9AXLY CAMTAJj JOCBSAL, IAUM, ORJGOS, MOlfPAT. FMRCABT 13. Itll. i v 1 f i ; GOD LOVES YOU. Evangells'ic and Missionary En dsavcrs HI! Discounted. WHY GOD CARES FOR MAN. The Divine Program For Human Salvation Is Only Beginning. MUCH PREACHING IS TOMMYROT. Rrooklyn. N. T., February 5. Iirooklrn Aead einj of Music was crowded today t bear Paul or Rus Hell on Go' mind t a 1 n ess of dub f r e m the text, "What I) Maa, That Tho Art Mlndfol of nimr (PmIu rill, 4.) The large audience listened with Intense Interest, tbat a pin-drop could hare been heard. The speaker said: For mnoe weeks our city will be la ' the tkroea of a "Herlral of Itelltlea." IlUudreds of ministers hare placed thenwelre and their cengregatloas under tie leadership of the Rer. Dr. Chapman and Mr. Almander, the fa mous singer, for the purpose of rear ing religion; for the purpose of rescu ing, human souls from etemal torment. M the proposition is generally under stood. Business men liar subscribed large sums of money fur tills noble work of rewue, rensimlna; thnt If thou sand of dollars ure spent iu fire-fight-ing apparatus for the protection of hu man llfo for a few yeurs, tho services of MesHr. Chnpninu and Alexander will be cheap If they carry away twenty-five thouimnd dollars for a month's work, provided thu results show a goodly number rescued from eternal torment. We sympathize with some of these large-hearted nud opon-biinded busi ness men who give their money for so lamhilile an ohjoct. Yet we cau not think tlntt ninny, imy not even a majority, of those who contributed this sum have done so conscientious ly. Wo cnimot think thnt one-hnlf of them believe lu tho tenchlng of eternal torture, nor cun we think tlmt more tlinn one-tenth of them IicIIpvo thnt a prnctlcnl coiivorHlnn Is signified by a response to mi Invltntlou which lin rilles a preference for heavenly bliss rattier tlinn for eleriinl onguisb. How ever, It in for those who pny the mon ey to exerclso their own eoiinclences' In this mutter, mid it It none of our busi ness whut tliey decide. We sympnthlzo also with the hun dreds of Pastors of this city who have Joined hi this movement, which they hope will increuse their conjjregutlons and church revenues, but these Tas ters know In reality that the lllble docs not tench eternal torment, and they hnve discorded tlie lllble anyway ,'u rnror of Illghor Crltlcal-Infldelity. Their la an unhuppy and stultified xisi;ion. We sympnililxo still moro with the poor peoplo whose education along spiritual line Is almost wholly neg lected, and who live in constant fear of (ho (iod who loves them and In dreadful m'miiidcrKtiiiidlng of tho Bi ble, which ho tins given them. Be tween the iniperfoctnes of the trans lation n nil the coloring of prejudice and the twist of inlmmdorHtiindlng of some parables and symbols t hoy ore helpless In the presence of educated men who tench Inferontlnlly whnt they do not themselves believe. Alas! poor "common people!" that you should bo betrayed by those in whom you re pose confidence and whom you unwit tingly pay for keeping you in the dark hy taking; from you tho key of knowl edge. Truly, "My peoplo perish for ( lack of knowledge" (Hoses. Iv, 11). I Sympathies Still Mors With God. But still more we synipntbieo with God, wlione name is dishonored, whose Justice, Merer, Wisdom, l.ove nud Power are traduced, nay, tIIIIWhI, We suy to ourself. How wonderful tho patience of find, which for centuries has endured blasphemous mlmcpre seutntlons of his good character and IMvlne I'lac of the Ages! Well does ho tell us thnt as the heavens are .higher than the earth, so tils plans and methods hi respect lo our salvation r;'p Metier tlwu oursnot lower. Well docs In? tell u thnt human fear to ward him is taught by the precepts of men, not according to Ills Wortl (Ian lab l.'lt. We can see reasons why the Lord has kept silence toward the lieutlien, but wp are perplexed that judr""ni Icivo so long delayed to conw rui "pt' hr, ':(. o'I'i" ' (t ter. !'' ' 'Vr (! "ro t .ly mill mid "I'-represent tVe 1M Ine ; ur- W'"t would a ( hlef rtv'titwril it i to an rr.der-Mli phi'rd foii'id inlsleaillng the sheep, rnltlliir them Into polon ous piisttirw? We believe thnt he wnii'd take-1 he shi) from them, even llioujh he allowed them still to shep herd the KtMtt. And It Is luilte our thought that