Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 03, 1911, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Nature's Gift from the Sunny
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nnt rcsisHJiixT, i'erhaps
2UTCBE. , i. ."5: --""r I
I -s 1 W - its!. W l.wLn iCSl VVf ;,:;
IvO W life M
fjf Jfl) i0S -pf&r
i h rSS .VU v..
i 1
Kflpreaentatlre Buchanan's bill re.
avtvllis th whipping post Balled
mrriiy through the senate yoator
tvf afternoon with a good majority
U IU credit and unless Govornr
West ihould teto It whoa It come
up to him for his signature it will
koom a law and husbanda in the
Ut of Oregon will then no longer
atai-taln fears that if they brat their
Wives occailonlly, they will be con
fronted, If convicted, with thn whip
flOS post and the lash.
Th whipping poHt law was passed
j tha legislature two years ago and
It 4v4 tha effect of giving the state
CMMlderabl notoriety among its als
Ur aUtos. After its passage a regu
lar eld fashioned whipping poHt was
rooted at the stale prison and upon
aa or two occasions It was called
fata use. During the session con
siderable sentiment was found ad
vene to the law anil a bill went
through the house and It was pass
ed fcy the senate yesterday afternoon.
Other House mils Tanned.
Ambrose's bill raising the atari .
4ard ef those desiring, to practice
atometry In the stato was passed
sad so was Thompson's bill which
ralates to the disposition of statu and
county funds.
Tae bill of Reynold's providing
that the commissioner of labor
hall tessue no certificates of In
spection unless his inspection foe la
him, and also stating what the
fees shall be was passed, and similar
aetloa waa taken with regard to
Miller's bill authorizing the return
el the license money of an applicant
ter liquor license in the evont that
sfo license Is not granted.
ITsnta' bill having for Its object
Ue areventlon of the transporta
tloa of explosives on passenger
oars weit through with a handsome
.majority and Is now ready for the
foveraor's signature.
Semite Hills PasKed.
Seaator Albee's bill providing that
til railroads must publish their time
tables In newspapers In all towns
where they maintain a station and
aa agent was passod by the annate,
aa4 so was a bill by Senator Mnl
arkey providing for the making of
uaknown heirs defendants in ac
tios! for the clearing up of title to
real property.
Beamtor Nottingham's bill rogu
letlsg the salo of lime and sulphur
tf araylng solutions went through
aaa tks bill of Senator Cartum ap
aroarlatlng $20,000 for the Onon
Aarioultural college for the solution
f horticultural problems was given
a food ot. The same action wns
taken with regard to a bill by Sen
ator Yob der Helen prohibiting dls
erlmliatloa and rebating by rail
reads, and a bill by Senator Wh
relative to the creation of an Ir
reducible fund for the) preservation
f cemeteries.
filler Bills Ready for floTcrnnr.
The Brooks bill the Abott bill and
the Buchaaaa bill, all orlKtnatlnir In
Ue keuse, bave passed the senate and
are ready for the governor. The
first fixes the time for the holding
f the supreme court; the second
provides fer a free ferry at St. John
ope the purchase of a franchise by
the county of a ferry now operated
there. And the last provides that
aa eld soldier may make application
for admission to the old soldiers'
heme la the county In which ho re-
mb rrr a huai
lonmra ma latino wim
New Tork, Ft. 5, Edgar Theo-
Bold lit Teeohoil today aever to speak
te a strsngo woman again, no nint
tr how pretty she may be.
A simple "good evonlng," ad
red to Mrs. John Maylhnni. who
wes awaiting hnr husband, caused
ThecboM to got th( worst boating
1 hU life.
"Ok. yen, you know me?' Instated
Tkeokold, as Mrs. Mayilam turned
Jht then Maylham appeared
"Viet he did to Theobold was plen
"Tea ha. right to knork Ms
head of," aa.1 Magistrate Stelnert
la iaoitulD( Maylham.
Stegtfrs Skrptlcs.
.. That a cleaa, nice fragrant com-
like Bucklen's Arnica Salve
WtH tasUitly relieve a bad burn,
euk aeall, wouad or piles, sUggers
luWrHca But great cures prore Its
ft TWderful healer of the worst
tares, nlcers, bolls, felons, eciema
s&ta eruptloas, as also chapped
ls, spralas and corns. Try It
J5fl at J. C Perry's Drug Store.
There are tricks In all trades.
The source and making of Cottolene insure its purity. From the white, tufty tops of The
Sunny Southland's cotton the seed is removed, the oil extracted and refinedby ourexclusive
process. From Cottonficld to Kitch en human hands never touch the oil from which
Cottolene is made.
