Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 01, 1910, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    HAIliV OAPITAIi tornVAT.. R-U,1W. nnFOOV. Tt'ftnAV, OCTOBER 1, 1010.
HAS WOi S OF illCJH 1'ltAlSI?
VOll IT.
fiat Company M, of tho local or
'jjp; .nization of tho state, mllltla . Is
Composed' of a high class of men,
husky and of, nne appearance and of
a class capable of doing excellent ser
vice In tho field, If called upon to do
so, and ranks well up to the highest
-standard of soldiership, Is the opin
ion expressed by Major Walter W.
"Wilson, of tho Third regiment, O. N.
G., who conducted an official Inspec
tion of the local company at the ar
mory last evening.
'The attendance was cut some
AVhat," said Major Wilson, in speak
ing of the matter, "probably on ac
count of the banquet, but the com
pany made a good showing, and the
officers and men are, deserving of
commendation for the interest taken
in bringing the company up to the
lilghest standard attained in military
excellence and discipline. The com
pany Is composed of a fine class of
men, husky and of flno appearance,
and of such class as would perform
splendid duty in the field. Their uni
forms and equipment was in excellent
condition, and f was much pleased
-with the interest manifested in the
-work by the officers and men."
Major Wilson, who served during
the Spanish and Filipino wars, with
a Portland company of the Second
reKlment Oregon volunteers, has
lilgh ideal of what constitutes a good
soldier and citizen, and his cxperl
ence in military affairs places him in
the position of a high authority upon
all matters of a military nature. Ir
the past it has been the rule to per
mit the officers of the local organiza
tlons to conduct the quarterly in
snectlon of their respective com
mands, but the new colonel of the
Third regiment, T. N. Dunbar, has
put into effect a new order of things
under which all inspections, quarterly
and otherwise, are to be conducted by
the majors of the battalions, which
places tl're.state militia on a par with
the United States regular army, and
will have a tendency to raise the
standard of citizen soldiery. This
new order places tho Salem, Oregon
VAtv nnil Woodburn comnanles in
competition with the Portland com
panies for competitive military hon
ors, In deportment, discipline, etf.,
and v 111 serve to stir up a higher
sense of pride and duty among the
oiiicers and men of the organlzaM &i
The hatchet is buried.
Tho stiletto Is sheathed.
Ther "ain't goln' to be any more
cuttln' in our family."
Harmony and good feeling Is the
prevailing sentiment In the ranks of
tho Republican party today, and the
dove of peace coos softly and con
tentedly once more on the gable of
the mansion of the G. O. P. In Ore
son. "The Direct Primary has come to
stay In Oregon, and Jay Bowennau,
Republican nominee for governor,
will bo the next governor of the
state of Oregon by a majority of
25,000 votes and the entire Republi
can ticket id Oregon, state, district
and county will be elected in pro
portion; the claims of the Demo
cratic and other enemies, to the con
trary notwithstanding." That is the
slogan of the Republican party n?
suggested by one of the principal
speakers, and adopted by tho gath
ering of happy, feasting and love
making Republicans of Salem and
Marion county, which surrounded
the festive board at thenew .garage
building on Commercial street .last
This, banquet was given in (ratifi
cation of the results of the primar
ies In Marion county, and was at
tended by large representations of
Republicans and addressed by some
oi the leading Republicans of1 tb
etat It was oi e of the most har
monious political assemblages eve
lild la thU elty or county In which
the "Get Together" spirit prclom'
nated and "ituek out in bunchaa"
throughout; and its lnflnenca for lha
complete harmonization of all fae
tlonaliani In the ranks o? ibe Repub
lican party of the state will pene
trate to the uttermost crpoka and
crannies of the commonwealth and
Roost i'or Sun Francisco.
When you wrlto to your
t menus or business connections
In tho East do not fail to pv a
press n deslro to have them ni l
in securing the Panama Exposl-
tlon at San Fr .nclsco. It will
bring thousands of people to the
t Coast and be a great boost to
aid us in climbing. Mention it to 4.
everyone of your corresppndonts
i ami asic them to write tholr con-
gressman or sonators.
result In the election of the full Re
publican ticket.