such a Judgment Impeiidt over Christendom and that all shep herd, fulnj t their tmst. will lie dis missed ignonilnlously, and that rery oon! Some wrgi that wo should do evil In order to obtain (.mkI results: that we should misrepresent the Divine fhsrneler in order to get eople to Join the Church. Is It urged that some may. as a result of this evangelistic movement, lead more orderly and 1 Vf Wriwr" TT A 11 Aycti il,s are liver pills. All vege JjOJ table, sugajr-coated. A gentle laxative for all the family. Consult your doc tor freely about these pills and about all medical matters. Follow his advice. I Ie ccrtainlv knows Iicst. i ".Vi dt life Hereafter as etrlaens. aid tkat we should be wtlHsg te Jofa la trfcdaHnr our Oreatiw. la order to eb tsla tkls result? YTt sDswer, -No. a tkeusssd tlms. Ne! In our Judgment the porTerxloiis of the Truth, the dis honoring of our Maker, the InslilllDf it misconceptions into the minds of the people. Is an awful cost to pay, ;ru If the results should be a hundred limes as great a promised. Well did Jesus lav, "Ye .'oniat sps and land to make one proselyte and when he is gained, you make him two fold more a child of destruction than yourselves" (Matthew xilii, 13i. The conversions achieved by nilnrepresentatlous of Ood Instil a poison Into the heart difficult to eradicate. Impervious to the Truth. It grieve me to be obliged conscien tiously thus to characterize a move ment wblcb has, at least, au outward aparaiice of godliness. It will at tract to me the venom of those whose hypocrisies I criticize. It Is not the money that they will collect tbat f rieres me, for those who give It hon estly, thinking thus to serve the Lord, will surely be blessed by hi in. It Is tat hypocrisy of the thing, the misrep resentation of their own belief and un belief and the slander agalast the holy name of the Creator and the farther baBabooallng and throwing of dust into the eyes of the com men people this awakens, and should awaken, right eous Indignation. And the more eth ers do not speak, the more I must apeak In denunciation and In warning to the people to search the Scrlptnres and become undeceived. Hsarktn Now te Our Text. The teachings of all of the creeds of the "Dark Ages" which hare come down to us, although they contain many good things, are so befogged with misrepresentation of God aa te be stench to our nostrils and a men ace to our spiritual health. They pic ture to as a God either reckless and careless of the future Interests of bis human creatures, or else as powerless to aid any but the few. They picture to us millions going down to torture during the four thousand years be fore Jesus came Into the world to seek and to save that which was lost. They picture to us thnt since his coming: only a handful, comparatively, of the human family have become his dis ciples, footstep followers, "Meet for the Inheritance of the saints In light." All the others, according to our Prot estant creeds, Cnlvlnlstlc and Armlnl en, hnve gone down to eternal torture. From this ntnndpolnt It Is thnt Dr. Chapman and Mr. Alexander are the heroes of the hour, saving a few more whom God would have otherwise neg lected, or, as some might nay, saving them In spite of Divine forcordlnatlon to the contrary. ' But what say the Scriptures? Does tho Bible substantiate such theories? Nny, nay! In harmony with our text, tho entire Hlhle reveals to us a God ns Intlulte In his Wisdom nnd Power nn In his Justice nnd Love. Our text tolls uh that he Is mind fill of his cren turi'N humanity, lie was mindful in tho very beginning when be created man and foreknew his fall. Awny back there he foretold thnt "the Seed of the woman should ultimately bruise the Serpent's head." Awny back there he Indicated his Divine purpose, In duo time, to redeem man from destruc tion (not from eternal torment, for nono were sentenced to torment I. The skins which covered the naked news of our first parents cost the lives of animals, and thus God typically prophesied "better sacrifices" for the perfect covering of man's sin und shame. In Nod's dealings with the na tion of Israel, he gave numerous types foreshadowing the later blessings, fol lowing "the better sacrifices" of the nntltyplonl Atonement Day blessing all the families of the earth. God was mindful of man's interests all Unit