Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Ladies Hand Bags
Ladies Leather Belts
Ladies Trimmed Hats
Ladies Rouse Dresses
Ladies Kimoiias
Ladies Dressing Saques
Marlon county candidates met
wltli County Chairman Jones Inst
night at the Republican hoadquar
tors of the County Secretary, Fred
It. Waters. Thero was n good at
tendance, and took steps to get the
campaign undor way. There la
great difficulty in adjusting the ways
and moans to got campaign fundu
and not violato the Corrupt Prnctlco
act. B. M. LnFore has been chosen
city chairman and tho question of
registration for tho coming city dec
, tlon is being considered. City At
torney Corby holds that there nuts'
be n new registration but some of
tho city officials aro of tho opinion
that tho general registration will bo
followed. If thoro must bo a now
registration, thoro will bo almost no
votes cast Votors aro tired of tho
endless registration system that
makes them go to tho trouble of
reglBtoriug two or throo times in o
year. t
Chairman W. L. Jones and Sec
retary Fred II. Waters, of tho Re
publican county, central .committee,
opened up Itopubllcnn headquarters
1n room No. 1 in th&" Jos. Myora'
block, on -Stato street?' this, morning
nndarQ making preparations for tho
opening,-of tho campaign In this
county. It was ojfpeeted that a
mooting of tho central commlttco
would bo hold In this city last o veil
ing to outllno plans for (ho conduct
of the campaign in this county, but
it was called off on tho ground I hut
it would not bo wlso for the county
committee to mako any deilnito ar
rangements until tho congressional
conimlttoe orgnnlzos, whon the cam
lialgn will bo mado to harmonize
with tho plans of the congressional
The oily Republican central coni
mlttoe hold a meeting last ovonlng
and organized by electing B. M. La
Pore, of tho second ward, chntrmnn,
and Fred It. Waters secrolnry and
(this commlttco will work In conjunc
tion with tho county and congroa
fllonal commlttooa in outlining th
campaign for tho gonornl olectlon.
Chnlrmau Jonoa and Socrotary Wa
ters, of the county commlttoo, were
in coniultntlon this morning nnd
will probably call a meeting of the
county committee for Tuesday or
Wednesday ovonlng of next weok.
The game scheduled with tho
Multnomah Athletic club for Satur
day has bun called off by the inn li
nger of the club. The reason for
the poitponemont of the game Is
probably through lack of practice
and the poor ahape the club Is In nt
this time. Conoh Hwoetland did not
definitely know ut this till last night
at 10 p. Hi,
Tills morning he immediately
opeind negotiations with 0. A, C,
-who have a game with the Calhollu
Young Men's club, of l'ortlntnl, next
Saturday aud obtajnad the oopenl
or the manager of the 0. A. Um
to pobtpona lila game with the 0. Y.
M. (' ""til the following Saturday
and take on Willamette for thla
ooiuIuk Saturday. October 15.
Coaou Swtxttland then tried to xpeak
"with the manager of the C. Y. M. 0
to obtain his consent to the proposi
tion which O. A. C had so kindly
$onsonted to. Dr. Hweetlnnd wns
unable to make connections this
morning with the inauager but ho
la eonfldttit that there will be u
jamo with O. A. C. here next Sat
mrday. He will probably be able '.o
'Jnnd his man this afternoon.
Married, at Salem, October 12,
1D10. John Ferguson. Jr., to Miss
Mary Moll, both of West Salem, Rov
P. S. Knight officiating.
Tho brldo nnd groom left this
morning for Newport, whero tho fam
ily cottage of Undo John Ferguson
awaits them. They will remain at
tho beach for a short honeymoon,
when they will return to Salem and
tako up their permanent residence at
tho magnificent farm home of Mr
Ferguson, in West Salem.
John Ferguson, Jr., is a chip off
tho old block, a thorpugh-golng farm
er, nnd has inherited tho acute Insight
of his Scotch paronts. He Is a thrifty
young mnn, and will be ono of tho
Bolld citizens of this community for
many yonrs to come. Tho bride is
tho handsome and accomplished
daughtor of O. B. Moll, also of West
Salom. She Is thoroughly competent
to mako a most accomplished holp-
moet, nnd both young peoplo aro to
be congratulated upon their fitting
union. Both families, fn fact, aro to
bo congratulated, ns Is also tho com
munity upon holding thoso splendid
young peoplo in its midst.
