rMTW CAffTAI. JomSit, BAI-KM, ORECOV. SATTODAT, PKCEMBKB 81, 1810. rcr. r.KiiiT A )' , a444.f41 i i YEAR END SALE OF SALES Dependable Merchandise Reduced as Much as 50 Per Cent. Every Department Represented. $25,000 Stock of Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments, Tailored Suits and Coats at H. W. &. M. L MEYERS' DRESS GOODS OFFERING Wc have classed our jEiix i dress aoods into 4 distinct i LOT 1, SUITING VALUES I YARD, SPECIAL AT 45c i i n Ail I nis memoes ranamas, aioairuss, nennei tas, Batiste and Nun's Veilings, ' i special at the yard oC .LOT 2, SUITING VALUES TO $1.25 A YARD, SPECIAL AT 89c THE YARD French Serges, Mohair, Henriet- on. tas and fancy suitings at yd.. LOT 3, SUITING VALUES to $1.25,' at $1.19. The weaves are Soleil, Serges, Meteors SilkMeteors, Lansdovvn indi in eluding new pastel shades LOT 4, SUITING VALUES to $2.25 at $1.69 , Cravenettes and Imported Serges are in cluded in this assortment, 1 CO special at the yard wipt.v "PARCELS CHECKED FREE CITY NEWS. Itt'dnred Price on Wood Sne our dlHplay ad. C. K. 8pauld Ing Lagging company. 12-SO-tf . Olloon' bar r , op QllBOn' 0' '.-l .' KiOl' Oilman' "it 'iHr- 'l dar Sunday lt-4-W--tf (! fct ' i J. P;M:'. .'jt iur- f'j j v. .'jm over m . C;.v and Preaitng 'h a. i,u! blocked and cleaned .d1 v,io.;. - .paired. Halnea' old rOH'.loa 1 done 1145. wed-at-'.f ... 1'. RJgdon, VniWtakPr New location, 251 North High, op. posit city hall. Everything new and flrat claea. 11-18-tt-eod Hew Tear's Pinner Saturday evening, 6 to 8; muslo; $1. Watch meeting to follow. Keaerve eat early at Hotel Marlon! U-H-Et Pent Wit li lt you do, you will regret it. The A. O. U. W. meeting next Monday evening will be on long to be re membered. Come and bring that friend. It may Interest him. U-80-8t Vewlnesi Opportunities There never waa a time when there were more or better business oppor tunttlea (or young people than now; but It requires a business training to take advantage of them Hegtn prep aration now by starting a ouuise at the Capital Ilualneas College next week. " f Our Store Will Remain Closed All Day Monday, January 1, 1911 Wishing Our Many Patrons a Happy New Year, We Are : Ye Boot Shop tM STATU STREET I The Armstrong Nursery Company E. T. ARMSTRONG, Manager. . 124 N. Liberty Street. Flno Nursery stock. Fruit, Nut and Koi. We have o agent. Direct . . lots as follows: 70 75c THE THE YARD it ! i Reduced We Are, Always the Busiest Store Because our prices are right; the quality of our goods we guarantee. J. M. Lawrence, Commercial and Fer ry. For Something Nice For New Year's dinner, call and leave your order at Bteusloff'a Model Market, corner' Court and Liberty streets. Phone 811. Some New Comers John, Haln and family from No .nimntv Indian Territory, now part of Oklahoma, arrived this week to make their nomos m uresuii. has rented and win try. to gt hold . ,,in J-norr He received the oaprtaT Journal there. Canes Set for Trial Tha fnllnwlnir . tntPR WfiTfl Set fOT trial today Judge Uurnett: January 8, Kufner vs. Larden; January , Bmith vs. Smith; January 6, Bteiner rrm Kn.ithnrn PRrtflO Hall Wft V COlllDany 1 JanPuary 6, Bute vs. Baldwin, In dicted as Allison. During tne lore noon of January 8, Judge Kelly, who mill n,n tnkn hn nlarft on the bench will hear applications for eltlzenshlps and also listen to motions. Dont Forget ; That big A. O. U. W. smoker ne,xt Monday evening in Holman's hall. All members should be on band and bring their friends. Something do ing. k U-30-3t i ! . ' : Week of l'rayer- At the 4ast meeting of the Minis ttTlal I'nlon of this etty, the ministers voted to or-svrve the week of prayer. To this end the city was divided Into dUtrlcts respectively! North Salem, Friends' church; East Salem, Kngle wood and East Salum uniting at the Chomuketa Evangelical ohurch; South Balem, Leslie Methodist church: Central District, Flrat Chris tian church. These meetings are In the nature of union service in the respective districts. , The people liv ing in each of these district are re quested to attend the meeting In their own neighborhood. I-et us make this a week of great spiritual uplift. I), lister FleldH, Secretary of the I'nlon. Solcm, Orecjotv Ornamental Trees. Phrwbs aad .. to planter, rboa M7. HALF PRICE J YEAR-END SALE OF DAINTY BABY BONN ETS 20 TO 50 PER CENT SAVED AT THIS SALE Mothers will find a large assortment to choose from in Broadcloth and Plush materials the' colors are Old Rose, Green, Red, Copenhagen, white and