, : 7 ' ! ' ' ' ! 1 i t i' J! I! 1 7 i ft. PAGE EIGHT GREAT -.WHITE -THRONE - -r AND ITS BLESSINGS Immense Audience In World's " Largest Auditorium.' London, Eng.. Nov. 6. 1'astor Russell of the Brooklyn Tab ernnclo, Now XorW. preached here to dny. Koynl Albert Hull hold a vast au dience of deeply In terested hearers. The speaker chose his text from Reve lation xi, 11: "I saw a grent PASTOB BX'SSEIX. While Tbroue, and him that Bftt on It. from whose face , the earth and the heaven flod awny. . and there was found no place for them." He said: Bin made moral cowards of our race. From early Infancy tear and npprehen- ' slon, especially In respect to things fu ture, have been impressed upon us. We rcallie our Imperfection, and that our God la perfect, and that perfection in the only standard which he could approve, and tbBt some kind of pun r. Isbment for sin must be expected. The Adversary, taking advantage of our forefathers, misrepresented the Al mighty and has used our fears to alienate us from him and to wrest and ' distort bis messago to us In the Bible. 8t Paul assures US that this Is Satan's ' general procedure; that ho puts llttht .", for , darkness and darkness for light Thus It comes that our text, which Is really one of the most beautiful and comforting In the whole Bible when rightly understood, has to many be come a lash hi the bands of their fears. , 1 Is needless to say that our text is : one of the symbolisms of a Book filled with symbols. God's people, guided by his boly Spirit, in due time will ap- ' predate these, symbols. Kor tunny of tbem the due time Is already here. ' The Throne Is Messiah's, it represents bis Mediatorial Dominion of earth for thousand years. Its whiteness sym bolizes the purity, the Justice, of his Kingdom of righteousness under the whole heavens. The heavens and earth which will flee away from the presence of the greut Emmanuel will not be the heavens of God's Throne, nor the earth which he has given to the children of men. The heavens and earth which will flee away, and for which no pluce will lie found, are, of 'course, the symbolical ones. , In Bible symbology the earth represent estab llsbed civilization: the sea represents tbe restless, dissatisfied masses of bu- . manlty. Tbe mountains symbolize hu man governments, kingdoms, which constitute the backbone of present spiritual Influences Eccteslnstlclsin, Cburchlnnlty. Thus interpreted our text declares that when Messiah shall assume control of the world: when he hall sit upon- bis Tbroue; when he : shall exercise rulershlp amongst men, tbe result will be that the social sys tem of today, as well as the present day eccleslastlclsm, will flee away, will pass out of exlitteuco no pluce will be found for them. Satan Now the Prinoe. Soma man may be Inclined to ask. , lias not Christ beeu tbe great Ruler of tbe world for these past nineteen centuries T And whutever may be suld of the four thousand years before the coming of Christ may It not be claim ed that be has been reigning ever since bis ascension to tlio right bund of the Father? We answer that if this be true; If the Redeemer of men has beeu reigning as the King of earth for these nineteen centuries, tbore should be something In tbu Bible to so teach. But we dud uothlng. ' On tho contrary, we hearken to tbe Master's own words telling us Unit Rutan Is tho l'rluce of this age (John xlv, 30). We hearken to him again telling us. "My Kingdom Is not of this world (age)" (.fobn xv III. SO). Agulu besuys, "1 will come agalu and receive you unto myself (Johu lv, 8). Again be tells us that bo went Into a far country to receive the title to but Kingdom, then to return to take possession of It (Matthew xxl. &1; xxv, 14), and that at his second couilug ho will bo tbe greut King of glory. lie ' tells us the enine tblug in Matthew xv, 81, "Wbeu tho Sou of Man shall come In bis glory, and all the boly an gels wttb him, theu shall be sit upon the throue of his glory." ' On the other bund, as wo scan the page of history during the past elghl eu centuries, we are convluced that Messiah has not been tho King of the world. To thluk of him as such, with ' tbe omnipotent power w hich we uc credlt to him. would be to charge hliu wltl) , responsibility for bltcxly aud . atrocious persecutions and wurs and famines and pestllentv. feurely no , . right-minded person, after mature con sideration, can rallouully aevept the theory that tho gltrUur Mtmsluu't ' reign of righteousness fur tho blewtlug of tbe whole earth, the upllftlug of the