SALEM. OREGON, SATl'KDAY. JANUARY 28, 101 1. NO. 24. VOL IOUSE IS LEFT WITHOUT A QUOIH ISSUED FOR ABSEfJTE S SEB6EANT AT ARMS AND LITHE LIMBED ASSISTANT GO TO PORTLAND FOR THEM First Time Snice the Holdup Legislature Warrants Have Been ssued for Legislators Many Warm Speeches Made De nouncing the Skipping to Portland Habit as a Graft---Members Arrested Will Be Brought to Bar. . and Fined $5 Each. Sergear.t-at-Arms Ely, an Individ ual with tangled hair and whiskers, which look as though that were ou to throw a stone into either you might scare up a field mouse, and his assistant, Willard Wlrtz, a newspaper reporter, of such slender proportions that he finds It necessary to put on a coat to make a shadow, but both, like all minions of the law, men of t'led nerve and ability, are scouring the city of Portland today for the members of the Multnoman delega tion and those other county delega tions, who have, through their pb sence, prevented the house from hav ing a quorum this morning, and for whom warrants of arrest have been Issued by Speaker Rusk, and, unless they are successful in eluding the offi cers or resisting arrest which is not likely, considering the character of the men after them, they will , be brought back this eivening, t.nd held In custody until Monday morning, when they will be haled before the house and fined the sum of $5 each. Oscar Huh His Troubles. Nyack, N. Y., Jan. 28. Os car Hammerstein, the New York opera impressario, has troubltB other than those furnished by Bong birds. This became known today, when his wife brought suit for divorce. Supreme Jus tice Tompkins appointed Daniel Sherman referee to take Uetl mony In the case. Meinlwrg Are Sore. There was a division of opinion yesterday in tha house as to whether It should adjourn until Monday morning or hold a session today, but a, vote in favor of the latter prevailed. When Speaker Rusk called the body to order this morning, the roll-call disclosed that there were needed three more members to make a quor um for the transaction of business. As is characteristio of that body, there were a half dozen members on the floor at the same time with mo tions, extending from adjournment to one Instructing the sergeant-at-arms to bring in the absent mem bers. After each had had his say on thei subject, and there was a whole lot of saying, and not much said, it finally dawned upon some one that the proper proceedure was a call of the house. After that a motion was made that the sergeant-at-arms be authorized to -arrest the absent mem bers and bring them before the body. The membmrs present were anxious to get down to work ,and speeches were made condemning the absent mem bers for their action, some of the speakers declaring that this action was a graft which nad been practiced on the legislature for years, and to which a halt should be called. Must Tay a Fine. Sergeant-at-Arms Ely was In structed to appoint an assistant, given the names of the absentees and in structed to go to Portland, if neces- sary, and bring the absent members back. He appointed Willard Wirtz as his assistant, and both left on the forenoon train for the City of Roses. They will return this evening with tha members, and bring them before the house Monday. After Instructing the sergeant-at-arms, the house passed a resolution that the members absenting them selves should be made to pay a fine of $5 each upon being brought before the house. An adjournment was then taken, until Monday at 10 o'ciock. ' v Those if or whom warrants'-were is sued are Ambrose, Amme, Blglow, Cole, Clemens' antf Cottelp. df . Mult- Repeals Eight-Hour Law. Washington, Jan. 28. A provision repealing the 8-hour law restriction ou naval con- tracts was Included in the naval appropriation bill reported to house this afternoon. The bill carried with it an appropriation of $34,000,000 for naval in- creases in 1912, which, means the continuation of th? policy of building two battleships an- nually. CALIFORNIA AGAINST ORIENTALS SAYS AMERICA FOR THE WHITE RAGE WILLSLAP (Continued from Pase 5.1 Only This Week Left of Our Annual CLEARING SALE I Avail yourself of this opportunity to get big bargains