black trimmed with ribbons and silk lined. from 20 to 50 per cent I Chilldren's Coats and Dresses Less 20 to 50 per cent Boys' Suits Less One-Third PARCELS J CHECKED FREE THE CITRUS FELLOWS FORM TRUST whinl.r PAllf.. Dee. 31. A citrus commlsHlon. representing $64,000,000 worth of property and controlling an annual citrus output of $1,600,000, Is being formed today by ranchers in the La Habra district, near Whlttler. Forty growers, whose possessions are among the moat valuable in Southern California, met yesterday and laid the foundations ror me propoBeu now ur rnniTAtinn. The object of the asso ciation Is to pack and ship citrus pro ducts under the brands of the organl- xatlon. The plans of tne comuinauon Innliifin the eatabllshment of a thor oughly equipped packing house. A committee is aramng a connuiuuuu and by-laws. CITY COUNCIL DENOUNCES THE CONTEMPT LAW Everett, WaBh., Dec. 81. DaBlng their action on the sentencing o( two editors of the Seattle Star for con tempt because the Star criticized the use of the injunction by Judge Gil liam, the Everett city council la on record today denouncing the con tempt law and the too frequent use of the writ of injunction. The resolutions adopted by the un ion men declare that punishment for criticism of court doclalons Is a vio lation of the right of free speech, and urge the addition of a law taking away from the Judiciary the right to punish for contempt committed out side the court room. The labor men also favored a law preventing the supreme court from declaring any law unconstitutional after it had passed the legislature and been signed by the governor. let This Remind Ton Of that big A. O. U. W. smoker and feed and all-around pow-wow next Monday evening In Holuian' hall. De Mire and come and bring your frlunds. 12-80-St Tl' .- i.un :iem man who. wish ing to liv 'i'i'uii.l';il alnce Christmas, Is ru A .';i,ui his wife's leather belt f"r fou i in l.i nd. Oregon Coffee House I.H S. Ml i i.r Street. LIghi linage- at all hour, and th beat l'.i: uitnlj morning noon and nlgtt, .. ' ol iu ;!. oit.v. Give us a aa!I ftrf vriu w'l h ft Mvtilar cii. I tomor. ' rOH A OCH MEAL. MONEY TO LOAN VJ!tS K. I-Oiil" Over I '..I i.l lv h l i n f 'i in. 0 NjrwMi V ik 7 ,v, , Firs Ifuumacg society. Fi.ok M. n riiih, h.l.l.-ne . Roou. 11 Qunh K-nV '.j. A.'.m vol. HEARTS TOMORROW MATINEE AJiD EVEMM1 AT THE iHAM A WHEAT PLAY PRE NEJiTKO 1IY AN I'M SL'AIXY 8TK0MG CO PA NT. . The Columbia Grand Stock com pany will tomorrow at the Grand Op era House present that atory of In tense human Interest and thrilling situations. "Human Hearts." It Is seldom so clean and novel a play, with such gripping interest is pieced upon any stage. The play will be presented both In the afternoon and evening by an especially strong com pany and those who attend will long remember It. ' The play Is one of those where humor and pathos, trag edy and comedy tears and laughter are mixed and blended into a dell clous story that holds one spell-bound until the final curtain. CIRCUIT COURT AND GRAND JURY 'Joe Harklns, Ted Sanderson and Thomas Casey, who were indicted this morning by the grand Jury on the charge of larceny, appeared before Judge Burnett this afternoon for the purpose of arraignment. - The law firm of Smith & Shields was appoint ed to represent them, and the defend ants, through its request, were given until Tuesday morning in which to enter their plea. The indictment charges the three with stealing knives and razors from Watt Bhlpp on December IS, of the value of $75. Homer Steel, who was also Indict ed this morning, on tho charge of burglary, appeared for arraignment. He was represented by Smith & Shields, and will plead Tuesday. He Is accused of entering the store of T. K. Bellamy, with l;itent to steal some articles of merchandise. Three I'ntrue Bills Returned. The grand Jury returned three un true bills. An untrue bill wag brought in favor of J. C. Pickens, who waa charged with larceny by bailee, the offense being alleged to consist In the conversion of a Buck range stove be longing to Ellis & Wood to his own use. A Blmllar bill was brought In favor of CM. Hall and George McMllllan. Hall waa charged with disposing of mortgaged pTsoril property, and Mc Mllllan witn the malicious destruc tion of personal property. 