whole race, tho enlightenment of every creature, cud the bringing of all possible Into accord with God none of us could thluk that that rolxn of the treat Medlutor between God aud men la lu the past. We must agree with our text that it Is In the future, aud . that, when established, Its effect upon the Institutions of the present politi cal, social, Uunnclal, religious will be such that they will flue away; no place ever more will be. found for them. Ah! from this standpoint there ' 1 hope; but from no other standpoint. We are living today at the very cli max of civilisation. Yet today we he boid more clearly than ever before (bat tbe deeply-Ingrained selfishness Ayers Hair Vigor Stainless of humanity Is a blight upon all the blessings and conveniences aua advan tages of our day. The Curse of 6lf1shness. I need not do more than remind on that selfishness) Is to bo found In every one of us. and that a semblance of righteousness Is Insisted upon Dy us all and ndlierfd to. and violators of It are styled criminals. Nevertheless It seems Impossible to legislate equity. Justice. . The keen intellects of men And opportunities for circumventing the laws nnd for committing theft and murder and sin in the face of laws nnd without danger of being punish, d. Let us illustrate this: We have beard of the famines of India and how the British Government has spent millions of "rounds Sterling" for Irrigation pur poses to compensate for Irregularities In the rain fall. Undoubtedly the fam ines are to. some extent due to water scarcity. Nevertheless, one of the ablest of our engineers Informs the world tluit there has not been In fifty years such a scarcity as should have created the famines. The famines of India, which have cost .the lives of millions, ure to be accredited to greed selfishness which has flourished un der tho shadow of the law. Wenlthy milling concerns purchase the rice from tho natives and grind It Into flour. By agreement between themselves they do not compete, but press the market price of rice lower nnd lower until the poor native, unable to muko n profit, declines to plant, care for and harvest the crop. As result there la famine. The poor natives suffer; but the man agers of tho milling properties pay large dividends of from fifty to one hundred and fifty per cent on Invested capital to the wealthy owning them. As an illustration of the exorbitant profits I will relate a case: Two yoting men whose accumulated savings amounted to thirty thousand rupees (about two thousand pounds, or ten thousand dollars) Invested It In rico- mllling. Their profits for tin first year were eighty -thousand rupi'es nloiit Ave thousand pounds, or twenty-five thousand dollars. They were not In tho combine to depress the price of rice, but they profited by what the combine accomplished. These Inequi ties of our present soclul order are beyond the reach and correction of the comparatively few men of ability not directly or indirectly Interested In them. The Whits Throne Judgment. Neither Jehovah nor bis great Repre sentative. Messiuh, can In any seuso or degree be u party to Injustice or in equity. The fuct Unit injustice has been permitted, and that Inequity has been the rule for centuries. Is to be accounted for by the other fuct that during all this period the world has been under the reign of slu nnd death, aud not under the reign of righteousness and life: It bus beeu un der the reign of Satnn, "the I'rlnce of this world" uud of the darkness of selflshuess and evil all of which his name represents and not under the dominion of Messiah, the Representa tive of Jebovuh, nnd his righteousness! not under the King of glory, the null typical David and Solomon, the nntl typlcal Aaron and Mclchlscdcc. Tho New Dispensation which Messiah's Kingdom will usher lu Is pictured In our text. It will be tho dominion that will be world-wide pure, holy, right eous. Just, truthful, God-like a great White Throne. No wonder we rend that the symbolical heavens and earth, representing tbe old order of things social, ecclesiastical will all vanish away. But let no one think for a moment that ecclesiastical princes, financial princes and political princes will vol untarily acknowledge that tho hour has come for a full surrender to Mes siah and to nil tho principles of his ab solute righteousness. On tho contrary, these privileged members of our ruce will more and more be drawn together for mutual protection for the pres ervation of the special privileges which have como Into their possession. Even