FULL PRESS SERVICE OVER OUR OWN LEASED WIRE. PORTLAND MARKET REPORTS DAILY. YOU GET TODAY'S NEWS TODAY. VOL. XX. SALEM, OREGON, THlltSDAY, OCTOIIKIt 0, 1010. No. 234. HHY STAhvA REV0L1JT80I1 ANY-DAY v.. i IF ALFON SO AIDS IT WILL PRECIPITA PREDICTED HE MANUEL TE W WILL DO THIS King of Spain Has Ordered the Flower of His Army to Portu gal's Frontiers' and It Is Said Will Assist Portugal's De posed King With a Strong Hand, In Order to Protect His Own Tottering Throne Spanish Revolutionists Openly Cel ebrate the Victory of Their Portugese Brethren Every thing Points to the Speedy Placing of Spain in the Ranks of the World's Republics. I UNITED PBKSS lalARBD WIEB.l Madrid, (Via Hendaye, France,! Oct. G. The flower of tho Spanish army has been ordered to the Por tuguese frontier. Madrid is seething with exclte mont over tho news from Portugal, and the Republicans assert that it foreshadows an attempt on the pare of King Alfonso's ministry to aid Dom Manuel against the Republi cans of Portugal., Republicans here predict that if this is attempted, civil war in Spain will be preclptated. On the other hand Alfonso fears thnt the success of the Republcan armies in Portugal -will mean tho overthrow of his power, and it Is as sorted that he has been counselled by his ministers to fight to the last ditch. That Alfonso will pursue thl3 course is not doubted and it is therefore judged that he will assist Manuel with a strong Spanish force in order to frighten the Spanish Re publicans into inactivity. The Republicans are overjoyed at the success of their Portuguese, brethren. A radical club where tho Marseillaise was sung was raided last night by the police and a small riot followed. Afterward the radi cals gathered in tho streets, parad ing and' cheering for the Portuguese revolutionists. Spain on Vitro of, Revolt. Barcelona, Oct. 6. Con stant clashes between police. and Republicans are occurring to day. , The situation is rapidly getting beypnd control, ami as a last resort Madrid has been asked to send reinforcements. Similar conditions prevail in other cities. Tho Republicans have hoisted their flags every- where, and the police are busily engaged In tearing them down. -Enthusiasm over the success of f the Portugese revolution is very great. Great Uprising Feared. Madrid, via Hendaye, Oct. C. Formidable military preparations have been made throughout Spain for a great uprising of tho Republi can revolutionists, supported by tlr clerical faction that Is bitterly op posed to the king and his cabinet. Plans for a great demonstration by the anti-royalists have been dU covered by the government spies. and should they bo carried out there Is- bound to bo tho utmost dlf Acuity In handling the trouble mak ers. There Is no concealment of the fact that the demonstrations are to be of an anti-dynastic character, and to make matters worse, counter demonstrations are planned by the anti-clericals, and a clash of the fac tions would 'provide the opportunity for the precipitation of a revolution. Republicans jro Restive. Word comes from Barcelonia that the Republicans have become ex tremely restive and there Is a grow lng suspicion among tho p)erlcal3 there that King Alfonso plans to 'iv 'Continued on unjto 4 t wgsrawsww i urn i n Is tho foundation of all business institutions, nr.d to get the confidence of the people, you must give them honest values and tho lowest possible prices, 'ihat is what keeps the Chicago Store growing tho confi dence of tho people. Trade fioro once and you will always be a customer. Wo do tho business and can glvo you tho lowest prices. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS, MKE TUB PICTURE, $15.00, $18.00 AND $20.00 VALUES NOW ON SAWS for $8.50, $10.50, 12.50 These suits aro high-class tailored garments, made of the latest materi als and newest shades. Sa'e prices $8.50, $10.50, $12.50 ' LADIES' AND .MISSES NEW COATS NOW $4.50 $5.90, $7.50 and $10.00. CHIIiDREN'8 COATS, NOW $1.75, $2.50, $.50 UI Stylish Millinery Now on Sale at Wonderfully Low Prices If you want bargains in swell trimmed hats, ostrich plumes and fancy wings, come here. We do the business and can afford to give close prices. Como and sqe our. stylish models. Silks and Dress Goods Now on Sale The greatest valuo In Salem, and tho greatest stock to select from, of tho latest and nowest materials shown. Trimmed hats $1.95, $2.50, $3. DO apd up New Persian Silks, yd 65c, 75c 98c New Plaid Silks, yd. 49c, 75c, 98c New Fancy Dress Silks, yd. 35c, 49c, 65c New Dress Goods, yd. 25c, 35c, 49c 65c Republic Onidully Proclaimed. ' ! Lisbon, Oct. 6. Provisional President Draga today tele- graphed tho forolgn ofllcos throughout tho world formally announcing the proclamation of the republic of Portugal. "Tho provisional government guarantees public ordor and safety," tho message said. Additional dispatches state that the administration of Presi- dent Theophlle Braga, who has assumed tho direction of the provisional government, is meet- lng with genuine approval,, and that a favorable impreslon Is spreading among the opponents of the republic. "The chief aim of Braga and his ministors seems to be to placate the' royalists and prevent a civil wa;, . uLORYS IN A REPUBLI 0nrBnHii49 m n mkfffe0&4fegi nutans rum (ML vmmm BOTH THE FLEET AND FORTS OPEN FIRE ON THE PALACE ROYALTY HUNTS THE CELLAR The Motonnnn Forgot. Staunton, 111., Oct. 6. "I f forgot; I forgot." This is tho only explanation Motorman John Licrman has to offer for the wreck that killed 36 and injured aa many more near hero Tuesday evening. Lierman has been arrested and will likely bo held respon- slble for' the deaths by the cor- ! oner, who will hold an inquest Into tho deaths caused by the ac cident. The hearing was begun today, but was continued for two weeks. All tho bodies of the victims have been Identified. Modern Salome Who Danced Into the King's, Heart and Also Danced His Head Off Is Proud of Her Work. SAYS SHE LOVED MANUEL Sny.s tho King Paid Her Marked At tention and Presented Hit to His Mother, nntl Thnt 'Ho Is i Itonl Nice Young Mini, Proud and Kind Hearted" Could Havo. Married Mm, Hut. Preferred the Dig King dom of the Stage to the Little One of Portugal'. (Copyright, 1910, by the United Press Association.). VIennn, Oct. 5. Mile. Gaby . Des Lys, in an interview granted tho United Press today, glorifies her re lations with Dom Manuel, deposed king of Portugal. Tho young wo man who set tho heart of tho boyish king aflame, is appearing as a dancer at the Apollo theater here. Last night tho theater was packed to the doors with persons desiring to seo tho French woman who woro a sun burst of diamonds gfven her by Man uel. "Yes, I was Dom Manuel's mis tress," sho said. "I know no disgrace in being a king's mistress, but I con sider it an everlasting dlsgraco to advertise that relationship, glorified, as It was, by love, which oven court conventionality could not throttle. "I do not mako any capital of my relation with Manuel. I kept quiet and reserved. Recently a variety theater In Paris offered mo a huge salary to appear billed as Manuel's mistress, but I refused. Th samo theater produced a sketch In which I and the king wero tho chief figures, but there was .nothing blameablo in that. "I never asked tho papers to call me the 'uncrowned queen of Portu gal.' I first met tho king IB months ago at Paris, whero ho was dining. He had been introduced to mo after a performance, and it was lovo at first sight. I becamo his mistress. "The lovo I bore him and the love ho bore mo justified all- In our eyes. "After our meeting we mot fre quently. Ho. came repeatedly to Paris to visit me. We woro happy .together In those days. " "In February Sethis 'yTrir Manuel summoned me.to Lisbon and I dancedi at a charity fair organized for tho re lief of tho victims of the