IMILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. flALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, JOIO. Fad Quarterly Style Book, 20c, Including a 15c Pattern Free I lllll I L.IIWIIII I! I I IB I I II I CANDIDATES' CARDS CHAS. McKBB, Republican, of Monitor, iride- Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and Embroidery Book. MAN TAILORED SUITS FOR WOMEN nK ifrnirr ATTEMPTS pendent Anti-Assembly caudi- I date for i County Commissioner ) of Marlon County. (PaldadvertJsement.) s ' j For Jiistice of tho Peace, Salem I District, Indepei dent Democrat- 1c, Anti-Assembly, People's i candidate. Vote for G. V. BOdGS. The highest class of ladies ready-made suits shown in Oregon. (Port land's large stores not excepted.) All custom tailored, the jackets are full lined with Skinners' two season satin, and the fabrics are the finest imported woolens possi ble to obtain, the regu lar men's tailored fab- rics, not the ordinary goods you find in the usual selections. We're proud of these smart! ' md we want ev- " "oman to see them. Hinoirlerinq quality they much underpriced. floor. Have You Seen Our Showing of Fine Furs? It 1b a pleasure to us to oven show furs, for wo want ovoryono to seo tho quality of our stock and the low prices wo ask. Don't think that just bc causo you don't huy wo don't want to show you It Is a pleasure for us for you to look. Imported and domestic Bklns properly priced. $5.00 Silk Petticoats, Special $2.98 Today only, Wednesday's Surprise Sale No. 505, tho Petticoat? Section offers a good quality SILK SKIRT in black and colors to Wednesday's Sur prise shoppers at tho special low prlco of None sold before 8:30. No phono ord-rs. $2.98 PARCELS CHECKED FREE g T J-"L TOM MAPLE THORPE, EX PERT SHOE REPAIRER mum CITY NEWS. Snvcd- Dollara upon dollars on millinery goods bought at Ilallberg's classy etoro. filx-ltoom House ( Bath, nowly flnlBhod lnsldo, lot 80x 100, for ealo cheap. N. D. Elliott, I Do You Know- That Ilallborg carries snappy shoos for ladles und children at loss than regular shoo storo prices? Don't Miss Tho Jnpanosc luncheon and fine musical program at tho First Chris tian church, Friday, Octobor 14, at 8 p. m. 10-12-3t Cntherino M. Williams Has sovored all connection with Job prlntor 221 South Commercial t ' 10 k if tl10 E,lt0 Mnssngo Parlors, but will otreot' lu-D-u on nnd nfter Mon,,nyi October 3 7th, IMno Muslciil Program 0CCIy rooma 318-19 u- s- Nat. And Japanese luncheon at tho butldin.g Will do everything First Christian church, Friday, Oc- I'ortnlnlng to the beauty lino, hair tobor 14, at 8' p. m. Program ICo; wvi"B. chiropody work. Will luncheon 10c. 10-12-31 rato' l llldioB only- QUson'B barborTnop Hoinburkle Not Guilty Gllson's cigar storo Tho Jury In tho caso of tho Stato Qllson'B bathH opon nil day Sunday VB Ai Hornbuckle, who was indict-12-4-w-s-t o(J Ul)0)j tlio eimrgo 0f poisoning stock, tho cow of a neighbor, which was triod In the circuit court yos- tordoy morning, lato last ovonlng brought in a vordlct of not guilty, nnd tho defendant was disehargod. Johnson's Cleaning and Pressing Parlors; hats blockod and donned nud clothes repaired. Hajnaa old location. Phono 124S. wod-sat-tf TEACHERS PASS RESOLUTIONS AND ADJOURN THEY PLEDGE TI I ESIS K LYES A3 TEACHERS TO EXERT EVERY INFLUENCE TO MAKE OltEGOX A ' MODEL TEM PEI tANC K STATE. Cottugo Hotel Hates - Boglnnlug September 1 table board by tho weok, $4.50. Single meals, 25 cents. Rbmonibwr, this moans Cot tage Hotel quality. 