uAUiT OA PIT A I. JOCRSAL. 8ALKM. OREGON. TUESDAY, JAWART 24. IP" THE CAPITAL JOURNAL f.. HOFtH, Editor and Proprietor. fna-li Tclt-it NVw ,;.nr DevoUd M A.nerfc Prin r.i It I'tt'p uuiJ Develennvnto? All Oregon P'jMi)irl twrrr Kninf Exwpt ui, SVBSCHIPMON RATES: (lovAriabiy In A'lvancr) fcril, . V '"atr r r, pre yi-ar f 00 IVr month t'le by 'I il!, yr 4.W I'M month IT-V!y, bVail. Ptrnr X.00 Si.-mmthi tfUl.l. '.KASKI WIRK TKLKUKAfH RKFORT (U N ipjT (A.,A BE C? This is Goods Roads Day, and all good roads lead to Salem. o ChemekUa street people are all signing for bitulithic pave ment, iind, from the standpoint of a greater and more beautiful Salem, the best is none too goml. o The whole legislature in going to Eugene Wedntsday, and the visitors will see a bright and beautiful city that has done a great deal to advertise the whole state. o Alderman Elliott deserves credit for forcing the water ordi nance out, of the hands of the obstructionists, and making it a upeciid order for next Monday night, when every business man of this city should he at the meeting of the city council. o : If you have not made a memorandum on your calendar do so at once, and do not be out of town on the 31st of January, when the addition to the Salem High school .should be voted. The school board should be sustained in its efforts to keep pace with the growth of the city, and the enlargement of the High School is an Imperative necessity. o PUTTING ALL TAX ON LANDS. A person who has no land can very well afford to join in a movement to put all taxes on lands, The man with a two-story brick block on a lot alongside the man with a twelve-story brick on the same size lot will pay the same tax. The man with no lot at all will not care so much what either of them pays, if in the long run he pays nothing. The land tax advocates, say put all the tax on the land, and the man with the land will have to sell or improve his land. These theories sound good to the ear, and may work out all right, and they may not, for land is wealth that can dictate. Will not the land monopolist find ways to dictate to all who are compelled to use his land what they shrl pay? Land monopolists will lease lands for farms, or buildings, and make the one who uses the land pay the taxes. Mr. U'Ren appeared before the committee on taxation' yester day for a bill to divide all valuej on land and improvements. In Beparate columns there are to be assessed the value of the land, and then in another column the. value of the improvements. This is only a step towards carrying on a county campaign for the single tax in each county, and use these facts as a basis. The appeal will be made to the farmers with improvements- to Btand in and get his improvements exempted and cinch the un improved. Kut in the long run will not the land owner find ways to make the rest of the people pay his taxes? Will not those who finally buy lands have to pay nil the taxes levied on land, and will not this tax advance lands? , It is the favorite argument of the single taxer that the own er of a brick block-collects back all his taxes from the renters. If that is true, which it is, is it not equally true that if all the tax is put on land, the land monopolists will do the same? The single tax proposition looks well on the face, but, like oth er nostrums, it will not bear investigation, and . will not work out. . Like other political nostrums, it will not furnish good admin istration, honest oflicials and executive ability. CONCERNING THE BRIDGE AT BUTTEVILLE Sulein, Or., .Inn. 2a, I It I I Ed. Journal: You will kliull:. through your vuluahle paper, ul'.ev. mo to iiiiHwer an article appearhii, in, Monday morning's OivgoR'nn with tcft iiee to people having joint d (he puKlt rlnh tit Newberg. I do nut wit h to say anything harsh, nor erltl ! ttie people of Nevvhni'R In any vvny, unapt' or manner, but I like to mi- over.vthliig with reference to the lirltlxe nt Kuttevlllc or Newberg, to Iio on the m mi re, and as thitre wo" nils sttt'eaients lu this art'cle. un.t no mtriie signed ( i) the name. I wish t;i Mate the plain facts, which .are lliejiti. All but six or seven of the mrmbcrs tif tie' Tn-County Push Club !ri N'evv bciR hlnhctl a card pledg ing themselves to support the bridge at Ituitevllle, not mine than two mouths npo, and the sidewalk! they ftjHtik of lu the article was built a yt'ar hko. Tiny did not contribute In miy why. shape or form to this hide walk. All but two or three were taken into the club us honorary mcni beiK, for