Oporto fire. I did not live in a suite in tho royal (Continued from Pago 4.) REFUSE TO MORMONS The rUir A r.H QTryDC Salem The Store That Hammers Down The Prices. Oregon WILL ST IYGAM THIS CHUHCH EXCOMMUNICATES PROMINENT MORMONS WHO HAVE KEEN "BOOT-LEGGING" PLURAL MAMUAGK CEREMON IES IN kl6N. Salt Lako, Utah, Oct. C. Declaring that cortaln practices among tho Mor mons must cease, Joseph Smith, presi dent of tho Mormon church, Is be lieved to have sounded tho keynote of tho three-day soml-annual session of tho church which opened hero In the big Mormon tabernacle. Thou sands of Mormons aro hei, represent ing nearly overy stato in tho Union and Canada and Mexico. It is rumored that a. new manifesto will bo Issued before the conference adjourns. Tho question is bolng free ly discussed. The Deseret News, ofilcjal organ of the churoh, today printed tho ex communication of eevaral prominent Morraona who hare bjen aeeusod of performing plural marriage aeremon lett. The article Is signed by F. M. Uynian. preeldeut of the quorum of a pout It. INDORS HE TIC Slumbering Fires of Revolution Break Out When a Mob Ducks a Priest and Is Attacked by Police Soldiers in Turn Open Fire on the Police The Sailors on the Fleet, Hearing the Firing, Thought Revolution Had Broken Out, Run up the Re publican Flag and Open Fire on the Palace Forts Follow Suit, and King and Royal Family, Seeing All Is Over, Es cape in Disguise. Dadajos, Spain, (Portugese Frontier), Oct. 6. Two nun- dred killed and 400 wounded aro tho estimated casualties nt Lisbon, according to refugees arriving today, . TJiey claim these figures aro conservative, and that later advices will swell tho totals. V INDEPENDENCE LEAGUE TURNS HEARST'S ADVICE DOWN AND NOMINATED A LEAGUE TICK ET AVIT1I HEARST IN SECOND PLACE. ICK1TID r-BEBS IJtllKD WIM.l Now York, Oct. C. Disregarding the wireless messages from William It. Hearst suggesting that tho' Inde pendence leaguo endorse the Repub lican tlckot in Now York, tho loag uers at their convention horo today repudiated tho Republicans and pro ceeded to nominate a tlckot of their own. J. J, Hoppor was namod for governor and Hearst for lleutonant govornor. Hearst will be permuted to All tho romalnlng places. The vote repudiating the Republican ticket was 214 to 94. Hearst will arrivo tonight or to morrow on tho steamer Mauratina. It Is possible that ho will be ablo to force the endorsement of tho Repub lican ticket as ho had planned. According to tho wlshos he ex pressed in tho message to tho con vention loaders, Hearst deslrod tho full Republican tickot ondorsed with the exception of Lloutonautrgovor nor, for which placo ho was to re ceive tho nomination. The success of tho Republicans has won the support of tho Lisbon, populace, nlthough tho troops in the provinces are reported ns being loyal to Manuel. Tho provincial regi ments, however, aro handicapped becauso tho revoluftonlsts control tho telegraph line's' out of Lisbon and succeeded In cutting wires in various parts of tho kingdom, thus curtailing tho movements of their enemies. A Combination of Circumstances. A combination xri circumstances, rather thon any detailed plans pre cipitated the coup d'ntat of last Tuesday. The plans for revolution ary action had boon laid long ago but the tlmo was not deemed ripe. Dom Manuel's Intrlguo with Mllo. Caby Des Lis, however, started the revolution. Then followed the ass assination of Doputy Bombardit. Finally, last Saturday, .'tho re'volu .tlonlsta learned that tho Eortugues3 fleet, assembled 1ft Lisbon' harbor, .wajto be scattered to distant sta tions owing tothe Rbi)ubJcan"seiitl' mont among tho ofllcers and men. ' Tho revolutionists, decided' to act quickly. Following the death or Bombarda, who was killed by an of ficer, at the Instigation, It Is Judged, of tho clericals, a mob threw a priest into tho Tague river. Police and Soldiers Clash, The police charged tho mob