Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 07, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Ignorance 2nd Superstition the
Factors Whj;h Lead to Fear.
Tru MM35 of God'i Word, the Only
Proper Antidote to Fear. Desirable
t Opening of New Year.
. V
liinnary l.-rnsmr
Kunm-ll of l5ro.ikl.vn
TalH'rnacle address
ed a lartre rottr
Kiillon lu the Brook
lyn Academy of
Mimic this after
uoon oa the Inipor
tance of good tour
age for the New
Vear. from the fol
lowing text:
"Fear not. for 1
. hcve redeemed thee;
I have ca!M thee by thy name; thou art
mine."-Ialah xllll, 1.
A annul be bod a law. audience
and the rery closest attention. He
aid in pnrt:
Fear Is t great calamity. It Is close
, ly related to all tbe aorrowa of life,
closely linked to all tbe crimes of the
world! One of tbe blessings of true
Christianity I the release It lives
from fear. But alas! true Christiani
ty, true Christian faith, and tbe pres
ent rewards of these are not Tery com
mon even In Christendom Kew know
the meaning of the Master's words.
"Come onto me, all ye that labor and
are heavy Inden. and I will give you
rest" Pew uirecliitp the assurance.
"If the Hon shall make you free, ye
shall be tree Indeed" (Matthew il. 28;
John rill. 3
. Pear has Its foundation In sin. We
may be sure that the angels In heaven
know no fenr. After Adam bad dis
obeyed the Divine command In Eden.
he feared his Maker and hid from him
Hlmllnrly. fenr affects all of Adam's
posterity, because of the general real
initios that "all are sinners." Uod
' and his righteousness are. figurative
ly, light, and tbe sinner and his sins
are, figuratively, darkncM. There Is no
eoniiirumlse the darkness bnteth (op
poeetbi tbe light, tbe light scattereth
the darkness.. Love and revereuce go
band In hand, but love and fear are
opposite; we cannot love that which
we fear, we do not fear that which we
love. .
Fsar, Worry, Sickness.
Ilope, pride and ambition encourage
the business man and the laborer, the
king and the peasant, the housewife
and the mnld. the lenders of the social
, act and the patient mother. Never
theless, all of (bene have a drag anchor
' of fear, which hi the stress, ttf life
produces worry; wnvry produces Indi
gestion, Indigestion produces Insomnia
1 ana nervousness which lead on to
every form of disease and unhnpnl
neas. To the extent, therefore, tbat
fear Is removed, health and happiness
re encouraged and aided.
All physlcluns recognize the fact
that fear Is closely related to disease.
Hence the wise physician always coun
sels cheerful surrotiudlngi for the sick,
cheerful conversation, diversion of tbe
mind, the avnldunce of thought along
worrisome lines tbe rest cure, etc.
It may he naked. Why la It that the
Master's cure la little considered to
day? Why are so few poluted to
Christ. Hie (Jreiil. Physician, for the
rest and im-hch mill comfort and Joy
which he promised, to his followers
eighteen centuries, ago? Uave his
words proven untrue? Are his pro
fessed followers amongst the most
anxious ami troubled and overchnrged
and sick and sorrowing nnd fearful of
our poor, groaning creation? U so,
what la the explanation? We must
concede the Inference. We must admit
that the foflr hundred millions of pro
fessed Christian are much more uu
happy, much more fearful, much more
nervous, peevish and sickly than the
twelve hundred millions outside of
Christendom. ,
The explanation of this peculiar sit
nation Is that Christendom la not
Christian; (hut the name Christendom
ta a misnomer! Christ's Kingdom does
' no lrvnll amongst the civilized one
fourth of humanity .'r centuries
now Christendom tin deceived itself,
nd has seriously misrepresented
Christ, his teaching and his promised
Kingdom of righteousness for which
still we are praying. "Thy Kingdom
come, thy will be done on earth." Our
stunning armies, prepared to destroy
en. h nther; nnd onr lrendnaught na
vies, prepared to blow eneh other to
atoms; and our snlminrlii.-s nnd onr
living machine, onr great cannons nnd
toriedwB ,,,,., u,e uilatnko of call
ing human civilization Christ a Klmr-
Similarly, the worry. ' ffrhr. strife
norvoasnesa. etc,, of Christendom all
: prove that the tireut Teacher's anti
dote for fenr nnd wurry not in-en
taken l,y the urns f Christendom.
