DAILY CAPITAL JOCKXAL, SALEM, OREGOX. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 85. 1U ai;k two the capital journal E. HOFER, Editor nd Proprietor. B. M. HOFEH, Manager WILL BUILD PORTLAND TO ADDITION TO HIGH SCHOOL HAVE THE BIG WRESTLERS tndapondaot Nawspapar Devoted to American Principle and the Proa-rasa and DmelotJktnt of All Oraron PublUhed Ery F.vanfof Except Sunday. Salem. Ore. SUMY I SUBSCRIPTION RATESi (InTariablr In Advance) Callr, br Carrier, per year V P" month Dkilr.br Mall, per rear 4 00 Per month- tTeakl, br Mail, per rear 100 Six montha . 60c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT nOBOER RAM AGAINST A REAL FROST the scone, and so were Sheriff Mlnto and Deputy Sherlc Each,, and, while they made a close search of the sur rounding premises, no trace ooud be found of the robber, nor have any clues been secured as to his Identity today. While the wounds received by Frost were painful they are not ee. rious. I o GAME WARDENS GUARD 1 HERDS OF STARVING DEER TRIED TO HOLD UP JACK KROKT IN HIS SHOP ON TWELFTH ; tjsitbd idehs lcared whip! vTitf.-i.rr M7T arrra A fight IN. Klamath Falls, Or., Feb. 25. STEAD OF COIN THREE UUL- Driven from the hills to the lava beds I.FTS mitlKE FROST. on account of the heavy snows, large bands of deor are being guarded from "pot" hunters today by deputy When Jack Frost, last night at 9 game WBrdns 0f Southern Oregon o'clock, after arranging some goods aud Northern California. on the sholf of his confectlonory ! The animals are In poor condition. and as the snow has burled the grass they aire subsisting on shrubbery. o store on Twelfth street, near the Southern Pacific depot, turned around, with the Intention of closing up for the evening, he found bliusolf gazing down the barrel of a revolver, held In the hands of a highwayman, and heard ringing In his ears the command: "Throw up your hands." Now that kJnd of a contmand, when backed up with a six shooter, is generally obeyed, but It was not last night by Frost, and tho result was a pretty little shooting affair be tween them. Frost, Instead of complying with the command, dodged under the counter and made a grab for a re volver lying beneath. Realizing his Intentions, the highwayman opened fire, with the result that one of the bullets struck Frost directly In the forehead, but glanced off, and two other bullets lodged In his left wrist. Jsut about this time Frost had got ten his 38 revolver into action', and the highwayman was rotreatlng to. ward the door. Frost emptied the gun at him, but It Is not believed that any of the shots took effect. He followed him to the door and looked out, but the robber had disappeared. In a few momenta Patrolmen She deck. Whltlach, Shedock, Whltlach Cotil Minors Strike. I UN1TKD I'HKSrt LEAKED WIliB Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 2 5. Six hundred coal miners have gone on strlko at Frank, Alberta ntd Michel B. C, and It is feared that the whole Crows Nest district will he affected In a few days. The miners are said to have about abandoned hope of an agreement bolng reached in regard to the annual revision of the miners' schedule. BOARD LAST NIGHT DECIDED ON THIS AND EMPLOYED ARCHI TECT LEGO TO PREPARE THE PLANS FOR IT WORK CAN HE DONE WITHOUT MARRING THE BUILDING'S BEAUTY. After discussing at length the plans advanced for the enlargement of the high school the board last night decided to construct an addi tion to the present high school and Architect Legg was employed and In structed to prepare plans for the ad dition. There 6eemed to be a division of public sentiment as to whether thi board should put an addition to the present building or buy additional ground and eroct another building. The board took a vote on the latter proposition, but It was defeated and then it proceeded to a considera tion of the former. Besides Archi tect Legg, Architect Post submitted plans for the addition, and both of them explained them In detail to. the board, and both agreed that an addi tion ran be constructed to the high school building without marring its architectural beauty. Architect Post gave good reasons to sustain his plans, which called for the expendi- Sunny Monday Laundry Soap will remove grease spots from clothing and carpets. It cuts the grease from dishes and glassware and gives them a spotless brilliancy. It is in valuable for washing paint and woodwork, not only re moving the dirt and grease, but restoring the surface to its newly-painted freshness. Try a bar and note the sur prising results. