DAILY CAPITAL JOU&XAU MLEM, ORKGO. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1011. r"4Jlt THRKK i. .L L 4 ! 4 MARKETS. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Floor, reed, Itc i. riro- niuestom. ntt-irac i club, 80c; red Russian, 75c; " jn.flil Sir. i-Patrnra, 13.18 per barrel; .j. valley. )' 6,u"'' t, wheat, quai". o, t- r,e;Feed, $23923.50 per ton; frtm 127 27.50. Traclc prw: Timothy, WU ' ... viiev. $l!)20 Per ton; fi (fi .. alfalfa. f!ern ureg u, M 13-50; grain hay, f 13 ; clover, MS 15 m-Vhole. cracked, $29 1 ton. ...illstuffs-Iiran, Wti" Per ion, Idlings, 531; shorts, $25; rolled Lts-Whlte, ?2S per ton. miry nd Counrry rroduce. .jtter-City creamery, extra. 1 and ound prints, la boxes, Mo per ad; less than boxes, cartons and ,,ery extra. gs-Oregon ranch, candled. 34(g) nreeon case county, 2829c. -lecseFull cream, twins. 16c lb.; Young America, 17c. oultry Live : Hens, 1617c; na. lG17c; turkeys, 1820c is, 25c; geese, 12&12V&C. Dressed keys, choice, 2225c. art-Fancy, 10.&llc per lb. eal Fancy, S3 to 125 pounds, ;Hc per pound. firoceries. Dilt'O Fruits, Etc. ma 'Fruit Apples, 11c per lb.. rials, 13 15c; apricots, 14 ; dates, 10 c per lb.; figs, bulk, :e or black, by sack, 7Sc; 563, iOffll.75; 12-12s, 85c; 36-12s, 15; 10-ls, 85c; Smyrna, 18c. jlmon Columbia River, 1-lb. i, $2.10 per doz.; 2-lb. talis, 5; Mb. flats, $2.26; Alaska Ik, Mb. tails, $1.25; 'ed 1-lb i, $1.65; sockeye, 1-lb. tails. $2. ilee Roasted, in drums. 23034c pound. jts-Valnuts, ITVjQISc per lb.; .il nuts, 10c; filberts, 16c; :onds, 1C0)1Sc; pecans, 18c; anuts, 90c C $ 1 per dozen, alt Granulated. $15 per ton; 'ground, 100s, $8.50 per ton; . $9 per ton. ians Small white, 4V4c; large 4c; Lima, 5c; pink, t; red Mexicans, Cc; bayou, t. jar Dry granulated, fruit and 7, $5.30; best, $5.10; extra C, i; golden C, $4.70; yellow D, '1; cubes (barrels), $4.95; pow i, $M3. Terms on remittances in 13 days, deduct M c per pound. 4er than 15 days and within 30 , deduct V c per poi.nd. Maple t, li18c per pound. ice No. 1 Japan, 4c; cheaper $3.504.55; Southern head l"c. !oney Choice, $3.75 per case. Md, 8c per pound. Vegetables mia milts. ,'Ples-Fancy, $l.502.50; choice 25; common, 50c$l per box. en fruits Pears, $1.25 1.75 lx; grapes, 75c$l per box; -erries, $13 Q 13.50 per barrel, apical fruits Oranges, navels. $2 i per box; Japanese, $13.50; la grapefruit, $3.50; California ' fruit, $3.504; bananas, 5c found; pineapples, 6 per pound, letables Beans, 12 c per lb., ?e, $1.25 1.50 per hundred; 3l'er, $l.752 per crate; cel- California, $3.25 per crate; cu llers, $2 per box; eggplant, $1 Per crate; garlic, 1012c per 1; Kreen nnlntia Oft,. j "Jse lettuce, 75c(g$l.00 per box; 13c per lb.; pumpkins, 2c pound; radishes, 3035c Der '3; finrmtft. -o. . -rw.., hijsu; squasn, zc W"4; tomatoes, $1.752.50 per Carrot, parsnips, 1 $1.25; Wool Eastern Oreion. liaise id; valley, 17 19c per . Mohair Choice, 30c per lb. Hides Salted hides, 07e per lb.; salted calf, Uc; saltad kip, 7 c; salted stags, (c; green hides, 1 cent ires; dry hides, 16 017c; dry calf, 17018c; dry stags. 110 12c. Cascara Bark 4HMc per lb. Pelts Dry. lOVta: Baited, butch ers' take-ofT. 40075c; Bpriig lambs, 2504BC. Local Wholesale SUrket Bran $26.00 Flour, hard wheat $5.86 Flour, valley $4.40 0 4.60 Hops, 1909 crop 1013c Shorts $27.00 Wheat, bushel 90c Oats, bushel 38 0 40c Hops, 1909 crop 1013c Hops, 1910 crop... 18 He Chittim'bark 4 to 5c Mohair 30c Potatoes, bu 75c Apples bushel 10060c Hay, timothy $16 Oat and vetch $1101$ Butter and Eggs. Butter, creamery 33c Eggs 27c Butter fat 33c Butter, country 30c Poultry. Broilers and fryers 16c Hens. '. 14c Roosters (young) 11 13c Stags. . .' He Roosters (old) tc Turkeys 18020c Ducks 16c Geese .'