lUIL CAITTAt JOIHWAt,. l.fM. OITfcfJOX. NATl UhAY. HKCKMIIKII S. 1010. i i! F CM I - - llll I II III 1 11 S Sio.fidi.iil ! sU Most oyous time o ear 1fclaH3BE IAS iMOU All the Y V Come and look over tlie finest and best and newest . . . . . t . . stock of Jewelry, Silverware and Cut Glass - ever 4 shown by any store in. Salem o I Your table is not complete without a set of oiir silver Cutlery. Knives, Forks, Spoons and Carving Sets This year's gift should be something never before presented and you will not be satisfied until you see our stock Every woman admires our beautiful Cut Glass and every husband should make his wife happy by giving her a piece of this line of cut glass :: Have you seen our line of Jewelry ? If not do not make your purchase until you have. Our line of Jewelry is of the newest, the latest designs and makes I Sterling and Plated Ware I is a very suitable gift for the home. Our stock is complete, coming direct from the factory. Don't fail to see this line' ' Diamonds mounted in Rings, Brooches, Scarf Pins, Ear I W 9 0 Rings, Cuff Links, Watch Cases, make beau tiful presents . . . . . . What Shall I Give? Where Shall I Seek It? How Avoid the Annoyance of Excessive Prices? Ttoe Answer Is at- immm The Gift Store Power's Jewelry -Stjo 247 North Commercial St., Salem, Oregon re DISCUSSES THE SEWER QUESTION C1TV ATT0ltXK CtHtltY TIIUOWM LJUIIT ITON Till) MATTKIl AM) T1IINKM lMtOl'KKTY OWN MIS KI1()IM UK UliAU THE WOltK IS TO UK 1K)XE, "lu&amuch ct there seeuia to be some dlsatit Infliction among property uwntars) who nave betn atutxiiitkl for (lt cot of tbe construction of the South Salem aul North Salem wiwertt". Mtli Illy Attorney Corby In dUiUhwtm mwer oiuttert today, "I desire to call the at'ciillon of prop erty owiitini to th bonufltt which they will rweho by the ewtabllsh Dieut of t bte iwu ower projrcta; avlao to lull ttentloD to certain errora aud niiBi)irnhcublouo of tbo facta wl'h regard to tn ronutructlon of. th" two projvcti. flrat pla It taa beai nlulmej that thwT In th rutral portion of 8ulaj were butlt at pub- llt rxpt'iiito, and that bouda were iKauod for tli cunt llioreof and that by reason thuroof the North Balom and South Salem people are paying and have paid portion of the cost of couatructlng aowera In the central poitluua of the city, Thta la true to a cortitln extent, but wheu conuldered front the right ataudpolut ahould not afford any cauHe for complaint. It la a well known fact that tbo preBent now (-rage system for the central por tion of the city will la the near future be wholly Inadequate and will have to be enlarged and Improved No lower of any couaequeuce have bocu Installed In Salem for a great many years, and auch aewttn aa were Inatalled were, laid at a time when the population of the City waa about one-third of what It la at thta preaent time, Tbe erection of reaidencea, bualneaa blocks and public buildings within the central portion of the city will lu a very ahort time reqdlre the over-hauling and enlargement of the preaent aewers and consequently the Interior portion of the city will have to foot tbe bill. "Tbe South Salem aewur system comprlsva a district and lu fact In- elude the whole aoutbern portion of the city- The North Salem aewer, likewise, lucludes a district North of North Mill Creek, and Include, the entire southern portion of the city. The plan of then, aewera provides for the drainage aud aewerage of private property lu both of these dis tricts aud only property which onn be drained and sewered thereby has been assessed; aud while lu both cases a large amount la Involved and a large cost will result from the con struction thereof the real expense to the private property owner la very small compared to the benofita re ceived. The principal difference In the price of residence property within the central portion of the city and that In the-mo'-e remote portions Is on account of aewtrage facilities aud other local Improvements. Building lota are Increased In value, when properly connected with an adequate sewerage system, from twenty-five to fifty per ceut., while the cost la less than 10 per cent. "The principal complaints which Be Good to Yourself . and the world w ill be good to you. The way is to keep your stomach, liver, kidneys and bowela right. And you'll find great help in snncHAM's PILLS Sol.: !. ! l0fc ,8- hae come frara property owners, however, are Miose holding acreage property, the assessments having been levied oa the busls of an ordi nary building lot and of course acreage property including three, five and ten acre tracts necessarily are burdened with a large sum for acwernge. I hardly think, however, any person would be ao unfair aa to require this kind of property to be exempt from lta proper proportion of the expense of the construction of sewers. No person u&n successfully hold acreage property within the corporate limits of this city or any other city for any purpose other than for residence or bualneaa property. Agricultural landa are not supposed to be within an Incorporated city apd consequently bureenad with taxation for local Improvements. Parties, however, who have acreage property within the city limita are not In any manper Injured or wronged by thea assessments for th. very simple rea son that upon subdivision of su,ch tracts they will be euabled to find a ready sale at advanced prlcea. The approximate expense to an ordinary building lot 60 by 150 feet with sewerage couneciiou numplete is aboct 175.00 and when we consider and compare tbe benefit from aewerage with the benefits derived from street and other local Improve- .rent It la CI'flcHt ti underatanu. why any person would object to their assessment for sewerage. The poor est kind of street improvement, that of ordinary river gravel, will very much exceed in expense to the prop erty owner the coat of aewerage for the same property, "I believe that I am justified In stating that a property owner might be excused for opposing street im provements but certainly when the health of hi family la involved; the health of the entire community; the convenience of his home all of which are Involved in the matter of sewer- ago, there certainly la no reaaon for SWEET VOICED DORTHY HILL HERE WEDNESDAY Virginia Dorothy Hill's program on Wednesday evening, December 7, will be a most difficult one. In fact It will be an unusual undertaking for a prima donna, with 15 heavy numbers and six lighter ones. Any any complaint. And every cltlEenone baviug any knowledge of tha ought to welcome tbe conatructlon of' su'1 wl" comprenena mat sewera and Instead of kicks and com-lto 8ln P"gran thl plaints there ought to be universal reulre" Prenomenal voice. Al rejolclng by reaaon pf the fact that'though of 8,,8ht bu,ld- thls Prless this the moat Important of all public' ueon of dmat'o 8 "'nj Improvements aa been undertaken lw"-" u,uu "uu "l lu" luo lur" be translated Into English. Mist Hlll'e repertoire will introduce tha following composing masters of operas and songs: Wagner, Verdi, Tschaikowsky, Gounod, Goring 4 Thomus, Tipton, Carl Sobeakl. Neid linger. Florence Ednuh Chipman, C Whitney Coombs, Schubert, To tal, Gounod, Carl Bonn, Clitrlbel, Ernest Newton, Albert W. Noll, Ar thur Foote, and M. W. Balfe. by the city." Child rn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I tleth number her voice would pos sess mm wonuenui power ana inoao rich round tones, and all its beauti ful rarity of color. Of course th's will sound Impossible to many; but this American girl baa demonstrat ed to the musical critics time and &i'iiirmiiieiia tlme 8aln and when she got If yon get your paper by trough lnsln a program of 31 numbers and orten-times eight or 10 encores, she would remark, "I mail kindly watch the tag and see when the time la up, and - -mil. vruuu.ll,. ur BU1.1J M. - u0n t ft?, a bU t,red. J 0T, my to atop th. paper; otherwise , , ,. bill will be mad. for th. tim. vocal art dearly, I can aing all the paper cornea after eiplra- night If my accompanist would only Hon of last payment. blay for m.' All tb. foreign compositions will Many persons find themselves ef fected with a persistent cough after an attack of Influenxa. As this cou! can be promptly cured by th use of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, It ahould not be allowed to run on until It becomes troublesome.. Sold by all dealers. Try a Journal Want ad. MSKW catarrh: It cleanses, soothes, r T"" 57 heals and urotects I Ich th. diseusr branert Catarrh awav a H.aJ ouwklv ltM-IIJlU f-r-lir-rl Uirtsa tha Seuav. tt Taaw and Smell. Full aixe 60 eta. , at Drej gista or by mail. In liquid form, 75 wuti Ely Brotlra,W T.U..abtret,Kw York.-