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CHICAGO CHURCH SERVICES Portland, Or., Feb. 25. The Na tional Amateur Athletic Association will hold Its tournament in Portland on May 19 and 20, according to an announcement Just made by Edgar Frank, chairman of the wrestling committee of the Multnomah Ama teur Athletic Club. Frank said today that he expected that fully 50 wrestlers, representing the principal athletic clubs of the United States, will participate. o AUSTRALIA TO PROSECUTE THE BEEF TRUST (iiriatlun Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chemeketa St. Services: Sun day at 11 a. m. Subject of lesson sermon: Christ Jesus. Sunday school at 1200 m. Wednesday even ing testimonial meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Reading room In the church oncn each afternoon except Sunday. ture or a larger sum tnan tne plans i A flre coruially lnvlt(!(1. accepieu. ne aisi sam mar, in ma Judgment, It would bo better to build a new building than to remodel the old one, as the additional expense of tearing down the present building would more than buy the land for the new site. England's Air Wurshlps. (UNITED I'REHS LEASED WHIR. London, Feb. 25. The sum of $656,000 was provided fro the aero nautical branch of the British army In the budget for 1911-12, given out today. Five aoroplanes '-nd three dirig ibles which already are a part of the army equipment, will be thoroughly tested. I!l Fire In Manila. fl'NlTED rHERI LEAKED WIM1.1 Manila, Feb. 25. Three hundred native dwellings In Tondo, a suburb of Manila, were destroyed by Are. The Mary Johnson Hospital was nd Day Officer Burkhardt were on heavily damaged. FREE 10 YOU- MY SISTER Free to You and Every Sister 8uf erlng from Woman's Ailments. I am a woman. 1 know woman's suffering. 1 hare found iiie oure. I will mall, f rw of any charge, my Inhm mar MM with full Instructions to any snneror f rum woraiui'aallmunlH. I want to t.ll ill wuiuimi ui.out thla cure m, niy radr, for yourself, j-uur (laughter, your niuthor, or your alntvr. 1 wunl to Ml you now to cure yourxolvui at holm- v. It li mit uin halp of adootor. Men ctontl uuUtk;ii il worann'a audtirliiKa. What wewuimu knur.-fan MMritMt, wo know buttur than any dix'tur. I kuow that my'homs treatment In autc unci turn euro for IwctrriiMt Whltlik flichum, Ul:trilk)it. C i HMMit at ItHlnf el It Wont, Piofuit, lcont u fiintul NrMt, Ultilnt H tittiu Tumors, w Crowlhi; alto pi.r.i n sua, Met t4 taatla, atiriif tiilHif i, Hnoinniii, ciMllnl iMlInf a) tsa IpiM, MlincMr, 'lift lo tn, hot Until, niilHit, tMnti. ti4 tliddir Uonblii hm timid cy nikiiiiii HMliir to our ana, I want to load you a umpliti til dli'l trulmtnl Mttnlf fn to proro to you that you can euro youmoll at noma, easily, quickly and Juraly. Bnmnmbor, thnt, il (III eatl m ifMn to vlvalha trMlmant a ootm)lt trll r tiul itv,,ti wfah to oontlnna, It will oort yon only about lioantaa wnok or Irm than two cent a day. It avllltlnt tntorfura with ronr work op omnn&tlnn. lull uh m wf mm Ilia ftddnti. tell nin hnw run aulTer If yon Winn, and i will aind you lha Iraatmout for yourcan, entirely free.ln vlnln u rnii pn.hy niturn mall I will alao aimd you fret at mtt my book "N0MAN1 0WI RcDICAl I0VISER'' Willi tucnlanatory Illustration Hhowlna whv women auffer, and how thtiy canraally oure theinavlvfti jit home, Ktery womanahuuld have it, and Intra to Hilak (or keraalf. Then when the doctor eayi Yuu inniit hare an oraratlon,M yon can decide for yourself . ThouaandR of women have cr.ri d tlumiielvea with my home remedy. It cures ill ikl at met, ti MollMn . Oausktera, I will eiplnlna lniile home treatment which iiveeillly and effectually ourea Irfnicorrlim, (Jreen Hlrkui as mid I sinful or lrrufular Menatruatlon in young Laullea, t'lunipuwui and health alwayi reeulta f ruiu itri use. W horeTer yon liye.l can refer ynn to liutlea of your own locality who know and will ldly ami any sufferer that thla Na Tmtawil really ismalt woman's diseases, and maktw women u ell, atron, plump and robust. Jnt Med aa ar ddnii, and the free ten day's treatment la yours, also the txxik. Write to-day, as joa may not ami tula offer airaln. Address MRS. M.summers, Box H - - Not re Dame, Ind., U.S.A. KELLY HAS COME TO THE CAPITAL CITY TO REMAIN ASTHMA CATARRH CURED Expert Medical Scientists Announce Startling Kesnlts Obtained By Senplue The