TAOW TWO I W. ikw,. iMiM, OREGON'. WEDNESDAY, OCTOIJER 12, 1010. illf THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFEH, Editor And Proprietor. tidoj jartwu Nswipaper Darotod to American Prinolplee and the Prorp and Oorolopoment of All Oregon. fubllshcd Brcry KTenlns Rxccpt Sunday, 8lem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. (lnrarlablr in Adranco.) Dally, by canlor, por year 18.00 Per month..,...'!' Dally, "7 stall, per year.. ..., 4.00 Per months Mo Weekly by mall, pr Tear,..... ... 1.00 Six monthi .......Ko Bunion I . , CAN HAWLEY PULL THROUGH? t Congressman Hawley can only.be elected.by the loyalty of Drograssivo Republicans, If Mr, Hawley losss the Insurgent vote of this district he will have no one to blame but himself. B, F, Mulkev, who was in the field only about a month came near beating Mr, Hawley for the nomination, Insurgency is growing and Mr. Hawley should meet the issue. The people of this congressional district are slow to act but thev might turn aeainst Hawlev the last dav, His refusal to say anything for the progressive policies that were the1 sole issue in the campaign makes his condition perilous. Before it is too late he should put himself right and save J.L! J!J.' l t ' j 1-. P i. mis uisinci Trom going 10 me Democrats, In a letter to the voters of this district, published today, Mr, Hawley says! "If re-elected I will continue to support effective and pro gerssive legislation for the general good." This general staetment will satisfy rock-ribbed Republi cans, but is not stronKi-clear and to the point In his public letter Mr, Hawley "does not declare himself for the Uregon plan of electing senators, He still tans to go on record tor statement no. une or against Cannonism. But Mr, Hawley takes a stand for some progressive policies, and helps himself a little, He mildly breaks through the mist of Standpatterism like an autumn sun breaking through the clouds. Whether the Progressive Republican voter will visualize him sufficiently to vote for him on election day is the question, . His talk for lower tariff and new rules for 'the House is not specific and positive, and must be made stronger. The average family pays twenty cents a week sugar tariff to make millionaires, and wants positive relief, Give them the other barrel, Mr, Hawley, and -save this dis "tnct from going over to the Democratic side of the House, 1 o WILL CELEBRATENESMITH DAY. Jt takes a long hard struggle to bring a new county into existence, , The people of Nesmith county have been twice before the legislature, They were turned down and are now before the people by the Initiative. Saturday October 15th has been set apart for Nesmith Day at Cottage Grove, There will be a barbecue and special trains and music and money raising. The Commercial club has arranged for all the merchnats to have special sales, All theextra profits made on that day will go into a fund for Nesmith county, There is a general. feeling that one new county will be created this year at least. No man' with 'any pride in the history of the state will vote to turn down Nesmith county, 1 0 THE POWER OF THE RECALL. There should be no important officials with power to tax "io .people or make laws forthem not subject ot the Recall, lvweiy uiuuuuing a pennon tor tlio recall ot an official is a check upon possible wrong-doing and stops grafting. Circulation of the petition for the recall of Mayor Hiram C, Gill is under way, The petition is worded similarly to that used in the recall 'of Mayor A, C, Harper, of Los Angeles, It declares that Mayor Gill has shown himself incompetent and unfit; that he has abused the appointive power by select ing, for personal and political reasons, men personally unfit for the offices for which they appointed: that ha has wlmllv failed, refused and neglected to oerform his dntv iw nnW. ow MA GETS GREAT RECEPTION MAKING A WHIRLWIND CAM PAIGN, IiA GRANDE MEETS HIM, HALE WAY AM) HUNDREDS OK i 'ENTHUSIASTS, HEADED HY HAND, 1'OilM DIG PAUADK. Loss of Appetite Is loss of vitality, vigor cr tone, -.M la often a forerunner of prostrating dis ease. It Is serious and especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The beat medicine to take for It Is the great