... nrtv ririTlt, jnrmv4r. B4f.ITM on Know. FRIDAY. OCTOnER 21. 1910. - : ! GHT" - " 1 11 CANDIDATES' CARDS PERSONALS YAW'S 1 4?V n ifiiuu i ri iff u i 1 - w ji f- 1 , ,, ,,,, n.i, iCa. $1.50 Little Gents Shoes at 95c Saturday night the Shoe Section offers Boys' Vlcl Bal and Box Calf and Pat. Shoes sizes 8V6 to 13V4 at the low price, pr..Q5 Men'3 15c Cotton Take advantage of this Hose offer after, supper black cotton Hose, a pair, on sale from 7:80 till 9 p. the low price of Children's 25c Hose 2 pairs 25c Sale of Children's Fine Ribbed Hose double knee double heel and toe extra serviceable sad a good 25c value. On sale after supper 2 pr. 25 35c Tricot Flannel at 19c yd Saturday night after supper, the Domestic Ooadit section offers Tricot Flannel, in Cardinal, Scarlet, , Brown, Oroon and Blue and Tan; 34 In, wide; 85c rallies at the .low price of. , . . 1Q J"'- PARCELS' CHECKED FREE ' -CITY NEWS. . lllg Dunce Tonight D'Arcy Hall on Court street. Cabbage Wanted Gideon Btols company, corner Mllf and Summer streets. Price on fcypiication. 10-16-tf Notice All mombors of SaUm camp, W. O. W. are hereby requested to be present on Friday evening, October SI, as we want your assistance la ejecting a ball. Committee. Just What You Want We have Just what you want In groceries. A large stock pf the best Always carried. Give us a trlul. J. 31.' Lawrence, corner South Commer cial and Ferry Btreeta. - Phono 11. lr. Charles H. Ilrowor - Physician and surgeon. Room 811-312, U. S. National Bunk build ing. Office telephone Main 1821. Residence 'phone, 1825. ' 10-20-lwk We Want You To bring or send us the name of Tour baby, if born since Januury 1, 110. Saitiiu Hardware Co., Inc. 10-15-lw 8U-IUom House Bath, newly finished inside, lot 80s 100, for sals cheap. N. D. Elliott, Job printer, 121 South Commercial street. 10-5-tf Oottajra Hotel Kates Beginning September 1 table board by the week. $4.60. Single meals, 89 eenU. Roniemtxr, this means Cot tag Hotel quality. Sunday dinner, S6e. -80-tt -" No. 10. Black Kid Princess Juliet. Kilra h'.-uvy sole, but extremely flex- 1l:. .siut 3 to 8. S1.75 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL MENTIONED IN THIS AD WILL BE ON SALE Saturday Night, 7:30 till 9 Take Advantage. $2.00 Children's Shoes at $.1.10 Clonn-up of styles In Patent Suede, Tan and Black Button and Lace; values to $2.00: special Saturday night after supper at, the pair. . , .JjJl-lO Hose 8c Saturday night well worth 159 m. at 8? Plp 35c Patent Leather Belts 21c The colors, Red, Green anl Black, dip front, trimmed with extra large brass buckle. On sale after supper Saturday night from 7130 till 9 p. m 35o values at, each.. 21 f SSJ-mZ uifimitiuiSm Hurt To the D'Arcy Hall Tbey all go tonight. Court street. Good music; good floor. The Advertiser Win Keeps his .name before the public day after day will build a greater reputation than the one . that doesn't. '' They're Just Fine Leave your order with Steuslof Bros, sanitary market for a tender Juicy beef roast. Phone 1528, cor ner Commercial and Liberty street. Debs Will Soak At the Tabernacle also at 7.30 p. m.. at 12:00 and afternoon an4.l evening meetings, OctQluip it. 10-21-21 Vou Will Not Be Sorry It you register with us the naina of your baby, born sinoe January 1, 1910. We want It. Salem Hard ware Co., Inc. 10-15-lw If You Have a Baby In your home since January 1, 1910, be sure and regster it with the 8alom Hajwara Co., Inc. 10-15-lw HtH'iittii Hound Over Joe lleenan, the logger of Qatea, who wus arreuted upou the charge t rt uAlrv And lnfllctm! hv th. r. cent grand Jury, was arraigned be fore Judge Burnett at 9: SO this morning and was held over to the January term of court without ball. When Heenai) waa indicted by tb4 grand Jury he was out upon $150 bonds but he did not put in an ap pearance and bis bonds were or dered forfeited by the court and a bench warrant was issued for his ar rest and this was served upon him at Gates Wednesday, by Deputy Sheriff Henry Smith. Comfort Footwear of Quality Largest Assortment Lowest Prices S1m up to 9s. ''Ye Old Tyme Comfort" shoes are recognised as the leading brsud. Ye Boot Shop I 326 State Street f4j