imh.t capita f, journal, salem. oreoon. Wednesday. December. m, ioio. 1 ,0 ' - 3 0 a H 'X: J mm .ALCOHOL, 1 f K CKN r AVcjptfllilp Prrpara!ton forAs slmllalingthEFoodaniJRfgula ling (lie Smmnclis araUJowclsrt Proutolcs DitfcsllonChferfu noss and Rcst-Contalns nt-iUnr Opmm.Marphine norfliueral NOT NARC OTIC. JMitltUlt-jtnmtni WaiMftmUmr. A nrrfrd Rctwdv f or CoiBfte Worms jCmrvulsmti.mwi mssandLOSSOrSlEEP. Facsimile Sifnsruf of NEW YOBK. BuTranU d under tin trtl For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of SENATE MAY BRUSH OFF WISE SENATORS, MANY OF WHOM NKaAJ CALCIMININU, ARE SI'S PICIOUS OF THE COAT AlTLIKi) TO SENATOR LORLMER. In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. pa mm u iiDEiiio TNI UTMtH Mama. Il T fTV - The country' opinion of Senator Lorlmer has not been changed by the coat of whitewash he received. Christmas always brings accidents and tragedies; pain as well as pleas ure; sorrow aa well as Joy. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take fixative Rromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund moxey If It falls to cure. B. W. Drove's signa ture Is on each box. 25c DON'T GET RUN DOWN. Weak and miserable. ' if you have kidney or bladder trouble, dull pains, dizziness, nervousness,' paint In the back, and tired feeling ail over, get a package of Mother Gray's., AUS- THALIAN-LEAF, the pleasant herb cure, it never falls. We have many testimonials from grateful people who nave used this wonderful rem edy. As a regulator' It has no equal ask lor Mother Oray's ... Aunt ml Ian Ieaf at druggists or sent by mall for eo cents, sample FREE. Address The Mother Oray Co., Leltoy, N $50.00 to $100.00 Down $10 a Month Buys a Choice Residence in Grove at A ition Maple Grove Maple Grove Lot Maple Add UNITED FUERS IXiUCD WISB. Washington, Dec. 28 That the 'whitewash Ing" report on Senator Lorlmer, of Illinois, filed by the com mlttoe on privileges and elections U destined to travel a rough road through the senate when it Is consid ered by tho members of the upper house Is the belief of those who see In the acttons of certain senators a promise of a big fight. Many senators, among thorn Rev eridge, of Indiana, are reported to be spending their holidays studying the testimony taken . by the committee. Beverldge said today that he had not aa yet decided whether he would submit a minority report. Senator Frazler, of Tennessee, Is expected to take exception to the "whitewash ing" process, and several other sen ators are believed to be unfavorable to It. Senator Cummins, of Iowa, . has been quoted as saying that a com plete dissection of the majority re port is certain to be made on the floor, and there are prospects of a real flht. from the second story, where- the electric wires entered the building. No other cause ould be discovered. More than a score of witnesses. In cluding many comrades of the dead firemen, were summoned to testlf, but the Illness of a Juror cut short the hearing. W. 13. Ferris, general superintendent of the warehouse, was ine only otner witness examined. His testimony concerned the general con struct Ion of the warehouse and sur rounding buildings. The inquest was postponed until January 3. CLAIM CLIENT WAS RAILROADED TO PENITENTIARY Is the CLOSEST IN and the only RESTRICTED residence section In Tillamook City. Improvements consists nf graded and graveled atreeta. sidewalks, city water, alectrlo light and maple trees planted at curb line. Will be the choice and s-:loct resi dence section with many beautiful heme ballded there during the next two years; the location It Ideal. la only three to ix blocks from the business center of Tillamook and the prlee and terma on the lota should Indue you to Investigate thla oppor tunity to 1 vest. , I j now on the market, under contract from the owner. The sale of the platting 1 limited to TWENTY LOTS AT TUB PRESENT PRICES. After twenty lot are sold the price of all the unsold lota will be advanced $10 on each lot. Get in and make selioUon of your lot early. The opportunity for "SAFE and CONSERVATIVE' Investment Is now ottered. to you, for no mistake can possibly be niado In buying a lot la this Gilt-Edge Rouliy Offering. SENATOR GORE DENIES STORY OF RESIGNING Cohitsd rsus MASSD Wilts. Washington, . Dec. 28. Senator Thomas P. pore, Of Oklahoma, moved oy a story printed, in opposition pa per that he Was on his way home and Intended to retire, today uttered defiant statement, declaring be ex pected to live and die in the 'senate, fighting graft and graftors. The senator said that ever since his charges of fraud In connection with Indian lands he had been the "target for vitriolic abuse and fake