There Is to bo no more "assem
bly" and "anti-assembly"; ng more
"Statement No. 1," nor "ahti-State-ment
No. 1"; no more "Bournolsm"
nor "renegade Republicanism." In
fact all "Isms" were entirely, ef.
fectlvely and everlastingly eliminat
ed from tho calendar of the Repub
lican party In the state of Oregon oil
Saturday, September 24; not onlv
"twigs" of tho proverbial olive
branch (the emblem of peace) wore
distributed freely nmong tho 200
guests upon this grand and festal
occasion, but the "peace lotion,"
was handed out by the "branch, tree
and roots" and gladness and good
fellowship reigned supreme.
The speakers were Waletr L.
Tooze, J. H. Ackerman. P. H. D'Ar.
cy, C. N. McArthur, Dr. J. N. Smith,
w. u. Hawley, C. B. Moores, L. R.
Alderman, John A. Carson, and Hal
D. Patton. Telegrams were read
from Dimtck, Abraham, Kay, Mal
arky, and Jay Bowerman. Woods'
Confectionery got un the menu nnrf
McElroy's orchestra furnished the
Albert N. Gille. deputy nssesanr.
Wm. P. Lord, assistant code com
missioner and Rev. Paul S. Bandy
were the committee in charge.
Gospel Chapel.
V -Services as follows: Sunday, Jt
a. m)., 3 p. m. and 7:30. Special
meetings during week except Mon
day evening. Mrs. Ella L. Burgess
and Miss Culver will assist. J.
Warren Clark, Pastor.
Yew Park United Brethren.
There will be Quarterly meeting,
service in the Yew Park United
Brethren church next Sabbath at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m., conducted bv
Presiding Elder Rev. T. J. Cocking.
Also there will bo service Saturday
evening at 7:30. To all these ser
vices the public are Invited. The
Sabbath school is at' 10 a. m. every
Sunday, All invited. A. R. Laudy,
Corner of Elm street and High
land avenue, H. Elmer Pemberton,
pastor. Bible school at 10 a. rn.
Preaching pt 11 a. m. in charge of
N. Blanche Ford. Sister Ford is on
tho field to take the work in the ab
sence of tho pastor. C. E. meeting
at C:S0 p. m. No evening service,
as Dr. Geo. B. Pratt will address a
union meeting at the Tabernacle.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30
p. m.
E.vnngcllcnl Association.
Seventeenth and Chemek ta
streets, F. M. Fisher, Pastor. This
is "Rally Day" and a general rally
of all members of Sunday school
and church is desired at 10 o'clock.
the regular Sunday school hour.
The Juniors meet at 3 p. m. Th
Young People's alliance meets at
G;30. There is no evening sermon
as we Join in the Union rally at the
Tabernacle, at which Dr. Pratt
speaks. The prayer meeting Thurs
day Is at 7:30 p. m.
First Presbyterian.
Church street, near Chemeketa,
Rev. H. T. Babcock, Pastor. Morn
ing service at 11 a. m, Celebration of
the Lord's Supper. Evening service
at 7:30 at tho Tabernacle, uniting
with the other churches in Union
Temperance rally. Sunday school at
10 a. m., C. E. prayer meeting at
6:30 p. m.; Mid-week prayer meet
ing Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Public
cordially Invited to all of these aor
Central Congregational.
Corner of 19th and Ferry streets;
Rev. O. A. Stlllman, pastor, Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Morning service
at 11 a. m. Preaching by the pas
tor: subject, "HearerB and Doers."
Junior Endeavor 3 p. m. Y. P. B.
C. E. 0:30 p. m. No evening ser
vice on account of the union temper
ance meeting at the Tabernacle.
Union Temperance Servlcp.
The regular union tomperanc
service of tho churches of the cltv
will be held at the University Tab
ernacle, Sunday ovonlng, October, it
beginning at 7:30 p. m. The ad"
dress will be by Dr. George B.
Pratt, a well-known professional
man of Portland, who has a Jiovdl
way of presenting tho queat'nn. fid
Is making an enviable reputation fnr
himself during this- campaign. A
fiuo program of special music has
been prepared under the 'eaderahip
of Rev. H. T. BabeocB of the Pres
byterian church. The Presbyteri-ui
Be Good to
and the world will be good to you.