35c Head Tlirou Glory Tiikot Throe marriage llconsos wore ls suod by ounty Olorlc Allen today, and In oaoh caso tho wedding coro- Sunday dinner, mony is scheduled to tako placo up-9-20-tf on this dato. Thoso to whom "glory cortlfloatos" wero Issuod woro Albert P. Nys, aged 2G, and a butcher of "Tho Spirit of Idaho," by. Arthur' . Ylimhn, whn wlll ,V0I, Mlsa Agnes Molsan, aged 24, nnd tho (Tho harnessing of Western Rivers) ,ln.htnp . x. ,. nf Uronlra. by Clayton M. Jones; in Octobor I T, ahBhnnIf ,.,, , ,, n fnrm. or of Tualatin, who will wod Miss Mary E. Stastny, aged 24, of Jeffer son, nud W. F. Wlllard, agod 35, and a farmor of Jofterson, who wlll tako unto himself as wlfo Miss Emma Mil lor, agod 41, also a resident of Joffor-son. Buusot magatlno. Now on sale on all news stands 15 cents, to-10-13 Attention, Voters Registration bookB wll bo opened at tho city hall on Monday for the city primaries, to ho hold Saturday, Novomber &, If you dcslro to vote you must roglstor. Attend to It at onco. W. A. Mooros. recordort 10-8-Bt Waxfordt Wcxfortll Wcxfortll Tonight. "Pilgrims' Progress." Iluuynn'a beautiful book dramatized. Tho greatest moving picture pro duced. "The Holy City." Bung by ltobort Jones, barltono. 10-11-St JuimitWiO Kiitortuliiment At tbo First Christian church FrJ. day, October 14, at, 8 p. m. Fine pro gram and lunohjon, Program 18c; Juncheon 10c 10-I2.8t 'Jttko Advantage Of Hallborg'a one-third off sale on chlldron'a dreaBea, cpata ami sweaters Mrs. Brooks' Funeral Mrs. Brooks was over 90, and was a member of tho Sovonth Day Ad- After ndoptlng resolutions favor ing tho adoption of the county high school system which wlll bo present ed to tho voters of Marlon county at ftho general election In Novomber. and pledging thomsolvos as teachers to oxort ovory Influence to ninko Ore gon u model tompernnce stato, thanks to their Instructors, thanks to tho hoard of oducatlon of Salem for providing comfortable quarter? ond ontortalnmont for thorn, during tho sosslon of tho lnstltuto and their appreciation of tho efforts' of State Sohool Suporlntondent Ackorman in tho promotion of tho educational work of tho public school system, nnd tho carrying out of tho program of instruction for tho dny, tho Mar lon county teachers' Institute will adjourn slno die at 5 o'clock tills af tornoon. It has b'een one of tho most suc cessful toachers' Institutes that has ovor boon conducted In tho county and much of tho credit for Its suc cess Is duo to County Superinten dent Smith, who has worked hard to mako it a sourco of onjoymont and Instruction to thoso in attend ance and who delivered an address at 2 o'clock this afternoon outlin ing his planB for tho Improvement nf the public school work for the year In which ho suggested, among other things, tho organlztnlon of n tcach ors' reading clrclo, Thdro wero 200 tonohors In attendanco and all mnn- ventlst church. Hor maiden name lfostcd keen Interest In the proceed was Rachael Scboemaker, and sho Ings throughout tho session. Tho, was tho mothor of ilvo children, two surviving her. Sho was all hor life a dovout Christian woman, a loving mother and good neighbor, Hor re mains wlll bo laid at tho sldo of her son. Nowmnn, In City Viow ceino tery. Tho funeral will be conducted from tho dough mortuary parlors, sorvleoe by Captain Cnrrlngton, of the Salvation Army at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. Some of tho critics seem really glad when they And somebody Iiub done something they ran ecold about. lnstltuto wlircloso this af tornoon with an address by Prof. Livingston on "The Ohnllongo of tho Twentieth Century." Carload of Furnuces Mr. A. L. Fraser., a successful plumber and tinner, of Salem, yester day received a carload of tho famous Lenox furnaces. This furnaco Is one of the beet on tho market, and Mr. Fraser. anticipating n largo domand for furnaces this fall, has laid In a supply to that people wlll not have to watt for tht-lr furnaces to be in Mailed. U he receives their" ordVr MHS. 11AKTKUFF ABANDONED UV HEH HUSBAND, TAKES CAll BOLIC ACID, AND IS FOUND SEMI-CONSCIOUS BY THE ItOAD NEAH SIIiVEItTON. Silverton.Ore., Oct. 12. (Special to Capital Journal) Mrs. Bartruff, the girl brldo who was Miss Helen Anderson, and whoso parents live near tho Swarts