now we see the prophecy of the Sec ond I'sulm fullllllng. We ure lu the very time when thu Lord, through the 1'rophct Duvid, culls the great ones of the earth to recognize the true situa tion of our wonderful day that It means that tbe Day of Messiah has arrived, and that he should be recog ulzed and his principles of righteous iiobb obeyed, Tho cull is recognized. Salute the Son. O ye kings of the earth, while ye arc lu tho way with ti I id. before his anger bo kindled nnd ye perish by the way (l'sulius II. KM J). Hut Uo, the prophecy declares that we are In the day when the people, the musses, will have foolish luiaglnatious-when they will thluk that by their owu strength they can Inaugurate a relgu of right eousness along tbe lines of Socialism or by annrehy. The people must leurn that their help Is lu the Lord nnd not la their owu frail arm. Tho IMjople must so the force of the state ment, "BlfHsed ure all they that put their trust In Messiuh" (verso U'). Tbe Lord Is about to establish the greut Whlto Throne of absolute Justice in the world. Ou the other hand, tho money kings and earthly rulers aud ecclesiastical princes are taking counsel together to day for the preservation of the present Inequities of the world, by which they arc profiting. Tho Lord declares thut lu this they are banding themselves against him nnd ngulust the newly ap pointed King. Messiuh. For over a century buinun liberty bus been mak ing progress, lu spite of every endeuv or to restrain It. The potentates of earth perceive the rising tide ff hu man Intelligence and demands for equul rights. They perceive that un less something be done to counteract Ihla generul movement, the special privileges of the privileged clauses will disappear. They are even now DAILY CAPITAL taking couusei together how tbe re straints, whlcb the people are putting upon them, may be broken and a reign of autocracy political. Ilnnncial and rellglous-be re-Inaugurated; a' reign such as prevailed centuries ago, but now npon a higher plane, controlled by brighter wits, holding under re straint more Intelligent masses. "Be Instructed, Ys Judgat!" Would thnt the cultured nnd,influen tlnl princes of earth could take tbe proper view of the situation and real ize the fallacy of their counsels, the Impossibility of averting the great changes which are upon us by reason of the time having come for Messiuh to take unto himself his grent power nnd reign! Hearken to the Lord's words through the Prophet. "Be wise, now, therefore. O ye kings! Be In structed, ie Judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear nnd rejoice with trembling. Po homage to the Son" (vs. 10-12). Could the wise of earth realize the situation nnd fully submit them selves to the Divine requirements of absolute Justice and truth, whnt a blessing It would be to the world! If these princes would turn their atten tion from the grasping of power nnd money to the enlightenment nnd up lift Ing of the people they would be come ministers, servants, of the New Dispensation, which would be ushered In with rejoicing. But the I,ord In-, forms us (hat this w ill not be (lie case nnd that, as a result. Messiah's King dom will be ushered In by "a time of trouble such ns was not since there was a nation" (Daniel xii. 1). The rsulmlst tells us the same God will have In derision the puny efforts of the worldly-wise und great to re-cstub-llsh autocracy. He will speak to them In his wrath the lesson which they re fuse to hnnr by loving exhortation. The new King nnd his Empire will be established In the earth, and tbe declaration Is that amidst such Divine displeasure ho shall "break tbem with a rod of Iron nnd dash them In pieces like a potter's vessel" (Fsnlm II, .4-0; Revelation II. 2"). , Small and Great to Bs Judged. God Is no respecter of persons. Iloncc, before his Judgment Throne punishments will he meted out to the little, as well us to the great, when found to be violators of (he principles of Justice. Would that I could Impress this upon many of the lower classes who ure crying out against the Injus tices In high places while practicing similar Injustices themselves. Let It be remembered nlso that the great WM to Throne speaks blessings. Divine favor and uplifting to nil who love righteousness nnd hate Iniquity the lltt'e and the great. If lu the past n certain retributive Justice bus seemed to proceed along national lines, blessing the nations which take the more righteous course. nnd frowning upon those which tnu tbe more evil course, this will no