence Works f
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb
Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin
gles, Malthold Roofing, P. ft.
B. and Ready Roofing. All at
the lowest prices.
I 260 Court street. Phone It 4
Chlldron Cry
Get U at Dr. Stone's Drug Store
Children Cry
Get it at Dr. Stone's Drug Store
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Kan Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The younger members of the parish
of St. Joseph have given a series or
pleasant events during the winter.
The last, a dance on Tuesday night,
attended and successful
un Saturday afternoon, February
2-5, thirty members of the Sedgwick
Woman's Relief corps surprised Mrs.
Effle S. Wright at the home of her
"other. Mrs. W. H. Byars. The
guests were gladly welcomed and roy-
any entfrtained. Refreshments were
served during the afternoon. Assist
ing were Mrs. Byars, Mrs. Glover,
Miss Sautell, Mrs. Forstner and Miss
Emma Wright.
The University ball, planned for
Friday night of this week, has been
Indefinitely postponed.
m the chapel of the Indian school
st Monday afternoon, Walter C.
Haight and Miss Jennie Luke were
Maed in matrimony by the Rev.
Evtnson, of Salem. Both of the young
people hve been students , of the
hool for a number of years. Mr.
"a'Sht was a member of the 50-mile
Salem-Portland team. The young
uple are to live In Rickreall. where
r- Halght will have charge of the
17 department on the ranch of Wll
"am Morrow.
Mr. nuara C- Kelly( Jr. wh) haa
visiting in Salem for the past
returned to his home In Van
WTer, B. c.
Mrs. Clifford Brown entertained last
the f f0f tb 8wlnK club- of wWcn
folowIng matrons and maids are
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Briggs have
Issued Invitations for the marriage of
their daughter. Delia, to Mr. Bertram
v.. Harris, on March the seventh at
On Friday of last week Miss Eva
Savage entertained the Vlnbeg club
and a number of Invited guests at her
home on State street. Violets were
the motif of decoration and each guest
was presented at the door with a
bunch of the dainty flowers.
"Some' R' Set", the new progressive
card game, was played at eight ta
bles and made the evening 'a merry
one. The tally cards were of violet
design and violets ornamented the
napkins and dollies; the Ice cream
sueeested violets in the coloring of
the frozen layers.
Mrs. A N. Bush complimenting her
sister, Mrs. David Mackle, of Port
land, was hostess on Friday after
noon for sewing and tea. Carnations
In profusion decorated the rooms.
Mrs. Mackle poured tea with Miss
Boot assisting In serving.
m m
In honor of Mr. Henry B. Thlelsen's
birthday a few friends were enter
tained Tuesday, informally. The even
ing was spent playing five hundred,
Mr. and Mrs. Ttiomas Kay making
highest scores and receiving books
as prizes.. A very fine steamer rug
was presented to Mr. Thlelsen by his
A pretty wedding was solemnized
last Sunday afternoon In the new
home of the groom at 1427 Rock
street, when Maria Wllhelmlna
Stolck was united In marriage to Mr.
August Maurer. Pastor Hopf, of the
State street Lutheran church, officiat
ing. After the ceremony and the wed
ding hymn, sixty guests, including the
father and mother of the ' bride, sat
down to a bountiful dinner, after
which there was music and dancing
to make the occasion a joyful remem
brance. The bride, a lovely and ac-
comnltshed young woman, Is a recent
arrival from Oklahoma.
' Mr. Maurer Is a popular young
i; Are You Planning to
1 i i i
I Your Home This Spring? 1
. ... ... .
. .. . . '"
.... , .
. . ....
. .. . ... ,
I! Have You Selected You Lot? 1
seven-thirty In the evening; the cere- business man who has resided in Sa-
mony. to take place In their home on ! lem for five years.
Nineteenth street.
Mrs. Endress entertained the Entre
Nous club on Thursday afternoon at
her home on North Winter street.
The members are all residents of
North Salem and meet ever(y two
weeks to embroider and read. The
subject for study at present Is early
Salem history.
Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Stahl, ot Port
land, have been the guests of friends
for the past week at Salem. Mr. Stahl
was formerly manager of the Oregon
State Reform school.
The Euterpean society has secured
the services of Mr. .George Schreiber
of this city for a course of lectures
on art subjects. Mr. Schreiber is art
Instructor at the High school, and In
him Salem has one of the best all
around equipped men In the West.
He Is a painter of the French lmpres-
! slonlst school, and was for many years
an Instructor and lecturer at the Chi
cago Art museum. He spent some
years in Paris and Rome mastering
the technique of his profession.
Mrs. A. L. Brown gave a family din
ner for her husband Monday evening
In celebration of his fifty-eecond birth-
Mrs. Maurer's parents have come
from Oklahoma to live on a farm near
The Euterpean club will bold Its
eighth meeting on Monday evening,
March 6, in Willamette chapel. The
following program will be presented:
1. Characterization of Leonardo,
reader, Rev. Philip E. Bauer.
2. "My Heart Ever Faithful"; Vo
calist. Miss Louise Cronise; accom
panist, Mr. Chester Catlow.
3. "Forget Me not"; vocalist, Miss
Gertrude Erlxon; accompanist, Mr.
Chester Catlow.
4. Characterization of Milton;
reader, Dr. Fletcher Homan.
5. Pine Organ, "Prelude and Fufue
In G. Minor"; organist. Prof. T. S,
Roberts: description, Mr. Chester
6. Characterization of Bach; read
er, Mr. Chester Catlow.
7. "Ave Maria". (Bach-Gounod);
vocalist, Miss Inez Dennlson; accom
Daniement: violin. Miss Viola Ver-
cler; piano, Miss Eleanor Colony;
nine orean. Prof. T. 8. Roberts; des
cription, Mr. Chester Catlow.
8. The Works of Milton, with read
ings; (a) Selections from "L'Allegro'
(b) Selections from "II Penseroso"
reader. Dr. Fletcher Homan.
where improvement work is now going on and a number
of houses are at present under construction on the tract. 8
Mf you expect to build soon you should learn about the i i:
heavy discount we are giving to home builders. Just
think of this: To the nex Iparty who will build in
Kingwood we will allow
and wc will pay for the architect's plans besides this gives you a home
in an addition where the streets will be graded, where there will be
cement walks and tree-lined parkways fronting each lot. Present prices
run from $1 75 to $500 per lot.
BECHTEL & BYXON, 347 State St., Kalem, Oregon:
. Gentlemen: Kindly send me new city map, plat of King
wood Park and price list free.
Street No
City or Town
We will make these prices seem a joke when the
first pile Is driven on the new bridge, and you
can rest assured that the bridge is going to be
Mtttm "T
206 McKay Bldg., Portland, Or.
- 347 State Street, Salem, Or.