Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 04, 1911, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10

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Pastor Russell on God's Times and
Foil River, Mam.,
Feb. 20.- Pastor
HuHell preached
twice here ' today.
He bad flue audi
ence and excellent
attention. We quote
one of Ills lnstruc
UvedlHcoiirnes from
the text, "I pray
not for the itorld,
but fur those xchnm Thau hast yiven me"
(John xvll. p). Uesald:
Whon. yeurs ago, 1 believed thnt an
eternity of torture u waited all who do
not accept God's "call" of the present
time, I hud great ililllculty with this
text. I asked. Is It poswlble that our
Redeemer was selectively unjust In hi
dealings with' our race? Can It Be
' true that the neavenly Futhor merely
calls and draws a predestinated few
to ' himself and to everlasting bliss?
Can It be true, as fiot catechisms re
cite, thnt God and Jesus "passed by"
the great mass of mankind without
drawing them, without calling them,
without giving them the bearing ear,
without opening the eyes of their un
derstanding? Can it be that all these
blind and deaf, unsought, undrawn,
uncalled and nnprayed for by the
Savior are going down to eternal tor
ment? My heart answered, Nol But
my brain was confused by the errors,
the misinterpretations of the Bible,
which I had received.
John Wtslty' "Fres Grace."
Trained In the Doctrine of Election
nd Predestination I, llko hosts of oth
ers, felt somehow that Brother Wes
ley's touching of Free Grace was more
noble, more God-ltke, than Brother
Calvin's tenchlng respecting Election
and Predomination.
Nevertheless, when I rensoned on
the subject I said, Can I think of the
omniscient God preparing a great place
of sufficient size to bold the entire hu
man family and outlined wltb every
devilish nppllnnce for their torture,
and yet being Ignorant of the condi
tions under which tbey would be born?
Can I think that he did not know that
we would be born In slit and shapen
In Iniquity? Can I think that be did
not know of the prescut reign of Sa
tan, 8lu and Death and that it would
last for six thousand years and Inju
riously affect our entire race?
Brother Wesley's theory of God's
Love and good Intentions of his en
deavor to snve everybody seems In
consistent when contrasted with his
teaching that only a saintly fow reach
eternal bliss and that the thousands
of millions must spend eternity in tor
ture. Thus I was once confused, as
millions ore still confused today, In
respect to (he Divine Character as ex
emplified Id the Divine plan of the
ages. Bo far as I can see, Rrother
Calvin bad a wise and powerful God
such as I could admire and reverence.
If he had only been kind and loving
Instead of dlahollrnl. And Brother
Wesley had a kind and loving God
such as I could ndmlre and worship,
If he had only had the wlsdorn and
power of Calvin's theory.
Bo long as we have such confusion
In our minds faith nnd hope and love
and trust shake upon the foundations
of our rensiiu. We rccognlzo that we
know nothing of tho future of our
selves: that we nre wholly dependent
upon Plvlne Revelation. Hut we can
not expect thnt our Creator would
give us a Revelation which to sancti
fied minds would appear Satanic In
stead of Iilvlno. We must remember
that our Orentor Invites us to reason,
saying. "Come, let us reason together;
though your sins bo as scarlet, they
shall be white ns niiow," Surely n
right understnndlng of the Divine Rev
elation, the Bible, should be a reason
able one to a snnctllled mind.
Ilcflrkon to the Word of the Lord:
Their fear toward me Is not of me,'
but is taught by the precepts of men!
(Isaiah xxlx, IX)
Hearken again: "As tho heavens are
higher thnn the earth, so are my meth
ods higher than your methods and my
t plans higher than your plans" i Isaiah
Iv, 0). And so we Bud, my dear
Mends - God's Word Is true, fits
Character Is glorious. Only the mist
and smoke of the "dark ages" have
oufued things for us and mystified
matters nnd darkened the eyes of our
Prvdeitinatlon of the Bible.
