Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 07, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Vgar-End Sal in Every Department
Women's TaM"d Suits and Coats
Yo-FnH Sale at Half Price
' ' I
t' KHiin J Prices on Wood
X 1 s-e our display ad. C. k. Spauld-
Idk Logging company. 12-30-tf
' Ollgon's barber sbop
1 Gllflf n' cigar store
t ! Cil'.on' baths open ell day Sunday
X 12-4-w-t-tf
i ; Surveying
I i See McElroy & Smith about
. ..'inni m 1 ft 1 1
-r- l ITI'I MilV JIM 4 . mvm.m
l IllinPninrn i I'rlor to leaving
NIL UNUtblUCU fiu,u hi. Hd i
For Voiir Sunday Dinner, :l.e ,
' Try the roast chicken et the Elitej
rrnm rasje 1.)
Cooking Jteccipt JogKcrs
Received too late for holiday trad", t
at bargains. See Elliott, printer, 221 j
South Commercial street. l-4-3t
journey lie tan
tlic.se making
The Toui-iiiinieiit
Of Roses, at Pasadena, California,
New Year's Day was fin-, but not to
be compared with a Hon Ton -c cigar
a re
that the presideu-
n:i(e will net he doter
tint a deadlock is I lie
s. The lines are s'rictly
and Sell-
i i reying and platting.
! Chicago store, balem.
! Van IVlllt Wpll
Offices over
Tliey Are
liy all.
ners. .'!."',
Try them.
Those Sunday c'pi ken din
to be the best in Salem.
Klite Cafe.
Sdiiii-thine new.
J i Thought tree primer.
Manning's Implement
man can f-usiiy
Kvery machine
Ctriihl Hut MUta ft Man
Every Suit and Overcoat in This Store Now
Reduced in Price
Wfl'rfi nlftariiiff the decks now for the soring business.
We're starting early because we want to get through
early nad we shall sell a lot of these good goods; many ::
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Suits and overcoats among them at prices which repre
sent a big saving investigate.
This Store is the Home of the
gincimmifAnn J
Try a Journal Want "Ad" for Results.
The Happy
For sale at
House. One
do the work of two.
warranted. l-7-3t
Moderate I'rices
For good grooerii's vr'11
want, and J- M. Lawrence's grocery
is the place to rtrt both. Corner V r-
ry and S. Commercial. Chun
Iicii'anc ns
cy of tin1 -
mined toil.iv
uiatii'r stands.
drawn Lei ween Bow'-Tltian
in- and no chance of a compromise.;
The speakership fight was given a,
new turn by Abrams and Reynolds,
toins over to Katon, and trying to
take all of the Reynolds following
with them. The claim is made that
tli.- assembly I'acCon in Marion cour-
mli?ed t tits to secure U,e cnmi-
picfire taken
4 id I.ettcrN
with the state
and throughout tne
,1 to ininglo with
up its composition.
Portland, the ,dele-
n..i.i;h to have a
,y a phot-igrapner.
I'roiu Supreme Court.
hi sail his arguinciH.
ihat it had never
had taken
wintended t!at lioss
the n oney (or which lie was indicted,
of shilling for his own use. but that
he allowed it to inlnule with the funds
bank. He explained tnai a
1 dc
and .!;
it (i :
b' - to
lliuT forbade a gen-
Series No. 2, of the Mutual Savings i
& Loan Association, is now open and
subscriptions for shares will be re- j
celi'?d at the office of the secretary,'
275 State street. J. D. White, secre
tary. l-6-2t
Only 5 of tho ( laegctt Fruit & Gar
den Tracts Left
For Kent
Good 10-room dwelling
Cott-ge. street for rent to
party. Phone 4111. Carey F.
attorney for owner-
nianshm of ways and niVtm
Irion county for themselves.
vj,.ni Oreiron steelier I) is uimio o
iv ,.. Rust.- unci Thompson, M
" 4 f N-i Kinney going out of the tight. Rusk i
iiiitablei Hu. snnlM-t of the Multnomah I v nn
Martin, ideation solid, except Rushlight
l-7-3tj who lt iB si,i,, will not qualify. In
i dications are there will be no caucus.
The (o nium mid White Swan
Bakeries, under the same manage
ment, are headquarters for wedding
This is the beBt land on the mar- and party pastry supplies, iry mem
ket today in small tracts. Located ' once ana Decome a regular cusiumei.
only three mileB north of ' Salem.
Price only $125 to $150 per acre.
$100 per tract cash; $1.00 per acre
per month. Derby Wlllson.
The annual meeting of the stock
iolders of the Salem Fruit Union
will be held at thfl office of the Union
Saturday, January 14, at 10 a. m.
C L. McNary, president, E. A. Arm
strong, secretary. 1-7-41-eod
Win a Writing Iek
Learn how. See our advertise
ment. Golden Rule Bazaar. Mn. I).
