Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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"Opportunity fs Knocking at Your Door
Take this chance to purchase land in
purchased at the present time for
few years. Railroads are now being constructed, and other roads are being surveyed
territory, and now is the "opportunity of a life time" to make a first class investment,
following list and then let us assist you by bringing the buyer and seller together.1
No. 72 $17C0.00 Ono Imlf acre
more or less half a mllo north of
Tillamook City. Houso and bam.
All household effects too numer
ous to mention. lcow; 1 2-seated
surry: garden tools, etc.
No. 73 $730.00 House and two lofs"
In Sunnymead addition to Tilla
mook. Terms, $250 cash"; balance
In monthly payments like rent.
No. f l $1000.00 Two largo lots
and house of four rooms Sunny
mead addition to Tillamook; terms
$700 cash, balance on one or two
years' time.
No. 75 $375.00 Choice city lot
centrally located, sidewalk Im
provement; terms, cash.
No. 70 $750.00 Two largo lots
and building two stories high,
located at Nehalem City; 7-room
house; close to Nohalom High
School. Has small bearing or
chard, berries, and other Improve
ments. Terms cash.
No. 77 $8000.00 15 ncrcs located
at the town of Beaver, Oregon:
good hotel and livery stable busi
ness f4 rooThs In hotel; all fur
nishings and Improvements on the
place; running water piped to the
house and barn. Has bo ring or
chard In first class condition.
This property is an Al investment,
and can be had on the following
attractive terms; $3,000 cash;
balance on five years' time wlch
6 per cent interest.
No. 78 $3000.00 5 ncrcs located
In the city limits of Tillamook;
new 4-room houso. Terms $1500
cash and $1500 on tlmo at 7 per
No. 70 $17,000.00 100 acres lo
cated in tho town of Beaver, Ore
gon. All under improvements;
has fine large house; cheess fac
tory on the place; also two large
barns; 25 head of cows; two
teams of horses; wagon; all Imple
ments and tools; everything goes
with the place except personal
household effects. Small orchard
of mixed trees. Terms, $7000
cash and balance payable In 10
years' time at C per cent interest.
No. 81 $3200.00 320 ncres of first
class land, 100 acres of which Is
creek bottom and level; balance
sloping side hill land suitable for
fruit. This land Is In tho rough,
and covered with a light growth
of timber which can bo easily re
moved at no great expense. At
If there Is any property in the above list that appeals to you let uj
from you at once, for these prices will not remain open long as most
list is on the market at from SO days to 6 months option.
Estate and Insurance
I am interested in the marked num
ber on'above list.
$10 per acre thii is ono of the
best buys for investment in Tilla
mook county. Running water
through tho place. Located on
survey of electric railroad, and
enough timber on the placo to moro
than amply repay one" for purchas
ing, Terms cash at $10 per acre.
No. 82 $17,000.00 GO acres locat
ed ono mile from Tillamook City
of first class bottom land; fine 8
room house with solid concrete
foundation; barn, chicken-house
and hog-Louse; 15 head of cows;
one' graded bull; ono horse. All
Improvements and tool3 on the
place. This Is a first class Invest
ment for water frontage, as
Hoquarton Slough, tho main
waterway to Tillamook C)y,
borders this property for almost a
mile, giving tho purchaser a mile
of water frontage which will be
vory valuable in the near future.
First class boomago for logs, and
Al manufacturing site. One look
ing for investment would do well
to look Into this. Terms $3000
cash and balance on extended tim
at 6 per cent interest.
No. 83 $3750 12 acres of fir,-;
class bottom land all under fence
and cleared; no other improve
ments; located on main county
road Terms $2000 cash; balanoo
on 3 years' time. This is Ideal
for a small country home.
No. 84 $0500.00 100 ncrcs located
4 miles from Tillamook City; large
G-room house; good barn; 20
head of cows; all agricultural im
plements and tools; place has run
ning wat"-; small orchard In bear
ing; mixed trees; lots of small
fruit strawberries, loganberrle-i,
etc.; terms $2500 cash; balance
$800 per ann m at C per ce.it.
This Is a good dairy ranch.
No. 85 $550.00 Lot 50x100, locat
ed at Ocean Vew Beach; house of,
4 rooms. At tho price this place
Is a bargain for ono who wants a
seaside homo on beach property.
