FACE EK3BT. DAILY CAPITAL JOIRXAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY. KEBIUAKT IS, 1911 We are constantly striving to maintain the high standard of merchandise which has put the GOOD GOODS Store in high estimation among its extensive list of pleased customers. Our prices too are always the lowest possible quotations consistent with the quality of the goods offered. If you are not entirely satisfied, we want to know it. 521st Wednesday from the makers who give the details of shapeliness as Our advance showing of gowns, skirts, combinations, corset covers, drawers and. choice, SEE THE DOUBLE WINDOW DISPLAY OF THESE DOMESTIC Newest, up-to-date wash ma terials for spring. KLAXON For waist and dresses; In stripes and checks; 30 Inches wide; yard 20c TISSUE DE NILE-A large assortment of pretty patterns; 27 Inches wide; yard 2Go A large assortment of new ginghams at 8 l-3c, ipe, 12 Vic, lBo, 18o and 20c yard. . 1'ERCALES Newest pat terns In light and dark colors 32 Inches wldo, yard 10c 3 In. wldo, yd...nVc and 15o DRAPERIES Curtains, comfdits and blankets, Indian robes; very good qualities and assort ments, -Second floor, I 1 ' ; I CITY NEWS. Special meeting of Salem Lodge No. 4, A.' F. & A. M., this waning . Work In tho E. A. degrne. Visiting brethren welcome, The IteniMiii Our Ilusln, Is growing Is because we keep the best bread; try It. Also poultry and groceries of the dependable kind. CJI or phone 131. The Sunset Gro ry Company. For Kent , ' The first of March, a brick build ing on the northeast corner of Court nd Commercial streets, now occu pied as a grocery store. The lease iplrei March 1, 1911, v. R. An derson. 2-11-tf. lUrry (iim and Dudley I'm vine Have bought the Mitchell, Lewis & SUver business, and will consolidate with It their pump and windmill business, making one of tho largest ! We Are Now . 1 watcn uuraiant Cirow f - f ' ;, . . - ',, - -f4 : 4 net. Talent So. 760,361. Perfection Sewing i now Mala Iili Stulle K0, U. 8. Surprise Sale. Silk MUSLIN WEAR Season after season a large majority of the discriminating women depend and wisely-r-on this store for. their needs in muslin wear, Among the points of average which have contrib uted so largely to the success of this department are the ex cellent values continually of fered and the large 'assortment of carefully selected kinds the strictest -attention to well as finish and quality.' chemise offer a, splendid ' '" DRESS GOODS There is much to view and admire in our display of dress fabrcs, It ncudes sheer goods for evening wear, medium weights for dresses and heavier fab rics for tailored garments, The newest weaves are here and afford a wide range of choice fabrics, coloring and prices, , 1 concerns of the kind In the North west. Old and new customers cor dially Invited to call at the row loca tion. 2-13-3t Ladle Only Tuesday evening, February 14, at the V, C. T. U. hall, corner of Com mercial and Ferry streets, Salem, Miss Mary Hiwnmond, a graduate of a Chicago school of physlcul culture, and for thre years Oregon Btate super. Intimltint of physical culture work for tho V. C. T. C, will tell -the ladles how to keep young and well. ' She will demonstrate the work by the use of ImMnn clubs, dumbbells and exer cises. Every woman In Salem wel come. 2-13-21 -o IMU-, Cured In to 14 Days. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. mwf Too often the world confuses cun ning with ability. Building mm - - " I Have openings for good men who have money to Invest In a good paying manufacturing concern. You will not only get good divi dends on your money Invested, but get good salaries and work only EIGHT HOURS PER OAT Don't take the knocker's advice. Come to our office and Investigate for yourself. Every dollar you In vest Is absolutely safe. Office open evening from 7:00 to 9:00 p. in. for those who are too busy during the day. Cabinet' Co., Inc. National Bank Bldg, Salem. Or. and Lisle Hose Fine 75c values Wed., only 48c pair EMBROIDERY SPECIALS We have put one of the new embroideries out at a spe cial price, 48c the yard. We want you to see them, This stock of new embroid eries offers a splendid selec tion, rich, dainty designs on fine quality