T. Swart, proprietor, 271 Commercial
An opportunity to invest in Al in
dustrial enterprise Is open to you.
Tli U. S. census shows average earn
ings: Railroads 4.4 per cent; Banks,
11.5 per cent; Industrials, 15.1. Safe,
conservative, highest references.
George H. Paul, 225 Superior street.
Salem. l-4-3t
Step In When You
Are - In the neighborhood of the
Elite Massage and . Beauty Parlors,
301-2-3 U. S. Bank building. We
treat permanently cure black heads,
white heads, pimples, freckles, moth
patches, red skin, oily skin, acne,
pustules, large pores, red noses, red
hands, sunburn, liver spots, coarse
skin, dry skin. l-4-2t
There have been subdivisions before, and there will probably be subdivisions after Hol
lywood is sold, but there never has been a better one, and there never will be one quite as
good as Hollywood, for the reason that no land in the state is as fine as we are offering for
This place is close to town and is divided into convenient sizes and is cheap, None of
7 Jumia' 'IUWBVe'i compaie wun its chief characteristic, which is the richness of the
i.t ,ha ,.io,-ttnn will be fought out
In "the onen house on Monday upon i pretatlon-
orgauization of the legislature. The
fight is being transferred to Salem.
I wish to announce that the Bronze
tints of hair are now the popular
tints in Paris and New York. We are
the only people this side of Chicago
prepared to do this work. Not a dye,
not a bleach. Call and find out about
lt. The Elite Massage and Beauty
Parlors. Rooms 301-2-3, V. S. Nat.
Bank building. ' l-4-2t
Gone to "ewport
Mrs. L. C. Dennlson and daughter
left for Newport today, where Mr.
Dennison is building a large school.
They will be gone about five months.
Proposition Worthy
Of Investigation. Want to meet a
few persons having from $500 to
$1,000 to invest .In first class up-to-date
Manufacturing enterprise with
great possibilities. As we- have no
competition, Interested parties can
have lucrative employment if compe
tent. Address Box 304, or call at
Room 320, U. S. Bank Bldg., Salem,
Ore. 1-6-tf
( lilekeii Fricassee
For your Sunday dinner, 3."c, will
m:,ke a palatable change. Elite
On Farm Property.
Room No. 1, Tioga lluildlng.
Salem. Oregon.
Try the Elite Cafe
For quick service,
tion and reasonable
dinner 35c.
prompt attien
prlce. Sunday
(Continued from page one.)
and productiveness, would not amount to much had not some
or the big ranches been cut up into small holdings, It is the members of famies that
count,., npt the number of actes that make up a country,
flfffirs hrvmnc ii a l-i
Myihrir rl,il6 4 ldmi,,e5 Jusi anne outskirts ot Sa em, just a 1
east of the Fair Grounds, and at a price per acre far less than a cheap lot would cost,
0m&l&Tk has no equ&l in this or any other part of
K i'2 UJ "tfe H &Fdfrs: ?sk any old-timer if he knows the
h,. "hV mai! ana ne will tell you that vou make no mistnkn
a mil
Must be Sold in i
1 10 Days and the ::
Owner Has In- ::
::stlHCted Us t0 ::
: Make the Price!
to Sell It
buying there,
lli? Jfns !te n lgz are goinS way before a car line will oass Hnllv
it tw!d thCn thG '3nd the,e Wi" sel1 readi,y "wo and three timesVhat you canty"
been stronger than religious associa
tion. '. ' "1
Mrs. Ftdicia Rees and Mrs. Stephen
Bridges, mothers of the girls, de
clared their daughters were living In
See's "school" with their full permission.
"We have absolute life and cannot
sin," the mothers explained.
The girls' contention was similar
to that of their mothers.
"Nobody in the 'Absolute Life" can
sin," they explained. "We believe
such things as Mr. See believes. We
cannot understand why the law
should interfere,"
Mildred's father has not been won
over by these arguments, and was
angry when he learned where his
daughter was and threatened to kill
the leader of the cult. He alleges
that See has hypnotized his wife and
daughter. ,..
See is separated from his wife. In
his school, which he called the Jun
ior Commonwealth," he had a score
of boys and girls ranging from 3 to
25 years. He is teaching them the
principles of the "Absolute Life,"
which he says. was shown him in a
i i he children, he says, are being
'purified and eventually will be be
jyond the power to sin.
Hollywood Is Divided Into
Five and Ten Acre Tracts
. u.i j u"yibu 0,1 easy wins at 75 ocr acre md -m
ee Hollywood, and you miss the best opportunSy presenL
if you overlook this tract. Five tracts srtA hi
we nave autos and rigs ready to go out at any hour,
Phone and We Will Call
Do It Now
It costs you nothing to
to the people of Salem
j Portland, Ore., Jan. 7. Mona Roes,
;iioho name is connected with that
of Evelyn Arthur Seo, fountain head
ol the Absolute Life" cult, which Is
being investigated by the Chicago au
thorities today, formerly lived In
j Portland.
