nxrt'v capital journal, salem, precox Tuesday, ocTonKi25, ioio frAGS fXX s A. s Laura B.: 1 The mossy yellow or green substance on your teeth Is called "tarter" and can readily be removed with a home made tooth powder which is superior to any you can buy and much cheaper too. This prescription makes enough to last your whole family six months t a year: 5 ozs. precipitated chalk, 8 ozs. powdered sugar, 2 ozs. Vllnno powder and 1 os. powdered soap. Mix thoroughly and apply with tooth brush once or twice dally. This de stroys gorms, prevents decay and re moves the unsightly tarter quickly. Mrs. E. M. M.: You have dyspep sia, if your symptoms are bloating and botching, pains In stomach, foul breath, headache, weakness and dl slness. You should avoid pastries and sweets for some time and take a teaspoonful after each meal, of the following: S ozs.' essence of pepsin, 1 ox. omp. essence cardlol and 2 ozs. syr up of ginger. Mix. The foregoing will correct and cur any case of in digestion or dyspepsia. Frank B: You state your symp toms are constant thirst, feverish noes, pains In the back and groin, welling of the ankles, puffs undor the eyes, Inflnmed eyelids, painful, smarting and frequent urination, aleeploRsncss, catarrh, etc., and you are corpect In surmLsIng that your kidneys and bladder need a good tonic treatment. Have any well stocked druggist mix the following: 1 os. fl. ext, buchu., 1 os. comp. It balmwort and 4 ozs. syrup sarsapa rllla compound. Take a teaspoonful before or after meals and one when retiring. Drink plenty of wafer be tween meals. Eat slowly. . Abstain alcohol. Continue troatment 6 to 8 weeks. i i 1 Mrs. A. K.: Your complaint Is a most common one and Is commonly termed "whites." In reality It Is Jeucorrfcea and I permitted o be come chronic, Is rery weakening and Cause many complicated female di sease. Get of your druggist 2 ozs. of antiseptic vllnne powder, also 1 oa. tannic acid. To a quart of very warm water add a teaspoonful, of liana powder and a half teaspoon ful of tannic acid. Use twice daily a an injection, or whenever the parts need cleansing, and a cure is assured in a short time. Helen M: To have beautiful flu fy hair free from oil and yot not harsh and brittle, use a dry sham poo composed of 8 ozs. pulverized orris root and 2 ozs. vllane powder. Mix thoroughly. Apply a toapsoon ful at night, rubbing Into the hair and scalp. Use a brush and comb In the morning until all trace of the powder s removed. This In far hot ter than liquid shampoos. Mrs. Ixota: 1 am glad to bo able to give you a most effective treat ment for pimples and blackheads. When rightfully usod I have never known it to fall to clour tho worst complexions and I agree with you that no young lady or young man is agreeublo as a companion when thi fuco is covered with blotches, black head and facial . blemishes of this kind. Obtain a 4 nz. Jar of plait yellow niinvol and niuHsage the fact t per directions accompanying Then apply the following ointment morning and nlgtit. It Is flesh col ored and cannot bo detected. Rose Kaylolu 2Vt drains; lunolln, 2 on. Mix and apply thinly. For Interim! use take a tube of S grain sulpherb tablets, a fine laxative blood purifier and one of the very best tablets for constipation. , Young Mother: For children's whooping cough and your own trou Chamberlain's Cough Remedy hni becoms famous for its cures of coughs, colds, croup and Influenza. Try It when in need. Ir contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief. Bold by all declcs, Try a Journal vut Ad Gold Dust Hour Made by (h SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, yd"f. Orfgo. Hftde ft r Farotlr Pae. Ak four groe for It. Rraa and tJux-ta always a haaA. jj P. B. WALLACE; Agt. Health and Beauty Questions Answers and Advice Ry Dr. TrMvwIore Ucck. The advice and answers below are general la character, th9 symptoms or diseases are Darned and the replies will apply to any case of a similar character. The prescriptions can be filled by any well stocked druggUt, or any druggist can obtain anything prescribed from bis wholesaler. Those wishing further advice or prescrip tions are Invited to address Dr. Theodore Deck, College Building, Dayton, Ohio, enclosing self addressed, stamped envelope lor reply. . State yur cae clearly and always give full name and address. Names never published ble of chronic bronchitis not ' whooping cough. A laxative tonic 'cough syrup such as the following will quickly relieve and cure all of you. Kecommend It to your neigh bora too as