1 rriAMAx co. ArrrAixv AVE A FEW DOLLARS IrxiT." mi"' i.SAHrn wii.r 1 Saoramento, Cal., Dec. 31. -After several years litigation the Pull man Palace Car Company today paid IKa atatA S1A7 OOO In hnrW tAYAR. due since 1907. The payment waa not forthcoming until the state had brought suit to recover the amount, and It is generally Denevea mm me attorneys for the corporation deemed It cheaDer to nay the taxes than to continue the legal fight. STREET CAR STRIKE COMES TO AN END fPHITSD rsMia uid wib 1 Winnipeg. Man., Dec. . 81. The street car strike which haa been in progress In this city for the last fort night, and which waa submitted to a committee for arbitration, wa end ed late this afternoon. The men re turned to work under the old condi tions, and only those who refrained from violence will be reinstated. - HE WAJiTS BANKS IX SOUTH AMERICA WASHINGTON, Dec. 80. The cry ing 'need of American; lntrt-est In South America Is the establishment of American banks, according to Prof. Paul 8. Rolnsch of the Tniverslty of Wisconsin, who recently returned from the Pan-American conference at Buenos Ayres, Argentine. "We have the business," said Prof. Rolnsch. "and now we need banks to accommodate American firms doing business in South America. The banking methods prevailing In South American cities are extremely slow and antiquated. They would quickly be forced aside should an American bank enter this competition with them.' ' ' "At present the only method of ex change la through London or other European financial centers, a most roundabout and Inconvenient system for American shippers. The banking business In South America Is prac tically .entirely In the hands of for eigner. In Buenos Ayres, for ex ample, outside of the National Bank of Argentine, all the other banks are owned by Europeans. There are sev eral British banks, an Italian bank, Oerman banks. French bank and Co on." i . Prof. Rotntch's view are shared by Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh, who in his annual report submitted to Congress urgent legislation which will permit national bank In the United State to establish branches In for eign land. ' This attitude la Indorsed by official of the State Department. .-.:. .' i o If the, i in the flat,, abo.se, when he take ov his shoes at night would only drop them In ft whisper! Try Journal want ad. " "KEW TODAY." " MAKE $60 to $10 weekly selling our small bottling outfit for saloons. New article easy seller large de mand. Nothing like It. Write pow for free Information. Simplex Mfg. Co., Kewanee, 111. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Good wageB. Apply 935 Oak street. . 12-30-tf LOST Gold watch with initials "M. G." on case, somewhere between postofflce, Court and 12th St Find er please leave at Journal office and receive reward. 12-31-tf (SAVE COPY) FOR SALE A fine S-acre tract very close to city, $10 down, balance $10 per month. See Homer Smith, Room 5, McCornack Bldg. Phone 96. 12-81-tf FOR SALE 34 acres good bottom land, two miles west of Turner, Ore. Part Old LaFore estate. $100 per acre, with crop, if taken soon. ' Part payment down; balance to suit buyer. Inquire of Mrs. Sarah J. Jory. R D. 3, Box 81, Salem, Ore. 12-31-St IF YOU ARE looking for a bargain In a home, read these: $850 will buy a good home on a Sixteenth street corner; $1100 will buy a new house on Twenty-third street, $150 will handle this, balance like rent; $850 will buy a new and modern cottage close In on good street, terms. Bechtel & Bynon, 847 State street ' 1 FVE ACRES and new house for only $1850. Located close to city limits on good rock road. . Fine noil, cleared, about one acre ' of wood. Easy terms. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street BIG LAND SNAP No. 2. (No. 1, 94 acres, sold). To see Is to buy. 168 acres, an ideal home farm, four miles from state normal school; In a most beautiful valley, thickly set tled with as good people as can be found anywhere. Soil deep and very black; a creek runs through farm and all the land drains into it; 140 acres in cultivation; 28 acres in splendid timber. There is a good family orchard and, vine yard, as well as all kinds of small fruit. There Is a fine spring and summer garden. There is a lovely spring, never falling, piped to house, and a good well at the barn. The house is well built and has 10 rooms; there Is a fairly .good barn; also a large granary, and three hen houses. Rural Mall and telephone lne; also school house one-fourth mile away; only' 6 miles to county seat. With place goes 130 bushels onts, 12 tons of hay, a lot of pota toes, apples, etc., etc. Because the owner is not well he ' offers this lovely home for the very small price of fV,l)(l, or less than $52 per aero. Any' one desiring to can 'lme terms. ' There is no belter bar gain In Oregon. ' Monmouth Real Estate Company, Monmouth, Ore gon. Our Motto: "A square deal for every man." 12-30-tf "ew Incorporations. The following articles of Incorpor ation were filed today with the secre tary of state's Rueben Lumber company. Wood burn; capital, $75,000. The Hydro-Ram company, Port land; capital. $100,000. Union Abstract company, Salem; capital, $15,000. Try a Journal want ad. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA Gottaa UndertaWino Parlors. Modern In every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketa. Phone 724. COAL A pure lignite lump coal; first-class fuel. Just the thing for cook stoves or heaters; free from soot In order to Introduce this coal I will deliver anywhere in the city the first week in January for $9.00 per ton. Bunker, 1790 State street, corner 19th. Yard phone, 1465. Office 373 State Street Phone 98S West Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage Connect with all train at West Salem for Dallas. Falls CUT and Salem. Leave Journal office tor West Salem at 1:40 a. It m.,' 1:1ft p. m. and 4.0ft p. m. every day except Sunday, Also tor Independence, Mon mooth and McMinavlll. Leave Sunday at 1:0ft a. m., 1:00 p. m.. and 1:11 p. m. Call at hotel oe request. Telephone or leave order at CxMul Journal olBce any day but Sunday. Phone it. i. B. Unifcrwocc!. ? r;r. i II Blue Ribbon Mr, Edward T, Hamer captured first rtrnki;n on his Baldwins, Spitzenbergs an. i Rhode Island Greenings at the Big Apple Show lield in Portland last week, M, Hamer raised ihcr.c apples on what Is known as Johnson's Cheny rchard Tracts, located in Pol kConnty, five west of Salem,- as Hhe o d Gosser Tracts for Sale in 1 This farmc onsisting of 130 acres, has been platted lSma tracts of 8 3-4 acres each, designaTWctt'ohnsotrs-fiheny Or chard and placed on the market; tiwrricQ ... being $1000 per tract, payable one-foutl down and terms to suit on balance, The land is ranked as -equal to the very best fruit land in the Willamette Valley by on; best fruit experts. Apples, pears, cherries, prunes and small fruits grow to perfection here, The land lays "nice and rolling, and most of the trad'. am under cultivation, ( Our Proposition is Simply We are offering first-class f ri - : . in small tracts only five miles from 8a , n; -i handy to Salem, Falls City a- J VVr !' R station for a trifle over $100 aero, on very reasonable terms tliis Is ml I,- really worth at least $150 per ace, and at our f rice of $114 per acre is an orPO'UUfcn C? A LIFETIME We will show you the propeiiy ai ?.r Im, H. A. Johnson & Cc. t 138 State Street BELLIIIGHAM SALOONS CLOSF FOR TWO YEARS (UNITED PRM LIIIID'VIU.I Belllngham, Waoh., Dee. 31. Th gladsome new year and the Bi'.Vom. closing of the local groggerlei' for r. I Jewelry That is sold by us. A gift i this store assures the sv -ient of its quality. We z appropriate articles for every occasion. BARR'S JEWELRYJTORE i Corner State and Libe ty Streets. . ; urn mm f J. " J- lll J 1 . Orchard Land which is general known farm. Johnson's Cherry Orchard. t Saltan, Oregon , g X- nod of iwj year. aIM be the occa sion tor n. di"ii-1 i- ration tonight (it Is ferei nml H Is believed that lto!l:nf 'i..m' uptown will b literal ly torn down thrown out of the inuoK. Sif ci.tl nonoe rvlll be onv tiiity, aril ii numofi" of -xtra men will u'jii T.j'ir inr-i Thii saloon men lroi.i to d; n H their power to U f i orucv l'i t i I i- !: ,'iges, but there U :'..ci-- to lift i v IV. old time. . r . irr' citizens voted ' U i , :h r (.; ii.!i i' t business, Jo a"r.. and ti tiir ;,:r: day of the new yi! 'ii"y c i't i i' c I heir trunks. Has Character t 4 4 4 ---'4 Jew Year Leads AlKher day In itality. F.rorr W want to ael ,t good tablo nn tai 4 of all other your nna M 1 market and . u i w ill liave tae oicest to be h'i'1. Ai.iko a rl- ion to start the n. yar witu feerf. eating. Then put it il for;o ty o- Ing her for your c.t nt.i. E. C. CROSS & SON Phone XOtUK the beautiful fixtures--.ill ihiiSarr and ttrlctly up-t d:t. Improve I aanltary plumbing iu bf.m.-j ta lowered the death rate n)terl:lly l.i. laal lew years, aad U, j,B wev appreciate health ff not tnl: hv helr plumbiug r-3itid lih ofo x:ur of all kiiotx tn niur. of homes w lb ue y piMtnlv claim to ud fitUf ji Ire. ?ABER 3P,C.. HI, Liberty. t t i t t t t 4- 4 V t t i t t i i