MARKETS. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grab, Flour, feed, Etc What Track prices: Bluestem, 83c; ciuo, sue; rea itussian, voc; Valley. 82c; 40-fold. 81c. irliir Pn tmnr S3. Ilk nr hnrrAl straights. $4.10 & 4.60; exports. J3.7U; v aney,; granara, .su; whole wheat, quarters, $5. Barley Feed, $23 23.50 per ton; VranllKT 1 57 (ffl 27 Kfl Hay Track pmes: Timothy, Wil- lanntte vaney, ikj5u per ron; Eastern Oregon, $21 22; alfalfa, $12.50013.50; grain bay, $13.50014, clover $12.50(913. Corn Whole, $28; cracked, $29 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $2324 per ton; middlings, $31; shorts, $25; rolled barloy. $2627. Oats White, $23 per ton. Dairy Mid Country Froduce. Butter City creamery, extra. 1 and 2 pound prints, in boxes, 33c per pound; less than boxes, cartons and delivery extra. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 30c; Oregon case county, 2829c. Cheese Full cream, twins, 16c per lb.; Young America, 17c. oultry Live: Hens, 1617c; Springs, 1617c; turkeys, 1820c ducks, 25c; geese, 14c. Dressed: Turkeys, choice, 2225c. Pork Fancy, lOtgllc per lb.. Veal Fancy, 88 to 125 pounds, 13 14c per pound. , Groceries, lined Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruit Apples, 11c per lb., currants, 1315c; apricots, 14 16c; dates, 10 c per lb.; figs, bulk, white or black, uy sack, 7 8c; 56a, 11.5001.75; 12-128, 85c; 36-123, $2.25; 10-ls, 85c; Smyrna, 18c. fcalmon Columbia River, 1-lb. talis, $2.10 per duz.; 2-lli. mils, $2.95; 1-lb. Mats, Ale. ka pink, 1-lb. tails. $1.25; -ed 1 I) tails, $1.65; sockeye. 1-lb. tails. $2. Coffee Roasted, in Irums 23(g34c per pound. Nuts Walnuts, 17V418o per lb.; Brazil nuts, 16c; Alberts, 16c; almonds, 16lSc, vetans, 18c; cecoanuts, 90cfl per dozen. Salt Granulated, $15 per ton; half-ground, 100s, $8.50 per ton; 60s, $9 per ton. Beans Small white, 4c; large white, 4c; Lima, 5c; pink, 6&c; red Mexicans, 6c; bayou, Ke. Sugar Dry granulated, fruit and berry, $5.30; best, $5.10; extra C, $4.80; golden C, $4.70; yellow D, $4.60; cubes (barrels), $4.95; pow dered, $4.65. Terms on remittances within 15 days, deduct Vt c per pound. If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct Vac per pound. Maple sugar, 1518c per pound. Rice No. 1 Japan, 4c; cheaper grades, $3.504.55; Southern head SV47c. ' ' Honey Choice, $3.75 per case, stnlned, 8 Vic per pound. Vegetables ana TYuItn. Apples Fancy, $1.602.50; choice $11.23; common, E0c$l per box. Green fruits Pears, $1.25 1.75 per box; grapes, 75c$l per box; cranberries, $12(812.50 per barrel. Tropical fruits Oranges, navels $2 2.75 per box; Japanese, $13.50; Frollda grapefruit, $3.50; California grape fruit, $3.504; bananas, Ec per pound; pineapples, 6 per pound. Vegetables Beans, 12 c per lb., cabbage, $1.25 1.50 per hundred; cauliflower, $1.752 per crate; cel ery, California. $3.25 per crate; cu cumbers, $2 per box; eggplant, $l(g 1.25 per crate; garlic, 1012c per pound; green onions, 20c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 75c$1.00 per box; Peppers, 15c per lb.; pumpkins, 2c Per pound; radishes, 3035c per dozen; sprouts, 78c; squash, 2c Per pound; tomatoes, $1.752.50 per box. Kack Vegeiatea carrott, 31 i beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.60; turnips, $1.00. Potatoes Oregon, $1.25 , 1.S0 Per hundred; sweet potatoes, 3c Pr pound. Onions Oregon, $2.00 per hundred. Provisions,' Hams-10 to 12 pounds, 17 c; 12 " Punds. 17 He; 14 to 16 pounds, "c; skinned. 17C; picnics. 14c; cottage roll, 16c. Bacon-Fancy, 29c; standard, 29c; choice, 23c; English, 20a D7 Salt Cured Regular short "ears, dry salt, 14 He; smoked, 16c; "As, light, salt, 14 He; smoked. 16c; aeks, heavy, salt, 14c; smoked. 15 He sports, salt, 16c; smoked, 17 He. Smoked Meats-Beef tongues, 65c; "led beef sets, 22c; outsides, 20c; to5'des, 23c; knuckles, 22c Pickled Goods-Barrels, ptgs feet, regular tripe, ,$10; honey comb Pe, $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' "agues, $40. ifiurdKettle "ndered, tierces, ": tubs, i4Hc; standard pttre, uerces. iau. ..!. . . . '" mu. iac; cnoice, ejc, i2Hc. tubs, 12 c; shorten- - "erces, 10C; tubs. 10Hc ( maes, ntc. tnH1 crcp "c; .1909 ., tuciracis, l415a Wool Eastern Oregon. 