inrnvir. turu iRPf"' FRIDAY. DECEMBER 80, 110. PAGE FOCU eooo TIDIXSS OF JQY WHICH SIM BE TO ML When Wilt Come the Long-Promised Peace? And When this Good Will te Men? Na tion Still Making Unprecedented Projiaratians For War. 7 r-T-i TJTtlJij ,:'3.C'I 8 1 CHATTANOO GA. Ten 11.. Doc. 2.".th. PnKtop Itua-Nt-ll of Brooklyn TubTiiii''le preach od here today lu tho afternoon on "The Grent Here after" und In the forenoon from the text below nuoted. On lMth occasions hid lllulielK'e Wilt spellbound for H I linn the nwjerlty much lonucr time have been In the biiult of listening to llHconre. Poop cngcrnes wm altto mnnireted to receive from the unborn at the close free copies of 1'iiHtor Rus sell's Booklet on "Wlmt Say the Scrip ture About Hell." The speiiker said; ' Eighteen ceiitnrles nhd more have passed Israel's greatest I'rophet, Jesus, sent forth his message of recon ciliation to God. At the time of his birth anccl visitors', announcing him. declared that his birth slgnltled "good tldlugs of great Joy which shall be to all people" and that this would mean "peace on earth and good will amongst men" (Luke II. 10. 11). Yet after tlchteon centuries these prophecies ore till unfulfilled. Wo find the 'world In ' more warlike condition at present than ever before. Europe has a standing army of over a million of the picked men of Its several nations. And even our own country has deemed It neces sary to considerably Increuae Its stand ing army. On every sea ere grcnt battleships requiring thousands of men and millions of dollnrs for their upkeep, not to mention the millions of dollnrs which they originally cost And still more war vessels are plan ned with greater guns, some of which expend thousands of dollars for pow der and shells for even one day's tar get practice. It Is safe to say. too. that the chief Interest In and chief backing of recent experiments In aerial navigation come from the War Departments of Christendom, which see In such devices a new method of warfare. And the latest Information Is that . a new torpedo has recently been Invented more powerful, more destructive, more terrible, than any previous device. What means this great battle array, this preparation for. a great struggle between the nations? Why do not the nations disband their armies and dis mantle their navies and turn these wast ed energies to human profit, to making the earth to blossom as the roseT The answer Is Sin. Slu marred the orig inal God likeness of love In the human heart and. Instead, Implanted the op posite disposition of selilMlineHs. fly heredity sin and selltshnoHs have per- meat cl our race. As we read. "He hold. I was shnpen In luliUit: In sin did my mother coneelvo me" (l'snlm 11, 0). This Is true of the entire human family. Wo gloss the surface. We make a show of giving a little money for the education of the heathen. We make a little show of religious activ ity In Christendom, but the great sur plus of wealth Is spent In sclf-grstlflcA-. tlon alcoholic beverages nlonu consum ing many fold the amount doled out 'to benevolent enterprise of nil kinds, Peace, Peace) but No Peso. For centuries the world has been cry tug out, "fence. Peace; yet there la no peace," but still greater prepiirullon for war. Why? despite our glosa of ctTllizntloii, the world well knows Its own scIIIhIiucm, Its own greed. Its own thirst for power and It wisely reasons tlnit In others selllxhuest und jrreed similarly rule. Hence, with all their protestations of friendship ull the government of Ihu world distrust, ll believe one another. And now we have reached, a jiltt'-y where the dUlinudlng of the armies of the world would be a langcrou matter. Another million of men thrown on the Inlior market, al ready glutted, would be dangerous. And to leii'e our cities unprotected wo'ild Invite anarchy tu every land. "Ws are not endeavoring tu discourage peace conference and federations. We ate merely calling utteutlou to facts Indisputable fuels. ' The Bcilptures graphically describe our present condition. They give n a word painting of what Is now going on. saying, "Heat your plow-share Into w ord nd . your pruning nooas imo near. let the weak boast that they re strong" and eudusvor to keep psce Mb the. strong. "Come, get ye down to the Valley of Jouuahophat" the val ley of death -the placa of the great struggle with which the reign of the prince of DarWne shall terminate and Which will prepare the