DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKfcGO.V, SAITKDAV, FEBRUARY 4, 1011. PAGE FIT. Extra Speiacl For Saturday Only Turkish bath towels 40 inches long, 21 inches wide, extra good quality, 12 Cents Limited 4 to a customer; Sale to begin at 9 a, m, This is one of the best special values we ever offered, INVESTIGATE FOOD AND DAIRY COMMISSIONER Mil. I1AILEY APPEARS AXD AN SWERS QUESTION'S, AXD HIS DEPUTIES AND OTHERS WILL BE EXAMINED THIS AFTERNOON. A01 1 HOMECOMING PREPARATIONS. r i. I r5 1 Berryman in Washington Star. er delusion 'hat at times In tbe past he has saved rulers of various cations from assassination. EXPLODED A BOMB ON RESIDENCE TOUCH The food and dairy committee of the house ,and a committee of the senate, to which was referred the special message of Governor West, asking for an investigation of the management of the office of Food and Dairy Commissioner Bailey has begun Its labors this morning at the state house. Summons were sent out yesterday to the commissioner and his deputies to be present and testify, and when the investigation commenced this morning, they were all In attendance. Bailey is repre sented by Attorney, White, of Port land, and was the first witness to take the stand. The charges against Bailey are in competency, and having padded his expense account, and used the funds to purchase articles for his home and In payment of other expenses not of a public nature. Strator Chase acted as chairman of the committee, and started the Investigation by air ing a ser!e3 of questions, which had been reduced to writing, but by whom It seems Is uncertain. Thn nrsl questions were along a lino which would determine whether Bailey was competent. They referred lo the ss. tern used in keeping a record of In spections made ,of money collected, and reports submitted upon vavio-is matters. The commissioner admitted that the reports which formed a basis for his public reports that Is those submitted to the governor had mostly been lost, but that it had occurred without his conKenf. He also admitted that the score card system now in vogue in his of fice had been introduced by him, but claimed it was good, and that as soon as its use was suggested that he adopted It. After a number of other questions along this line the com mittee turned Its attention to the second charge that of Bailey having used the state's money for his own use. He admitted that he had bought a horse and buggy, but maintained that It was bought with Ms own money, and, while the state had paid for the keaplng of two horses, that it had their services for nothing. He de nied that he had charged the expense of his trips to his farm at Eugene to the state, and offered to present doc uments to prove the statements. He had not, he said, kept a record of the Inspections made of the various dairies in the state. Th's afternoon his deputies will be examined. There is also in at tendance a delagation of .women representing the Consumers' League, of Portland, and when the proper time comes they will give testimony along certain lines. The investiga tion will consume all of thp afternoon. Last evening about 8:15 p. m., are port as loud as that of a shotgun was heard at the corner of Union and High streets, that aroused some of the neighbors. This being Chinese New Years, the report of a firecracker would not have raised one, but this report was immediately telephoned to ; the police station, and in less than 10 minutes an officer was on the scene and It was discovered that a large Chinese bomb was thrown on the front porch of one of the corner houses. The fact of the patrolman finding the trouble so quickly speaks well of the efficiency of our present police force and undoubtedly is very comforting to the citizens of Salem. THE DANGER IN CALIFORNIA ABOUT OYER CAPTAIN E66LEST0N EXPIRES MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE FEOM JACKSON COUNTY TAKEN TO HOSPITAL LAST NIGHT, TASSES A WAT AT MIDNIGHT. fi rionit y.ctkri Purt;iiinf Information HomegT'THEBIG RED APPLE" NO subject connected with the develop ment of the West is attracting more attention than the great profits Oregon apple growers are making. Other states produce far more apples than Oregon, but Oregon leads the world, according to the largest dealers in apples in this country, in quality of product and high prices received (or same. Oregon is a great apple state, and Salem the Willamette Valley) is the original home of the big red apple that is making a stir throughout the world. . , The largest producing apple orchard in Oregon is located near Salem, the vicinity of which is also noted for its prunes, cherries, hops and small fruits. Salem