Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 24, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ttfil S2S.
The Begir-;1: rf Vr.t Creation
::.cttl:j son.
o'."' Scri i' t' I Aii
T..t th-: L-- f Wat
La', i'k. C .jinning
c. Jehovah's
Parte -.f'' '
thorny f"wu '
tht F..- ! .---' th,
nd th. Cor..'
riii!:i(i'ii'hiii. Pa.,
1 J;iuuiirjr l.". - I'un
I tor ItiiH-it'll preaili-
I wl veslcrduv from
I tlie t.'Xt, "In the
V Zf beginning wns tho
J-'-.'" L I tliu Word (Igos
a r!J was ,viti1 ';o'
A.TTcTffi' 'eTO KOMI WHS (i ld.
Tho same wan lu
the brnlniiln with the God. Ity liiiu
were ulJ things made and without him
was not anything mudi; Unit was
made" (John I, 1. '!). lie mild:
A week ago we considered the time
when God was alone. Today let u
discuss the flrt creative act ok re
spects Intelligent Much. Long before
man wns created, or our earth wan
brought from lta clmotlc condition,
long before angels and cheruMtu were
created, Divine power brought forth a
Son on tho spirit plane Jehovah's First-Begottcn-KlnrloiiH,
perfect, beautiful,
bti own imago and likeness.
This glorious One Is in our text
designated the Logos, the Word, the
Messuge. the Expression of God. In
the Old Testament he Is symbolically
referred to as "Wisdom" In the words.
"Johovuh iiosHeHHed me In the begin
ning of his way, before his works of
old. Then I was by blin, as one
brought ui with him. and I was dally
his delight, rejoicing nlwnys before
him" (Proverbs vlll. 22-301.
This mighty otio, personified ai Wis
doui. Is declared by 8t. Paul to be "the
first-born of nil creation" (Colossians I,
15-18). The I'snliiilst similarly rercrs
to hint ns Jehovah's "first-born, high
er than (tie kings of eurth" (Psalm
Ixxxlx, 2"), Jesus thus refers to him
self as one who hud a prehuman ex
istence, saying, "He fore Abraham was,
I am" (John vlll. 14. 23, 42-B8). The
glorified, impended Christ, In Apoca
llptlc vlslou. declared (he same greni
truth, that he was "the beginning: of
the creation of God" (Revelation 111,
14). And again he declared, "1 am the
Flint und tho Last" (Rev. I, 17; II. 8).
All of these Scriptures fully corrobo
rate the Mtutfiiient of our text that lie
Who siibse(iicnlly became the world's
Itedeeincr wns long before the primary
Bon of God. lie ranked first, not only
In seniority, but also In honor, dignity
and station, above all other nous of
God, not one of whom wns like him
selftile direct creation of Jehovuh.
"Kor all things wore made by the Lo
gos, and without lititi wiih not one
thing Hindi' that was made." IIo wns
not the creator In the primary sense
of the word, but lu the secondary
sen"" no wns the active agent of
Jehovi'.li hi all of his subsequent crea
tive work: thus he was not only the
flrst-boru of nil creation, but. Individu
ally, bo was ulso the Inst of Jehovah's
creation. To this agrees tho word of
fit. Paul. "All lii.ui, uiev the Father
and all things are by tho Son.",
Purely ninny have failed to appreci
ate not only the Divine personality
of Jehovah, but ulso the greatness of
him who Is styled "Tho Bon of God."
In tha Dark Agaa.
There was a time wheu God's people
did uot possess the Blblo lu their own
Inntriinire. nnd when education to roud
It wns extremely limited, and when
nobody possessed such wonderful
lllbloa twllli references and concord
ances) ns are common today. It should
not surprise us that In that far-off
tiuio confusing errors crept Into the
traditional fulth of the Church. The
contention of tho Jews was that Jesus
of Nn.itretti was an Impostor and that
Ids uilghly works were done under
Hie Influence of (ho fallen nngel. lie
plzubub, Should we think It strange
that In tho lient of discussion some of
the followers of Jesus would niiikn ex
travagant claims for him In their en
deliver to oppose the theory Hint made
nf Messiah a mero sinful mini?
It does nut surprise us, therefore,
that early In the third century claims
were put forward lu (he name of
Christ n ml his Apostles which neither
lie nor they ever authorized. The
Apostles declared him to bo "tho Son
of God with power" and that ho was
"holy, harmless, utulellled nnd Hepn
rate front sliinew" (Hebrews vll, "Jill.