No. 80 $2000.00 2 ncres rf first
class bottom land adjoining the
limits of Tillamook City; sidewalk
Improvements; located on main
county road; terms on each acre,
1-3 cash and balance on 5 years'
time; monthly, quarterly or annual
payments to suit purchaser . These
aero tracts have been selling
well. If n person desires this kind
of property ho would do ' -oil to
look Into these acre tracts.
the Tillamook, Salmon River and
$10 to $50 per acre will double
No. 87 $5000.00 100 acres of un
improved land located In southern
part of Tillamook county, clos to
school, cheese factory and town of
Cloverdale. Houso of 5 rooms and
small barn. Terms $1500 cash;
balance on long tlmo at 6 per cent.
No. 88 $1500.00 Ono block of 22
lots located In Miller's Addition to
Tillamook City; lots 25x105 ft.
Terms one-half cash; balance on
ono year's t'.me.
No. 80 $2000.00 Good lot and 3
room house recently built in Park
Addition to Tillamook. This Is a
good buy for some ono that wants
a Tillamook home cheap. Terms
$500 cash; balanco on suitable
terms, like rent or monthly pay
ments to suit purchaser.
No. 00 .$3000.00 Corner lot
largo 12-room houso In Park Ad
dition to Tillamook. Terms $1000
cash; balanco on extended time to
suit purchaser.
No. 01 $1050.00 Houso and two
lots centrally located can be
bought on terms to suit purrhasor.
No. 02 $2500.00 100 acres located
three miles from Beaver on tho
Big "Nestucca River; 30 acres In
pasture and cultivation; balanco
rolling hill land. Houso 1Gx18, 4
rooms; larn 36x48. 100 fruit
trees In bearing. This place will
run at tho present tirao 15 cows;
terms $2000 cash; $500 on first
mortgago note at 7 per cent In
terest. No. 1)3 $3200.00 320 ncres on tho
Big Ncstucca River 1 mile from
Beaver; two small houses one of
3 rooms, 20x42; ono of 5 rooms,
20x42; 28 acres in meadow; 32
acres slashed ready for burning;
G cows go with the place; the
place will run 40 head of cows.
Price $3200 until tho 1st day of
July, and after that tho price will
bo raised by tho owner. Terms
$2700 cash; 1 alanco on tlmo at G
per cent Interest. This place con
tains thousands of acres of out
range and would make an Ideul
stock ranch for raising stock.
No. 01 $3500.00 100 acres, 25
acres of level bottom land; 75
acres rolling land; good rich oil;
mllo of fence; about 4 acres
under cultivation. 2,000,000 ft.
of heavy fir timber and 1,500,000
piling. Tho postofflce to this
placo Is Kernville, Lincoln county.
This plcco Is accessablo by fairly
good roads, and by water; by bo.it
to Sllotz via Salmon River Bay;
this is a fine timber claim situated
on Drift Rlvor, 3 miles from
Siletz River; 2 mllea from Baw
mill; plenty of wafer power on tho
placo to develop fair sized saw mill
property, and lotB of timber ad
joining which can bo purchased
reasonably. This Is a fine mill
site. Terms $1750 cash; balanco
on three years' time at 6 per cent.
No. 05 $10,000.00 130 ncrcs of
lovel bottom land, nearly all wire
fenced. 60 acres under cultiva
tion; about 2,000,000 ft. of hem
lock timber and about 2,000,000
ft. of fir. Watered by running
creeks. All kinds of small fruits
1 aero of orchard in bearing, 7
years old. Houso 18x24, G rooms.
Barn 18x42. 2 miles to school;
2 miles to postofflce, and store.
5 cows; wago.i; plow; rake; har
row; mowing machine and crenm
separator; all Implements and tools
go with, the placo. Contains 130
acres of first class bottom land; 60
acres of this is cloared, and will
run at the present tlmo 4p cows;
fine running stream of water on
tho place. Tho party that gets
this placo gets tho finest dairy
farm In Lincoln county. Terms
half cash and balance on extended
tlmo to suit tho purchaser.
No. 00 $10,000.00 120 acres. 60
acres level land and GO acres roll
ing hill land; half under fence; 20
acres under cultivation; 40 acrus
heavy timber; watored by creeks.
Horo Is a cheap placo for any ono
hat has small capital. 35 acres
first class cranberry marsh whlca
has wild cranberries on at tho
present tirao. Other cranberry
marsh adjoining the place. Is 3-4
mile from beach and country road
running through tho placo. Lies
on Devils Lako, which Is a flno
body of water, and this place will
bo vory valuable In tho nrar fu
ture, At tho present tlmo tho
placo will carry 15 cows. Small
saw mill on tho placo run by water
power, with capacity of about
1600 ft. of 1 ruber per day. Is
closo to school; also postofflce and
near tho town of Taft. At present
tlmo there are two cows and two
calves; ono team; 3 head of hogs;
plow; harrow; wagon and all Im
plements and tools and all produce
go with tho placo. Terms, $5000
Or Call in Person at the
Siletz Valleys. Land that can be
and treble in value duringthe next
cash; balance in 5 years' time at
6 per cent interest.
