ablt WknrAt somAU tmt9mnrtytsMr.-taKmtK to, ma. "TJLC3 KTTJ THE" PLAGUE RAGIfJG 111 MONGOLIA SrTVATION IS AIM) OKAVH IN MAKCllt'HIA, WHERE TIIK KPI- DltMIC ifi M'ltKAJMNO, AND PRACTICALLY KVKHY ONK AT TACKED 1)1 KM. Idkitbd ruti IJIAIKI WIU. llnng Kong, Doc. II. Unchecked fcy modern methods of sanitation or medical aklll, the bubonic plague It TMglBg Id Magnolia, and acorea are dying each dar. acccordlng to advice rescuing aere today, corpses re- quently found where the nomad have ramped, according to the dis patcher. la Manchuria the plague situation i reported t be grave. The Oer maa consul has demanded that rad ical measure be taken to end the ep idemic. He declare that, unleaa the authorities act on his demand, that the German, government will Inter fere. From the latter part of October to December IS 543 Chinese and 27 Russians within the precinct of the Eastern railroad were stricken by the plague. Practically all of them died. THE ONLY INFERENCE IS k NONE OF THEM ARE K.VT 1 1' Idmitbd rasas Lbasbd wa. ' Portland, Or-, Dec. 22 Postal clerks of the local division of the railway rot-fnl service today )e:elved A check a', f O'i from the governnteil no' pay the 'costs of beds, fool mid orhsr e:.pen s for the mon'.hs of July, August and September. At this rate each clerk received three cento id ally for his living expenses, i At the last session Of congress $250,000 was appropriated to pay the postal , clerks' living expenses, whlhe they were on travel duty. This was divided up among railway postal clerks throughout the country, after the cost of distribution had been de ducted from the sum. WILL PItOllABLY BREAK TRANS-ATLANTIC RECORD . lw at btjtc ssaM anuim London, Dec. 22. The Cunard liner Mauretanla was reported by wireless today speeding toward Lon- oon on scneauie time in us eirort to break the world's record for the Journey from London to Nenr York and return. Should the Mauretanla keep up Its present pace It will reach Fishgaard at 10 o'clock . tonight, Greenwich time. Just 11 days,-14 liours and 7 minutes having" elapsed since the trip was begun,' William Kaag Holt, special correspondent of the London Mall, who "did America In 38 hours," is on board the Vessel:, , X ' -CHRISTMAS COSTS ' NINETY MILLION'S ". . 1 Isnitbo pins Vitro wins.1 ' Washington, Dec. 22. It was es timated by Victor Olmstead, chief of the bureau of statistics, that the ChrlBtmas "giving germ" cost the American people $90,000,000 this year. Not more than half the peo ple are giving present costing mon ey, according to Olmstead. Of the re maining 4 8,000,000 a few are op--posed to Christmas giving, and a vast number do not give, because they have no money. Of the givers, several million will "be children, whose expenditure range from 10 cents to $1. Olmstead cal culated' that the child' average -Chrlstmaa expenditure will be 60 . - Im.. . . mmm itlal-1a (711 IB, iu nin b1tv . o whose expenditure average between 13 aad 15. ITALY MAY TACKLE TCKKKY FOR CHRISTMAS j tNiTS rasa lbamwd winnl London, Deo, 22. The Pall Mall Caavtt In today's issue prints an ac- ont of the embarking or the Italian army corps for Tripoli a the result of strained relation between Italy and Turkey. O Catarrh Caaae Be Oulresl Vltb lecal appileaUeaM. as they ass ent reach the seat of the diseaal. Catarrh Is a blood or coastltutleaal .disease aad la orde t cura It yet must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 takea Internally, and acts directly o the blood aad mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is net a Quack medicine. Tt was prescribed by one of the best nhvslcians In this country for yearf and I a regular prescription. It 1 composed of the best toales known. mnihined with the best blood purl tiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredient la what pro duces such wonderful result la cur inc Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Prop., Toledo, O. Sold by druggist, price 76c ' Take Hall' Family Pill for eon .