The Muster himself declared, "My
Father Is proa tor thiui 1." "lie In
above nil;" "he sent uie;" "I enmo to
do (he will of my Father In heaven
nnd uot mine own will;" "I dcllg'u to
do thy will, oil my God; thy law Is
wrliien In my heert."
True, he also declared, " nnd my
Anther lire one;" hill he showed In
w hat this oneness consisted - Hint It
vas n ouetii'SH of will, of purp.iie, of
work, lleciuiso be had fully submitted
his will (o tin- Father's will and hud
made (ho Futher's will hU own, (here
fore (hey were one
Th Muster again llliHlruted this
oneness wh.n he prayed for his dls
clples (lint "iliey ull might bo one.
even as thou FiXhor and I are one"
(John xvll. II, 2i. 22). Evidently (he
Muster did not pray (hat his disciples
should Hit lnH'otno imt. In ;icro, but
dial (hey should nil become of one
mind, of one bean, ef one disposition
through their loyalty nnd ols-dlcuce to
the Word mid to the spirit of God
And this oneness, he declared, wns the
kind which subsisted between the
Heavenly "'mi,,., and himself.
Bad Colds
promptly, vigorously. First
f .... . .
i v:n.i?iycr scnon-y 1-
Leaving the stmpflrtty of the teach
ings of Jesus iiud of the Apostles,
some went to (lie extreme of declaring
that Jesus wns his own Father; (hut
the term- l'.::i r. S.-u usel S.ilrit
all uppiiisi I" r-r.x.n w'.t l;;iui-
festcd hi. i-e.i to ciiikliot in :hrc dif
ferent wets cnrresiHji.il hi: to (he"'
nailer one :-! in tlr-e lll.llilfeslo
Hons, tuners km.:; a ti!l diflereut
view and claiiued that the Father.
Son and holy Spirit were three liods
who operated :is lie. In proportion as
these un' ri tural hiiin.iii theories
were received, they ir-- ! mi d coufu
slon. An. I when nsl.nl hutv iluve per
sons could high ally lie one person, and
how one person coeld be three persons
equal In glory nnd pow er, of course no
answer could be given. Then the sub
terfuge was rnlsed. "This Is a great
mystery which nobody can explain."
It should not .surprise us from what
wo know of the structure of human
nature that these extreme views were
opposed by others of the opposite ex
treme, some claiming (lint Jesus was
a mere limn: that he was born ns nre
other men: Hint Joseph wan his father,
etc. Thus we behold tho dunger of
any variation whatever from the pro
clse teacli.'ugs of the Word of God.
It should he needless to say to lilble
Students that there Is nothing In the
Itiblo which declares n trinity of Gods.
There Is Just one passage of Scripture
quoted In proof of the Trinity (I John,
v, 7), and It In never quoted by schol
ars, becuuse all scholars know that It
was tampered with, several words hav
ing been added lu the seventh century
which are not found In any New Tes
tament manuscript of earlier date.
And those added words make the
stntement as n whole foolish.
If you will turn In your Bibles to
this passage, you may strike out the
spurious words as follows In verse
seven: "In heaven the father, the Word
and the Ho'n Cliont. und Ihete three are
one;" nnd in verse eight the words,
"and there are three that hear toitntst in
After thus eliminating the spurious
additions, after thus removing from
the precious ointment this dead fly of
falsehood which was inserted for the
Very purpose or deceiving, ana oe-
cause no 8;'l;ttire cmld be found to
give color to the doctrine of the trin
ity then you will he nhle to read thut
portion of the Word of God In Its pu
rity and si iplldty. Then (he "mys
tery" part will he gono from It for
ever. It will he In full accord with the
entire lilble In declaring, "To ns there
Is one (lod. the Father, of whom are nil
things, anil one Lord. Jesus Christ, by
whom are all things und wo by hlin"
(I Corinthians vlll, 0). How absurcly
tho passage rends in our common ver
sion, stating Hint the Father nnd tho
Son nnd the holy Spirit nre bearing
witness lu heaven that Jesus Is tho
Son of God!
