ft rl iflllffli rri n J in II 7 ' wi? T 'UUV V FflfiFNF TIF SALEM, OREGON, THl'KSDAY, JAXCAHY 2, 1011. XO. 22. CLASSIEST CO 1 IT T EI ' ril II l lUJUlU HJilU VI. COAST ILIfl UESTIGATE THE ASYLUM ; Storm Smashes Shipping. S WITH SENATE ACRE LOOKS GOOD FOR ASTORIA SENATOR MALARKEY f.1AD SAYS THE OUTFIT "LIED" THE HOUSE Victoria, B. C, Jan. jSOLOHS VISIT UNIVERSITY CITY Dr. Owen Adair's Bill Got the Same Treatment It Proposes for the CriminalsSenate Shows Disposition to Celebrate the Winning of the Northwest in a Decent Manner Malar key Denounces Statement in the Portland Daily News.,; After Involving the seuate in a pro tracted discussion, the bill of Dr. Owen Adair, a :ay physician of As toria, Introduced in the senate by Smtor Albee, and which had for its object the prevention o procreation of confirmed criminals, Insane per sons, Idiots, imbeciles and rapists went down to defeat before that body by a vote of 16 to 14 this forenoon. The bill came back from the commit tee with a majority report adverse to Its p:sage, and a minority, report in favor of it, and It was on the substi tution of the minority report for the majority report that the vote was taken. Senator Albee lead the forces fa tirabie to the bill and Senator Abra hms those opposed to it. Albee be lieved that It was a wise measure and pointed out that the legislature, in passing It would follow In the foot steps of Indiana. Senator Abraham took the position that it was but a freak measure, which would add further distinction to Oregon's sys tem of government. Senator Carson and Senator Slnnott maintained that it was unconstitutional on the ground that the constitution provided no un usual or cruel punishment should be inflicted upon an Inmate of the state prison. The bill passed the legislature of last-year, but wag vetoed by Governor Chamberlain. To In vestigate A sy 1 m . .... A resolution already passed by the house, and asking for the appointment Splits Tarty Hopelessly. 4 4 4 4 Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 26. 4 That the National Progressive 4 Republican League means a split 4 in the Republican party is the 4 belief of John VV. Kern, Demo- 4 cratic senator-elect, expressed in 4 an address before a Jackson club celebration at Lafayette, Ind. 4 The old party is pulling one 4 way, the new another, "he said. 4 "On discussions vitally affecting 4 the people there seems no hope 4 of relief from either." Kern predicted it would take years to heal the bre.'h. Twenty vessels were wrecked and 120 men were drowned dur ing a heavy storm near Owarl Bany January 8, according to ad vices received from Japan. The Seattle Maru, which ar rived yesterday, brought news that the Chicago Maru, her sis ter ship, was badly damaged while outward bound from Seat tle. Her lifoboats were smashed and the main salon was dam aged by heavy sea. The Hill liner, the Minnesota, Is reported to have had a ' rough passage. The MinnesoJ arrived at Yo kohama two days late on account of a broken propeller shaft. AD ARE DELIGHTED WITH VISIT 4444444444444 of a committer of two from the senate and three from the house to investi gate the management of the State Hospital for the Insane was passed after a long debate on the question. A number of the senators were op posed to the appointment of the com mittee, as there was not sufficient time in which to make the Investigation, and advoonted the proposition of hav ing a committee appointed at the end of the session to make a thorough in vestigation of all the state Institutions.- A vote disclosed that there were 20 favorable to the, resolution and 10 against it. (Continued on page 8.) Only This Week Left of Our Annual CLEARING S ALE Avail yourself of this opportunity to get big bargains and Jsave money. MONEY SAVING BARGiAINS Profit cuts no figure'during our. annual Clear ance sale, If-you want anythnig in the ladies' wearng apparel now s your tme to buy, as we are showing no mercy to prices, Ladies' $18, $20 and $25 Suits Like the Picture now only $7.90, $8.90, $10.50 and $12.50. Ladies' Coats, Like the Picture, $10.00, $12.50, $18.50 and $25.00 Values, Now Only $4.50, $5.90 $8.50 and $12.50. These suits and coats are 1910 nad 1911 newest styles aid materials, now on sale at half price and less, THE FIGHT IS PUT OFF TOiODAY San Francisco and New Orleans Delegations Are Busy Pre paring for thevBig Struggle tor the Exposition. ' 444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 Five Children Killed. . . 4 4 -- ' '4 4 Roslyn, Jan, 26. The. Ave 4 4 children of Matt Harrison are 4 4 dead, Harrison Is In a serious 4 4 condition, and Mrs. Harrison is 4 4 recovering today. All were in- 4 4 jured when a can of powder, sot 4 4 off by a spark from a cigarette 4 4 being smoked by Harrison,' let 4 4 go. The explosion practically 4 4 wrecked the . interior , of the 4 4 house, and fatally burned the 4 4 children, who were playing on 4 4 4 4 4 4 the floor. . 