way for Men alali a Kingdom (loel 111. M3. Thank God for the assurance of his Word that the great "lime of trouble, in. h as never was sluce there was a hit km." will- h Is ubont to burst upon the world, whose iiihhmos are better . animated than ever before and trained to the use of all military e.Utiieuta, will t, but short struggle: t.,.Mon of th Kcrlptures those days should not .h would Hlirvne ind. a the prophets declare, he b-.l! tie like unto folomon who bad no war, but to whom every knee bowed and every tongue confessed. His King dom of rlgliloiisncss will le a King dom of pence, notwithstanding nn fact that It will be ushered In by such a time of trouble. "I Came Not to 8end Peaoa." nut do the Scriptures contradict themselves? What (lid the Great Teacher mean when he declared. "I came not to semi pence on tne eiirin. but a sword'" iMntlhew x, AH. ho referred prophetically to the ef fect which his gracious message of love and favor would produce In the world during the relmi of sin. He well knew that the Prince of Darkness would all of his followers, as well as himself. He foretold that who soever would live godly would suffer persecution and so It has tieen. Klght eon centuries have proven It! He sent forth his followers, like himself, un armed, to be peacemakers, to lie hel ers, to "follow peace with nil men tind holiness, without which no mun shall ee the Lord." He counselled his fol lowers. "He that tnketh the sword shall perish by the sword." But their message' of pence and love and the coming Kingdom which shall bless the whole world and fnUlil the angelic prophecy of our tent these thing seem to anger the world .not merely the vicious, the ungodly, but the world ly professors of godliness who have schemes and plans and theories of their own to work out which are con trary to the Gospel Message. The darkness, more or less mixed with selfishness, hateth the light, the Truth, the love of Ood. neither cometh to the light, lest It deeds of darkness, selfish ness. aolQsh ambition and. hypocrisy should be made manifest. The Master knew what the effects of bis" Gospel , Message would' be In the world and that only those who would compromise his Mfsanga could possibly live at peaoa that" all who would be loyal and faithful to hltn would be tra duced, slandered, persecuted "behead ed." either literally or figuratively. Ill words, therefore, were a prophecy re specting the trlhulntlons which all his footstep follower would surely have. But more than this, his words were a prophecy respecting the nation. What 1 It that has brought us to our present degree of civilized savagery? What la It that make of every bual: ness corporation a buccaneer seeking the destruction of every competing financial craft? What 1 It thnt has thus sharpened the wit of humanity to such air extent thnt the majority find It dlillcult to be honest, because they sea o many opportunities for dls honosty. while It I Impossible for law maker to make now law with ufil clent rapidity to keep pace with the In telligent methods of circumvention. The law, doctrine, of Christ ars. In a certain sense, responsible for all this. The liberty w herewith Christ make free his follower and the light which he and they let shine upon a darkened world, received In part luto unaunctl flod heart and minds, have given wis dom thnt. misapplied, w call cunning and craft. The proof of what we say I found lu the fact that other nations than thoe which have received this re flected light of Christianity are still quite lu the buck-ground. Only now. a Christian civilization In a perverted form 1 reaching these peoples are they awakening und becoming competitors with so called Chrlstuuduiu. In our advanced conceptions of finance, warfare, etc., a pertinent ques tion worthy of deep thought. Is. Will It lie possible to live In the world at ull after the greatest financial minds shall have"truNt-ltlod"all of the world's busi ness, and after tho lalior organizations shall have had their say as to who shall and who shall not earn a living. and after tho twining millions of China and Jnpnu shall have become thorough ly civilized and Christianized after the nominal sort? Would not the horde of the Far I'uM overwhelm the com narntlvely little handful of Kuropo and America? What Is the prospect of the fulfillment of the prophecy of our text "Peace on earth, good will toward men?" There Is no prospect trotn t''0 