fl t mi lift rot. xxi. SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1911. NO. 84. ON TO MEET APRIL 4 TAFT CALL AN EXTRA MEASURES CONGRESS ENDS WITHOUT PASSING PRESIDENT'S Til PET RECIPROCITY IS IGIIORED BV SENATE AND TARIFF ' BILL BY THE HOUSE BOARD Tariff Board Bill Passed by Both Houses, But Afterwards Killed by the House in filibuster Over Amendments Sen ate Let Reciprocity Die, and Taft at Once Struck Back by Calling an Extra Session to Meet April 4 Scenes in the ' House at Close the Most Disorderly in Years. I constitution in the senate was so bit- 4. Without ter that It caused the resignation of favoring reciprocity ; Senator Bailey, of Texas, the Demo- I'MTED I'RESS LEASED WIHB. Washington, March enacting a law with Canada and without providing for a tariff board, President Taft's two pet measures, the 61st congress ended tills afternoon. The tariff board measure passed both houses but the Democrats in the house finally killed it by a filibuster against the senate amendments. Reciprocity was ignored in the senate, the finance committee having report ed It without recommendation and then allowed It to die at the foot of the calendar. President Taft struck back by Is suing a call for an extra session of congress to convene April 4. He was willing to abandon the tariff board bill but stood firm for reciprocity. He now believes that the measure will be passed at the extra session. The closing of the' senate was marked by filibusters which kept that body In session almost continuously for the last six days of the session. The final struggle over the Arizona THE AMERICAN AMBASSADOR IS RECALLED Carte- Harrison Is "It." Chicago, March 4. Carter H. Harrison has undisputed title to the Democratic nomination for mayor, as a result of the , . Mexican Rebels Winning.' Santa Rostlla, Mex., March 4. Santa Rosalia Arlzpe and Ures, the latter two in the state 4 of Sonera are In the hands of the rebels. Cananea, between Arlzpa and Urea, probably will 4 be taken late today, as rebels were reported advancing on the town at daybreak. TTnrMfloAftnna are helnr Massncrelne Jews. thrown up, but! the garrison is expected to pnove n match, for London, March 4. Private : DEMOCRAT i JOIN It Ml S LED BY GIB DIG OVATION TO DIME JOE official canvass of the primary vote. With the official tabula tion practically completed, Har rison showed a net gain of 25 votes over Edward P. Dunne, who insisted the canvass would return him the nominee. Roger Sullivan, Democratic national committeeman, and oth er Democratic. leaders, who op posed Harrison In the primary, today declaredl there Is no ques tion to his nomination. 1 the rebels, who have a large force. Advices received from Chi- huahua today that General Francisco I. Madero had sent the governor of Chihuahua a demand for the surrender of the city. 4- cratic floor leader announcing his withdrawal when a vote on the Owen resolution showed that all but two of the Democrats were for "popular gov ernment." Bailey declared he had been deserted by his proper follow ers and quit on the spot. In the house the scenes were the most disorderly in years. Speaker Cannon pounded his desk violently in trying to keep order and during the Fitzgerald filibuster the demoraliza tion was complete. The minority jeered wildly when Payne asked unanimous consent to dispense with consideration of the tariff board hill. Then the clock was pushed back an hour and with Cannon pounding al most continuously on his desk, the excitement was finally subdued and the final hills were pushed through at the rate of one a minute. The only, other Democrats who vot ed with Bailey on the Owen resolution were Taliaferro and Overman. I'MTED TBESS LEASED WI11E. Mexico Cy, March 4. A rumor was current here today that Ameri can Ambassador Wilson, who now Is in tne I nited States, has been re- Cillerl. it was said that remarks at innuted to Wilson had created an unfriendly feeling toward Americans D3te. Spanish newspapers bitte'y denounced him. STABBED HERSELF TO DEATH MRS CARRIE REEVES, DESPOND. ENT OVER BEING SEPARATED FROM HER SON, TAKES CAR. BOLIO ACID AND THEN USES THE KNIFE. TACADA CA Oil OILER AT ' 1 ES E11PL0DE! Five Men Are Killed and Two Injured When Boiler of a Donkey Engine at Sawmill Suddenly Lets Go. messages from Russia received here todaiy assert that Jewish massacres there are approach- lng the barbarity of the slaugh- ter of Klshlneff. Owing to the strict censor- ship exercised, few details of the outbreaks are obtainable, 4 but among the victims are said to be the parents of Dr. Tartak- ower, the chess expert. 