mill on tho Silver ton road, has again tried to make way with herself. A fow days after her marriago she tried to kill hor solf and was cared for at a Salem hospital. Tuesday when B. H. Da vis started for Salom from Silverlon ho found Mrs. Bartruff about two miles this side of Sllverton, semi unconscious near tho roadside, with a three-ounce bottlo of carbolic acid, about one-third consumed, and a note from her husband saying ho had deserted her. Sho was taken back to Sllverton and placed in chargo of Dr. Brooks. He imme diately went to work to pump the poison out of her. Sho had started to walk to her home, back towards Salem. When out near the Pudding river bridge sho' sat down by the roadside and drank tho acid and awaited death. Some little boyg saw her sitting there and acting sick nnd gave tho alarm and Dr. Brooks, of Sllverton, started for her relief but was met by Mr. Davis bringing hqr into tho city, when sho was attended to and then taken to tho Salem hospital in an auto. She was able to sit up. For some time Mrs. Bartruff has been very despondcut owing to her husband having deserted her. The poison burned her terribly but It 13 thought she may recover. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Anderson who live on tho Sllverton road. (Paid advertisement.) NEW TODAY ( Jf WASHINGTON IS TO HAVE A NEW RAILROAD WILL R. KIN One of the Judges of the Supreme Court, Whose Place Is Sought by Judge Geo. H. Burnett, the Republican Assembly Selection. UNITED TRESS LEASED WI12E. Richland, Wash., Oct. 12. Under orders to locato tho permanent Bur- vey for a railroad on the west banki of tho - Columbia river, extending southward from tho Boverly cross ing of that stream, a party of 17 civil cnglnooB in tho omploy, of the Chi cogo, Milwaukee & Puget Sound railway have beon sent to Hnnford, and nro working nt their task. It Is known that It Is tho plan of the rail road to build the long-projected ex tension of tho road Into tho Hanford and Richland irrigated districts, with a posslblo and oven probable branch road Into North Yakima. Tho lino from tho Bovorly bridge across tho Columbia river 'to Rich land will be 52 miles In length. The Mllwaukeo has obtained practically all tho right of way for tho extension. Tho work will bo done by Contractor II. C. Henry, who built tho-St. Paul coast oxtenslon from St. Joo, Idaho, to Soattlo. Henry's contract will aggregate moro than $1,500,000. Actual grad ing will not bo long delayed, it is stated, and tho now system will be complotod within a yoar, and prob ably In less than that time. o sc s(c s)c jfc Jt j(c jfc 5(C ?fc ifc js sf jjc )(4 Sfi PERSONALS V Z t X 4 tl V fe 4 Mrs. D. F. Wagner and daughter. Nannlo, hnvo returned from a month's outing at Newport. F. X. Molsan, of Gorvals, is tran sacting business in this city today. Ho is ono of tho earllost and most promlnont farmers on what is known as French Prairie. B. H. Davis, of Sllverton, Is at tending court this week. Mrs. Claud Gatch and daughter leavo this week for Los Angeles. California, to mnko tbolr future homo, Mr, Gatch having boon trans ferred as bank examiner to that field. Mrs. II. Geo. Meyer and daughter, Mrs. Ed. Thlolsen, arc 'spending the week nt Portland. Mr, nnd Mrs. II. B. Thlelsen aro In Portland with Miss Noll Thlelseu. to have an ex-ray examination inado of her hip, which has. been troubling hor for somo time. Miss Cora Talklngton Is Improved so as to go out of the house some. MAIUUHI). NY8-MQ1SAN. At St. Josoph's .Catholic church. Octobor 12, 1010, at 9 a. in., Mr. Albert Nys, of North Yamhill, to Miss Agnes Molsan, of Brooks Father Moore performed . i.c . m . mny Although not a native of Oregon, Judge King came within a very few miles of it, as he was born October3, 18G4, on a farm near Walla Walla, and came to Oregon (as a matter of choice) in 1S71, sinco which time 'he has been a continuous resident