lon ger be the case lu the not distant fu ture. The testing Imposed by Mes siah's Kingdom will be along Individ ual lines. lie thnt ents the sour grape of sin will find his teeth on edge, nnd his nlone. "Justice will be laid to the line nnd righteousness to the plum met." nnd nil the refuges of lies, by which mankind In high places have sought to fool themselves nnd others, will be swept awny. Tho hidden things of darkness will be brought to light und tbe glorious things of light will be everywhere recognized. L'ltlmutely;"cv ery knee shall bow and every tongue confess" to t'ie enthroned Messiah. "Th. Books Will B Opensd." The Master said. "'My Word shall Judge you In the last day." Happy has It beeu for the comparatively few who have heard the Master's Word lu this present llfe.iind have Judged themselves thereby, aud submitted themselves to his righteous precepts! These blessed ones will sliaro with Messiah the glo ries of bis Spiritual Empire. Invisible to men. But during the Thousand Year Judgment Day of the world (11 Peter III, 7. 8) the same words tho "wonder ful words of life" to t hose who will obey, uud words of death to those who will re fuso obedience will be tho standards of Justice for all mankind. Tho books theu to be opened to all will Include, not only the words of the Master and of tho Apostles of the New Testament, but nlso the Divine message through the Prophets of old. Then all shall see tho oneness uud harmony of the Divine message of righteousness. According to those standards each who would hnve eternal life must conform his I ly ing and his thinking. The approved, ut the end of Messlub's reign, will be delivered over to the Father perfect as human beings. The disapproved will be destroyed In the- Second Death without hope (II Peter 11. 12; Judo 12; Acts ill. 2.'ll. Another book of life will le opened another besides the one that Is now open, which la styled the Lamb's Book of Life, und lu which Is written the names of ils faithful followers of tho present tlnie-"meinlirs of his Body." "the Royal Priest hood," "the Bride, the Lamb's Wife." The new book of life will bo for those who will be on trlul during Merslah's reign. By Its close It will Include all of Adam's race found worthy of eternal life. Tho Judgment of the Church In the present lime Is not according to works, the perfection of which, under present conditions, would be Impossible. Hence the Church's Judgment is according to faith and the obedience of faith pos sible. But the world's Judgment will be accord In 7 to works, for the knowl edge then will be so great that faith will no longer be at a premium. The greut Mediator will accept of Imper fect works according to the ability of the people; but. as they rise out of degradation, more and more will be required of them until In the end they will be perfected and absolute perfec tion of works will tie required. Mures bred In November will foal tho following October, after most of tho farm work la done, and the flies are gono. Don't depend upon the froBt-bltteu pasture; there la nothing in It, JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, fcOVEJtDER 12, 1910. m ill ALCOHOL 3 JPEK CENT. AVcflelablePrprnirallonrorAs- sfmilai ing the Foodant IRctf tila ling lite Siomachs andOawcbi Promolcs Ditfestionflif eiful rtcss and RestContalns nciihtr Opituu.Morpliine norluncral. NOT NARCOTIC. flimfjrm Sttd- jUx.Smm r JMJIrUts- stnatlird Jhprmmr- JliCjikxuksm CMafird Xjnr ItarfiiHBHmw Aperfecl Remedy forConsnpa tionoouT aiunwui.uiauii"" YVorras.onvuisions.revEniu ness andLoss or Sleep- lacStiTrite Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. OUT Si DC LIGHT sTl .-" STUBDERS roUBuT ONE HALF ?CASTS N(P , LIGHT I THE LIGHT 8 THE COST T SHADOW 2u. JEL Home Builders, Attention Why not lnsV.l a loine ltkndn g and cooklas i.em, m-Klng as worth rning, 100 per cent ho ter than an other gas. ftnfrr than elect-telly. We light sto. h alls, churches, factories, etc. Also do tinning and beatUg rnd plumbing. All w k arnnteed. A. L. FRASER Phone IDS. The Celebrated Lennox Furnace. MODEL 1893 Every hunter .huuid know all tZ7rrfit charaeterhtits. fit fTrin frvrrri ( O fcaBM lor our rrra catalog. hmt' mi immediate Pttllvcry on 1011 Maxwells. Heeis for 1-et onstrntlon. SEE US VOl VOIR RENTING CAIt TO M.Ij l'AHTS OK THE C1TK SALEM AUTO GARAGB IMA t AIB, STREET rnONE 880 te)iiitiiiiiitiaiiiistiisisiie)itf f Pianos and Organs I from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. GEO. C. WILL I Sewing Machines Genuine needles, oil and new