VMM TEN. OA PITA I. JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1010. TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. (Continued from Page 6.) ANOTH W mile ft HtJvTJSL Vv MvaiflffSJ A "Po (pgt Another splendid assortment of Saturday NightSpecials toreven- mg shoppers trom 730 till 9 r. tonight. $135 Silk Gloves at 65c Tonight tho Glove Section offers 12-button longth Silk Gloves, sin 6 only; regular fl.36 values, tonight after supper at, pair 65 Clocks, Special at 49c They como In Brass, Nickel and' opper finish thoroughly reliable patterns, and keep good time, sale after supper at 49 Golf Shirts at 85c Men's Pleated nnd Soft Bosom Shirts sizes 14 to 17, all new $1.00 to $1.25 values, on Special after supper at....85d Ladies' Pingree Shoes '$2.45 Ask for Style No. 3 Gl Bright, Full Stock Kid bal lace, with Cuban heel, pat. tips, $3.50 values, from 7:30 till 0 p. m. tonight, pr..j52.45 Boys' Sweater Coats Reduced Big range of colors, all sizes to choose from Boys' $2.00 values at Men's $3.00 values at Sp2-45 On snle after supper tonight. 1 Plaid Silk Specials at 98c Tonight, from 7:30 till 9 p. m., tho Silk Section offers a beautiful assortment of Plaid Silks; reg ular $1.25 values, a'tjthe special low prlco of only, the yard 98 $1.25 Muslin, Gowns at 93c 16 BOM EXPLODES IS FOUND UNDI3II OTIS' HOUSE BY rOLICEMEN WHO OA11RY FLED ON SEEING ALARM CLOCK "WAS WORKING. On They como with low neck and short sleeves. sale after supper, from 7:30 till 9 p. in.; regular $1.25 value? at the extra special low price of only, each. 93 25c Handkerchiefs 19c All-Llnon Hand Embroidered. On sale after supper In tho Handker chief Section, from 7:30 till 9 p. m., tonight, regular 25c values at 19c 12 l-2c Outing Flannel,Spe cial Tonight at 9c the .yd. Supply your needs for making gowns, petticoats, dressing sacquos, etc., from th,is showing of 12 Mc values at the special price of, yard . . : .' 9d 20c Suting at 12 l2c Tonight aftr supper we offer a Bplendld variety, of .Galeta Suit ings, regular 20c values, at the low prlco of, yard. . . .126 $ ! CFJ NNis Tonight; First Dane Of tho season, at D'Arcy hall, on Court stroet. Acuta and Chronic Diseases Dr. White, osteopath and norvo specialist. Ofllco, 50C Unltod Stntei Natlonnl Bank Bld'g. Phone 859, Roaldonco, 46 North Capital St., Phono 4C9. 8-22-eod-tf Clinso nnl 8 (rooks Aro Tho best makers of lap robes now on tho markot. Now shipment just arrived. Got tho best, prices right, and Just tho driving gloves 'you want at F. IS, Shafer's, tho saddlery and harness man, 187 South Com mercial street. ood-tf CoUngC; .Hotel JtaU1?--: Beginning Soptembor. 1 table board by tho woolc, 4.50i Single meals, 25 eonUi. Romomlidr, this menns Cot tage Hotel quality. Sunday dinner, 36c, 9-20-tf e of Uio Finest h Houses tn Salom.. has been placed 'fa my haada to Bell. The stlo mii'st Jb made soon, tlioeforo tho price is Beeounblo.j, Sod mo abojut' this be fore It Is" gouo. Homer H, 'Smith, room 6, McCornack bids. Phono 96. . ' 7'm TJ Alumni I'SW V , Tito annual "tag" will bo hold at Hho" University gymnaajuin tonlgh. Thoro, Vf HI ho tugs, of war, sack racoB and sporta at all kinds. tftor tho athlotoa got tired thore will he some eed" provided by tho men of tho M. C. A. The students always look tfonvnnl to a hilarious timo at this vont, boeauso thoro Isn't any re straint placed upon thorn, !nnd It en ables all tho mqn to got acquainted. For Sal Gofd 7room house on Gheiuekoto KL. cJobo I". I.KOO down, balance on monthly payments, Lot 50x150. This la a very good buy. Seo mo ut once. Homer II. Smith, Room C, McCornack Bids. Phono 96. 9.22-tf - Ucrfl Is Something Cond 48 noroa adjoining O. & E. traak - at Waconda 'station. 