It Is excellent for any cough In old or young. Take to 1 teaspoonful every half hour until relieved. Thereafter take a tea spoonful every hour or two. Obtain from any well stocked druggist a 2 oz. package of essence Mentho laxene, and mix it with a home made syrup according to directions accom panying it. This makes a full pint of the finest laxative, curative and tonic cough syrup. Biiperlor to pa tent or labeled goods and about 3 times cheaper. It makes the moBt effective cough remedy that I hnv) ever prescribed. ' Howard G.: You may be on th vorge of nervous prostration: You' blood Is thin and watery. Such symptoms as fear without cause, trembling, nervousness, bad dreams, wasting, thinness, sleeplessness, tim idity, debility, poor circulation, all Indicate serious derangements of the vital organs, the blood and the nerves. You need something to re juvenate restore and correct your depleted nervous system, to enable you to keep up your work. For such a case, I recommend taking 3 grain hypo-nuclune tablets after ouch meal. Between meals take 10 drops, In water, of tincture cadomeno com pound (one ounce) obtain both rf leading druggists In your city. Olvo me your name and address, and I will send you a symptom blank, and treat you spoclally If necessary. George .V.: Dandruff Itching scalp, and falling- hair can be stopped but not by patent hair tonics mado with alcohol. Alcohol merely allays tho symptoms. Something to destroy the microbes which attack the hair and scalp la needed. In nil my experience I have found nothing so sure and prompt In action as plala yellow mlnyol. Obtain a four ounce Jar, which will be. sufficient to cure any case like yours. Leading druggists have It or can get It or wholesale druggists. Directions ac company Jar. Mrs. Adam H.: If you want something superior or unequalled, something that will not only relieve constipation, but cure It, have the following prescription filled and take from one-half to a teaspoonful after each meal and whon retiring: 3 ozs. syrup rhubarb, 2 ozs. aro matic fluid enscara and 1 oz. comri. essence cardlol. This Is fine for oi l and youug. Wm. B.: Your extreme thinness Is unnatural. You should welKh 25 pounds more. Your trouble Is due to inability of tho digestive tract, or alimentary canal, to absorb tlu proper elements that go to make flesh and fat from tho food takn Into your system, . I know many who have gained n pound a day for 30 days through the use of tho fol lowing prescription. Your sister will find It very strengthening, while Increasing her weight. Yoj can both use It to until advantage1 3 ozs. essence of pepsin, 1 ox. tlno ture cadoinene, (not enrdnmon) and 1 os. romp, essence cardlol, S os. syrup of rhubarb. Mix. Take a teaspoonful after meals and ono be fore retiring. Continue 30 to 80 days. Another excellent preparation to Increase tho weight, tone up tho nerves and make the cheeks pink and th,. Hps red by Improving the blood Is 3-graln hypo-nuclane tabr lets. These may be taken alone or In conjunction with the foregolmc prescription. They are put up in package with full directions. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE The antl-septlo powder to be shaken Into the shoes. If you have tired, aching feet, try Allen's Foot Ease. It rusts the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures ach ing, swollen, hot, sweating feet. Re lieves corns aud buulons of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Always use It to break In new shoes. Try It today. Sold everywhere, 25 cent. Don't accept any substitute. For fre trial package, address Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. I FRENCH FERAL! MUM a'diiul HrlLLOi i Sua. Cutui kiuw M i Urn mmmm Ulna. jtVII IKOWS II I ill. . ii Ir' fc. 1.8 W. 111 MM j LkMM M k (tew Mm4 M Utf I 't i..., ,4, la . to. AUDIENCE WORN OUT APPLAUDING GOKDRAY SECURES STRONG LINK OK PLAYS FOR THE CAP ITAL CITY THIS COMING SEA SON. "The City" at the Grand Opera House had a fair audience last night. The Intensity of the second act made the third act seem tame but the play as a whole was in the highest class of emotional melodrama. The dope fiend by Geoffrey C. Stein was n part at once disgusting and fascinat ing. The combination of drug vic tims, brains, and political depravity was characteristic of many persons now at large in the various walks of life. The five members of the Rand family were all true to life in the west, and Middleburg has its repre sentatives In every village lu the United States. Bert Voorhees, the smooth