.11c Livestock. Steers (under 1000 ID )... $5.5006 Steers (1000 to 1200 tb) .. $4.50 05 Cows $3.6O0$4.5O Hogs, fat 77c Stock. 6 7c Ewes 2c Spring lambs fie Veal, according to quality. .... ,11c Hew's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY it CO., Tole4o, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. WALDING. KINNAN, & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. SO HATCH E 40 YEARS Used D. D. D. Six Months All Itch- Jug Gone! :':k VegelaD' ,;MtS, $1.2; $1.00. toes-Oregon, $1.25 1.30 undred; sweet potatoes, 3c Wand, ons-Oregnn, $2.25 per hundred. Provisions, "W-IO to 12 nn,.n,la 17ti. 10 "13,17C; 14 to 16 pounds. ,'C; ,kltme(3. 17 fce; picnics. 14c; 'oil, lCc. ,4-Fancy. ' it Cured-Regular short 1 "BUI. SH IT 1 4 li . . t 1 - . 'i v ' "TiK smoKea, iec; i., salt, 14c; smoked, 15 Ko ii. . . ' iut moKea, 17 c uLMeatBeef tonee3. 65c ,, "J ets, 22c; outsldes, 20c 1 We: lmi.i. Goods-Barrels, pigs feet, triP' honey comb '$40 l0Dgues- 22: Arabs' V rr rendered, tierces, . .. ' I4c; standard irnre - i?c: tuB3, 1314c; choice. j --c; tubs, 10 Vodes,Elc. c; contracts, 1415c This is the actual experience of Anne Croman, Santa Rosa, Calif., with the wonderful D. D. D. Prescrip tion. D. D. D. Is the proven Eczema Cure, the mild wash that gives Instant re lief in all form's of skin trouble. Cleanses the skin of all Impurities washes away blotches and pimples, leaving the skin as smooth and heal thy as that of a child. Get a 25c trial bottle of this won derful Eczema Cure today and keep it In the house. We know that D. D. D. will do all that is claimed for it. J. C. Perry, Druggist o AN OLD-TIME PRESCRIPTION Id a 'modern product. From time imme" morial sae aud sulphur Have Deen useu for the liair nnd scalp. Almost every one knows of the value of such a com bination for darkening the hair and maK Ing it grow, lu olden times the only way to get a hair tome oE tms son was iu brew it in the home fireplace, a method which was troublesome and not always auisfactory. Nowadays almost every up-to-date druesist can siiddIj his patrons with a ready to use product, skillfully Compounded in perfectly equipped labora tories.' Such a preparation is VVjeth's Sage and Sulphur, which is sold by all leading drujrgists for 50c. and $1.00 a bottle, or which is sent direct hy the Wverh Chemical Comtnny. 74 Cortlandt St., New Xork City, upon receipt of price. J. O. PERRT. CLASSIFIED AD 'SECTION BUSINESS CARDS. Long Green What do you need? Somebody who reads the Journal has Just what you want Don't waste time hunting for him yourself. Just put your need into words and put the words Into a little Munnlmaker In the classified columns of the Journal. The Journal will find what you are looking for. What can you do? Some reader of the Journal wants you, and has money to pay you. Put a little Munnimaker ad In the classified columns of the Jqurnal. If you have ability to do anything useful, turn your abil ity into money. If you have spare time, turn you time into money. Jour nal Want Ads the little classified Munnlmakers, will do It for you, quick as a wink. Dear Mr. Munnimaker, ' ' " Care of The Capital Journal Classified Columns. . Through a little Munnimaker Classified Ad in the Journal, I found a partner to harvest my hops. Yours truly. . HOP GROWER. "Write Mr. Munnimaker, care of The Capital Journal, or 'phone him No. 82, whenever you want anything. Capita! Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One cent a word for flrat Insertion. One-balf cent a word fur each luaertloa therettfler. Nu advertisement taken fur Icbs tban 2&u. tunt hIi word to tbe line. FOR RENT. WELL LIGHTED rront rooms with or without board. Phone 1016, 365 North High. 1-18-tf FOR SALE. GOOD HOME p-or sato cTieap. F01 particulars see owner on place 504 Belmont St., Salem, Oregon. 