The way Is to keep your stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels right.
And you'll find great help in
8: &l
Sold Everywhere. In boxei 10c. and 25c.
orchestra will furnish the following
special selections: "March Proces
sional," by Hardy, "Melody of Love'
by Engelmann, and "Onward, Chris
tian Soldiors" by Sullivan. The
Presbyterian Ladles' chorus will al
so furnish some special numbers.
First Congregational.
Rev. Phillip Bauer, pastor. Sun
day, October 2, Rally day of Bible
school, 10 a. m. Morning theme,
11:00 a. m "Personal Responsibil
ity." Singing by the Ladles' quar
tette. Mrs. Bross, first soprano;
Miss Wcscott, second soprano; Miss
Davis, first alto; Miss Bowerman,
second alto. Visitors welcome. Un
ion services at University Taberna
cle, 7:30 p. m.
, W. C. T. U.
Rev. Fisher, pastor of the Evange
lical church, will address tho Gospel
Temperance meeting at the W. C. T.
U. hall, Sunday, October 2, at 4 p.
m. Welcome to all.
St. Paul's.
, Chemeketa and Church streets,
Rev. Barr G. Lee, rector, Nine
teenth Sunday after. Trinity. Sun
day school 10 a. m, Holy Euchar
ist, with sermon, "11 a. m. No even
ing service. Archdeacon Chambers
will officiate. All are cordially wel
come. First Christian.
The First Christian, corner of
High and Center streets. The Bible
school forces will command the day.
and all the services will be under Its
auspices. Mrs. Clara G. Esson, State
Bible superintendent, will be present,
and lend leadership all the day. The
services will begin 9:45 a. m. with
orchestra, and vocal selections.
Committees will be present to do the
work of the several departments,
and to welcome the people who
come. It Is tob'e a great day, and
everybody Is invited to come and en
joy with us the good things that, are
In store.- Dr. H. C. Epley, Superin
tendent. D. Errett, Pastor."
Or Your Hair Will Fall Out TilfYoti
Become Bald.
Modern science has discovered
that dandruff Is caused by a germ
that digs up the scalp in scales, as
it burrows down to the roots of the
hair, where it destroys the hair's vi
tality, causing falling hair, and ulti
mately, baldness. After Prof. ,Un
na, of Hamburg, - Germany, discov
ered tho dandruff germ, all efforts
to find n remedy failed until the
great laboratory discovery was
made which resulted in Newbro's
Herplclde. It alone of all other hair
preparations kills the dandruff germ.
Without dandruff, finlr grows luxur
iantly. "Destroy the cause, you re
move the effect." Sold by leading
druggists. Send 10c In stamps for
sample to The Herplclde Co., De
troit, Mich.'" One dollar bottles
guaranteed. J. C, Porry, Special
The pleasant purgative effect ex
perienced by all who use Chamber
lain's Stomach and Livor Tablets, and
the healthy condition of the body and
mind which they create, makes one
feel Joyful. Sold by all dealers.
A Reliable Remedy
s Groam Balm
qulcklr iDtorbed.
Gives Relief at Once.
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protects
brane resulting from Catarrh and drive
away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restore
the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size
50 cts. at Dragglota or by mall. Liquid
Cream Balm for use in Atomizers 75 cts.
Ely Brothers. 50 Warren Street. New York.
Monday, Oct. 3, 1910
Charles A. Goettler presents tho
musical play of quality and merit,
with an exceptional cast
A Stubborn
Unexcollod, Vivacious Chorus.
Sumptuous Produatlon.
Gorgeous Costumes,
hfow in the third season of unexcelled
Twenty Whistling Seng Hits.
Record of long runs in all tho prin
cipal cities from coaat to ooait.
Prices, 50c, 76c, $1.00 and 11.60.
Seats on sale Saturday at 9 a. m.