-tlpatlon. y levers FORTLAin KAJUUET.., WheatTrack prices: ., frfueetera, Ilo; elan, lie, red ft a Mian, 19c; Valley, lie; 40-fold, Ilo, Ffcoar patawa, IS. II. per barrel atralghta, I4.19O4.I0; exports, $1.10; Valley, $120; graham, 1419; whole wheat, anartert, 1 6. Bftrley- Feed, 2&.A0 per ton brewing, 121.10 per ton. Hay Track prtoes: Timothy, Wil lamette Valley, fill; 20 per ton; Hasten Oregon, Jiff II; alfalfa. 114; grain hay,. 14.5O01S.SO; clover, 111014. x Corn Whole, III; cracked, f 10 ear ton. Mlllstuffs Braa, 2426 per toa; middlings, 129011; shorts, 111.19021; rUled barley, 24Q II. II. ate White, $21 OHIO. Dairy and Country Produce. Batter City creamery, solid paek, 17c per lb.; butter fat. !6o per lb.: country store butter, 14 925(1 per lb. Bkki Oregoa ranch, candled. 42 He; . current receipts, 38c; East- end,, lie per desea. Cheese Fun cream, twins. IT Vie per lb.; Young America, 18 Vic. Poultry Hsu, Ilo; Spring lie, eariks. white. H4M7c: aeese. lie: tnrlseys alive, 29c; dressed, 22c, squabs. 1 2 per dozen. Pork Fancy, HO lie per pound. Veal Fancy. IB to 121 pounds, 13014c per pound. Groceries, Dried Frail, Etc Dried Fruit Apple, 100 per lb.; currant, 18 V4 15c; apricots, 14 16c; dates, 10c per lb.; figs, bulk, white or black, by sack, 7 8c; B6i. $1.6001.76; 12-12s, 86c; 86-lls, $8.26; li0-ls, 85c; Smyrna, 18c. Salmon Columbia River." 1-lb. tails, $2.10 per dos.; 2-lb. tall, 12.95;. 1-lb. flats, 13.25; Alaska pink, 1-lb. tails, $1.25; rod 1-lb tails, $1.65; sockets, 1-lb. tallB, $2. Coffee Mocha. 24 028c: Java. ordlwr, 17 20c; Costa Rca, tn oy,,1820c; .good, 16 18c; ordi nary, 1216o per lb. Nuts--Wainuts, 16 17c per lb.; Brazil nuts, lZcffl filberts, 16c: almonds, 1618c;, pecans, 18c: cocoanuts, 40c $1 per dozen. Salt Granulated, $15 per ton; half-ground, 100s, $8.50 per ton; 60s, $9 per ton. Beans Small white, 4V4c; large white, 4V4c; Lima, 6c; pink. 6Vse; red Mexicans, 6c; bayou, IV4c Sugar Dry granulated, fruit ami berry, $5.50; beet, $5.30; .extra C, $5; golden C, $4.80; yellow D $4.80; cubes (barrels), $5.15; pow dered, $4.86. Terms on remittances within 15 days, deduct o per lb., if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct Vic per pound. Maplo sugar, 15 18c per pound. Klce No. 1 Japaa, 4c; cheaper grades, $3.6004.15; Southern head 6V47c. Honey Choice, $3.75 per case, itralned, 7 Vic per pound. Vegetable mua Fruit. Apples King, 40 75o per box; Wolf River, 75c$l; Waxen, 75c $1.00; Baldwin, 75c $1.25; Nor thern Spy, 76c $1. 3s; Snow, $1.25 O1.60; Spitzenzerg, $1.2502; Win ter Banana, $1.75 3.60. Oreen fruits Pears, $1.25 2 oer box: grapes. $1.75 2 per bos: cranberries, $12 12.60 per barre. Trepical Fruits Oranges, $2.2!, 02.75; lemons,1 $4; grapefruit. $3.50 4 per box; bananas, 6c per lb., pine apples, 6c per pound. Vegetable Beans, 12 HC per lb., cabbage, $11.25 per hundred; cauliflower, $2 2.25 per crate; cel ery, California, $3 per crate; cu cumbers, $2 per box; eggplant, $1 1.25 per crate; garlic, 10Ibl2c per pound; green onions, 16c per dozen; head lettuce, 60 065c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, $101.25 per box, pepper, lOo per lb.; pumpkins, 1 lVo per lb; radiBhes, 11029c per dozen; sprout, 7 I; squash, 1 1V4 per lb.; tematoe. $1.21 per clack Vageiaaies Oarreta, HO 1.16; ImmU. fill; paraatpa, $1 t.It; taralpa, $1. ' - ti.ii at l.II partkaadred; wt potataes, i pas peaad. t aleas Oregea, $1.41 per hua- Hams II to 12 pounds, 17Vic; 12 to 14 pounds, 17c; 14 to II pound. llVic; skinned, lVc; pic nics, II Vic; cottage roll, 15e. Bacon Fancy. 