1218c id; Valley, 17 19c per lb. Mohair Choice, 30c per lb. Hides Salted hides, 6H7Hc per lb.; salted calf, 13c; salted kin 7 He; salted stags, 6c; green tides. 1 cent less; dry hides, 16H17c; dry calf, 17 18c; dry stags, 11 12c. Cascara Bark 4H04e per lb. Pelts Dry, 10 He; salted, butch ers' take-off. 403 7Ec: Rnrlar lambs, 26 450, Local Wholesale Market. Bran. . $25.00 Fiour, hard wheat $5.J6 Flour, valley $4.404.60 Mill feed, bran $24.00 Shorts. . $27.00 Wheat, bushel .' 99c Oats, bushel 3840c Hops, 1909 crop 1013Hc Hops, 1910 crop 16H018Hc Chittlm bark ,...4H5c Wool 17 20c Potatoes, bu 75c Apples bushel 50 060c Hay, timothy ....$16 Oat and vetch $12 018 Butter ana Eggs. Butter, creamery 33c Eggs 28c Butter fat 33c Butter, country 30c Poultry. Broilers and fryers .' 16c Hens 14c Roosters (young) ll13c Stag3 ...11c Roosters (old) 8c Turkeys 1820n Ducks. ...16c Geese C. ..11c Livestock, Steers (under 1000 lb) . . .$5.50G Steers (1000 to 1200 lb) .. $4.50 5 Cows $3.50 $4.50 Hogs, fat 77Hc Stock 6H 7c Ewes 3c Spring lambs 6c Veal, according to quality 11c Speedy Belief from Kidney Trouble. "I had an acute attack of Bright's disease with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and dizziness," says Mrs. Cora Thorp. Jackson, Mich. "A bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy overcome the attack, re duced the inflammation, took away the pain and made the bladder ac tion normal. I wish everyone could know of this wonderful remedy." Red Cross Pharmacy, H. Jerman. 0 Ship Subsidy Passed. . Washington, Feb. 3. The senate yesterday passed the Gallinger ship subsidy bill by a vote of 40 to 39, vice President Sherman casting the deciding vote. 0 Life on Pannmn Cnnnl. has had one frightful drawback malaria trouble that has brought suffering and death to thousands. The germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, Jaundice, lassi tude, weakness and general debility, But Electric Bitters never fail to de stroy them and cure malaria trou bles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Wm. A. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C, "and I've had good health ever since." Cure stomach, liver and kidney troubles, and pre vent Typhoid, 50c. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry, Druggist A men who does his friends ought to "do" time. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TORI A TAXIDERMY. SAVE YOUR TROPHIES from rod and ;un and have them mounted true to life. Rug work, game beads, all kinds of taxidernvj Express shipments given ' prompt attention. C. A. Corbit. Red Tannery, south end Tew Part UNDERTAKERS. LEU MAX & CLOUGH U. J. Leh man, A. M. Clough, mortician and funeral directors. Latett modern methods known to the profession employed. 445 Court street -20-tf T0NS0RIAL. H. H METER & CO. The best an largest shop in the city. bjj Brst-class barbers. Only flrst-cltn bootblack in city; porcelain bathi ar i everything pertaining to a first cli.88 shop. Also carry a full lint of cigars and tobacco and barber supplies. 162 Commercial stree' next door to Statesmai Sice. 4--t PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, ho' water and steam Heating and tlr nlng, 164 Commercial St. Phone Main 192. 1-1-lJ' OTTO MTTELLHATTPT Plumbing heating, gas fitting; unces a "enable; work guaranteed; esti mates furnished. Phone $71 v6 Chemeketa street 4-17-tl FINLAT k REYNOLDS, plumbers and gas fitters. Modern plumbing and expert work our specialty. Satis faction guaranteed. 325 Center St Phone Main 610. 1-9-tf CLASSIFIED lr-r4, 4og, ij Mttrtftiuan .SyMjieat, Long Green What do you need? Somebody who reads the Journal has Just whit you want Don't waste time hunting for him yourself. Just put your need into words and put the words Into a little Munnimaker in the classified columns of tho Journal. - The Journal will find what you are looking for. What can you do? Some reader of the Journal wants you, and has money to pay you. Put a little Munnimaker ad In the classified columns of the Journal. If you have ability to do anything useful, turn your abil ity into money. If you have spare time, turn you time into money. Jour nal Want Ads the little classified Munnimakers, will do it for you, quick as a wink. Dear Mr. Munnimaker, Care of The Capital Journal Through a little Munnimaker partner to harvest my hops. Write Mr. Munnimaker, care of The No. 82, whenever you want nnythlng. Capita! Journal "Want Ads" Bring ' Quick Results One cent t word for first liiBtrtlon. One-tialf cent word for encb Insertion therwfter. No adTertleement tnken for lew tbao 25c. . L'tunt eli words to the line. FOR SALE. GOOD HOME Tor salt- ineap. For particulars see owner on place. 