is the center of Oregon's prune industry, Oregon producing 90 per cent of the "Italian" prunes grown in this country. Salem is the center oi Oregon's hop industry, and Oregon produces 40 per cent of the hops grown in the United States. Salem is known as the "Cherry City of the World," the Wil lamette Valley, of which Salem is the center, originating more commercial varieties of cherries than any other section of this country. If you are interested in fruit growing, dairying, poultry raising, manufacturing possibilities, or gen eral farming you make a big mistake if you overlook Salem. Salem is the capital city of Oregon a vigor ous, beautiful, progressive community. Write to-day for more information about Salem. Address Secre tary, Board of Trade, and mention that you saw this advertisement in SUNSET Magazine. NOTE-Tlm .drcrtiioncat u orDra tor lb Slm Boerd ol Tr.de by the Siuiitl nonen Burtiu, P.irllaod, Ore,. ,o. wim tat uo-ooerauve 1 u prepared lor lb Selem Boera i ' c(o. It -.11 .ppcer is Auu.l uomi. Thi rvioe rrdra Coramueitv pl ef tin Of r.m Fii!r.d 4 N.vi.m.oo .o After suffering from 111 health which extended over several months, Captain M. F. Eggleston, of Ashland, and a member of the house of repre sentatives of the present legislature, died this morlnng at the Willamette Sanatorium within about five hours after he had been taken to the Insti tution with the hope of restoring him to health. Shortly after the session convened, Captain Eggleston returned to his home because ot his health but In a few days was back at his desk in the house. A member of the senate re marked to him that he was not look ing well and he replied by staUng FALLING TEMPERATURE CAUSES that he should probably be at home SXOW INSTEAD OP RAIN IN instead of at work in the legislature, THE MOUNTAINS, WHICH WILLI but that he felt that he owed a duty CHECK THE FLOODS. Sacramento, Calif., Feb. 4. With the cessation of rain along the upper Sacramento and San Joaquin water sheds, danger of floods ' Is past,-according to a statement made today by the local weather forecaster. The rains of the last 48 hours have not visibly affected the rivers in the up per part of the valley, although the Sacramento between Walnut Grove and the bay is still rising, as is also the lower San Joaquin. At the summit the weather has turned decidedly cooler and snow is falling in place of rain. rj TACOMA MAYOR DEMANDS HIS OWN RECALL Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 4. Mayor A. V. Fawcett today placed his name at the head of a petition demanding his own recall. The recall, which seems to have been Instigated by persons opposed to the mayor's anti-treat or dinance, will be fought out at the polls. Mayor Fawcett, y after affixing his signature tq the "petition said: ... "I hope there will be enough names to Insure an election, as I want, the people to decide whether they want the saloons to run the city or not." to the state and that he desired to discharge it if possible. Within the last week he began to grow consider ably worse and last night at 7 o'clock he was taken to the sanatorium and a few minutes after 12 o'clock he was dead, the Immediate cause being par alysis. Captain Egleston Was one of the most popular and esteemed men In the town of Ashland and during his residence there held several positions of public trust, among others being that of city recorder. At the last elec tion he was nominated for the house of representatives from, his district and elected by a handsome majority. He was a man of pleasing personal ity, of strong character and ability and was a potent factor in the house. He leaves to survive him a wife and a child. , The remains . will be shipped to Ashland this evening by the Lehman & Clough Undertaking company, and will be accompanied by Dr. H. M. Shaw, of this city, who was an old time friend of the Captain and his physician during his Illness. I'VE ALWAYS SAID THAT BOY TOOK AFTErl HIS DADDY." " tt 7 V' '" A Ik' . .Je." 1 .