1 I PAGE SO. nAlhV 0AfrrAL JOCTtXAU SALEM. PREPPY. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1911. - i i i v.h- . ,,, I mil mi iimfmim " "ty lttun wants council has live session. , htt New Spring Arrivals Every department showing New Things. Our purchases for this season represent the very latest and most prac tical styles in vogue, Many of the New Things have reached us and are on display: I ' '' ; i Domestic Department , !Has a most wonderful and i pleasing showing of the, ;i newest, u p-todate wash 'materials Flaxon or spring, "hat dainty ma erial for waists ; and dresses in stripes in1 . and checks, yard v The largest assortment in the newest tissues, Tissue De Nile, Egyptian Tissue Silk Tissues, 25c and 35c yard. . CITY NEWS. , Ilolihlnfr of Children's Hair A specialty. Mrs. Williums' rooms. 318-319 U. 8. Bank building. If .SonVrtiiir """'. With a cold, take a bake oven bath. It Is a sure cure. Elite Massage and Beauty Parlors. Rooms 301-2-3, U. 8. Bank Bldg, ' fall lit the- Elite Massage and Beauty Parlors to have your work done. It 1b qual ity that' counts In this work, We do the highest class of work In the city f Its kind. Rooms 301-2-3, V. 8. Bank building. . .. .. mm . "" ! Hamuli Society Mia. F. W. S wanton.' of Portland, who has buon delayed several times In trying to meet with tho Baloin Hu man.! society, will he at Snlem Thurs day and meet with the noelcty on Thursday evening at the hoard of trade rooms. All friends of tho Hu mane Society work are Invited to be presont and meet Mrs. Swantim. Aiiiei liKii Joining KeheK Los Angeles, Oil., Feb. 7.-Private advices received here lndloited that A band of 100 armed Americans forced a passage across tho border at El Paso today and Joined Oonorul Oroxco's reliel force. We Are Now Building Wnitch OurJPlant Grow T , - warn ' m. I f .,- I J I Perfeciioi Sew'rg l'hoiie Nulii I.MS. Sulle 1. . The Very Latset SUITS All our suits, coats and jackets y styles selected for this season are neat, practical and modest. Al our suits, coats and jackts are exceptionally well tailored. The fabrics that go into our garments are those of quality Clothes that are right. To use a common remark of our customers "Meyers' suits are different." It is that difference from the common that gives them distinction and puts them in a class only found in the larg est suit houses. Specials $25 to" $50. ladies' suits $10 nad $15. KIM6NAS LESS 1-3 Embroideries, new things special 48c, 1-2 PRICE TABLE In ladies' and children's underwear Don't forget the bargain table, SEATTLE ELECTION (Continued from page 1.) call candidate against Mayor Gill, has had a shade in the betting, the odds being knocked down to even money only when a large sum of money was thrown on the market last night. The women began voting early. Some were waiting when the polls opened at 8 o'clock. Many voted on tholr way to do their morning's mar keting. Some did not bother, to put on hat or coat, but, stopped on the way from the grocery with eggs In one hand and a ballot In the other. , The Issue of clvlo deceny as against the open town conditions under May or Gill '.which have been widely nil vertlsed, have stirred the city In- tensely. Half the ministers In the city have boon actively working, while tho women have formed church clubs and turned tholr add societies Into ward clubs. Frank ;tcli Ntill H. 1 DM1TBD ' UUSD WIM.1 Sioux City, la., Feb. 7 Wrestling; enthusiasts are convinced today that Frank Gotch, world's champion, la as good as ho elver was, following his quick disposal lust night of Kara Os. man. Gotch pinned the Turk's shoulilers to the mat twice within 25 i minutes, o We love Cannon for the progres. i slves he hns made. ! Have openings for good men who havo money to Invest in a good paying manufacturing concern. You will not only get good divi dends on your money Invested, but get good salaries and work only 1.1 (JUT HOIKS l'EK DAY Don't take the knocker's advice. Come to our offleo and Investigate i for yourself. Kvery dollar you in- vest is absolutely safe. Olltce open evtuing from 7:00 to 9:00 l. in. for those who are too busy X ilnrliis the tin y . f Gl'rd Cc, Inc. Vttlotuit ltank Hide, Salem, Ore. " I riu.i UUUUIIIVIH 1 . I IMA t- The Salem, Falls City & Western Railroad Company, through Its at torney, Charles McNary, of the firm ' of McNary & McNary, last evening asked for a franchise to construct a ' line to connect with the Southern Pa idfic Railroad Company's depot and i that of the Oregon Electric, and also 1 for a line to run to a depot which it I proposes to construct for Its own use- I A bill hag already been Introduced ! In the senate asking for a franchise I allowing the company to build a ' bridge across the Willamette river at Division street. According to the or dinance for a franchise Introduced at the council, the company proposes to i lay its tracks along Division street and up Capitol and connect with the i Southern Pacific at Front, and with the Oregon Electric at High street. The site for the depot has not yet been selected, but It will be some place on Division street. The matter has been referred to the ordinance committee. GEORGE MEYERS' CASE IS BEING ARGUED The taking of evidence In the case of George Meyers charged with the murder of Night Patrolman Eckhart a year ago last October was concluded i today at noon and this afternoon Is being devoted to the argument of the ; cause before the Jury. At 2 o'clock the opening argument had been made by the state and Attorney Kaiser for the defense has Just begun his argu ment He will be followed by Attor ney , D'Arcy Jor the defense and Dis trict Attorney McNary will make the closing argument The case will go to the Jury late this afternoon. The case was commenced yesterday afternoon but nothing was done be yond securing a Jury. The court opened this forenoon wth the Intro duction of evidence and by noon It had been concluded. As Meyers has already been convicted of murder In the second degree but granted a new trial he cannot under the law.be again convicted of a greater crime. His lawyers are laboring hard for an acquittal and are confident that they will reduce the verdict to at least manslaughter. Geliilln Jellied Ten. tuarrsD rasas uian witti.l Marquette, Mich., Feb. 7. Gela tine powder, largely composed of nl-tro-glycerlne, Is today held respon sible for the explosion yesterday at th plant of the Pluto Powder Com pany, when ten men met instant death. The mixture was being stir, red In a big crucible. One thousand pounds exploded. SHE IIHOKE DOWN' EXT1KELY Lantz, W. Vs., Mrs. Tebe Talbott.of this place, says, "I had been troubled with womanly aliments for some time, and at last I broke down entire ly. . I got so weak I could, scarcely wnlk across the room. Thanks to Cardul, I Improved right off. Now I do my, housework, . and , am feeling well." During the past 50 years, more than a million women have been benefited by taking Cardul. You must believe that Cardul will help you, too, since It helped, all these others. Car dul Is a safe, harmless, vegetable rem edy, of positive, curative merit,' for women. At drug stores. Try one bottle. U will surely , help you. ,. . , mm LIBRARY PLANS s taken from an original drawing, the series costing over $500.00. We have a limited number of these books which we will distribute to our patrons, but only on request in person or by mail. SYer8lobcVermcke announcement in the leading magazines. We will also show cases in the finish, If we do not obtain it from the factory direct. The manufacturers are interested to have us (Contlnuea trom page 1.) " ! JU1CIIUIU Wile Ul ; people knew w hat It would cost to do tha work, and were willing to pay the price, and he did not think It right for the committee to hold the matter up. Councilman Lafke op posed him, and, upon a vote being taken, the motion to reconsider was lost. A resolution to construct a plank sidewalk on Shipping stmt was adopted, and so was a resolution with regard to a sidewalk on the east side of South Liberty, In front of block 17, on Trade street ,and on the west side of Commercial street. Ordinances Considered. An ordinance making It unlawful to practice fraud In the weighing of merchandise was passed. An ordinance limiting the height of awnings to seven feet above the sidewalks was referred to the ordi nance committee. An ordinance providing that street cars, whether freight or passenger when 22 feet long, must be equipped with air brakes, and also regulating traffic on the streets passed a third reading. An ordinance repealing an ordi nance licensing real estate agents was passed. .. An ordinance licensing peanut and popcorn wagons was passed, and an ordinance prohibiting the hawking and peddling of drugs was referred to the ordinance committee. 