Men's Union Suits $5.00 values at,. -$300 $6.00 values at 5j53-75 Saturday night after supper tha Men's Underwear Section offers all sizes Silk and Wool Union Suits, gray and blue random, at the low prices per Suit $5.00 values at $3 00 $6.00 values at.... $3 75 $1.00 Lisle Vests at 65c Saturday Plght from 7:30 till 9 p. m., the Wo men's Underwear section offers a complete line 6t Lisle Vests, high necks auii iong sleeves, $1.00 values at Go 25c Set Hat Pins at 18c Four pins to a set Imported Baynet Point Hat Pins, with nlc-kle-plated . stem; suitable for wide-crown hats; 'black only; 25c set on sale after supper at. . r--.18 15c Dress Qinghams at lflc yd A wonderful, comprehensive showing of the very newest patterns, In a superb quality positively the best 15c value in Salem. On sale Saturday, night after supper at the specially reduced price of jard 10 PARCELS CHECKED iKcormrfATFn. FREE The Yaw Concert Those who attended the Yaw con cert last night say they got their money's worth. Oim Mttrriug Licence A marriage license was Issued by County Clerk Allen this morning to L. II. Terwilllger, a solicitor of Poifllund, aged 22 years, and MUs Ida Buckman, a seunuitresa of Jef ferson, aged 22. Are Il'-roiuing Vi-ry Populur Our dances at D'Arcy Hall. Larg) room; ood music. Itunck Bros., proprietors. - v.Vi' The Grange will have an open meeting tomorrow, Saturday, Octob er 22, at 1:30 p. m at Hurst hall, for the purpose of discussing meas ures to be voted upon at the coming election. . Everybody interested Is in vited to attend. Itev. II. K, HoriiMi-liui'h Of Portland will preach at the Evangelical church, 17th and Cho mekota streets, Saturday at 7:43 p. in. The business session of the quartorly conference will be held fol lowing the sermon. Your Dixit Supply Can be replenished at very rea sonable prictiti. Call and see J.. A. Patterson about it, 85 North Com mercial street. Diamond Edged Tools We have tlvera, and they are the beet on the market for all purposes. Call and see them before buytug. J A. Tatterson, 285 North Commercial street. Wall Paper Now Is the time to supply your needs for wall paper, before wet weather aets In, at J. A. Patterson's, 285 North Commercial street. Awning Fell On Him Whllo walking down State street lu this city yesterday afternoon, John F. Cordray, of Portland, man ager of the Grand opera house, ws struck upon the head by a falling awnlnrf and narrowly escaped ser ious injury. Mr. Cordray whs walk lug along lho street In the dlrectloi of the Oregon Kl ctr'c depot and wheu pausing In front of a Btor- building the awning fell, having been Jarred from its poslt'ou by the shock of the slamming of a door, aud hit him upon the head. He was kuocked down by the force of the blow and helped to his feet by soni of h'a friends ho accompanied) hlni and was soon ab'e to coutluue upon his Journey. CONCERT WAS GREAT "I;AItK KIXKX" lSIUHTIVGAMO KIXKN, A Mi T1IK HONtililKIM IX A FLOCK WOCL1) CONVEY ONLY A FAINT IDEA OF THfi MUSIC OF H EH VOICE. Whoever gave the title "Lark' El' len" to Miss Yaw, in the vernacular of the Frontier, "was onto hip Job." The advance notices heralding her coming told much of Miss Yaw; of her repertoire, her travels, her np pearances, her Americanism, and of the ovations she had received; but they told, little of her voice. Thojp who heard her last night can easily understand why so little was said in her press notices on that subject. Can words describe a sanbeam? Can an Idea of the fragrance of the rose be conveyed by type. Can you describe the sweetness of honey, the song of a bird, the music of mountain brooks, the whispering music of the breeze kissed trees? If you can, you can describe the melody, the in toxicating sweetness, the divine har mony that as if from a fountain In the Yaw throat, flows a clear limpid stream from the Yaw lips and they are pretty lips, too. You can get no idea of the won derful range of her voice, nor of Us marvelous clearness and purity of tone, except by hearing it, and that. Salemttes will not perhaps, have an other opportunity of doing. The writer never before so perfectly un derstood the Inadequacy of words to express thought. There