and save fife saving BARGAINS Profit cuts no fisure during our annual Clear ance sale. If you wantanythnig in the ladies' wearng apparel now s your tme to buy, as we are showing no mercy to prices, money. i Ladies' $18, $20 and $25 Suits Like the Picture now only $7.90, $8.90, $10.50 and $12.50. Ladies' Coats, Like the Picture, $10.00, $12.50, $18.50 and $25.00 Values, Now Only $4.50, $5.90 $8.50 and $12.50. These, suits 'and coats are 1910 nad 1911 newest styles and materials, now on sale at ' half price and less, . Girls' $8.00 and $10.00 Coats, Now1 $2.90, $3.50 and $4.50. GOODS AND SILKS Keep foremost in your mind the Chicago wore when you want dress goods and s'is We do the business in these de partments and are giving the values to our customers Jss goods, yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and i yd, 25c. 3 fir. 4Qp fifin 7R onA nn Buying all our goods direct from the man ufacturers leaves, us in a position to offer you unapproachable bargains Remnants of fine wool dress goods now only half-price 8 1 -3c and 10c linen finished resales, all colors, now only, yard 5c Hundreds of big barganis in our wash goods department Remnants of ginghams, outing , flannels, calicoes and cercales at hf- The Greater icago Store Salem Oregon Si5n Idaho Senator has an Agcjra vated Case of Swell Head and Legislature Will Try to Make It Fit His Hat. '. SENATOR CANNOT CONCEIVE The Coos Bay Ashore. San Pedro, Cal., Jan. 28. A' report has been received here that the steamer Coos Bay lost her rudder, and was driven ashore at Ventura this morning. A request that tugs be sent to aid the vessel immediately has been received here. It is apt thought that the ves sel is badly hurt. So He Says, Hut the legislature Re fuses to Accept Thin as an Evi dence That He Is a Bigger Man on That Account Thinks the People Jo Not Want Direct Elec tion of Senators, But the Legisla ture Says tie . Has, Another Think Coming. ' is In wild disorder, and Fred Mesme, proprietor of the Model Moving. thea ter, and owner of "Nina," is facing a suit for $75 damages, all because the monkey escaped from the theater last night and sampled the Stancheff wares. The Simian first made an onslaught upon the chewing tobacco. From the appearance of the store, the monkey liked the weed immensely. Then can dies, cigarettes, oranges, nuts and other things contributed to her vor acious appetite. When the store was opened this morning the monkey was found re cumbent with her hawser doubled hard against her body near the re gion of her gastronomical organs. The monkey was locked up, and Mes me notified that he could have his pet upon the payment of damages. He refused, and suit wag filed. RESISTS CHANGE OF TREATY AND ADMISSION OF JAPS III A RINGING RESOLUTION "The Best Way to rlandle the Question," Says Senator San ford, "Is to Meet It Firmly Like American Patriots ;to Have America for Americans This Is a White Man's Country, and the White Men Must Run It" Predicts Trouble if Immigration Clause Is Eliminated. Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 28. Pro test against the reported change in the United States treaty with Japan whereby the coolie clause will be eliminated was made today In a reso lution presented in the assembly by Harry Polsley, of Red Bluff. The language of the resolution was so strong that Speaker Hewitt declined to Bubmlt it to the house as a com- THE FRISCO BOOSTERS JUBILANT nNiTUD mm mabip wiua. Boise, Idaho, Jan. 28. Indications today were that United States Sena tor Heyburn, of Idaho, would come in for a good toasting by Ihe legisla ture on account of his slurring refer enoe to the memorial passed by the legislature, In whloh the bill now pending in congress for the direct election of United States senators was approved and the state pledged its support to' the measure. The temper of the legislature was clearly shown when they unanimous-) ly voted "aye" to a motion by Senator' lmTno rM" u,AB"n W,B"1 MacBeth that the secretary of state Washington, Jan. 28. The New Or be ordered to deliver Heyburn's let-gleans boosters for the Panama expo tar to the senate. : .The letter In ques-j8ition admitted