of this state. He spent three years in the Oregon State Agricultural College, and graduated in the law depart ment of the Central Normal College at Danville, Indiana, in 1891. Prior to his appointment to tho Supremo Bench, he was recognized as one of the leading practitioners at the bar. He has served nearly four years on tho Supreme bench, two years as Commissioner and nearly two as Asso ciate Justice of tho Supreme Court. He, with Judges Moore, McBrldo and Slater, Is endorsod by the non-political judiciary movement, which moenient had the unanimous endorsement of tho Oregon State Bar Asso ciation nt its session in June last, rf which association Judge King's oppo nent! Judgo Burnett is a member. Judge King's record as Supreme Judge is aboe criticism, and ranks high among the bar and people of the state. Among his decisions of note, and which have commanded the admi ration of the people and bar alike, are Straw v. Harris (54 Or., 424) up holding and clarifying the Initiative and referendum system of law-making; Longworthy v. State (104 Pae. 421) sustaining the constitutional ity of tho local optlpn law, and Hough v. Porter (51 Or., 318) whore more than SO points of law affecting water rights wore determined. The last case named Is used in connection with the lectures on mining and irriga tion in tlie Ann Arbor Law School, and Is generally recognized as one of the leading cases 1 1 the United States upon the questions there Involved. It has beon cited, with implied approval, by the United States Supremo Court. Is there any good reason for supplanting a man on the Supremo Bench whose record hns proved satisfactory to the people, merely because his opponent is a momber of tho majority parts, of the state? Politics does not enter into the qualifications of a juror, then why should it be the test for judicial oiflce? A complete answer to these inquiries was given by Governor Hughes, now Associate Justice of the United States, in a re cent lecture at Harvard. On this subject, among other things U. S. Su preme Judge Hughes said: "This ofilco (the judicial) is tho last place that should be used for tho purposo of party rewards All offortsTb sub merge party considerations In tho choice of candidates, to facilitate inde pendent choices to rebuko the use of judgesTiip's as a part of party pat ronage should be encouraged by the public-spirited citizens. No man should bo expected as a faithful party man to support the candidates of his party merely because he Is a candldato of his party. The sentiment should be encouraged that loyalty to natlonnl parties demands no such support, nnd that, without loss of pm-ty standing, men may vuto for 'judges ni'coi-iliiiR to their views or personal lltnesfi," Tho United States Supreme Court h composed of members of both par ties. Cleveland appointed a Republican as a momber of that court, while Harrison, Roosovelt and Taft-have appointed Domocrats, in order that tho court may be a mixed court politically, New York, Massachusetts, Iowa, Wisconsin and other states, including our neighbor stato, AVashlngton, have pursued the same plan. Why should not Oregon be equally-as pro gressive? Votors: It Is for you to say. (P'd Adv.) WANTED Your produce: Eggsr poultry, pork and veal at tho high est cash price. T. M. Jones ami Son, Commission Merchants, at Farmers' Feed Barn. Phono Main 430. . 9-28-tf A BIG BARGAIN) Modern 7-roora house, fruit and berrlesffor sale at a sncrlllco for a few days only Corner of Lee and 12th streets.. Call at 1110 Lee. l0-10-3t THE ANNUAL DOG LICENSE Be came delinquent September 1, 1910, and the ordinance makes it the duty of the poundmaster to tako up and impound all dogs; owned or kept within the city lim its on which the license has not been paid. Having been appointed to the above position, I hereby give notice to all owners or, keep ers of dogs to pay the license at onco, as I shall begin immediately to enforce Its collection. Tho li cense is payable to tho city treas urer. A. L. Young, poundmaster-10-10-3t $5 DOWN and ?1 per week will buy a choice lot on South Commercial street on car line, fot 50x100 feet. See Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street. 