eurthlv source toward which we have been looking. If tlmt prophecy I ever to be fuUlllod tt must Is? by 101111) Divine Intervention In human affairs. The Desire All Naiiena Coming. Notwithstanding tho eighteen ceutn ries of delay our text us a prvpuery will Mirel ' I fulfilled, and h fulfilled too, by and through tlr One whom tho angels auuounced anil wis btrtn is very generally cetebnrtud terfuy. Tho Ureiit Teacher, quest lotwd by swered that he via bora to be a King the King of toe JewM b BllM "" lite lull Is that if bo ohortened, Hut for the .. ihu K litLrdmtl Hoot's HSke- i.v . ' hf tiisl's elect days shall I" come the rclKU 1 bo ed. "My Ktngdoia h- am tf tbi Age. How trite! Many of u nave gotten I if wrong lnpreiUx-te KeeWaurr ha twea waning, th Crsat h-iog m Glory, au uuurcsfttl nrfr xor eighteen ceuturta again Bat.. l and death. But her- w wr rrou ttw Great Teatowr ! ! tal UU Klua6M t net tbla Ag It fec'HMigs to the "worlJ ro eas--th Ag t com. Do w taaulre, ttwtk. wk the ruler f thla world, taj Age? Tho answer t the MaMer k tluvt Sataa) m the Prim e of tllworlV Ho Is a usurp er. The- domhiUu of earth wan glveo to man. Hut 8itn. Ucelvlug ur mc. putting darkueeK. for tight, has become thercliv the real ruler, uwmg iioniiinny nicivlr sa his lisils. He Is styled "the god of this w lit." and the "ITU-) of thU world." or age. And we ur t"ld oln tlmt -lie mow worketU In tho Imirt of thii hlldrott of dlsolnMlence, Wboii we rertis t how iimny of human ttr arc dUnlttlh-nt, "we see the vast- nous of tho empire- controlled by the rlucB of Darknes. And w lieu w e who are soi dim- of the rrois and followers of the Ijunb we pereelv thst. as the Master ""T, I the few. cu iratlvely ilioi icr o - " - f ',io ITtn e or rearr ld. bis following during thl to be a "little tbH-U,' . ,1 ' Perplexed and innfuscd many may ask. What. then. Is the lioie of Hie fill Ailment of oitr text. "1'oive on eann. good will towaril men?" We -answer that our Master, who leclnre! ) hut he was not the I'liine of till- ilge. do cllircd also that his Kingdom or tne next nge will be lutrodiicid with pow or and groat glory and that, although Its Initial mnnifestntion will be with clouds and darkness and u time of trouble such ns never before has Iwen. nevertheless his reign will l glorious, triumphant and eternal. "He shall tnke unto himself his great power anil reign" until "be shall have put all enemies under bis feet:" "the Inst enemy that shall lie destroyed Is death." "t'nto him every knee shall bow ntid every tongue confess." The victory of F.niiinuel means tne overthrow of sln-the crushing of the serpent's head. At the very of his glorious reign Hntiui snail ne bound and following Its close he shall lie destroyed In tho Second Death, to gether with all those who love un righteousness, after they siiun nne had full knowledge and full opportu nity for recovery from the sn 11 res of sin and death. Then. Indeed, the whole world will proclaim the glory of God. There will no longer be dls- cordant sounds. As the Scriptures de clare. There shnll be no more crying, no more sighing, no. more dying all former thing of sin and deatn shall have pnssed away Tier, xxi, 4). The Great Restorer of All. The great King who. eighteen cen turies ago. died, the Just for the un just, that he might. Judicially, Dnng mankind back Info harmony witn uoa. Is to be the Great King of earth, the grent Itestorer of all thnt was lost In Adam, and he will muke all things new" trievelnllon xxl. Bl. Kvorvthlng .' uPlHTtntnlng to this grent Plan of Sulvatlon outlined In the Word of Ood Is ronsonnble, The-cru cial testing of the elect Church Is nec ossnry lu order that, a faithful Bod merciful priests of God nnn or i.nriT. associated with him In his klngiy glory, they may bp God's Instrumen tality In succoring mankind from the fallen conditions which nnve resuircq from . six thonsnnd yenrs of sin, and from the malignant Influence of the Prince of darkness, during the thou sand years which the Bible stipulate a the period of Messiah's reign (Rev- elation xx. th a period neither too long nor too short In which to accomplish the grent work of the world snlvatlon. True, some one might aay. if it nas renulrod eighteen centuries ror tne development of the Chiircb. how much more time will be necessary ror ine unllftliiB of the world? But we an- wer that It Is not the Divine: Purpose to uplift the world to tho Btatlon or pirlt