fabrics, An ear ly selection is advisable, WAISTS Our waist department has never been more atractlve than at present. You should see our Koyal waists. No woman who insists upon being thor oughly up to date will fall to select one or several from this splendid showing. It Includes stunning linens with countless smart arrangements of tucks, all clussy and distinctive.. The lingerie styles are marvels of beauty, every conceivable com bination of 8heernea8 and lacl ness being shown. X2AJ IfX-JJ- A MEXICAN MERCHANT IS MURDERED STOOD HIM IT AUAIXST. A WELL AND SHOT HIM TO DEATH HE FOHE HIS HIKE AND I'Hll.DItEX lUMYKU I'HKNK tKASKll WII1K.1 Galveston, Tex.. Feb. 13. Murder of a Mexican merchant, Alqutes Sal don, In I'uebla, Mexico, by adherents of President Diaz, Is reported here today by Or. H. A. Bates, of San Antonio. The physician says the DUu adher ents of President Olaz, Is reported here today by Dr. H. A. Bates, of San Antonio. The physician says the Dlas adher ents discovered that Saldon was act ing hh treasurer of the lnsurrectos. Searching his home, they found 11500 and certain revolutionary docu ments, upon which they stood him against a wall and shot 111 in to death When the Mexican troops first reached Saldon 's home and lie re fiiBed to surrender, they opened Are with machine guns, riddling the resi dence. Finally a charge was made and when the house was entered saldon and his family were found hidden In a cellar. When Saldon was Blood against the wall before the firing party, his wife nearby, and as he fell to the volley, he reeled for ward and expired In her arms. WILL REFUSE TO RAISE RATES ON MAGAZINES I'ITKI I'KKttft 1.KANKI1 kK ) Washington. Feb. 13. Democrats and Insurgent Republicans In the house are combining today to defeat the senate amendment Increasing the j postal rate on certain classes of mug- Ready-to-wear Section . Advance styles of suits . and coats are waiting for your inspection, They in- elude all - that's '. cor- . rect for. the new season. The jackets are very trim and smart. They are trimmed in the best man- . ner, and the' tailoring is of the highest order, The skirts are of the strictest tailored style phain gored t With habit back.-- A satis-. factory fit is guaranteed. : . Come and see them, We will be pleased.to- show ;" them to yo&frtfc 'i MEN'S ; SHIRTS In the men's section you will find just now a grand assortment of the newest spring shirts, The dis play includes plain and pleated bosoms, attached and the new French roll cuffs, They are in striped figured and plain styles, They will certainly appeal to the dressy felows. TRUNKS The largest showing in Salem, Strong . well made and handsome, Made to stand e wear, The prcies, too are very attrac tive, Second floor, aztnes. Champ Clark opposes the hieasures. , "It makes fiesU of one class of magazines," he said, "and fowl of an other. The amendment Is discrimin atory and therefore wrong." Organized labor also Is opposing the passage of the amendment on the ground that It would bankrupt the many mngazlnes, and thus dwprlw hundreds of unionists of employment. MEXICANS . ARE REALLY FIGHTING IIUAVV HISINCi KOl'TH OK SAM. AI.AYCA IMHCATKS THAT It K II KM HAVK KIXAIXY AT TACKKIt X.IVAHOVS KOKCKN. I'VITKK I KK.NSI l.KANKD WIHK. El Paso, Tex., Feb. 13. Heavy drlng south of Samalayuca, which was reported here today by workmen who had been south of Jaurei on the line of th Mexican National railroad, in dicates thut the expected battle be. tween tho forces of Orosit and Na varro had begun. Orozco's plckots, who turned the workmen back 23 miles south of Jau rez. told them that tb rebels were engaging Navarro's force and the fate of Jaurez waa likely to be de cided by nightfall. That Narmrro haa been surprised Is probable. Early today h sent a courier to Jaurei to assure the cltl n that h'm advame would be un checked. ';.', Abram (Jcnxjles. 