TfSrrSMA IC OPMMAMT hAV All Short Ends at I UIVIUIIIUJVT tO lll.VinAm Ut 1 Half Price - f i - $7.50 and $8.50 Silk Covered Umbrellas at $4.39 'Dupionne Silk Now at 25c Yard The Fashionable Silk of the Day Comes From the Mountain District of China Dupionno Silk la very strong, lustrous and particularly desirable for evening dresses, tea gowns, pretty party frocks, etc., etc. The mak ers consider Duplonne Silk the best value that has ever been offered to consumers. We are showing It In a wonderful variety of new shades, and It sells at the low price, per yard. . 25c Today, Friday and Saturday Short Lengths of Wool Dress Goods at Half Price The usual heavy fall shopping has made deep In road into the dress goods department, and left many pieces from 3 to 6 yards In length to dispose of. These we offer today Friday and Saturday at half price 10O Pieces f Braid and Trimming Selected From the thousands of yards of the fall showing placed In one lot and priced for quick selling at exactly Half Price Slightly Soiled Waists Re duced 20 Per Cent in Price Sale of soiled tailored and colored striped waists, selected from our regular stock. These waists have ' become slightly soiled and mussed from handling, . - and we are sure the reduction Is enough to more than offset damage. They are this season's newest creations, and If we have the size It will be to your Interest to take advantage. Reduced 20 Per Cent CONTRACTOR KEHRBERGER READY TO GO AHEAD In ten days from the start Contrac tor August Kehrbcrger "finished the west side of South Commercial street with concrete. It Is believed to be a good Job by the experts, who watched him put It down, very closely. . Jim Martin says Michigan avenue, Chica go, has been paved three times, and the last time with the same specifica tions as South C6rnmerclal s'-eet, and he thicks It will stand the traffic; The street car company ready to go ahead with its tracks and 'the mayor has ordered suspension of the work for this winter, unless they can get ready, when the contractor Is ready to put In the east side of the street, and can do It In ten days, If he gets the chance. There was a slight mistake in the width of the parking at the corner of Commercial and MlBHlnn streets. It was two feet too far In the street, but this error was made by some one in the engin eering department, or was caused by the ordinance not being clear. The street Is 'eft not over 16 feet wide between the rails and the curb. IHVT LIKE THE KTLYE. (Continued from page one. ! carefully guarded, but the main facts of the case, so fnr as could be learned today are: I Last Friday evening the older stu dents of the high school gave a re ception to the new students of the : school In the assembly room of the I high school building. When the re- I rnntlnn wm rnrnii unit tho ntllilenta. who participated In the reception were departing homeward, several of the guests of honor were set upon by a number of sophomore students, who were armed with scissors, sheep shears, etc., and their hair was clipped from their heads in "large and Irregular chunks." The parents of the victims took exception to this form of entertainment of their boys, and made complaint to the school authorities with the result that the offending parties, or those of the crowd who were identified, have been notified to appear before Superintendent Powers and defenl themselves against the charges pre ferred against them. PARCELS CHECKED FREE Aj . PARCELS CHECKED FREE , CITY NEWS. Special meeting of Multno mah R. A. C. No. 1 this evening. Work In the P. M. degree. VlBltlng com panions welcome. IW Derby WlUnon Bhow you that 17-acre farm. It's bargain. 10-1 S-St OotUe Hotel lUtes Beginning September 1 table board by the week, $4.60. Single meals, IS cents. Rememlwr, this means Cot tage Hotel quality. Sunday dinner, 160. 9-20-tf New Clasa In Shorthand Will begin at tbo Capital Business College on Monday, October 81. Heven or eight have alroady regis tered. A good time to beglu. If In terested call to talk It over. lteet tn Marlon County Derby A Wlllson has one of the beat buys In Marion county; 27 acres; good buildings; woll located. This la a snap. 10-25-6t llorae Blanket And winter robes. Now Is the time to make selection for your win ter use. I have thorn, and the best oa the market, at F, E. Shafer's, the addle and harness man. 117 South Commercial street. eod-tf Muniininitju- The best time to erect a monu ment Is now. I have a large stock to select from. You will be sur prised bow good a monument I can upply you for a small amouut. 'Wilton W. Martin, 111 N. Liberty street 10-lS-eod-tf Twenty-seven Aci On the crushed rock road; 7 acres bearing orchard, cheap. See Derby ft Wlllson. 10-25-6t Cabbage Wanted Gideon Stols company, corner Mill and Summor streets. Price on application. 10-16-tf HU-Koom House Bath, newly finished Inside, lot lOx 100, for sale cheap. N. D. Elliott, Job printer, 221 South Commercial street. 10-5-tf 400-Acre Wheat Farm In Sherman county to trade for city property or will trade for farm near Sulom. See Derby & Wlllson. Just Received A full line of rats, netB and hair supplies. Ladles call and get a styl ish hair dress. Elite Massage Beau ty Parlors. 802 U. 8. Bank Bldg. 10-27-3t Satisfaction iJuuruntee If you buy your groceries of J. M. I .a wren co, the grocer. We carry on ly the best. Corner Commercial ii nd Ferry. Phone 311. Kvcrytliing 1m Sanitary At Steusloff Bros, modol market, corner Court and Llborty streets. Phone 1528. Call and give us u trial. Not Xeccmwry to Walt Those who are Interested In tak ing a business course ueud not wait for any particular time to begin Students may enter this department any day of the week at the Capital Business college. A business educa tion pays. If you are not sure, let us talk It over. Not Necetwmry to Wait Those who are Interested In tak ing a business coursp need not watt for any particular time to begin. Students may enter this department any days of the week at the Capital Business College. A busluess edu cation pays. If you are not sure, M us talk It over. Another Shipment of Johnston & Murphy $6.00 Shoes Arrived Yesterday. . Let ds fit you while the sizes are complete You are absolutely protected from shoddy shoes when you trade, with us. We cannot afford to sell them. Ye Boot Shop ! New Class In Shortlian I Will begin at the Capital Business College on Monday, October 31. Seven or eight have already regis- tered. A good time to begin. If in terested cull to talk It over. Notarl-a ApHintl The list of notarial commission Issued in and for Oregon today was: Alice Bailey, Oregon City; F. C. Howell, Hood River; B. F. Shep herd, Jr., C. W. Thompson, R. A. Sullivan, Portland,; II. S. Maloney, McMlnnvlllo; W. R. UnUlip, Portland. Stuik'iit Body Klerta The Btudont body election of the executive committee took place yes terday morning together with that of defiuto council In the Chapel building. Those elected to tho exe cutive committee were George Wil son, Pnul Homan, Clyde Wainscot, C. B. Harrison and James Oakce Tho debate council was -chosen as follows: From the seniors, Miss Hopkins; Juniors, C. B. Harrison: sophs, Paul Blanchard; freshmen Errol Gllkey and Prof. Patterson were elected to represent the Fac ulty. Two Marriage Licensee Two marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday afternoon, and both wedding ceremonies were scheduled to take place last evening. They were Joseph Lemnion, a locomotive fireman, of this city, aged 27, and Miss Lctta E. Wlnzenreld, also of this city. Guy E. Hansard, witness, and to Guy Gilbert Looney, a young farmer of near Brooks, aged 37, and Miss Margery Bennette May, of the Hazel Green neighborhood, north of the city, aged 33. Charles Van Cleave was the witness. Kire Insurance Company The City of New York Flue Insur ance Company, of New York, waa li censed to transact a fire Insurance business in the state today upon the furnishing of a bond In the sura of 3o.OOO with the lifmrance commis sioner, with the Title Guarantee A Surety Company, of Scranton, Pa., as surlty. Toll Thompson, of Port land, was named as resident general agent for Oregon. SHERWOOD, WASHINGTON j COUNTY, PROGRESSIVE There are a uumoer of new bulld i Ings going up here, among the larg- I naf alriiHno- i-inlr nnri rinnrn hall in the county. ' Fred Eppier conducts the bank and electric light plant, and gives the city good service In both capacities. Colfelt & Holznagle are conduct ing a large general merchandise business, and seem to be progressive merchants. E. O. Hagol hns the livery and feed stable, and is onef the charter members of the McKlnley Republi can club. Holznagle & Fletcher are the vil lage blacksmiths and do a general horse shoeing and repair business. W. J. Edwards has a pool room and soft drink parlor. Dr. A. I. Sayler does a largo gener al practice In this city and county. CANDIDATES' CARDS STREET OA It SMASH KH. (Continued from page one. and Dr. Morse Immediately sum moned. Ho wns unable to determ!no at one Just how serious thi Injuries were. Later, It seemed thnt Mr. Buckner was not seriously injured while the baby will probably bo all rinht. Mr. Buckner, lu speaking of the accident, said, "How on earth did I escape without a scratch?" Glass was flying nil around him and the steering wheel was literally de molished In his hands. The motor man on tho street car did his utmost to prevent an accident but the time was too short for any action. Watch out for the man who has for his motto, "Self preservation i the first law of nature." Dr. Thomas V. B. Embree, of Dal las, died at his home In that city Wednesday. He waa a pioneer of 1844, and an Indian War veteran, and was 74 years old. West Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage mmsKBa The man who does things has that much more time left to do other th'ngs. Connects with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m 12 m., 1:10 p. m. and 4 00 p. m. every day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth and MrMlnnvllle. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m.. and 8:18 p.m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Oiiital Journal office any day but Sunday. . Phone it. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. - CHAS. McKEE, Republican, of Monitor. Inde- pendent Anti-Assembly candi- date 'or County Commissioner , of Marlon County. ' (Paid advertisement.) For JuBtice of the Peace, Salem DlBtrlct, Indep i dent Deraocrat- lc, Anti-Assembly, People's candidate. Vote for G. V. BOGGS. (Paid advertisement.) WALTER W. JOHNSON, 4 Republican candidate for City Marshal, subject to the City Primary Election. Paid Advertisement. Vote for M. P. BALDWIN, Democratic candidate for COUNTY CLERK. Opposed to third term. Paid Advertisement. , JOHN H. LEWIS, Democratic nominee for Con- stable of Salem District. To the voters, regardless of party, I wish to say that I have filled the office two terms. Do you know of any good reason why I should not be re-elected? If not, vote for me. . JOHN H. LBWIS. Paid Advertisement. W. H. DOWNING, Democratic Nominee for Rep- resentatlve. Marlon County, Sublimity Precinct, Paid advertisement, JOHN BAYNE, Candidate for Circuit Judge Third Judicial District. No. 65 on official ballot. Graduate from Law Department, Willamette University, and admitted to bar June, 1893. Seventeen years active practice of law in Salem. Nominated at Primary Election. Democrat. Paid Advertisement. H. 8. JORY. Of South Salem, Or., Prohlbl- tlon candidate for county com- mlssloner of Marlon County. Stands for good roads, good bridges and good government; a square deal. Paid advertisement. C.v W. YANNKE, Republican Nominee for Con- stable, Salem District. Salem, Oregon. Will enforce the law. (Paid Advertisement. For State Senator W. 8. MOTT, Firm believer in the Direct Prl- mary, Statement No. One, and the election of United States Senators by the people, first, last and all the time. (Paid Advertisement.) IRA HAMILTON, Republican Candidate for City Marshal City Primaries, Nov. 5th. (Paid Advertisement) PERSONALS Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pen dleton, arrived In the city this after noon to deliver an address at tho opera house this evening upon ths Issues of the campaign, In tbo inter ests of the Republican ticket. Congressman W. C. Hawley, can didate for re-election to the ofllc1? from this dlstrlBt, arrived home this morning from a trip to the principal points in the northern part of the county, and will learc for the Bouth tonight In continuation of his cam paign. Dan S. Tarploy, a former resident and altorney of this city, who Is no v practicing law In Portland, Is In th" city for a brief visit to his parents and relatives. Horace G. McKlnley, who is en gaged In the timber and logging business in Seattle, Is In Salem to day on business.' Mr. George Melsoiv. 'he expert blacksmith, formerly of Salem but now of Eugene, Is visiting friends here. , - '- ' , 1 ' ' ' " ' , "fT - ... (- 1 NEW TODAY LT)ST On Front street, between Marion and stnte streets, a cameo Tiger Eye heavy band gold ring. Reward will be paid on delivery to Capital Journal office. 10-27-3t LOST Folding pocketbook with lot of receipts. Phone 1623 or leave at Journal office for reward. 10-27-3t MOttY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Or Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Room 13 Bush Bank Blk, Salem. Or. Cottage Undertaking Parlors. Modern in every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketa. Phone 724. PERCY R. KELLY Of Albany, Oregon. "Republican nominee as one of the two Circuit Judges to be elected No vember 8, 1910, Is 4 0 years old, has resided In Albany, Oregon, 33 years, Is a graduate of Albany College, lias practiced law more than 18 years, served as State Senator from Linn county In the session of 1898, 1899 and 1901, was chairman of the Judi ciary Committee during the session of 1901, and Is at this time City Attor ney, of Albany, Oregon. All voters should remember that there are two Circuit Judges to bo elected In the Third Judicial district. Vote for two. (Paid advertisement.) No hurricanes In Oregon. Lingenfelter's Sanitary Fish and Poultry Market Everything In the Fish, Poultry and canned goods line. My market 's absolutely sanitary my meats being kept in refrigerator counter. Drop in and look around. Corner State and High streets. A. M. LIXtiEXFKLTER. Prop. -Phone ToO. Salem, Orennit $50.00 to $100.00 Down $10 a Month Buys a Choice Residence Lot in Grove Maple Addition The Demon of the Air. It the germ of LaGiippe, that breathed In, brings suffering thous ands. Its after effects are wea ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The greatest need ! then Is Electric U. tiers, the splendid crclc, blood purifier and regulator cf stomach, liter and kidneys. Thous ands have proved t at they wondei-1 fully strengthen the nerves, build un ! the system and restore health bj! ! good spirits after an attack of Grip j If suffering, try them. Only 50c Prfart BtlsfArtlnn euarantpeit hr J Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove Maple Grove C. Perry. 13 the CLOSEST IN and the only RESTRICTED residence section In Tillamook City. Improvements consists of graded and graveled streets, sidewalks, city water, electric lights and maple trees planted at curb line. Will be the choice and select resi dence section with many beautiful homes budded there during the next two years; the location lr ideal. Is only three to six blocks from the business center of Tillamook and the price and terms on the lota should induce you to Investigate this oppor tunity to Invest. I j now on the market, under contract from the owners. The sale of the platting is limited to TWENTY LOTS AT THE PRESENT PRICES. After twenty lots are sold the price of all the unsold lots will be advanced f 100 on each lot. Get In and make selection of your lot early. The opportunity for "SAFE and CONSERVATIVE" Investment Is now offered to you, for no mistake can possibly be made in buying a lot In this Gilt-Edge Realty Offering. Rollie W. Watson, I Agt. for DVVIGHT & CURTIS, Owners 233 irnffl '? " " vTnm