10c; standard, 29c; choice, 25c; English, 21c. 29c; choice, 25c; English, 21c. Dry Salt CuredRegular short clears, dry salt, 15 Vic; smoked. 17c; back, light, salt. 16 Vic; smoked 17c; backs, heavy, salt. 16c; smoked 11 Vie; export bellies, salt, llVic; smoked, lie. Stnokeb Meats Beef tongues, 76c; dried oeef sets, 22c; outs'des, 20c; Insldes, 28c; aauckies. 22c. PJckled Goods-Barrela, p'gs' feet, $14; regular tripe. $10; honey comb tripe. $12; lnoch tongue $22. lambs', tongues. $40. Lard Teas, aetue rendered, It Vie: standard " pure. II Vie choice, llVts. vteolng, llVie. sjinti wea ana "Heps HttrlNl-lIU araav 14 Wool Eaitaia ssragoa. IlOlTl tbi Valley, It OH par tt. ' Mohair Caolwv S0O88e per lb Hide Baited hides, IViOTVi pr lb.; salted calf, lie; sHd kip, 7 He; aalted stags, lo; green hide 1 cent less; dry hide. UViO l7c) dry calf, 17018c; dry stags, U He. Caacara Bark 4HO per lb. Pelt Dry. 10 He; aalud. butch- er'., Uka-oS, 40075c; Bprlag lamb, II O 4le. . Olsa. Linseed OH Pur raw In barrets 96c; kettle boiled, lo barrels, 98c raw, In cases, $1.01; kettle boiled, In cases, $1.03. Lota of 250 gal lons, 1 cent lees per gallon. . Coal OH Water White, cases. 17c; wood bbls., 12 Vic; Iron bbls., 9 Vic; Headlight, cases,' 18 Vic, wood bbls., 15 Vic, Iron bbls., 11 Vic; Eo cene, cases, 20c; special Water White, wood bbls., 17c; iron bbls.. 13c; Elaine, cases, 27c; Extra Star, cases, 20c; V. M. It P. Naptha. case, 2 2 Vic; Iron bbls., 16 Vic. Gasoline R. C. or motor . gaso line, in cases, 25e; r. c or motor gaaollae, iron, barrel, lc; II gaso line, ta cases, 27 Vio; II gasoline, Iron barrel, lie. Naptha V. M. . P. naptha. caaea, II Vie; v. m. at p. naptha, iron barrel. II Vic; engine distillate, Iron barrels, I Vic ' ' " i Local Wholesale Market. Flour, hard wheat ..$6.86 Flour, valley $4.60 Mill feed, bran : . .$28.00 Snorts. . $30.00 Wheat, bushel 82 085 Oats, bushel Ilo Hops, new ....13 He Hops, 1909 crop ......10c Hops, 1910 crop 9 Olio Jhi ttlm t bark .404 Vie Wool 17 20c Potatoes, bu .' 6l60o Apples bushel , ...60 0 60c Hay, ' timothy1 . . , .$11 Oat and Vetch '." $1101, Batter ana Egg. Butter, ' creamery . .... i ...... . 17c Eggs .- 40c Butter fat ' 80c Butter, country 35c Poultry. ' Broilers and fryers 12n Hen ; 18s Roosters (young) 12c Roosters (old) c Turkey ....180o Duck .12 H Geese DC Livestock. Steers (under, 1000 lb) ... $5.6006 Steers (1000 to 1200 lb) .. $4.60 0 5 Cows. . ....... $8. 60$4.50 Hogs, fat ....7 7 Vic Stock IVi 7c Ewes ?c Spring lambs n Veal, according to quality He RAIKOADS: SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Exp 8:30a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:59a.m No. 17 Roseburg Pasenger 6:46p.m No. 11 Shasta Limited. .. .7".43p.m No. 27 Eugene Passenger 8:14p.m. No. 15 California Exprees9 :56p.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:50a.ra No. 222 Portland Fart Frt 10:45p.m. Northbound. No. 16 Oregon Express .. 