8-2 7-tf FOR SALE Five choice residence lots. Sewer connections, etc. Price reasonable. Enquire Fairgrounds Store. . 1-16-tf FOR SALE One team, harness and wagon, two colts, one farm wagon, one cart. Call at Brewery, morn ings. 1-31-lm FOR SALE A one horse surrey, cheap if taken soon. F. A. Baker, 280 N. 18th St. Phone 626. 2-2-6t FOR SALE One-half acre lots, full of fruit, on South Salem car line at $300, $10 down and $10 per montn. Fleming Realty company, 496 State street. 1-28-tf FOR SALE 12 tons oat hay. G. E. Zell. Inquire North 14th St. 1089. 2-4-6t FOR SALE 40 acres 3 miles from Monmouth, Oregon, 9 acres in oak grubs, balance cleared. Fair build ings, good well, some young fruit Owner must sell on account of health. Price, $2500 if sold at once. Western Realty Co., Monmouth, Ore. . 2-6-lwk Do you know that croup can be prevented? Give Chamberlain s Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. 'It is also a cer tain cure for oroup and has never been known to fall. Sold by all dealers. iKKAT CHIMWK DOCTt U M. BUM has medicine wnicn wi;; core a) known disease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism debility, stomnch, liver, kidney troubles; also any blackened swollen bo renew, broken limbs smallpox, epidemic; all kinds o oolls, lost manhood, female weak neea, hernia trouble aud paraly!: Consultation free. Care ef Tick 8 long Co., Chinese drugs and herbs Office hours from 10 to 12 a, m. and t to 7 P. m. Office open Bundayi, 153 High street, npsia'rs. Sllem FOR SALE Ash and fir wood. Phone Farmers 297. 2-6.3w WANTED. WANTED First class waitresses at Hotel Osburn, Eugene, Oregon. Write. 2-7-3t WANTED House cleaning, carpets taken up and relald; calsominlng; house painting. Address A. D., 404 Court St. Phone 941. l-23-lmo WANTED Voung man to take spe cial $25 automobile course, driving and repairing, practical experience, complete Instruction, big wages steady work. Inquire D. Angeles Auto Academy, 326 Washington street, room 415, Portland, Ore gon. 1-23-tl TLUMBEItS. THEO. .M. BARR Plumbing, hot water and steam healing and tin ning, 164 Commercial St. Phone Main 192. 9-1-lyr OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing heating, gas fitting; prices rea sonable; work guaranteed; estl. mates furnished. Phone 373, 1066 Chemeketa street. 4-17-tf. FINLAY & REYNOLDS, plumbers and gas Otters. Modern plumbing and expert work our specialty. Satis faction guaranteed. 325 Center St Phone Main 610. 1-9-tf VkAXO. TUNING Lutellus U Woods, tuning, poishlng, repair lng. Telephone 984. Shop N. Winter St. t-l-lyi MxKTUS SHELLEY LUCAS Public Stenographer, 314 U. S. National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. 1-5-1 mo SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS Will open In rooms 10. 11, 12 Steeves building, corner State and Liberty streets, about March 1st. 1-2 7-tf JOB PRINTING One hundred war- ranty deeds for $1. The Veatch Printing Co. Good printing at cor rect prices. Rooms 5, 6 and 7, Murphy Block. 2-6-tf OSTEOPATHY. UK. EVA M. TUTTLEt Osteopath. Graduate of be morlcan School of Osteopathy, KIrksvIlle, Mo. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Office, 316-317 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 889. DR. B. H. WHITE Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate 'of the American School of Osteop athy, Kirksvllle, Mo., post-graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office 605-506 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence 346 North Capitol street. Phone 469. KKAL ESTATE. $1,000 BUYS A new1 five room house on good street. Lot 50x110 St. Terms, $750 cash, balance per cent. Square Deal Realty Com pany, U. S. Bank building, Room 304. Phone 470. ELLIS & WOOD- -Real estate loans and insurance, notary pub lic, employment bureau, Phone 554. 