'he head of the ifbol Junta lee .venlshed today, fol-i lowing tne nnd ng In the clothiuit of General Caslll who Is in Jail here! for violating neutral'ty. a moesage rrom Gonzales to the rebels in the Held- The mtssage conclusively showed that Gonzales had transgres-l sed International law. United States' marshals are seeking the rebel chief. D'jnlel Jackson, attorney for Gen-1 eral Caslllas. declares that his client will be reVasei on'bond tolay. Sftjlc4,4 I I SHOES A pretty foot will not look perfect in an ill-fitting, poorly shaped shoe, We understand shoes, and are here to fit your feet correctly, We .can suit you in quality, fit and price, See our advnace styles of shoes for men and women Some are displayed in the window, KILLED WIFE AND A FRIEND AT SAN JOSE rITKI) I'lKHK I.KAMKO W1HK.1 San Jose, Cal., Feb. 13. W. W. McAdama today shot and killed his wife and Nick Curtlch ,a wealthy restaurant owner. McAdams told Hip police that he returned home unex pectedly and found Curtlch with his wife. , McAdams Is Ih Jail, where a spe cial guard has been pl;-ed about his icell to prevent possible attempts to lynch the prisoner. I Friends of Curtlch clai mthat the shooting was cold bloodkid and pro .meditated, and that McAdams dellb . erately laid a trap for Curtlch, 'and shot him down without warning. McAdams Is a resident of Gilroy, and wealthy. GOOD HAY Remember that you can buy hay from us cheaper than you usually can from the farmers. The quality Is first-class and the price Is right. MILL FEED We are still offering , bran, shorts and chop at those very low prices that we have! been making the last few days. The wholesale price is advancing so would advice rou to buy now as we will advance soon. Remember that we have a free delivery to all parts of the city. rilOXK MAIX 1UO. D.A.White & Sons 2:5 North Commercial St. Sa:em, Ore. HEW CHIEF j AT SEATTLE CLEANS UP i i s oi r SI Ml I. A 11 II0N1M. MVKIIKS AND "KNTM MOMENTS" AND MARKS RAIHMI. (HfiES IN OFFICES OK T II K FORCE. I'rsrom I'w:s-i.i:askii'wii!i:.1 ' Seattle. Washoe, Feb. 13. Police Chief .Bannkk today issued sweeping orders for a general clean up of the cty- The order Includes protected disorderly houses which flourished' under the former administration; strict observation of liquor laws; creation of a plain clothes squad aside from regular city detective ae-i partment; removal of inspector Mike Powers and appointment of John Sul livan; no more boxing contests; ellm l.iatlon of handbooks. 23 In numbpr; 1 general shifting of sergeants and pa trolmen and a stricter surveillance of notorious negro clubs In the lower end of the city. Prosecuting Attorney John F. Mur phy will tomorrow morning ask for the ' Immediate drawing of a grand jury before which will be presented evidence that will uncover the vice system that has flourished up to the installation of the new mayor, George W. Dilling last Saturday. The evidence has been secured by William J. Durns; the former United' States secret service operative who I prosecuted the investigation against ; Schmitz and Ruef in San Francisco, and who secured, the evidence In the I famous Oregon land frauds. j Evidence that will result In the In dictment of scores who paid tribute to the heads of the vice syndicate are expected to result. It la alleged that Burns has succeeded in weaving a net of most damaging evidence about the late police chief who resigned last Saturday. o ONE OF SALEM'S OLDEST FIRMS CHANGES HANDS The Mitchell Lewis Staver com pany implement . business has been ! sold to II. P. Chase and C. D. Pur- vine. The business will be conduct ed the same as in the past. The pump and windmill business of C. D. Purvlne will be consolidated with the Implement business. Mitchell Lewis Staver company wish to thank: their old customers for their past favors jand request they will continue their business with the new firm. 2-13-3t I o AUCHBISHOP HYAN ' TO HE BURIED THURSDAY ll'NITKIl I'llKKS I.KAMKH WMK.l Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 13. With Monslgnor Falconlo, papal delegate to the United States, present as spe cial representative of the Pope, the funeral of the late Archblshoo Pa trick John Ryan, will be held here Thursday. Cardinal Gibbons. Areh- j bishops Glonnon and Farley and a dozen bishops will attend. The pontifical high mass will be celebrated by Bishop Hendergast of Philadelphia. Cardinal Gibbons will conduct the services for the dead. Archbishop Glennon will preach. o 'v .i,,.,rn. Want fl BIG LASD SN AP NO. 3 123 acres, four miles from Mon mouth, exceedingly fine land, ennrt nr. chard, buildings timber, water, very sightly; a great bargain at (50 per acre. 13150 will handle this. M0M0UTH REAL ESTATE CO., Monmouth, Ore. l-21-tf i Cottage Undertaking Parlors ; Modern In every detail. Lady assist j ant. Corner Cottage and Chemekeu ! hon 724. assenger Baggage Connects with all trains at W'ei flalea. for Dallas. Falls ''Ity and Salem Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 12 m.. 1:10 p. m. and 4.00 p. n -erv dsy except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth dnd McMlnnvllle. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a "' ':") p m.. anj 5.15 p "'""i on request rM,h"!,.. .., nr(Vrt si ' " r"; ant ,K out Suu.iay Hh..n I. 8. (innfrwfKin. Mqr. I West Salem ' Transfer I STATISTICAL DIED. EVAN'S At the residence on goii-i. v aitu, Bu-i, cuuuay, Feb ruurv 12, 1911, Mrs 6S years. J. G. Evans, a?! She le-vws four children to m,, their Irreparable lots: jonn A heame, wasn.; Joseph G., Jr., 0f r. rt land; William D. and Minnie a b.ii, of Salem. : wriw cor.uu't- ed by Rev. M.. Avison.of the First J E. church. ,.3 2:39 this afternoon. Interment In I.O. Q. F. cen-terv. '.& PERSONALS. Mrs. J. D. McCully, of Hood Rher, left for home Saturday. Mrs. H. r Patton accompanied her - as f-ir Portland. Mr. C. B. Miners, manager of the Winton Motor Car company, of Port land, has been in Salem several davs demonstrating -a 1911 Winton. From here he will go to Eugene. Mr. W. W, Moore, wfe and daugh ter, left Saturday morning for a two weeKs'. vacation at Sfcnta Cruz, Cali fornia. t - True, you can lead a horse to wa ter but you can't make him drink still you can drench him. ' NEW TODAY. . LOST Fur hoa between Summer street and Episcopal church. Re ward for return to Mrs. A. II. Crawford, 477 N. Summer. 2-13-3t WANTED Nice furnished room, close In, not over 88 pnr month. "F. B" Box 504, Salem. " ' ' '." " ' "'; """S-i3.3t LOST Muff, between Highland and the Red Front stables Phone 1 690 2-13-.1t HOLLYWOOD You can get a 5-acre tract In Hollywood that will soon be worth much more money than it .can be had for now. Good fruit Tand, close to town, good surround ings, close to school, and on good roads. Low prices and on easj terms. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street. FOR SALE One seated pony phae ton, good as new; one light Mitch ell wagon ,one single harnMs, one breast harness, one stockman sad dle. Inquire at 124 2 North Front street. Phone 404 Main. 2-13-lw FOR SALE Beaver Hill coal, cheap est fuel 4n Salem for cook stoves, heaters and furnaces, djlivered anywhere In the city. Bunkers 1790 State, street. Phone Main UBS. 2.1 1-1 m FOR SALE One kitchen cabinet, cheap. W. H. Steusloff, US', ' Court strer-t. 2-13-.1t FOR SALE 5 acres of fine land close to Fair Grounds. This place Is all cleared, good soil, close to school, Just right for fruit, berries or chick en ranch. Easy terms can be had on this , place. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street. Tel. 452. POULTRY. EGGS FOR HATCHING From our best peais of splendid winter lay ers. Ancons, 81.50 per 15; Brown Leghorns or R. C. hhode Island Reds .81.00 per 15. Al. Herren, 110 Division, street. Teflwphone 1315, or leave orders at D. A. White & Son's seed store. ' ' 2-13.1 m Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. ttmak Meredith, Resident Agent. Room 13 Bush Bank Blk. Salem o- MONEY TO LOAin THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bueh Bank. Salem. Or BIG LAND SSAP NO. 4. 52 acres 3 miles rrom Monmouth, and Independence. The soil is excel lent and drain's well; 12 acres of splendid commercial nrrhini niM. Ings cost 83500 and ore new. With place goes much personal property. This lovely country home for $7000. Will make terms and take some Sa lem income property. MONMOUTH REAL ESTATE CO. Meumonth, Ore. 1-21-tf CARS' jyL fCXPCRIC mm.mmmm. CNCC D T I RADC MARKS CftOVRIGHT it 2 rl1o it.riiStb, i m i. ' "hi i .Mm i oni.-t,. 7.71 ? " (t-'cnwinn mr T "'-wi-iiii our ..n. ,i frM !.hr o I'iir-mi , T for M.wii,f ,piii. rnill.im of hit , ,c:-uil.1 V.u"l. 1 ni.. l . Mpri C2. New Yorx &-ca ociTis r it. wailPoi; J.U