the le .ttou that they were In a position lo help i'uc chili In iuho- rating Mel proi ui liin the bridge at I Putteville, and 1 to say furth-j er that ull of the members from New-j berg lire Intelligent business men, audi U lub turd w;i; laid before ituli oil them, which they read ttiul signed their untie s thereto, ainl the pl.'iUtcj o b tuoK wan tns: v want tne bililre at Ituitevllle, mid 1 philgi' toy mipport." Yours f tily, will v.. in nnv. Th fool thing men do Ilvt along with (lini R. M. HOFER, Manager Salrm, 0r. lov itmiiKH jirsT u:.ii to GO SM)V lUNlTBl" 1'HES!! M.tSEQ W1HE.1 San Jose, Cal., Jan. 21 -"An eye for an eye; a tooth for n tooth, and a life for a life" Is the iilinir,l..,l Ihrent which has been posted bv moiiiiuliieois along the road between Sim Jose und Santa Cruz, for Cv benetlt of Joy riders. In mldltlon to the threats, com plaints also have been made to lls trht Attorney Kre... to he effect tlu.t It Is unsafe to send children to school, because of the speeding. CIIAItl.TON MAY UK iii-ri itr:i to italy tUNirai I'm) laitiio mil l Trenton, N. ,., Jun. J4. Cnless the I'nlted States supreme court re verses the decision of the Meial cir cuit court. Porter Charlton will be re turned to Italy to sliitid trial for wife murder. Charlton's rather said today an ap peal would be taken. After bearing arguments yesterday Judge IJeRtah dismissed the application for a writ of habeas corpus to pr..vetit extradition. A ltcllahle Cough Medicine Is a valuable faiullv friend. Foley's Honey und Tar fultills this condition exaotlv. Mrs, Charles Kline. N. 8th St., Kaston. Pa., states: "Several members of my family have been cured of had rough and colds by thc use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I tun never without n bottle in the house. It Roothes and relieves the Irrlf itlon In the throat and loosens ii,i the cold. Imve always found It a reliable cough cure and do not hes itate to recommend It highly," For ci f.rl'-ic coughs and stuffy colds, for children und grown persons and foi delleii'e people use only Foley's Hoc, 'V on. I Tar. Contains tie opiates. Hed Cross. Pharmacy. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA SENATOR OPPOSES REVision SI). VI TO it FLINT, OK CALIFORNIA, IN A SI'IECH liF.FOHK THE SEX ATE VKSTEKDAV, 1'OI.NTS OUT THE TltOUILFS T1HT WOULD FOLLOW REVISION. Senator Flint opposed Senator Cummin's tariff division plan on the I ground that under it no Just and uni form tariff law could be framed whether the policy might call for tar iff for protection or for tariff for rev 'nue. "As a matter of faet," he Bald, "the effi-ct of Its adoption would t that the manufacturing states wluld be enabled to frame a tariff solely In their interest nnl against the Inter est of the agricultural states. "What Is now proposed Is not a general revision of the tariff based upon Information sufficiently com prehensive to embrace all the Indus tries In all parts of the country, but that there shall be a piecemeal re vision based on Information relating only to the particuar schedule under consideration at the amount and giv ing no heed to its relation to sched ules covering other Industries." Flint pointed out that there was now pending in the house a motion to bring up for passage a bill plac ing cattle, swine and sheep as well as all meat products upon the free lint, lie said the purpose waH to fol low tills up with separate bills to put on the freo list asplmltum, salt, fish, seeds, hops, eggs, hay, straw, flax, beans, beets, onions, peas, potatoes, butter, cheese, milk, barley, malt, cornmeal, macaroni, vermicelli, oat meal, rolled oats, biscuit barley, buckwheat, corn, maize, oats, rice, rye, wheat und lumber. He declared that under a provision of this kind the senate would be called upon to pass bills placing those articles on the free list one at a time with no power to change or amend any schedule. Senator Flint Bald the passage of a tariff bill that will give protection to all the Industries of the country was a prime necessity. "We are constantly reminded In framing a tariff bill, It must be re membered, that a single foreign country frames n tariff bill as we would for New England alone. In those countries there Is not the di versification that there is In the I'nlted States. If an attempt should be mailt? to frame a tariff bill that would spread Its benefits all over Kitrope, then some idea might be ob tained of the difficulty that confronts us as tariff makers." Continuing Senator Flint said: "There