never was but on description of a sensation, that was perfect, and that was that of the boy who said: "Soda water tasted like your foot was asleep." But the boy Isn't available for an other suggestion, so it will Just have to "go as she li)y," as the Nevada social functlnB express It. It Is not necessary to mention what Miss Yaw sang, for It would make no difference what It was. The audience, a fairly good one, sat for a moment silent after the first song, and then broke Into a tumult ot applause, as soon as It could get Its breath, such as the Grand Opera house seldom hears. From that time on It was encore all the time and Miss. Yaw. certainly has an abun dance of patience as well as voice, for she responded with a good nature only . . loss ". sweet than her voice. There is nothing to tell, but If you ever get the chance, hear Miss Yaw and then tell about It if ;ou can. s MlBstv'ewman, the pianist Is ati artist and her accompaniments beau tifully played, added much to the pleasure of the evening. A chapter could also ho written about Mr. Jay Plowe, the flutist, who blew music's sweet notes out of that wonderful little tube, as bright as evanescent and abundant as the small hoy supplies soap bubbles, and like them, vanishing with all their beauty as soon as made leaving only the memory of what was. O ' Keep Warm This WlnU-r We don't claim of everything, but to have the t we do know tha I It will pay you to see us, and get our prices before buying. J. A. Pat terson, 285 North Commercial. Notaries ApMinted Tha list of no'arlal commissions issued la and for Oregon today was: E. O. Potter, Eugene; F. L. Pound. Aumsville; Y. N. Myers. J. J. Flti gerald, Portland; John 8. Hodgln, La Grande. ISowerman Is Home . Acting Governor Jay Bowerman and candidate for election to that office upon the Republican ticket, who has been out upon a campaign of the state In th elnterettt of his candi dacy, has returned and resumed the duties of the executive office, and will remain upon duty several days. Visited by MIhs Yaw While in our beautiful city as MI&4 Yaw expre8t-d It, she stopped Viih Mr. A. A. Underbill, who was a next door neighbor to -the Yaw faml'y In New York state. Mr. Un derbill and family were very much delighted to have such a distin guished guest as Miss Yaw. It was better than a letter from home, and while In the Underbill home Mis Yaw, glrl-llke. was out In the yard picking flowers and giving her bird Ilk warbles that knows no tiring. Don't let yourself get sluggish and Indifferent. Here Is where the' ben efit of massage, physical culture and a vital Interest In life comes In. SUIlHCRinElU. If you got our paper by mall i klO'lly wan h ih tag un l when tbe I'm Is tin and remit promptly, or notify us In stop tb p.. Dor; otherwise bill will he made f'r the tlr? the paper comes after expira tion of lust payment. v f :.: rr --.--- i, i... hi .in. r-r" PERCY R. KELLY Of Albany, Oregon. Republican nominee as one cf the two Circuit Judges to be elected No vember 8, 1910, Is 40 years old, has resided in Albany, Oregon, 33 years, Is a graduate of Albany College, has practiced law more than 18 years, served as State Senator from Linn county in the session of 1898, 1899 and 1901, was chairman of the Judi ciary Committee during the session of 1901, vand is at this time City Attor ney, of Albany, Oregon. All Voters should remember that there are two Circuit Judges to be elected In the Third Judicial district. Vote for two. (Paid advertisement.) FEW DOSES END BACKACHE AND KIDNEY MISERY In all the world there. is no man or woman' who can afford to neglect the. slightest kidney disorder for one single, day. Kidney diseases ore the most dangerous, because the first signs are seen In other parts of the body before anything wrong Is noticed with the kidneys themselves. Some of the symptoms, though, cannot be mistaken; for instance, a constant aching . or misery In the beck, sides or loins, or headaches and dizzy spells, nervous twltchlngs. disturbed s'eep, Inflamed or puffy eyelids, heart palpitations, rheuma tic pnlns, weakness, bilious stomach or a feeling or languor ana ratiguo. Sick, unhealthy kidneys also