No. 07 $3100.00 100 ncrcs. 60
acres lovol land; 100 acres rolling
hill land; 15 acres under cultiva
tion. 1,500,000 ft. heavy timber
and 2,500,000 ft. light timber.
Watored by running streams.
Small fruits. This is a dairy farm
and timber claim combined situ
ated on Beaver Creek mllo
from saw mill, miles from
cheeso factory. Neat houso 17x
24 with 2 rooms; wood-shod, barn
and other outbuildings. This Is a
bargain for any ono wanting a
cheap placo. Terms $3160 cash.
No. 08 $3200.00 80 acres, of
which 50 corns Is level land; 30
ncrcs rolling hill land; rich soil. 3
acres of rich bottom land under
cultivation. 2,000,000 ft. of heavy
timber. Hero is a fine home cheap
. for any ono with small amount of
80 acres situated on Salmon
River i4 mile from cheese factory;
county road running through tho
placo; 25 acres Is first class bot
tom land. 2,000,000 ft. of fir
timber. Plenty of small timber
suitable for firewood. Is well
watered by running stream. Is a
good buy for tho money. Terms
No. 00 $0300.00 1-18 acres. lit
miles from cheeso factory. This is
an ideal dairy farm ready for 30
cows or moro. 25 acres is flrat
class meadow which cuts GO tons
of hay por year. 40 acres under
cultivation; GO acres level land
nnd balanco In grass and small
timber sultablo for flro-wood; all
under fenco nnd cross fenced.
Small houso 24x24; barn 40x40;
chlckon-houso and othor out
buildings. Cheap placo for tho
monoy. Well watered by creeks
and rlvor. Terras cash.
No. 100 $1800.00 121 acres lying
on tho Salmon Rlvor; 2 miles to
school; 2is miles to postofflce;
3 miles to choeso factory. Nat
ural lako on tho placo of 2 ncros.
30 acres of ttdo land and the bal
anco good sloping tillable land.
Good placo for ono who has not
used his homestead right; 40 acrua
vacant government land joining
tho placo; plenty of small timber
sultablo for flrowood; tho land can
bo diked with 200 yard dlko.
Terms $1000 cash. Balanco In C
months nt 8 por cent.
k City?
Look over the
No. 101 $8000.00 10 acres 3 mllea
from Tillamook Olty on tho sur
veyed lino of tho United Electric
Railway, which Is now building In
to Tillamook. This 40 acres can
bo bought for $200 per acre and
will double in valuo In the next 5
yoars. Land all level and under
fence. An ideal location for cut
ting into acroago. Terms half
cash and tho balance on extended
time to suit tho purchaser.
No. 102 $1000.00 100 ncrcs locat
ed on Three Rivers; small house
and barn; 7 cowb. Terms $1000
cash and balanco on extended
tlmo to suit tho purchaser. This
Is tho making of a good dairy or
stock ranch, with thousands of
acrc3 of outrange on Mt. Hebo. On
main county road.
No. 103 $10,000.00 120 acres of
which 90 acres is bottom land;
balance sloping hill land; all un
der Improvement and fenced. 30
hoad of stock; all tools, imple
ments, etc., team, wagon, harness
nn I ovorythlng on tho placo ex
cept personal household effects.
Terms half cash; balanco on long
tlmo to suit purchaser at G per
cent Interest. Good buy for a
first class dairy ranch.
No. 101 $000.00 block central
ly located, Tillamook City; terms
$450 cash; balanco on extended
tlmo at 8 por cent. This is a good
investment for some ono who
wants to invost in city proporty.
No. 105 $1000.00 block; house
with 4 rooms; sidewalk, Improved,
city water; 1 wood-shed, chlckon
house. Terms $400 cash; balanco
on extended tlmo to suit tho pur
chaser at 8 por cont; or can puy
for tho placo monthly like rent.
No. 107 $0000.00 140 acres lo
cated 7 miles from Tillamook City
on main grivoled county road.
Terras, $1500 cash; balance on 10
yoars' tlmo at 7 por cont. A good
No. 108 $1500.00 14J acres ad
Joining Clovordalo; houso with 1
rooms; placo Is all fenced; small
orchard; lots of small berries and
good garden. This place Is a snap
at tho prlco. Terms casli.
No. 100 $1800.00 Timber claim
locatod In tho south part of Tilla
mook County; cruises about ,4,000,
000 ft. Terms, $1800 cash.
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