Percy II. Cupper, assistant stato
engineer, is suffering nn allllctlon of
tljo optic norvo of his right eye, nnd
It is feared that ho will bocomo to-,
tally blind in consequence. Ho lost,
tho sight of his loft eyo sovoral years
ago, and if ills physicians, promlnont
specialists In tho treatment of eyo and
car diseases, of Portlund, aro not sue-'
cossful in tho treatment of tho nfflic
tlon of tho right oyo ho will bo ron-
dorod totnlly blind, nnd unfitted for,
duty in his choson profossion for tho
balance of his Hfo. Mr. Cuppor Is re-1
gnrdod as ono of tho most competent.
civil onglneors In tho stato, and his .
services for tho stato, in tho lino of
reclamation nnd topographical sur-j
veylng, liavo boon very proficient. Ho
recently roturncd from a surveying!
trip to Bastorn Oregon, nnd it is bo-1
llevod that tho trouble ho Is now suf
fering with tho right oyo wns brought
on by n strain in lifting upon nn au-
tomnbllo which hud bocomo' disabled,
nnd in which ho wns a pnssongor.
lifting failed to qualify by Bond
ing in thoir acceptance of the nomi
nation in time to got their nnmos on
the ballot, two Democratic candi
dates, S. S. Sponcor, for state engin
eer, and D. V. S. Rood, for water su
perintendent of the first, division, will
not appear upon the official ballot for
the general olectlon, as prepared by
the secretary of state yesterday, and
banded to the state printer last ov-
ening. Alt f the candidates for the
other atate office for both parties
filed their acceptance, and It Is ex
pected that aumplea or the ballots
will bt given the secretary of state
by the atate printer today.
XmmI Oman h, an inflammation ut
the delicate membrane lining the
alr-pauaiiKeii, la not cured by any
mixtures tukon Into the atomaoh.
Don't waste tlmi' mi them. Take
Ely's Creuin Halm thrmiKh the una
trtls, so thai the fevered, swollen
tlMiiea are reached at once. Never
ml ml how long you have euffered
nor how often you have been disap
pointed, we k'uw Kly'a Cream llalm
la the remedy you should use. AH
druggists, BOo. Mailed by lily
Ilroa.. 56 Warren street, New York.
Style Craft Shop
Beverly, Mass., Oct. 12. Presi
dent Taft is mapping out for con
gress a strenuous short session when
It convenes this Autumn, and his
recommendations will incuude bov
oral measures for which tho insur
gent Republicans aro fighting, ac
cording to authentic Information ob
tained today by tho United Press.
Tho president, In his message, will
demand tho enactment of many new
statutes oinbodyng the recommend
ations contained In tho Republican
platforms adopted in many states.
Foremost will como the presi
dent's expression of a doslro to se
curo a more economical administra
tion and tho recommendation that
congress cooporato with the govern
mental departments in bringing this
Taft will recommend the passage
of a law permitting tho development
of water power on. public lands by
private capital, with tho government
retaining tho power of using a re
straining ordor whore necessary.
Ho will urgo tho amendment of
tho Sherman anti-trust law so as to
permit rallronds to enter into lim
ited agreements regarding rates,
subject to tho npproval of the inter
stato commorco commission. A fed
eral charter for corporations also
will bo urged.
Tho presldont will continue his
announced policy of favoring the es
tablishment of a strong merchant
marine, nnd in this connection will
advert to tho progress mado in tho
construction of tho Panama canal.
Tho patronngo bunghole of the
"pork barrel" will be partially
plugged with a recommendation to
senators and congressmen that they
surrender a part of their appoint
ment privileges In ordor that mora
Kovornmont employes . may be
placed undor ' tho conditions of tho J
civil service.
Othor probable suggestions aro
fop a now form of government in
Alaska, tho strengthening of tho
anti-trust laws, currency reforms
tho Issuance of injunctions without
Portlnnd, Or., Oct. 12. Silver cups
nnd othor awards to a valuo oxceodlng
$1000 will bo distributed to the bluo
ribbon winners nt the fourth annual
horse show, which will open tomor-j
row afternoon for threo days In tho
Oriental building on tho Lewis and
Clark fair grounds. Soventy oupa
hnvo beon contributed by businoss
nnd profoesional men of Portland
who nre Interested In fine horses, nnd
everal more will be provided by the
Portlnnd Hunt Club, under whoso di
rection tho show Is boing given.
In addition to the cups, several sub
stnntlnl cash prizes aro offered by the
hunt club.
A largo number of horses from all
parts of the Paciflo Northwest have
been entered.
4,- $ $ $
Mrs. Uteri White, of Philadelphia,
uald $100 duty on a terrier pup re
cently. Is thla tariff levltd for pro-1
tectlng the American dog Industry? I
The Paris mob threw brloks at
the autoa delivering mail, and th
government has ordered tho nmlU
delivered by aeroplane that im
above the reach of bricks. Thus
279 N. Commercial Street
does sclenco steal away our Inaliena
ble rights.