476 Court St., Salem, Ore gon. Ticket office Hamburg.Amer lcan steamship lines. 11-1-lyr. KEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE City and farm property for sale or rent Choice city lots In East Sa lem on easy terms. Anything in the real estate line. Call or pbone Main 460. J. G. Long, 1162 East State street BARGAINS IN COUNTHY AND CITY We have bargains In farm property, Improved and unimproved. Also timber land. Bargains In city houses and lots. List your property with us. Call and see us before buying. Bogart & Son, Room 2. Bush Bank Bldg. FOR TEN DAYS We offer this 15 acre tract, all under cultivation, half In bearing prunes, small house and good well, on main road eight miles from Salem, mile from station. Price $2500. This is a barga'n. Ellis & Wood. 2-8-1 w . LIQUOR HOUSES. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two quarter sections of nice prairie land In Min nesota for Salem or Marion coun ty property. Five acres with house, barn, well and fruit, good garden land, for rent, $160 for a year, one-fourth cash balance quarterly near O. E. car line, North Salam. See Home Realty Company, room 7, Murphy block, Salem. 1-31-tf WOOD FOR- SALE. WOOD FOR SALE Salem Truck & Dray Company. Twelve and 16 inch wood for sale, delivered to any part of the city. Office In Manning building, 200 State street, corner of Front, or call Main 74. 1-16-tf SALEM FUEL YARDS. WOOD FOR SALE Can deliver hard and soft woods, In 12 and 16-Inch and 4-foot lengths to all parts of the city. My .wood Is well sea Bnnoii nd under shelter. Prices reasonable. Salem Fuel Yards. Phone Main 529. Office, 752 Trade M tf All the world loves to gossip about a lover. WILLIAJH BUTTE Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught South Com mercial Street. U'AMILY LIQUOR Store All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon. Bot tle or case. Free delivery In the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial street. TAXIDERMY. 8AVE YOCR TROPHIES from rod and gun and have them mounted true to life. Rug work, game heads, all kinds of taxidermy Express shipments given prompt attention. C, A. Corblt, Re4 Tannery, south end Yew Pari UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Leh man, A. M. Clough, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court street. 9.20-tf. Big Bargain By Owner in Land Easily Subject to IRRIGATION A BIG BARGAIN BY OWNER on two county roads. 60 miles from Port land on main line S. P. I am forced to sell my place. 158 acres black, sandy, loam soil, 80 acres cleared, plowing now. All level; balance all level and easy cleared; 16 acres of piling timber, no mud, no water standing on this land. Finest peach and potato land on earth, big barn nearly new, nil) bold 30 head of stock, good 4-room house, 3-story windmill house In fine condition, water piped to barn, several good butbulldings, new De Laval cream separator; 9 cows, one hog, chickens, hay and grain in barn, some seed grain, two regis tered driving mares, and 2 blooded colts, $100 top buggy, $135 hack; mower, rake, wagon and all farm implements, over $1500 worth ol stock, etc., all goes In at $95 cer acre; terms. Located one-halt mile from Marion, south on Main line ol S. P.; One trout stream on place. Phone 10X4 Farmers. H. Graham, Marlon. Ore. 1-24-2W COLLECTIONS. MUSIC LESSON'S. MUSIC Piano instruction at yoai home by Ralph Harr 40 years perlence. German. Kindly address 646 South 14th St, or phone 131 1-13-tl MEAT MARKETS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Whenever you buy your meat froa us. We carry a full line of cholc fresh, salt and smoked meats, and make a specialty of pure lard. V C. Rush, successor to Edward A Long, 1815 East State jtreet Phone 1926. 