Tho phre Word of God presents
simply and beautifully the fnct that
the great Creator, the Father of all
mercies, Is Jehovah God, nmd thut he
has an only b"!intten Sou who Is yet to
be the Savior or Deliverer of nil of
Adam's nice willing to accept the
grace of God provided In him. And
there Is one holy Spirit, "tho spirit of
truth," "the spirit of wisdom," "the
spirit of a sound mind," (he spirit of
power, energy, will, mind of the r ather
which is also the spirit of the Son,
and which must be also the spirit, dis
position, mind, will of nil those who
now come unto the Fnthcr as sons
through the adoption which Is lu
Christ Jesus.
Tha Only Begotten Honored.
Before the beginning of the creation
of God. before tho Only Begotten of
tho Father beenmo tho Alpha of Crea
tion, the Father hud wonderful pur
poses In himself respecting nil his
great plnn for the everlasting future.
It Included this world, and mankind,
and the permission of sin, nnd the re
demption of man from sin and Its
penalty, nnd the restoration to be ac
complished by Messiah's Kingdom nnd
tho glorious work of eternity In fur
ther crenllons In world after world.
But, ns the Master declared, these
things tho Father bud kept lu his own
power In his own hand. He divulged
them not to the ungels. nor even to his
dearly beloved "only begotten Sou."
We hnve seen bow this Divine secret,
Divine purpose, wns symbolically rep
resented in the scroll lu the hands
of Jelmvnh. as pictured In lievelatlou
v, 1. We have seen thut this revela
tion was delivered to Hie l.auib. the
duly begotten One. after he had been
slnlii after bis consecration at Jordan,
and in Its fulness after his death at
Calvary, when be ascended up on high,
glorified at the right hand of (he
Father's majesty.
But before the Logos was made
flesh, before he undertook to be mail's
liodociiior. I lie Heavenly Father set
before lilm Hie glorious proposition.
lb1 Infni'icd hint that he hr'd a plan,
u scroll, mill Hint the eecuimii (hereof
was to be git on to one who would
prove hp'iself worthy, by demonstriK
lug his In; nl: v lo the Divine will.
We rend that God iut his only be
gotten Son I'lln I'll- world, but we are
not to uinlerMn ml from this Hint he
nunc under Divine oniiiiainls. the re
fusal of which would have meant Di
vine displeasure nnd his own degrada
tion. On tho contrary, wo understand
Hie mutter clearly when wo hearken
to the Apostle's sialeinout. lie de
clares !i,i Messiah left tlie glory,
which ho Imd with t!lt- Father before
the world was. and humbled himself
to take upon himself man's form nnd
then consecrated himself even unto
death- nil boon use of the joy that the
Father hud set before hlin.
The Joy set before the Logos was ill
Thai (bus he might serve (bo Heaven
ly Fal.'rr's gracious purposes
i2i Thn( ho might recover mankind
from the state or sin and death Into
which nil were plunged by father
Adam's one act of disobedience.
Some colds arc worse than
others, but they are all bad.
Do lot nfM'iprf' tfir-m TVoi
of all. ask vm?r I'.ncinr nriniif
.... ' " - J-
... v. ..
(31 Additionally lie wa promised tbt
honor noil distinction of tin? Messianic
Kingdom by and through which man
kind would Is? bles-ed and uplifted.
it, I' was 1 nm. i- d n spe. iiil Bride
diss t he ki .e. led iroio among th
n ii rued ne e of inni class having
In- o .i p-o ost'i' n of i..yalty to
nic! to riliieiniiiess. and falMilui an- '
to (!:: w I t' ll like hlll!e!f. would Is- i
e.xalicd in the chief resurrection trom
the earthly 'o heavenly condition, far
above prim ipalities iiml powers and
ev rv name that Is named
Co lie was promised tha' his own
personal ih.sliictioii would be to all
eternity a participation In the qualities
of the divine nature: lie would jossess.
not only glory and honor, but also In
herent life, deathlessness. Immortality.
f or these Joys, lie left hLs glory, he
was made tlesh. he sacrificed his
em (lily life and. being raised from (he
dead, he entered into his promised Joy.
Since, lie is waiting In expectation tor
the completion of the Church, his
Bride, (he members of his Bisly. as
sured that then the Father will give
hlin the heathen for an Inheritance
and the uttermost parts of the earth
for bis iossession, thnt he may bind
Satan, put down sin und uplift the
sinner and bring everlustlng order out
of earth's confusion by destroying the
wilfully wicked.