12 aorea In Kflglleh -walnuts, 16 aorea, cleared. law8 Ju bruah: 1166 per aorp. 3.000 down. balance in terms to ault. t will pay you to see me about this. Homr II. Smith, Room C WrOormurk Bldg Phi" 9-10-tf Big dance D'Arcy Hall. New Incorporations Articles of Incorporation for tho Central States Bank, of Portland: capltnl stock, $2Q0,000, woro filed with tho secretary of state today. Tho Incorporators .are Arthur B Mason, Arthur R. Holman and Harry V. Kaddorly, nil of Portland. Tho Mann & Stowart Company, of Port land, also fllod articles of Incorpora tion with a capital stook of $10,000, nnd Bruco D. Stowart, John B. Mann nnd Ruth A. Mann, and will deal In real cBtato renornlly. Salem tho Best W .J. Davis, a prominent business man of this city, who, accompanied by Mrs. Davis, has been making n pleasuro toiir of British Columbia and other points in tho Northwest, roturnod to Salom yesterday, and is moro convinced than over that Salem Is tho host city on earth, and Oregon (ho only Uate on tho faco of tho map to locato In for a permanent homo. Notice to Contractors ' Sealed proposals will be rocolvod at tho oftlcfl.,of F. A. Leggy architect, until 6 o'clopk p. in., on tiio 4th day of Ootouer, 1910, for tho construc tion of a fraino church, building for Leello M'. V. church In accordance wJtft plaiys nnd spuamqations cjqpIqw, of whlcli may be Jtad nl thooflldo of tho nrdhltoct. Th right Isjogorvod to roject aijy and all blus4 Amps Vaas, ohalrman of board. Tuoa-Thurs-SatsMpn I.lceiisort to Slnrry Upon tho writton consent of Jakob Sohok, tho paternal parent g tho brldo-to-be, who Is under tlho statu tory ago for marrlago, n marrno II ronso has boon issued to Mr. Stovo Schmidt, a prosperous young Hun garian farmor, of near Gorvals, aged 23, and Miss Maria Schoak, aged 13, and also a resident of Gorvpts. Tho marrlogQ will tako placo at Gorvals October 13. A marrlago llconso hns also been granted John Sumner, agod 31, nnd Miss Alpha Jones, both of' this city; John Doyens affiant, fjutjK-iuH Its Order Tho railroad commlsolpn has mado an ordor suspending "the for mer ordor requiring the Oregon ljleetrlo Railway, eompnny and tho b'outlisrn pnoJtle to put In a Joint do pot at Ui junotlon point of lhbe two roNdii at TuaJatlu and amml4l it to raqulro the romiMntes to build sidewalks coniuotlng; the two sta tions ami provide ulectrtr HkIUs for the MroommodatUin of tlielr pngson-' i--rs In trsnsfprring from o'i at- til til.' ll T I Follow The crowd to D'Arcy hall Sunday Specials Fresh Toko points, and Eastern oysters, any style, at they Jlllto Cafe. OUson's barber snop Gllson's cigar store i)ll8on'B baths open all day Sundar , x 12-4-w-s-tf For the Best ' In tho grocery lino call at J. M, Lawronco's, Ferry nnd Commercial, Phono 311. Prompt dollveries.- Woxford Now plcturos nnd songs tonight, Matinee ovory day except Sunday from 3 to 5 p. m. Spoclal features with matinee every day, songs, plc turos, etc. , ,' At u Bargain Two-seated Surrey, rubber tiro, and double harness, nonrly now, for sale. Inqulro at 491 North Cottago street or at Josso & Mooros' furnl. turo storo, Court street. Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 1. -A bomb found beneath the home of General Harrison Gray Otis, publisher of the Times, in Wiltshire Baulevard, ex ploded in the street near the house late this afternoon. The explosion .tore a great hole In tho street, and shattered a score of windows. No one was hurt. , The bomb was found by the police It was similar to that found beneath the Zeehandalaar home this morning, When tho officers carried it to the street they n'ted that tho clock at tached was running. They dropped it in the street nnd fled. Two minutes later the machine ex, ploded with a detonation that terri fied the entire fashionable West Lake district. A guard has been thrown about the Otis home. jc j)c 5i fc jjt 9f S)C f 5l j) Sjs 3ft PERSONALS Mrs. Arthur Hall, of Gold HIU, Wash., attending the funeral of her lato father, John Grills, who died in this city last Tuesday. Major Walter W. Wilson, of 'the Third regiment, O. N. G., of Port land, returned home this morning, after conducting an inspection of the local militia cmpany. 