. We hold that the flood Physician's
remedy for sin, corroding care, worrv
fer, 1 just as effective m,lv as It
was eighteen nnd a half centuries nKo
we hold that the real dll, ltv u ,,'
f1L'77,'r,,',l:'n m h fl-
full? fallowed We urge that those
who nw have -an ear to, hear" his
mesMHKH , ,,.,,, ( fi(tllfl)
and that they should not ., , ;,.
hnuds .,r .MHly ,. ,
th, said to la. ),,, , ,
" 11 "'"Ke .,cm ,h. . ,u,
7?r,v. " hl,h
III of "the I
Itw-iiiiih IHimmI
Th, , M.at.r'a Teach.ng, Perverted.
I uring ,, ,llrli mi,.mM;m
WHT Wfl fltiNMirniPiui h tn
'Ill 1TIII ItllliUf
trwiTB racas ijuU W1UJ
I'orlUnJ, Or.. j. 7,u u
Menu, rumored In .mshln
Ihe attempt wai made to drive hu
manity to God. Atrocious doctrines
were promulgated lo the name of God.
Christ aud his Antle St. rnul de
aomlnuiea tbi-ne "doctrine uf demon"
(1 Tlmott.r I v. Ii These, primarily,
taught a Purgiitory. to be militated
by prayers ami iuu-w"- t'r.dr the
Impulse' of fmr. iiiilliuiis uccepteil
Chri.st and professed dilpic-dilp. ii'
total U'i. .r:iii-e of his real teaclihigs.
and yet no more his tu :.n.vn man
hen I hey were heu'i.-ii l-.iii "u the
Adversary partially ide;nn-kcd the
Ueforniatlou Jinveinent ly leading
Jealous people I" reiHiiiii' e Purgatory
as unrteriptural and l ui-eepl in il
stffid for tile world at large eternal
fonijeut-a slill nere utis.rlptiiral
pro(MMitlou- n rf'IH njore Coil li -honor-lug
d'x-trlue of demons
Fortunately for ourselves e? Prot
estants do not take our own doctrine
seriously. However mmh all Prot
estant Creeds nssert that only bali
tlzed snlnts will reach heaven and,
contrariwise, that nil the unsiiltitly
will suffer eternal torture, neverthe
less, not one In a hundred believes
this. The roost saintly, the most con
scientious of them nre troubled by
their fears, tormented by their sym
pathies, perplexed to understand God's
dealings, hindered from having tbe
peace and Joy which the Master prom
ised his followers. The less conscien
tious of them Ht i fie lonsclenco to their
own Injury, gradually losing faltb in
the Word of God because of this error.
They thus escape some of the torments
of fear, but tha.v do not attain the
love. Joy, contentment and pence which
the Master promised hlsi faithful ones.
Unreliable 8ubtsrfuges Harmful.
There Is only tbe one Divine remedy
for tbla harmful fear. That remedy
Is associated with the Gospel of Christ;
but there are numerous subterfuges.
Some drown tbelr fears, disappoint
ments and sorrows with alcohol or
various narcotics. Some seek to drown
them with sensuous pleasures, some
with business activity, some with
church activity, aome with "devil-may-care"
unreason. Of late a considerable
degree of subterfuge success has come
along the lines of deceit denying the
existence of sin. denying the facts of
pain and sorrow and death and, con
trariwise, affirming that everything
Is ;oof. regnrdleNs of the untruthful
ness of this proposition.
