DALLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1911. ria am rTZZT iDVCTC ,. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, reed. Etc ..te-Track prices: Bluestem, :. club. 78 7c; red Russian, 76 77c: r-Patenta, t4.i per oarrei, Plnur- ik,rt8. $3.95; exports. T3.60; Val- 5; graham, J4.60; whole whoa, ey-Feed, I2323.50 per ton; w.inc. nominal. I"wwt" Timothy Wll. - jrace, - it ---- ,.tte Valley. $19 20 per ton; Ctern Oregon. ,2021; alfalfa, SffltSO; grain bay. $13; clover, "S-Wbole. $28; cracked, $29 Dff tOll. uillstuffs-Bran, $2122 per ton; middlings. $27 28; shorts. $2224; rolled barley, 25.5026.50. 0ats-White, $2727.50 per ton. Dairy and Country Produce. Butter-City creamery, extra. 1 and j pound prints, in boxes, 31c per pound; less than boxes, cartons and dellrery extra. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled. 28 30c; Oregon case county. 2829c. Cbeese Full cream, twins, 15 16c per lb.; run8 America, 17c. Poultry-Live: Hens, 16 17c; Spring 1617c; turkeys, 1820c duoW, 25c; geese, 1212c. Dressed Tnrkeys, choice, 22 25c. Pork-Fancy, llllHo per Jb. Veal Fancy, B to 125 pounds, 13f 13Hc per pound. Groceries, Drlefl Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruit Apples, 11c per lb., currante, 13V415c; apricots, 14 16c; dates, 10 c per lb.; figs, bulk, white or black, xy Back, 7 tic; 563, 11.5001.75; 12-128, 85c; 36-12. $2.25; 10-ls, 85c; Smyrna, 18c. Salmon Columbia River, 1-lb. mils, $2.10 'per doi.; 2-lb. talis, 1295: t-lb. flats, $2.40: Alaska pink, 1-lb. tails, $1.25; red 1-lb talis, $1.65; sockeye, 1-lb. talis. $2 Coffee Roasted, in drums, 2334c per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 17 18c per lb.; Brazil nuts, 16c; Alberta, 16c; almonds, 16 18c; pecans, 18c; cocoanuts, 90c$l per dozen. Salt Granulated, $15 per ton; half-ground, 100s, $8.50 per ton; 50$. $9 per ton. Beans Small white, 4 Vie; large white, 4 Lima, 5c; pink, 6c; red Mexicans, 6 Vic; bayou, 614& Sugar Dry granulated, fruit and berry, $5.30; best, $5.10; extra C, J4.80; golden C, $4.70; yellow D," 14.60; cubes (barrels), $4.95; pow dered, $4.65. Terms on remittances within 15 days, deduct c per pound. If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct c per pound. Maple sugar, 1518c per pound. Rice No. 1 Japan, 4c; cheaper grades, $3.50 4.55; Southern bead 3147c. Honey Choice, $3.75 per case, strained, 8c per pound. ..,,. Vegetable ana Fruits. Apples Fancy, $1.502.50; choice ?11.25; common, 50c$l per box. Green fruits Pears, $1.25 1.75 per box; grapes, 75c$l per box; cranberries, $1313.50 per barrel. Tropical fruits Oranges, navels. $2 62.75 per box; Japanese, $13.50; Frollda grapefruit, $3.50; California grape fruit, $3.504; bananas, 6c per pound; pineapples, 6 per pound. s Vegetables Beans, 12V&C per lb., cabbage, $1.25 1.50 . per hundred; cauliflower, $22.15 per crate; cel ery, California. $3.25 per crate; cu cumbers. $2 per box; eggplant, $1' 1-25 per crate; garlic, 1012c per pound; green onions, 20c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 75c(5 $1.00 per box; Peppers, 20c per lb.; pumpkins, 2c Per pound; radishes, 30 35c per dozen; sprouts, 78c; squash, 2c Per pound; tomatoes, $1.752.50 per DOS. -i'- VeRPinrn carrot, $1 l-2'; beets. $1.25; parsnips, $1.25; turnips, $1.00. .'otatoea Oregon, $1.25 1.30 Hundred; sweet potatoes, 4c Pr pounc. unionsOregon, $2.50 per hundred 'rovstuiin. Hams-io to 12 rounds. 17 He: 12 to 14 pounds, 17 He; 14 to 16 pounds, "He; skinned. 17Hc; picnics, 14c; CTage roll, 16c. r oacon-Fancy, 28c; standard, Hc; choice, 22 He; English, 18 He. "ry halt Cured Regular short rs, dry salt, 14 He; smoked, 16c; . light, salt. 14 He; smoked. 16c; heavy, gait, 14c; smoked, 15 He "Ports, salt. 16c; smoked, 17Hc Smoked Meats-Beet tongues, 65c; d beef Bets. 22c; outsldes, 20c; toes. 23c; knuckles. 22r. Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet, ly regular tripe, $10; honey comb "ne, 2; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' '""sues, J40. "'u settle rendered, tierces, tubs, 13 c; standard pure, ers, i2c; tub8i 12 n , nc; tubs, 10c; shortening, 10c; tubs, 10 He. Hops, Wool, Hides, Eta. Hum i r,i a - a7, "1U crop, ise; IBM .crop 7-rMc, contracts, 15lc. Wool Eastern Oregon, 12 18c tl; Valley. 17019c per Is. Mohair Choice, 30c per lb. Hides Salted hides, 6H7Hc per lb.; salted calf, lie; salted kip, 7 He; salted stags, 6c; green hides, 1 cent less; dry bides, 16 017c; dry calf, 17 18c; dry stags, 11 12c . Cascara Bark 5c per lb. Pelts Dry, ioc; salted, batch ers' take-off, 5090c; Spring lambs, 25 45c. Local Wnoieaa aurket Bran. $26.00 Flour, bard wheat $5.15 Flour, valley $4.404.60 Shorts. $27.00 Wheat, bushel 8385 Oats, bushel 3637c Hops, 1909 crop 1013Hc Hops, 1910 crop 18 He Chittim bark 4H5c Mohair 30c Potatoes, bu 75c Apples bushel 60 60c Hay, timothy $16 Oat and vetch $12 IS Butter nfl Eggs. Butter, creamery 31c Eggs 18c Butter fat 31c Butter, country 30c Poultry. Broilers and fryers 1620c Hens 1617 Roosters (young) 12i6c Stags lie RooBters (old) .'810c Turkeys 18 20c Ducks 16c Oeese 12c Livestock, Steers (under 1000 lb) . . .$5.506 Steers (1000 to 1200 lb) . ,$4.605 Cows $3.50$4.50 Hogs, fat 77Hc Stock 6V4 7c Ewes 2c Spring lambs fic Veal, according to quality 11c o -RATKOADS. SOUTHERN PACIFIC, Southbound. 13 San Francisco Exp.. 3:31a.m. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:69a.m 17 Roseburg Pasenger 6:45p.m 11 Shasta Limited. .. . 7:43p.m 27 Eugene Passenger 8:25p.m. No. No. No. No. No. No. 16 California Express!) :56p.m. 226 Way Freight .... 9:50a.m 222 Portland Fa t Frt 10:45p.m. No. No. Northbound. No. 16 Oregon Express .. 5:15am No. 28 Portland Passenger.. 8:30a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ...12:35p.m No. 18 Portland Passenger 2:56p.m No. 20 Portland Pasenger 7:43p.m No. 225 Way Freight ...12:35p.m No. 221 Portland Fast Frt 2:43a.m OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO Local tv For Portland and Inter 6:40 a.m Portland-Hlllsboro inter . . 8:65 a.m Portland and Inter 11:15 a.m. Portland and Inter 2:00 p. m Limited. Port., Tualatin, Hillsboro. .3.20p.m. Local. Portland -Hillsboro Inter. Portland and Inter .... Portland and. Inter .... . 4:00 p.m. 6:20 p.m 8:50 p.m . 8:25 a.m 9:60 a.m. 1:00 p.m local Arrive E.. Portland and Inter .... Portland-Hlllsboro lntet Local. Portland and inter Portland-Hlllsboro inter. 4:00 p.m Portland and Inter 5:50 p.m Portland and Inter 8:30 p.m Portland Theater train. .10:40 p.m Saiem, Falls City & Western R Leave West Saiem for: Dallas. Falls City and Black Rock 9:00 a. m Dallas, Falls City and Black Kock 1:30 and 4:35 p. rn Sunday Trains lor. Dallas & BUck Rock j:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Trains Arrive at West Salem from Dallas 8:15 a. m. black Mock and Dallas . .12:20 p. m. Kails City 4:15 p. m. An attack of the grip is often fol lowed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamberlain's Cou.gh Remedy has been extensively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies had failed. Sold by all dealers. Plenty of men are capable of turn ing a sharp trick, but few have the self-restraint to keep from boasting of It. Watch Saturday's Journal for Our Great Real Estate Offer It will interest you Bechtel & Bynon 347 State St. Tel. 452 CLASSIFIED l4trit', ooo, if Mttnfolaan Afnaicai".'iu" ArfT Business Offers If you want anything done for you if you want to get any kind of service somebody who can do that work Is advertising to reach you In the little Munnlmaker classified ads. In The Capital Journal, or a Capital Journal ad. will find him for you. If you want any article, look In the little Munnlmaker classified ads. In The Capital Journal. Somebody who has that article is advertising for you. Get the habit. Exercise your enterprise. Every day scan closely the little Munnlmaker classified ads. 1 n The Capital Journal. Dear Mr. Munnlmaker, Care The Capital Journal Classified Columns. Through a little Munnlmaker Classified Ad In sold empty barrels and packing cases. Yours truly, Write Mr. Munnlmaker, care of The 82, whenever you want anything. Capital Journal "Want Ads" Brlnq Quick Results- One cent a word for first Insertion. One half cent a word for each Insertion thereafter. No advertisement taken for less tban 25c. Ceunt six words to tbe line. FOR SALE. GOOD HOME ror sate tneap. For particulars see owner on place. 