cause thick, cloudy, offensive urine or It 's full of sediment, Irregular of pan- sage and often uncontrollable or at tended by a sensation of scalding. The time to cure kidney trouble Is before It settles Into Diabetes, Drop sy, Gravel, or Brlght's Disease. The moment you suupect the slightest kidney, bladder or-urlnary disorder, beg'n tnkln? Pope's Diuretic ns di rected, with the knowledge thst there la no other medicine, at anv price, made anywhere In the worll, which will effect so prompt a euro. In Just a few dnys you feel anl know that tho kidneys, bladder and urinary organs are healthy, clean and normal and all danger passed. Your physician, pharmacist, bank er or any 'mercantile agency will wit..t, ' fr, iha raannnalhllltv of Tnornpson & PBpe, of Clncln- ntl QMq whQ prfpnre pni)0,8 D,ur. etic 60 cent treatment- old by every drugsiut in the world. ANOTHER DYNAMITER ARRESTED DMrV" rSKSS LEASED WIRB.) Los Angeles. Calif., Oct. 21. Morris Fltxgerald, who baa been un der surveillance since he fell from a train at Hanford. October 2, was brought here today by two detec tives of ths Los Angeles police force and taken to the county Jail. When Fitzgerald was taken v the Kings county hospital at Han ford. papers found in his potkets caused the authorities to notify the San Francisco police that he might have some knowledge of the dyna miting of the Los Angeles Times building. No charge was filed against Fitzgerald. He wl'l be de tained and questioned pending other Investigations the officers are mak ing. Mrs. Belle Lavln, who was arrest ed in San Francisco, will not be ar raigned on the charge of murder, according to the detectives, who brought her to Los Angeles. It wos believed that she would be arraigned yesterday and the decision of the authorities has caused th belief that they have galued from her cer tain information they have been seeking. ' Earl Itognrs aud the other iniei tigHtor were little moved when told of tha report that three men suspected of the dynamitlngg had been arrested at San Benito, Mexico. He refused to dUcusa the report. -.-. . CHAS. McKEE, Republican, of Monitor. Inde- pendent Anti-Assembly candl- date for County Commissioner of Marlon County. (Paid advertisement.) For Justice of the Peace, Salem District, Indepei dent Democrat- lc, Anti-Assembly, People's candidate. Vote for G. V. BOGGS. (Paid a.' ertisement.) : : WALTER W. JOHNSON, Republican candidate tor C Ity Marshal, subject to tho t lty Pilmary Election. Vote for M. P. BALDWIN. Democratic candidate for COUNTY CLERK. Opposed to third term. WEIU1 FOUND GUILTY . IN FIRST DEGREE . UNITED FSESS LKABED WIDE. Portland, Ore., Oct. 21. Jesse P. Webb was convicted of murder In the first degree late this afternoon by a Jury In Judge Morrow's court for the murder of William A. John son at the Grand Central hotel Jung 20. Generous and Charitable Wish. "I wish all might know of the benefit I received from your Foley's Kidney Remedy," says I. N. Regan Farmer, Mo. His kidneys and blad der gave him so much pain, misery and annoyance, he could not wor' nor sleea, Foley's Kidney Remedy relieved him almost Immediately and he says It effected a complete cure. Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman) The first export from New York was tobacco, and now, after about 800 years of the trade, an average of 820,700,000 worth has been ship ped annually ftr the last five years. The Call of the Blood, for purification, finds voice In pim ples, ' bolls, r.r.llow complexion, a Jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skirt all signs of liver trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pills make r'ch red blood; glv clear skin, roy cheeks, fine com plexion, health. Try them. 25o at J. C. Perry- Try a Journal Want ad. BECI1TEL & BYNON'S BARGAINS jj.200 10-room house, new. North Salem;- large lot; terms. $1350 8-room house, N. Liberty; 200 down; balance, $15 per month. $3500 8-room house on Court; good lot; fine location. $1700 0-room bouse In E.Salem: place worth more money. $2000 Modern 5-room cottage ii Boise Add.; $1,000 down. $ 400 LnrS6 lot wind neat 1-room house: $150 down; $5 nio. $1300 5-room house, Yew