-re" . Vol ' ' Km Donahsy in Cleveland Pleir, Dealer. CALIFORNIA WOOLD CONTROL THE RAILROADS LOOIS HAHN DECLARED TO BE A LUNATIC RESISTED WHEN OFFICERS AT TEMPTED TO TAKE HTM IN CHARGE, BUT IS HANDCUFFED IS CRAZY ON SUBJECT OF RE LIGION. Being a man of massive strength, and possessing besides all the strength of a madman, It required the combined strength of Sheriff Har ry P. Minton and Deputy Scheriff Esch this forenoon to arrest and handcuff Louis Hahn, the religious fanatic, for whom a warrant had been issued, and who was this after noon sent to the state hospital for the Insane, after an examination as to his mental condition by Dr. Byrd and Dr. Brewer, Jr. Hahn 's the man who was arrested and incarcerated in the county jail several weeks ago for refusing to send his children to school, refusing to do so unless the school laws were so revised that no school was kept on Friday. Upon his release he be gan preaching his fanatical religion on the streets, and also sending freak messages to the legislature threaten ing it with destruction unless certa'n legislation was enacted. Toay a warrant was sworn out for him. charging him with lns-nlty. and when Sheriff Minto and Deputy Esrh proceeded to arrest the'r man they found him preaching on tlif street. When they soupht to take him into custoiy he resisted and battle uocn them, and it re quire! their combined strength to subdue him. H is possessed with the dc-lusion that he is called by the Lord to spread a certain religion of hi'- -t:-. and labors under the furtt- ESTIMATES MADE FOR ; - MONMOUTH The ways and means committee of the house, accompanied by President Ackerman, of " the State Normal School ,went to Monmouth today, and Inspected the premises, looked over the lands and available site for new buildings, and will report on the conditions as they found them, The committee was visibly impressed with the need of an equipment, and on Monday the Board of Regents will meot and consider a bill to be Introduced in the legislature.' The bill will sk for money to purchase additional lands, and for at least two buildings, cndltloned upon the Mon mouth school district creating and maintaining a 12-grade, public school on a block adjoining the state nor mal school. The Board of Regents will recommend about $100,000, and Monmouth is to erect a $30,000 high school. IS SHOWING WONDERFUL SPECIMENS SAMPLES OF ORE BROUGHT BI J. 1). DENSMOBE FltOJI SISKIYOU GOLD FIELDS, ARE ONE-HALF GOLD. Staggers Skeptics. That a clean, nice fragrant com pound like Bucklen's Arnica Salve will Instantly relieve a bad burn, cut, scald, wound or piles, staggers skeptics. But great cures prove its a wonderful healer of the worst sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, eczema skin eruptions, as also chapped hands, sprains and corns. Try it. 25c at J. C. Perry's Drug Store. Mr. Carnigle gave $10,000,000 to promote universal peace. There Is one sure way to bring it about com pel those who bring on wars to do the fighting. When the "tariff commission" Is aDDOlnted we want to submit a care fully presfTvod lot of bills from the 175 to $500. These prices include J. D. Densmore has Just returned from his mines at Hilt, California, Just across the state line near Ashland. He brought samples of ore showing what that section is capable of pro. ducing. The specimens are as hand some as any the writer ever saw and he has passed the greater part of his life In the mines. They are practical ly half, gold a beautiful bright yellow leaf formation Imbedded in a white sugary spar and look good enough to eat. Mr. Densmore and his associates are opening up one of the moet prom ising gold mines ever found in the state of California, and are leaders in demonstrating that the ' Siskiyou range Is one of the richest mineral sections In the world. Jackson, Jose phine, Coos and Curry counties in Oregon and Del Norte and Siskiyou counties, California, contain the larg est area of but little explored min eral ground in the United States, and it is an area, the writer predicts, that will be the richest and most exten sive ever found in the world. The day of its opening and development Is at hand and such men as Dens more and his partners will become millionaires while calling the world's attention to that section. Houses in the Right Place When you build your home, select a tract where the other fellow's home will help enhance the value of yours. Every house that goes up In a tract with a building restriction, helps the tract and the houses in it. Klngwood Park has a reasonable building restriction attached to ton tracts and deeds. This does not mean that the owners of lots . must build but when they do build, that their house will be worth a certain price. Lots In Klngwood Park are sold on easy terms. , The prices range from UNITED FUSS TJUID WIM.1 Sacramento, Calif., Feb, 4. The Stetson-Bohnett railroad I'll passed the asesmbly today with 47 votes, OEly a hare quorum, present The measure, which Is one of the most Im portant urged by the Johnson admin istration, gives the state railroad commission power to fix absolute transportation rates and likewise en force them. The bill went through' as somewhat ot a Joke, nobody giving it serious de bate. Assemblyman Bohnett said it was a railroad bill and could easily railroad Itself through. After an swering a number