utujut CaVVXAL JOUltrtAJj, SALEM, OREGON. SATUKDAV, OCTOBER 1, 1010. WILL FI6HT INCREASE IN THE BATES VjnW Wijx; re iotD out of tlJli)SlIlll6S SHOULD T31K 8. 1 BNl'OiVOM THE I'ltOl'OSBD $5 RATE. Ivmtro rjtBss U3AHKD wieb.) Portland, or., Oct 1. Action has" been taken byT3u?81$ ffdrio&drljfe ti resist the HcfW trfto anrfbifnceil US' the Southern Pacific, to bocomo ef fective on October 1C, advancing tho freight on rough greon lumborto 15 per ton from Willamette valloy" mills south of Portland ,to San Frnnofsco bay points. The Oregon and Washington Lum ber Manufacturers' Association lias naked tho-intor-state coraiaerce com mission to suspend tho proposed rnto until a hearing on tho morlts can bo had. This authorl'y was vested In the committee by a recently passed nmondment''to tho Interstate com merce law. The valloy mill men, who will be affocted by tho announced advnnce, aro surprised at thf action of the Southern Pacific, owing to the fact that tho old case, instituted two years ago, for :the, purpose of preventing tW'jS-ratp. announced at that time from becoming effective, is atlll be fore tho United States supremo court on appeal. The Jumb'ermon won In. nil tho lower courts. The ruling of tho..interstate com merce commission two years ago was to the effect that the old rates of $3.40, from points south of Portland on tho east side of tho Willametto river, and ?3.6G from points south of Portland on the west sldo of tho river, to San Francisco bay. should remain in effect for at least two years frdifl bctdbbr 16, tho dato of ttfo rul lng , ' The tariff, published a few days ago by the Southern Pacific, announc in'g the 5 rate, will become effective immodlaloly upon tho oxpiratlon of the two-year period. Tho valloy mill mon contend that the $6 rate will prevent thorn from disposing of any of their c0mm,on grade lumber in the San Fraftolseo bay market, as points wtfh vial&r transportation facilities have the ad vantage of competition. Thd $fe rate places also tho ex pense of shipping the rough green lumber on an equal basis with that of dry and finished material for which nuch better price is obtained. REPUBLICAN ., PRECINCT ' 1 COMMITTEE Tho canvas of tho voto for the Re publican precinct committeemen, one to b,e elected from each voting precinct within tho county nnd the wholo to compose tho county cen tral commltteo was completed by tho canvassing board this afternoon. Jn srytio precincts, Fairfield, Elkhorn and Marlon thoro were no nominee's nnd no votes daBt but In Gervais, Howell, Macleay and Rosedalo there was a tlo voto cast for tho sevcro,! candidates for the office and a con test oxiBts In those precincts which wj'l have to bo decided" at the gen eral olectlon in November. Tho com plete list of Republican precinct committeemen, follows. ;.-' Attmsvllle, If; C.-.pbtte'ri: AuroVa. A..lC. Scheurer. BrietenlHisti,. - . Brooks, Drltt Asplnwall. , Buttovllle, John Murry. Champoeg, James 'Smith'.' ' Chemawa, E A. Prultt. Elkhorn, . . . Oorvals, (contest) EdT Do Plus, J. E, Cutsforth, A. A. Dejordon, A. Tanzler. Fairfield, . Horob, Q. W. Anderson. Howell, (contest) Thos. Laudor back, Ellla- Stevens, E. O. Wlesner, Grovor Simmons. Hubbard, W. T. Grimm." Jcfforson,5 J. T. Jones. Liberty, A. W. Mlze. Macleay, (contost) R. W. Oraig, Jack Patten. Marlon, 0. W. Russol. Mahnma, . Mill City, O. L. Holt. Monitor, J. D. Simmons, Mt. Angel, 0. J. Cooloy. Prlnglo, E, O. Clarko. Jtlversldo, John Groves.. Ilosedale, (contest) C. Burrotfgh. Thos. Newt, R. D. Tetor. . , Salom, No. 1, H. A. Johnson. y Sdlem, No. 2..E. M. LftFor. Strtom, No. 3, F. R. Watbrs. Snlem, No. 4, W. C. Hubbard. " .SAloiS, No. G, G. B. Unruh. Salom, No, 6, J. N. Skalfe. Salom, Nt). 