first Kelly gasoline motor truck made Its appearance at Salem on the streets today. It Is four-cylinder, 40 horse power, steel chassis machine, with three tons capacity. This design won In the great contest held recently, when three tons of sand were hnluled from Portland to Gresham and return, and the car made good on all points. It was sold by S. F. Anderson to Stanton & Ra gan, costing $2950 at Salem. The tires are solid rubber, 4x6, and the engines are geared to four speeds. It Is a great step of progress for the Capital City, and the horses are looking more cheerful at not having to pull the heavy loads. o LABOR UNIONS ARE BLAMED FOR EXPLOSIONS New York: Thousands are taking advantage of the generous offer made by the Woodworth Co., 1161 Broad way, New York City, requesting an experimental package of Senplme, the great discovery of Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis and Catarrh, which is mailed free of charge to all who write for it. It Is curing thousands of the most stubbern cases. It makes no difference how " long you have been suffering or how severe the climatic conditions are where you live, Senplne will cure you. If you have, . experimented with other treatments and have failed to find a cure, do not be discouraged but send for a trial of this wonder ful truly merltoti8 remedy which is a scientific compound discovered by a professor of Venice University, and is recommended by thousands. UNITED l'BESS LEASED WIRE. Melbourne, Feb. 25. Trouble loomed up here today for Aemrican meat shippers, when the minister of trade and customs announced that the government was prepralng to prosecute the beef trust. "I am convinced," he said, "that American meat shippers have sinister designs on the Australian market.'' UXVEIL A FOUNTAIN IN MEMORY OK 1IARIUMAN Middletown, N. Y Feb. 25. In memory of Edward H. Harrlman, the railroad magnate, who died one year ago today, a memorial fountain was unveiled today at Goshen. The fountain was designed by Charles Rumsen, the sculptor, who married Mary Harrlman, daughter of the financier. Announcement For the accommodation of our customers we have opened an office at 279 North Commercial street, and shall take pleasure in meeting our many customers at our new quar ters. We have at the same time made arrangements to make to prospective buyers of building material a very attractive offer on Salem town lots, these lots to be given absolutely free to the first partlea that will placo a substantial order for building material with u at our sew office. For particulars enquire at 27S North Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. Falls Oty Lumber Company. (UNITED TRUSS LEASED WIDE. Chicago, Feb. 2B. Working on the theory that the explosions were caused by labor troubles, the police today sought the men who sot off two dynamite bombs last night In the Iroquois Iron Company's new 1,. 000,000 plant, now in course of construction. The company had employed non union men on several big contracts, and this is said to have caused ill feeling. Windows were shattered for blocks around. o NORTH SALEMITES WILL ELECT AND HAVE A FEED Another Triumph for E. M. F. 30 THE AUTOMOBILE AS LIFE SAVER Champ Clark favors an extra ses sion of congress. So does ehe small boy favor an earlier Christmas. notice Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, will receive bids for the Improvement of Twenty-fourth Street, from Asylum Avenue to the South line of the State Lands, with Bitu llthlc pavement, according to the plans and specifications adopted for such Improvement, up to 5 o'clock p. m the 27th day of February, 1911. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any and all irregularities in the man ner of submitting bids in the inter ests of the City. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 2-23-3t . City Recorder. Kalispel, Wash. In an attempt to save a lumber man's life, who had been dangerously wounded In a mountain sawmill and to get a phy sician to him, Wallace Link, of Fort Collins, Colorado, drove an E-M-F touring car to the extreme upper reaches of Buckhorn canyon, where an automobile had never gone before Sherwood hill, well known to those familiar with the territory surround, ing the Buckhorn canyon, was climbed over, snow, ice, rocks and stumps of trees without a falter and the conquering of another moifntain trail was added to the already long list of E-M-F "30" accomplishments. The precipitous and dangerous climb to Ballard's sawmill in the Rockies was 45 miles in length. Five miles from the sawmill Buckhorn romd Is nothing but a lumber trail and was covered with a foot of snow. in describing his experience In- a How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. WALD1NG, KINNAN, & MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOP I A The North Salem Development League will meet at Young's hall Tuesday night at 7:30, to hold the annual roundup and election of offi cers. No part of the city has made i iuri iu i.iici C.