are some persons In my state who have been deluded by the Idea of a purely local tariff, They have been told that It was not ex pected that the duty oi. citrus fruits, olives, olive oil, walnuts and a hun- died and one things that are raised j in my state would be disturbed but jtliat the robber barons of the tariff jure In the manufacturing states and ; gist. that It Is on the product of the fac-j o torles of New England and the Kast I Drop !jr drop tne offensive dls- : that the rev isions nre to be made in i charge cnused by Nasal Catarrh falls Ithe proposed tariff. It has never oc-1 m fthtb"ck of tn """J """ I , ' , , , throat, setting up an inflammation ,cwred to them that In other parts oftrmt ls iikply to mean Chronic Bron- tlie country local protectionists are j chltls. The most satisfactory remedy saving the snine thing to the people i r"r Catarrh is Ely's Cream Balm.aud or their sections I the r,'"( that followa evpn tlle flr8t application cannot be told In words. I take it that the people In the j ,( surr,,r a ,ay om?er from the state of Montana who favored tariff discomfort of Nasal Catarrh. Cream revision did not contend that wool or ! lend should be placed on the free . , , , , mil list. And this Is true of the local j protectionist In every ottier state. "All through the Kast in the last i campaign the local protectionists and I those favoring a tnrlff for revenue ionly were saying to the people: We are going to give you modern protec tion on what you produce hut we will have free food products from the : West and free raw material.' I , "Old they tell the people of the I liwttri! lilillliir,IOii 11 ir ,-,ittt.,i-i thai I i free food products und free raw ma- I terlals would carry w ith them cheap-i 5 j er wages for factory operatives and I a double measure of protection for Ithe manufacturers? ) "The local protectionists have been j discussing the mutter In the several ! ivtlons of the country, one cemtend- i lug for rovlHlon In one particular I I place and another for revision In an-jot'-er particular place, each one la boring under the Impression that he .was fooling the rest of the country md only i ulf. very certainly fooling him- "It may be tlutt temporarily the I manufacturing Interests will be able I .(,! . i i ., i -r .,i I m II im? HI ! their victory they seem to have won i i I will be able to place on the free , '. product 4 of the labor of the f-irm- of the West. Hut the Inevitable i -ult of the adoption of this policy ivi'l be that the Tanner, his Income i t down, will seek to buy the nuin- "l M-turc es thai he uses ,u the cheap - kt-t In the world. -i iimini iu me i.iiu. "And while the fact will remain t'trtt tho cheap lnborers from Asia , , . . . , w l t. preluded from this country 1 SOflflY i Because of a wonderful dirt starting ingredient which Sunny Monday laundry soap contains, it loosens the dirt quickly, cleanses the fabric with little rubbing, and washes your clothes clean without washing them out. Sunny Mondav is white Contains HO rOSlll IS the pur-! est laundry soap made and the only kind you can safely wash your woolens and finer fabrics with THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CHICAGO as a result of tariff policy of free I products and free raw material and t free food products with moderate protection for manufactured articles, it will follow that the agriculturists will demand that the products of cheap labor in the form of manufac tured goods shall In- brought in free of duty. "Already they have awakened in the West, or at leat-t they are begin ning to awaken from the fact that they are outnumbered In the Kant and that their theory of local protection is not the one that Is to be adopted by the schedule revisionists who fol low the idea that a tariff should be revised after the program laid down by a tariff board. It is the local pro tection idea of New Kngland and the Eastern states that has been adopt ed." Senator Flint declared he would fa vor a tariff board providing it was made up with the understanding that the work of the board will be taken up in the order In which schedules were set forth in the present tariff act and that no report is to be made until the board shall have completed work on the entire schedule. Other wise, he declared, he was unaltera bly opposed to the tariff board." o DOCTOR PRAISES 1). D. D, Although an M. I)., I acknowledge to my patients and patrons that your remedy, D. 13. D., reaches cases of Eczema and permanently cures them Dr. Ira