4 Harrison,' who was a miner, 4 was Ailing a small canteen from 4 a 25-pound can of blasting pow 4 der. .4 4 4444444 444444 ARGUMENTS TO BE SHORT California Willing New -Oilcans Should Have an Hour or Two- and Wants lint Half an-Hour Itself Members -of the Congressional Ovmniitee Sidestep and Podge Meetings But Must Fare' Music Monday. Girls' $8.00 and $2.90, $3.50 and $10.00 Coats, Now $4.50. 55l GOODS AND SILKS Keep foremost in your mind the Chicago store when you want dress goods and 5I'K We do the business in these de partments and are giving the values to our customers upess godSt yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and 25p, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and up U 1 (CNITltD FBKHS LIAS ED WIRB. Washington, Jan. 26. Owing to the illness of Governor Sanders, of Lou isiana, who has had general charge of New Orleans' fight for congres sional recognition as the site for the proposed Panama exposition, the hearing to have been given the San Francisco and New Orleans represen tatives by a senate committee today was iiosLoneU until Monday. , The question was brought up In the committee in unofficial discussion in spite of Governor Sanders' ab sence and an effort was made to fix the time each delegation shall be al lotted for its argument. A general disposition to cut the arguments short, visible among the members of RETAILERS HAVE A FINE SESSION the committee, led to the suggestion that each side be given one hour. Senator Flint, of California, sug gested that New Orleans be given an hour and that San Francisco would be satisfied with half that time. Senator Thornton, of Louisiana, Raid that his constituents had been promised two hours by the commit tee,' and as Senator Foster, and not he, was In charge of the New Orleans' fight, it did not feel Justified in. can sentlng to any change in plana. '"' Senator Flint agreed to let ' New Orleans have, two hours and - San Francisco only half an liour, but ow ing to a lack of quorum; several mem bers having JefJ; the .canunittee .room during the discussion, no definite ac tion was taken. all are astonished at excellence of work and poveM; State Furnishes "a Palatial Dormitory" for Sixteen Girls and a' - Place for Thirty Young Men---Equipment for Girls'; Gymna sium Is Primitive, But the Girls' Bathe Regularly--:Other Visitorsas Well as Law Makers, Astonsihed at Pauper Like Conditions, Which Should Be Bettered at Once (Continued on Page 8.) The legislative junket to Eugene Wednesday was attended by about 60 members of the general assembly, many newspaper men, prominent cit izens and a sprinkling of ladies; Pas senger Agent Jenkins,. of the South ern Pacific Company made it a pleas ant personally conducted "excursion. ' Arrived at Eu'geno about noon there" were motorcars aaid street , cars to( convey the visitors to the" University campus where, before and after par taking of an appetizing lunch, the legislators went through the plant for higher education iuatntatw-u ,Jy :tlr-i gon. ' Banquet at Osborn. ' , The Hotel Osborn served a dinner to the excursion at 6 o'clock, at which over 200 partook of a bill of 'fare on hand-painted' menu 'cards, Vserye'd'1y: colored waiters, with, colored light's Forty-five sat In the Japanese tea" room and 225,in, the. main, dining room. The guests enjoyedthe won-' ?!erf ul Japanese tea room and the; joflls' Qultize parlor. " It struck, the -visitor that Eugene 1ms class an a college city. One hears a-groat deal of talk about "frat" houses and sororities. Quite a num-' ber of the people say "valis," and pro nounce it "aboot." . ' . ' Street Cars Have Sirens. . Thetre are street cars with sirens not among , the passengers , electric' heaters and air brakes. The city ownB the water plant, and some of th , pu bl4o, MtiliiJ f ranV.hav a, figy r.ed, t out that flrst-claHB Tungsten Illumina tion can be had for about one-third' the present cost. Among the places of Interest at Eugene is Represenatlve Eaton's art anA hnnl ahnn: If In iVullv a station' ery store, but has original arehltec- ,ii;onunuea iruiu pbkb hm on. - ASSOCIATE PRESS HOPGLY Iff THE ATTACKED LEGISLATE Report of Judiciary Committee That Amee's Bill to Regulate Transmsision of News Be Indefinitely Postponed Meets With Opposiion Made Special Order. REPORT CAXNOT !.;. . ' be i mr iii.ut.li New York, Jan. 26. There was an unconfirmed report here .today that an explosion had occurred on board the gunboat Wheeling, now en route to Giiantanamo. , Tugs and revenue cutters were held in readiness at Philadelphia to, go to her assistance. " . The Wheeling loft Saturday:. Shfcf carries 114 men and was loaded with ammunition. She was under nmn niand of Carlo Tlrlttaln. ' ' MltS. KIIY'S IMH1Y . I'plt.MAMKMLY IMKKItKll lioston. Mass., Jan. 26. The body (pf Mrs. Mury Huker G. Eddy, founder ' nf Hip f'hriutinn Mr!ujjif.a htifli mu ! permanently interred .ills afternoon If. B. 86, by Ainee, aimed at press ( patches to a competitor :uiy