charges." The resignation story, he said, was the culmination of the attack. "I have no thought, of .Teslgnlng." said Gore. "I have no expectation that I will be defeated for re-election when my term expires. I Intend to live and die In the senate and I shall wage eternal warfare on graft and grafters." Gores term does' not expire until 1915. o CROSSED WIRES CAUSED FIRE IN STOCKYARDS . ioxiTBD rscas lbabcp wmb. Chicago, Dec. 28. Alleging that Po lice Inspector Edward McCunn's con viction In connection with alleged protection of vice In the tenderloin was th result of deliberate perjury Attorney J. Hamilton Lewis filed to day a petition for a writ of habeas corpus In the federal court., , Lewis charged that McCann was tried before a "picked' Jury and that Louis and Joseph Frank, the principal witnesses for the state, conspired to 'railroad" him to the penitentiary. Lewis also argued In his petition that the indeterminate law, under which McCann was sentenced, is constltu tlonal. The petition was taken under ad visement T)y Judge Carpenter and meanwhile McCann is being held at the county Jail. MEREDITH M IKES FIXE SHOWING (Continued from rage 1.) onitud rssss umn iu.) Chicago, Dec. 28. Crossed electric wire probably were responsible for the fire that snuffed out the lives of 30 firemen in the stock yards last Thursday, according to testimony j brought out at the coroner's inquest to lay. Paul Lufka, a watchman employed by Nelson, Harris & Company, own ers of the warehouse that was burned testified that the flame first Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove i til such a protection is given those who hfve valuable paintings will be reluctant to place them on exhibition. He Also recommends that the ad ministration building be repaired, as It Is badly In need of It. Water Recommendations. The report shows .that, while a new well was provided this year, that the supply jls limited, and that another Is necessary. It Is also suggested that the water system be overhauled by replacing the old pipes which lead to the fair', grounds with pipe of a larg er size; . Attention Is called to the fact, that. the appropriation ; made for the' ex- tens'on of the. sewer from the- fair grounds to the Willamette river., was Inadequate, and that another appro priation to complete it would be r. dt necessary. Officers May H'inln Same. Prolr to adjournment the board will decide upon the appropriations which It will request the coming leg islature to make, and also elect of ficers. The Impression seems ' to prevail that the present officers will be re-elected. SUIT WILL RIVAL THE OIL CASES OOVERXMEXT WILL SHOW THE METHODS OF THE ELECTRICAI TRUST AXD ITS WONDERFUL JIXJGLIXO OF PRICES. I fDNITBI) rums LlAflHD WIRB.1 Washington, Dec. 28. The suit of the government agalnBt the so-called electrical tr at will rival in magni tude the prosecutions of the Standard OH Company and the Tobacco trust, according to attaches of the depart ment of Justice today, and It Is pre dicted that the government will win the case. The ult has been brought under' the Sherman antitrust law. i ne evidence wnicn the govern ment will lay before the courts, It Is asserted, bqows a startling price Jug' gling. It Is alleged that the General Electric company and the Westing house Eloctrio Company secured con trol of the electrical business by buy ing up the most valuable plants, an by controlling most of the water pow er sites. 1 he suits will be filed early in January. W. S- Kenyon, assistant attorney-geaeral, is preparing the pa pers In the case. No criminal pro. ceedlngs are contiunplated. More Broken ines WILL GOYEKXOR PARDON (Continued from Page 4.) PRESIDENT WANTS HIS JIEASI KES ACTED OX initkd rnrna i.bascd wihb.1 Washlnton, Dec. 28. In an effort to get routine legislation out of the way In order to allow time for the pas sage or some or his pet measures President Taft today conferred with Congressman Prince, of Illinois chairman of the house committee on claims. He urged that the omnlbu cluliiis bill be rushod through with all posrilble haste. The president wants time left be fore March A for the consideration of tariff commission bill, the fortlrlca' tion of the Panama canal and a ship subsidy measure. o A boat and athletic club has been came formed ut Seaside. SIGNS OF PROGRESS! W. Watson, ' rv t. for DWIGHT 8c CURTIS, Owners - TS"?x T- A Y WiM ' 1 V III I w. -J.'rjl. ' Z , 7p''jr IfJfVCHl cat) HANGAR IC? .7 7 vt t y ttf'g.T HAMfiAR i m legal technicality, and, failing in this generally secure a pardon. That Is their view, and, If you ask them for their reasons, they will aay t)U wealth Is all powerful, and cite yo.i n support of helr