1 Walter L. Tozo returned to his home at Falls City this- morning, nf tor attending the Republican ban quet in this city' last evening. Joo Smith's Wife Dead. Salt Lake Olty, Utah, Oct. 1. Lucy Walker Kimball, 84, first posthumous wife of Joseph Smith, founder of tho Mormon church, died at her homo here todny. After Smith's death she married Heber C. Kimball, another prominent leader of pioneer days. New Mexico's Census. Washington, Oct. 1, Tho census of New Mexico was announced today a3 327.39C. Tills is an increase of 67 per cent. Xlco Fried Chicken For your Sunday Klifo Cafe. dinner at tho Salem People In. Trouble Servos thorn right. Tncyssnouid sand their bnd liUJs to tho Capital TggllQOtlng AgQtipi' for colocj;lp,p. 1J, 6. Natlonnl Bank Building, room 205 Salom, Oro. Phone 773. rt rviuwLn. Vmi -v,nit lticf 51 It yo.u ynnt.tUQ boat in rieft,ts, mi and mujllary market' In the valley. Court, nnd Liberty streets. Phono HJ8S., 1 - ' Thoy Aro Flne Olympla nnd Ynqulna oystora, any stylo, at tho Ulito Cfo for your Sunday dlnnor. A Stubborn Girl "A Stubborn Cinderella." which will bo the offering at tho Grand Opera House o" Monday, Oct. .1, possesses ovory roqulslto of success In Its dollghtful music nnd charming fanciful story, played by an excoprl tlonally competout company of fun makers, headed by Colt Albortson and Hazel Klrko assisted by scores of pretty, youthful girls. Lost Their Babe Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B. Taylor, who reside at 201S Fair Grounds road, have had tho misfortune to lose their six days' old girl babe, and tha lilr. Taylor Is nn emnloyo at th Thlolgfn feed store. Lingenfelter's Sanitary Fish and Poultry Market Everything In tho Fish, Poultrj and canned goods Una. ' My market abaolutaly sanitary, my uioata being kat lc refriRrnto counter. Drop in and look around. Just South o new Marlon Hotel A. M. MNUK.YI-'M.TKK. Ir c. Phone 7.10. Siiloin, On-;, i Notice- Union servlcoe, nt University Tab ernncle tomorrow night. Everybody welcome. ' Powiicl tho Alumni In a splendid game yestorday tho como latolys" put It nil over the "has beens" of Willamette Universi ty, winning by a score of 10 to 0. lk'lmnl Delimit Tho world's youngest and most scientific Palmist, located for a Bhort time only nt Gray Block, Room 0, Hours, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. 10-l-2t The Ellto Cnfe-- For your Sunday dinner, nice friend chlckon. A goqd change. Tho Times building was a four story brick and stone structure at tho Intersection of First street and Broadway. It was completely razed by tho explosion anil Are. According to the statement of Man aging Editor Andrews, the loss will exceed $500,000. The city council this morning, In executive session, appropriated $25,- 000 to be used to Investigate the ex plosion thnt wrecked the Tfmes build lng this morning. Resolutions were passed demanding a thorough sifting of tho offair. San Francisco, Oct. 1. The Ev cnlng Post, commenting editorially on tho Los Angeles dynamiting, to day says: All newspaperdom was thrilled and shocked today with tho horror of the holocaust which followed the dynamiting of the Times building In Los Angeles. Tho loss of property is but a detail, as the owner Is a wealthy corporation, and Its plant Is well insured, but not all the; money nor the sympathy in tho world can relight one of the 20 human candles whose lights were, blown out iy the chilling blast of exploded nitro glycerine. Apalled by the effect, a million tongues are asking today concerning tho cause, tho human cause, which plotted and planned the' explosion. In Its fight with organized labor, the Times is a world figure, and, at loss for a lurid theory, this crime will bo laid by many at labor' door. The most plausible explanation seems to bt that this is the work of misguid ed fanatics, and these have missed tho .men they sought to strike, only to kill and maim scores with whom they fiad no quarrel. Two suspects are already Under ar rest. The Post trusts that the real perpetrators of this outrage will be discovered, that tho world may know what forces were responsible for a deed that will forever blot a page of the Industrial history of Southern California. In the loss of life, the outrage Is groator than tho Haymarket riots in Chicago, and the case mnybecome as celebrated. LADIES' SUITS and COATS !