constitutional remedy Mood's Sa.GapanESa "Which purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Qpt It today iv usual liquid form or choiolatfd tn fli-' . called Sarsmabs. Li, Grande, Ore., Oct. 11. Union county's annual fair broke tip late tonight with a wild enthusiastic chor us singing "B-o-w-o-r-m-a-n," ac companied with band music, all a fitting climax p a"stronuous half dny which Jay Bowerman spent herc.IIo arrived In La Grando at nobn and was hurried to the Palmer mills, whore ho spoko for a few minutes to a delegation of interested mill men. Then he was off to Perry, and there, too, he shook hands with and spoke to a large crowd of laboring men. At G o'clock he met with the O. It. & N. shop crow for a few minutes earnest campaignlrj?. Finally came the crowning hour of his stay in La Grande, when he addressed 2000 men and womon at tho fair grounds building. The conclusion of his speech was the signal for a wild out burst of enthusiasm. With old Itepublicans leading, a serpentino was done down tho Mid way behind the band, school children falling in with tho chorus. "Bower man" was on the Hps of hundreds. Then, too, over 1000 mot him person ally and shook hands with him. Bowerman covered the various is sues of tho campaign, pointedly sliowed tho interest "boss" Bourno has In the campaign, and that Bourne's Interest Is entirely selfish. Ho spoke of the necessity of the peo ple insisting that tho primary law and statomont No. 1 and all other peo ple-made laws bo allowed to stand without change until changed by tho people thomselves, and pledged his most earnest support nlong these linos. Ho called attention to the ne cesslty of a public service commls Silon, created by law, that will regu late- tho gas, electric and telephone companies. The question of good roads was covered at some length by tho speaker, who furthor showed it was bettor for all concerned to have tho convicts omployed at road build ing Instead of working for a private concern, making stoves. Ho told of tho long fight in tho legislature In passing tho railroad commission law, and tho important part taken by him in securing tho passago, of this statute. Tho largo audience gavo Bowerman tho closest attention and frequently interrupted him with enthusiastic applauso. o Your Problem is Solved f it is in Regard to Holiday Gifts I CONVENTION j HDLMQ 5AIITU I i m mo ssi i as W. C. T. U. BEGAN ITS SESSIONS YESTERDAY WITH FINE AT TENDANCE THE BRILLIANT SPEAKER MRS. MARY HARRIS ARMOR TO SPEAK TONIGHT. JOHN A. DIX BITTERLY ATTACKS T. R A goodly number of delegates were in attendance at the state W. C. T. U, convention, which began its sessions at tho M. E. church yesterday. The whole state is well represented, dele gates being present from nearly every portion of the state. Yesterday was principally given to the preliminary work of the convention, appointing of committees, reports of officers, etc. At the evening session a number of addresses of welcome were given by representatives cf various interests, that of President Hotnan, of Willam ette University, being especially not able. These addresses were respond ed to by Mrs. Henrietta Brown, of Albany, In a happily worded speech. The various county presidents were introduced to tho 'audience, and sev eral told briefly of the work in their own field. The program for today Is chiefly given to department work, but the ev ening session, with a diamond medal contest, and an address by Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, of Georgia, will be es pecially Interesting. While W. C. T. U. has had many fine speakers among its workers fo'r a number of years after tho death of Miss Francis E. Willard no ono was found who could approach her in platform power. Of late, however, a Southern woman, Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, of Georgia, has taken a posi tion on tho temperance platform which Is said to really equal that of tho illustrious founder and leader of the W. C. T. U. organization. It Is only because of a personal friend ship between Mrs. Armor and Mrs. Ada Wallace Uuruh, the president of the Oregon W. C. T. U., that it has been possible to secure Mrs. Armor for Oregon. Sho will speak In tho M. E. church this