T. Gabbert, Caldwell, Kan. "My cure began from the first ap plication of D. D. D. My skin Is now as smooth as a baby's. I wouldn't take a thoausand dollars for what V. D. n. has done for nie," writes Au gust Santo, of Chllllcothe, Ohio. These are just samples of letters we are receiving every day from grateful patients all over the coun try. "Worth Its weight' In gold," "All my pimples washed away by D. I). D." "I found instant relief," "D. I). D. la little short of miraculous." These are the words of others In describing the great skin remedy, 1). D. D. Proven by thousands of cures, for 10 years to be absolutely harmless and reliable In every case of skin j trouble, no matter what It Is. I Get a trial bottlo today! Instant j relief only 25c. J. C. Perry, Drug- Balm is sold by all druggists for 50 fnt3' or ,ma'1('1' byv E'y yarrt,n 8tm,t, New York, 0 Bros., 56 If within reach of the grain grow ers, convetnlon nt Fargo, or the corn show at Mitchell, spend a few days helping your neighbor and yourself to get out of the rut. Skin of B8auty is a Joy Forever DC. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL rupiy no utnirtt DcniTinm i CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIF1ER nove Tan, P'mptaL Krokl Moth I'atch.-, and skia Iirt man i veiy oiena6 on butv. and l flMttaievtixn. li faA ttol i t.t tnt of m Tent, Miit Ih to hirnile w UtMt tobt'nurttl Acvpi nutit.tinior frit uf ftlwlUr nun. Dr. U a. S&vr Med to a 11? of hut I n ia vtitfit: " A 7m 11 h win u thDj. Trt. m' at Iht Wm harmful nt 'l tt -iii".' r rnal 1T ill druinl tntl r uor. ' 2'!j.";'l' rr in Ute l'u)tU 3Ui, rauU ud Kim. f., ' PK!,fttm 37 S:tet ITTo:k j - A Rtlli3bl6 RCnTGdV FOR CATARRH 'tlj's Cran Balm . quickly tDiortwd, i l.i,c Kolit t Our. L viiiiu-e-i, soot he. ud protects th disi'iisej . Catarrh and drW vitr sCold in thlUfci quickly, r.estore waral.-oMiatb.4UeM quickly. Itentore the su! of Tt uJ Siuell. Full niso 5? ' ' Druggto or by niil. LiiyuM I CmraBiUtn for umIu atomise! 73 ct. Elj Umthws. b8 Wmt Stwl. N-w Xoik. THE RETAIL MERCHANTS TO GATHER WIIX ME FT 1IEKK TOMOHltOW KOIt A THIIEK-DAYS' CO.WKN TIOX WILL BK C.VKSTS OK, UlSlXKSS MEN'S LE.Uil K AT A ItAXQIET THCKSDAY. j The Or-iKon Retil Merchants' As sociation will meet In Salem tomor row morning In their fifth annual convention. The membership of the association is extensive, and Secretary, Merrick reports that there will he a large attendance from all parts of, the state. The prime object of the; convention is to) give an opportunity! to the delegates of the various local j bus:nss men's organizations to "get : together" for the benefit ;ind enlight-j enment of all. I The Salem Business Men's League w ill play the part of host, and elabor ate and comprehensive preparations are being made to furnish a full sup ply of "creaturi comforts" of life to the delegates during their stay in the "Cherry City of the World." Thursday evening a sumptotis ban quet will be tendered the delegates at the Marion Hotel. Most of the mer chants of Salem will be. in attend ance to meet and become acquainted with the visiting delegates ,as well as to partake of the good things of life. It is the urgent request of the com mittee In charge of thci banquet that those wishing seats will at once send In the return post cards that were sent them the first of the month. All sessions of the convention will be held In Steeves hall, at the corner of tate and Liberty streets. TWO UTAH BANKS CLOSE THEIK IIOOIlS UNITED FRESS LIA8ED WIRE. Srslt Lake, Utah, Jan. 24. Inabil ity to realize on their assets rapidly enough to meet heavy withdrawals of cash on the part of depositors, Is given today as the principal reason for the suspension of the Utah's Banking; Company's banks at Ameri can Forks and Lehl, I'tah. The bamks closed their doors on or ders of State Dank Examiner C. A. Glazier, who took charge of the two Institutions. There has been a steady withdraw al of deposits for over a week. o COLD KILLS THE GEM Lieut. Perry Says There Arf 'n fluid Hends In Hie. A relic Itcirlon. The people who come back from Klondike testify to the fact that no native bald heads are there. The evidence is that the cold climate kills the germs that eat the hair off at the I root. Lieut. Perry, who went to the Arctic regions, gives the same evi dence. Newbro's Herplclde has the same effect as the cold climate. It kills the germ that eats the hair off at the roots, and the hair grows again, llerpiclde is the first hair ! remedy built upon the principle of I destroying