The result of this self-deception In
deed relieves from a considerable meas
ure of fenr. To this extent It proves
a solace nnd satisfaction: but It Is a
subterfuge and not the true remedy.
Aa a proposition Its Influence upon the
mind, upon all the reasoning faculties,
Is Injurious. ' The twisting of reason
necessary to this philosophy, which
calle black white, and pnln pleasure,
and sin righteousness. Is destructive of
sound reasoning ability. The 'hn bit of
pervoralon necessary to the calling of
bad good nnd wrong right not only In
jures, the mind, but. In attempting to
sustain Itself from the Scriptures, per
verts the entire Word of God. With
reason perverted and the Scriptures
perverted, tbe truo messnge of the
Scriptures cannot he enjoyed. Unless
fear be measurably eliminated, the
proper faith, hope. Joy and spirit of a
sound mind are Impossible.
Divine Antidote For Fear.
God'a mesriage through tbe Law and
the Prophets, to Isruel. as Interpreted
by Jesus and his Apostles, gives us the
true antidote for fonr. , It does not
deny sin, sickness, sorrow, death; It de
nies no fact, but It does bold out a
remedy for all of these, an antidote,
"tho balm of Gllead." Moreover, it in-
forms us thnt this antidote can be re
ceived only through the co-opcrntlon of
our hends nnd hearts.
It Informs us thut this healing is ob-
talnnblo by only a comparatively few
at this time, hut, eventually, the Divine
blessings, world wide, shnll operate to
ward all bimiunlty aa fully us have the
pennltles of sin. It applies now (In full
degree) ouly to such as have the hear
ing ear, the eye of fulth und the ap
preclatlvo, -reNponslve heart- Others
may obtain a measure ouly of this con
solation. The Great Teacher gave us
tho key to this deliverance from fenr.
anylng, "Ye shnll know the Truth and
tno truth shall make you free. If the
Son shnll make you free, ye shall be
freo Indeed" (John vlll. 3J. 36i.
Ihe llmt step toward bavin h
Truth make us free Is to have tho cont-
ing or lgiiornnre and superstition re
moved und this Is a dllllctilt matter.
For Instance, the Catholic s.m..rsHH.,n
of Purgatory nnd the Protestant super
stition of eternnl torment, for prnctlcnl-
i.r mi uiniiKinil, have been so thorough
ly riveted upon their falihfnl that to
lrenk their bonds imil net fir. u ,.
illlileult task. Only those v tio hunger
and thirst nrter the Lord nnd his right
eousness are In any likelihood of ever
oeiug proxrly freed,
Others getting r,w from 0le mor
re merely steered bv tbe a.i......
Into another us bud or worse. Uod
seeketh nut these at the present time-
he will deal with them t,v ,i i.
dor Messlnh's glorious Ivliigdoiu, when
onmn snail be hound. Now, as the
Apostle declares, "t Sul seeketh so,.,
worship him w,irsi.in hlm
and In truth"; "The secret of t,e'i,ir(i
iiu mom thnt reverence hlm and
he win Hhow them his c venm"-t,e
will set them free now from Mm l,.,.i.
ago of suiierstltloii i,.i ,.,. ,
and by, in ,hl. Ut.alu.m:tU)n .. h;
... ...r nifin ir.nn the body of cor-
In other words, at the or,....,, t
all Immunity may receive n blessing
of heart--oi!soiatlon In i,p.n.i.... ...
they can come t, the knowledge of?
nivine Truth, ami e-i. h will l, i,..i...i !
ti th.i .,.,... . ... '
.... .,...-!. o, , Trmh , ,() .
portion to his hunger nnd thirst after
rlj-'hteousuess-hls honesty of soul
Ihe dishonest .,ertod are not worth,
of Mug set free f,,,In f,.llr U)i
and fntHlotu from fear for th.vse would
Unilted. now operating betww..,
llrltun rolunibltt nud IMigei Sonml
Ports Hl tho Orient, will u,.i,1(tl
Tortlond lu lu inland sdiedule.