political boss, was interest ing and bore bis part as suave poli tical dictator to perfection. The four ladles were all above the aver ago of road companies. Mrs. Rand, Sr., was a typical bourgeois banker's wife with a strong appetite for the city life. At the end of the second act the entire company was given one stormy encore after another un til the audience had worn Itself out applauding. In "The City" as a play, there Is ample room for Introduction of the weaknesses of modern life and it is ruthlessly scored and torn to tatters. The next play, "Is Marriage a Fail ure?" conies Wednesday night of this week, and will have a large house as It Is a strong society play. Cordray In Sulem. John F. Cordray, manager of the Balem Opera House, was In the city yesterday and said he had contracted for many of the best plays on the road for this city. Among them are English and Italian operas and musi cal comedies. "I have contracted one of the strongest lines of plays and amusements ever brought to Sa lem, and It remains to be seen what the people here will do to support the best In the theatrical world. This season will finally determine the matter whether any such shows can be brought here. The best com panies are none too good for tho Capital City of the tate and your business men should see to It that the reputation of the city does not suffer from the way they are patron ized. The best way to build up Sa lem la to show that you have th? metropolitan spirit, and are In- thi class of progressive cities to which your wealth and population entitles you. The reputation of Salem as a theater town has suffered of late and can only bo regained by patron age warranting good companlei stopping. X-RAYS AND SMILES. It Is stated that Roosevelt has or ganized "a Jackass Club" and has made Judge A. B. Anderson a char tor member. It would seem from this that the streimua Teddy is at the heud of the Jackass fraternity, a The poutofflce lawn Is not taken care of by the government for tho purpose of being made a crimping ground for white papers. Have a littlti civic pride about you, and don't throw envelopes and writing paper on the postofllce grounds. " The report that one of the missing balloons had descended in New Hampshire was a mlstuke It was Roosevelt. Judd Fish Is the llv wire at Tho Dalles, being secretary of the board of trade at that historic point. Hi Is sending a carload of Wasco county products all over the south for ex hibition. Judd's talent as an adver tiser first came Into uotlce when ho fiirnehed a hit of samples of Wasco products to Captain John W. Lewis, of The Dalles land office, and se cured phenomeual results. It ,'iiiy man has accumulated the Idea that he has led a reasonably clean life, and is of average deceucy as men go, let him run for office, and have that Illusion rudely but effec tually dispelled. Civilization haa to take the bad along with the good produced by modern Inventions. The wireless has accomplished much good In tho way of saving human lives aud that It unfortunately saved Well man, Is more than counterbalanced by the good It has done. Spain's first step toward prevent ing revolution Is to raise tb pay of her army officers. As the men, the common soldiers are the ones to be feared, It doe not look like t great plec of w isdom. ,as the condi tion of the soldier Is sot materiall) benefitted by the officers getting moro HOP MARKET PECULIAR GROWERS ARE PANICKY CROP SOLO RAPIDLY The hop market has been very pe culiar the past season, and with a general crop shortage, the growers have been rushing them off In a very panicky manner. There are said to be less than 15,000 bales in the growers' hands and not con tracted for at present. The weHt side growers have not over 7,000 bales. Growers generally fear a prohibi tion victory would destroy values, and a prominent old-line Methodist In Benton county who bought a ranch In Marlon county and had a lot of hops on hand sold a gllt-edga crop at a shade off the market price In a great hurry early In the season. One lot of 140 bales was bought at 11 cents the past week that were easily worth a cent a pound more. Tom Livesley has been one of the pay. It Is much like some people' Idea of prosperity, lli.it evryihlni; 's gay bo long as ReckeMler, Morgue and Wall street are prosperous. Spain is closing her saloons, not be cause of prohibition sentiment, but because they serve as club houses where the people meet to discuss "liberty." e Apropos of the bad name the pro B usmess Do you want a factory to locate in. Salem