and h. relgment of Infantry which happened to bo passing, chargod upon the po lice Both sides shot to kill. Tim loot In the harbor, thinking that th revolution had begun, became alive with mutiny. Royalist commander woro overpowered in their quarter Or at stations nboard tho vessels. Republican flags wero run , up and placo them In tho ombarrasslng po-' tho guns of tho wnrshlps trained on sltion of deciding Manuel's fate. tho citadel. Tho provincial government is' Sailors "wore sent ashore by the Lisbon, Oct. G. "The royal family, has fled from Portugal," was the announcement today of Senhor Al fonso, Costa; jirpylnclal minister of justice. ' 'It., Jr No specific details wero vouch safed and the statement disposes of tho story that King Manuol was at Mafra north of Lisbon, rallying his forces. Costa asserted,,, thn. the lirdvU skmnlB aro receiving many messages from diiorents In "tfib province plqdglng support. "There Is no doubt of tlio republic's complete success," said Costa. "Civil, war is not likoly and within a few days we oxpect to havo tho provinces sup porting us as enthusiastically ns does Lisbon. Allowed King to Escnpo. King Mnnuol escaped. This was In nccordanco with tho revolutionary program, according to a stntoment given tho United Press on the high est authority. t Tho Republicans decided that It was proforablo to oxilo Manuol rath er than kill him. Tho leaders know whero the doposed king Is and "havo purposely spread conflicting reports in order to prevent his capture, and firmly repressing disorders. Tho on ly fear oxpressed is that England may intervene In bohalf of tho roy. allsts. It will bo formally an nounced tomorrow thrtt the oxlstlng treatloa will bo observed by tho now regime, and In this way It is hoped that Intervention may be avortud. boatload to 3oln with the mutinous troops in attacking tho police. Tho police, soon outnumbered, broke and ran, the mob pursuing them, shooting and cutting down the laggards. Tho sounds of conflict (Continued on Pauo T. WILL SURRENDER ONLY TO GOVERNOR DM1TCU rJ35 UMW WSM. Winter, Wis., Oct. C. In an offort to obtain tho surrender of John Dletz nt Cameron Dam, G. W. Froo Iich, a friond, was sent to Dlotz's cabin by the authorities today. Froellch wan authorized to promise the plucky miner who has held CO deputy ahorlffa at bay for three days that he would bo accorded n (air (rial in an adjoining county If l 'would surrender. Dletz agreed to aurrender hut to no one except Qot ttruor Davidson In person. ATT TH Tliore is no reason in tho world why your home should be without n flue piano, and a good one. A atandu'd lu.-.IiG (the other U'.nla rre not cu ud by Sherman, 01 iv U .'o.) Bo sure and attend this exhibit and salo any time during the day oi even ing. If you are thinking nbout the pur chaso of a ipano you will find hero the world's greatest makes, all under one roof. Please bear in mind that no other dealer it) Salom or on tho Pacific coast can soli you any ono of tho follow ing standard makes: Stolnway, A. B. Chose, Ludwlg, Packard, Estey, Em orson, Evorott, Conovor, Kingsbury or Wellington pianos. You can buy ono of theso great standard mokes here- and now for S AT ONC 'practically the samo price you would have to pay for an Instrument of or dinary quality. Two hundred nml Slxtyy-flvo dollnru will purchase ono of those beautiful Instruments, built of solid quorter sawod oak or genuine Domingo ma hpgany, full size, 7 1-3 oetoves, fully gunrantood, both by tho numufnetur ora and ourselves. This piano will be delivered Into your homo on payments of ?10 down and $6 por month. If you havo a "silent" piano, by all moans hear the groat Inner-Player. Comparo it with othors, the difference botweon them will at once be apparent Romeraber, we accept " easy pay ments on player pianos and Include a library of music. Romembor the address, Remember the Place, Sherman play & Co. 455 Court Street