I According to friends here, the
young women is 22 years old. She
ieii i ortlnnd several years ago for
Chicago where she joined her mother.
158 acres,- 80 acres cleared, on
two county roads, only one-half
mile from a good town on the
main line of the S. P. R. R.,
black, sandy loam soil; plow
ing now; no mud or water. Fin
est peach and potato land in
the vallqy. Lr.j-ge barn, al
most new, holds 30 head ot
stock, a 4-room new mill house
In fine location, water piped
to the barn. Fair house, sev
eral outbuildings, new DeLa
val cream separator, 9 good
milk cows, one hog, chickens,
hay and grain, some seed grain
2 registered driving mares and
2 blooded colts, top buggy
M00, huck, mower, rock wagon
and all farming implements. A
fine trout stream running
through the plac. Will make
good terms.
t Price $95 per acre
with Everything
347 State Street
Telephone Mam 452
Ground Floor
Salem, Or., Jan. 6, 1911.
!Ed. Journal: Referring to the city
marshal's recent Instructions to the
Police others to read up on the city
I ordinances, this evidently has not
I been taken very seriously either by
the chief or his men. I refer to the
nutnuee to trn.vel maintained by the
; Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company on Chemeketa street, "in
; front of the city hnll.namely the
! large pile 0f gravel In the middle of
the street, left night after night,
without, warning lights.
Yours, truly,
Oregon Coffee House
134 N. Liberty Street.
Light lunches tt nil hours, and th
best 25c. meals morning noon and
j'llrht. served L f c city. Give us p
all and you will be a regular cup
Olmsted Land
873 State Street
Change of Program ?
passed in
posit of the educational fund
t Kos.s' offense consisted in al
it to iniimle with the general
of t, e bunk instead of placing
loeial c'.'posit. and being una
oav it to the state when his in-
lou failed. Ho had been guided
lecisiou iu the Forty-second Ore-1
he sail, which held that this
"hue. and was ignorant oi a
statute passed in iaui ihbusiub
law and that while ignorance of the
hiw was no evcuse. he hnd acted
wili.in the lav; :.c .inline to his inter-
-as any layman would in
terpret it.
He then cited the fact that the 12
jurors who convicted Ross had signed
a petition for his pardon the last
signing within the last few days;
that Ex-district- Attorney Manning
had signed a letter recommending
that It be granted and that so had
District Attorney McNary; and finally
that four of the Judges of the supreme
court who had sustained his convic
tion In the lower court had written
a letter jointly saying that there was
no moral turpitude Involved in the of
fense and that Ross had reason to be
lieve that he acted within the law
when he committed the crime of
which he was convicted and that Jus
tice King wrote a personal letter reit
erating the views held by him In his
dissenting opinion, and favoring Ross.
He then called attention to the mon
ster petition, containing over 2,000
names,' and representing men of every
walk In life. if ;g
Mayor Simon Comes to But.
Mayor Simon, of Portland, was the
next man to come to the bat and he
spoke eloquently of the life of Ross.
He had known him from the time he
set foot upon Oregon soil known
him as a man of integrity, and honor,
a man of his word. He took the same
view of the law as McCammant and
maintained that a pardon should be
Ex-senator Fulton followed with
considerable ot a discourse on the
law, his views coinciding with those
of McCammant and Simon. He had
infinite respect for the supreme
court, but before this decision, had he
been asked if that was the law, he
would have replied in the negative.
He closed with the eloquent appeal
that should Ross be compelled to go
to prison and serve out his sentence,
that the "shame would be on the
state of Oregon."
J. E. Werlein spoke along the same
lines, so did Harrison Allen, and
Judge McGinn. The latter did not di
rect his remarks so much to the law
as he did to the times which prevailed
when Roes was Indicted and convicted.
We have all in the past, he main
tained, been guilty of the same offense
of Ross it was a general understand-
I ing that bankers might take the
state's money and let it mingle with
i the bank's general fund and take in
terest upon it; and it would not be
fair now to single Ross out and make
him serve time in the penitentiary
when others were allowed their lib
erty who had been equally guilty.
itev. ijuuert and Rev. Foulks, the
latter Ross' pastor, spoke in behalf
of the convicted banker, voicing the
view that he had already been pun
ished sufficiently without having to
serve out a sentence in the state
OrcKoniiin to Be Silent.
( Mr. McC:-mimant"eoncluded the n
marks Iti behalf of Ross.: In present
ing1 the petition to the acting gover
nor, in his first argument, he too
occasion to assure him that II. L.