uatnre and glory, bnt rather to restitution blessing and conditions. It Is because of the high exaltation offered to the' Church that ncb cmial testings of sacrificial obedience even onto denth - it require, wittt tne Prince of dnrknesa Isiund1 and the Sun of Hlghteousnos arising with healing In It beams the' dni knes of am ami crime and sorrow will soon flee away. One century of such blessed' Influence HlKiu the world will surely work won ders, bringing In also Inventions ann comforts and. blessings, as yet un dreamed of. Next will come the grad ual awakening of nil who have fallen nsleen lu death. They will come forth from the prison-house of deatnt a tne Scriptures declare; will come- rortn tliwt thev may be mad acquainxen with the true God and with hhi gh Kims Son. the Redeemer, and with the prim Iple of righteousness In coo trn?t with thp principles of aln. Wo cannot timose that It win re noire the majority or men, unuor those condition, to alt lon counting Hie value of the blessing of eternal life und restitution proffered them. The upward move, resurrection, upun Ing. regeneration, will go rapuuy on while meantime, generation after gon amti.m iin come rortn rrom iu tomh and enioy similar experience. Finally all shall have come forth. te csiiNt the love of Gist made-this pro vision through tho death of onr Ite- doomer. w ho dell'-rhtod to do the ra tier's will and who has alreafly neon rewarded gloriously with high exalta tion to the divine plane of glury, honor and tininnrlalltv. Good Will Amongst Men. The attainment of the condition of mod will nmonust men wur mean uie attainment of human ierfeclton. God la I uive. And when our first parent were created an earthly luiseie of Uoa hive must have lieen the irdoinlnant nualltv of their character. What wa see of selfishness Is largely matter of heredity, and nil of HtVa eastern are In line with It and coatmnaity in creasing It weight and IW hold upon us. But with the new Klnr Dw relgn of rlghtaouaueaa mtll eomf tna clorkius npllftlug aud taanfomiarioni Grsiiuallv. during the thotiannd yearn tt Meiwlah's douilnatloai ef the worldL the evlln of selfishness I he uiada ap parent hih! the beaHtle-f hoHoeaa and love will Isp shown In rrrat. Reeiltnthm rewaixl wUI lift all the willing and obedient ont of aln and soltlshneMi to hollnoa and ve. Then With love the very essees-e of t"n be ing, gtssl win tuwasxla men will ewy- wtMrre prevail. lHH-ns the Uivnie mw. .i..u.r .n-H.-ml trtroncb the reign 01 lu. will Is? rewritten In the human contliutlu.' That lw, a w know. Is. "Thou hull love th lxrd thy Ood with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy strength, and thy neigh bor a thyself." Finally, dear frleuds, bow glad w are that thla I true; how glad wa are that the terrible falsehood palmed off on us during the Dark Age respecting a Ood of bstre.1 and hell of torture everlasting are not true! r-nMINft DOWN! age is .- Il ' s-w jx mi r a 1 ea 1 m 1 .... ' 1 m 1 arnwrnisar I - ST (TA iWoTU - I uiiiwoi. Wm a m&-mmmmiMMmm . mil &M&MmkAmm mil r v u x v r- . m va j- avn m - k y l m . j ir aw I "" earaaMJ nVUf ' VrHti) Heaton In Chicago Inter Ocean. j 2jSV Stk . . I zgm I yv.'JTTTSW A mr. m 1 m akMaeape ajv 1 . ijr IriVTAfJl KM Oh ffJTi iiiuinui iik.a.ia-1 w 'g-iaiiir "-- rfln nnnr rrrT x run ounc rem l 1 1 the and MITE-SLAVER IS ARRESTED 111 PORTLAND OMiTBo rax luin wiw Portland, Or., Deo. 30. WWle Minnie Hall, hla alleged victim, ered and eobbed.ln a room adjoining, Charle Peters, a Greek restaurant keeper, was examined by federal au thorities here today and held under 4000 bonds for preliminary examin ation on the charge of being a white slaver. The. girl was placed under 500 bonyr as ,a witness- , According to the complaint made by the girl when she appealed . to the police for' aid, Peters ptrsuaded her to leave her home at Redding, Cai.'