PACK KICK DAlty CAPITAL JOCKMAL, SALEM, OttEOOX, MOXDAT, DECEMOEa 18. 1010. Z "A BROKEN IDOL" AT THE GliAHD ON 8 OS1 TUB CATCHIEST OP MODEKBf OORHO OPERAS WITH A STRONG OOMPAirr AND A RETT OF PRETTTf GIRLS. While catchy music, prottr girl and scenery, l&ts ot life and good management are absolute essentials to a comedy with muBlo, to make It successful In this day and genera tion, talented and accomplished prlnclpale must also be provided be fore a play can command the ear nest attention of the theater going nnblla of toduT. It wae with thla Important fea ture In mind that Mr. William it. Mann, sot about to organize tbo company which la to present "A Broken Idol" at the Grand Opera House tonight and It waa because of the solicitation with which the selections were made that this play was so uooeasful during Its run In Boston, New Tork, and Chicago Manager Mann after the greatest effort, baa succeeded In aendlng the company on the road, thereby enab ling other cltlea an opportunity or witnessing what was called by onn of Chicago crltlca, "Chicago's best musical show." Among those who will be seen in the present presentation are Perle BartI, Don A. Macmlllan, Jack west, Hvdnev Stone. Dan Russell. Dorothy Grey, Edyth De Valmaseda, Madg Carson and many others. The cele brated Gua Sohlke'a select" in of show and chorus girls and ponies are In superabundance and lend no mall amount of support to the ex cellent principals who hare been a universal' bit everywhere "A Brok en Idol" has been presented. Prices, 80c, 7Bo, fl.OO, $1.60. PRSJACHED ALSO SOLD LIQUOR Cast Driak Half a Gallon a Day and Not Mtm a Sermon. Stillwater, Okla. Rev. W. T. Ham, who baa been preaching at Olencoe In Payne county, as a min ister of the Christian church, has beea found guilty In the county court of violating the prohibition laws of Oklahoma and sentenced to pay Hues amounting to $100 and N erva 60 days In Jail. Ham con ducted bis own defense, In which he admitted that be often had liquor In his possession, but said he waa from Kentucky, where the drinking of whisky was not looked upon as Improper. He boasted that be could drink half a gallon of whisky a day and not miss a sermon. Es pecially those against the damnable saloon. HER VOICE AND SINGING ARB SIMPLY PKRFKCT There was a small but a thor oughly delighted audlenoe at thr Grand Friday night when one of the sweetest singers that ever graced a Salem atage, Virginia Dorothy Hill, from her little throat poured out an ever changing stream ot melody. Tbe program was a long one, cover ing all classes of vocal music from the roost classical down to Irish Folk songs and Southern lullaby. Her voloe U clear as a bell, pure and soft a a flute, and yet has a range rarely equalled, and of pure tone In all. Combined with this, Mlu Hill has remarkable facility of expres sion. One geutlemun remarked af ter tne concert, "I never knew be fore there was so much music, or so One sentiment in the "Star Bpan gled Uaunor," until I beard Miss Hill sing It. She made it say things I never thought were In It." It is regretted that the house was not filled to standing room, for i will be many moons before Sal era music lovers get an opportunity to hear so sweot-volood and so artistic an Interpreter of song as Mtss Hill. Miss Jeanette K. Holcomb proved herself unrivalled aa an accooipan lest, and added quality to the brll Kant success of the singer. The steer should be eaten neer where he te. GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. COR DRAT, Mgr. Monday, December 19 William F. Mann Submits B. C. Whitney's Chicago, New Tork, Boston Musical Farotallty f uoceas. "A Broken Idol" 19 reoplfBlg Chorus A Thousand Burrlen, XICMT MONTliS IN CHICAGO, feats on sale Saturday Un. Frleos, lOo T6e, $1.00, $1.80. 1 V t -a s r .1 ! . , v t ' t Don MacMHIon In "A Broken Idol" at Tlie Grand, Monday. 4 ; SMALL POX (Sllverton Appeal.) The cases of small pox near this city are reported as getting along as well aa could be expected. 