evening and tomorrow afternoon. Mrs, Armor has tho fire and fervor, which is tho peculiar gift of the Southern orator, and Is little less than marvelous In her power over an audience. It is -often hard to thinlf just what "she" would like i We have tried to solve this pro blem for you. We believe that f this year we have J solved for you one of the most perplexing ques- tions "what shall J I get for him?' J FOR LADIES FERN DISHES I BRASS, SILVER AND CUJP GLASS. SEWING BOXES. MANICURE S17TS. HANDBAGS IN LEATHER AND CHAIN. JEWEL CASES, WITH SPECIAL COMPARTMENTS AND PATENT LOCKS. BEAUTIFUL TOILET SETS OF POSITIVELY EVERY DESCRIP TION, IN SILVER, EBONY, ETC. THE ALLWON MANICURE SET, IN CLUDING FILE, SCISSORS, OR- ANGE STICK, SALVE, POWDER, ETC., ALL ENCLOSED IN BUF FER. ENDLESS VARIETY OF SOUVENIR TRINKETS. BEAUTIFUL NECKLACES. BREAST PINS, RINGS, ETC., SET WITH ALL THE PRECIOUS AND POPULAR STONES. CUT GLASS AND SILVERWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AVE HAVE EVERYTHING IN THE JEWELRY LINE A LADY COULD WISH. THE FOREGOING AR TICLES ARE ONLY A FEW SUGGESTIONS. liitf the criminal laws! t rat ho lias permitted Seattle to be come a home and'.rofuge for tho criminal classes; that his continuance in office is a menace to the business enterprise's and moral welfare of tho city, -t BILLS WE SHALL VOTE FOR. If we were a smooth politician we would not be telling people Jiow we were going to vote on the initiative measures, But that is just what we are going to do on those we mw made up our mind to vote for, We are going to vote to create the county of Nesmith. V We are going to vote, for the Home Rule Amonlment for cities. --We are going t5 vote for the Employers' liability act. We aro going to vote to protect the fish in the Rogue river. For jury verdicts in civil cases by throe-fourths vote. For the support of Normal Schools to oduoate public school teachers. We will be glad to vote for some of the new counties when yve are shown that they have tho proper size, wealth and pouii lation, VYS ANY MAN OCCUPYING A POSITION OF AUTHORITY WHO A TTA C ICS THE OOUIt T S SHOULD BE REGARDED AS V PUBLIC ENEMY. Ayefs Cherry Pectoral 1840 unitrji rneae uussn wieb.i Now York, Oct. 12. Calling Theodora Roosovolt tho "apostlo of discord and dlssonsion" and charg ing that he Is 1U110 to disturb busl 1108 to tho verge of panic, John A. DIx, Demoorntio nonilneo for gover nor of New York, virtually opened his campaign here today with a speech ncceptlng formal notification of lila nomination. The new loader of the New York Republican forces was scored in blistering terms by DIx. "Any American occupying a posi tion of authority and having tho public ear, who assails the courts, should he regarded ns a public ene my and should he branded by rea sonable men." sold DIx. "Alroady wo have ample proof or his ability to disturb business and create n con dition of pnnlc. If ho Is permitted to weaken nnd destroy the power ot the supremo court and substitute the president's for tho people's will, all the saorlflcoe of the founders of the repuhllo and all the blood shed for its preservation will have be mi in vain and we shall see In times of peace a dangerous disturber bring- lug destruction to a free people I against whloh all the forces ot tin "World iu arms can be hurled vainly." : Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become famous for Its cures of coughs, colds, croup and Influenza. Try It when in need. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt rollof. Sold by all doalers. FOR GENTLEMEN TRAVELING SETS IN SILVER AND EBONY. CIGAR BOXES. CARD OASES. CIGAR CASES BILL BOOKS CIGAR HOLDERS AND ASH TRAY. SMOKING SETS. INK STAND AND PAPER WEIGHT. SHAVING MUGS. GENTLEMEN'S BRUSH SETS OF ALL KINDS, INCLUDING FOLD ING COAT AND HAT BRUSH. CIGARETTE CASES. BAG TAGS, KEY RINGS, POCKET STAMP BOX, MATCH SAFES, BOTTLE OPENERS, CIGAR CUT TERS, ETC. ELKS' CARD CASES. EXTRA SWELL LINES OF SIGNET RINGS, CUFF BUaTONS AND SCARF PINS FOR MEN, ALSO TUHQUOIS, MATRIX AND OTHER POPULAR STONES FOR THE SCARF PINS. BIG LINE OF. FOBS, WATCH CHAINS, ETC. YOU WILL 1 IND HERE THE FIN EST LINE OF PRESENTS FOR MEN EVER SHOWN IN SALEM. Come in and See Our Christmas Display Table 11 s 1 jeweirv