1-7-' HAKEltlES. WHITE SWAN and German Bakeries for highest grade bread and pas tries. Wedding and party orders a specialty. We make daily deliveries 319 N. Commercial, phone 903; 01 12th and Chemeketa, phone 961. 1-7-U BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. California Bak ery, Thomas Cooley, Props. CLEANING) AND DYEING. HAVE YOUR clothes cleaned by Va cuum Cleaner the only way to re move all dust and germs. Trj h and you'll neer go back to the old ' way. W. J. Linfoot, Merchant Tai lor. 542 State St Phone M. 498. ' 1-6-tl WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb High 'grade work at eastern prices Opera House block, 484 Court street. 10-5 tf LIVKItY STABLE. POSTOFF1CE LIVERY and Sale Stable, pest of turnouts, quick service; rates reasonable. .For anything in livery and boarding, Ca,ll or 'phone Main 188. E. F. Gillian, Proprietor. Ferry street. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office city hall. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. TON'SORIAL. H. O. Meyer & Co. The best and largest shop In the city. Six first-class barbers. Only first-class bootblack in city; porcelain baths and everything pertaining to a first-class shop. Also carry a full line of cigars and tobacco and barbers supplies. 162 Commercial street, next door to Statesman office. . 4-8-tf SECOND-HAND STORE. IF YOU have second hand goods for sale at highest cash prices, ( Just call Phone Main 941. If you want to furnish your house cheaply, goto 404 Court street We can save you 9 19. Stoves and ranges new and second-hand. E. L. Stiff & Co. ) L. McPEAK, complete house fur nisher, new and second hand goods bought and sold' also second band watche- cheap for cash; har ness, guns and saddles. Call Main 1233. Highest cash prices paid for second hand goods. 170 So. Commercial street 10-20tf CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN For new and second-hand ranges. Oth er house furnishings In proportion. Come to us if you are hand to suit. Smith & Cook, 326 North Commer cial street. Phone 4S1. 1-4-tf PAINTK1US, PAPER HANGERS DIAZ WANTS AMERICANS n TO HELP HIM (unitid rini UAR1D Willi. Salt Lake, Utah, Feb. 8. That President Diaz of Mexico, pressed by the revolutionists, is threatenen Ing coercion to American citizens to help him in suppressing the Insur rection Is the statement here today of Mormon Elder A. W. Ivins, who has Just returned from thJks Mormon colonies in Mexico. "We have been Invited to take up arms and assist Diaz to crush the revolt," Ivlns Bald, "nnd In some cases wei havei beoti threatened that unless we take a hand In the fight we will suffer ourselves. Wo all are American citizens, though, and will stand on our citizenship and refuse to participate In the quarrel" o '. ARAB REBELS MAKE IT BUSY FOR THE TURKS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and first-class work done. I. D. Driver, 517 North Capitol street, Salem, Ore. Phone 926. 6-26-tf. SAND AND J HAVEL. FOR SAND AND GRAVEL See Salem Construction Company. Of fice 464 Court street. Phone Main 790. . 7-24-tf. LODGE DIRECTORY. SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets In Hurel Hall on State street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome- F. A, Myers, master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman Hall. V. W. Hill, Consul; F. A. Turner, Clerk WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in Holniaii Hall. Geo. H. Deacan, C, C; L, H. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 COLLECTIONS Don t worry ubnu' your bills If you cannot colled them. Send them to us we will send you your money. The nios' efficient service In Marlon count' Is that of the Capital Collectlor "Agency, 205, U. S. National Ban) Bldg., Salem, Ore. Phone 773. 