time (for over forty-two cen turies), even though, during that long period, nothing was actually accom plished. Vho salvation was purposed, was planned, was assured, hut must be wailed for until God's dun time. Reconciliation by "Batter Sacrifices." When Jesus appeared the world was still In sin even the one little nation of Israel was still under Divine con demnation because of sin because their typical HiicrlhVes we-e Insutllclent and merely foreshadows of "the better sacrifices," which. God wus mindMl Inter lo lirhiK to pass. Those "better sacrifices" tiro not yet completed, though nearly so, we be lieve. They consist of "the Man Christ Jesus who Kavo himself a "Itnuaoin for nil," mid also of the faithful few whom he him accepted as bis disciples and who ai e walking In his steps, "present Ini; helr bodies living sncrl fives, luily ind nceeptable to God," through their liedoeincr lUoni. xll, li. God Is still mindful of humanity. Ho hits not forgotten bis responsibili ties ns a Creator. The theory that God shirks his responsibility und al lows the ninety thousand who die dally to dro; into eternal torment be cause of carelessness or Indifference on our part Is not true- Is not Scrip tural. God alllrms his own resHuislhlllt." for every feature of bis Plan. He de clares, "My Word that Is gone forth out of my mouth ahull not return unto mo void; it nhnll prosier In tho thing whereto 1 went It" ilsulah Iv, 11). Hones we should uiiderstnnd that God sent no uiesmige to ismveit the world during the first forty-one hundred and fifty years rfter Adam'a creation, be cause lie did not will the world to be converted them. He had no messags tr the world. His time had not come it. Paul refers to this, saying. "The times of that Ignorance God winked at" (took no notice of). Hut now, alnce the death of Jesus, the Just for the unjust, and the opening up of pos sibilities for a future life through a resurrection, God conimsnili all men everywhere to repent. Ami nil who bcvouie disciple of .le-ms are prtr- pt4 te We aaaeaaeader for Oed. e tenver te aH who hare tie hearUc rar a imw. er" God's merey te bind oe the brokea-hearted, declare the acceptable year and the opening ef the prison doors. Bot ttx work In the present time la restricted. Not all conld posnlbly be bleassd new sad tbe elect must hare an ear te bear and mast be "drawn ef tbe Father" and must walk In the Master's footsteps od ,llu become copies of God's dear Son. This la the only work tbns far, and it Is not to tbe world, but to tbe few who hare the hearing ear and who leave the world to become followers of Jesus- "The High Calling In, Christ." The Bible declares that now God Is sending forth a "high calling In Christ." Tlu.se called during this Gos pel Age are called to walk in Jesus' footsteps as saints, "presenting their bodies living sacrifices," suffering with their Msster and for his cause. The promise to sll these la tbat. If faith ful, they shall share with the great Re deemer bis Messianic Throne which Is yet to blees the world. To thle Bride class the Redeemer will be tbe Bride groom, Iord and Head. Sharing hta sufferings they will share his exalta tion to the divine aatsrs and it (Jarr, boner, and Immortality. And these wttt participate la tbe glerioas Messiaaic work soon te begin. "Let 4 True" Othsra Liars. If evaagelista aad ether weald preach this "aarrow way" of the Oea pel of Christ, hew we weald rejoice with them, aad how eeoa weald the true knowledge of Gsd's lore spread over the world aad appeal to the hearts of all! Hew gladly we weald hare them Jola as la this meeaaf aad hi tbe further message that God's Flaa In the, next Age will reach Adam aad all of hi posterity "erery maa," jBst and unjust living and dead! They should be told ef the "Time of Reetl tutlon" that are Bearing. They should be advised that If they neglect the "high calling." the "election" vw In progress, tbey will, nevertheless, bare responsibility and be liable for stripes or punishments, In proportion as they know right from wrong and wilfully do the wrong. What we plend for la that tbe edu cated ministers and laymen should cease to do evil, cense to misrepresent and traduce our gracious Creator. We warn them that he will not hold guilt less those who take bis name In vain will not bold guiltless those who atro ciously malign bis name. The Greet Revival Coming. As for methods for the calling of the "elect" in this Age, we urge that neither we nor others are wise enough to Improve upon the methods nnd prac tices of Jesus and the Aiwstles. We urge that nny deviation from their Gospel of "j:ood tidings of great Joy for nil people" must be Injurious. We urge that we of today should preuch, as St. Peter did at Pentecost, not only of the "high calling" of the Church, but also of the world's blessing "Times of Restitution of all things which God hath sHiken by the mouth of nil the holy prophets since the world began" (Acts ill, 10-2U). We urge that such n general presen tation of Divine Justice would appeal to all true hearts nud bends iu the present time much better tlinn any "expediency" preaching and prepare all mankind the better for the future as well as for the present life. The great revival of religion will come to the world Immediately follow ing the great time of trouble with which this Gospel Age is shortly to end. Then, under the blessing of Mes siah's Empire, all the ignorance and superstition und misrepresentation of God and cf his Plan will flee away be fore the presence of the Sun of Right eousness, which will Illuminate the world. Then will come God's time for bless ing the world. His Kingdom, estab lished In the world with jiower and great glory, will rule it with n rod of iron, compelling prompt obedience to the Divine I.mv, both In letter nnd In spirit. The obedient wlU be helped upward nnd will progress step by step to perfection, while the rebellious, after proper testing ond provlngs. "will be destroyed from nmongst the people" In 'lie "Second Death." Why shoulJ we uot tell tbe people plainly that there is n special salva tion now In progress and thnt a com mon or general one will follow for the non-elect? 'Vhy not explain to them the great re-vard of the.present time Jolnt-helrshln with Messlnli In the Kingdom for which we pray, "Thy Kingdom come: thy will be done on earth as In heaven?" Why not ex plain to the world thnt restitution Is the portion of nil who do not choose to sacrifice, hut that, in-cording to their present course, upward or downward, will he tlie'r standing future more or less d'-ipproved nnd requiring more or los of ch'istletneiits or stripes, dlfT ultl(s, for their eNtrion tion, for. their uplifting, Much he 'er could we understand the giving f money to te'l uvmklnd the Truth nid to glorify the name of our God and our Redeemer. But we are totally . t a loss to comprehend the nttltude of .hose who five time nud money for little outwnrd show and the grievous Inward Inlury to the many throm-h n misrepresentation of their Creator und his Word. To the out-of Church millions whom I adi'rese through the newspaper, weekly I suggest that the power of the Truth I lore, and that fallhfu' nes to cur l ord and to hi Meesnire In the Bible are the two greatest prlr IVrr that i ould nnwlhlr come to any of us, and that we should each and all unite he.irts and voice In "shoe ing forth the praises of him who has called un out of d'irkne) Into hi tP1" vellous light." Thus we mnr be h!p fill lo other wanderers seeking "the Way, the Tmfh and the Life." The Love of God constrained n" rile Cured In 0 to 14 Days, PAZO OINTMENT 1 guaranteed to cure any caae of Itching, Bi nd Bleeding; or Protruding Tile in 'r 14 days or money refunded. 50c. mwf Scrttuh Union Sc Kriesmal Iamtumm Cmr m -- . ,m m rauMii ar AT BftMAJM. on Mm Hat a at let . Um siasa af nrajas. Broaa4 Aataaart af OaaStaJ eaaMtt Premium ralT4 mtmf the rar iBiaran, iitmm. ma rau rOfft JlwalraS trm fea afflM laane freai Vm.mr roas rolYi Tatal taM Lanes sa)4 aurla th vair C.aialMlMi amlarlita sale i.rlaf ta Jum, lloaasaa aae fw paid dtuiac tba jr JUsauat r sll atkar aeatura Total -,-41t.r. 1 AM Valna af real aataU awaai.. Valua ef eta&ke to 4 aaaaa ewaa Leaaa rtfa(M aa al lateral, Cud la aaaka aa aa kaaa Prwa. la aaara f oallectlaa aad te lntaraet sad raats da a aoarad Total aaaate aJaaittaa la nm flresa alatai fr leaiee aaaala I " J' " Asiaaat af aeaaraa areata, aa eH eutMaaatag rlaka l.7 . 