What society women think of
thefr sisters in lower walks Is
shown In a I.os Angeles dispatch
where social leaders object to" wo
man suffrage because every society
vote would bo nullified by the votes
of "50 women who are neither edu
cated nor decent." If snobbery
and wealth can go further than till?,
The' funeral of Mrs. Thos. MInner
took place from the Clough undertak
ing parlors at 2 o'clock today. The
sorvices were conducted by Rev.. Rich
ard N. Avison. the new pastor of the
First M. B. church. Mrs. MInner
enrae to Salem about 15 years ago,
and has made a home" for her children
at 1504 North Broadway. She was
tho mother of ten children, of whom
eight' survive, two sons living In Sa
lem. Her bachelor son, John MInner,
a hard-working man, has kept the
home for mother nnd tho children.
Sho was a lifelong member of the
Methodist church, a charter member
of the first Temperance Union and
of the W. C. T. U., later when it was
organized. She was a splendid chris
tian woman and all who knew her
loved her and she enjoyed the high
est respect of the community. The
funeral was held from the Clough
Undertaking pr.rlons.
You can eat anything your stom-
ach craves without fear of Indiges
tion or Dyspeiisla, or that your food
will ferment or sour on your stom
ach, if you will tako n little Dlapop-
sin occasionally.
Your meals will taste good, and
anything you eat will be dlgoslod:
nothing can ferment or turn Into
ncld or poison or stomach gas, which
causes Belching, Dizziness, a feeling
of fullness nfter eating, Nausea, In
digestion (llko n lump of leadln
stomach nnd Intestines or othor
Headaches from tho stomach aro
absolutoly unknown whero this ef
fective remedy is used. Dlapepiin
really doos all tho work of a healthy
stomach. It digests your meal?
when your stomach can't. A single
doso will digest all tho food you eat
and leave nothing to formont or sour
and upset the stomach.
Oct a large 50-cent case of Pape's
Dlapopsin from your druggist and
start taking now, and in a little
whllo you will notually brag about
your healthy, strong Stomach, for
you then can oat nnythlng and
everything you want without the
slightost discomfort or misery, and
ovory particle of impurity nnrt. 'Ons
that is in your stomach nnd intes
tines is going to bo cnrrlod away
without the use of laxatlvos or any
other assistance.
Should you nt this moment be suf
fering from Indigestion or any stom-.
ach disorder, you can got relief
within five minutes.
The Call of tho Blood.
for purification, finds voloo in plm
plos, bolls, sallow complexion, ti
Jaundiced look, moth patches and
blotches on the sklnf " signs qf
liver trouble. But Dr. King's New
Life Pills make r'oh rod bloodj give
cUifr skin, ro y cheek's, fine' com
plexion, health. Try thom. 25c nt
J. C. Perry'?
ULv 'r oiVUONU MIAMI, v 1
!....-,. rv iu..riirdyys
j.-k wUk tm?Z..
illi. l!RANI I'lLlVS'"
. !MM.AtlKcaW
New York, October 12. Hats are
freaky, but more varied in shape
and size than over, so everyone can
find the right thing to suit the face,
figure and costume. This last item
is not by any means least Important.
Now that the Directoiro styles are
onco more on tho top of the wave,
the harmony between the hat and
dress must be perfect or all the ef
fect of both is lost.
Tlio Vogue of Satin Suits
Suits of black" satin aro especially
smart but are only desirable wher?
the material is of the best grade,
and as the waist, hat, boots', and
gloves must correspond in elegance,
such costumes rank among extreme
luxuries. All black costumes of
broadcloths, corduroys, cheviots or
silk finished suitings aro fashionably
worn for almost any occasion with
contrasting accessories hat, glovea,
etc., in white- or color or in all
black if that is becoming.
Modish Colors
Browns In leather shades, greens
In olive tones and blues in royal and
navy as well as in tho grayish me
dium shades aro very much worn,
nnd the combination of black with
everything especially with blue, and
with whlto, Is noticeable wherever
handsome costumes are seen.
Black hats with colored trim-
The above design Is by Tfee McCail
v, New Ytk, DetigKcrs
and Makers of AkCatl IMltcm,
None in Salem Will Ever Again
See the Like
To purchase a "Standard Made"
Piano an instrument of absolutely
unquestioned reputation at a pries
usually paid for the ordinary kinds,
Is the opportunity that awaits those
who attend this art exhibit and sale
at 455 Court street;
Tho buying of a piano- is an im
portant matter. There are many
pianos and many dealers.