1 O ' WHITEWASH ISA I LEV. (Continued from page one.) duties of his office, working with out any system, and not having adequate records on file to show the work done by his office, and upon his attention being called to unsanitary conditions of a dairy or dairies, he failed to com pel such dairy or dairies to comply with the food and dairy regulations. Third That deputies were put into the field without proper instructions as to their duties. Fourth He was . partial In . prose cuting violations of the pure food and dairy laws. Fifth That there was evidence showing that he had misappropriated the funds of the dairy and food com missioner's office. Sixth That we recommend that J. W. Bailey be requested to hand In his resignation at once. ED. RACKLEFF, Chairman. . Thompson protested against adopt ing the report. The legislature had no authority to consider- such a re port nor to act upon it Mr. Gill thought the people had a right to know the facts and to report their 'findings. Mr. Buchanan demanded to know what authority was given this com mittee? Mr. Rackleff stated that the com mittee was authorized to make this Investigation and had ' done so fear lessly, . Mr. Thompson made the objection that witnesses were not put under oath. The report asailed the charac ter of an official and the good Judg ment of the people of Oregon. . Mr. Brownhill thought there had been too much red tine and this com mittee report swept that all away. This office had been whitewashed and and children of Portland, cried out 25 ORIGINAL LIBRARY PLANS FREE Or CHARGE If you believe in the home beautiful this announcement should interest you. 3b SlotrVvit t)ick Co. has just issued a collection of twenty-five beautiful catalogue form. in our store any combination of style and pattern described in happen to have exactly what you satisfy you, and we are heartily co-operatingwith them to that end in view. (Sviij'iislf 3 Absolutely Pure The only baking powtler made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar i.'3 ALUM.n LIME PHOSPHATE covered up, and not until the women against adulterated milk and impure foods due to non-enforcement of laws, was there any action. The rules of honest men were far better than the rules of lawyers. Thompson again declared the com mittee acted without authority, placed no witnesses under oath, followed no rules of evidence, and brought in no adequate report, but went at this mat ter in an incompetent manner. Jones moved to lay on the table. Carried. H0l'SE KILLS MAM' BILLS (Continued from Page 1.) to county high schools. H. B. No. 350, Fouts, to make March 17th a state holiday.' H. B. No. 351, Chatten, for Salem hatchery on Columbia river. H. B. No. 352, Cottell, salaries county officials. H. B. No. 353, Clyde, for employ ment of skilled artisans. H. B. No. 354, Douglas county dele gation. H. B. No. 355, Reynolds, to transfer deafmute property to tuberculosis sanatorium. H. B. No 356, Bryant, for govern ment of school districts of 10,000 children. Third Reading; House Rills. ! TI. R. No 2fil. Ttrnnltp relating tn ! salaries in Harney county. Passed. H. B. No. 169, fixing salaries county superintendents of schools. Passed. Salary, $900 and $100 for each addi tional 1,200 children. Brooke opposed as entirely unnecessary. Bonebrake made a plea for fair compensation. Eaton made a hard plea for better country schools. Killed. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bayne, of Moose Jaw, Saskatchawan, and daughter, Mrs. Geo. Eyre, Jr., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eyre. Mrs. Bayne Is a cousin of Governor West. The mid-winter egg catches nickel, the CHIIdfttn Ciy FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOP I A reprints, bound in Each illustration SlotxWern iek this collection. specify, we wi 1 : book I. TliN is the only place in Salem at wlv h yon can buy (ilolie-Wer-nicke I'.uek Oise. I NewSummerWashGoodsl rtM,iiMfll TtrflJRI"--,r;-tt" JUST OPENED We're Showing By Assortment of Novelty Wash Goods We Have Ever Shown Silk and Cotton Novelties And Mercerized Cotton Novelties that simulate silk fab rics perfectly, You'll find it hard to distinguish between the inexpensive silk finished Foulards, Many of our. Novelty Worsted Dress Goods are now on display, While another plain goods season is expected this spring with Serges, India Twills .Batists and Sheer Fab rics the favorites still there are enough novelties and , Tailor Suitings to afford those who wish to avoid the plain fabrics an opportunity to select something "different," New Goods in Every Department New allover laces just opened, in beautiful new de signs, New Percales and New Ginghams in endless variety, Our store closes at 5:30 every evening excepting Saturday, PERSONALS. John Farrell, of Dallas, was in the city yesterday and reported that the Polk County Oil and Land company will resume operations at once on drilling for oil near Dallas. J. C. Hostettkr, cashier of French & Co.'s bank ht The Dalles, Henry Meier, a prominent merchant of that city, and Milt Anderson, formerly of The Dalles, but now of Grants' Pass, are In the city, and all of them being friends of the "Horse Editor" who used to do newspaper stunts in that city at the foot and head of some of the navigation on the Columbia, they paid the Journal office a pleasant visit R. Alexander, a prominent mer chant of Pendleton, is in the city boosting for good roads, the branch asylum, and incidentally advertising Pendleton's big "Round Vp." One Acre FOR SALE An acre of first class I land not far from fair grounds; size, UlxZHJ feet. Good land, all cleared, In fine neighborhood. Price $300. Easy terms. See Bechtel & Uynon, 347 State street. Half Acre , FOR SALE Half an acre of excep tionally fine soil, all level, cleared and ready for the plow. Located in good road, not far from school, close neighbors. Size of land 70x213 feet. t rice ii,.,. Terms to suit & Bynon. 3(7 state street. Bechtel BHi LAXD SNAP SO. 3 123 acres, four miles from Mon mouth, exceedingly fine land, good or ..i i i. tuani, uuimings timber, water sightly; a great bargain at $3 acre. $3150 will handle tht , very 0 per MOXMOI TH REAL ESTATE TO., Monmouth, Ore. 1-21-tf- Modern In every detail Lady assist- at. Corner Cottaii nH rk0,t... Phone 724 The Armstrong E. T. A j i h'jX ' r -J. Lihcrty Street Fine Nn.rr stock. Fruit -t and Roses. We have o agents. Direct Far the Largest Foulards and the real silk 1 J a i sc NEW TODAY. WANTED First class waitresses at Hotel Osburn, Eugene, Oregon. Write. 2-T-3t 1000 NEW FIVE ROOM house on'good street. Lot 50x110 ft. Terms, $T59 cash, balance 6 per cent. Square Deal Realty Company, U. S. Bank building. Room 304. Phone 470. 26 ACRES of good land 2 miles northeast of Salem, the same kind of land right by It selling for $20O to $250 per acre; this can be had for $165 per acre. Derby & Will son, U. S. Bank Building. ' NEW SHORTHAND CLASSES-Will be commenced at the Capital Busi ness College on Monday, February 6. In both day and night sessions. Call or phone Main 388. 2-4-3t- B1G LAXD SNAP XO. 4. 52 acres 3 piles from Monmouth and Independence. The soli Is excel lent and drains well; 12 acres of splendid commercial orchard. Build ings cost $3500 and are new. Witlk Place goes much personal property. This lovely country home for $7000. Will make terms and take some Sa lem Income property. MOMIOCTH REAL ESTATE CO. Monmouth, Ore. 1-21-tf MOXEY TO LOAN On Farm Property. Room No. 1, Tlofja nulliliiig. Salem, Oregon. Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Frank Meredith. Itesiilenl Agent. Room 13 Bush Bank Blk. Salem, Or-. MONEY TOLOAIV THOS. K. FORI) Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, Or Try n Journal want d V Nursery Company j j. Mana'jsr. Sa'er;. C"( Ornamental Trees. Scrubs and to planter. Z? CO-' Phone 837. I 1 orces and Chec All E This in Rome, lad Ausl :ted a: i of tb day 1 i-at. II ok Is l e.Itall tn as i 3d are nmtnt alias .le. On pi rmles ins bel r org ,M!y t Tie erniat npero ;reaty ' nlj ca ! Inva tisff :wt tl an St' QtiSC&SESaCSK