A God but Not tha God,
As all Bible scholars know, the word
elohim In the Old Testament Hebrew
1st of plural form, somewhat like our
English word sheep. Thus we read In
Genesis. "The elohlm (Godsi said, let
us make man In our Image." This
would very properly apply to the
Heavenly Father and the Heavenly
Son. In full accord with our text
"Without hlra (the Logos) wna not
anything made thnt wns mnde." The
word elohlm signifies, literally, the
mighty, the poirernl. the great. 8urely
It would be slrlcHy proper to consider
the Logos mighty, great, powerful aa
the active agent of the Almighty One.
Jehovah, who Is also styled the Mighty
This word elohlm not only Is used In
respect to the Heavenly Father and
his Heavenly Son. but It Is also used
In respect to angels is the messengers
of God and of Christ, mighty to the do
ing or the will of God (I'siilm vlll, 5l.
"Thou hnst made man a little lower
than the angels lelnbltnl." Still fur
ther notice that this word elohlm Is
used In respect to men; when Divinely
appointed und active us God's agents
thoy were mighty, or elohlm. Thus
we read of the seventy Judges of s
raol appointed by Moses. "The master
shall bring him iin(o the Judges lelo
hlm)" (Exodus xxl. Hi.
We hnve given a very literal render
ing of our text, showing the fine dls
Unction of the Greek original In a way
that our English version does not show
It. As Bible students we have not in
the past been sulliclently critical In
our Btudy of God's Word, but now, in
Divine providence, it Is possible for
those even who hnve practically no
knowledge of the Greek and nehrew
to understand the Scripture presenta
tions thoroughly. If nny amongst my
large congregation are unsuccessful In
(lulling authoritative works thnt show
the Interpolations and mlslriinslntlons
of the Holy Scriptures. I shall be
pleased to have (hem write to me for
Our text In (he common English ver
sion mlsrepreseiHs the true thought of
the orlglunl. but us we have rendered
It tho mutter Is so simple und clear
thnt n child may understand. Jehovah
God Is from everlasting to everlasting
and had no beginning The Logos had
a beginning-he himself was the be
ginning. "In the beginning was the
Logos and the Logos wns a God"-he
was a mighty one. the beginning of
creation, Hie (lrst and (he. last erea
flnn ,if irn n.,.l tl... , .
I - v., f,v ,,u, iiiu- .iiuiiKiny uue
; "of whom, by whom und through
whom are all Miliars."
I All honor and majesty nnd worship
belong primarily to Hie grea' Father
of lights and to him Jesus illc-ctcd the
intention of his followers, saying
I After this maimer pray ye Our
lather which art In heaven, hallowed
be thy name" It is alwnvs therefore
eminently proper In the highest sense
' of the word that our petitions should
'ascend ta "the Father of Lights, from
whom coiuetli every good und every
perfect gift "
II has pleased lite Fa I her (o so honor
his First Ito'.'oiten Son. ami to ho re
ward his faithfulness iintn death, and
to so tnnlie hlin the Head lu nil things
over the Church which Is Ills ltodv.
lhnt.lt Is enilneutlv irn"or thnt. In the
lati'.'ii.'i'.'e of the Master. "All men
should honor the Sun even ns ihcv
honor the Father" i.lulm v, 2:ti Th,.v
should mil honor die Sou Instead o
the Father, however, for the latter do
chires, "v glory will I not give to
another." The exalted ChrWl Is to he
honored, yon, worshiped. I icon use the
Father has highly excited hlin and
given him a name almve everv oilier
tlilllie. that til name of Jesus everv
kins' should bow nnd every imigne
confess to the glory or (Jod the
Father riill!ppimis . s Hi.
More t er. there Is a special reason
why nil who recognize .testis ns the
world's Kedeemer should rocngny.p the
propriety of Including him with the
Fill her In their thoughts ami In IIHr
prayers This Is because, bv Divine
appointment. Ie Is tho Chiiii-h's .ic
onto with the Fiithor-the One through
whom wo M n acceptable lo Gml. oven
the Fuller Dow coni we. therefor,.