5:15am No. 28 Portland Paasenger 8:36a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ...12:35pm No. 18 Portland Passenger 2:56p.m No. 20 Portland Pasenger 7:4Sp.m No. 225 Way Freight ...12:85p.m No. 221 Portland Fast Frt 2:43a.m OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Local Leave Foa - Portland and later 1:49 a.m. Portlaad-Hlllaboro Inter . . 1:11 a.m. Portland aad later ll:la.m. Pertlaaa aad Inter 1:91 p.as. Port, TaalaUa. HUUbor. 1:11 p.as. Portlaad-HHVrbor later.. 4:99 p.m. :llp.a. :19 p.m. ParUaaa aad later PerUnn4 aad tnlar PoftWad aad lne fwrUnad-tOtiesnr aatar.. :ll : r 1:99 . 4: 99-as : p. :19 a. Partlnal aad later PwrtkaM-diUlaaora tator.. ParUaaA aa4 latar ...... reUaa4 aad Uler.... PetrOaaa Tkaasor trala 19:49 Stiexi, FaS City A VYestorn Ry Leave Waat Baiean tor: ' DaUaa, Fall City aad Black Rock 9:99 a. m. Dallas. Fall City and Black Rock i:io aad 4:11 p. m. tlnnday Trajnn Ion Dallas it Bleck Rock .......... , .):00 a. m. and 1:16 p. m. Train Arrive at West Salem from Dallas 1:16 a. m. Black Mock and Dallas . . 12:20 p.' m. Fallr City 4:16 p. m. If you are suffering from bilious ness, constipation, Indigestion chroulo headache. Invest one cent In a postal card, send to Chamberlain Medicine .Co, Des Moines, Iowa, with your name and address plainly on the back, and they will forward yon a free sample of Chamberlain's Siomncb and Liver Tablets. Sold by all dealer. .if. ' f .1 r -h ('""I'i vt.'n CLASS f. t ... !.. .i . ; trrmm, o t H-r4,im Symttau,, Watch Ibsely The best way to save money 1 to spend niodey wisely, "and to sell what you want to get rid of just when the buyer is most eager t get It That' why so many thrifty, enterprising 'people are steady readers of the classified ads. in the Capital Journal. Every day there's a new sug gestion for money-making. Right now, today,' it's a. safe wager that there's more than one offer for you in the' "marketplace of; the Mun nlmakers" in today's Capital Journal.. Somebody offering, at a special ly advantageous price, Just the thing you've been wanting. Or some body, willing to pay a good price tor just the thing that you have, and that you are willing to part with. It' Just ss important to watch for the ads. of people who want to buy from you, a to watch the ads. of people who make it well worth your while to buy-from them. , - . . . ' ; - i ;: Dear Mr. Munnlmaker, ''' ' Care of The Capital Journal Classified Columns. ! Through a little Munnlmaker Classified Ad In The Capital Journal, I sold my boat. Yours truly, AQUATIC. . Write Mr. Munnlnjaker, care of The.'Capltal Journal, or 'phone him, No. 82, whenever you want anything. ' Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results On cent a word for ftrit Insertion. On-balt cnt a word tor each Inurtloa tbereattcr. No adTertlicmtat taken for Im tban 26o. Count six words to the line. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Fir and Phone Farmers 658. oak wood. 12-21-tf FOR BALE OoM IVi H. P. Staver . gasoline .eaglae, aheap., Inquire at 171 Saath Liberty Btl 6-22-tf GOOD HOME For sal cheap. For particulars see owner ' on place. 604 Belmont St., Salem, Oregon. l-27-tf FOR SALE 25 cord or oak wood; 10 to deliver immediately. ' Cil Main 1431. 10-10-tf tfOK SALE Chnstmaa trees, mis tletoe and Xmas decorations, 867 State street. 12-15-tw LOTS FOH SALE $2 5 and up. In quire, E. Earl, 20th and Lee St. 12-17-6t FOR SALE Household goods must be sold at once; steel range. 661 South University street. 12-21-St FOR SALE OK TRADE Suburban Home. 15 acre close to city, all clear, fine et of , buildings. Take . city property or farpi In exchange. Ellis & Wood, 476 Court street. . 