Mparts for all sewing machines Sewing ma chines rented. I CEO. C. WILL ltttlllltttlllIOIlllel inn? For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years J! THK ONTMIR eOPST, KW OK OITT. mm w iiif'.uj i-iiransriiMinyr-n'i1 int J 6 8 State Street Big Game w m mi REPEATING RIFLES The Special Smokeless Stc I barrel, tided deep on the B:i!lard system, creates perfect combustion, develops highest velocity and luuls the bullet with utmost accuracy and mightiest ki.ling impact The mechanitm is direct-acting, itmn, simple and perfectly adjusted. It never clogs. The pnleclipj v!l ol solid steel between your headend cartridge keens rain, slct, snow aid all foreign matter from gelling into the ction. The side ej -ction throws shells away from line of sight and allows Instant repeat shots always. Built in perfect proportion throughout, in many b'xh power calibres, & it a quick handling, powerful, acuiule gun for all big game. rw uww imimwMa NO CAIILESS HUIUIY UP KEl'AIIUNG U done at this place. We Lave to good a name as auto repairers U risk It by Indifferent' work. So no matter what is wrong with your cat aa give it our best skill and atten Uon. That's why an auto repaired by us stays repaired In that part, anyway. Think of us next time. Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking Machines A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL Latest Sheet Music j Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. GEO. C. WILL SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE iJPOISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store Wa also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugs and stamps. Phone 761 m laiainiaissisii si w rw f W fWf 91 VTV1 A good school none hotter. Well established reputation. Successful grad uates. Skillful, painstaking teachers. Living expenses low. Many other advantages. Let us toll you about them. Write for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, Principal Salem. Oregon TO 1 Prize Offers from Leading Manufacturers Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." "Inventions needed." 'Why some inventors fail." Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had full charge of the U. S. Patent Office. GREELEY Patent Attorneys Washington, D. C. ' 1 lt;- . ,--r- mraiimsf - Wonderful I SL 1 t ess -v itis.?'- mm InTeitigatiott it the keynote of progression.) Let as snow yon Aladdin Till! MANTLE LAMP OUCAOO roaiuutu, On, Watkkbusy, FOR 9 M. L0CKW00D, - 14 - - Vv , M I - - A. e ome people rids i 1 ,u jid some in autos course. H Jfe is f ul of mixed desire. iect then what Jjjy choice r wnen in Efter vescent, veryone can ight in these B w W f V . &M9INT1RE l j- nmiiinmi mirm' ' ir iriMin m ml mir because it produces a luxurious, soft, white "4 light, excelled only Dy sunlight. WHurns ordinary kero sene or cool oil, the cheapest of all illuminating fuels. Boras Les Oil tbia Any Other Lamp ef Equal Ctadl Power Aladdin Lamps are most durable In construction easi est to take care ofsimplest in operation. Tbe light Is brighter and easier on the eyes than gas or electricity. OcenlMs declare the AkUia On TU ftVat Artffidil LWU bm. tTaers declare It Is not only the bent light, but the beet Luf known. There, ie Na Pnnnl Th Aleddln is superior by teat end beet inert U HO equal. by comp8reon. It appeels to those who want superlative excellence (or Ita own sake appeal! to those who consider economy Hmt essential. Oserltts, aiilllin. it-fV utt aae1 cUea Tht Ideal Lamp lor the multitude. Don't be bam boo tied by an Imitation. There Is eab eat '-JJit Insist on having lu The name la on every burner. COM PANT OP AMERICA 5 Coen. WiMMairiKCaa. MoernuuiCia, SALE BY " 0 s, v k'1"' WHEN VOUU HUSBAND SEES THE STEAK On the table he will want to know where you bought It. As soon aa he tnstes the first Juicy, tender morsel ho'll tell you to buy all your meat at the same place hereafter. That place Is right here. We Bell meats thut make men simply angelic. K. C. CROSS & SOX, riione 1880. XOTICE the beuutlful fixtures all sanitary und strictly up-to-date. Improved Bunltury plumbing in homes has lowered the death rate materially la the lust few years, and those who nppreciuto health do not fail to havw their plumbing refitted with open fixtures of all kinds. In the fitting up of homes with new open plumb ing we claim to be masters of tho trade. GRABER BROS., Ill S. Liberty. Phone 550. the bicycle. you most adm -e remains the norse searc hof pure deli jht clear and bright read the cheer printed verses tur