Dainty Girls and Delightful
Music Give Life and Move-
. ment to a'Charming Musical
" A Stubl)0rhClnderolla" is one of
tho latest musical plays from the
prolific peris of Will M. Hough antl
Frank R. Adams, with mujjic by
Joseph Howard, and has registered
an Impression upon the newspapers
and dramatic critics and the playgp
lng public unparalleled In theatrtcal
history. The play Is upon n decided
ly higher piano than their former suc
cesses, "Tho Time, Tho Place and
The Girl", "The Goddess of Liberty, '
etc. "A Stubborn Clnderolla" has
been givonx a production that ' has
never been equalled In tho metropo
lis 6f the West. Heretofore the plays
of these authors have been full of
slang and dealt with Incidents hi the
lives of the middle-class working
people; but in "A Stubborn Cinder
ella!' they have chosen college boys
and girls, tho unsophisticated daugh
ter of a Scottish earl and various
other representatives of a smarter
class of society for tho principal
characters. Tho "broilers" or pony
ballet as they are better known, who
have always been such a feature in
the former plays of the above men
tioned authors, are still conspicuous
in "A Stubborn Cinderella". This
production has a marvellously pretty
and fascinating chorus, . one that
could only be gathered by a pro
ducer so, sincere in his' efforts to do
things right and exceptionally well
as is Chas. A. Goettler, who, through
his many years in connection with
musical comedies, is in a position to'
get "the pick of the bunch". Of the
costumes it is only necessary to say
that, to the casual spectator, it is a
matter of wonder how the girls find
time to make their changes, so rapid
ly do they discard one set of gowns
,for another, each more handsome
than the first, until In the last scene
they seem to have reached the ab
l Contractors and Builders, we would be pleased to have you
:i calf and inspect our splendid line of Building Material.
: Lumber
:: Lath
jj Shingles
jj Windows
jj Mouldings
J Our Stock is complete
The Chas.
I Office Front and
solute oulmlrintlon of gorgoousnesff
and magnificence, with their orange-
colored costumes of tho California
Orange Fete. Tho production was
staged by that m&storpf this line of
theatrical endeavor, Georgo Marlon;
whose hand directed tho production
or "The.Me'rfy Widow," "The Prince
of Pllson", "Tho College Widow",
"Tho County Chair.man", "The SuU
tan of Sulu", and a dozen of other
plays which in years gone by have
boon standards of comparison by
which other men's efforts were
The cast seems Incomparable, both
from Its brilliancy, Individuality and
harmonious blending., Colt Albert
son, who Interprets tho part of Mac,
Is a comedian- of high degree. He
plays the leading part of "A Stub
born Cinderella" and has made a de
cided hit. Ho Is one of tho most
popular American comedians and has
been with a number of successes the
past few years. Hazel KIrke re
ceived many encores after each of her
songs, but the last one sho sings,
"When You' First Kiss the Last Girl
You Love", at tho finale of tho play,
has nightly aroused such enthusiasm
as never was seen before, unless pos
sibly In grand opera. Others in tho
cast are the diminutive little Lillian
Goldsmith, who is really a master of
the art of dancing; Mable Charlebols,
Neal Burns, Dan Moyles, Bobble Wag
ner and Llnford Lefforson.
There are twenty song numbers,
most of which are termed hits. The
cast is exceptionally large and the
whole production Is one of the best
musical comedies that will be seen
here this season and has "quality"
stamped all over it.
This attraction comes here to tho
Grand Opera House on Monday,
October 3rd.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
become famous for its cures of
coughs, colds, croup and influenza.
Try it when inxneed. It contains no
harmful Bubstance and always gives
prompt relief. Sold, by all dealers.
Show Girls in "A Stubborn Cinderella" Company.
We handle:
Cedar Posts
Drain Tile
Sash Weights
K. Spaulding Logging
Ferry .
The October Strand.
In tho Strand for October Conan
Doylo returns to one of his best
known charqoters Brigadier Gerard,
In tho present sto'ry tho famous
author relates in tho Brigadier's own
words how Etlenne Gerard camo to
got married and the account is writ
ten with all Conan Doyle's customary
fascination and humor. Besides "The
Marriage of tho Brigadier" thero are
ten other stories by such writers as
E. Phillips Oppenhaim, 13. M, Jame
son, Richard Marsh, A. T. Quiller
Couch ("Q" , E. Temple Thurston
and other well-known authors. The
articles nrb as interesting and "un
usual" as over.