Ignore mil Advivciile. our Attorney, our
Inter is- nr''
An I wiih the world In tlie rmure.
thron-'hoiit Messiah's relun this will
bo equally proper, heouuse then lie will
be the world's .Modinlnr. standing be
tween i!od ami moil, mull bv his Me
illa'orlil Kliu-ihon i, shun leu pros)
mankind from sin and degrinlailon nml
death, back to a. nml JusilrtViulon und
hnrmcnv wiih :!
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la a
very valuable medicine for throat and
Inns troubles, quickly relieves and
cure gainful breathing and a dsn
'v founding oouh which tndl
w congested lungs. Sold by all
Dome Treatment lor
IT pr
- -rculo., 1 .
t'.ifci . hot..
..ft ari'l , a
- r.. IU-' .(
liH . ,n
r i themselves or
. i resit r.tv, ca"'
I ;. '" I M
- . !"(. i-culf.s.-
I fi .. '.
'iltink wiit tins i .tans. No special:
i i; u i .-...iivfiu.:. ciiarKes; ho tr..
i. Ktli .a H Ailet
v .it hf.
. t iis c u red ni.ir:
t re l ."ir ar c ..
a. t,ur;ii,e lln-.a p
er j i' j v. uich i,
. f-.'-r v-ni T'e
1 our HiinJavna
. i -le loprn tl;.t I'ili- I
c.ir.nut h,.y.
l .r-oc,My l!ie-ti-at
aili testimonials feci
m mho in yoi.r , .n li.iiel tuat if l.c:.
inan's .Mtcratfvn tins ciire.l po many
j!i.i..L," I'. t,l. '.y j,.'..jt In ,,i .J
l:!n-; t':e lieniti'.p. V i:r l:nprov;
ineiil slioulil be pra lii.il, but certain.
It y hi i.ato t.tca i'.i.i..fnl to 1-cKinan's
A'teratlvp, you will l.o u-riazel at your
ii.ihrot fluent. A ftjie.iitnt from one
who hnutvs f.,llotvs -
220 .So. 4th 1st., ')! yn, (Darby) Pa.
Gentlemen: "l-'er four years 1 tus
t-oublcl with cor,'., which gradually
be anie wort; 1 iiul ninlit sweats aiel
rains in my client. I it as (nsinir my
appetite and hnl become eo thin nnl
weak 1 couhl not atiuinl to mv household
duties. A phyB'ciaii i-rnnoiinced my c."..Ke
L'oimumntlon. Nut beinic s.itifiiKl. I was
e - :iinlneil by th i.'i siclans of the Poly.
clinic Honpltal; tliey also pronoun.-ed
die diseasn Consumption, which was
proven later, by iin examination of
pputom, aa Tuberculosis Haoilll was
found. I wna onlcrc l to a Consumptive
Hospital. Mv nephew would not allow
mo to ko until I had tried Kckman'a Al
terative. Before I had taken the medi
cine three weeks I had marked relief:
I't Stvents (-east-il- nnln In tho hrdnr
relieved; cough became loose and easy;
"t ifii me end i commenced getting
well. Mv health became normal. I am
In eTcpilent henlfh now and have been
"innieieiy cured Tnr ten veara. I
stronuly recomm.-nd It."
Eckman'a AltenitivA fnreM krnnrhilla
Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat and LunK
Affections. Ask for booklet of cured cases
and write to the He k man Laboratory,
Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence.
ror r-aie tiy all leading uruggiBta ni
J. C. PfcRRY.
Salem, Oregon
"It Is up to the city of Salem if it
desires to preserev its good name and
to keep faith with the state of Ore
gon to take immediate action to
ward securing pure water for - the
city," said Councilman Elliott last
evening at the session of the city
connt-,11, In calling upon the special
committee appointed at the last ses
sion to submit its report.
The committee consists of Coun-
cllnien Durbin, Pennybaker and
Lafky, and It was under Instructions
to report lust night. The first two
mnde pleaa at a former session of the
council for time In which to Invest!
gate tint conditions surrounding the
purchase of the plant of the Salem
Water Company, for which an ordi
nance had been Introduced and rend
the third time, and it was granted,
and they, together vlth Mr. Lafky,
were appointed as a committee to
consult with the water hor.j-d and get
Informed. When it failed to report
last night Councilman Elliott called
the matter up.
"Th's is a matter of the utmost Im
portance," continued Councilman El
liott. "We should take action at
once, and 1 want action taken on It
before the legislature adjourns, and
I niiiko a'motion that If the commit
tee is not ready to report that the
matter be taken out cf Its hands, und
that tint council act upon It at once."
