Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 14, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ik'fkl' The Best J ' f n $kffi y vVeWillBe J
-.-tlYd Shoe Va ucs ( M Vrjthl'SlW ( A Phased to show t
, MM 'JN W1' I vt You Our Shoes
j In Oregon f ) (Uv! V IV 1 Whether You
gJ, Arc Here fiyJJ X. BuyorNot (g?;
' . ' ' rp
.A Hnivain In a S7-Acre Eunn
See Derby & Wllhron. 11-1 4-tf
M'in li Elk Hoots .
A new shipment Just received by
llauper Bros.
itiix-Roora House
Bath, newly finished Inside, lot 8 Ox
100. for sale cheap. N. D. Elliott.
Job printer, 221 South Commercial
street. 10-6-tf
Two Mui'rliiKO Lli-ensea
MiirriiiKe licenses were th!8 morn
InK Ist-ued to Fred Hesslng, a promi
nent young farmer of acar Mt. An
sel, aged 31, and Miss Antonla Back,
aged 2 4, and the wedding Is sched
uled to take place November 2 3.
Also to Albert L. Glger, a machin ist,
of Portland, aged SO and Mi3
Maude I. Hall, a popular young lad
f this city, aged 22.
New Clawnpg
In English, commercial lav .arith
metic, etc., at the Capital Business
College next week. A good time to
begin a practical course of study.
Night school also In session. Inves
tigate. ll-10-3t
fro position Worthy
Of Investigation. Want to meet a
-few persons bavins; from 500 to
91000 to Invest in a manufacturing
enterprise that has merit, and no
-competition. Interested parties ean
'have lucrative employment, It com
i patent.' Address box S04, Salem, or
call at room 110 U. S. Bank build
ing. 11-S-tf
: Mr. ItawNon Withdraws
Owing to reasons too numerous .o
mention and which would probably
not Interest the public, I hereby
withdraw from the race for the offlca
of city marshal. H. A, RAWSONT.
The worst thing a bSy had to dread was being dressed up, but
A boy's pride is appealed to by the opportunity to wear clothes
which have astyle to them ".Mannish," such a father wears.
Holland's Mann'sh Shoes fo Hovs
Complete the dress of a manly boy to his own partirulur satisfaction
Goodyear Welt Full Double Sales, with heavy uppers for wet
weather, and light soles with patent colt and sun metal uppers for
dress at per pair $2.50 and $3.0O
We do not figure our boys' department as a profit-makpr, but as a
good advertisement. .. .
formerly Salem Shoe
(II1M1HHILI III u ..jrgm
Witch Elk Hoots
A new shipment Just received by
Hauser Bros.
You Will See T
Snlem Music company's advertise
ment elsewhere In this Issue, take
Notaries Appointed
The list of notarial commlssloni
iBsued In and for Oregon today waa'
S. T. Dove, Portland; C. O. Thomas,
Vale: 0. M. Corklns, Enterprise.
The best time to erect a monu
ment is now. I have a large stock
to nelcct from. You will be sur
prised how good a monument I can
supply you for a small amount.
Wilton W. Martin, 239 N. Liberty
street. 10-16-eod-tf
W. T. Hijjdon, Undertaker
First In equipment, first In ser
vice, first In quality, first in meth
ods; new parlors, new chapel, new
location. 2 52 North Liberty street,
opposite city ball., 10-24-eod-tf
Mr. Ilenson Improving
The many friends of C. W. Ben
son, formerly of this city, but now
of Sacramento, will be pleased to
learned that he Is steadily Improving
and will In a short time be able to
leave the hospital. It will be re
membered that Mr. Bonson under
went an operation for appendicitis at
Sister's " Hospital In Sacramento.
Mr. Benson has but recently invested
in the grocery business in that city.
(By Walter V. Woeblke)
Hfauti'ully Illustrated In Four
In November Sunset Matrazlue
Now on Sale All News Stands
15 Cents
Two Lltviises
A marriage license was Issued
Saturday to Lyman H. Rogers, a
real estate dealer of Seattle, Wash
ington, aged 40 years, Miss Adeline
C. Baker, of Sublimity, this county,
aged 27, and the wedding la sched
uled to take -place at Sublimity No
vember 15.