12-17-lt FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rocks, Browa Leg horns, Rhode Island Reds, roost ers. 1119 Norway street, Sales Pboae 411. U-ll-tf WOOD FOR BALIO Caa deliver hard aad soft wood, la II aad 11-inch aad 4-foot lengths to all arts of the city. My weed la well seasoned aad aader eaelter. Price reaaoaabl. ' Salem Fnel Yards. -Phone Mala I29. Ofnce, 762 Trade treat. - . ' FOR SALS Comfertabl home far - a-ramlly,- oa aasy terms, arlght- voem dwelling, modern, bath aad toilet, city water, lot $0x199. eaar tarm. J est what a ale laius triou family need Instead of paying- rent. Take $199 cask. Addreaa Spokane,. Journal ozte. 12-l-lnw WAN. ED WANTED TO- TRADE Two lot for good horse and buggy. See J. W. WillBon with Derby Wlllson, U. S. Bank Bids. 12-19-if FOR RENT. WANTED Ulrl for general houso- work. Mrs. Thos. Brown, 926 -Oak St. Phone 1613. WANTED Lint your property with us. Bogert and Bon Room 3. Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg. ' 12-19-lw FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, Inquire, A. V. Edwards. 132 North 18th street 12-81-61 M. y. ROOM AMD BOARD. ROOM AND BOARD Nicely fur ntshed room, electrlo light, hot and cold water, home cooking and com forts: use of phone;- also room for light housekeeping. Phone 1016. H. Hays. 86 North High street. 11-1 6-1 m MASSAGE PARLORS. ELITE MASSAGE Aad BeauV par lors. Chiropodists, manlcurlag aw scalp treatments, shampoolsg, h sir dressing and weaving, facial treat menu of all kinds, and bake oVea baths for rheumatism - and run down system!. Room 102 U. 8. National Bank building. ' OSTEOPATHY. DR. EVA M. TUTTUa Osteopath. Graduate of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo, Treats -.cute and chronle disease of mea, women and children. Ctoav sultatloa free. Office 816-217 U. B. National Bank Building. Phone Main $89. BAKERS. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worts more than any ether bread, yet the price 1 no higher. For aale at your grocer'. California Bak ery. Thoma Coo Prone. LIVERY Si ABLE. POSTOFF1CE LIVERY and Sal Btable. Best of turnouts, Quick service; rate reasonable. For anything in livery and boarding, call or 'phone Malu 188. E. E Gillian, Proprietor. Ferry street. BOX FACTORY. G. F. MASON BOX COMPANY 147 Miller street. Beuth Balem; maaufaetarer of all hi ad . at koxea, crate aad fruit dryer ae aeaaorlas. Pha 101. TAILORING - AND CLEANING. Paea 1515 MODEL Phone 1515 TAILORING. CO. 195 Santa Commercial Street Look what we do. W cut aad make suit to order for ladies aad geatlemea at popular prtea in ear Balem (tor. Ladles' Suits, $19.99 a p. Gentlemen's. $21.99 up. Claim ing, remodeling, dying, pressing neatly deae. j T0NS0RIAL. U. G. MEYER . CO The best aa largest shop In the city. SU . first-class barbers. Only flrst-elaat bootblack In city; porcelain bathf ai d everything pertaining to a Orel class shop. Also carry a full Ua of cigar and tobaeuo and barber 'supplies. 162 Commercial street, next door to Statesman eAco. --ti SEWER PIPES. SALEM SEWER PIPE CO Maker of glazed cemeat sewer pipe from S to 24 Inches In sis. The kind that ha been used In Brooklyn, N. Y., for 80 year, and 1 being -used today most exclusively, 266 South Liberty street, Salem, 6r. 12-1-tf 1 mJt BUSINESS CARDS. MUSIC CLASSES. ? PIANO , TUNINO ImtaJlo U ALEXANDER HALL tndt 4St Wood, tontng, polahlng. repair- Court street; entrance Capital ing. Telephone 984. Shop III Buslneea college. Lesson la vote), N. Winter 60. l-3-lyt vlollncello, harmony, coiwp't.fei ; aad orchestration. Voices trt4 har SURVEYING McBlroy Smith, appointment free of ebarr, aa land surveying. 