today that San Frac tion was sent by Heyburn as an ac- ciaco 8 leading In the fight, accord- knowledgement of the receipt or tneiw to a statement given out by the XEW 0 RLE A'S 'DELEGATES AD MIT SAN FKANTISIO HAS A STRONG LEAD LITTLE DOUBT BIT THAT EXPOSITION WILL BE HELD ON COAST. Hewitt stated later that had Pols ley requested the assembly as a com mittee of the whole the resolution nould have been acted upon. Polsley said he will fight for hls measure before the committee and. on the floor. The resolution Is as follows: "Whereas, the presence in this country of large numbers of native mittee of the whole, and telegraphed of Asia, including the Japanese, ia a it at once to President Taft and mem- great menace to the peace and happl- bers of congress. iness of our laboring classes and Is "Polsley wanted the resolution ( likely to cause great uneasiness and read at once(, but Speaker Hewitt de-j race prejudice among our people; clined, saying the rules made it nec-iand essary to have It printed first and ( "Whereas, it is evident that if the referred to a committee. It went to numbers of Japanese should . Increase the federal relations pommlttee. TRYING TO PREVENT A CAR STRIKE memorial at Washington. The portion of the senior senator's San Francisco delegation. "It Is the unanimous verdict of of- eplstle which aroused the ire of the ficai anu political Washington," the Idaho solons follows: statement says, "thnt San Francisco "I cannot conceive that the legls-nag al) the beHt 0f the struggle. New lature intendfid In adopting this res-l Orleans delegates frankly admit that olution to confess its inability tosHn Francisco Is awav In the lead. honestly perform Us constitutional duty in electing United Slates sena- We have an unofficial statement from Omaha today to the effect that tors, or that it intended to suggest telegrams costing over $100,000 had that future legislation would not be been sent from point's between here as honest or competent. In my judg- anu the Pacific to Washington de ment, It is not true that the pfople j nianding that San Francisco be given of Idaho desire any change in the the exposition as a business propo constitutlon, upon a fair and Intel'- sition, and also because It had raised gent consideration of the question. I $17, 500,000 for financing it." am unwilling to indorse any legJsla- o ttnn ihat uniiM inrlU'Hfp If wnst not entitled in the confidence of the Deo-' If pie." Th! majority of the leg'Blature take issue with Heyburn regarding the stand of the voting population on direct election question. Senator Lee, Republican, declared that Heyburn must know that the people have been In favor of the movement for years, ever since the cry that the "trusts were controlling the United States senate" was raised A number of senators intimated strongly that Heyburn drew a sharp line between his official and unof ficial knowledge of parliamentary Idaho, and that he did not allow his non-political knowledge to Interfere when it was not enrapport with -his offln'al political leanings. 'FERDY" EARLE AFFINITY EXPERT HAS EM AGAIN SMALL MONKEY TRIED TO EAT ALL THE STOCK ,'bmitio rim mug wtm.1 Portland, Or., Jan. 28. "Nina," a flea-bitten, pocket edition of a mon key, baa a "tummy ache" today; the confectionery store owned by Btan- VSUKO PKKSS UfAHKD WIB1.) New York, Jan. 2S. Ferdinand Pinney Earle, th't afhn'ty expert. Mm friends here f''ar, is about to tuke t new plunge Into unexplored soul realms. Ev.Ie has broken into pietry that's why. In a volume ol pon rMB, published In London, vhlch roe died hero today, K.u ;:iidt some hot nV.U'. "We blMt' our lonesoma -..imU -n plosion's pci'ien wine," h .-ny In M.t spasm, pnd his frlenlf. 