the germ that eats the ihair off. Its phenomenal sale demon jstrates the correctness of the ecalp jgerm theory. Sold by leading drug gists. Send 10 cents in stamps for sample to The llerpiclde Co., De jtroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guar anteed. J. C. Perry, druggist. o The politician out for a job is a poor sort of fellow to tie to. H. WILLIAM THIELSEN Feed and Produce 151 High Street mm ALCOHOL 3 FEU CENT. Ac cl iiblc Prrpralton for.Vs simila!in$tteFoedM'!Bc$i!a ling (lie Sicmaciis andBowds of Promolcs Dijeslionf kerful ncss and Rest.Conlains netotr Opitini.Mdrpliinc nor Mineral. Kot Narcotic. Mpeofuumnumm is') JU.Smm A'liseSecd ttwrm'M - , MrjriumiSm Clr'tk.'l Suqtr Aperfect Remedy for Ccmslipa tion.Sow-Stomach.Uiarrfwn Worms,Comulsioiis,icvmsit ncss and LOSS OF MEtR Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Jfapoleons Grit was of tVic anconquerable, never-say-die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, cough or lung disease. Suppose troches( coutt syrups, cod liver oil or doctors haw ail failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used or any throat or lung trouble. It Has saved thousands of hepelesa suf ferers. It masters stubborn cok& obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, te Brippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and Is the most sate and certain remedy for all bronchieil affections, 50c, $100. Trial botfle free at J. C. Perry's. o Old age pensions may be well enough, but a full-wage measure dur ing the working years of life is bet ter. Look fur the Bee II I Ye On the packages when you buy R ley's Honey and Tar. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. Foley's Honey and Tar relieves coughs and colda quickly and Is safe and sure. Con tains no opiates. Sold by Red Cross Pharmacy. The difference between a progress ive and standpatter is that one goes without saying, while the other says without going. MIEAT CHINttrtK DOCTOR U H. HIM hag medicine wnico wtli cure anj known illBease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to cure catarro asthnm. lung, throat, rheumatism debility, stonvch, liver, kldne; 'roubles: als', any blackened i wollen soreness, broken limbs smallpox, epidemic; all kinds o' ooiis, lost manhood, female weaii Bess, hernia trouble!, and paraljTl; Constitution free. Care of Tick 9 long Co., Chinese drugs and herb Office hoimi from 10 to 12 a. m. ami 1 to 7 p. m. Office open Sundays 153 High street, upsta'T". Pvlem OregBD. E SALE Must dispose of my remaining stock of feed, seeds, condition powders, etc., immediately at greatly reduced prices all For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years thc cintu eoMMMr, new tm orrr. Notice for Bids. Notice Is hereby given that, the undersigned will receive bids up to 5 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, Jan uary 28, 1911, for the construction of a wood frame hotel at Mehama, Oregon, Including plastering. Plans and specifications can be seen at J. F. Millencop's residence 495 North Twenty-first street, Salem, and also at D. E. Swank's residence Aumsville. A bond in the Bum of $500 will be required of the ones who get the contract, guaranteeing; the faithful performance of the con tract. D. E. Swank reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must be sent to Aumsville, Oregon, and will be opened on Mon day, January 30, 1911. ' D. E. SWANK. 1-21-Gtd AN OLD-TIME PRESCRIPTION In a modern product. From time Imme morial sae aud suiphur have been used for tin.' hair and scalp. Almost every one kuows of the value of such a com bination for darkening the hair and mak ing it grow. In oldi?n times the only way to get a hair tonic of this sort was to brew it in the home fireplace, a method which was troublesome and not always totisfactory. Nowadays almost every up-to-date druggist can supply his patrons with a ready to use product, skillfull Compounded in perfectly equipped Inborn -lories.'- Such a preparation is Wjeth'i Sage and Sulphur, which is sold by a,t leading druggists for COc Jtnd $1.00 a bottle, or which is sot direct by tin Wyerh Chemical Com"-'Ty. "4 Cortland: St., Now York City, upon receipt of prico J. O. PERRY.. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative lironio Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund moiey if It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture ls on each box. 25c. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S . CASTOR I A JY ,1jthw;"' i ii IT 1 gi -