4 The rioting Is said to be the result of the failure of many Jews to observe the expulsion order recently promulgated by the central government. ' DAILEY IS BOILER IS BLOWN 200 FEET Mrs.. Reeves, who has for many years beeen a resident -if South Sa lem, corner Myers and Saginaw streets, committed suicide this after- by stabbing herself. Her plonshlp of Western Oregon, and play ball every minute of the gaime, as noon their past record shows. They have brother, ex-Representative Nichols, of played nine games this season and j Benton county, came down from have lost but two, and in their last Monroe, to take her with him to his game are determined to give their home this evening, and arrangements Portland visitors a warm reception, ' had been made to send her son, Ray- Accident Occurred This Morning at Estacada, Thirty Miles South of Portland on the Clackamas River Boiler hurled High in the Air by Terrifflc explosion Lands 200 Feet Away. RESIGNS and, if possible, add another victory to their list. The lineup of the local team will he as follows: Center, Mills, forwards, Henderson and St. Pierre; guards, Joseph and Kirk. McMakin lamette, will referee. UNITED I'RESS LEASED WIRE. Portland, Or., March 4. Five men were killed and two Injured when a mond, to his father, . W. Reeves, at donkey engine in a sawmill on the San Francisoo. ( Clackamas river, near Estacada, 30 Acid and Knife. ' miles southeast of Portland, explod- Her brother left the house a little ed this forenoon, according to re after noon to go down in the city WtrU reaching here. ( of W11-" and transact some banking business, I The men were workmen employed 1 and she Immediately proceeded to In the mill. IS GREATLY MOVED WHEf Of CLARK'S MOTION HE IS GIVEN A VOTE OF T I A IIS Cark Said:. "I Offer This Resolution Because, at This Moment Joseph G. Cannon Is One of the Greatest Historical Per sonaaes In Our Countrv" A Great Demonstration Fol lowed Clark's Peroration Cannon Spoke Feelingy Said He Has Only Friendship for All His Colleagues. and THE BIG ?M0KE MAT GO TO THE ROCK TILE . ! take carbolic acid and stabbed her- ( Continued on page 8.) f UNITED I'RESS LEASED WHIR.) o San Francisco, March 4. Champion LAST BASKETBALL Jack Johnson probably will be given GAME ON TONIGHT an opportunity to train for his next .battle on the rock pile. The big smoke will be arrested some time to day on a second charge of having violated the speed law and it is gen erally believed' Police Judge Weller will give him a jail sentence. What promises to be one of the fastest basketball games of the sea son will be played at the Y. M. C. A. at 8 o'clock tonight between the Hawthornes of Portland and the Bar acca dub of the First Presbyterian church. The Hawthorne team is consid ered as one of the fastest teams in sembly man Randall presented a con- Wants Grand Army Encampment Sacramento, Calif., March 4. As- THE GAR WAS DEFECTIVE If! EVERY WAY Portland, having defeated the Mult nomah club by a good score and win ning over the Y. M. C. A. Spartans. The Baraecas hold the club cham- THE NEW YORK DEMOCRATS -' AT OPEII WAR That the car of the Portland Rail road, Light & Power company which rniilrlpr! with freieht cars of the current resolution In the house today Sn1,.h.rn PaCfio ott January 11. at inviting the next grand encampment portland( witll the re(mit that one passenger was killed and several in jured belongs to a type which is de fective, and that in using them acci dents are liable to occur any time, is In substance the report of the rail-! road commission today, after invest!-' gating the affair. I" i The accident occurred on. Haw thorne avenue. The rod constituting the hand brake equipment had be-; come fractured, and the motorman; was ordered t6 run the car to the re-.i pair shop. While doing so the air pipe broke and then the fuses con-', The dead: James Pittman, Sandy, Ore. RUihard White, Sandy, Or. . . Watson, residence unknown R. W. Smith, wlstle boy, residence unknown. Unidentified workman. The boiler was hurled high In the air, and struck in a field 200 feet from the mill. The bodies of the Injured men, badly mutilated, we-e picked up 60 feet from the scene, j Fireman Segvis, who was slightly Injured, said that he knew no rea son that would explain the explosion. , UNITED TEESS LEASED WIRU. Austin, Tex., March 4. Senator Bailey sent a telegram here today saying that he had florwarded his res ignation to Governor Colquitt. The legislature is now in session, and1 will proceed at once to the election of Bailey's successor. It Is understood that he will be a candidate to succeed himself. Former Governor Campbell and Governor Colquitt are both can' didates. It Is believed that Campbell is th choice of the legislature, and that Bailey will not be returned Bailey resigned because the Dem ocrats failed to follow his leader ship In consideration of the Arizona constitution, which Bailey violently opposed. He opposed the Initiative, referendum and recall, the latter principally, particularly in its appli cation to judges. Bailey refused to make any state ment on his resignation. o MARION 'S PART OF IT IS SMALL of the Grand Army of the Republic to Los Angeles. o VETERANS ARE AGAINST THE i JAP TREATY TlllSSIDE THE L E tvxiiED 1'itKHR leaked wiBE.. . Portland , Or.; March 4 . Charac- Sew York M.h i t, t,iMt thA rcent rtreaty- between Bwfcal hatt'la in i. in,nH. fho TTnitA states and JaDan as "the trolling the reverses, and the car, i lnSbere today, as a result of an' dastardly action of congress," and then being beyond the control of the open break between Charles F. Mur-' declaring that it will result in the motorman, dashed Into some South- W. boss of Tammanv Hall, and Gov-' DODulating of the Pacific coast with frn Pacific freight cars ernor John A. Dlx, because of the an alien "unasslmllable race," the Kovernor'a public repudiation of Wm. members of the local camp of Span- Sheehan s candidacy for United ish-American war veterans today tel Sta'es senator. egraphed resolutions passed by the Sheehan ls supported by Tammany camp to President Taft and congress. "rces. The feeling prevailed today ; The resolution declares that the "at Murphy would ha moBllpH to trpatv Is "In the Interest of the capi talistic and not the common people ' derailing devices De lnsianeo of the United States. that cars be inspeciea o(n"; The commission says that Inspector Guth did not fully enough Investl gate the trouble, and rervmmended that hereafter Inspectors take precau tions to protect passengers befora taking any other steps when a car l.-i ' tJMTKD I'HEMM I.K,AHKP WIJJl!. Pittsburg, Pa.'; March 4. Evidence that Edwin Blatt and Lawrence Con verse, Amerl'-ao war ctrrespondents, were kidnaped by Mexican federals will be placed in the hands-of Bec: retary Knox today, according to i telegram received here from postmaster at El Paso, Tex. "Abundant evidence," says the the One hundred and fifty-six dollars and twenty-one cents ls Marlon coun ty's share of the Ave per cent hind sales fund, and which fund was ap portioned among the various coun ties of the state today by the sec-e- laty of state. This fund consists of fivii per cent of the lands sold by the "ulted States government, and Is to he used by the counties In the ron ntru;tlon -and maintenance of roads. The apportionment ls made accordli g i'j the acrpage, and that of Marlon wns 703,680. The total of the fund ls T82.09, and the total number of dc-res H 60.937.760. The apportion rm nt of Harney county Is the large;, bWng 9 1 505.1 3. Malheur Is next, it apportionment belrg $1393.53., ., , , unitkd mutts leased wmu.) Berved. My friend, the spoaker-to- Waahingtoni, March 4. With his De, has bidden m farewell as speak colors nailed o the mast and showing er. I agree with him, for at 75 years. to the very last minute the fighting the course of nature, I could not front for which he has always been hope to, and would not, occupy thl famed, "Uncle Joe" Cannon closed his place again. So I will fill my place last term as speaker of the national under his gentle rule as a member ot house, when the 6lBt congress closed the house. I declare the third ses- at today. slon of the em congress aajournea. "I leave here without regret" was At the end of "uncle Joe's swaa the burden ot his swan song, "with song dead stUlmesa prevailed for malloo toward no member with whom fully a minute. Then Heflln, of Ala- I have ever served." bama, started singing "My country, Despite his weariness, i-k the result 'Tis of Thee," and the members and of a cin fnuciiB session for 26 hours, the gallery joined In with a will. Cannoni enfu-ced the ab-oliite gas The Democrats hoisted Joe Merriclc, tule during lie filibuster ly