Finn Home Iead
D. G. Murry, a local contractor and
carpenter, and also a real estate deal
er In Falls City, lost a very valuable
horse last evening at 7:30, formerly
named "Monto Chrlsto." The cause
of the death was an overfeed by a
new man. The owner, Mr. Murry,
grleyes over the loss very much, as
he valued the animal at about 1700.
Wanted for Larceny
Sheriff Minto went to Portland
Saturday, armed with a warrant for
the arrest of George Sonneman, who
Is held in custody by the officer of
that city under the charge of lar
ceny by bailee. The speoiflo charge
agalnBt Sonneman is that .be se
cured the hop checks of two youn&
girls of near this, city, named Bui
lard and Rankin, in trust to cash
the checks for the girls, at a hop
yard near Independence, where they
were all at work picking. hops, last
September, and he secured the casn,
aggregating about $40 but abscond
ed with the money. He will bo
brought to this city today.
Change of Management
The Oregon Coffee house, located at
134 North Liberty street, next door
to the Liberty theater, has been sold
to J. E. Goudy. Heretofore only light
lunohes have been served. In the fu
ture Mr. Goudy intends to serve, be
sides the light lunch at all hours, a
regular 25-cent meal. Mr. Ooudy's
wife Is in charge of the restaurant,
and all meals will be strictly home
cooked, and first-class in every re
spect. Drop in and see how you like
our meals. If we get you there once,
we feel that we can keep you as a
regular customer.
Mrs. Staler Rtt-r
Mrs. Susan Stalger, widow of the
late Jonathan Stalger;- for many
years proprietor of the Cottage hotel
in this city and who died about four
years ago, is lying ill at the Cottagt
hotel suffering from an attack of.
pneumonia. Her condition was re
ported to be much improved today
and there are ho present Indications
of a turn for the worse. She is 63
years of age and has been ill for
about a week.
At Karrlnutim's
The market man, East Stat
street, 'ou can get the fresh flsh
just out of the salt water. Call or
phone Main 217.
- Jesse Stearns, a prominent attor
ney, of Portland, Isi in the city on
"business before the desert lnnl
Attorney C. E. 8. Wood, of Port
land, Is attending to some legal busi
ness in Salem today.
A. M. Drake, of Bend, has busi
ness before the desert land board to
day. Dr. Dencer, of Bond, Crook coun
ty, Is in the city in attendance upon
the meeting of the desert land board
Corporal John McEvoy, of Fort
Stevens, Department of the Colum
bia, Is in the city on furlough, vlsft
ing his brothers, Jas. and Mlchaol
McEvoy. . ,
- o
See the Clagsn't w ..
Fruit and garden tracts, located
three miles north of Salem. Fino
soil, easy terms. See Derby & Will-
son. 11-1 4-tf
Mrs. Ellzalcth Gamier.
Died, November 1, at St. Vincent's
Hospital In Portland, Mrs. Elisa
beth GaBsner, age 42 years and 7
Deceased was born in Plain,
Shank county, Wisconsin, October
24, 1868. She was married to Geo.
Gassner April 4, 1894. In 1891
she moved with her family to Ore
gon, where she settled on a farm
near Kingston In Linn county.
She leaves a husband and two
sons, Joseph and Michael, both of
Kingston. She also leaves an aged
father, four brothers and four sis
ters In Wisconsin besides a host of
relatives and friends to mourn her
Mrs. Gassner was a devoted Cath
olic. Funeral services were held
November 4, 10 o'clock a. m. at St.
Boniface church In Sublimity, Ore
The Salem Humane society has
been investigating a case of shock
ing cruelty and neglect of a hors
on Twelfth street. The animal Is
believed to belong to a contractor
and has been lying In a pasture lot
without food for about a week.
Kind hearted people have been put
ting some straw around It, and last
night Mrs. Slater telephoned the au
thorities and Constnble Hamilton to
day looked up the case and a war
rant has been sworn out against th'S
owner. The society will prosecute
the case and the animal will proba
bly have to be killed by a veterlnarv.
It is so weakened that it cannot get
up, but has strength enough o
-vh'nny plteous'y.