Now as the six thousand years have
fiassed ami we have entered upon the
flablutlc Seventh Thouxnnd we are
beginning to reall that It marks a
New Dispensation -that the night Is
passed: thnt the dnwn Is upon us. The
wonderful Inventions of our day along
rthly lines nre In full harmony with
the clear light now shining uiwn God's
Word, making Its dark places bright
and Its rough places smooth and ena
bling us to remove the stumbling
stones from the "pathway of the Just,
which shlnetb more and more unto the
perfect day."
New we can see why Jesus did not
pray for the world. It was because
the world was not In any danger of
fiery hell. More than that. It was be
Muse God's time for dealing with the
world hud not yet ronie. The world,
howerer. Is lo be doalt with by the
great Redeemer Aftr Me shall have
T) 11 0 Going to neglect your hair until it leaves
JLjCLICLC yu? Going to neglect your dandruff until
you are bald ? Certainly not Then con
sult your doctor. Ask him about Ayer's Hair Vicor. It
yiever stains or changes the
set up His Kiugdum id power and
great glory; after lie shall have bound
Batan for a thousand years that be
might deceive the people no more, the
glorious Savior. .Messiah, will cause a
general enlightenment of mankind and
a full" opiHirtunity for all. rich and
poor, great mid small, to rise up from
dust Hiid ahes mill the urine to the
full perfection of hiiinnu nature.
The Bun ( KUIiteuusiiesx will arise
with healing In his beams, blessing
mankind, henlint! their discuses, men
tal, moral ami physical, and causing
the knowledge of the Lord to till the
whole earth. .No longer will any need
to any to l is neighbor or his broth
er. "Know thou the Lord, for all
shall know Him. from the least to the
greatest." And only the wilfully wick
ed and disobedient will be cut off
from life in the Second Death not
tortnre; but. as St. Paul declares,
"They shall be punished with everlast
ing destruction."
We see, then, that our Lord's reason
for not praying for the world was that
He knew the Father's Plan that the
world was not to be dealt with during
this Age, but during the ucxt, the
Kingdom Age. The Master prayed for
His own, for the class which He has
been selecting during the past nine
teen hundred years. These nre vari
ously called "the elect," the "dis
ciples," "Ills followers," "members
of His Body." a "Royal Priesthood,"
the "Brlflej" "the Lamb's Wife." the
"little flock." to whom It Is the Fa
ther's good pleasure to give the King
EUet to Blest Non-sleet.
Seeing, then, that there Is a differ
ence -between God's provision for the
world, to be dispensed in the next Age.
and his provision for the Church to be
given now. we ask. What Is the dif
ference between these? The answer
is that the world's salvation Is to be to
human nature and an earthly Paradise
world-wide: while the elect eluss Is a
speclul one called of God. chosen In
Christ and faithful in adversity and.
by the Lord's grace. Is to have a heav
enly nature, like unto that of the an
gels, but superior. Theirs Is a "heav
enly calling." a "high calling." They
are to be like their Lord and Redeem
er nnd Head and Bridegroom. Jesus,
In Ills glorified state, "fur. above an
gels and principalities and powers, and
every name thut Is nunied."
Is this an urbltrury efectlon? Does
God arbitrarily draw and 'call one
above another? Yes. He thus select
ed the .Jewish nation to be His pecu
liar nation not. , however, to the detri
ment or Injury of other nations. He
thus called Isaac Instead of Ishmael,
and Jacob Instead of Esau to be the
progenitors of His chosen nutlon Is
rael, whom, He foreknew us a people
and predestinated to a certain service.
But tills selection worked no Injury to
either Ishmael or Ksau. Similarly
during this Gospel Ago God chooses
from (he world a certnln class and
grants them the hearing ear nnd the
seeing eye, and He passes by others
nnd gives them not this special favor.
This, however. Is not to be to the dis
advantage of the others non-elect,
unchostMi. uncalled.
Aooording to His Purpose.