10-12- FOR RENT Furnished and unfur nished rooms, or housekeeping suites, 1145 Leslie street, opposite Yew Park grocery, or inquire of Pacific Land. Co., 420 State street. 10-12- WANTED Shovelers at 13th and Center street,. 50 for nine hours. 10-12-Ct- WANTED Good penman wants copy ing to do at house spare- time. Address "A. B. C:," care Journal. . 'i0-12-3t FOR SALE Fifty acres of fine fruit land, one-half in cultivation, balance pasture and timber. This place has fair improvements, has plenty of wood, water and fruit, and is located two miles from Ore gon electric R. R. and boat land ing. Prlco $100 per acre, includ ing all personal property. Will di vide or take Salem property in part payment. Address J. L. Kinney, Hubbard, Or. route 1, box CI. 10-12-lw Tho man with a suspended button missing, believes everyone suspects ho has had words with his wlfo. F L. P. o Who would not bo verbose nt a dollar n word? West Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage Connects with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Loaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m 12 m., 1:10 p. m. and 4.00 p. m. every day'except Sunday. Also for Independence. Mon mouth aud McMlnnvllle. Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a, m., 1:00 p. m., and 5:15 p.m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office auy day but Sunday. Phone 32. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. LOST A black music roll, between Barr's jewelry store and Garden Road on car line. Please return to Journal office. 10-12-3"t WANTED Place for aged man where ho can board and bo nursed when necessary. Reason able compensation will be paid. Inquire 427 N.. Church St., Salem. 10-12-31 Some Bargains . 97 acres, 25 cleared, house and barn, 20 acres prunes coming three years old, balance second-growth tim ber. Price $60 per acre, one-half cash. 205 acres, 100 acres In cultivation, houso and two barns, 4 miles from Dallas. Price $70 per aero. 200 acres near Rlckrealgood Im provements, most In cultivation. Prlco $65 per acre, one-fourth cash. Sovoral 10-acre grub oak tracts m , . i- $40 per acre. See ".1?"" 'i'"f i auunage or ruuy io, 000 operators on account of 8-hour law and extensive "wire less" developments. We operate under direct supervision of Tele graph officials and positively placa all students, when qualified. Wrlto for catalog. National Tele graph Institute, Clnclnnattl, Phil adelphia, Memphis, Davenport, la., Columbia. S. O., Portland, Ore. 9-12-w&s-8w GREAT SCARCITY OF TELEG RAPHERS! The railroads anJ wireless companies of America are short full 10,000 telegraphers. We can qualify young men and la dles in a few months and place them at $70 to $90 per month for beginners. Tuition canbe do posited until position Is secured. Operating six Fchools under direct supervision of Railway and Wire less Telegraph officials. Maln-llua wires and Wireless stations U each school. Write for catalogue to nearest Institute. National Telegraph Institute, Clnclnnattl, Philadelphia, Memphis, Columbia, S. C, Davenport. Ia Portland, Oregon. 9-12-w&s-8w JOHN BIRD At Dallas, Oregon Lingenfelter's Sanitary Fish and Poultry Market Everything in the FiBh, Poultry and canned goods line. 11 y market ' absolutely sanitary Biv meats letne kept In rofrlgerator envi or. Pi- - -n 'nrk aMMin''. '' r..".- S ' Tt!-rh . rpfs M. I IMiKNFKI.TFH. Prop. Phone 730. MONEY TO LOAN TWOS, K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Or. Mirwcn Union nominee nciotv Fran Mfre)lfh. nMn f- Salem, Oregon llootu 13 Hush Hunk Itlk. ShU-ui. Or