Compare the source of Cottolene with the source of lard, and draw your own conclusions
as to the comparative cleanliness, purity and healthfulnessof the two products.
Idnitio nicas liasid wins
Sucrumeuto, Cal., Keb. 3. Ex
pressing sympathy for China in con.
nectlon with plague conditions exist
ing Northern China and Manuchurla,
Sonaitor Marshall Black today urged
the California loglslaturo to vote
$5000 for tho relief of tho suffer
orB. A bill wnH prepared for Intro
duction when tho senate convened.
Although Governor Johnson has
not Indicated ti 1b Intention, several
legislators declared today that a
proclamation calling for public sub
scription throughout California bo
lssuod. Resolutions will bo Intro
duced UBklng the legislatures In ses
sion In tho various states to take
whatever action they may deem (It
to aid in giving relief to the plague
and funilno sufferers of the Celestial
Kingdom. In addition, It Is possible
that congress will be memorialized
to vote a substantial relief fund.
Tho California appropriation will
be turned over to the National Red
Cross Society, ut Washington.
About 200 leglHlntors, state ollleialB
clerks and Salem people went on the
legislative excursion to the State
Agricultural College tlita morning at
9:30, nnd will return this evening at
S:ao. At the college great prepara
tions had been made for the reception
of the members of tho legislature
who arrived on the special train nt
11 o'clock a. in. - One batalllou of
cadets nnd the regimental band were
detailed to meet the visitors nnd es
cort them to tho armory where n
relgmentnl dress punulo was given by
the cadet regiment. Tho visitors
were then glvii a lunch In the gym
nasium. After this they were escort
ed through, ttie different buildings by
tho officers. WhiKi visiting the.se
buildings they were able to see vlier
every dollar of the money ashed fjr
Ifl needed. A b.inimet will be held In
Waldo Hall at u:M p. in. and music
will lie furnished liy the College '.Jler
nnd Mandolin Clubs. Later tliej will
leavo for Salem.
Po you know that croup can be
prevented? (Jive Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy as soon as the child
becomes hoarse or even after the
croupy cough appears and It will
prevent tho attack. It Is also a cer
tain cure for croup nnd has never
been known to fall. Sold by all
. o
rcmisjliaula Stands lu.
Ihkitbd runs taisso WIKl. l
Hanlshurg, l'a.. Feb. 3. The Penn
)lvania legislature today adopted a
Joint resolution favoring San Fran
cisco for the ranatua exposition.
T7 11
Never hesitate to ask your
sectoral, use it or not. as he
Shortens your food
of k.uii K)iioi)ii: i m;v
When President Hen Selling yes
terday afternoon moved to have re
ferred to special committee to con
sist of the authors of the bill, the
bill of Senator Calkin s and Uenn,
providing for the creation of a Btate
purchasing board; and also thut of
Senator Ilowerman providing for
the same thing, he averted what
would havo become a long debate
and what had already become un
acrimonous (IIsciihsIou; and saved
tho afternoon for tho transaction of
good solid business In the senate.
The two bills had been made a
special order of business for the
afternoon. While seeking to at
tain tho samo end the two are dif
ferent in many respects nnd coming
from different sources -tho one
from Senator Ilowerman i.nd the
oilier from Governor West and
State Treasurer Kay, nnd the two nt
swords points politically thd political
lines werei drawn from the start
Tho Commit ten resolved itself Into
iv committee of the whole to con
sider the bill aiul after they were
reiul Ttowermiin arose to speak in
behalf of tho bill of which lie Is the
Takes Minx at lvay
Ho compared bis bill with that of
Calkins and Ilcnii and after point
ing out where his was supeilnr he
declared that thcilr bill was aa full
of holes as a sieve, lie mniut.ilned
thnt under It the old system would
prevail and that the state would be
confronted with the same extrava
gance In tho purchase of Its supplies,
flaring his service as acting gover
nor, ho declared, he hail conio In
contact with the conditions midi r
which supplies were bought: and
hud lvul experience, and the result of
it was embodied in the bill. Those
responsible for the other bill Gov
ernor West had had no experience,
hn stated, nnd whlln Kay hud had
some ,us he sarcastically pat It, iti
had all been along the line of a sel
ler to the state. '
McCullocti Come Rack.
Senator Mcl'ulloch came bark nt
Row urninii In defense of tho Calklus
Ueun bill, lie pronounced the bill
of the Gilliam senator cumbersome,
and maintained that, tho Calkius
Rean Mil covered tho subject in full.