604 Belmont St.. Salem, Oregon. 8-27-tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock roosters. Also pigs about two months old. Phone Farmers 45xx5. 2-23-3t FOR SALE one team, harness and wagon, two colts, one farm wagon, one cart. Call at Brewery, morn ings. 1-31-lra FOR SALE Ash and fir wood. Phone Farmers 297. 2-6.3w FOR SALE White Wyandotte cock rels. Also eggs for setting, $1.50 for 15, $8 per hundred. W. F. Burch, Route 4, Salem. 2.15-lm FOR SALE Six tons of oat hay. G. E. Zell. Inquire North Fourteenth street, 1089. 2-18-lwk FOR SALE Beaver Hill coal, cheap est fuel in Salem for cook stoves, heaters and furnaces, delivered anywhere in the city. Bunkers 1790 State street. Phone Main 1465. 2.11-lm CURRANT AND GOOSEBERRY bushes for sale. Phone 1040. 1898 South High street. 2-22-lw FOR SALE 52 stands of bees and all appliances. . G. F. Selley, Oak Grove, Ore. 2-22-lw FOR SALE An extra good five-acre tract, with improvements, lots of fruit and fine soil for gardening. Price $2500, one-half cash, bal ance two years time. The Improve ments could not be put on the land for the price asked. Also a two year old 6.room house and good lot for $850, $150 cash, balance $10 monthly. Also new 5-room house and 8 nice lots, two blocks to school. The cheapest property in Salem today, for $3500. See Home Realty Company, room 7, Murphy block, Salem, Oregon. WOOD FOR SALE. WOOD FOR SALE Salem Truck k Dray Company. Twelve and 16 inch wood for sale, delivered to any pnrt of the city. Office In Manning building, 200 State street, corner of Front, or call Main 74. 1-16-tf SALEM Fl'EL YARDS. WOOD FOR SALE Can deliver hard and soft woods, In 12 and 16-lnch and 4-foot lengths to all parts of the city. My wood Is well sea soned snd under shelter. Prices reasonable. Salem Fuel Yards. Phon Main 529. Office, 752 Trad strL 0 The Capital Journal, I MERCHANT, Capital journal, or 'phone him. No. FOR SALE (Continued). FOR SALE Single combed Brown Leghorn and Indian Runner duck eggs. Phone Farmers 198. 2-22-lm FOR SALE White Wyandotte eggs $1.00 and $2.00 per setting. Can furnish in 100 lots. Phone Farm ers 191. 2.23-lw FOR SALE We have a good large house and barn and three lots in a fine neighborhood that must be sold. Non-resident owner is here for that express purpose. If you can command about $1000 cash. balance easy terms, come and see us. We guarantee you a bargain The Fleming Realty Co., 496 State street. 2.23-3t FOR SALE We have a good large house and barn and 3 lots in a fine neighborhood that must be sold Non-resident owner is here for the ' express purpose. If you can com mand about $1,000 cash, balance easy terms, come and see us. We guarantee you a bargain. The Fleming Realty Co., 496 State St. 2-23-3t FOR RENT. WELL LIGHTED rront rooms with or without board. Phone 1016, 365 North High. 1-18-tf TO RENT 23 H acres of hops and 8 acres of choice beaverdam gar den land. Each tract near Oregon Electric car line. For further par ticulars address W. H. Egan, Ger vais, Route 2. Phone Farmers, 36 2-21-tf FOR RENT 8-room house on N. Cottage street. Apply at Need ham's barber shop, S. Liberty street. 2.2 2-3 1 10A CRES TO RENT All cultlvat able, for cash or crop rent, near Liberty store, suitable for hay, wheat, oats, etc; might rent house, barn, etc. to acceptable young couple. Plows and other tools on place. Henry A. Town send, Box 71, R. F. D. No. 3, Sa lem, Ore. 2-23-3t WANTED. WANTED House cleaning, carpets taken up and relald; calsomlntng; bouse painting. Address A. D, 404 Court St Phone 941. 