. and accompany him to Medford, Or. , At Medford, she alleged, , the man compelled her to submit to the attentions pf Greek laborers. , Recently the couple came to jKori- land, where the girl caused hf ar rest.. .When she appeared at the po lice station she was badly bruised hnnt the body, and one eye ' was hlarkened. She said Peters had beaien her. 11 i 0 : ,1AY ABOLISH ' THE IIATIOHAL GUARD OF IDAHO SeecIIeii Fibreless Juicy and Sweet A Perfect Fruit Five thousand California orange farmer!, niilniF Rf nrr ccnl of the atate'a entire crop. rert. eat-h aeaion. their Derfect orange and nrlr flirm under the name "Sunkitt. Thil enablea you to recognize and buy California' choicest, tree-ripened oranges. Until vou havetasted a luscious"Sunkist" orange, .nn rinnni hrvin to aDDreciate the excellence of oranges that are properly grown, rigidly inspected rirvTii v narien ina iw niv uaiinMvucui m' kists ' on vour tame tomorrow morning nu icm . . .. l II ILJ superiority of tree-npeneu, noreiess, aeeaicn, euuu nunc! nrano-es over tne commonplace kiiiu. ouimi oranges are so nearly all food that they are much cheapest kind to buy. "Sunktst ' oranges are lMin-imnna ana are nun picked. The "Sunkist" orange is a firm, solid fruii A.k ir Healer (or the "Sunkist" kind and make sure that each orange you get is packed in a tissue . I ..i.-t-.l " C.L 1 Vnr thetfOTranners . paper fiiappci ukiku uui.-.... . , i are valuable. FREE This Handsome Rogeri Orange Spoon Savel2"8anklsl" oranire(orlemon)wrpperanisena tliem to nn. wan ito to pay cnnj. ivi. ". mr,A w.ii vnn with a irnulne Koirers Ur- anire spoon, or iieanuiui tow ir.i.u -uu tiouu HWn .IHim amu i. ... , - 1. .1.. mmI nns.rnl Ktamna Whoa ine amount I, taaa&aa'Mfli nn amounM aliovj . i4o, wa "'' Wa will IM alad to annd roa aomplate llat of aaluble pre- mlnma. Wa kuDOT botlt "HajUUtt " aaa "MO oau wnpinn tor nntmlnaia. ,M Calif orala Frail Grawara' Excsau, M Oark St. CUcaga, BL Sore Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen Feet Cured Every Time, -iiii Make Sore Feet Well No Mat ter What Ail Them. DRAFTING A: LAW FOR COMPULSORY ARBITRATION ('BHiat aisvai BMIM OIXINQ Buokane, WaBh., Dec. :10.--Siiff fines for eit'ier employees or employ er who fail to accept compulsory ar bitration will be provided in a bill to be Introduced at the coming legisla ture by Senator George W. Shaeffer. Tho proposed law. patterned after the Massachusetts statute, provides a fine of $50 a day for workers and 1100 a day for employers who strike or cause strikes Instead of submitting to nrbltratl ji. The bill probably will be opposed by the state federation of labor, which will endeavor to have enacted u similar lav. but one of its own drafting. jr rr y "I have coughed and coughed 11 i t rtrfo until mv luncs are sore and v ly am. w Jir fii .i X--"'-- weak." Goaf ' torrDo noTdelay another hour. Ask hit Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not as . t .1. -la Vawi--w ..,,... WILL SOT iforiiuna, aunoay, a lOajhAfV iti i.jcxv'EK lltillT , cording to Chlt of Police Cox today. 1 Boon after couilng Into poaaeaalon tl. t 1 (spuii ic ia0 wias j rorUatid.. Or. p00. , 80.Movn tuu-i Of HiO juurif-w.. ; villi lol be exhibited lu of handbill wUlcU U that th ' "celebrated IO0,0Oi)M Oulit pictures I would l shown, the chlff of police ixnuid un order proMliUtug the show. Notice to thla effect was serred on the officials ot the theater this fore- Iuhitbd rsaa uuta wibb.1 Boase, Ida., Dec. 30. As a resuU of the eontroversy Deiween uoteraor Brady and Secretary of State La- ttou, It was reported today mat a movement Is on foot to abolish tne national guard of Id&aei Sine Lan don was ousted from his colonalcy, officers and men of the guard have take side and strained relation be tween members of the organization have obtained. It 1 now asserted that a movement to cut off the reve-- nue for the guard Is being made fry interested partle. Such an actlfan would be tantamount to abolishing ft, aucerdlng to triends of LAnsdon. Although the board of inquiry, ap pointed by Governor Drndy, decided that Colonel iJinadon was guilty of insubordination and ordered hla dis missal he has announced hi candi dacy for re-election a colonel of the second Infantry. Lanadun and hi ' friends have "tfrrbbeer the Incident the "Dreyre- cae tn Idaho politics. They claim that I-ansdon waa attacked for poIIU- ral reasons and charge that Gover nor Brady was behind the prosecu tlon. . , . . .' In reply to the eharge Governor Brady has postponed the election of Colonel from December St to January 14 when Governor-elect Hawley will have become ehlef execuUve. "I hare ordered the adjutant gen eral to postpone the election until after my retirement,' as I do not wish to control thl matter," aad Governor Brady today.' ' "By this action I place the whole matter beyond my control. If Mr. tjinadon I playing ror time as it has been reported this will give him am ple opportunity. Concerning the charge that poli tics entered Into the dlgmlssal of Mr. ijinHdon. 