St Paul speaks of the Church as
"cnlled uccordlng to His purpose." He
even tells us what (he purpose Is,
namely, that In Ages to come He
might show forth the exceeding riches
of Ills grace In Ills loving kindness
toward us lit Christ Jesus (Epheslans
II. "i. Toward tills specially called
class God will to all eternity manifest
special favor. But we are not to sun-
pose that there Is no reason for this
selection nnd favor. There Is n rin unn
It Is because of certain Intrinsic quali
ties or characteristics possessed bv
this chiKs which God Is now selecting.1
They will all be "saints." They will
all love (he Lord more than they love
houses or lands, parents or children.
self or any creature. They will all
possess the fruits and graces of the
Holy Spirit.
Indeed, this Is God's particular pre-
destination. St. Paul tells us that Ho
foreknew thnt He would provide His
only-begotten Son to be the Snvlor of
mankind and the Head over the
Church, and He foreknew thnt II
would have a Church, n Royal Priest
hood under the great High Priest, ns
members of Ills Body. Ood foreknew
also the kind of n Message He would
send forth and that It would be at
tractive only to u certain class pos
sessed of n love for righteousness.
? heso only would hear Ills cull. These
only would have the eyes of their un
derstanding specially opened, beeuuse
these nlone would accept of His assig
nee and mnke a full consecrntlou to
His service. Such He would begot of
His Holy Spirit, and such. In due time,
would be born of the Spirit lu the res
urrection nnd enter into the fellowship
and companionship and klugly Joys of
tueir Master.
It Is of this special class that the
Apostle declares. "Whom God did
foreknow, these He also did predesti
nate to be conformed lo the likeness
(Imagei of Ills Son" (Romans vill. 211).
Thnt Is to say, Uod's predestination
was not only that He would have a
Church, but. additionally, that the
terms or conditions of fellowship In
that Church should be that each one
would Ixvonie Christ-like. Surely this
Is a good predest Illation, with which
no one could tlnd fault. Vhe(her we
'hull gain a place with the "elect" on
the heavenly plane, or a place with
the non-elect world In restitution to
"nrthly nature, we cannot do other
wise thnn recognise the Justice of God
In so deciding, that none but the saint
ly copies of their lrj. could be mem
bers of the elect Church and Joint
heirs with Hltu in Ills Kingdom.
"True and righteous are Thy ways.
Urd God Atmlghlyr "Who shall not
rome ami worship before Thee, when
t.? r,"
rZ, rJ yt nr'?n , ,h"
h,"T "t lnv. Head nnd Mem-
color of the hair, f c vt.v
bers. Bridegroom and Bride, "Unto
Him every knee shall bow and every
tongue confess to the glory of God."
"Atk of fv'.s and I Will Give."
Although our Lord did not pray for
the world, He will yet pray for them,
and His prayer will le answered The
promise reads. "Ask of Me uud I will
give Thee the heathen for an inher
itance and the uttermost parts of the
earth for a possession" (Psalm il. 8).
Jesus did not mnke this request on
the night of Ills crucltlxlun because it
was not the Father's time to answer
that prayer. Appropriately He waited,
aud while gathering the "elect" from
every nation, people, kindred and
tongue, the Scriptures declare that He
Is seuted at the Father's right bund of
glory expecting or waiting for the
time to come w ht n the Kingdom under
the whole heavens shall be delivered
to Him by the Father. This will be
done nt the end of this Gospel Age,
when the saintly ISody of Christ shall
have been completed. Then "He shall
take unto himself Ills great ower and
A great time of trouble will fol
low. The plowshare of sorrow will
make ready the hearts of mankind for
the great blessings which Messiah will
then bo ready to bestow, because tht
wfll be the due time. St. Paul tells
us that Messiah's reign will be a vic
torious one: "He must reign until ne
shall have. put all enemies under His
feet (in full subjection); the lust ene
my that shall be destroyed Is' death."