New Incorporation".
Articles of Incorppratlou were
filed with the secretary of state to
day as follows:
Eden Valley Power company, of
Grants Pass, Oregon; capital stocls
15,000; incorporators: O. S. Blan
chard, Fred A. Williams and M. J.
The Klum-Hook Manufacturing
company, of Medford, Oregon; capi
tal stock, 260,000! incorporators;
Joseph C. Barnes, Wm. C. Murphy,
and George L. DavL.
WALSH. At 260 Bellevue street,
Salem, Saturday November 12,
1910, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Walsh,
a daughter, 10 pounds.
Mr. WalBh has charged of The
Journal's leased wire, and Mrs.
Walsh, previous to her marriage, was
on The Journal force, so The Journal
pretty Justly lays (jlalra to the new
baby, and Is correspondingly proud.
Our esteemed contemporary, "the
rag up the street," although a morn
ing paper, will have to get up earlier
than It oes to keep pace with The
' o
GIGER HALL On Saturday even
ing, November 12, 1910, at the
minister's residence, in Salem, Or.,
Mr. Albert R. Glger, of Multnomah
county, and Miss Maude I. Hall, of
Salem, were united In marriage,
Rev, P. 8. Knight performing the
The young people are living at
present at the Kenllworth Hotel, on
Church street. In this city. Mr. Glg
er Is employed at the Salem Iron
To have aood-slzed sheen they
must be grown rapidly while youny,
and It la Important to give them a
good start. '
A man can be run down In the
street as well as in heulth.
Oregon Coffee House
134 N. Liberty HtreW.
Light lunches at all hours, and the
best 25o meals morning noon and
night, served In the city. Give us a
call and you will be a regular cus
Steamers Pomona and Oregona
leave for Portland Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.
in., Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 6 a. m. For Cor
vallls Tuesday, Tliursduy and
Saturday about 7 p. m.
M. 1 HALim'IN, At.
FOR SALE Nearly new $400 piano
for sale for $200. Address, BBB,
Journal office.
FOR SALE Lots in all parts of the
city; easy payments; $100 and up.
Bee Homer H. Smith, Room 5,
Mcornack bldg. Phone 96.
A GOOD TIME To begin a course of
study at the Capital Business Col
lege. New classes In English,
commercial law, arithmetic etc,
next week. Night school in ses
sion three nights each week.
LUMBER Lumber good as new
left over at the North Commer
cial street bridge, and North Cap-
, ltal street bridge. Must be sold.
Inquire at either bridge or to The
Ow! Construction company, 153
S. Commercial street, upstalrj.
Phone 204. ll-12-2t
FRENCH DRY and Steam Cleaning
and Dye Works Gents suits
cleaned and pressed. Ladles'
. silks, gloves and laces. We give
special attention. We are clean
ers and repairers. Our prices are
satisfactory. Give us a trial. All
work called for and delivered.
Phone Main 1760. 165 So. Com
mercial street.
Salem's First
American Plan $3 Per Day
and Upward
l Ladies' and Gentleman's Grill Ser- t
vice Between Meal Hours and
Until Twelve Midnight
- -- . ... 1
FOUND Last Friday, one small pig.
Inquire of Fred Stark, Garden
Road, box 158. 11-14-St
' K
FOR SALE New five room bouse,
bath, pantry, large lot, nicely lo
cated, on car line. Five acres,
good well, small fir grove, mite
from city limits. See Mrs. D. M.
Woods, 1902 N. 6th St., Salem.
FOR SALE Thorough bred White
Angora, French and Belgian rab
bits; hose, buggy, light wagon an!
cow. See H. B. Wood's, J 9 02
North 6 th street,-. Salem, Ore.
Be sure there are no ticks on the
ewes. It is very costly to winter
ticks and It doesn't pay. It -la im
possible to fatten a sheep infested
with ticks. Look out for them.
Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Or
Norwich Union
Fire Insurnace Society.
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent.
Room 13 Bush Bank Blk, Salem, Or.
Cottage Undertaking Parlors.
Modern in every detail. Lady assist
ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketa.
Phoue 724.
Class Hotel f