504 Belmont St., Salem, Oregon. 8-27-tf FOR SALE Five choice residence lots. Sewer connections, etc. Price reasonable. Enquire Fairgrounds Store. 1-16-tf FOR SALE One team, harness and wagon, two colts, one farm wagon, one cart. Call at Brewery,' morn ings. 1-31-lm FOR SALE Good work team, 1500 pounds; 4 and 6 years old. 1351 ' Waller street. 1-30-lwk FOR SALE A nine-reed , French piano check, $125.50, for $50. Ad dress P. O. box 28, city. 2-2-3t FOR SALE A one horse surrey, cheap if taken soon. F. A. Baker, 280 N. 18th St. Phone 626. 2-2-6t FOR SALE One carriage, good as new, run very little will sell cheap. 754 South 13th St or phone 1252. 2-2-3t FOR SALE One-hair acre lots, full of fruit, on South Salem car line at $300. $10 down and $10 per month. Fleming Realty company, 496 State street 1-28-tf FOR SALE Six large lots in High land, 50x160; beautiful fir grove on same; rich land; fine building location, near two carlines. ( Prlco, $460. Small payment down; bal ance, $5 per month. John Laanen, Salem, Oregon. 2-2-3t FOR SALE OR TRADE Two quarter sections of nice prairie land in Min nesota for Salem or Marlon coun ty property. Five acres with house, barn, well and fruit, good garden land, for rent, $160 for a year, one-fourth cash balance quarterly near O. E. car line, North Sajam. See Home Realty Company, room 7, Murphy block, Salem. ' 1-31-tf WOOD FOR SALE. WOOD FOR SALE Salem Truck & Dray Company. Twelve and 16 inch wood for sale, delivered to any part of the city. Office In Manning building, 20O State street, corner of Front, or call Main 74. l-l-tf SALEM FUEL YARDS. WOOD FOR SALE Can deliver hard and soft woods, In 12 and 16-lnch and 4-foot lengthB to all parts of the city. My wood Is well sea soned and under shelter. Prices reasonable. Salem Fuel Tarda. Phone Main 529. Office, 752 Trade street tf DAILY CAPITAL iOUfcNAL, &ULHM, OKKGON. IntN. V. L Classified Columns. Classified Ad in the Journal, I found a Yours truly. HOP GROWBR. Capital Journal, or 'phone kirn, FOR RENT WELL LIGHTED Iront rooms with or without' board. Phone 1016, 365 : North High. 1-18-U FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, water, light, bath, etc, 818 Broad ' way. ': l-l-tl FOR RENT Furnished rooms, one dollar per week. 961 MJU street. Phone 647. 2-1-3 t FOR RENT Furnished housekeep 1 lng rooms, close In, electric lights, i phone, and bath, . 437. South Com- merclal street, Phone Main 1198. i ... 2-1-lwk FOR - RENT Unfurnished six-room ' Jiouse. .' Inquire 961 Mill street or phone Main .647. : 2-l-3t v WANTED. WANTED Plain sewing;, good work ! huu prompt uenvery my meuioa. ' Address 781 N. Winter .. street. ' Phone 910. . l-28-6t WANTED-House. .cleaning,., carpets taken up and relaid; calsomlning; house painting. . Address ' A. D., 404 Court St Phone 941. ' ' ' 1-23-lmo YVANTED-Young man to. take spe cial $25 automobile course, driving and repairing, practical experience, complete instruction, big wages, steady work. Inquire D. Angeles Auto Academy; 326 V4 Washington street, room 415, Portland, Ore gon, 1-23-tf COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS Doa't worry about your bills if you cannot soiled . them. Send them to us w will send you your money. The most efficient service In Marlon county Is that of the Capital Collection Agency, 205, U. S. National Bank Bldg.,' Salem, Ore. Phone 771. ' Il-ll-tf MASSAGE PARLORS. ELITE MASSAGE And Beauty par lors. Chiropodists, paalcurlag ao calp treatments, ahampoolag, hair ' dressing and weaving, facial treat ' menu of all kinds, and bake ore baths for rheumatism and ruo . down systems. '' Room 102 U. S. National Bank building. LIQUOR HOUSE, WILLIAM - BUTTE , Fine, wines, liquors and cigars. .' We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and ' refreshing beer constantly on draught South Com mercial Street FAMILY LIQUOR Store All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon. Bot tle or ease. Free delivery in the city limits. E. Eckerlen, I0 M. Commercial street.' " WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OfJ 1 city hall. For water service app" at office. Bills payable montab ' la advance. FRII)ATI)ECEMBEn 3, 1911. AD SECTION BUSINESS CARDS. .PIANO TO NINO LuteliuH 1. I Woods, tuning. Dolshlnc. renalr log. Telephone 984. Shop N. Winter St I-l-lyi MYRTLE SHELLEY LUCAS Publlo .Stenographer, 314 U. S. National Bank Building. Salem, Oregon. i 1-5-lmo SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS Will open In rooms 10, 11, 12 Steeves building, corner state and Liberty streets, about March 1st 1-27-tf NEW SHORTHAND CLASSES Will be commenced at the Capital Business College on Monday, Febru ary 6, in both day and night ses sions. Call or phone Main 388. - 2-l-4t OSTEOPATHY. DR. EVA M. TUTTLB Osteopath. Graduate of he American Sehoel of Osteopathy, Klrksvllls, Mo. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Office, 316-317 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 889. DR.. B. H. WHITE Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate of the American School of Osteop athy, KIrksville, Mo., post-graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation fre. Lady attendant. Office 505-606 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 869. Resldencei 346 North Capitol street. Phone 469. REAL ESTATE. $1,000 buys a four room house, two lots 88x130 feet and near the State Fair Grounds, reasonable terms. Square Deal Realty Co., 304 U. S. Bank Bldg., Phona Main 470. iCLLIS ft WOO& Heal estat loans and Insurance, netary put , lie, employment bureau. Phes 6S4. 47S Court St., Salem. Or- ': gon. Ticket office Hamburg-Am , ! steampsklp Unas. 1 1-1-1 f REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE City and farm property for sale or rent Choice city lots in East Sa 1 leta on easy terms. Anything in . the real estate line. Call or phone , Main 4C0. J. O. Long, 1162 East ! State streei. BARGAINS IN COUNTRY AND CITY We have bargains in farm property, Improved and unimproved. Also timber land. Bargains in city houses and lots. List your property with us. Call and see us before buying. .. Bogart & Son, Room 2. Bush Bank Bldg. 26 Vi ACRES of good land 2 miles northeast of Salem, the same kind of land right by it selling for $209 to $250 per acre; this can be had for $165 per acre. Derby & Will son, U. S. Bank, Building. 2-2-4t Big Bargains - By Owners In Land Easily Subject to IRRIGATION A TUQ BARGAIN BY" OWNER on two county roads. 6D miles from Port- i land on main line S. P. I am forced to sell my place. 153 acres black, sandy, loam soli, 80 acres cleared, plowing now. All level; balance all level and easy cleared; 16 acres of piling timber, no mud, no water standing on thla land. Finest peach and potato land on earth, big barn nearly nrv, will hold 30 head of stock, good 1-rooin bouse, 3-story windmill house In fine condition, water piped to barn, several good outbuildings, new De Laval cream separator; 9 cows, one hog, chickens, hay and grain In barn, some seed grain, two regis tered driving mares, and 2 blooded colts, $100 top buggy,, $135 hack; mower, rake, wagon and all . farm Implements, over $1500 worth of stock, etc., all goes in at $95 per acre; terms. Located one-half mile from Marlon, south on Main line of S. P. ; fine trout stream on place. Phone 10X4 Farmers. H. Graham, Marion, Ore. 1-2 4-2 w SECOND HAND STORE. IF YOU have second hand goods for sale at highest cash prices, Just call Phone Main 941. If you want to furnish your house cheaply, go to 404 Court street. We can save you $ $ I. Stoves and ranges new and second-hand. E. L. Stiff & Co. O L. McPEAK, complete bouee rur nisber, new and second hand goods bought and told, also second hand watche cheap for cash; har ness, gnus and saddles. . Call Main 1233. Highest cash prices paid for second band goods. 