Committee Wants More Time.
Councilman Durbin stated that the
cotnm'ttce had been faithfully nnd
(lllllgendy Investigating the subject,
but that it di'sircdTiiore time, and as
sured the iMUiiuil that It wns not the
committor's object to s'detrack the
propoa'tlon, but that It Intended to
play fa'r with both the council and
the company.
Councilman reniiybaker stated
that. Councilman Durbin had i
pressed his sentlmetits on the sub
ject, and Councilman Lafky st .ted
that he was not In favor of the ordi
nance, ns It now ex'sted, and that,
unless the committee were Riven
more time In which to make investi
gations, that he would be compelled,
with his present line of Informal ion
to vote iiKiilnst the measure.
Given Another Week.
Councilman Elliott stated that he
did not desire to press the motion, If
the committee would ::.gree to bnn.e
in a report next Monday even'tig, bht.
unless it did, he would. The commit
tee agreed to bring In a r prr by
m m uriginai ana Ginulni 1
Tha Food-drink (or All Agts,
For Infants, InvaEJj.tncl Growing children.
Pure Nutrition.up building tK whole body.
!n-igoratcs the nursing mother and the aged.
Rh milk, malted! grain, in powdei form.
A quick tunch prtpareJ in a" minute, j
TrAe do suhstitnte. Aikfor IIORLICK'S.
then, and it was given another
week's time. Councilman Elliott, ui- t
on the granting of the time, moved
that when the council adjourned mat;
It adjourn to meet next Monday ev-'
ening and that the water ordinance
be made a special order of business, :
and thci motion was carried.
Oilier ltiiNiiiess Transacted. I
An agreement entered Into by the
mayor with the Portland Railway,
I.lnht & Power Company by the terms
of which the company agrees to stand
its share of the money necessary to
rebuild the Winter street bridge,
which was washed away by the floods " " '
was ratified by the council. An Have you a weak throat? If so,
agreement leasing the pile driver of you cannci be too caret ul . ou can
s . . , 1 aot begin treatment too early. Each
D. D. Barron and securing his ser- re lmbe to ano-
vices in the rebuilding of the bridges,
was also ratified-
Thirty-two candle power
were ordered Installed at Washing -
ton ana i,iueri; jweus ana i,ioeny;
Meyer and Liberty; Bush and Liber
ty; North Front and Liberty; Trade
and Twenty-second, and Miller and
High streets.
John W. Mear and Earl Race, whoi
expertod the books of ex-City Record-1
er Moores and City Treasurer Cros-'
san, reported that it had found themi
in good condition. j
City Attorney Corby was orderod
to bring condemnation proceedings!
for a right of way for the North Sa
lem sewer across a strip of land he-!
longing to the Oregon & California
Railroad Company.
A resolution was passed directing
the improvement of Ferry street
from Liberty to Winter.
A motion was made and carried
that the street commlttea and the
bridge committee be authorized to
enter ino a contract with some lum
ber company for a stated period of
time for lumber necessary for
bridges and street purposes.
An ordinance defining the duties
and fixing the salary of the street
commissioner at $100 per month was
passed; also a similar ordinance with
relation to the pound master, fixing
his salary. t
An ordinance having for Its ob
ject the keeping of roisters by ho
tels, lodging and rooming houses In
the city was read the second time
and referred to the ordinance com
mittee. Similar action was taken
with relation to an ordinance repeal
ing an ordinance licensing real es
tate agents.
A Frightful Wreck.
of train, automobile or buggy may
cause cuts) bruises, abrasions, sprains
or wounds that demand Bucklen's
Arnica Salve earth's greatest healer.
Quick relief and prompt cure results.
For burns, bolls, sores of all kinds,
eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore
eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest
pile cure. 25c at J. C. Perry's.
How delicious were the pies of
boyhood. No pies now ever taste so
good. What's changed? The pies?
No. It's you. You've lost the strong
healthy stomach, the rigorous liver,
the active kidneys, the regular bow
els of boyhood. Your dlgestton is
poor and you blame the food. 'What's
needed? A complete toning -up by
Electric Bitters of all organs of di
gestionStomach, Liver, Kidneys,
Rowels Try thera. They'll restore
your boyhood appetite and apprecia
tion of food and fairly saturate your
body with new health, strength and
vigor. Fifty cents at J. C, Perry's.