1 have only to say that I have never discussed politics with any member of the national guard with a vlw of furthering my own or party's Interest, la my opinion the national guard should be kept out of politics." o - policemen all over the world use TU., Policemen stand on their feet all day and know what sore, tender, av.eaty. swollen feet really mean, They nsa T1Z because TIZ cures their feetrlght no. .. K Keeps ieex in j perfect condition. Bead what this po-l Uceman has to say r "I was surprised j and delighted with TIZ for tender feet.. I hardly know how to ttiaak you cnmifch for It.v It's superior toj powders and plaHtcrs,. I can keep, my feet in perfect .condition., lie-! lire In my eaarnewt gratitade forj TIZ.. I aiu a policrmaa and keep! on. my fret all dy." Kmiy Harrell, I AiihIIu, Texan. Yoa never tried anything like TIZ before for your feet. It Is different! from anything ever before sold. TIZ is not a powder. Powders and other foot remedies clog up the pores. TIZ draws out all poisonous 1 exudations which bring on soreness of the feet, and is the only remedy that doesi TIZ cleans out every pore and glorifies1 the feet your feet. ' You'll' never limp again or draw up your face in pain and you'll for get about) year corns, bunions and callouses. YnTI feel IlTte a new per son. T I Z is for sale at all druggists at 25c per bo, or It will be sent you direct If you wish from Walter Lntker DodgB' ic Co.. Chicago, 111. o $50.00 to Dowii noon. Some wen refuse to a ta debt be eai.aa tha corner siocer U on to tbaui. The mun w ho does as he pleases la his own house usually pleases to pltuiae his wife. Ve ar apt to tuUs the point of a bWsslng la disguise even though It carrloi a diagiam. i Woman Great Idea la how to make herself attractive 1'. ut, without health, it is bard for tier to be lovely In face, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman win be nervous and irritable. Con- Btipnt on and Kidney poisons sho-e in pimples, blotches, sum eruption and wretched complexion. But Klectric Bltt--" always prove a god send to women who want health beanty and friend. They regulate Stomach, Llw and Kidneys, purify ike Wood; give strong nerves, bright eyes. pur breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion, good health Try them. 80c at J. C. Perry's. Pros-tMutla for Supplies. Proposals for furnishing supplies to the OregvM) School for Dear Mutes will be received at the office of the superintendent till Saturday noon, January T. Where a particular ar ticle or brand la called tor, bids for roods of sther kind or manufaetsre will be entertained, samples being submitted. The right is reserved v reject any or all bids In whole or In nart. Preference will be given goods of Oregon manufacture, quality be ing equal. 100 lbs small white beans. 40 dot. standard corn. II dux. gals, tomatoes. 3500 lbs dry granulated cane sugar. .45 bbls Hour. Valley No. J. j S tons bran. I bbl apple cldr vinegar. 5 cases Ivory soap, or equal. 6 dos. brooms. 4000 Ibc cream, rolled oats. 200 lbs coffee. For additional lists ot minor gro ceries and ot hardware, meats, school room supplies and dry goods, and proper blank forms apply to K S. TILL1NG1JAST, lt-S0-8t Superintendent. $10 a Month Buys a Choice Residence Lot in aple Grove Addition : M Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove ... ' V ' ; . ' Maple Grove Maple Grove Try a Journal waut a 4. Is the' CLOSEST IN and the only RESTRICTED residence section In Tillamook City. Improvements consists f graded and graveled streets, sidewalks, city water, electrte lights and maple trees planted at curb l!ne. Will be the choice and s-lect resi dence section with many beautiful hemes bullded there during the next two years; tha location r ideal.' Is only three to lx' blocks from the business center ot Tillamook and the price and terms on tha lots should Indues you to Investigate thla oppor tunity to I vest. i- v It now on the market, under contract from th owners. The sal of th . platting Is limited to TWENTY LOTS AT THE PRESENT PRICES. After twenty lots ar sold th price of all th unsold lota will be advanced 1100 on each lot. ' TJTia and mak sel ictlon of your lot early. Th opportunity for "SAFE and CONSERVATIVE' Investment Is now offered to you, for no mlstak can possibly be mad In buying a lot In this Gilt-Edge Realty Offertrg. Rollie W- Watson, J Agt.for DVVIGHT & CURTIS, Owners A'