170 80. Commercial itret 1 0-2 Otf CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN For new and second-hand ranges. Oth er house furnishings in proportion Come to ns if you are hard to suit. Smith k Cook, 326 North Cornmer clal street Phone 4 SI. 1-4-tf MUSIC LESSONS. MUSIC Piano Instruction at yoai home by Ralph Harr 40 years ex perience. German. Kindly addreet 546 South 14th St, or phone 532. 1-13-ti MEAT MARKETS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Whenever you buy your meat fr.u uo. We carry a full line of cholci fresh, salt and smoked meats, mr make a specialty of pure lard. V C. Rush, suvcessor to Edwards 4 Long, 1815 East State street Phone 1926. 1.7.' BAKERIES. WHITE SWAN and German Bakarlei for highest grade bread and 914 tries. Wedding and party orders specialty. We make dally deliver! 319 N. Commercial, phone 903; o 12th, and Chemeketa, phone 961. U7-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is wort.' more than any other bread, ye the price Is no higher. Fer sai nt your grocer's. California Bit ery. Thoma Coo' P-ont. BOX FACTORY. G. F. MASON BOX C0MPAN 247 Miller street, South Salem manufacturers of all kinds- boxes, crates and fruit dryer at ceesorles. Phone 108. t CLEANING AND DYEING. HAVE YOUR clothes cleaned by Va cuurn Cleaner the only way to re move all dust and germs. Try 1 and you'll never go back to the eW way. W. J. Linfoot, Merchant Tal lor. E42 State St Phone M. 498. 1-6-t WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, THE WATCHMAKEL Over 20 years' experience , as t watchmaker t Beatrice, Neb High-grade work at E'astern prices Opera House block, 484 Court street. 10-6-tf LIVERY Si ABLE. WlSTOFFICE LIVERY and SaU Stable. Best of turnouts, quick service; rates reasonable. Foi anything In livery and boarding call or 'phone Main 188. B. E Gillian. Proprietor. Ferry streMt PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS i' A INTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimate made and flrst-oU wcrk done. I. D. Driver, II' North Capitol street, Salem, O: Pkone 92. 6-1 6-t SAND AND GRAVEL. FOR SAND AND GRAVEL See Sale Construction Company. Office 41 Court street. Phone Main 790. 72-I4-U LODGE DIRECTORY. SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets In Hurst Hall on State street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome- F. ; A. Myerc master. Zella S. Fletcher, eecrr tary. 12-31-lyt MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA : Oregon Cedar Camp No, 5246. Meets every Thursday evening a 8 o'clock In Ilolman Hall. W. W Hill, Consul; F. A. Turner, Ctorl, WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Fridny night at 7:30 o'clock In Ilolman. Hall. D. P. Newman. 0 C; L. II. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 A. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodg No. 2 meets every Monday even ing at 8:00 p. m in Ilolman Hall, corner State and Liberty St A. E. Donaldson, M. W.; D. P. Wright, Recorder. 5-21-tf MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- ter No. 1. Masonic hall second Friday of each month, at 8 p. m M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest. Lot L, Pearce, Secretary. 7-9-tf UNITED ARTISANS Capital As- sembly No. 84, meets every Friday evening in I. O. O. F. Temple, Mr(f Ida L. Niles, M. A., 8. E. Vail, sec retary, 158 S. Cottage street. Phone 1214. 7-22-tf PACIFIC LODGE, NO. 50. A. F. A. M. Masonic hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R. Wilson, W. M., Lot L. Penrce, sec retary. 8-1-tf SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. ft A . M. State communication oi first Friday !n each month at 7:8' i.- m., in faaonlc hall. Mc'onar block. James Plant, W. M.; John Bayna. serretary. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY Dr. W. H. Byrd, president; Mrs. H." W. Meyers, vice-president; Ed. Gilllng ham, secretary. Executive commit tee: Rev. Barr G. Lee, Miss Kittle Moore, Mrs. E. Hofer. Cases of cruelty to animals should be re ported to the society for investigation. PAG a ihKic STANLEY! OF KENTUCKY ROASTS i TED S AYS HE GOT I. FRO XT OF THE . DEVIL TO HIDE . BIX INSTEAD OF SAYIXG, "GET THEK BEHIND ME SATAX"-r-STANLEI A GOOD cook. . iv.... Washington. Feb. 3. Bitter attack on former President Roosevelt and on the steel trusts was made in the the house yesterday by Congressman Stanley, of Kentucky, during the de- bate on the agricultural,, appropria tion bill. Stanley argued that., the trusts restrain trade. ' "I Insist that this lawless, defiant and pernaclous monopoly be Invest!