An attack hud been made on the
emergency clause of the latter by
Senator Rowermau. He had re
minded tho senate of the fact that
when he attached to a bill having
for Its purpose the creation, of the
office ef assistant secretary of state
that a "holy cry In behalf of the
people weut up", and that he now
Intended to raise the s.ume cry as to
this bill. McCulloch wn9 about to
make a motion to eliminate the
Bad enough, to be sure. But
old co,ds are worse- Bcttcr
StOD Your fresh coU ar nnrp
doctor about Ayes Cherry
1 1? know f u r Co..
emergency clause. Senator Abra
ham was on his feet with a motion
to indefinitely postpone the Calkins
Bean bill. Senator Joseph was
clamoring for recognition on a
point of order and it was while this
turmoil prevailed that Senator Sel.
ling stepped in and brought order
out of chaos.
He suggested that the two bills
bo referred to a committee composed
of their authors; that there were
good point s In both and that the
committee take both and draw one
good measure from them. He asked
tlm smators to withdraw their mo
tions nnd let it go that way as It
would give tho senate a chance to
Ret down to good work and as his
position was reasonable and his
argument unanswerable that was
done nnd all debate and oratory was
shut off.
4 o
The old Idea of using sapte for darken
ing the hair is again coming in vogue.
Our grandmothers used to have dark,
((lossy hair at the age of seventy-live,
while our mothers have white hair before
they are fifty. Our grandmothers used
to make a "sage tea" and apply it to
their hair. The tea made their hair soft
and glossy and gradually restored the
natural color. One objection to using
such a preparation was the trouble of
making it, especially as it had to ba
made every two or three dajs on account
of it souring cpiickly. This objection has
been overcome and by asking almost
any first-class druggist for "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur the public can get a su
perior preparation of sage, with the ail
mixture of sulphur, another valuable rem
edy for hair and scalp troubles. - Daily
Use of this preparation will not only
quickly Testore the color of the hair but
will also stop the hair from falling out
nndniakf it crow. It is sold by nil
druggists for fiOe. and $1.00 n bottle, or
is sent direct by the Wyoth Chemical
Company, 71 Cortlainlt St., New York
City, upon receipt of price.
Perhaps you have noticed the dif
ference betwem the method of elect
ing Ohio's new senator and the
methods that prevailed at previous
senutorlals elections in tho state.
La Grippe Coughs
Strain and weaken the system and
If not checked may develop into
pneumonia. N'o danger of this when
Foley's 'Honey and Tar is taken
promptly. It is a reliable family
medicine for nil coughs and colds,
and acts quickly and effectively in
cases of croup. Remember the
name, Foley's Honey and Tar for all
coughs ami colds, for croup, bron
chitis, hoarseness nnd for racking
hvgrlppe coughs. No opiates. Re
fuse substitutes.
Red Cross Pharmacy, H. Jerman.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
"Cumt.) lyrMlnlv ffn. 1 ffare a frfend
I one wlru the doctor tu trrtlnfi htm for cancer
' ot lhetorach. The net morning; e pawed
lour p-.cv-rsol a tape worm. He then ROl a box
anl in three Uvh he facd a tape-worm 45fea4
roaa. ft war Mr. Matt Freck.oi Mt.teiabunc
Lfciuphtn Co.. Pa. I am qnite a vrorker tor Caica.
ret. I ue iheintuvaelf ami find thetn henefkual
for most any disease caused by tnipuie blood."
Cbaa. K. Conooa. Lewutoo, Pa., (Miulto CoJ
reosant. Palatable Potent. Tast Good.
Lotooil. hewr sicken. Weaken orUrtpa,
10c, 2Sc. JtV. Never aokl In bulk. Th stun
Id tablet sir mpad CCC OuansOuiad 13
cuf ot you DaotM back. VX
- lengthens
Notice of Intention to Improve Ferry
Notice is hereby given that the
common council of the city of Salem,
Oregon deems It expedient and pro
poses to improve Ferry street, in the
city of Salem, Oregon, with bituiith-
Ic pavement from the east line of
Liberty street to the west line of
Winter street, at the expense of the
adjacent and abutting property with
in said limits, and according to the
plans and specifications adopted for
said Improvement, and on file In the
office of the city recorder, which said
plans and specifications are hereby
referred to for a more specific and
detailed description of said improve
ment, and are hereby made a part of
this notice.
This notice is published for ten
(10) days pursuant to the order of
the common cohncll, and the date of
the first publication thereof Is the
24th day of January, 1911. Demon
st.rances may be filed against said im
provement within ten (10) days from
tho last publication of this notice
and In the manenr provided by the
city charter. CHAS. F. ELGIN,
1-24-llt City Recorder.
Notice to Construct Sidewalk.