(): NEW TODAY a . M CAN YOU AFFORD To pass up such an opportunity as tho follow ing: For sale, good 6-room house, pantry, bath, all rooms good size, board walks, barn and chicken house, city water, oxcollent vlow, lots of shade and fruit tres, house plastered and in extra good condi tion. Prlco $1900, easy terms. Homer H. Smith, room 6, McCor nack building. Phone 96. 8-2-tf FOR SALE A fine lot on south east corner of 24th and Trade Sts., high and dry, 00x192 ,4. This ia a dandy. $400, $25 down, bal ance $10 per momhv Homer II. Smith, Room 5, McCorraack build ing. 6-20-tf Prices from $9.50 to $75.00 Every One a 1 91 0 Creation STYLECRAPT . SHOP . jSTYHCRAFTi IF FA5HHI 4HTIL 3 The OctobeV St. Nicholas. GIiiciiki Successfully Grown In Orqgon, ThtS culture for th two past soasons of the Glnsehtfl plant by the Scientific Intense Cult ture Ranch of Salom, has demon' strntod tho fact that owing to th favorable cllmntI6 conditions of Ore gon, mako Its culture hofo mora succoaeful than In any of .the oagt orn states whero the plant has been cultivated for thcT)ast 30 years. Paying DlvWcnds Thero Is no Investment for a young person t)iat will pay hotter dividends than n good business trnlutng such as may bo, secured nt tho Capital Business College, of Sa lom. The success of Its graduates Is constant proof of this. At this Bohool tho Individual needs of each pupil aro looked after. Tho result Is competent grqduutes and satisfied business men wh? employ them. A aatalogne will tell you all about tho school. Ask for It " Boys will run for first chance at the-October St. Nicholas when they know that Mr. Walter Camp, who knows more about foot-ball than any man In America, writes In that issue n "The Now Rules In Boot-ball"; nnd further, that Edward H. Coy, Captain of the Yale Foot-ball Team of 1909 by many thought to bo tho greatest foot-ball player who.has evor carried a ball, has also an article in which he dlscusges "Foot-ball A Game for Gentlemen." Walter Camp oxplalns the. New Rules In detail and the effects which they are likely to hnvo upon the jilay and players, while Edward H. Coy pleads for a fair and patient test of football under tho now rules, as "a gamo for gentlemen." This article of "Ted" Coy's will be followed by others In th6 Novomber and Decem ber St. Nicholas, In which he will sug gest certain special plays for boys to "try out", and offer suggestions and side lights upon the strategy of the new'game. Short stories and long, and many sketches of lntorest, make the Octo ber St. Nicholas a splendid end-of the-year Issue. Then, too, It contains another ar'.lcle by Francis Arnold Collins on "How to Mako and Fly Model Aeroplanes", with plenty of pictures, while "Nature and Science" offers a long and interesting article, with many illustrations, on "Balloons and Airships", made by man in fancy and fact. MARRIED. SUMNER JONES. At the minis ter's residence, In this city, Friday evening Setpember 30, 1910, Mr. John Sumner aiid Miss Alpha Jones, both of Marlon county, were united as husband and wife, Rev. P. S, Knight performing the ceremony in .the presenco of a few friends of the bride and groom. Tho young people will make Salem their home for the present. There's one good thing about an automobile. It can outrun the dust. Unless you own an-'automobllo, down hill is as bad as up hill. 0) mat'lT1() sank ( I SBnild Your FortoneflF Wisely and Surely FOIl SALE First clUKb nuvmprip-r folding machine 4-6-8-10 or it pages folded at once up 10 u f u IV sized 7 column paper. Cheap t taken soon. Speed 1800 to 2000 per hour. Inquire Journal Salens Ore. 3-21-tf FOR SALE Fine b or 10-aere tract Homer H. Smith, room 5, McCor nack bldg. Phone 96. 