You must inn large degree rely
upon tho denier. He knows piano
Sherman, Clay & Co. have been
selling pianos on the Pacific Coast
for nearly 40 years and the'r soiling
methods are well known.
Tho following quotation from th"
Oregon Dally Journal of August 9,
1008, Is significant:
"In almost every line of trade
there aro one or more firms who, by
reason of long years of fair dealing
and courteous demeanor hnvo
earned the confidence and respect of
the public. No firm in any lino of
Sherman Way & Co.
mlngs, especially with white, are de
cidedly faddish. Amazon turbans
with their high velvet facings of
black velvet havo crowns of white
ribbed silk, or of somo of tho bro
cades or tapestries so much used for
millinery purposes this season. Pat
terns and materials that have hith
erto been used for upholstery pur
poses are now seen in millinery de
partments everywhere and these
same ,fabrlc3 are boing used for coat
trimmings, vests, etc.
New Long Coats.
New long coats for motor use or
general wear aro straight cut, as
everything Is just now, but aro loose
enough to completely cover the cos.
tume and made with ample reveres.
and wide collars, that can be but
toned up close to tho throat, and
with wide cuffs, dust gunrds, big
buttons and patch pockets that also
fasten with a button In many In
Long coats of broadcloth, sergo or
of ratine which Is the latest French
crnKe for this use, are mado up in
dolmanesque stylo with straight
klmonn sleovos cut in one with the
rest of tho coat, and hive tho full
ness at the back. If thero is any con
fined near the foot by some sort of
band trlmmMig, whloh usually dnea
not extend beyond th elde of the
garment. Largo sailor collnrs that
fln'sh In long front revorea and fas
tenings belqw the waist well over
toward Hie left "side, oharcaterlzo
the ht of these coats, which are
used wl'h all sorts of drosses for day
and evening wenr. The black coat
with white, gray, yellow or aprloot
lining is tho one most generally use
ful, but browns, grays and blues are
all smart especially in ratine.
Gloves and Footworn.
Suede fln'sh leather with points
A good sohnol none better. Well established reputation. Successful grad
uates. Skillful, painstaking touohors. Living expenses low. Many other
advantage. Let us tell you about theui. Write for catalogue.
W. I. staley, Principal
! I vnrln afniirlcj litrrlton tlirlll Araa in
house of Sherman, Clay & Co."
"To thine own self be true and it
must follow ns tho night tho dny,
thou canst not then be false to any
Among the PUinos left you will
find some of the world's greatest
makes, including STEIXWAV, A. II.
Here and now you can purchase
any one of these magnificent instru
ments on very easy terms in fact
the terms will bo made to suit your
own convenience.
We have accepted as part pay
ment several used instruments;
these can be had for as little as JS5,
on easy payments.
If you have any possible use for a
piano, by all means come today or
during the evening and take advan
tage of this opportunity.
Remember the address:
toes are fashionable for dressy foot
wear, and considerable use is to ba
mado of velvet and silk for the sama
grade of shoes. Dull gray suede
with matching hose is the Parisian
fad, but hero black is more used for
general wear. Gloves with wido
stitchlngs in black or white to con
trast with the kid are decidedly mod
ish, and tho chamois glove with
heavy spear point finish aro very
smartly worn. Dogskin gloves of
similar mannish cut nnd finish aro
used for harder wenr. As sleeves
continuo to be abbreviated consider
ably for almost all dress purpose,
the Mousquetaire glovo worn Is long
enough to meet the sleeve. Nothing,
uglier In n sartorial way exists than
the gap often seen between tho top
of tho glovo and tho sleeve. Tho
very prettiest arm is unattractive co
displayed.- LUCY CARTER.
The Royal Month nnd the Roynl
Sudden changes of weather aro
especially trying and probably to
none more so than to the scrofulous
and consumptive. Tho progress of
scrofula dur'ng a normal October
Is commonly great. We never think
of scrofula Its bunches, cutaneous
eruptions, nnd wastilig of tho bodily
substanco without thinking of tho
great good many si.fforers from It
have derived from Hood's Sarsapar
111a, whogo rndlcal ant" permanent
oures of this one dlsonse are enough
to mnke It the most famous mediclno
In the world. There is probably not
a city or town whero Hood's Sarsapa
rilla hns not proved its merit in
more homes than ono, in arrostlng
and completly eradicating scrofula,
which Is almost as serious and as
much to be feared as its near rola
1 1 ve, consumption.
Salem, Oregon