1-23-lno WANTED Young man to take spe cial $25 automobile course, driving and repairing, practical experience, complete Instruction, big wages, steady work. Inqulio D. Angeles Auto Academy, 326 Washington street, room 415, Portland, Ore gon. 1-23-tf WANTED Wood choppers to cut about 60O cords of wood. Apply at once. C. H. Dencer, Route 3, Turner; or at store, Marlon, Ore gon. 2-22-lwk WANTED Man with team to spray and plow orchard, one mile west of Liberty store, and man to help him. about 30 acres orchard and 20 acres additional plow land Henry A. Townsend, Box 71, R. F. D. No. 3, Salem, Or. 2-23.3t WANTED To sell or trade for land good income property. Address R. A., care Capital Journal. 2-22-1 wk AD SECTION WANTED (Coutiuued.) WANTED Hard wood timber land oak; ash, maple, etc. Perfection Sewing Cabinet Company (Inc.), Suite 320 U. 3. National Bank Building. Phone Main 1512. Salem, Oregon. 2-18-3t Oregon. 2-21-tf MISCELLANEOUS. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure bred, single comb Rhode Island Reds. $1.50 to $2.00 per setting. G. W. Hirons, 2417 Trade, Corner 24th, or address Rt. 5, Box 1. 2-23-3t LOST. LOST One antique earring, between Hotel Marion and State and Liber ty streets, Saturday evening. Phone 1728 for reward. 2-23-3t BUSINESS CARDS. PIANO TUNING Lutellus L. Woods, tuning, polishing, repair ing. Telephone 984. Shop 630 N. Winter street. 2.2-lyr SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS Will open in rooms 10, 11, 12 Steeves building, corner 'state and Liberty streets, about March 1st. 1-2 7-tt OSTEOPATHY. DR. EVA M. TUTTLBJ Osteopath. Graduate of be morlcan School ot Osteopathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Office, 316-317 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 839. DR. B. H. WHITE Osteopath end nerve specialist, graduate of the American School ot Osteop athy, Klrksvllle, Mo., post-graduate and specialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady I attendant. Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence 346 North Capitol street. Phone 469. REAL ESTATE. 10 ACRES all cultivated near city limits, 8 room house, barn, chicken house, cow, horse, and chickens, feed and wood, $3500. Cash. The Square Deal Realty Company, 304 U. S. Bank Bldg. List your property with Frank J. Miller, Real Estate, Room 7, Gray Block. 2-11-tf. ELLIS & WQOD Real estate loans end Insurance, notary pub lic, employment bureau, Phone 654. 476 Court St., Salem, Ore gon. Ticket office Hamburg.Amer lcan steamship lines. 11-1-lyr. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE City and farm property for sale or rent Choice city lots In East Sa lem on easy terms. Anything In the real estate line. Call or phone Main 460. J. G. Long, 1162 East State street BARGAINS IN COUNTItY AND CITY We have bargains In farm property, Improved and unimproved. Also timber land. Bargains In city bouses and lots. List your property with us. Call and see us before buying. Bogart & Son, Room 2, KiiBh Bank Bldg. SAND AND GRAVEL. FOR SAND AND GRAVEL See Salem Construction Company. Of fice 464 Court street. Phone Main 790. 7-24-tf. BOX FACTORY. G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY 247 Miller street, South Salem; Manufacturers of all kinds ot boxes, crates and fruit dryer as cessorles. Phone 308. tf, PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tin ning, 164 Commercial St. Phone Main 192. 9-1-lyr. OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing heating, gas fitting; prices rea sonable; work guaranteed; estl. mates furnished. Phone 373 1066 Chemeketa street. 4-17-tf FINLAY ft REYNOLDS, plumbers and gas fitters. Modern plumbing and expert work our specialty. Satis faction guaranteed. 325 Center. 