8-2tf FOR SALE Good 7 room house ia Chemeketa street, close in. $50O down, balance on monthly pay ments. Lot 50x150. This Is n very good buy. See mo at once. Homer H. Smith, Room 5, Mc Cornack Bldg. Phone 96. 9-22-tf WANTED Your produce: Eggs, poultry, pork and veal at the high est cash price. T. M. Jones antt Son, Commission Merchants, at Farmers' Feed Barn. Phone Main' 430. 9-28-tf NEAT FURNISHED ROOM Elec 475 South Commercial street. 9- 30-3t FOR SALE CHEAP Seven-room dwelling to be moved off property. Act quickly. Enquire Spauldlng Logging Co., foot Ferry St. Phono 1830. 9-29-3t NEAT FURNISHED" ROOMS Elec tric light, bath, $1.25 a week, 475 South Commercial street. 10- l:3t WANTED A woman for genorul housework In family of thro. Apply at once at 174G S. Liberty St. Or phone Main 18G2. 10-l-3t FOR SALE fresh. T. 1372. -Young "Jersey cows, H. Bluudell. Phone 10-l-3t GREAT SCARCITY OF TELEG RAPHERS! The railroads an 1 wireless companies of America ar short full 10,000 telegraphers. Wo can qualify young men and la dles In a few months and place them at $70 to $90 per montft for beginners. Tuition can be de posited until, position Is secured. Operating six schools under direct supervision of Railway and Wire less Telegraph officials. Maln-lina wires and Wireless stations in each school. Write for catalogue to nearest Institute. National Telegraph Institute, Cinclnnatti, Philadelphia, Memphis, Columbia, S. C, Davenport, la., Portland, Oregon. 9-12-w&s-8w It is in tlmo of suddon mishap or Occident that Chamberlain's Llnl- raont can be relied upon to take the placo of the family doctor, who oNn not always be found at the moment. Thotwit la. that Chamberlain's Llnl- mant is never found wanting. In casea of spraln. ruts, wounds and brulsoa ClmmWrlatn'a T 'nlm nr Tnk.i oet lh nnri'iio- mm dim,. nU Every dollar you place in your Savings Account aids you to climb higher pn tho road lp success. 1.00 'will ntlAn fan nnnmtrt I ..,111 1. - n 11 j ... ..Nvtyuui, win uv W UltH . fthrt, but a good beginning. Hvory tlollalar you odd to your savings, widens and strengthens your flnnuclal foundations. SKvq part of your income regularly. We paji four per cent Interest on bavlngs. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK LEARN WIRELESS & R. R. TEL- egraphy! Shortage of fully 10, 000 bperators on account of S-hour law and extensive "wire less" developments. We operate) under direct supervision of Tele graph officials and positively placa all students, when qualified. Write for catalog. National Tele graph Institute, Cinclnnatti, Phtl-adelphla.-Memphls, Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C Portland, Oro. 9-12-w&s-8w Cottage Undertaking Parlors modern In every detail. Lady assist ant. Cor. Cottage and Chemeketa. Phone 724. MONEY TO LOAN TWOS. K. frORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, fV. Norw ch Union ln?i"ance Society Fran Meredith, resident Agent Room i Bush Bnnk Blk. flnlom. West Salem Transfer! ( SAVM6S DEPARTMENT. ) Passenger Baggage JUDGING 11Y APPEARANCES Of course everybody does that. an. Laundry Work can't be ludged an other way. Everything Bubjeoieo ear artlatla treatment con.ua eut clean as a poll&acd oar face, a clef aa crystal and as bright as a sun mer'a day. ArtlcUe washed Bropc ly latit twice as long and look twei ty times better than wnAr b laundrled. Wo make obeap : masquerade for son iu.ak j.uei SAT-RM liI'Mim ' Phonr" 8' 1"-1'h ,,. i h. - Connects wjth all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leaves Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 12 m., 1:10 p. m. and 4.00 p. m. every day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth and MoMlnnvllle. Leaves 8unday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., and 5:15 p. m. Calls at hotels on requusi. Telephone or leave orders nt Capital Journal olfire any day but Sunday. Phone 32. J. B. Underwood. Mqr.