8. b. Her died last Friday and his wife died Sunday evening. Miss Vina Smith, one of the nurses, became ill with the disease Sunday evening, but it la thought that the case can be handled to a great deal better ad vantage than the others have been. The little boy la practically out of dancer, and it 4s not believed that either Miss Lichty or Alva Barr will tcke It at all. The former haa been doing housework and the latter attending to tbe stock all through the trouble. Drs. Wright- man and Lewis are both firm In tbe opinion that the worst is past and no new cases will develop. Tha effect upon the business and social conditions In Sllverton baa been very detrimental to all concer ned. Prof. B"ttichor consulted with Dr. Wrightman Tuesday even ing In regard to vaccination In the schools. He stated that so many of the parents were keeping the chil dren out that unless something be done soon it would be necessary to dismiss achool. The doctor Informed him that it would be good idea to see that all are vaccinated and that they can be compelled to at tend school, as no quarantine has bea ordered. There Is no more danger at school than there ever was and will not be unless the dis ease ahould make Us appearance In town which is not at all likely. No one need be afraid to attend school, church, theater, or any other gather ing under present conditions. Later Aa we io to Dross we learn that both Miss Anderson and Miss Lichty have contracted the disease. but the physicians think that per haps tbe exception of Mlns Anderson, the latter oases will be much milder than the first ones, and no serious results are anticipated In her case. All fears that the malady might spread should be set BBlde. No dif ficulty will be encountered In con fining It to the one house. BANDITS HOLD AMERICAN FOR A fan.OOO RANSOM (okitso rasas ibassd mi l El Paso, Tex., Deo. 17. Prepara tions for rescuing Enrique Gornoro and L. II. Wolhelm, the latter an American citizen, at the hands of Mexican bandits were begun here to day. The men ar hold for a $25. 000 rsuaoui, it is suld Comoros U the son of a wealthy Chihuahua family and a gruduute of Cornell university. The bandits seised the two men while they were touring Santa Clara In an automobile last Wednesday. A Woniaara Ureat Idea. Is bow to make herself attractive. But, without health, It la hard for bar to be lovely In face, form or temper. A weak, alckly woman will be nervous and irritable. Con stipation and Kidney polaons show In pimples, blotches, skin eruptions aad wretched complexion. But Electric BltWe always prove a god send to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pur breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion, good health Try them. BOc at J. O. Perry's. The dam on Lost river means the destruction of suckers In Klamath lak. "V. 8:10, for Orego That Is tbe amount that the state will re'elve from the lease and sale of lands within Its forest reserves during the year, according to ad vices received yesterday by Acting Governor Bowerman L'ora the treasurer at Washington, D. C. An act passed by congress In 1908 pro vides that 25 per cent of all money received from forest reserves shall be paid to the states where the re serves are located and shall be ex pended for the benefit of the pub lic schools in a manner to be pro vided by the legislature, and It Is unders the provisions of this act that the money Is received. You Must Read This If Ton Warn the Benefit. J. W. Greer. Greenwood, La., suf fered with a severe case of lumbago "At times the pains were so lntenss I was forced to hypodermic Injec tions for relief," he says. "These attacks started with a slight pain In tbe small of my back which gradual ly became fairly paralysing in ef fect. My attention waa attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am glad to say after using this wondar ful medicine I am no longer both ered In any way by my old enemy lumbago. Red Cross Pharmacy. V Idleness demoralizes. GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR L. M. HUM has medicine wBicn wT.l care aaj known disease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to cure eatarri asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism debility, stomnch, liver, ktdne troubles; also any blackened swollen soreness, broken limbs; smallpox, epidemic; all kinds bolls, lost manhood, female weak neae, hernia troubles aud paralyse Consultation free. Care ef Tick 1'ong Co., Chinese drugs aad kerb Office hours from 10 te It a. m. aa4 I to 7 P. Office open Sundays. 163 High street, upstairs. Baleta Oregea. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Haw Always IogjM Signature of Salem's most poular res taurant THE WHITE HOUSE We cater to the public who demand a good meal for a small pricet 1 sm; 1 Wn IssTH Wm. McGilchrist & Sons. Go!d Dust Flour Made by the 8TDNBT POWB COMPANY, Brdisey, Oregon. Mode fvr Family Use. Ajb. roar grocer to M. aa4 Maoris) eiweye eai P. B. WALLACE, Agt. THE COURT CK1CIIES Afl EDITOR (onotd vuss uusid wima.l Seattle, Wash., Dec. 17. For crit icising the use of ths Injunction by courts, Leroy Sanders, editor of the Seattle Star, was sentenced to four months In Jail. Hugh Allen, manag lng editor, to one month, and the Star Company ordered to pay a fine of $300 by Superior Judge Mitchell Gilliam late yesterday. The sentences were the result of ci tations for contempt of court, Issued by Judge Gilliam. The case grew out of a traction company Oght waged between the people of Duwamlsh valley, just out side of Seattle, and the Stone, Web ster interests, street ' railway com pany known locally as the Jacob Furth concern, -he Duwamlsh res idents are all ..working people, most of them employed In Seattle. They refused to pay a higher fare, claiming that the raised rates, in some In stances, made It Impossible for them to work in the city and live in their suburb, where the majority of them own homes. The state railroad com mission declared the rates excessive. Cars were stalled nightly and per sons were ejected by the company's bouncers. The company finally pro cured temporary restraining orders from Judge Gilliam's court, enjoin ing the people from interfering with the company's business, by refusal to pay the fare demanded. The Seat tle Star criticised the court for this action, stating that whenever "men clashed with dollars" tbe usual prac tice was for the court to "aid dollars" with the injunction. The citation fo- contempt of court followed, the court holding that In asmuch as the injunctions had not been made permanent; the Duwamlsh cases were pending and were not, un der the law, permitted to be criti cised until closed. During the interval between the citation of the editors and their trial yesterday, the Star continued dally is attacks on the use of he injunction. Regarding the contempt of court charge, the Star argued that only con tempt shown in. open court should be punished, that no court should pun ish a newspaper for publication of the truth, and that If tbe article were not true, the court already bad a rem edy at band In the libel and criminal law. After passing sentence Judge Gil liam released Managing Editor Allen on hla own recognizance, but remand ed his superior, Editor Sanders, to the custody of the sheriff. Owing to technical delays In arrang lng bis bond, Sanders is occupying quarters In jail. The cases against the editors and the Star were all appealed. The Star editors say the cases will be carried to the highest courts possible in an effort to bring the use of the injunc tion and contempt of court Into ju dicial disrepute, and declare that the Star will not cease Its criticisms of the measures. The Duwamlsh people are holdlug meetings, and have offered to support the Star. Many nersons find themselves af fected with a persistent cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, It should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. Sold by uu dealers. Ail patent medloinea or medlolnes ad vertised in thla paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Oregon owes no one. and no one ewes It; earrlea Urge stock; Its shelves. counters and show cases are loaded with drues. medloinea. notions, tot- let articles, wlnee and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dt Stone la a regular graduate la medl cine and has had many years of ex pertence In the practice. Consulta tions axe free. Prescriptions aw free, and enly regular price for med Idne. Dr. 8tone can he found at his drag store, Salem, Or., from 1 la the morning nntll at night. j ! ! West Salesa Transfer Passenger Baggage Connects with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Fails City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 3:40 n. St., 11 m., 1:10 p. m. and 4.00 p. m. every day except "Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth and McMInaville. Leaves Sunday at 3:00 n. m., 1:00 p. m., and 6:15 p.m. Calls 'at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day bnt Sunday. Phone S3. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. atterson s General Supply Store 885 N. Commercial Street Phone Mala 947 I Cleanup prices on jardiniers and little red chairs. Good tool sets for boys, Embroidery scissors, button hole scissors and all other kind Mirrors, the kind that make you good looking, ' A few nice clocks now in stock. Pocket knives for men, wo men, boys and girls. Besides these 1 still carry rockers, both large and small, ! mm. UaIm sHMs-in va m flvlrAP r rt r HUM ucud oiiiigoi iiiauiGoooo, dining tables, chairs, etc. Good ranges and good none better, My prices, you know, are al ways reasonable , iiifliinmirfrnocHFiMii MM. .! T. ..II b.ll.Ml I.M.lll.1 Hr IM PM tu. Will M.d 1Mb mm uld.w Mil tor ka.rU.,. faa,ta rm II )umi ntM M. mm mmrm Itaa mm Jwmt nun w u. lTlO MIDICAieO., 0 T4. w. Sol4 In Siesj y Du S. C Sfsas Celebrated Lena x Fnraaee. The Best Heater It will save you ni-iey every day yei own It. I eU aid nstalt the best, (vet me give you figures. See Me About aa Individual lighting plant for your home. The beat thing In the market for wooklng and lighting. A. L Frasier Phone 135. tt State Street On 1 a Week You can dress vell, look well, do well, . Write Gevurtz & Sons) PorUaad Oregost THH UOM FinftXlSBXM It t " linl.,i'::: I If a n k r,. RAWJATKS CAN THIS SCHOOL A3 THE Ifi ft II 1 V ryH I "7 f r A compete nt. I The school that Is recognised by the business, men as the best JWn(MVnW-I) AM STUDFNTS WHEN sjwiiHW VUTUTIUI W11I1UUT CHARGE X The Armstrong Nursery Company : i . E. T. ARMSTRONG, Manager. 'M J 124 N. Liberty Street. Fine Nursery stock, Fruit, Nut Roses. We have no agents. Direct to planter. Phone 867. 4 Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON The House of Comfort Combined Willi Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced, modern hostelry in tha metropolis of tne Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers. Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle. The Bosom Sets The stud button holes exactly meet, the neck band does not bind on your neck; button holes exactly meet buttons, no bulging front. In fact a perfect fit if we launder your shirts. It Is done with our new STEAK PRESSES, which do not rub or burn the fibre, but MOULD the cuffs, neck band and bbsom to a PERFECT 8HAPE. Try ths near . work. Visitors welcome. Salem Steam Laundry 138-1M Sontii iiiberry btreec Try a Journal Want J.A.Liggett The Grocer SOS N. Commercial Street Successor te Craig Taylor. FANCY Apples B per box Tomatoes, S cans SBc Rice. lbs 15c Beans, I lbs S6c Eugllsh Walnuts, lb..... Svc 18 lbs. best cane Sugar $1.00 S lbs. good Rolled Oat. . . . . . .S5c ALL GOLD Peaches, per can SI: Apricots, per can ...I0 Raspberries, per can SOe Strawberries, per can SOc CALIFORNIA Apricots. Strawberries aad rasp berries, per can ...15e Prompt Delivery Phone Min 66 Salem, Or. a BUSIilESSfflHBa BR POUND FVTRYWHFDI' POINTING TO PAH FOP. Try IR REMAKltABI J StJCCE.'Wl 1 Five convincing reasons why HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE The beet equipped business college In the Northwe St. A school of trained specialist. The late st and moat up-to-date methods of Instruct! on. Tou are sure of a position when 1J res, itsi mtr NOW H THE TIME To have your automobile over hauled and put in first class run ning order. We have the best equipped shop In Salem te do this work. We can completely rebuild your car if necessary, repaint It aad practically make a new ear of M. If you wish anything In ear lias, corns in and let ue talk with you. Agents for Maxwell aad Columbia Cars. Cars for rent at any time. SALKM AUTO OARAGE Phone SSI 146 State street Salem, Oregon t and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and X Flat "Ad" for Results. Fair Ground Feed and Grocery Imperial hard wheat flour, aack, 11.45. 11.11. Plcnlo ham lb, IS. Nice bacon, lb, Ste. Cornmeal, 10-lb, SSe, Choice table peaches, t easts, 15s. lb good rice, SSo. I lbs white beans, SSe. Walnuts, choice, per lb, See. Almonds, choice, per lb, SOe. 1? 9 best cane sngar, fl.10. I cans Alaska Flak salmon, S5 Crela Roll tag to Order. Free Delivery. THephoae Orders Promptly Delrverew. 1 ft. N. MORRIS i PhoM iPT. ????????????"????? V s. r