morn t Auburn cemetery , small gath news monopoly, got an adverse report than It could demand tlilit a man give '"'lug. Including local Christian Scl and a motion to tabj was made by j up the books in his private llbrary. '-'no0 lea'l'rs present. Judge Fouts to prevent indefinite postpone-lAbrauis eulogized the Associated Smith, flrnt reader of the "Mother Buying all our goods direct from the man ufacturers leaves us in a position to offer you unapproachable bargains Remnants of fine wool dress goods now only half-price 8 1 -3c and 10c linen finished percales,' all colors, now only, yard 5c Hundreds of big barganis in our wash goods depalment -,. Remnants of ginghams, outing flannels, calicoes and percales at half-price The Greater Ch icago Store Salem Oregon ,1. -mi unify aii i TV 'nlf DISCl'SS .11 ATT KKS I't ItTAIMMi TO Aim;iTISI.G, HXISU STAISDAIU) OK I'KOFITS AND OTHER lMl'OltTAST QUESTIONS The grand banquet given by the Salem Business Men's League to the Retail Merchants' Association takes place this evening at Hotel Marion at 8:30 o'clock, and will be a very elab orate affair. All Salem business men are requested to attend and procure tlckets( at the hotel office or from the committee. This morning was spent by the del egates In visiting the state institu tions and calling on the legislators In a body to express their strongest dis approval of any efforts to repeal or tamper with the present "peddler's law." The regular, business of the convention was 'resumed at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon with an even larger attendance , than any of the previous sessions. (Continued from Page 4.) ment. Lost. The bill was thm discussed, and Mr. Amee championed his bill, A press association was a monopoly, in spite of what .Mr. Brooke said. The name press association was a cloak for a monopoly that had been maintained for 60 years. The same law sought here had been held up 188 times In Iowa anil Nebraska. This bill bad brought all the telegraph and tele phone companies to Salem. This bill deserved thorough consideration, as It lined up all corporations. Buchanan attacked the. bill, as In violation of the constitution as em bracing several subjects under one CHINAMAN title. at a trust, turn on the IlKht. Civi Abrams defended the Associated the members a chance to Investigate Press. This bill attacked the private I and to discuss the bill. Foutu' mo personal property of the newspapers. tlon for special order adopted, The legislature could no more demand This will precipitate one of the big that a newspaper turn over Its dls-igest fights of the session. Press as th-i greatest news gathering Church," read a brief service, agency in the world. A newspaper1' of any size (like The Capllal Journal) h:i its own leased wire, with im oper ator In Its own ollice. ' , . . Thompson made an able attack on the 1)111, and sustained the report of the judiciary committee. That com-! mlttee hud gven the corporations af fected a hearing. The bill was clear ly unconstitutional. t Fonts moved to make It a special order Monday at 2 p. rn. i Abrams' demanded an Immediate vote. Brownliill favored time to consld- r and debate. If tills bill was alined WILL MAKE A NEW FOOD THAT IS UK WILL H.XTKACT PltOM TIIK NOV.! ItK.tN KVKKYTHI.YU IV TIIK KATING LINK KKO.U SOU- TO CAKIO AM) JKLMKS. RECIPROCITY TREATY WITH CANADA IS ON - Paris.. 'Jan. .?)! If M Vn Liu' soya beans prove to be as nutritious as he claims, he will have done mors to reduce the high cost of living than all the tariff experts combined. Ho confident Is Yin that his discov ery will prove a boon to a "siiieed" humanity that he has spent MOO.00 in equipping a' factory for the promo- The plant seed oil Is placed on the free list by Canada and lumber by the I'nltud States. Barb wire fencing, now free In Can ada, will be on the American free list tlon of semi-artificial food Printing paper .1 to be made free opened for business today on removal of restrictions by Canada Mere, according to Yin are tlu on the exportation of pulp wood. substances extracted from the soya. Washington, Jan. 26. The Cana- Raw materials, such aH mica, gyp- bean: Cheese, milk, coffee, caffeine, dian reciprocity treaty, announced sum and the like, will be free. Mu- Jellies, oil. flour bndi blscu'ts -akin this afternoon, put on the reciprocal tually reduced Identical rates are sauces aiid a varb'ty of vegetables, free list, wheat and other grains and fixed on secondary food prodnots, Yin .is jlO ye; ,rs old .and an ex;erl- dalry products, fresh fruits, Vegeta- such an fre:;h meats, canned meals,' etuyd idmmbit. . '. His , workmen . are, bleg. fish, eggs, poultry, cattle,-sheep bacon, hams, lard, can tv-d vegetables, Chinese, te machine Is of Chinese) and other live animals. flour, cercmlg :nd other partly irian-i- Invention , nrr. ,":e ;aw . .tuaterlnl By the terms of tb treaty - cotton fncf nred. food stuffs. 1 ). '-' . . conies f rom Ch': :i. ' '