Park: lot 70x140; good well. $3700 7-roonv house, within one block of city hall; cheap. $ SOO S-room house: $200 down: $15 per month; E. Salem. $1900 Modern 6-room house on 23d; $600 down: bal. easy. $-1250 F'n B-room modern house, South Salem; extra finish. $2100 8-room cottage, two lots on Center; flue location. $1150 4-room house; $800 down: balance to suit; N. Salem. $2000 S-room house near Capitol blvd., $500 down. bal. easy $1300 5-room house, Yew Park; half cash; bal. Installment $ OOO 4-room house. Highland, $450 cash; balance 3 years $ G50 8-room house; $200 cash' $10 mo.; near Capitol At. BECIITEL & BYNON 847 State St. Tel. Main 452 i Lingenfelter's Sanitary Fish and Poultry Market Everything In the Fish, Poultry . i i - 1 1 1UU IUUI17U ftUUUI iiue, i My market t absolutely sanitary my meats being kept in refrigerator counter. Drop In and look around. Corner State and High s'rects. A. M. LINGEXFKLTER. Prop. Phone 750. Salem, Oregon George W, Dlmick.'of Kollogg, Orcgop, for many years treasurer of Douglas county, Is a business visitor In Salem today. Judge Martin L. Pipes, of Portland, Is in Salem today on Business before the supreme court. Former United States Senator Charles W. Fulton, of Portland, Is transacting business of a legal natyre In the city today. Former Attorney-General C. M. Idlemnn, of Portland, is in Salem to day on legal business. Ralph XI.' Dunlway, a prominent attorney of Portland, argued a case before the supreme court this afternoon. O. A. C. CJi-ndiiatcA and Stuihwt Are requested to sit In O. A. C. seals at "the big game tomorrow on Willamette field. , Get plenty of sleep. Nothing llne the face like nights of wakefuluess. Oi Ions are more nourishing than any other vegetable. ' c : Uncle Sam leads the world as an exporter of tobacco. c W TODAY -v WANTED Housekeeper for widow er, with one child. Call at 440 Mill street during the day. 10-21-3t WANTED Man at Rodgers Paper Co., 220 State Btreet. 10-21-3t FOR RENT Small place near town, good house . and barn $11 per month. Box 113, Turner, Ore. 10-21'2t FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms at 961 Mill street. Phone 647. 10-21-3t DEBS WILL) SPEAK At the Taber nacle at 2:00 and also at 7:30 p. m.; afternoon and evening meet ing, October 24. . 10-21-2t WANTEIJ Information leading to the recovery of a ladies' Sterling, green gear, '- bicycle .with chain guard laced with black shoe lace. Phone 4 64 main or Journal office. 10-21-3t WANTED AT ONCE Experienced p.mtry man or woman. Elite Cafi. " '10-21-3t GET YOUR SUB CARDS And cou pons for Debs' meeting, October 24, at 2 p. m. 10-20-3t DEBS' MEETIN October 24. 2 p. m.,' at Tabernacle. 10-20-3t BE SURE AND HEAR DEBS At the Tabernacle, Oct. 24 at 2 p. m." 10-20-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms. als housekeeping rooms, 488 North Commercial, corner Marion street. 10-21-St 40 ACRES With good buildings and good orchard, well located, to ex change for Salem Income proper ty. What have you? See Valen tine, Tall man & Co., room 205 U. 8. National Bank building. 10-21-2t HOUSE FOR RENT Shipping and Winter street, north Salem. In quire at 894 North Church. 10-21-3t ATTENTION, VOTERS W. P. EI more, the banker mayor of Browns villa, will address the voters of Marlon county at a street meeting on the corner of State and Com mercial streets tomorrow at 3 o'clock. You are Invited to hear the Issues of the campaign dis cussed from a budne s man'. standpclnt. MONEY TO LOAN TIIOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, Or Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Room 13 Bush Bank Blk. Salem, Or. West Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage Connects with all trains at West Salem for Dallas. Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. ni., II m., 1:10 p. m. and 4.00 p. in. eery day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon uiOMh nd McMluovllls. . l eaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m i.Ait .. A t . , r tJ ui., x.vv p. iu., nuu v.xv y. u. .1 Calls at 'hotels on requ--i. j lelepUoue or leave orders t OtM'lui Journal eitu-e any dv but Sunday. Pbons ii, I. B. Underwood, Mgr. r V