7, O. D. Miles. Salem, East, A. W. Shrunk. Scotts Mills, E. E. Hickox. Sidney, J. Duncan. Silver Falls, J. M. Holllrtgsworth. Sllvorton, South, L. B. Haborley. Sllverton, J. M. Van ValKtmberg. Sllverton, North, Arthur Hobart. Stayton, A. L. Mack. St. Paul, J. L. Cook. Sublimity, E. C. Downing. Turner, E. L. Martin. Woodburn, R. M. Hicks. For More than Throe Decades. Foley's Honey and Tar has been a household favorite for coughs, colds, and-allmonts of the throat, chest and lungs. Contains no opiates, and no harmful drugs. Hefuso substitute Red Cr6ss Pharmacy (H. Jerman) o If you get rich, you must do it in spito, of high taxes and hard tlmea. o Your cough annoys you. Keop on hacking and tearing the delicate membranes of your throat If you want to be annoyed. But if you want relief, want to bo cured take Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. nut Hm nnr food law does not make any provisions! for love that Is adulterated with flllthy lucre. The Hoosier i I Kitchen Cabinet iillSK SiMtasEN Cabinet t. M M W M-M- -! MHMMtH Your m Oi W (tf Your Kitchen Work can be Done in much Less Time and much more Pleasantly by using a Hoosier Do away with unnecsaary work, get a Hoosier, it puts practically everything you need in get ting a meal at your finger's ends; Over three hundred thousand women have learned this and are taking things eaiser. Some of them were a little doubtful at first as to whether the Cabinet would do all that was claimed for it, but all were convinced after a short trial. Ask any woman whp owns a Hoosier, concerning it. Let us Pot One of These Cabinets Ira Yjppr Home on Easy Terms Special inducement lor after supper shopping-tonight only25 percent saving on Ladies' and Children's Footwear. None better in Salem. . Also your choice of 500 Lin ..... . . . .... t . . i 4..'..niln a-nndc gene Waists at halt price, utners save money ana time py During -leduj-iiiuuc 5uu,. , Why don't you? " ' Complete Outfitters for Women and Children Libertv Street t WW mill M M M M M M S S M M M twH4WU4tH MH responsible for the first breach be tween the Times and organized iu bor generally, which later developed H ALLBERG & CO. VIRUL ATT OAKTOOXS AX1) KUlTORIAIiS OIIAItGIXG LAIIOU LEADERS WITH ALIi KIXUS OF CRIMES EVEX TO MURDER, IIAVrj REEX PRIXTED DAILY. ' Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 1. Tho Times owned by, General Harrison Otis and his son-in-law, Harr Chandler, has for 23 years been the moat deadly foe of organized labor, in this country Every weapon known to journalism has been used to stir up hatred against the labor unions. Dally cartoons and editor ials charging labor leaders with con spiracy, assault and oven murder have been of almost dally occur rence. Backed by the powerful mer chants and manufacturers' associa tion whichincludes practically oveiy large merchant In the city, tho Times has led the fight which has finally made Los Angeles the greatest bpen shop town In the country. In the building trades, particular ly, the doctrine of "freedom of con tract" obtains. Structural steel workers have been working on great buildings here at three dollars and even less per day within the last fortnight, and every attempt to or ganize workers has been met with powerful oppression. . The Times of late lias been partic ularly virulent because of the apr proaching State Federation of Labor convention which was to meet here next Monday. Union Offers AW. By authority of tho board of di rectors of the local typographical union, Ralph U Crlswell, president of the union, sent the following to Manager H. G. Chandler of the Times: "In view of the deplorable accl dont resulting In the demoralization of The Times plant, the Los Angeles branch of the International Typo graphical union hereby offers you its assistance In any manner deslra- A BAD NEIGHBOR! ble In publishing Tho Tlmoj during this period of stress." Differences between the Tlme3 and the typographical union were ' into open warfare S M 't m J liver w are Wears i We sell silver plated spoons that are guaranteed! to wear 25 years. This Silverware has lm i Holme L ' " I A. Sterling Silver Inlaid 4 at the joints where it rests on the table, in other words it is INLAID SILVER WARE. Thissis the f a- s & Edward s UNCLE 3M: "BY HECK, SOMETHING 6 OO T TO BE DONE." Harding in Brooklyn Eagle. brand. Call and let us show it to you and illustrate its wearing qualities. ewelery Store Corner Liberty and State Streets I M t M M H Are You R eady tor t? If you are tired of the s nary sideboard cut glass f TS rreshing surprise waitm Powers' Jewelry ewes ss of ordi- there's a re for you at Store Nice to feel your Jewelry is right, Makes you smarter, Makes you bright. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING POWERS' JEWELRY STO 247 North Commercial Street Phone 1 187 two bells