contention the cases of rich men, whb, In their ooln Ion, should have been punished, who have escaped imprisonment, either through the courts or by pardon. No One Probably Knows. Running their course in the streets thure are ugly rumors in connection with the case, but when Blmmered own they are Just rumors, with ap pareniiy only vivid imaginations as a foundation, as the above statements given are but expressions of opinions, No doubt those giving them believe that they are drawn from sound prem lses, but after all they do not know not even the acting governor himself. Ha may, from what he knows of the case, have formed an opinion, but it would not bealrto presume that '!', was final In character, until he has heard and weighed the evidence In behalf of and against the application, and until that time comes the ques tion as to whether J. Thorburn Ross Is dtetlned to receive a pardon is des tined to remain unsolved. And over and above all the ru mors and suggestions the one great fact upon which the matter should and will no doubt hinge la not con cerning the wishes of friends, Ross high postilon In society, or anything of that kind, but will the clrcum stances surrounding his offense Jus tlfy the extending of clemency? Was his act deliberate, premeditated, will ful? As that la decided the matter will be settled. o ' FAY IK PROMISES A TARIFF COMMISSION RILL On our bargain tables today all white and plaid wool blankets reduced 20 per cent. Remember this is just the-'beginning of winter. Now's your chance. y - All Ladies' Furs reduced 20 per cent all Misses' and Children's .Fu Sets reduced 20 per cent. Notice that big line of Veilings we're closing out at 3c rer yard reduced from 35c, 50c and 75c Ines, look over the line of hemstitched drawn work lin en squares, center pieces and scarfs on our20 per cent discount table,' - '' Broken lines of undewear reduced 20 per cent, We've placed hundreds of pairs of Men's, Wo men's and Children's Shoes on our bargain tables at 20 per cent discount all sizes and widths in ' the lot. ' ' v'v.I - ' All Men's and Boys' Overcoats reduced 20 percent, Our entire line of'.Boys' knee pant suits reduced 20 percent. Our entire line of Young. Men's Suits for ages 12 to 19 reduced 20 per cent. j ?7 S CI s Broken lines of Men's Suits reduced 20 percent. Did you see the crowd at our store yesterday? Ev erybody knows that when we advertise reduced prices that the price reductions are genuine. Our store .closes at 5:30 every evening excepting Saturday. NATURALLY TO BE EXPECTED. ftTNITBD mS MIRED WIHB.l Washington, Dec. 28. Congressman Sereno K, Payne, chairman of the ways and means committee and fa ther of the recent tariff law, called on President Taft today and promised that a tariff commission bill would be adopted before the end of the pres ent session. Payne assured the pres ident that "some sort of a tariff com mission law" would be passed before the house Is turned over to the Dem ocrats. MAY BE WHAT THE AVIATORS RESPONSIBLE FOR. Chio&rjo Evening News. Gunboat at AuiaJpa. fNiTBD ram unto wiaa.1 Washington, Dec. 28. The United State gunboat Yorktown arrived at Amapala, Honduras, today. The war ship ha been sent to Investigate con dition and protect American inter est In Honduras. a Some of the people who are most opposed to Socialism help more than the Socialist orator to make men Socialists. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A i Huie Wing Sang Co, BIG STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF DRYGOODS. We make up a new line of wrapers, kimonaa. waists, genu' and la ddies' furnishing good, sweaters, long coats, silk and dress goods. HUnSCRIRERS. If you get your paper br mall kindly watch the taif and see when the time Is up, and remit promptly, or notify im to aiup the paper; oiherwlwt bill will be made for the time the paper come after expira tion of last pnyiueni. 3.25 good pant, sale, f 2.25 (12 autta, sale. 8.50. $1.75 blanket, sale, 11.16. , . 13.75 heavy wool skirts, sale, 2.60. 21.75 blankets, sale, $1.75. .22.40 comforts, sale $1.60. $3.50 shoes, sale. $2.75. $2.75 kliuonas, sale, $2.00. $1.85 night gowns, sale, $1.25. Hose 10c, 15c 20c, 25c and 60o pair. 30c yd dress goods, sale, 22c. $1.50 yd wide elk this week, $1 $2.00 silk scarfs, sale, $1 75c silk handkerchiefs, sale 60c $3.25 children's coats. Bale $3 $3.50 ladles' sweaters, $2.25. ALL GOODS ON SALE THIS WEEK. 325 N. Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon I mm mn mi lor bcka .j. rheumatl.m. kidney or bladd trouble, and urinary Irre-uiaritie.. Foley . Kidney Pill, purify tho blood, rc.tore loatTitallty flTior. Refuae .ub.titutee, RED CROSS PHARMACY. t 3r:n Eagle-