Which will consume your local hard wood Which will manufacture household necessities Which will operate 300 days in the year Which will manufacture your furniture If you do, give us your moral and financial support. Perfection Sewing Cabinet Comp'y 320 U. S. Nat'l Bank Building Phone Main 1 5 1 2. Salem, Oregon A Good Recommendation Any young man with a growing bank account needs no better recommen dation. If you can manage your own affair successfully, you are In Hue to run the affair of other men. We luvite your savings account. In terest paid at the rate of 4 per cent. Savings Department United States Salem, I largest buyers, and has had a very active force In the field picking u lots here and there and has become la bull buyer. The general opln- j Ion among buyers Is that the whole hop crop has been sacrificed and would easily have brought 20 cents a pound but for the panic of the growers to sell at almost any price. More hops have changed bands the past 80 days than ever before at this Beason of the year. Somo Salem firms say they have bought more In the past four weeks than In any four weeks In the history of the Industry, and the rest of tho crop is being rushed out of the hands of the growers for fear of a reverse at the polls In November, when there will be a general boycott ordered against the Oregon grown hop in the opinion of the dealers. hibitionists are giving Salem, a lady coming up on the electric Saturday remarked to another lady, her seat mate, that she always delighted to come to Salem, because It was "such a ladylike town." We don't know what a "lady like" town Is, but the name listens good. Over 5,000 graduated and certi fied teachers are known to be out of employment In London. JVIHJ1NG BY APPEARANCES Of course everybody does that, and Laundry Work can't be Judged any other way. Everything subjected tt ear artistic treatment cornea eat i clean a a polished surface, as clear as crystal and as btlght as a sum mer's day. Article washed proper ly last twice aa long and look twea ty times better thai goods badlj laundrled. We make cheap labrlf masquerade for something better. SALEM LAUNDRY CO., Phene S5. 138-160 SouUi Liberty 81 Men! National Bank Oregon , ,i- 1 i Ei'-"J'i II rr-d-e-ii' li". ; ! iu!itii!L H ill H1 ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. Age(ablePrppara!lonrorAj similarly itertodandRrttili lingdie StoAiadis andBowckof Promotes DigrettonChtftful ness and ResLConlalns ncltfer Opiiau.Morphine nor Mineral.! NOT NARCOTIC. HMW SBBBBBM tapttt0hlIkSiM2ZlllUltA Jtx.Sum JtrMtSjtti- anorfeetRemedv forConsfim tinn SniirSfnnwrh.Dlarrhuea Worms jConvulsKmsjewrisn ness andJLOSS OF MXEP. 1st Simile Sinaturt of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. ome people nds EUL1 n ? nd some in autos course Jfe is ful of mixea desire. jHject then what you most admire jJy choice remains the iicrse j-ut wnen in scare hot pure delight JJVrervescent, clear and bright JJTveryone can read the cheer Jjight in these printed verses her Immediate Delivery on 101 1 Maxwell, fiee us for Dei .oast ration. SEK US FOB YOUR RENTING CAB TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY T - SALEM AUTO GARAGhi ifja wTAlin STREET PHONE 8Mfl x JilL? OUT SI DC I lioitJ ' "sTUBBERS VK LIGHT JH DOUBLE THE LIGHT Home Builders, Attention Why not tns'.i a Lorn llmUm and cooklaa )vem. m-klnjr as worth ' rnlnv. 100 percent ho ter than any other teas. Safer than electricity. We light sto. . halls, churches, factories, etc. Also do tlnnlig and beating and plumbln All w k aranteed. A. L. FRASER For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears' tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 110111 tmi wmun mmmiiv, nrw o sirr. the bicycle. 8 NO CAKLESS HURltY VP REPAIRING la done at tbls place. We Lave too good a name a auto repairers to lsk It by Indifferent work. So no matter what Is wrong with your cai are give it our "best skill and a'tten Uon. That's why an auto repaired by us stays repaired In that part, anyway. Think of us next time. NOTICE the beautiful fixtures all sanitary and strictly up-to-date. , Improved! sanitary plumbing In homes has lowered the death rate materially i. the Inst few years, and those wur appreciate health do not fall to hav their plumbing refitted with open fixtures of all kinds. In the flttln up of homes with new open plumb ing we claim to be masters of the trade. GRABER BROS., 141 S. Liberty. Phone 650. kLr'W CASTS NO 1ST Y SHADOW 1 m &T,-f P'.CAS I I ONE HALF THE. COST 0 12. rl Mt fltret hi 4fT) T