Kor several months the company',
steamors have beon coming to p0rt
UQfl for outward cargo, but thus far
not bo tavoratrte to them nor to others
under present conditions, rear is as
sociated with alienation from God.
And. us the Plble de. hires. ".None of
the wicked shall understand" (Dun
ill. Kli
Mystery of the Gospel Age.
To nttaia the lii!.ir blessing which
Cod has to t iir at the present tlmo
certulii dllHev.lt re.iiiiements must ha
ronipli'-l w!'h Sia n.ust be reeiitcd
of heartily, and. so far as xjsslble.
restitution intit lie made, which
means thnt sin must be forsaken to
the extent of aliiii'y Kaith must then
ri-osn:ze the "Lamb of ;d which
taketh away the sin of the world"
thiit the sm-tili'e f ir sins w:is ne.es
sary. and that ial himself provideil
It In the death of Jesus. Faith and
knowledge rmist go further and not
only sis? and a' knowledge the death of
th.? Itedcomer. but also that God rais
ed bim from the dead and lilgl ly ex
alted hlm to spirit Mug again, to the
Intent thnt eventually he niny accom
plish for nil mankind, the wonderful
blessings foretold Jn the Law nnd the
Additionally, to su. h will be revealed
the great "Mystery" of this Gospel
Age. lusting from the death of Jerus
to the manifestation of Messiah In
power and great glory as Michael
the "God-like One" tlinnlel xil. 1). The
Mystery is thnt Jesus Is the Head.
Chief, i Lord, over the Church which
Is his Body, and thnt the "Body" mem
bers will eventually be glorified with
tbe Head on the spirit plane: and thut
then Ilend and Body will constitute
the great Messiah whose spiritual
reign of a thousand years will result
In tbe blessing and uplifting of man
kind. Whoever shall he thus taught of God
In the school of Christ will learn also
the necessity for having a share with
the Master In his suffering and denth.
In order to have a share with him In
his. glorious reign. These will be
taught by the great Head that "If
they suffer with him they shall reign
with him" and that the sufferings of
this present time (If faithfully endured
by them) will work out an exceeding
and abundant blessing.
The Sentiment of Our Text
To properly understand our text and.
Indeed, to understand the Bible as a
whole. It is necessary to discern that
God has foreordained two Israels the
earthly and the heavenly. Both nre
precious, both are "elect." both are to
be used of the Lord during Messiah's
Kingdom reign the one on the heav
enly plane and the other on the earth
ly. A mistake has been made by
some In recognizing the earthly Israel
and not recognizing the heavenly or
spiritual Israel. Others have made the
mistake of recognizing the heavenly
or spiritual Israel nnd not recognizing
the enrthly Israel. "The promise of
i God Is to be sure to both the seeds of
Abrnhnm-to thnt which Is according
I to the promise, the oatu-the Spiritual
! Seed and nlso to thnt which la accord
ing to the Law, the natural seed (Ito
mnns lv, Kli.
The Spiritual Reed must be develop
ed first, because the blessing will pro
ceed from the Heavenly Seed to the
earthly seed, then from the enrthly
seed to all nations. The blessing upon
all nations will consist of the oppor
tunity that will he offered them of be
coming members of the earthly seed
which, ultimately, ns the sands of the
seashore, will Include the saved of all
nations nil found worthy of everlast
ing life. "I have constituted thee a
father of mnny nntlons" mom. Iv. 17).
"Princes In All the Earth."
AH who will come Into this blessed
experience of relationship to God are
described In our text. "Fenr not! for I
have redeemed thee; I have culled
thee by thy name, thou art mine."
The faithful few of this Gospel Age.
who have passed through the deep wa
ters of tribulation and walked through
fiery trials, have not only come off
uninjured, but hnve been blessed, von
and will be abundantly blessed In the
rewards of the coming Kingdom.