7 a Ail ter MaMlitlas aa.aes.es. Ted ItaMUMes . . I,1M Total tnearaao la far Baeaajaar M, .III tlsl.IU.Mf ' ' vtsaraa aar siaeiaaet res vest Tetal rlaka writtaa arlaf taa rear oraas araaataaae raMivas aenae; mm f mail Leieaa M as Teial a rnaiM return earia cae rear acta eurtag the year. waa drim te tV ; atl aaaaaat a? rial eataUaalaf sa SoiisMUIi Umm Sc. NtOi4Ml LamvuMa Cwopnj ur latatarr raaidaat aaaral aaast a rliiiim esr mwasi AtasrvAj, Bsraiaesasn ex tb Tk aUakm Rmtt Lift CeavdMAjr . OF Oaf AaTA, IN TfJ ITATK T (BRAKA. tke I1a aay af Daaarakar, lltt, saa te tk Iaeuraaae aamattaataaar ef tk atat at (eraaea, attrsuast t law: 4B1. tamt af aa4al aald aa I l,t.N Easntame raoalvad durtag the year 171.171 II laraat, dlvMands and raat rotvd daria yaar. llt.1M.it seat froaa etkar arc received taring tke yaar l.lli.ll Te4l hMease t. It.OII.ITT.M Fald far loaaaa, adawnteats, aaauUlee aad urrs- ir valua. I 1IMSI It IMTtdamda patd t aalley kaldana darlaf h yar.. Il.et7.il Dtvldaad said n capital stork duilnf th year... 1l.e00.0S Coramlaalon and aalarl atM ifuiing tht yar 11117.44 Taiae. llotnif and fee pad) during th year II 11.70 Amount of all other expenditure il.lli.60 Ttal pndlture I I60.llt.7l Eok value of bond ewned II, I7, 707.11 Iana nn mnrtfsee ani enllateral, ate 124 ioo 0 Prtmlum not. and policy loai.s 4 1 9 9S I J t Ch lr bark ant on bsni 137.42S.IO Net uncollected and deferred premiums 16. IS! i Other aets (net) 21.9I5.1I Total asaets admitted In Oreron 2,01.642.44 uaarxiTiza. Net reaerve 52,009 81.00 To1 noltrv claims 11.76o.oo All other llahllltlee 1 710.71 Capital atock and unasslgnel funila B43.162.T3 Total liabilities 12.601.642 44 TotalMnsurance In force December 31. 1910 J:6.35i.700.00 EUSIITES8 IK 0EOOT FOB TKE TEa. Tot1 risks written ilurlns th year 503.?!0.00 Grons preinliiins received during th year 83.S4S 1 Losncn pslit diM-liir the year 7.600 00 I.oenes Incurred during the year ll.noo.'.O Total amount of risks outstandln in OreKun, Pecemlier 31. 1S10. 2. '.14. 500.00 The Bankers Reserve Life Company tSeal) By B. H. TtOBrsoN. President. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: FRED H. WHITFIELD. CHILDREN INJURED ORMXAHY CATHARTICS AXD l'ILL AXD HARSH PHYSIC CAUSE DISTRESSING COM l'LAIXTS. You cannot be over-careful In the selection of medicine for children. Only the very gentlest bowel medi cine should ever be given, except In emergency cases. Ordinary pills, ca thartics and purgatives are apt to do more harm than good. They cause griping, nausea and other distressing after-effects that are frequently health-destroying and a life-lasting annoyance. We personally recommend and guarantee Rexall Orderlies as the safest and most dependable remedy for constipation and associate bowel disorders. We have suCh absolute faith In the virtues of this remedy that we sell it on our guarantee of money back in every Instance where tt fails to give entire satisfaction, and we urge all In need of such medicine to try It at our risk. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy. They are particularly prompt and agreeable In action, may be tak en at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, ex cessive looseness or other undesira ble effects. They have a very nat ural action upon the glands and or gans with which they come in con tact, act as a positive and regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel and Its dry mucous lining; remove Irritation, overcome weakness, tone and strengthen the nerves and muscles, and restore the bowels nnd associatle organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies completely relieve constipation, except when of & surgi cal character. They also tend to overcome the necessity of constantly taking laxatives to keep the bowels In normal condition. Two siies of packages, 10 cents and 25 cents. Re member you can obtain Rexall Rem edies In Salem only at our store The Rexall Store. The J. C. Perry Drug Store. n , True, you can lead a horse to wa ter but you can't make htm drink still you cm drench him. Iretaed ef SteaHnt. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me., boldly acot'es Bucklen Arnica Salve of stealing the Btlng from burns or scalds the pain from sores of all kinds the distress from bolls or nllea. "It roba cuts, corns, bruises, sprains and Injuries of their terror," he says, "as a healing reme dy Its equal don't exist." Only 25c at J. C. Ferry's Drug Store. Too often the world confuses cun ning with ability. te t laaa .1 lao.eaM eertag tk year I. Ill 71 i:,:a:,43 u .ll.tll Hi t yar... i ! tar " II.UI.IUM art). f 41. Ill 15 , 4.111 ;n :s llU II' 141 It 144 IIS 54 ta.4ii.it at - tfassmltalea tl.14t.ITl .17 II. 171 m i.m 1.11 1 1! 