'I'-dii'e int he has found another charmer to 'ake the pi ice of MIhh Vmlilmcker . re Ku'itt i;lid those' ot' tendi fo ils. In other dayi Menl' d heir souls" with his. In one poem to "Dlramo" no ad dress Earle sobs about "enamored $'ght!i)gal''s" quelling "love's fev er.'' Every line of the sonnets hints that "he's got 'em again." O : niH'AUO MAYOR CALLS A CON FERENCE OF PRESIDENTS' OF ALL STREET CAR LINES TO DIS (ISS THE SITUATION. UNITED PRIBS UASIO W1R1. Chicago, Jan. 28, In the effort to prevent a th'reatened strike of 8,000 street car 'men here, Mayor Busse to day called a conference of presidents of traction lines for Monday, when ho will urge that concessions be made to the men. The trouble is due to a dispute re garding the Interpretation of a clause In the agreement between tlii Chi cago City Hallway company and the Chicago Railways company, the two big systems, and their employes. The agreement provides a minimum working day of nine hours with a maximum of 11 hours. The unions claim that men employed on extra runs for one or two hours should be I pnld for full eight-hour day. This demand Is vigorously opposed by the companies. on the Pacific coast and by their tak ing the places of nien. women and children, tend to pauperize many ot our own race; and, sas, It is reported that there? is in 'contemplation 'a modification of our. present treaty with Japan, where by the restrictive features oa immi gration of Japanese laborers now In corporated in our treaty ' will be greatly modified; therefor "Resolved that the assembly and' senate concurring, some considera tion should be. given to those .of our, own race who have by their word', and labor built up this qountr'y to-its proud position; and. further ' "Resolved, that some future policy" of conservation of resources of the' country for our own chance of any..' unassimllable race, and especially I view of the fact that the sources ot many great plagues and other di seases are to be found in th; Orient; therefore be It ' "Resolved, that our senators and' representatives in congress be urged V to use their utmoHt endeavor tohaye-. placed in the treaty with Japan morei restrictive features to the end that an soon as possible all Immigration or ' all unuHHlmllable races be entirely prohibited and our Inheritance re served to our own children." PIERRE WENT OVER WHEN HIS FOOT SLIPPED UNITED rHEB!I MU1ED Willi. 1'uris, Jan. 28. Pierre Malllet'is dead hero today because his foot slipped. When ho came home Intoxicated, Mjilllet Invariably .scared bis wife by pretending suicide by banging. Today he drank a little moni than us ual, and resorted to his favorite jlk". He put a rope Around his neck, climbed on a chair and attached the other end of the ropo to the chande lier, Just then his foot slipp'd. Then It happened. The odor of onions will disappear if affected cutlery be Inserted In cheff Bros., at 7 North Third street, fresh er(h or few minutes.- .j ..... Aviator Will Not Kly. Key West, Fla., Jan. 28. Con fronted by a high wind and ruglng sea, Av'at.or McCurdy announced that he would be unable today to attempt his proposed flight from Key West to Havana. McCurdy Is determined to make the flight, even if he has to re main here1 a month. . i 1 Lime was one of the uarllest ma terials used to Improve the soil, be ing mentioned by.l'Jato ftnd Pliny, t America fur Anierli'iiiis. Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 28. Pre dicting a terrible war with Japan within two years If the coolie liuiiil gratlon clause he eliminated from the : proposed Japanese-American conven-, , tion, Senator J. B. Sanford, of Uklahr today prepared a resolution to be submitted to the senate when It shall, convent Monrt'iy. "If th) coolie dimsc Is not al lowed to stand," saiil Sanford, "hun dreds anil thuusatids of coolies will enter the country and without an alien land law to hold them In check will fill every part of the rich valleys of California. "The Japanese not only become farmers and laborers, but they also become lessees of lands and the agri culture of California soon would be under -the domination of a race that cannot eoiiimlrigJc with Americans. Continued on Page 8.) . o HARRY BREIIAN A PRISON ESCAPE CAUGHT IN RENO flMITM) PRC! M1SCD 'III lleno, Nev., .Ian. 2i). Harry re nan, who escaped from the Oregon state penitentiary at Salem, June 2.V 1S10, was captured here today by Detective lillihoiiHe. The fugitive ad- ; mltH his identity. (Brennan was sent to the prison here from Umatilla county,, .under; sentence of two years for horse steal-: ing, and made his escape while a,'i trudty.)"' '':