20 year exper- Balem Wednesday aad Pmtiirdara. ' tone. Ofllce, over Chicago Stare, - ' ' -: : " ' -9t-tf ' ; , " ' la0. MONEY WANTED. Call for the C. O. tamale. Have no other. See that tha brand Is on them. All orders promptly filled In and outside of city. 1842 ' North Front St. Pbone Mala 404. Manufactured by G. F. Witting. 12-2-lmo THE DEMAND For experienced auto men Is greater every day. We will teach you in your own shop, in two weeks, to drive and care for all makes of cars. Practical, thor ough, complete instruction, day or evening. Angolut Auto Academy. Office 326 1-2 -Washington street, Room 416, Portland, Or. 12-17-tf AMERICAN PAVING CO Offlca No. 426, South Commercial, manufac turers of artificial building- toa and marble for Interior hoaee furnishing - and monumental ase. For $500 we will make you' all blocks needed for a 5-room cot tage; 20 years' expedience. ' ". W make anything-' in cement. Ce ment walks a specialty. ; 12-21-lm REAL ESTATE. $3,600 BUYS SIX . acre of cholc land close In; four" " room house, small barn, three acre of young orchard; terms. Roam, 804 TJ. 8. Bank bldg., 12-12-tf HUAS ft WOOIy Real astau. loan and Insurance, notary pna ;ilo, employment bureau. Fhea ; 664. 476 Court 8t, Salem. Ore gon. Ticket omee Hambnrg-Amer lean ateampahlp line.'. 11-1-lyi CLEANING AND DYEING. FRENCH DRY and Steam Cleaning and Dye Work Gent suits cleaned and - pressed.. Ladles' silks, gloves and lace.' W give special attention. , We ar clean ers and1 repairer. Our price ar satisfactory. Give us a trial. All work called for and delivered. Phone Main 1750. 115 So. Com mercial street. collections: COLLECTIONS--Dont worry about your bill if yon : cannot collect them. Send them to us w will send you your money. The most efficient service in Marion oounty Is that of the Capital Colleottoa Agency, 205, U. 8. National Bank Bldg., Salem, Ore. Phone 773. ' 11-19-tf SECOND HAND STORE. CALL AT the new and second-hand store of E. L. Stiff ft Co. New stock arriving dally. Prices cut for holidays. If you want to sell your goods, phone 941. Best price paid. Corner Court and Liberty. Stove and range new and second hand. 8-ll-tf O. L. McPEAK, complete houae fur nisher, new and second hafcd good bought and soldi alao second hand watcba- cheap for cash; har Dees, guns and .saddles. Call Main 1233. Highest each price paid for second hand good. 170 So. Commercial street. 19-20tf LIQUOR HOUSE. BUTTE ft . WENDHJROTH Ftas win .liquor aad dgara. W kaav die tha celebrated Kellogg aad Castle whiskies. Cool and . r flashing beer eonataaUy a draught. Booth Cemmaralal St. 9--lrv FAMILY UQUOR Store AU sUnd- aid brands of liquor kept la stock. Wine by the gallon. Bot tle or case. Free delivery la the olty limit. E. Eckerlen, III N. Commercial street. TAXIDERMY. SAVE YOUR TROPHIES from red and gun and have them moisted true ta life. Rug work, gam heads, all kind of Uxidermf. Eipres shipments given prompt attention. C. A. CorblL Red Tannery, south nd Yew Park carllne. l-l$-lvr WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, THE WATCHMAKER - Over 20 year' prience as a watchmaker at t'eatrtce, Neb. High-grade work at Eastern price. Opera House block, 484 Court trot. 10-6-tf PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, ho" wHtr and stesru nesting and tlr nlng. 14 Commercial St. Phnr. Mala 111. l-l-ln OTTO MUELI.H ATPT Hlumbln heating, ga fitting; trrtoaa ran oaable; work guaranteed; mate furnished. Phoaa 179 .)M Chemekcta itreat. 