11. at V47 1.114.17111 7ar . Daaihr It. 111. JA. If. BWTart U. I. Manager. a attars fr aarvl: SjaWA L. TM9UPI0N. Psrtlana. s, DOWNWARD COURSE Fust Being Realized by Salem People, A little backache at first. Daily increasing till the back la lame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow: Diabetes and finally Bright's di sease. This Is the downward course of kidney ills. Don't take this course Salem res idents should profit by the following experience. Mrs. B. C. Hatton, Clay & Lisle streets, Dallas, Oregon, says: "In 1907 I publicly endorsed Doan's Kid ney Pills and I can now confirm that statement. This remedy was used in my family and It brought relief from backache and other symptoms of kid ney trouble.' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. o Crilldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO A Wl pateat uadlclnea or medicine ad vertised la thi paper are for aale at DR. STONE'S . Drug Store aa.j cash drug eture ih Urego e av ea d so en awe It arr,!ea large ,ol; It shelve uumer an I show cases ar load Uh druse, medicines, notion, tol et article, wlnea and liquor of 1 dids for medicinal purpose. Dr itoue Is a regular graduate In medl Ine and haa had many year of ex jerlence in the practice. Consult- ion ar free. Prescriptions are Vee. and only regular price lor iued clue. Ur. Stone can be found ai )U drag store, Salem, Or., from 1 a th morning until t at night .oau i 1 II, 'I. VM THE P0ST0FFICE, THE POPULAR MAGAZINES AND THE PEOPLE X provision has been added to the postofBce appro priation bill by thee Senate postoffice committee with out proper notice oor public hearing. It provides for an unjust, discriminatory and confiscatory tax on the popu lar magazine by attaching this provision to the post of fice appropriation bill at the eleventh hour. All oppor tunity for open discussion and consideration by the peo ple, the publishers and the Senate was cut off. It was an un-American Star Chamber proceeding, accomplished under Presidential and political coercion. If this bill Is passed with th provision which practi cally exempts from taxation magazine which hav not spoke boldly oa public questions, many of th popular periodical will be put out of business altogether and the others, without exception, will be seriously crippled. Erea if It were possible for the magazines to con tinue in business under these new conditions, the peo ple would derlre no benefit from the measure, for until the Postoffice Department Is taken out of politics, and a buslness-ljke 'management installed, it is Improbable that any additional revenue collected will be used economically. We urge every friend of honest politics, econtnical government and a free press to telegraph or write an Immediate protest to their Senators and Representa tives. The Curtis Publishing Co. The Saturday Evening Post The Ladies Home Journal Philadelph'a, Pennsylvania. Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON The Mouse of Comfort Combined With Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m. Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced, modern hostel-y in the metropolis o-f tne Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners' and Managers Also Operating Seattle Hotel. Seattle. ! LOW ONE-WAY FARES To Oregon Electric Ry. Points Daily March 10th to April 10th Chicago 33.oo Cinclnnatti 37.91) Milwaukee tlM St. Louis 32.00 New York 50.OO From other points in proportion Tell your friends in the east of this opportunity of moving west '"w rB'e ro,,gh tickets via Burlington Route. , Great Northern, Northern Pacific, "North Bank" and Oregon Electric lines. You can deposit with me and tlekets will be furnished people In the east. I will give details on request. C. E. ALB IX, W. F. COMAN Agent Oregon Electric Railway. Gen'l Freight & Pass. Agt., Portland, Or. Commercial We do the kind that pays. Our work is the best and price, nnl- 2 II IT wTe ,not glven Tho Jonn, tr,a jrou to do so. We always aim to please. Daily Capital Journal Ml $25.1)0 25.00 25.00 2;J 35.65 Advertising St. Paul .... Kansas City Omaha Des Moines . Indianapolis. 1 naritarfyyiiTBfF m..:.iiir .inn 1 iiu ii r "t it -vrt.".,"."