11-1 9-') BOX FACTORY. G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY 247 Miller street, South Salem; I Manufacturers ' of all kinds of boxes, crates and fruit dryer as-cessorles- Phone 308. tf. MASSAGE PARLORS. ELITE MASSAGE And Beautr pa lors. Chiropodists, manicuring an scalp treatments, shampooing, hair dressing and weaving, facial treat menta of all kinds, nnd bake ov-v baths for rheumatism and rur down systems. Room 302 U. P National Bank building. A. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodge No. 2 meets every Monday even ing at 8:00 p. m., In Holman Hall, corner State and Liberty Sts. A. E. Donaldson, M. W.; D. P. Wright, Recorder. 5-21-tf MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- ter No. 1. Masonic hall second Friday of each month, at $ . m. M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest. Lot L. Peirce, Secretary. 7-9-tf UNITED ARTISANS Capital As sembly No. 84, meets every Friday evening in I. O. O. F. Temple, Mrs. Ida L. Niles, M. A., S. E, Vail, sec retary, 158 S. Cottage street. Phone 1214. 7-22-tf PACIFIC LODGE, NO. 50. A. F. & A. M. Masonic hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R. Wilson, W. M., Lot L. Pearce, sec retary. 8-1-tl SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. ft M. State communication o first Friday In each month at 7:1 p. m., In Masonic hall, Mcfornae block. James Plant, W. M.; John Bayne, secretary. frmrnn rK" MUBr wins.f Constantinople, Fob. 9. Fighting bmtwoen Turkish troops and the rebicls In the Yemen district has set tled down to a dogged campaign which, according to advices received here today, promises to continue for months Thiire are .now about 100,000 Arabs and half as many Turks In tho field, and the Turks are being sheatllly reinforced. Engagements ar occurring dally, and the death roll has motintwl up Into the thou sands. The) Turks generally win In open fighting, but the Arabs are wag ing guerilla warfare with consider able success. The rebels expect to transform the Yemen district Into an Inde pendent, kingdom. If tho Turks were left to Ight it out with them undisturbed, ultimate defeat of the Arabs Is sure, but If o!ther Oreece, Bulgaria or the RiirhIiuis should de clare war on Turkey there will b.( an excellent prospmit of Arab riic. cess in the struggle. 0 V FACT PROVKX SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY Dr. W. H. Byrd, president; Mrs. H. W. Meyers, vice-president; Ed. Gilllng ham, secretary. Executive commit tee: Rev. Barr G. Ie, MIbs Kittle Moore, Mrs. E. Hofer. Cases ol cruelty to animals should be re ported to the society for Investiga tion. . Should Coin luce Kvrn (he Most Skop. tlcnl of Its Tmlli. If there Is the sllghent doubt In the minds of any that Dandruff germs do not exist, their belief In compelled by the fact that a rabbit lnnoculated with the germs became bald In six weeks' time. It must be apparent to any person therefore that the only prevention of baldness 1b the destruction of the germ which act Is successfully ac complished In one hundred per cent of cases by the application of New bro's Herplclde. Dandruff Is caused by the same germ which causes baldnes and ran be prevented with the same remedy Newbro's Herplclde. Accept no substitute. "Destroy the caimo you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. One dol lar bottles guaranteed. J. C. Perry. o While It Is often impossible to prevent an accident, It Is never Im possible to be prepared It Is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 25 cents In a bottle of Chamberlnln's Liniment and you are prepared for sprains, bruises and like Injuries. Sold by all dealers. An 80-acre tract Is to b added to the town of Greshnm. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORI A