DAILY OAPITATj JOUitffAl, 8ALEM. ORHOON THVRSDAr, OCTOBEH 27, 1010. r&oa mar 9 Children's Coats For Less $15.00 Coats .....'..$11.50 t 9 50 Coats ..-...' j$ 1-50 I 6.00 Coa's $ 4 99 $ 6.00 Coats ...'.. ;$ 390 f 7.00 Coats '. $ 549 2.75 Coat 2 39 $ LPS Costs 1-75 New Outing Flannels For Less i 15 c values 11c 12o values 9Hc 10c values 8c 8c values 6c Extra special 4c Outing Flannel Nightgowns For Less $ .60 values 49c $1.00 values 83c 1.50 values 11.14 $1.75 values $1-39 RAILROAD HORROR AT PORTLAND CONSTKVCTIOX .TRA1X KINS AWAY ANI FIVE TiAllOKKHS ARE K".IXKI AM) 25 1XJUUCI) WHEN It CRASHED INTO FLAT CAU. Great Sale of Purses and Handbags! $12.00 values $9.99 $6.00 values ......$4.85 $10.00 values $8.29 $4.00 .values $2.99 $ 8.00 values . v $6.75 $3.00 values $2.25 $ 7.00 values .....$5.85 $2.00 values ....$1.60 Crash Toweling Reduced ISc grade Toweling '. 14c ICc grade Toweling '. . . . . . .' .' . :. 12r 14c grade Towellrg . . . '. 10c 12 He grade Toweling ., 9c 10c grade Toweling 8 Mammoth Bargains in New W ass t s Tbese are beautiful Waists of chiffon lace, i.et and silk Every one brand new. ,$10.00 Chiffon or Silk '. . . $8.35 $ S.ao Chiffon or 811k . . ; t $6.79 $ 6.00 Chiffori or Silk .'..; $4.79 $ 4.00 Silks $2.98 $ 3.00 Net or Silk .T. $2.25 Aft1 XL T ry a Journal Want "Ad" for Results. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Portland,' Ore., Oct. 2 7. Five workmen are dead, three are proba bly fatally Injured and 25 are suf fering from minor Injuries today as a result of a wild plunge of a con struction car on the Burlington ex tension of" the United Railways, down the west slope of Tualatin hill last night. Near the end of the grade the car collided with a flat car which stood on the main track. Among thosn who probably' cannot survive Is C. C. Prultt, the brakeman. The dead are all Greek laborers. Among the 35 persons on the car when it started was a woman who cooked for the men, and her two children. They were only slightly hurt. The injured were removed to the hospitals. The accident came at the close of the work day at the construction camp. The men, the woman cook and her two children were placed oi the construction car near the west portal of the new iunnel through Tualatin hill, with the intention of moving them to a point a mile fur ther west where a new construction camp was to be built. Another car was between' the construction car and the locomotive. The trainmen applied the airbrakes to the passenger-laden car and allowed it to remal on the slope of the hill while they sidetracked the flatcar. No sooner had the engine been detached' than the flat car started rolling down the hill. Shrieking with terror, some of the men fell on their knees and prayed. Three Jumped and met instant death on the Jagged rocks below. At the end of a half mile stretch, which was reached in much less than a minute, the crash came. BALLOOIIISTS ' HAD TOUGH TRIP OUT OF WOODS HBBSSESSE IMITKD rRKSS IHAgED W1KII. Montreal, Oct. 27. 'The weath er was the . coldest I ever experi enced." said Alan. Hawley, tele graphing his experiences from Chi-; coutiml to a local newspaper. "I knew nothing of the country about us. We were hampered by the stuff we were compelled to carry on our tramp back towards the settlements. It was absolutely necessary to bring heavy blankets, clothing and food. "During the three days and nights we spent tramping through the wilderness, making our way slow ly southward, we were frequently compelled to wade ice cold streams. Sometimes ouf clothing was frozen solid. "When we were found by trappers on the fourth day we were so cold we cried for joy. We were Just about exhausted, and could not have gone much further." INSURANCE BLANKS TO BE SENT OUT IIVESTIGATIOH OF EXPLOSION IS BEGUN TODAY r"""7 t I "I Ins riiu uiotul calf Street Bouts are cim.si.lered to ba l lie proper shoe for full wear. Vc. nro in receipt of somj very stylish iuoduls, and can lit any man. woman or child who comes in. We have them In either button or !;i.o and in all grades from $3.50 to $6.00 Our high cut .Shoes for the youug ftor.s are herj and are b .lui Shown In several different .patterns and leathers. Wo have the most complete Btock of Children's Shoes In Salcm.aul you will Jhid It a pleasure to look hem over. T Siioo Co. 444 State St UNITED PRESS MABBD WIHS. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 27. The special grand jury called to investi gate the dynamiting of the Times building October 1 assembled to hear testimony in the grand Jury room of the court house today. Witnesses called during the early session were W. H. Mulholland, chief engineer of the Los Angeles acqueduct, who was a member of the committee ap pointed by the tlty, which returned a report that the explosion and fire that destroyed the Times building were caused by high explosives placed with violent intent. Coroner Calvin Ilartwell also was a witness. Mulholland exhibited a map of the Times property, and a sketch of the building, designed to show tho extent of the damage done. Deputy District Attorney O. C. Mac Comas will examine witnesses for the district attorney's office. When he was asked today whether Earl Rogers will appear before the grand Jury as a prosecutor, he ex ploded: "No, he will not. He will be one of the witnesses." District Attorney Fredericks, however, refused to confirm the statement of his subordinate. The part Rogers will play in the grand Jury sessions, he said, cannot be de termined until the attorney returns from San Francisco. Assembled In the corridors of the court house were a .score of rela tives of the men who lost their lives In the Times disaster. Insurance Commissioner 8. A. Ko zer has received Ms supply of blank forms for the anffual reports of the Insurance companies of all classes doing business tn the stale and will forward them to the head offices of the companies, through' tho medium of their respective resident general j agents in this state, about the first of November. These forms are vol uminous and complicated affairs and are in accordance, with the form of. report blanks adopted by the con vention of Insurance commissioners for the year 1910.- There are- ap proximately 200 insurance compan ies of the different classes, life, fire and marine, etc., doing business In this state, and the purchase of these blank forms from the printing firm In St. Louts, which performed the work for all of the Insurance com missioners In .tha United States, ef fects a great saving in the exponas of printing to tb,e state. Insurance companies are required to make their annual reports to the insur ance commissioner on or before March 1 of each year and the re ports cover the business transacts! by the various companies for the year 'period ending December1 31. i:.I'i:kss oomi'.vniks EMPLOYES fiO OX STKIKE ' ONITKD I'HKHH I K.tSKU WlltS.J Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 27. En. ; .li.yes . of. Wells Fargo and the ' Adams Kxpre-ig companies struck to day following tha exanip'e of wag m helper of the . American Express company, who already are on sirilo. Many small riots occurred today hen the companies attempted to nmvB tnifllc. A general strike of tej-nisters4 U threatened uuies's the .companies accede to the demands of ih? men. ' A Onerous and ( imi ii.tiile Vih. "I wish all might know of the j benefit I received from your Foley's ; Kidney Remedy," aays I. N. Regan I Farmer, Mo. Ills kidneys and "blad der give Mm so much pain, misery I and annoyance, he could not wort j nor sleep. Foley's KldneyRemedy relieved bint almost Immediately and b says It effected a complete curs. Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman) ' New Incorporations. Articles of incorporation were tiled witn tne secretary or Biaie mis morning, as follows: RavenBwood Laboratories. Com pany, of Portland, Oregon; capital stock, $5,000; incorporators, E. A. Holllngshead, Irving R. Stearns and T. H. Wood. Metollus State Bank, of Metollu. Crook county, Oregon; capital stock, $10,000; Incorporators, Alex. Sweek. Seneca Fouts and J. F. Shelton, ail of Portland. i Swedish Bethanlan Church' of Or. egon: Location, Portland; capital stock and value of, property, $2,000; Incorporators, ' Theodore Gustafson, William Hollander; and Leonard An derson. ... , o- Deafness Cannot Bo Cured By local applications, as they conno t ach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that Is by constitutional l remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sou id or Imperfect hear ing, and when It is entirely closed deafness Is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con-! dltlon, hearing will bo dlstroyed for I ever; nine cases out of ten are caused ! by catarrh, which is nothing but I Inflamed condition of the mucous eur faces. I We will give One Hundred Dollar ! for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) thft cannot bo cured 1 Hull's Cut a nli Cure. Send for clrcu lurs free. F. J. CHENEY & Co. i .Toledo. O j Sold by Druggists, 75c. i Take Hall's ' Family Pills for con ' stipution. ..... o I Your cougti i nnnys you. Keep on harking end tearing the delicate! membrunes of y ur tliroat If you 1 wunt to be annoyed. liut If you want i roller, want to be cured take Churn-i berlaln's Cough Uoniody. Sold by all I dealers. ! Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A ' f r-TT7Kineld Co. Clothes THE CONVERTIBLE COLLAR COAT THE POPULAR OVERCOAT IN AMERICA t In pleasant weather a handsome-looking, perfect .fitting coat. In stormy weather a protection 1 ' from the cold and at the same time a stunning garment Many of our Overcoats are made that way, skilfully tailored from choice cravanetted weaves. Mark you, a Cravanctte does not necessarily mean a light raincoat. Ours are made of fabrics sufficiently heavy-with tody enough to them that by turning down the collar you convert it into a per fectly stylish overcoat for cold weather Yes sir, it's two overcoats in one, at the price of an ordinary one. and credit stores can't match our prices Uzsssc4', Sty S3HB ES33C2U SBHftfif i CATARRH .-",jprMj-'-i. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Cream Balm l. quiilcty ulwortied. C Kttitt at Oik. It el'MUiea, soothes, citnUs and protect iho ' lui...:i. Irai: r sulliri j f:-:rj CuUt' h and drive iHut s Col. I in the titrCL. (juici.ly. 4tne3 ilia Sen.- of Cut'. mid A nx. Y iz 50 eta., at trugv flmia or lv mail, la Iiijiii I lurui, 16 reuw, JlpH J1 WajTa titraok iiew Yurk. JAY FEVER OTIS- WCBUC' Ai )JTH Ladies' $25.00 Suits 14 These suits are all wool, with two season guaranteed , 1 : lining, man tailored, all colors Ladies' ' Suits Cloaks Millinery 8 Cloaks (fXVir- Millinery 279 N. Commercial Street i