1-1 7 -U MONEY WANTED If you have' large or small sums of money an loan on Drat mortgage real oe tate security, . see the John It. Scott Co. Office over the Cnlcag Store. Phono 1552. 12-17-lm WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY OJKee, city hall. For water service apply at oSloe. Bill payable moat!, la advance. . . t JOB PRINTING. SAVE A DOLLAR on your next Job . a. ..!,... ... Veatch Printing Co., 6, and 7. Murphy Block, Salem, Ore. Aar thlng la the printing Una. r UNDERTAKERS. j LliiHMAN A CUMyfrll U. J. .. Lea man, A. M. Clongh, mortidami and funeral' directors Latent modern method -known totha profeealon employed. 445 Cow . street. , 9-19-tf PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS. PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER : Estimate made ' and " frrat-elan work i don.' t jl. D. Driver, III North Capitol street, Balem, Or. Phono 929. 1-ti-tS . LODGE DIRECTORY. ! SALEM ORANGE D. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meet In - Hurst Hall on Stat street, on tha foarta ' Saturday of each month, at 10:11 a. m Vlsltlnj and sojonralnc ' member welcome. F. A. Myem.' master. Zolla S. Fletcher, Bear- tary. , ll-ll-lyr MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA,., Oregon Cedar Camp No. 1241. Meeta every Thursday evening e I o'clock lu Holman Hall. W. W. HU1, Counsel; F. A. Turner, Clark, WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:80 o'clock. In Holman Hall. D. P. Newman, O C.j U H. Fletcher. Cerk. i 1-19-9- a, O. U. W, , PROTECTION Lod) No. 1 meet every Monday v eat ing at 3:00 p. sv; In Holman Hall, aorner State and Liberty Sta. Clyde S. Mason. M; W. . A-. Eugen Autrano, Recorder. . I-Il-W MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP tar No. 1. Masonic hall seooadM Friday o each month, at I p. .w N. P. RiMmuasea Ex. High Prleet. UNITED ARTISANS Capital As sembly No. 14, meet ovary Frldaj evening in I. O. O. F. - Tempi. Mr. Ida L. NUes, M. A, S. K. . Vail, secretary, 168 8. Cottaa ctreat. Phono 1214. T-18-49. PACIFIC LODGE, NO. 19. A. F. 4 ' A. M. Masonic hall, thirl Fridan, each month, at 7:1 Cp. m. Fraam A. Turner, W. 11.' hot. L Pear, aeoraUry - l-l-M 8ALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. ft A. M. State oommualcatloa Mt first Friday in each menth at 7:39 p. m., In Masonic hall, McComaost block. Geo. H. Dunsford, W. M.; John Bayne, secretary. ' - BALEM HUMANE BOCWY Dr. , W. H. Byrd, president: Mr. H. W. Meyer, vice-president; Bd. GUUngham, aeereUry. - ExeeaUve eommlttee: - Rev. . Barr ' O. Laav Mine Kittle Moor. Mrs. ft. Hater. Cases of cruelty to animal aulT b repotted to the Society for ta 'atlaatlea. A sprained ankm will asually disable the Injured person for than or four week. This Is du to laek of proper treatment. When Cham berlain' Liniment I applied a ear may be effected In three ' or tear days. This liniment 1 on of the best and most remarkable prepara tions la use. Bold by all dealer. Even the day get short Just be fore Chrlatma, probably - oat ot sympathy with poor old Dad. ' Chi lid rn Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOPIA i Salem Fence Works;: Headquarters for Woven Wire -' ' Fencing, Hop Wire. - Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Sala- gle. Malthold Rooflng, P. ft. " I), and Ready Rooflng. All at the lowest prlee. I ClIAS. D. MULLIGAN $ J 160 Court tret Phon 111 X Te4 -'M-