Then, after a thousand years, after
having accomplished the purpose of
the Father In the uplifting of all the
willing and obedient of mankind to
earthly perfection he great Prophet,
Priest, Mediator and King of Glory
will at the end of the thousand years'
reign deliver up the Kingdom even lo
God the Father, that God may be all
In nil (I Corinthlnns xv, 28).
While Satan will be bound at the
beginning of Messiah's reign and every
form of unrighteousness will be rooted
out, nevertheless the raising of man
kind up out of sin and degradation to
perfection will be a gradual work. As
the regenerating Influences operate In
mankind, they will become more and
more alive, less nnd less dead until at
the end of the Messianic reign Adamlc
death will be no more: It shall have
been fully destroyed by the raising of
mankind completely out of It; the last
enemy thnt shall be destroyed Is death
Adamlc death.
The Second Death will never, be de
stroyed, but will be everlasting. It Is
not an enemy to God nnd Ills right
eousness, but a valuable servant to de
stroy everything wilfully and Intelli
gently out of accord with the Divine
Government righteousness.
I Pray For Them.
All who are seeking to walk in. the
footsteps of Jesus: nil who have taken
up their cross to follow Him, may well
rejoice In that feature of His prayer
which says. I pray for those whom
Thou hast given Me that they may all
be one, as Thou. Father, and I are
one, that the world may believe that
Thou bust sent Me iJohn xvll, 20, 21).
The oneness of God's people Is not
represented In the various sects and
parties of the present time. It Is rep
resented In the fact that all the conse
crated followers of the Redeemer are
Individually united to Him ns the
Head and united to each other as
members of Ills Body. "The Lord
knoweth them thnt are Ills." By and
by, by the power of the First Resur
rection, nil these shall be perfected on
the spirit plnne nnd constitute the
Kingdom for which we pray. "Thy
Kingdom come: Thy will he done on
earth as It Is In heaven." As a re
sult of thnt Kingdom's coming the
world will nil be brought to the point
of believing In Jesus and will all have
the opportunity of obtaining through
nim the gift of Ood, eternal life.
Our Lord's solicitude was not merely
for the A post it's und earliest members
of the Church whom the Futhor gave
HI ni In the special sense,, as Ilia per
sonal companions and helpers In the
founding of the Church: he prnyed'on.
snylng, Neither pray I for these nlone.
but for all those nlso who shall be
lieve on Me through their Word. The
Mnster's words outlined to us the Di
vine Program. And Jesus himself be
gun to declare the Gospel and brought
life and Immortality to light. Ho
commissioned His twelve Apostles, St.
Paul taking the place of Judas, to
speak In His Name and ns Ills special
mouthpieces. Whatever they would
declare to be binding on earth would
be- binding In the sight of Cod In
UWveu. Whatever ther would loose
and declare to be uou-estcntial on
earth, we may know would be so by
Divine decree (Matthew xvl. I!b.
In a word. Jesus, the Apostles und
the Prophets alone are to be consid
ered the siKwIai guides uud standard
bearers for he Church. We are to
believe on Hltu through their word nnd
not through the word of counsels or
synods or presbyteries. Rnch Individ
ual of the Church has his personal re
sponsibility. This Is In hnrmony with
our Lord's , declaration. "My sheep
know My Vole and they follow Me: a
stranger will they not follow, but will
flee from a strauger." It behooves us
today to hearken hack to the words of
Jesus as He personally uttered them
and as He ersoually sent theui to us
through Ills chosen twelve.
Soon the Mnster's prayer for His dis
ciples will hnve fulfillment. They will
be one with Him beyond the' veil,
sharers of Ills glory and Kingdom
Then will come the time when the
world will believe. The knowledge of
the Lord will till the earth and all the'
blinding and stumbling Influences of
the present will lie at an end Te
Snvlor will not need to pray for toe
world then.' but Instead will exercise
Ills power on their behalf, overthrow-
In evil and nPllftlB everr mod prlu-
cl,,,p "nd " whrt riKhteoJne..
nJ would cor-
runt the Mirth
nipt the nrth
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