8t Pbone Main 610. l-9-tf LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle tbe celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught South Com mercial Street. FAMILY LIQUOR Store All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon. Bot tle or case. Free delivery In the city limits. E. Ecktrlen. 206 N. Commercial street. MUSIC LESSONS. MUSIC Piano Instruction at 70m borne by Ralph Harr 40 years ex perience, German. Kindly address 646 South 14th St, or phone 632. 1-13-U BAKERIES. WHITE SWAN and German Bakeries for highest grade bread and pas tries. Wedding and party orders s specialty. We make dally deliveries 319 N. Commercial, phone 903; ot 12th and Chemeketa, phone 96L 1-7-U BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any other bread, yet the price is no higher. For sale at your grocer's- California Bak ery, Thomas & Cooley, Props. CLEANING AND DYEING, HAVE YOUR clothes cleaned by Va cuum Cleaner the only way to re move all dust and germs. Try It and you'll never go back to the old way. W. J. Unfoot, Merchant Tai lor. 542 State St Phone M. 498. 1-6-U WATCHMAKER. !U. S. MILLER, the -WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb, High grade work at eastern prices, Opera House block, 4(4 Court street 10-5-tf, LIVERY STABLE. POSTOFFICE LIVERY and Sale Stable. Best ot turnouts, quick service; rates reasonable. For anything In livery and boarding, CiUl or 'phone Main 188. E. F. Gillian, Proprietor. Ferry street. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office city hall. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. rAINTEItS, PAPER HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and first-class work done. I. D. Driver, 617 North Capitol street, Salem, Ore Phone 926. 6-26-tf TAXIDERMY. DAVE YOUR TROPHIES from rod and gun and have them mounted true to lite. Rug work, gam heads, all kinds ot taxidermy Express, shipments given prompt attention. C. A. Corblt. Red Tannery, south end Yew Park LODGE DIRECTORY. SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets In Hurst Hall on State street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, nt 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome. F. A. Myers, master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Holman Hall. W. W. Hill, Consul; F. A. Turner, Clerk, WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Holman Hall. Geo. H. Deacan, C. C; L. II. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 A. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodge , No. 2 meets every Monday even- ing at 8:00 p. m., in Holman I Hall, corner State and Liberty Sts. I A. E. Donaldson, M. W.; D. P. .Wright, Recorder. 6-21-tf MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- ter No. 1. Masonic hall second Friday of each month, at 8 p. m. M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest. Lot L. Pearco, Secretary. 7-9-tf UNITED ARTISANS Capital As sembly No. 84, meets every Friday evening In I. O. O! F. Temple, Mrs, Ida L. Nlles, M. A., S. E. Vail, sec retary, 158 8. Cottage street, Pbone 1214. 7-22-tf PACIFIC LODGE, NO. 50. A. F. & A. M. Masonic hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R. Wilson, W. M., Lot L. Pearce, sec retary. 8-1-tf SALEM LODGE NO. 4. A. F. 4 M. State communication o first Friday In each month at 7:1' p. m., In Masonic ball, McCornart block. James Plant, W. M.; John Bayne, secretary. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY Dr. W. H. Byrd. president; Mrs. H. W. Meyers, vice-president; Ed. Gil ling ham, secretary. Executive commit tee: Rev. Barr G. Lee, Miss Kittle Moore, Mrs. E. Hofer. CaBes of cruelty to animals should be re ported to the society for Invest) ia tlon. SALEM NEST NO. 116, BROTHER, hood of Owls. Meets second and fourth Wednesday of every month in Hurst hall. No. 420 State street, 7:30 o'clock p. m. W. II. Turner, secretary, 135 South Commercial street. SHOE REPAIRING. SALEM SHOE REPAIRING CO. 496 State street, quick repairing, while you wait; best machinery equipment that can be bought for shoe repairing. Prices lower than Portland prices. Men's half soles 75c, heels 25c, rubber heels 50c, ladles half soles 65c, boys' 65c and 5c. 2-Z3- SECOND-HAND STORE. IF YOU have second band goods for sale at highest cash prices. Just call Phone Main 94L It you want to furnish your bouse cheaply, go to 404 Court street We can save you fit. Stoves and ranges new and second-hand. E. L. Stiff A Co. i U McPEAK, complete house fur - nlsher, new and second band goods bought and sold also second hand watche- cheap for cash; har ness, guns and saddles. Call Main 1233. Highest cash prices paid for second hand goods. 170 So. Commercial street 10-20tf CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN For new and second-hand ranges. Oth er house furnishings in proportion. Come to us If you are hacd to suit. Smith & Cook, 326 North Commer- TONSORlAl.. H. G. Meyer & oo. The best and largest shop In the city. Six first-class barbers. Only flrst-elass bootblack In city; porcelain baths and everything pertaining to a first-class shop. Also carry a full line ot cigars and tobacco and barbers supplies. 162 Commercial street, next door to Statesman office. 4-6-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Leh man, A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court street. 9.20-tt. MASSAGE PARLORS. ELITE MASSAGE sod Beautr par lors. Chiropodists, manicuring ao scalp treatments, shampooing, hair dressing and weaving, facial treat ments of all kinds, and bake oven baths for rheumatism and run down systems. Room 302 U. S. National Bank building. JOB PRINTING. THE FACT That we have done printing for over seventy Sa.lem business firms In three months' means that we are not a "dead one" by any means. Those who , have tried our printing are doubly satisfied. Price and quality suit. Veatch Printing Co., 6 ,6 and 7 Murphy block. Phone 36. POULTRY. EGGS FOR HATCHING From our best pens of splendid winter lay ers. Anconas, $1.50 per 15; Brown Leghorns or R. C. Rhode Island. Reds, $1.00 per 15. White Wyan dottes, $1.50 per 15. Al. Herren, 110 Division street. Telephone 1315, or leave orders at D. A. White & Son's seed store. 2-13.1m Gil EAT OIIINKSE DOCTOR li. M. HUM. Has medicine which will cure any known disease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, debility, stomach, Hver, kidney troubles, also any blackened or swollen soreness, broken limbs; smallpox epidemic; all kinds of bolls, lost manhood, female weak ness, hernia troubles and paralysis. Consultation free. Cure of Ylck Se Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs. Ofllce hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 7 p. m. Ofllce open Suudays, 153 High street, upstairs, Salem. Accused of Steullng. E. E. Chamborluln, of Clinton, Me., boldly accuses Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo of stealing the sting from burns or scalds the pnln from sores of all kinds the distress from bolls or piles. "It robs cuts, ' corns, brtiUes, nprulnn and Injuries of their terror," he says, "as a healing reme dy Its equal don't exist." Only 25c at J. C. Perry's Drue: Store. Children Cry FOR FLEtCHER'S CASTOR! A Sonsfipatioii 'For otst nln mn I suffered with chrooia CoostlpstioQ snd during this lima 1 had to USa) sn Infection of warn' water one every s hoars Before I could Hare an action on my boweaa, Happily 1 tried Ca tear eta, and today I am went Man. During the nine rears before: I usee) Cascareta I suffered untold misery with internee pilra. Thanks to you. I am free from all that this morning Vou(can ae thia In behalf at? Suffering humanity. B. P. Fiahcr, Roanoke, HV Pkaiant, Palatable, Potent, Taata Good, Do Good. Never okkn,Weaen or Orlpe lOc.ZSc. 50o. Never sold In bulk. The ger nine tablet stamped C C C . (iuuranteed to . cure or your niouer back. ICtt lfaSTO-NIGHT fi mi .0 li 5t. IU. M , SraifUti ! 1 ! r