To J. w. Cotner: In the name of
tho City cf Salem, In Marlon county,
Oregon, you are hereby notified that
tho common council of the city of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems It expedient that
a now plank sidewalk, 5 feet In width,
be constructed along the west side of
North Fourth street, In the city of Sa-
lom, Oregon, and abutting upon and
adjacent to the following described
real property,to-wlt:
Lot 4, in block 11, In Riverside ad
dition to the city of Salem, Oregon,
and that such sidewalk be constructed
r.t the expense of the adjacent and
abutting property; and that unless
you construct and complete said side
walk within 2k days frrm the date of
the last publication of this
notice, the council receive bids
providing for the construction
f such side walk and will
cause a contract to be entered into for
the construction thereof, as provided
by the charter and ordinances of said
city, and will, by : ordinance, assess
upon each lot liable therefor Its pro
portionate share of , the cost thereof,
and will prder nnd direct such assess
ment to be entered on record and
made a lien upon each lot liable for
such assessment.
The date of the last publication of
this notice will be February 7, 1911.
1-26-1 It City Recorder
&s iatdlclne wnicn will curt) aa)
tnown disease. He makes a special
ty of and guarantees to cure eatarr
uthma, lung, throat, rheumatism
debility, itomrcu, liver, kidney
troubles; also any blackened
iwollcn soreness, broken Umba
smallpox, epidemic; all kinds of
Bolls, lost manhood, female weak
(teas, hernia trouble aud paralytic
Consultation free. Care of Tick 9
Tons Co., Cblneae drugs and herbs
Office hour from 10 to 12 a, m. and
1 to 7 p. m. Office open Sunday
1S3 High street, npsta'rs. SVem
for bac'.ac
Foley- Kioiey Pills purify the blood. rMtor. ....
your life
While It is often Impossible to
prevent an accident, It Is never im
possible to be prepared It Is not
beyond any one's purse. Invest 25
cents in a bottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment and you are prepared for
sprains, bruises and like Injuries.
Sold by all dealers.
f Fair Ground Feed f
and Grocery
All nice fresh, new Goods.
No old Goods to work off. 4
Nice Sugar Cured Picnic Hams,
lb 15c
Bacon, nice 20c
17 lbs. Cane Sugar $1.00
3 lbs extra choice Dried
Peaches 25c
Imperial Best hard wheat
flour, sack $1.40
Best Valley Flour $1.25
6 lbs Japan Rice 25c
f Phone 1497.
Try a Journ..l Want ad.
i Salem Cement Sewer Pipe
Glazed inside by friction; made
with Salem labor, by Sulem
men, with Salem money. Pat
ronize home industry. Deliv
ered in all parts of the city.
House connections a specialty.
Cement sewer pipe docs not
hav-e to be burned, so does not
warp as salt-glazed pipe does.
Cement pipe has greater com
pressive tensile and bursting
We exercise the greatest care
In the manufacture of this pipe,
using a mixture of one part ce
ment to two parts coarse, clean
Salem Sewer Pipe Co.
2(15 South Liberty, Salem, Ors.
Salem's most poular res
We cater to the public who
demand a good meal for a
small price,
Wm. McGilchrist & Sons.
rheurnatl.m, kidne7 or bladdr trouble"
.1 r.
a. V'
Celebrated Leni
The Best Heater
It will save you tn-ney every day yoi
own It. I ell ni d nstal' the best.
Let me give you figures.
See Me
About an Individual lighting plant
Tor your home. The best thing In
the marUt for coking and lighting.
A. L. Frasier
Phone 135.
25f, State Street
A SP, CsitTitX RLIKP r..r fl'WlllD .MxsmMIATIAIf. I
TO FAIL, Si'" I Sure I fli-r-l.T I Sfttla
:v or Minify Ki'liiinlr.t, Nint preiuld
. Y ill vi,.l lln mirn tr:;it.t be liJ for
atiii.'. I r.f. Ir y,.Ur drunnit itot I
our urucrs io u,e
..M.aamTlaalaaiai Wt9Me
Sold in Salem by Dr. S. C. Stone
Salem Fence Works I
Headquarters for Woven Wire
fencing, Hop Wire, Barb T
mi, n..i. . 4
"in, ruuury neiiing, Knln
R'ps, Malthold Roofing, P. &.
B. and Ready Roofing. All at
the lowest prices.
250 Court street. Phone 124
! Gold Dust Flour
Mnde by the BVDNKI POWIR
COMPA.W. Sydacy, Oregon
U r Family Cse,
Ask your frrotr for It. Braa
la ..j ii j.
" -uura uwaya oa haaL
. Wau irreimrities.
jor. Refuse substitutes.
TTW.ll.-lllytllMT i