of "Josh" questions from members, the roll was called. Members of the Labor and Capital committee who were out of the room expressed indignation when called to the chamber after the vote had been taken. SAII FRANCISCO WILL GIVE ITS MAYOR A FEED FATE OF MEXICO. (Continued from page one.) (IHIT1D rnii taiiiD WIH.l San Francisco, Fob. 4. Mayor P, H. McCarty will be given the "glad hand" when he arrives lonfghf after successfully boosting Saa Francisco's claims tor the Panama exposition. The mayor will he escorted from the ferry to the Sheet Metal Workers' hall, where a banquet will be given In his honor. The carriage contain lng the mayor and his party will he escorted by the League of the Cross cadets. THE LION KILLED LORD GREI'S BROTHER butcher the baker, the grocer .the dry goods man and the coal dealer. outposts are falling back, refusing battle. May Delay Attack, El Paso, Tex., Feb. 4. The rebol generals, Orozco and Blanco Joined forces at noon today, ten miles from Janrez. They are awaiting reinforce ments of horses and men before starting the attack on the city, but are expecting to enter Jaurez tonight. The leaders are deliberating as to the best points to attack. After the Junction of Blanco's forces, which were fatigued by their j long march, they went into camp 10 miles south of Jaurez. Their condi tion may prevent an attack tonight. Terror, which was caused in Jau rez at noon today, when a huge dust, cloud south was believed to presage the immediate Insurgent advance, was allayed later when It was learned that a wind storm had caused all the fear, and that the Iniyirgents vere still Inactive, save for the skirmish ing of their outposts. rCNITIO Was I.IARV.D wins. London, Feb. 4. Dispatches from Nairobi, east Africa, today tell of the daath there of George Grey, brother of Sir Edward Grey, the British min ister of foreign affairs, as the result of being mauled by a Hon. Grey, who was hunting In the same country as that traversed by Colonel Roosevelt, became separated from his companions, near the AthI river. Rousing a lion from a thicket, he fired and wounded the animal, but was knoaked down by Its charge and before he could Are a second time was frightfully clawed. Mo n t4i nil Still Deadlocked. rimiTBD pium i.msrr) wim. Helena, Mont. Feb. 4. The dead lock in the Montana legislature on the vote for a United States senator re mained unbroken today. The official ballot gave Carter and Walsh each 31; Conrad 18 and 11 were scattering. o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA Crown Prince Coming. ' fBKITD PUSS I.I1SUI WIM.l London, Feb. 4. Announcement that Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany, will cross the United States from San Francisco to Nsw York next year Is made here today la Berlin despatches. The messages say that the yrince will resume next Autumn the world tour recently abandoned on account ot the plague In the far East His plans, as revised, provide for a trip across Siberia and thence through China and Japan to San Francisco, whence he will return direct to Berlin. BIG COAL CARRIER ASHORE IN THE SOUND Victoria, B. C, Feb. $. Failure to answer her helm while passing Stew art Island, one of the small islands In close proximity to San Juan Island on her way from Union Bay to Mex ico resulted In the big Norwegiaa steamer Tltanla, Captain Kroeger, running agorund at Roch Harbor early today. She was heavily ladea. with a cargo of coal at the time of her stranding and as the tide Is fall ing, she may become a total wreck it assistance is not dispatched at once. There la Only One "Bromo Quinmo" That Is Laxative Bromo Quinino USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLO IN QUE DAY. Always remember the full nume. Look for this signature on every box. 25o. HUHSCRIRERH. If you get your paper by mall kindly watch the tag and see when the time Is up. and remit promptly, or notify u to stop the paper; otherwise MH will "i fr fb tint" frit i!)ie' ,n,if !,fr fcrnlra- graaea sireeis, cemeni wains, curoH and Btreet trees. To the next builder of a ho.i:i? la Klngwood Park we will allow a dlH eount of 40 per cent off the price of any lot selected and in addition will pay for the architect's plans. There in a reason why West Salem Is going aheid. Come in and let us tell you. UK IITKL & HVN0 117 State Hret-t Tel. 132 Commercial Advertising The kind of advertising that pays cannot be had for a song. We do the kind that pays. Our work is tbe brat and prices uni form. If you have not given The Journul a trial it will pay you to do so. We always aim to pluuse. Daily Capital Journal Make Want Advertising Your Banker Journal want ads bring quick results