Fitzger- the pet page of the house, upon a aid, wh!:U ended the sittlon, and desk and he sang "My Old Kentucky fought tm Liimocr&ta 'HH'Ci ately un- Home," the southerners joining la til Payne capitulated, tud ebandoneJ the chorus. The nnale of the occasloa'' the tariff bill ' came In the singing by Merrick of When Ms last battM "as ended, "Auld Lang Syne," and few minutes Cannon left ibe chair, nd wae re- after the last bar died away only a placed by tiiiderwooii, of Alabama. Champ .CUrt, speaker-to-te In the next house, then Introduced a reso lution thauk.'rf Speaker Cannon for his services. "This has been one of the most im portant ffngresseB." said Cltrk, "and one of the stormiest In history. There have been more bitter words, and more riotous scenes than in any pro ceeding congress. I offer this reso lution because, at this moment Joseph G. Cannon Is one of the greatest his torical personages In our country." A great demonstration followed Clark's peroration, Underwood, in the chair, vainly pounding for order. In the midst of the turmoil Clark and Mann escorted Cannon to the chair and dead silence fell, as "Uncle Joe" began to speak. "It is eight years ago," he said, "since I was escorted to this deBk as speaker. I said then that the speaker should be the servant of the house, and elnce that time I have never forgotten that my duty was to preside in acoordunce with the rules of the house, with courtesy and with Impartiality. "It ls necessary, with the amount of business before this house, that there be a selection by the majority as to which business shall be consid ered. The rules must govern." Speaker Cannon thou directed Champ Clark to read the resolution of adjournment, and, at its conclu sion, resumed: "I leave here with out a rogret. 1 have performed my duties t the best of my judgment under the rules ot the house. I have no malice in my heart toward any colleague or toward any member with whom I ever few scattered members remained oa the floor. CALIFORNIA REDUCES HER APPROPRIATIONS Saorameruto, Cal., March 4. Au thors of appropriation bills are disap pointed today over the announcement by the senate committee on finance that the budget will be cut from f 18. 600,000 $3,000,000 for fear of running the state's liabilities too high. The new system of taxation leaves the amount of revenue la doubt. CANADA MAY HAVE I-INE TO AUSTRALIA Melbourne, March 4. There is a possibility after all, of a steamship service being arranged with Canada. Pressure Is being brought to bearoa the Individual members of the cabinet by business men in Melbourne ana Brisbane and the Postmaster-General, Mr. Tudor, promised a delegation that called on him that lie would do all la his power to have the service re tained. Taft C'linRen Ilewrve. Grieved Over Dog, Died. IIINITEII H1BH I.I:AHU1 WIRE Los Angola, Calif., March 4. While the official diagnosis says "nervous exhaustion," friends of Mrs. George B. Cnlton, 40, wife of Governor Colton, of Porto Rico, Whose di-uth occurred yesterday, say she died of grief over the dentil of tier pet dog. . , "adon Sheehan, af Dlx-, 8tand because ot Gover- put out cf commission; that suitable telegram, "that the two young men a'ld were Kiaoapea uu Aunrr wiu muii filed today by our consul.'' fl.'NITKD l'SKHH LEAKED Willi: 1 Washington. March 4. President Taft this afternoon signed a procla mation eliminating from Inyo for-nt In California 276,426 acres and add ed 80,532 acres, the greatest part of which Is in California. The unappro priated portions eliminated will be r utored to settlement. LEGISLATURE REBUKES ITS SENATORS ll'NITKII I'HKNH l.KAHKII WlllE.) Sarramento. C;U.. March 4. After a bitter debate limtlng all morning, the assembly at. noon today adopted Chandler's resolution rebuking I'. 8. Senators Perkins and Flint, of Cali fornia for voting to exonerate H.-nn-tor Uirlmer, of Illinois to retain his seat In the sen:iJe. Th vote was 44 to 16, the progressive Democrats standing with the progressive Republicans. AVIATOR HAS ESTABLISHED A NEW RECORD Laredo, Tex., Mwh 4. Laredo tu nil "miffed up" toduy because a new world's r'M'ord, In point of time, was hun(t up here yesterday, when I Lieutenant HtMiJumin Fnulola, 1'. S. A., and Aviator Purmulen drove an a..'r plane 10 miles lit 2 hours and j 7 minutes. Besides being a world's record for time. It was also a new United States record for a two-man flight. The men flew from Laredo to 1 Eagle Pass.