Corner State and Liberty St. St ore r tMMttlttt nmttiiitiiH)()M()H)))))t(T Enormous crcpa of hay havo been harvostod along tho lower Umatilla river and Butter creek. The Demon or tho Air. is tho germ of LaGrippo, that, breathed in, brings suffering to thous ands. Its after effects are weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetito, onorgy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. Tho greatest need thori Is Electri" Bitters, tho splendid .tonic, blood purifier and regulator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thous ands have proved that thoy wonder fully strengthen tho nerves, build up tho system and restore health and good spirits after an attack of Grip If suffering, try thoni. Only 50c. Perfoct satisfaction guaranteed by J, C. Perry. I Capital National Bank f Capital $100,000 Oldest National Bank in Marten County. DIRECTORS: t J. H. Albert. Pres. E. M. Cr Isnn, vlco-Pros. Jos. H, Albert, Cashier, John A. Carson, Geo. P Rodgers. Cnpt. Rognrdiis Again Hits the Bull's Eyo. This world famous rifle shot who holds tho championship record of 100 pigeons In 100 consecutive shots is living at Lincoln, 111. Recently inter viewed, ho says: "I suffered a long timo with kidney and bladdor trouble and used soveral well known kidney medicines, all of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley's Kidnoy Pills. Before I used Foley Kldnoy Pills I had severo backaches and pains In my kidneys with sup prossion and a cloudy voiding. On arising in tho morning I would get dull headaches. Now I havo takon threo bottles of Foloy's Kldnoy Pills and feel 100 pjr cent better. I nm novor bothered with my kidnoys or bladder and again feel like my own self. This 1 owe solely to Foley's Kldnoy Pills nndnlwaya rocotnmend thoni to my fellow sufferers." Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jorian ) WILL START FOR EUROPE IN A BIG BALLOON Atlantic City N. J., Oct. 11. That he would start for Europe In a dtrlglblo balloon wns announced to day by Wnltor Wollmnn. WollmBU said he would begiy his flight elthe. this afternoon or tonight. Honrsouess iu a child subject to croup is a sure indication of tho np psoach of the dlsoase. If Chamber h In's Cough Remedy is glyin at once or oven aftor tho ordupy cough has appearod, it will prevent the attack. Contnins no poison. Sold by all dealers. It Is in time or suddeu uilihup 01 accident that Chamberlain's I.I til uient can be relied upon to take the plaoe of the family doctor, who can not always be found at the moment. Then it Is that Chamberlain's Lini ment Is never found wanting. In oases of sprains, outs, wounds and bruises Chamberlain's Liniment takes out the soreness and drives away the puin. fold by all dealers. Men&WomenX B & WMBifQ for ud natural! 9 S . g AV- l''HniuUon. Vrt EfT CiB '"'liadom or ulc.ralluot ol " aJDi uit mtmbraiiaa. I'alulw. j 'A OuiautaaJ Dot to itrlcturi. g,'1 '! coulagiun. B'TJPaI . 8"w h DrurtUIa, ftV. botii, tall i For More than Three Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been n household favorite for coughs, colds, and ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. Contains no oplutes, and no harmful drugs, uofuse substitutes. Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jermnn) PortJaocfs Popular if ire-Proof Slotd THE OREGON The Mouse of Comfort Combined Wilh Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p. in, Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced, ' modern hostelry in the metropolis of tne .Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers, AIeo Operating Seattle Hotel,- Seattle JUDGING I1T APPEARANCES Of course everybody does that and Laundry Work can't be Judged anj other way. Everything subjected te our artlatlc treatment comes out dean as a polished surface, as clear as crystal and as bright as a sum mer's day. Artlclfs washed propt ly last twice as iong and look twen ty times better thhn goods badly iaundrled. We make cheap iabrU mesquerade for something better. SALEM LAUNDRY CO.. Pheiie 23. 13fl.lfio SonUi Llln-rtf . I ww. . t " p7 , u, . D,aaQCT wouwe. urinary Irregularities. Foley 8 K.ar.ey TUls pur.fy the blood, restore lost vitality aafl vigor. Refuse substitute. RED CROSS PHARMACY.