The nnti-septic powder to be
shaken-into tho shoes. If you have
tired, aching feet, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It rests the feet .and makes
now or tight shoes easy. Cures ach
ing, swollen, hot, sweating feet. Re
lieves corns and bunions of all pain
and gives rest and comfort. Always
use it to break in new shoes. Try it
today. Sold everywhere. 25 conts.
Don't acc'opt any substitute. For free
trial package, address Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Tho October Everybody's.
Rex Beach begins a now ferial in
the October Everybody's, a story of
the big ditch we are cutting across
the Isthmus, it was In this magazine
that "The Spoilers" wbb published,
five years ago, and Mr. Beach's posi
tion as an American novelist became
assured. In the now story, "Tho
No'er-Do-Woll," tho author turns
from AlaBka to Panama, from Bering
Sea to the Caribbean for his spirited
plot and romance. The magazine is
uncommonly varied in tho typo of its
articles. Lincoln Steffens continues
his study of organized business and
tho virtual monarchy under which it
has fallen. '
Worse Than Bullets.
Bullets have often caused less suf
fering to soldiers than the eczema.
L. W. Harrlman, Burlington, Me., got
in the army and suffered with, forty
years, "But Bucklen's Arnica Salvo
cured me when- all else failed," ho
writes. Greatest healer for sores,
ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, wounds,
bruises and plies. 26c at J. C. Perry's.
When the wife talks bass, and tho
husband talks tenor, wo know who's
foreman In that house all right.
. im
Sewer Tile
Sash Cord
Our Prices are Reasonable.
It Means
Original and Qmwlns
The Food-drink for All Ages
More healthful than Tea or Coffee
Agrcci with the weakest digestion,
Delicious, invigorating and nutritiou?.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form,
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take no substitute. AskforHORLICK'S.
Others are imitations.
in a "modern prodnot. From time Irume
morinl sag and sulphur havo been used
for thi' hair and scalp. Almost every
one khovip of flyi value' 6f such a com
bination for ilnrkeniug the hair and mak
ing it grow. In olden times the only way
to got a liair tonic of this sort was to
brew It In the home fireplace, a method
which wns troublesome and not always
Satisfactory. Nowadays almost every up-to-date
druggist can supply his patrons
with a ready to use product, skillfully
Compounded la perfectly equipped labora
tories.' Such a preparation is Wjeth'a
Sage and' Sulphur, which -is sold by all
leading druggists for BOe. and ?1.Q0 A
bottle, or which is sent direct by the
Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 Cortlandt
St, New Xork City, upon receipt of prio
i li. PKRRt.
A man can be perfectly natural
and not very satisfactory.
has med'clne whtcn will cure any
; known disease. He makes a speclal
I ty of and guarantees to cure catarrh,
'asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism.
debility, stomftch, liver, kldnor
troubles; also any blackened cr
swollen soreness broken limbs;
smallpox, epidemic; all kinds ot
bolls,- lost manhood, female "weak
ness, hornla troubles and paralysis.
Consultation free. Caro of Tick Se
Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herb
Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m.'anct
1 to-7 p. m. Office open Sundays.
153 High street, upstairs, Salem,
' TT.. nii A - i il
jr Qiioatrgu, influamttloni,
' m limn, m.mtt.anka t I n t
, " . ., wvHiu.nUOa. .IUIBM.
l"reTnt contagion.
Hoia br PraccbU,
or in ciua nnppar, ipi
i yioi'ua on reoflipioxii.
I havo the largest stock of re
cleaned vetch seed In Salem, and
can quote you prices cheaper thar;
you can buy from grower.
White Clover
AlsiRe Clover
Red Clover
Timothy, Fancy Idaho
Orchard Grass, Fey Imp.
Kentucky Blue, Fey Imp,
Alfalfa, Turkestan
English Rye, Imp.
Mesquite, Hulled,
Wf'ite fop Prices.
1D1-1C1 High St.
Salem, Ore
Roofing Paper
Deadening Felt
'Building Paper
Fire Brick
Fire Clay
ilTaee Bricl
Phone, Main 1830
i m