Salem Cement Sewer Pipe
Glazed Inside by friction; made
with Salem labor, by Salem
men, with Salem money. Pat
ronlzo home industry. Deliv
ered in all parts of the city.
House connections a socially.
Cement sewer pipe does not
have to be burned, so does not
warp as salt-glazed pipe does.
Cement pipe has greater com
pressive tensile and bursting
We exercise the greatest cnte
In the manufacture of this pipe,
using a mixture of one part ce
ment to two parts coarse, clenn
Salem Sewer Pipe Co.
(15 South Liberty. Salem. Or.
I Fair Ground Feed
and urocery 1
All nice fresh, new Goods. J
Xo old Goods (o work off. 1
N'lce Sugar Cured Picnic Harua, f
lb is
Bacon, nice 20c
IT lbs. Cane Sugar $1.00
I .V- tbs extra choice Dried
Peaches 25c
Imperial Best hard wheat
I ftottr, sack $1.40
T Test Valley Flour $1.25
6 tbs Japan Rice... 2."c
X Thonr 1407. f
t Salem Fence Works
r i
Headquarters for Wovea Wire
v..in" Hod Wire, Barb
t W're, Poultry N'eltlng.
e!es Maltfcoid Roofing,
P. 4.
t B. and Heady Roofing,
t the lowest crlces.
All at
250 Court street. Phone 124
tlier anj th.e last Is always the hard
er to cure. If you will taae iiaui
llehts'berlaln's Cough Retutdy at the out
s i ., -in h saved much trouble
1 So,'d'by a dealerfc
Try a Journal want ad.
Salem's most poular res
We cater to the public who
demand a good meal for a
small price.
Wm. McGilchrist & Sons.
Gold Dust Hour
Made by the SYDNEY POWER
(X)MPANT, Sydmej, Oregoa.
Made for Family Use.
Ask your grocer (or It Bra
and tthorta always oi haaC
i "nam
The Bosom Sets
V I . " '
ff Ml i i't.sV
The stud button holes exactly meet, the neck band does not
bind on your neck; button holes exactly meet buttons, no
bulging front. In f.vt a perfect fit if we launder vour
shirts. It Is done with our new STEAM PRESSES, which
do not .ub or burn the fibre, but MOULD the cuffs, neck
uiiiiu ano Dosom to a PERFECT SHAPE,
work. Visitors welcome.
Salem Steam Laundry
til Liberty Streel J
South Liberty Street
ome peoplp -'da
nd some in
:te is f ul of muec desire.
wet then what
a V choice
wnen m search hot pjre deli ipi
J fiervescent, clear and brighx
I veryone can read the cheer
9ht in these
Iff : -wi
IP m
t . f'EBKKi,. . I
iff : 'ij iimiliiWHHimJ' (t'i 9
Celebrated Lenr x Ftirnriv
The Best Heater
It will save you oiey every day yoi
own it. I ell niu natal1 the beat.
Let me give you figures.
See Me
About an individual lighting plant
for your home. The best thlag in
the marktt for uDoklng and lighting.
A. L Frasier
Phone 135. 25f: State Street
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A Sn, CtRTAin Rtutr for Sitppuaied MtftTtL'moR.
NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. diiri s.tu.
ration liiinnmeed or Money" Kfutnv1. Sent preps i1
fur fl.00 per bet. Will aeud them on trial. Ui h fur
when rellef-dl. Pimple Vree. If jimr druggist doe not
hive them tend your orders to Ihe
Sold In 5aem by Dr. S. C. Sone
Is .real lahib, not the young mutton
kind. If you want mutton you'll get
it, young, sweet and mild. But we
don't sell one for the other. Those
who know our meats best like them
most. Try some and you'll not fail
to come agun. Everybody does.
Phone 1 880
the beautiful fixtures all sanitary
and strictly up-to-date. Improved
sanitary plumbing in homes hfl
lowered the death rate materially in
the last few years, and thosa who
appreciate health do not fail to hav
their plumbing refitted with open
fixtures of all kinds. In the fitting
up of homes with new open plumb
ing we claim to be master of the
PHY ' Phnria KRll
141 s
Try the new
the bicycle.
autos course
v.:j most adnn
rc-mair.s the ,ici
Drinteti verses here
, b Comttno or Trust