-, gated immediately, and the guilty, no. matter how powerful or, how, hlgh,,,be -brought to justice," he shouted. ,, Referring to the trust's obtaining of Roosevelts presidential sapqtlon for its absorption of the . Tennessee Coal and Iron Company on the pretense 1 pf preventing a panic, he said: "Never, since the Prince of Dark-- ness appeared to the . Na?arlne was there such a vista of. evil and far, reaching dominion unveiled, .to the vision of God or man. , The Savior said, 'Get thee behind me, Satan,' but the hero of San Juan eald, 'I II gat ' In ront of you, , omnipresent devil. I'll stand between you and this ;col losal and law defying act of plunder; t I'll paralyze the. arm of Justice and still the voice of popular .clamor' while you sandbag your competitor and loot a dominion in the south as rich and vast as an empire." . . Concerning 'Willamette. The basketball team leaves tomor row morning for Corvallls, wbere , they will play the O. A. C; team. In, the afternoon. " The local team is not In very good, condition at this , time.' McRae baa . not been practising until lajt. night, because of an Injured knee,,,' and Mlnton has had the grippe' for, a week, and will be unable to accom pany the team. Cummihs will .bold down Mlnton's place at guard,( The chances of the team are good, not- withstanding these deficiencies,, be cause O. A- C. has a rather weak, team this year. ' , " ' 1 The lineup will be as foliows: Mc-, Rae, center; Mclntyre and Iloman, forwards ; Mlnton and Cummins, guards. " '.' , This has been a weok of "crajm- , ming'' and "flunking" at the Univer sity. The second . semester , com memces next Monday, ' and the final ., examinations of the past term, have been administered. Today la a va cation day .since all the exams were completed yesterday. Next semes ter should bring In Beverail new stu. , dentB, and, ns Monday is registration day, the exact number will soon be . known. , There are several baseball players oxpectod to enter Monday. , Manager Flegol has three pledged, and it Is -,. probable that there will be some , more. There has been soma rumor that Bush ,the pitcher of Salem High'. School last yenr's team, will enter. : In rase ho does It will considerably Hdvauro thti chances of the coming team. Kirk and Westley,,' both . of the locnl high school team, are also expected. (;eoik;k kirk wood MAY m TIIK "HOPE" rviTBn ri'pw i.urn ri'n's 1 I San Franks, Teb, 3. Gworge Klrkwood, tho St.. Louis "amateur," who has created at furor by knocking out almost everyone he has met In the four-round fights, will me3t Ray Moore, of Oakland, tonight. Klrk wood and Moore head the lint of eight bouts before the Hawthorne Club. IIow's This! -1 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-' ward for any case ,of Catarrh . that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh ;' Cure. Y. J. CHENEY k CO:,' Toledo, O. viV We, the undersigned, have known' F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,' and believe him perfectly-honorable In all business transactions, and' financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm.. , WALDING, KINNAN, k MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, acting , directly . upon the blood and. mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 7,'c per bottle. . Sold by all Druggists. I Take Hall's Family Pills for con--Stlpatlon. o ' .i Rexall Orderlies are eaten 'like (andy, they act quietly, and have a southing, strengthening, healing In fluence on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause Bau-. tea, flatulence, excessive . 'looseness, diarrhoea or other . annoying effect They are especially good for child ren, weak persons pr old folks. .Two sizes, 25c and 10c. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. J. C Perrr I Drug Store. , , . .. . . H : 1 ' i J.V :-