I-itiock, of the Oregonian, was th
lain man to sign it, and that he had
been authorized to slate from hi;:,,
that, in the event the pardon -m
,'ra.iited, that the Oregonian would
nol criticise the action of the acting
Rovernor. He also stated that he had
been given the same assurance by its
managing editor, Edgar Piper, and
when it came to the closing he took
..... u, une tne governor a few
more assurances, among others th-it
he would feel happlor every day ol
.us ii ie wnen lie thought of it
a snted the pardon.
toss ii Gentleman.
After giving the acting gowrnnr
this assurance, he proceeded to in
form the acting governor that Ross
'fi a gentleman a man with a very
(sensitive her.irt. Some dr?ad Inear
jceration In prison becausn Itriepri,
tliem of their ntieriy, out uohh, d, .
ing of a sensitive heart, had suffered
i: ere than tha; suffered all tl.-
pniis that a human soul is capahl,.
(.!' suffering by being Indicted hi..
convicted, iiiul that punshimn, ,
: lone, should be sullielent without ;.,
imposition of any olh r.
I'anloi, Ii Only Hope.
lie also stated in his crnc,idhu
l. marks that Ross' last hope of fr. -(loin
lay in a pardon. The caie '.: ;
l.een taken before the suprerre - t
,.r the Tinted States on a writ of re.
iow, he stated, hut he gave it. as !iU
opinion that, us soon that i.,i. t
convened, that the wr't woulj be
i -lissed. and that, unless a pnrdcr.
I. sued, that Hoss would have to Horn
et:! the live-y.,ir sentence inipo.-, .
Governor Impassive.
Throughout the hearing A-l'
Governor Bowerman sat imnnf;i""ir
listening to tne argument, mere was
nothing to indicate that he w..s y
more impressed with tlv r.rrr.v if
wealth and Influence before him, ami
the case itself, than he would have
been In (' tV crv:'i(!"'o rT'" ! n
filled with a bunch of laboring men,
and the case Itself that of some poor
and obscure criminal. He listened
with courtesy to each speaker ,hut
:;ked no question, and when the last
had been heari announced that he
would pnss on the case in the after
noon or in the evening.
It Is quite certain this afternoon
that. Governor Bowerman will not act
upon the matter until Sunday even
ing, and possibly not until Monday
FIVE ACRES of first class land close
to Salem on good road, . for $375 ;
$lf0 down, balance to suit. Beet
tel & Bynon, 347 State Street.
FOR SALE A Good bargain, '8 lots
and 8-room house, partly finished.
Price $1450; terms, Twentieth anil
Lee street. Phone 728.
Whenever you buy your meat from
us. We carry a full line of choice
fresh, salt and smoked meata, and
make a specialty of pure lard. V.
C. Rush, successor to Edwards t
Long, 1815 East State street.
Phone 1926. l-7-Kt
FOR SALE Two counters, cheap.
Jim Gordon, 341 Center street.
WANTED A man or a man ami
wife with about $150 to Invest in
a good money-making proposition.
For information aiddress "X. X.,"
care Journal office, city. 1-7-lw
Murphy Block, offers 4 acres,
good house, barn, fruit, ,t0., .far
$160 rental per year, one-fourth
cash, balance quarterly, In 4iirth
Salem. 1-7-tf
ground floor, with electric light and
use of telephone. Phone Main 139ri.
1247 State street. ' l-7-3t
FOR SALE Three nice youngi R.' C.
R. I. red roosters. Cheap If taken
soon, at 2398 Trade St. ' ' l-7-3t
WANTED Two or more boarders;
pleasantly situated; good board at
reasonable prices. Give us a trial.
Address W. F care Journal,
legislature, 246 South Cottage
street. ' l-7-3t
FOR RENT New, close in strictly
modern 6-room fiat, at a reason
able figure. Bogert & Spn- No. 2.
Hush Bank Bldg.
W HITE SWAN and .German Bakeries
for highest grade bread .and pas
tries. Wedding and party orders a
specialty. We make daily deliveries.
319 N. Commercial, phone 903; or
12th nnd Chemeketa, phone 961.
if l,i
Norwich Union '
, Fire Insurnace Society.
l'.rank Meredith, Kesidcnt Agent.
Room 13 Bush Bank Blk. Salem. Or.
OoHpqp UnHfjrtqVinq pa-hrs.
Modern in every detail. Lady assist
ant. Corner Cottage, and Chemeketa.
Phone 721.
Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Or
The Armstrong Nursery Company
E- T. ARMSTRONG, Manager.
124 N. Liberty Street. Saet, 0reg0
Fine Nursery tt... ..
ruH,Kat and. Ornamental Trees, ShrubB
Roses. We have
o agents.
Wrect to planter. Phone 867. X
MM '