-.U-1' luiuiimiy vi iff trolt, Michigan, Mr. Link says more progress than north of the creek. There will be a good feed In honor of the occasion, and a few of Gus Huckesteln's cigars will be smoked. - o Backache, Rheumatism, nest "Mountaineers told us we could never reach the mill, but we were determined to save this man's life If possible. To one not accustomed to mountain trails esDeclallv Rockv Sleepless. Mountain trajla. thla trln mev not seem to contain anything remarkable but to those familiar with the Buck- Result from disordered kidneys. I horn canyon this climb will be of In- Foley Kidney Fills have helped oth ers, they will help you. Mrs. J. B. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y., says, "Fort long time I suffered with kidney trouble and rheumatism. I had se vers backaches and felt all played out After taking two bottles of Fc- tereet. I have climbed many trails and, mountain passes in this vic'nity with my E.M-F "30" but I never ex perienced anything like this 4a-mlle climb. Incidentally, It might Inter est you to know that I have driven my E-M-F "30" 13,000 miles, mostly ley Kidney Pills my backache is j over mountainous roads, without ac- gone and where I used to He awake with rheumatic pains I now sleep in comfort." Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable remedy for backache, rheu matism and urinary Irregularities. They are tonic In action. quick In results and afford a prompt relief from all kidney disorders. Red Cross Pharmacy, H. Jermaa. cldent to the car or passengers. The up-keep of the car has been s- small that It Is not worth mentlotnng." For sale by DAVIS REES, Capital Garage, Salem, Or. i J i I Ml patent medicines or medicines ad vertlsod la this paper ai for sale DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Oregon owes no one, and no one owes It carries large stock; Its shelve counters and show cases are loadeo with drugs, medicines, notions, tot let articles, wines and liquors of 1 Kl'ids for medicinal purposes. Dr -Stone Is a regular graduate in medl One and has hid many years of ex pertence In the practice. Consults ' os are tree. Prescriptions art tree, and only regular pries for med cine. Dr. Ston caa be found a 'tis druf store. Salem, Or., from mrtn1n ntit'l 9 at ntcht.' Orscsa. Appetite Gone, Kerves Un strung, Sleepless, Thin, Pale, Tired. "Last spring my health was completely broken down. My ap petite was gone and I was in un strung nervous condition, unable to sleep. I became thin, pale and was languid and tired all the time. "Hood's Sarsaparilla restored me to perfect health. It aided the worn out nerves of my dlgestlva organs to do their duty, and I w.u once more able to eat and properly digest my food. I slept peacefully the entire night, and now I feel new life and vitality course my veins.' Julia C. Tison, 501 West I Monroe SU Jacksonville, Fla, Hood's Sarsaparilla 7 Is Peculiar to Itself. It make: people well and keeps them well. i Pianos and Organs Edison, Victor and : f ih t Columbia Talking from the cheapest to the j 5 I Machines X A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL GEO. C. WILL j Sewing Machines j Latest Sheet Music best sold on installments and rented. Genuine needles,' oil and 1 Piano and Organ Studies. J new parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. : Violins, Guitars. Mandolins and Banjos, t t GEfi. C. WILL GEO. C. WILL ! 4 oaM SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints. drugu and stamps. Phone 761 miiiioieuiiiiniiiiiiminnmiiinnniiiiiiiw M Csome people ride the bicycle, Jnd some in autos course Jfe is full of mixed desire plect then what you most admire y choice remains the horse. ut when in search of pure delight, jfTffervescent, clear and bright Jveryone can read the cheer ight in these printed verses here .. n JO K ! Make Want Advertising Journal want ads bring quick results I a.a4