They have naught to fenr.
Similarly. Natural Israel as a peo
ple wus specially favored from the
days of Abrnhum down to the rejec
tion of Messinli-partlculnrly the saint
ly few of that people whose sure re
wnrd will be their privilege 0f being
mnde Princes in nil the earth by the
great King of glory (Psalm xlv, l'til. '
Even during the (iosnel .i...
tho nation of Israel. "Jacob." n:lg b(.n
uungeu to pass through trvlng experi
ences, "waters of ulllletlon" and "ticry
trials," the Lord , , f,.sll;(M1
them. He has kept them together as
a people. He has not permitted them
to be destroyed by their enemies,
their persistency for thirty-live cen
turies Is or itself n miracle of Divine
supervision Without ntlllctlons thev
would have disappeared ns a distinct
As the..(;ospel Age (for the selec
tion of. Spiritual Israeli draws to a
close , he voice of (;d is filing nat-
m-al Isrt.ol a ...intlng. them to the
Land of Promise ,) reviving their
hearts with the messages or their
All nre to share (i,ps picsslii
eventually. n, then all mar he with,
out fear Now u the time for those
who know their t;,,,!. to fear not
, ' l",,s' """s" "'" "f faith and
understanding can discern God s state- 1
I.V 'teppitii:s amongst the children of !
men In the din,,.,,,. (l, ,,, :
Mgniin may fearlessly reolce Now !
la tl... .1... ......
" "m" "'r "lose to be of Rod
wurage: to tear not: M overcome the
, ' '" ",' vanant ror righteousness
I l "... ' ,WU
, , ' ' "' proportion t0 their
.l.rnlness and eura,e. There is
no otner r111. , . fn(1
'.''",' w Jesus invites ,mi
there never .,, u. M:,P
o frelnht from the Orient has beer-
uuuwded here.
It Is imdemtiwd tlmt Frank Water-1
hous. or the Waterhouse Company
!i'n lu ixmdon recently took up the'
matter of Inward swvlee with An-!
.oo i .i
AVcgcia'o'e PrcpanHion Funis
s ! mi la i i t he rood anf I c? lis
(ing lite Siomndis andBuwclsi
Promoles Di;rerwnkerfu
Opiiini.Morphitie rwrMiotral.
tion . Sour StoMich.DlarrtiDa
Facsimile SujMiure
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
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For the Ambitious
bj mall for ttmne who cannot attend is
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OfMniinatinniL Is FKEK Fnr toh.r-
BtudenU pi-vpnTing lor collngs or nni?nrHi
ty, wynipu aciubn, cruiijjHa, enc'iincra ami
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tiuit ia rjuirt'd. Thin ntt.il courw muuia
uj.-Niri.inniy jot yon.
buud fur a descriptire bnlletia to th
rurrr'!H..i,l-nr SiikIt nrnni-tinent
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T T W 4 sv mm
Tenant for good business building. Good
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Until January 10th, 1911, w. will
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J 1U -""-loan lots, ror immediate delivery
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r. " 1 it-j. 1 imt
W.likeTand th6 love story that
General Grocery Store
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The Bosom Sets
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tii lines reniea.
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N I Jwi'ict
E. "X. J
Il "35
' .' i
the Bordiar
, . m mm mwm. S m m
Randall Farnsh
'Eight years of fighting arid
rough living, and what had
they brought him?"jAt
the beginning of this story(
nothing apparently.", But
things begin to happen by
the seventh page, and be
fore you finish the book
you are only too'glad
V.o Tar-lr KVitfi Jo
VvJ, hard rider' 3 quick Shot'
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You know that Randall
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j Edison, Victor and t
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A full stock of Records.
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to make your first meat purchase at
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Teatlng l,rlme meats you will miss.
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DU a oo
1 nunc 100U